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State Parks & Cultural Resources Commission MeetingFebruary 7-8r 2013

Wyoming Room, Little AmericaCheyenne

Thursdav. Februarv 7. 2013

COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Aaron Bannon, Dan Barks, Chuck Engebretsen, DudleyGardner, Ph.D., Karen Haderlie, Mary Hawkins, Ph.D., Don Schmalz, Michelle Sullivan and BillVines


STAFF PRESENT: Rita Basom, Rende Bov6e, Mark Brammer, Domenic Bravo, Anne Hatch,Mary Hopkins, Lisa Koenig, Helen B Louise, Sara Needles, Lisa Pushchak, Tammi Pusheck,Bryan Sandlian, Gary Schoene, Eric Schooley, Milward Simpson, Stacy Sprengeler, MikeStrom, Darin Westby and Bill Westerfield

GUESTS PRESENT: Mary Engebretsen, President, Wyoming Pioneer Association

General BusinessPresident Dan Barks called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m.

Apnroval of the AgendaPresident Barks asked for action on approving the agenda.

Commissioner Schmalz moved to accept the agenda as presented.Commissioner Engebretsen seconded the motion. The motion passedunanimously.

Anproval of the MinutesPresident Barks asked for the Commission's pleasure on the October 26,2012, meeting minutes.Several grammatical errors were noted

Commissioner Haderlie moved to approve the October 26,2012, minutes aseorrected. Commissioner Bannon seconded the motion. The motion passedunanimously.

Commissioner Engebretsen moved to approve the December L3, 2012,minutes as presented. Commission Sullivan seconded the motion. The

, motion passed unanimously.

Review of Action ItemsThe action items were not discussed.

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Commission ReportsBill Vines - Commissioner Vines said that his pet project of getting the Wyoming DevelopmentCompany building on the National Register of Historic places is moving along. An interestingarticle about the project that appeared in the Record-Timer was handed out. Other than thatCommissioner Vines has been following the legislature.

President Barks and Director Milward Simpson presented Commissioner Vines with a plaque ofappreciation for the 10 years he has served on the Commission, as this is his last meeting.

Karen Haderlie - Commissioner Haderlie has been trying to keep abreast of what is going onwith arts, history, trails and cultural activities in her district, and unfortunately, due to herlocation, she doesn't get to participate in a lot of agency events.

Don Schmalz - Commissioner Schmalz stated that not a lot has been going on in the Cody area.He tried to go to Sheridan in December, but that trip didn't work out for him due to the weather.Commissioner Schmalz indicated he was not much of a history buff before joining theCommission and is astounded at how much he has been missing in his area of the state. Heprovided details on a recent trip to Albuquerque and his new found interest in history and historicsites.

Aaron Bannon - Commissioner Bannon has had several good conversations with Pam Peterson,who is spearheading the Tough Creek group from Boysen State Park. He also participated in theWY Outside conference call a few weeks ago. Commissioner Bannon would like to give ashout-out to Stefani Farris, who was a recipient of a Doubleday Award from the Wyoming ArtsCouncil, as well as Kyle Duba who was awarded a Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund grant for hisdocumentary on the climbing culture in Lander. Commissioner Bannon has been enjoying thenature trials at Sinks Canyon State Park.

Michelle Sullivan - Commissioner Sullivan has been participating in the Tourism StrategyCommittee meetings and she provided details on a recent telephone conversation she had withthe chair of the group that is a consortium of tourism folks from the Dakotas, Wyoming andMontana. Commission Sullivan will forward the link to the group's blog for everyone to look at.Commissioner Sullivan serves as a trustee on a small foundation in Sheridan and the foundationjust gave a grant to the WYO Theatre, who is in the process of renovating a building next to thetheatre. Commissioner Sullivan attended the Christmas event at Trails End State Historic Site.

Mary Hawkins, Ph.D. - Following the meeting and tour in October, Commissioner Hawkinssent a letter to the staff of Medicine Lodge State Archaeological Site and Hot Springs State Parkthanking them for the tour and their good work. On November 7, Hulett resident Meryl Ramseyreceived a scholarship for acting. Commissioner Hawkins and her husband attended theWyoming Humanities Council Saturday University in Gillette on November 10. There were avariety of diverse topics presented and the event was well attended. She attended the AVAHoliday Open House on December 18, and on January 18, Commissioner Hawkins attended thememorial service by Gaydell Collier, a former Governor's Arts Award winner. On January 26she attended the Black Hills Stock Show and networked with many of the artists in attendance.Commissioner Hawkins continues to work with the Tourism Strategy Committee.

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Chuck Engebretsen - Commissioner Engebretsen continues to work with the Monuments andMarkers Advisory Committee and participates in the quarterly conference call meetings. OnNovember 27 there was a dedication ceremony in Lusk at the Stagecoach Museum for theRobbers Roost and Texas Trail Monument Signs. About 30 people attended the event. ThePlatte River Photography Show was held at the Pioneer Museum on January 16. The PioneerAssociation building is 80-90 percent complete and the group is shooting for a May 1 completiondate. Mrs. Engebretsen spoke briefly about the Key Ingredients event that is coming to Douglasin June through mid-August.

Dan Barks - President Barks visited Fort Phil Keamy and met with Misty Stoll. He alsoparticipated in the Fetterman Battle Day and hunted pheasant. President Barks also continues tobe involved in the Tourism Strategy Committee meetings. He wishes he were closer toCheyenne so he could take in the exhibits and events at the State Museum.

Dudley Gardnero Ph.D. - Commissioner Gardner advised he has been working on the lunetteexcavations at Fort Bridger, and he spoke about several events that have taken place at the fort,including the Halloween and Christmas tours. In Evanston, the city is trying to build a pavilionto cover the Chinatown dig, and they are also trying to have the dig listed on the NationalRegister of Historic Places. Commissioner Gardner has had conversations with Domenic Bravoabout establishing a Friends' Group for Fort Fred Steele State Historic Site. He spoke about theFort Bridger Friends' Group and how successful they have been over the years. CommissionerGardner is on sabbatical right now and recently gave presentations in Lester, England, and dt LeeUniversity about Fort Bridger.

Department UpdateDirector Simpson directed the Commissioners to his report that was included in the meetingbook and advised if there were any questions about any of the items to let him know. Hethanked the Commissioners for their involvement and touched on the following topics: newemployees in Archives, Wyoming Arts Council and SHPO; rules and regulations that are in theprocess of being repealed; Wyoming's energy strategy; the Enterprise Technology ServiceDepartment (ETS) transition process; efforts to lower the agency's indirect cost rate; site criteriaand land acquisition projects - including Douglas POW Camp and LX Bar; Boysen WorkingGroup meetings and the master planning process; upcoming REACT meeting; partnership on theChildren in Nature webinars, America''s State Parks Foundation and recent, short noticeemployee offrce moves within Archives and the Museum.

Director Simpson went through the most recent legislative bill tracking sheet and touched onhow the bills related to our agency are doing. The budget bill and how budget cuts will impactthe agency were also discussed.

Administrative Services UpdateAccounting - Bryan Sandlian provided an update on the accounting section, including staffing,transactions processed and projects. Mr. Sandlian also briefed the Commission in detail on theprocess he has been working through to have the agency's indirect cost allocation percentagedecreased.

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Human Resources - Stacy Sprengeler provided details on the current vacant positions within theagency. Ms. Sprengeler also provided updates on the first year of the Performance ManagementInitiative (PMI) program, and proposed legislation that would change employee paymentmethods and when employees are paid out if their employment with the State is terminated.

Information Technology - Eric Schooley advised it has been an interesting year for informationtechnology in the State of Wyoming, and he provided information on the new EnterpriseTechnology Services Department. Mr. Schooley advised new computers have been deployed inCheyenne and he is still waiting for information on when computers will be deployed to fieldlocations.

Public Information Office - Gary Schoene provided an update on the Public Information Office,including staffing, fundraising for events and current projects. Mr. Schoene also talked about theuse of electronic media, social media, his new blog and how his section has adapted to nothaving a videographer any longer.

Cultural Resources Division UpdateArchives Update - Mike Strom introduced two of his new employees, Lisa Pushchak, RecordsAnalyst, and Tammi Pusheck, Records Management Supervisor, and they both providedinformation on their background and what brought them to the Wyoming State Archives.

Mr. Strom updated the group on the Digital Repository project, as well as provided backgroundinformation on the project for the benefit of the newer Commissioners. The project is currentlyin phase II, and the goal is to be ready for phase III by July 2014, which will move the projectenterprise wide to all users.

Mr. Strom directed the Commissioners to tab 5 in their meeting books and spoke about theArchives Organizational Chart and the recent rcorganization. He talked about the new DeputyArchives Manager position that he will be hiring for in the near future.

Administrator's Update - Sara Needles indicated she is thrilled with the recent new hires inArchives and she provided her thoughts on the Digital Repository project. Ms. Needles providedupdates on the recent office moves; the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund legislation to increase thesize of the board that was not successful; changes in the OWSA Survey Office and Paul Sanders'pending retirement; the hard work her managers have been doing to keep their budgets in lineand looking for efficiencies; efforts to streamline and consolidate the many public art programswithin the Division; State Historic Preservation Office's request to the State Land andInvestment Board for fieldwork at the Moriah Ranch, and the Laramie bike rack project.

Wyoming Arts Council Update - Rita Basom updated the group on the new Wyoming ArtsCouncil website; the Artscape magazine; new Artist Roster artists; possible cuts to the federalgrant; the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies Leadership Institute; the Art in PublicBuildings program, and the new Arts Education Specialist, Katie Christensen, who will startwork on March 1.

Anne Hatch provided a presentation on the Art of the Hunt exhibition project.

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Museum Update - Helen B Louise advised the Wyoming State Museum was recentlyreaccredited by the American Association of Museums for an additional 10 years. Ms. Louiseexplained what was involved in the process. She also advised Hayward Schrock recently retiredand his position is in the process of being filled. Ms. Louise provided additional updates on themuseum redesign; visitor numbers for 2012, and the traveling exhibit outreach.

Mark Brammer, Curator of Exhibits and Supervisor of Museum Programs, was introduced andhe spoke about his background, as well as his vision for the Wyoming State Museum.

Accessiot/Deaccession Report - President Barks asked for the Commission's pleasure on theAccession/Deaccession Report.

Commissioner Gardner moved to accept the quarterly Accession/I)eaccessionReport as presented. Commissioner Haderlie seconded the motion. After abrief discussion on the accession process and several items on the listo themotion passed unanimously.

State Historic Preservation Office Update - Mary Hopkins provided information on the recentReview Board Meeting and nominations to the National Register of Historic Places that aremoving forward. Ms. Hopkins also provided updates on the archaeological field school;Certihed Local Govemment grants; Brown Bag Preservation Seminars; the Heart MountainChimney stabilization project; Section 106 training with the Wyoming National Guard;dedication of the New Fork Park in Pinedale, which is planned for September 6; the Green RiverDrift listing; SHPO work on the Wind River Indian Reservation; the Monuments and MarkersProgram coordinator is now Beth King, and the upcoming 2013 Preserve Wyoming conference.

Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund Update - Ren6e Bov6e provided an update on the two grantcycles for Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund grants, and there was a brief discussion on conservationeasements and corpus management.

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Fridav. Februarv 8. 20L3

COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Aaron Bannon, Dan Barks, Chuck Engebretsen, DudleyGardner, Ph.D., Karen Haderlie, Mary Hawkins, Ph.D., Don Schmalz, Michelle Sullivan and BillVines


STAFF PRESENT: Domenic Btavo, Julie Huntley, Lisa Koenig, Ann Rose, Milward Simpson,Todd Thibodeau, and Bill Westerfield

GUESTS PRESENT: Mary Engebretsen, President of the Pioneer Association

State Parks, Historic Sites and Trails Division UpdateAdministrator's Update - Domenic Bravo provided an update on the impact and implementationof the budget cuts; the Guernsey dam project; the Boysen Working Group; the historic site'scollection policies; the Concession Master Plan; the lease for the Days Inn in Thermopolis; theupcoming Land and Water Conservation Summit; the WY Outside coalition, and the State ParksFriends'Group.

Operations Update - Bill Westerfield briefed the group on the renewal process for thememorandum of understanding with the Bureau of Reclamation, which expires in20l7. Mr.Westerfield also provided updates on the Rocky Mountain State Parks Executive Conference(RMSPEC); the new, proposed Bouldering Guide for Curt Gowdy State Park; the REV3Adventure Race; the Snowmobile Recreation Report and status of the Snowmobile Program, aswell as impacts to the agency if the highway funding bill passes.

Revenue and Concession Annual Report - Julie Huntley commended her staff and thanked themfor all the hard work they have been doing to keep the section going strong during some recentemployee tumover. Ms. Huntley advised some of the items her section has been working onrecently includes RMSPEC; the Cabin Lease Program; an automatic decal system; the ATMlegislation, and the memorandum of understanding with the Bureau of Reclamation. A handoutwas provided to the group regarding the tracking of the progress made on the Concession MasterPlan project. Ms. Huntley discussed the handout and the program in general and advised shewould send the dates for the upcoming Concession Master Plan Town Hall meetings to theCommission.

Ms. Huntley referred the group to tab 7 in their meeting books and went through each report indetail followed by discussion on each topic. During the discussion, Ms. Huntley was asked toupdate the titles on the Concessions and Revenue Annual Report pages to make them more self-explanatory, as well as include the city for the selling agents.

Ms. Huntley provided background information on the Concession Administrative Fees and askedfor Commission recommendation on the proposed fees, which are the same as they were lastyear. Ms. Huntley explained that the fees listed in chapter 4 are still being negotiated with thelong term concession operators and approval for these fees is not been sought at this time.


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Commissioner Gardner moved to recommend approval of chapters 6rl0r12and 14 of the Concession Administrative Fees. Commissioner Schmalzseconded the motion. Following a question regarding revenue received, themotion passed unanimously.

Ms. Huntley provided a brief history on Special Event Fee Waivers and explained that severaladditional requests were received after her report was put together. She presented the newrequests as an addition to her report.

Commissioner Gardner moved to recommend approval of the Special EventFee Waivers as submitted. Commissioner Vines seconded the motion.Following a lengthy discussion on the Fort Bridger Rendezvous, quality oflife services, the possibility of limiting fee waiver requests in the future andopening up the Enterprise Fund for operating expenses for the parks, themotion passed unanimously.

A philosophical discussion on why the agency is pleading poverty but granting fee waiversensued. During the discussion it was noted that State parks cannot be sustainable with the fundsthat are raised by entrance fees, but the Division creatgs economies for the cities around theparks and historic sites, and makes life worth living. A balance must be struck between servicesprovided and money earned. Commissioner Hawkins asked thatafollow-up to CommissionerVietti's 2012 inquiry on Special Event Fee Waivers be done. She would like to see an accountof the redistribution of proceeds from special events and fee waivers (total numbers), and forfurther clarity in reference to MOUs and/or the community benefit tradeoffs.

Ms. Huntley proceeded with her report and a brief discussion on cabin leases and easementsensued.

Construction and Engineering Section Update - Ann Rose provided a Project Manager MasterProject List handout. She explained the spreadsheet and how to manipulate the data on theelectronic version that is sent out monthly to the group.

Commissioner Schmalz asked about the progress on the fence at Legend Rock and Mr.Thibodeau explained there are three items that are being worked on for Legend Rock and theyincluded cell phone coverage, the fence and additional work on the building. Work will becompleted as funds become available.

Mr. Bravo explained how the funds in the Enterprise Fund are distributed and how emergenciesare handled.

Planning and Grants Section Update - Todd Thibodeau provided information and updates on theState Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP); the Fort Bridger Master Plan;preservation work at various locations; land projects (Warm Springs, Quebec 1 Missile AlertFacility, Piney Creek Cemetery and the three homes by the Historic Governors' Mansion); theGIS program; various interpretation and small sign projects; work on non-motorized trails andthe Non-Motorized Trails Group; the Volunteer Report, and the Annual Visitation Report.

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Other BusinessFire Restriction Team - Mr. Bravo advised a Fire Restriction Team is being put together and theteam consists of Wyoming Game and Fish, State Parks & Cultural Resources, State Lands andthe Wyoming State Forester. A draft plan is being worked on which will outline when andwhere fire bans will be instituted. The document will streamline how customer service during afire ban will be handled.

2013 Meetings - The next meeting is scheduled for May 13, 2013,in Cheyenne in conjunctionwith RMSPEC. The sufllmer meeting is planned for early August at Fort Bridger and the fallmeeting will be held in Jackson in conjunction with the National Assembly of State Arts AgencyAnnual Meeting.


Commissioner Sullivan moved to adjourn the meeting. CommissionerSchmalz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously and themeeting adjourned at 12:11 p.m.


{'" Bru/Dan Barks, President


Domenic Bravo will send the link to the Land and Water Conservation Fund Summit tothe Commission.

As the guidelines for Bouldering are developed, Todd Thibodeau will explore thepossibility of having participants register and then using the data collected for furtherexploration.

Julie Huntley will forward the dates of the upcoming Concession Master Plan Town Hallmeetings to the Commission.

Julie Huntley will update the titles on the Concession and Revenue Annual Report pagesto make them more self-explanatory, as well as include the city of the selling agents.

As a follow-up to Commissioner Vietti's 2012 inquiry on Special Event Fee Waiversan account of the redistribution of proceeds from special events and fee waivers, (total#s) and for further clarity in reference to MOUs andlor the community benefit tradeoffswill be done by Julie Huntley as requested by Commissioner Hawkins.

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