Page 1: Parliament of Victoria - Home · which he is held by the Press, he fa-tbreeo&~dacj->ntlatamm. vored the Houae with his opinion Tb• COLOlUAL Sl!lCREl'ABY r-n•otloetht 011 WociDeaclly


IN the Council yesterday, notices ofmotion

were given by_Captain Cole respecting the

Harbor Regulations, and by the Colonial

Secretary respecting the introduction

t't'7l&rl .. laial tar \laliaP ua• ..... e. Be therel"" JDOY84 "th•' the •m 11cnr odor -•tcl-ttoa tt roferrol to a 11110\ OOIII111iltee, ad lhat tile o: 1D111llt~ be llllttudecl to er qlllre In wbU mu11er 1114 to wbat txlellt I Gal n qutre-te abc>lllcl be proYIW for ottorwlae tb\a by the cueral ronaae, 11114 bt willm saob flllds abonlcl te admlabwrocl ; aallll aommlttll tl ooo&lst cf Ule Aui~lor-Geoeral, the IDfft)'Cr G-ral. Dr. Tbcm10n, tbl 8pookor,IC011ra. Bocli iOII Smith, 0 8banaMJ, Cowie, lllarll N .ala<*oo, Gr IIILb,'

l(r, O'IBA)I.&I8T -· lla rociU,IDII by &ISO, 1111111 the al&ry d no of the foar .Jaator Aulllar. t Ooamlntolltrl.

: into the colony of Sappers and Miners,

and the immigratldn of Enrolled Pen­

sioners. The Colonial Secretary also Taid OR the

table a copy of the Rules and Regulations

ofthe Supreme Court.

Dr. Greeves presented a petition from

ninety master baker~ in Melbourne pray•

ing that the bread law might be assimilated

to that in force in London, and he gne

notice that on Monday next he would move

for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the

law in that respect.

The second reading of the Corporation LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Acts Amendment Bill took precedence of Thur,.,_,, tat Dcumbtr. _

the other business. In moving it, Mr. Tbe &peater &ook tbo o!Wr at !I.-e min~ P,.at

Smith took the opportuBity of de(ending tbru.PBIU IONS, NO iiCES of NOTI3N, Ia. the immaculate purity of the Corporation, CapWn COLE ran llotloe, til&& 011 T-4ay next challenmng the fallest inqairy in~o ita hunonli mo" Ule appolntmo t of a .. !eot oommlttee,

.,. to aonaicler the Harbor R•anlaiiOD.I u tbey &lfaoted proceeding;, and predicting that "it would the lblpplng latarnt, upeoi.Jiy wltb raterenoe lo lbo heighten the esteem in which every rrc•ent syst.m of pilotap I •lao, Ul•t.., Ute nme 4ay

be shonli move for oertaiD 1 etvr.a rela.tin lo Ule honest man really holds it.". By way ablppln« nf tile p<nl. also of reciprocating thl esteem in Kr. CAMPBELL IIOtioo Ulat to.morrow (Ulla

clay). be sbollld mon Uld tb.e Houe lboald meet at which he is held by the Press, he fa- tbreeo&~dacj->ntlatamm. vored the Houae with his opinion Tb• COLOlUAL Sl!lCREl'ABY r-n•otloetht 011

WociDeaclly ne:r.t, he abolllG move ~h~ot H<a Ex ,eueney•a upon that "department of the public ruu•sew. N<J. 19, relative t otbe lntroduotlen of Sap. aervioe." Gaining confidence as he pro- pera ucllllnera lt>to Ule Colony, niNo. u , with M­

rU<t to Ule Immigr.tlon of E•rolletl Ptt:allmen be ceeded, he ventured to ask whether impure takoa Into oonsid,...Uo~~o motives had ever been attributed to the Dr. GREEVE~ prue,tel a petiti n from ~i:ety

ma,fer bakers of V-Ie Ci y of llelbon~• ucl saonrba, members of the Corporation. "Yes!" re- ~uylnc that lbela• with rogiU'IIt •Ule aelllng of bret.<l sponded Mr. Fawkner. "I have ne:ver might be ullmilaled to t!lat ill fo1oe t:. Locdoa; r.ncl

rna aoUc, that oa Tnolity r e:r.t be abonW move fJr heard such an accusation made," said tlle lea" t> brl"'(ln a Bill ~amand&balo.wiD tbat resp,.t. worshipful champion of the Corporatif.a· Tbe COLONIAL SECRETARY laid a-t be table

oH" Bon•• a aopy of Ule rnlH &lld nsnl&l!o· 1 of t'.e "Yes, you baTe I" was the emphatic re- s.preme court, whiob ~ore or4er<d to be pr!Dted.

J. oinder of the other. The Chair being GOLD FIELDSKANAQE!iEl'lr BILL. The SPEAKER annon>cecl Ul&t ll Ia Ezee!Ieooy h&cl

appealed to, Mr. Fawkner withdrew the &IY•D Ule Bo7d Alan& lo tbe •ot lntitulul "An Aot words, " till his turn came to speak," w Len . tor tile Bo&ler llan~-t cf tiM! Go14-Fie141 In Ult

Colo~y of VIetor Ia." he &bould subatantiate them. &CAB IN SHEEP PREVBINTIOM ACT A 'KEN().

It appears that the Corporation have KENl' Bit.L. Mr. J. THO'lPaON mavei tb&l th petition llpocl

lowered their demand. They will he con- ~:v G. J. ••4 oUllr a!OUI!oldere of Ule Weatern tent with a loan of half a million, to be Dis riot, ac•kat lble Bill. be prl. ted.

d • Tile motion wao acroeJ to. raised in instalments; an one portion to Kr. J . TIBMPSON lbe:a mo.-eel Ulat the ~Utlon be expended and approved of before the •!«noel by J Cur<lo, &nd otber at·okboldon In tbe

Other Should become a'~~ailable. Wetter,. Dfstrfot agalllat t.~e .. me 8!11 be printed. ' Tbe COLONIAL SECRET.lBY &~lei Ula' he be-

The Colonial Secretary, as exponent of l:evocl til- two polllloDB wera !dentloal,and tllenf.JU the views of the Gevernment, in a very he dlcl n.t aee uy ae;e!llt)' fvr bJtll of Ulem bellllf

pr!Dtodo able speech proposed to refer the general The motlo11waa aoeorcllorly wlthclr&wo.

quesU"on of the working of municipal in• MELBOURNE CORPORJ.TION AC :S AMEND. KBNT fULL.

stitutions to a Select Committee. In other Yr. snTH, In mov!Dg \be teoond ro.ldiDr of lbla word•, the Corporation, of Melbourne is to Bill ... ld that Ute ot jed of tbe Bill •u to enable !be

Ott y CoaaoU to raloe monsy BJ' w•y of loan to oury be brought up for trial, and in the meantime 011 oert>la p-,:bliO workl In the City. 87 Ula

Beaty, Qr•oYea aad the -ver." lfr. ANNAND seeoade4 tbt motloa. Blgb!y rratt­

llocl a• be w .. at be&rllll tbe Yleu of tbe bu. tbe Colo.llal Bcorotary, be w<llld ~ot o.ltempt to debln the ann bJ ad4lag uytblDr to wb .. t lbtlloa. &ellilemau bad uld.

llr. BIIIl'H w~uld nat opp~ae Ule motio11 cf tbo bln. the Colonlu Seorstary.

l(r. F .t. WK.~Eil bt.-1 ID!e:ulocl to oppoae Ult Bill ; but would 1101 do ao d prooont, &I ba 1!:onlcl bawe an opportnoit)' of dil<nuLJr tbt ma'ter wbon It again oame tefo~ tbe Hoaso. Be ahollld Ulln ahew &ht.t Ulo C.&J Couaell wu oot lllllll&oalate.

IIIIo HODGdON fallt eOlllanei ID Ule prop·lely of tee oonreeladl ... te.l by the Cololllal lltorotary.

Dr. GIIEI!lVE~ a:ao 1111tirely oonoamd ill Ule plall wll•oll tbe boa. tbe Colonial Beorolar:r bscl ake.obfld, vis th•t U:o Govenmont abo1ll4 furnleb the Corpora tlo; w!Ul tbe mtlll& of doing that w blob all &clmlttocl mu•t be do•L Wltb ropnl te tilt apparent 411 •pate

. hi to whloh It wolllcl aeem oorporatioat bad fall84 ln Anatralla,lfoerpora\lon were t111cle lt llueallal bed ea, Ule7 might be aare tb&l lllll aatlal m011 wollld oome forwar4 •• oaDdlclltoo for maololpal ofti:e.

llr. O'fBA!l&SiSY looltocl upon the plall ct lbo Gonrnmoot DO' U belnrliktl)' to lead to ~DY praot IIIII or pel1DIID8•t reau;t Ill utablllhlq manlolpal IDattta. tioaa oa liD atendocl baala tbroachout Ulo o: uutrr, p•rtlcularlr lftue polltlllllliDatltuUoaa of tile ooaLlrf, oonUDaed to b• 111ob u tber 110w were. In a_aoautr1 wLtrt Uley h>d not oomplot. powen of general aelf-1 ... ftl'Dmt~.t, Uley oou·cl not orea\0 iDotltu\loBI lor loc•1 18 f.go•enrment, wb!OIIabollli be praotloalcy opera lve. He tbouiht If tbl CorponUoa b1 d D':IOOIIIr~locl 1~&111 cl ot UmUocl powera of tu.atioll, tbe oltlzeu would pay IW•rl attootlon to o~rate matt.era with & 'l'luw to proteotlog the:r own property from eJ.Oilalve tox.uoa. But 11 pr11en\ la. ill tilt pouoi wa,.ao a bar~ea, that theJ clcl 110& 0111e 10 teo b~w It waa li:a:pe.:ud. Bo tboncat tbly woalcl do well to look for m~ddl tu the mllllllllpai iAitltuUoul Of America.

Tbe COLONU.L SECBE rABY dabtcl to glllri bla werdl from lbe m.mac wblllh fie b')JI. who jut oat clowa,aesmocl to attribnt. to lbom. Be baclnot 1ald anJihlng 10 wild u thlt UDder tbe propooed meuaro, Ule7 ahoalcl aeer. te OBt&bllsb maalalpll loall­tnUou on o.n exlellllvt scale UlrolliDOat tbe 'ouotry; o.or that tbsy abollld -It anUI Ulo oatl1ltry was litte> r., 1110b !Dat!tn\loDI, they ttkml'tocl any loo.l tmpronmec.ts. A I tbd ho btd 1alcl w.a, .that Uley aboald ... buw for •n•h lnltltutlo' l ooulcl be lnlrollDOed witb a. view to Ulelr clen!opment boreafter.

Kr. GRIFFITH, to ahe'f tb• eatlmstioD In wblcb the COO'I or~ ltatltntloD.I roforracl \o bt the b ,a. me<ll­ber ( l£r. O'ilbanusy) were be..d ill America, roa:l lUI

extuo , wrlttlll In wnat Ull lloa, sea lenaan O>llud tbo "liu'•lng I1Jit," from a Ne'll' Ycrl: pt por, Whlcb obar,e! tho o;rporalioo 't tbat olty with oorrnptioa of Ule groo1eat .. tare, reprnoot!Dr Ule Yaakte .&Jdermeu Jllte 8onlfaeo with bill ale, 11 "eating bribery, drlntlng bribery, and Jlltfplng upoD bribery." Bon. cent!<men must not rosarcl Wac• u 10 Yery clell&bt!BI beeawe they were 10 f•r o1f

C.ptatn COLI!I wu glocl to 11"4 tbe polloy of IO&DI b\d naonne to for lbe parpoltl of improvement.

Tbe -!U. 4hldocl. A7t1ll.

11-.. 11. lillebolloal Bodc­i'awlllttr lrJIU 0'8bu&fiJ

Dr.G.OOYOI Capt. DaM

llema. Anuad w. Nloltoma J. llvphJ QIBtlta Cowie J.TilOIIlp&ea s ..... , lliUer Hal£n Smith RnUeclse

llr. Oooclma:l (hl'erJ.

)loeaii. 'l'llt o\.Utor.Goaero.l The AtWatJ-General Tbo BoUottor.Goaera\ 'fto Chief Cllmmlaalo'1i81'of

the Gold F•eldl CloloMI AMenta

·-Jt4!ell B-ll lloUb:Ja or~ at~~: 8plaU Kolgbt Grab·•

'l'llo 8-Jor.Qe~o.'ai. (Wiler).

'fbo amooclmu.t Will _ _ 4iDflJ eerrlel by a ms)orlt7 otalx.

Tbt AUDlTOB-GENlilBAL laid lbat atter thiJ d'v!aloa It wu bla lote~~llon to w!tbclr&w Ute osUm.te wltb tbe vie• of llrlJirlng 4oWD a•oUllraobtdn·e. Be woa14 proocecl to 'lle •Um&to for poll •

Tb• followlnr voto fer the llel.lloarne Gaol waa thea · ICfMd te.

llalatln. Allowa~cq. l'w Bouse

Gonl'llcrot t.lleGtel llatrOII ..• T '0 olorka-OIIe at t.sOO, and,

" .... 180 0 0 110 0 II

Bent. t. •. d.

- (wllll qarte' a), at f.liO 4.10 0 0 1.10 0 0 Ovoueer of labor,&\ 111. per

cllem ... 1'3 11 0 Two eeulor t:rllke:r., at 11 .•

eaob porcllem 14' 10 0 Tnnty.elgbt tnt&keya at 1:.11.

oooh por ilom 8192 0 0 'rh- fe!DII'e tnmle7r, at ss.

oaobperdl&m E<eontloner, at 81. 1:1. per 4. Aotille pole•, Wsot.rll GM~l S'x tarolleyr, at 121. oaoh l'flJ'

(38 0 0 U8 12 8 aoo o o

diem ... 191& 0 0 AoUnc aa?ler, E.atom G•ol 300 o 0 Tnree femo'e tamlleya, .. , Bs.

toob per ell em... •.. '38 . o o

f.U,oe1 n o 110 0 0

ll,U1 17 8

80ft!JIGBIIOIX8. Bemo'l'iDI prla011en to &nd

from tbt raol, atJoit&clu, &~4 hmatlo UJIIlm

Coat ote:r.ecntiona ... 8ur:alt Provltlolll for &00 prilourr,

" 1000 110 200

at 11. '300 Clothing hr 480 priiOIIOI'I, at

651. 1310 Fael, llrbt u<t water 26~0 llt~-Bet acbednlo X 1780 I •o!detlllll oxpe~aet 210


.. • 0 0


0 0 0 0

1.11,211 n •

d. f. .. ti. (I 0 0


0 0 0 0

t.H,UO 0 0

£21,Uil 17 6


'tnvtl!tor IZP"I" of Oblof Olmmll. ~at2f lll perdl~m ... ...

Pone• tor ho llo!'MI to Clllef Oo-11· lio•or

F11•l, llcbl, ud -• Storii.-SHiolllllall X I l014e~tal GpiDIOI

... a. Ul G I

300 •• .. 0 0 * 0.

100 0 0

"'' 0 • ToW l!:•llhlla';mnt or t~e c 1!et 1 •· 11.

Coamlulonar ..• 10,311 8 t

tEIIBUl. l'OUOB rD~OI!:, .&

B•lltloa. for

Two:,. I llpuhrs,-Two at 10C!I.eaob(wlthoutqa .rlert), •

- nta;e.r.U. ,. ' •• 4.

!oar a\ 10l I. e ... b, r.w1 lilt atsoo&.ttob(wlt.bquarton) 71800 Cl 0

T•ll Clerke to Iuc~ eotora,­o:.e at 3~01.,or.e ~t30Gl., life ~~ 2101., ••d. three a~ :tool. eaQb •• • •• • 2,500 0 0

Forly.lllree SRb-1 .. , eoton,­tnnt)'.ftYOatUOOeaoll,ancl elcbtoon •' &300 e&~.h ... tl,tot o o

Nlnot;en L' tUteollllil, at t268 e•ab .•. . •• &,7511 0 0

Twe~ve Sergeant.II•J .r1, o.t 121 per dle:.oo _.,_ ... -· 2.828 0 t

Fifty-fJnr Moaatoi 8erpr.:1t1 at 101. 1 er diem e~b ... 1,861 0 t

ElcbiJ-&eYill F..ot larpattl, •1101 porlllome.oll ... J&_an 10 8

EirhtJ C,porala, at oa. per cllem 11eb ... ... 13,UO 0 0

Slx bu:.dr>d r.nclthree"ouot-ud Conatl.blll, at sa. por eli em er.oh . . . . .. aa,oas o o

Olle UIOUIALd ancl tw .. tt-elght Foot C0111talllea, at s•. p1r clltm eoob ... . .. 150,088 o e

Six bl&eklmil>ill, at ISS. per cl'em e .eh ... ..: •.• 1,971 0 0

F.n Adcllen, •t 11a.perclem e&eb . .• .. • 1,888 11 0

Bt>ro\e.per. at l ' •· per clt.m 18~ lCI 0 Yortr-two to: ttetper,.al 81.

per diem e•ob ... 6,1Sll 0 0 T!ll'eo atco. men, at sa. per

dlom ... Tbroo eooln, at 8J. por dl•m

eaoll ... Three !oosup-i.eepora, o.t ilJ.

}'or t!iom eooh i:lsb' o•r\Ora, at as. Ier cllern

&28 0 Cl

,38 0 0

438 8 0

e•ob ..• ..• 1,168 0 t Two fem•l• ... reben, at 301.

euh per &JltliiDI 80 0 0


&10 ••

1.32~11 11 0£1,150 0 • -----Total •·• f.3'U,U~ ll 0


Expetltl tuonrreclln the tr&lllminlon of t. loci. priiOnera ... 6,800

Trilffiling u,eosea of po~loe ... I,COQ 0 0 0 0

Parobuoof 150 botaes. at 461. e:.oh ... 8,750 0 0 Forage of 816 honea, a\ 1601. 1110h per aa-

n•m ... ...123,900 0 0 F.urlo!y ... ... ,,000 0 0 Provla:ona f.>r ~Ill elll .eza aacl milD, at

11 61. eo.oh ~r cllem · ... 15,270 II • C.or.tltor for 1S73 mea ••. 18,,38 0 • Fnel,ll~bt, and wa\or •.. ~1100 8 0 Stort~.-See S•bedllle X, ... 18,300 0 0

0 the Bill is postponed. In managing lthis tb!rd o'acse It wu proposed to ral.. the

City,.~, of21. ill tho p on~, bui be wollld at o•otiD-

Tlllll AUDirOR·GEliERAL beard wltn rosret lilt deopollillnc Ylen .with wblob tbe boa. member (tlr. O'llb~>.l"')) rerullocl lb> iotn:cluat\011 or ma~IOlpal loau:ntto• 1 In tola aoua.try. I; wu tne th t Ulo atwmpt w.blob bacl been Jllalle by Lord Stuley, ill 1842 to lllholluce &bam by meau of diltrlot IOilllOIII The toUow:O, 1'0ll tor tho pel ..t Geelo111 ...... a~ao llad fallt' ; 'llut we e tbey, tlaerefore, to clapalr of arres4 w.

loolclontal expe11101 ..• ..:-2,000 0

1.248 950 II I delicate piece of business, the Colonial erm the HOUJit ttu.t It wu nut bil intentl;n to press Secretary displayell a good deal of tact, tbat olaue. Tl!e n- !Uos of tbe City wlt'l rego.rd to

itlllnanclal poaltloa ~ buD reprosatecl to till G.>-and secured an unanimous approYal of his wtr~~moat o.-er o.-er aso.ln, aDd lbe CiloYtrl!mont

Propoditioo, bad,ln the atroogut maaner, ackllow1dgocl Ute alalma of Ule C >au all, and IDUmatocl their dilpollliOl1 b

But the eff.:ct of .the Colonial Secre· Bl•e them auiltanae ; and it wu o.nUolpated tbat till tary's speech was sadly marred by the 1 Go.-eramtllt wooll giYO tbelr aulat&rce aot olliJ ln

paalug tbe 8111, bot 111 pro'l'idiog a alotiog faDd from constitution of the Select Committee that wlllob the lo•n mlsllt be repaid. In kil {Kr. SmiUl's) he proposed, w hieh, although he enlarged ophiOII tbe aum •on . bt f>r t y th 8!11, wlz. t.t,,

wu t:>O large, and bo woalcl be aootm~ with upon ita fairness, will be :round to be little ' oae-ho.lf of UJat aum. Whatever opl.l!looa tbo better than a gathering of ez-mayors,- a preu mlgbt baYO ad.-ooated respeltlnr \he aboll­

tloll cf Ute Corporatlo.>, t'e Qonrnment bad class abeut as capable of exercisiog ao ' beea lm?reulng upon the ifouae Uleoece;alty otrorolnr impartial opinion upon matters corporate, 1 u ;.on tbe town of tbe ~»looy tho eatablltbll:ent tf

local bcdtee. 'It ~ad bom aalt by 10111e tbat If lime as a set of gin·drinkers would be to decide we e gina 1 iree.t oppcalt!oa woolcl be aboWD to the upon the Maine Llquer Law. Bill; bllt,althoagh a rreat le11glb of time bad beta

• 1 f ad a1forcl<d, }t~ wltb the aeepUon cf a 1 etitlon wllh one By !orne our1ous aw o contr ic- alguture ''"" w .. only ooe pot!t!8!1, ahnel h:r so'

tion, a whole vocabulary of terms tobabltaata of Fitzro:v Ward, of whom b' folJlld 188

f • d fti · wore not olt:z>DI at all. Be w.:nlcl 11ot object that Ute expressive o pur1ty an e c1ency was moaty wbiOII it .., .. proplltcl to borrow ailon'cl be

made use of during the discussion. The p~a.aeclloacme aablervleDGe,r.ndlb•UOO,G08l.ab u'd be

h f I Tt" b b d ttorrowtd lint, ucl before they were allo•ocl to bonow interc ange O C VII tea etween a 0 1 80 aaotbortOO,OOOI.tbeyahonldaatlat.otorllya4ooaattoUle faultily constituted as the Legis latin Bonn forlbeexpeodllllre• flbt II: at 100,0001. Be bad

I d 1 d 1 rt&001lto&Dtlolp•letbatthe<emlght ;eaomeoppoaitlonto Counci , an one iO use esa an m s- the BilL BowonW mot, bo•e.-or, oJoapy tbe time ottll• chieYOUSIB the City Council, il particularly House by anllclpat!ng all tiW ml,bt be aalcl,t nt •on'd

ootabllahlar munllllpal wtltQtiOill aUoptho 1 Ap­pl!oatiOIII wore ooatiDaally llllode 'J tbt G ,ftr4· mtat 11114 to lb&l Boase, ftom nr!ollO lloalltios, f r grontl of lbe ~nb lo m')Dey h e1f.ot looal tm1rOft· menta, and tlae Cro'll'll reYIIADII (tbel&adflllld) ••• on all tboae .-.toulaclioatad utbe aoane from wbl•b tbe money aboalcl o:nr.e; •ad Ulla wu cllD8 at & tlmt wben tl!e Gonromcat b•d haodocl onr, to a aroot oxt.ot, the urapproprlalecl moiety of tbe 111114 fll• 4 to t e clilpoatll of Ul•t Howe. This moat objeotlonble oourao woold bave helD ob'flaie:1 If the ooutry bad • v.Uocl itae'fof tbe plaa whlob tile Prhy ContoU ll•4 proposed some t me ago, of loolllitltl applJIDr to bawo themJelwes i oorporatecl ill • lllllllloipal oa;:&ol&J, b•vlnt, oa tbe!r beoomtnc, Ule rlibt to Oll:pead In looal lmpro.-emtllll tM amoant of Ulel• aontrlbntlo: s to tbl laud rand. 811oh a sch1me u tll&t, It OITrlocl cot, wollld ban osta­bU.bocl muo.lolpailllatltllilOIII on a fl<m ar.d wbolelom• l:aall

11r GOODVAM ukad If lbere wu •' Ule proHIII mom~' &DJ' City CoU£Cll ill e:a:llteut, 11114 If all or any of the 1-t reslgn&llona bad been -pted 1 U wu adYI&ablo tb&l the 10ltet oemmlttoe ehoutcl know wbat peroouwore liltel7 to ban tbellliiDlllle cootfol of tbe expeadl•ure of th:alar&e amt a ot.

Mr. HODGSON Mid tbe Conlloll W&l ill eslale,oe.

Gaoler ... Mati'OII .. . Cl•rk . . . One aenlor tarnkq, at 15s. ... El,bt tarnkeJI, at 131. eaob

por dlom. lf-aaor •.• ·•· .•. Tbreetnrakeya {old pol) at

UJ. e.lOb ... •.• . .. Female turnkey (old pol) ., Sl ....

8alarloe. Allowu:oea For &nit


Ctptalll DANBI aalll there wu u lmprtPioil on tho pnbllo mllld that tho Calef CommlaalODer cf Pollee wu about to proeoud to Eoglaud, aad before his salary wu

I. •· d. votei 11 t.e be kcown wbe:her au.ll wu tb.e-" •• d. ,00 0 0 10 0 • ~ 0 0 2?3 15 0

1752 0 0 100 0 0

651 0 0

or I!OL

Tbe COLONI.U. SEC BE rARY aa!cl tll1t It wu 1' 0 0 0 qalte trne that me C3blef Commill!oner cf Polloe,

bavinr lnjuncl oil bo.llb ill \be """!at, wu &bent &o proued to Eu:opo; be ..-ould, bowevtr, iln.w no l&l&rJ during hla o.b!ence, &I that wo!llcl be paid &o tbl IIIII· tlea>an who woold Ill bil p:ace wh:le ill waa &WIJ,

Kr. FAWK.NER l&ld tbal U lppe&r•d lbet lbt Deputy had bee• fall)' .able to dl!th.reo aU the dnllos

u 8 0 0 cf tho ~ftice do l•g the Commlulontr'l r.bsnoe ftolll _ __ ill betltb, alld he a:.onli Ultrefore •annt ,ba,_tba&

t.SSBI 11 0 100 0 0 sentleman lht nW ho railed tar tile poaltiOD of CcaiDJI. 3588 111 0 lioner, and th•t tbe appolntnuot of AP!str.ot OomiDJI.

slor e~ abollld be •holl•bocl. Bo t!Mrefcre JDOYei Ult t.sess 16 0 rocluotlon o! tbe Y.>te by Ule aam tf f.t2011, bolllr lht

nlary and nJ'OWIIIOal to Ill .lailt&llt CemmiaiOIIero The COLONIAL BECBlll'rARY aud that It w•s the

II 1o dci lotenUoa of the G -v~r&me,t that lba j!elltleman wllo 00li71R6liiiOIX8. Prowlalou for eo prl10urr, at 11, Sd, ... Clothl•l ro"BO prliODtn, at fl1o ...

1821 8 o boll aotei Ia tho Co~~>mlulOIIar•a abHIIOI •b -lllcllllJ0-280 0 o oeec1 to bill ofliu; bot ilUlaa Aad.W.t Comm·adooer 800 0 0 woald be reqala!w, u tbo preao. t Commisaloaer 1114 Fael, ll~bt, IDd water

Storos-••• ltboclnle X Ino:dentale:a:ponaa •.•

'l'otal, o..IODI

221 0 0 clo110 a gre~t dial of oftioe -k, althon&h ID ill bealtll.

~- Kr. GOODMAN willhocl to oall Ule attlt>li~ll ~~ llle f.SilO 0 0 Go.-.r~mett to tile department of the P.ymaater of lba ---- Pollee, wbero great delay oceorred lo gectlns monq

paid, owl111r to the am ollneaa ol the 11t If, a..d tbo u arrow ... ~~~ limite of the oftl~e.

edifying, and calculated to advance both rtae•vn~y 1e:narb wbiob bt ml&htbl9e to m•ke npon

bodies •••tly in public estimation! lbat ubJ•ot, nulll be llld oo opporfutll&J of adclr&!slag •- tbe llnae In reply, IID4 woalcl theret~re DOW almpl:y

No reolgaa\iona had ao .. e ,a lai'J befo<t him; bat be llelleved there we,. aome realgut!OIII oow lylllr Ia the oftloe, whlob wonW be brongbt ter~r• the CoaaoU at Ule u:a:t moetmr. But tlltro wore JDUI1 perbape more ofllo\ont men wl:lill« to aome for nrc! to 1111 ap lbe piMa of Utoae wbo ball re-alg &4. Be wilhecl to ut Ule CQloulo.l Beoretar:r If V~us were :a~ao apecol_to for poll a\ Ule followlrg be ball e.oy ol-jeotlon to tbt oommlttoo betnr loatnotocl pia-, .-·. :­

Tbe AUDITOR GENERU. aald tt at llat Go~ ment h&cl fel* the cl :lllcn!U~• llllnclocl to by tbe bllllo member, tat, whb tbe uoillaoce of Ule f:ommluaJlat, The remainder of the evening wu oecu- niov• '~e...,, d rea~lng of tbe 8lll.

Mr. HODGSON aecoDdecl Ule moUo!!. Be tbongbt pied with the Estimates. The de late of the B•u• woald coDiult lbe iDtereJt of the oommunt~y the: preceding evening on the expenditure by ooue 'ar to tbe soao~4 rnciiDI of the Bill, a•cl al-

th 'd ft ld ed b h lo.,lnelttogo latoC mmltW~,wbereitmlgbtbuo~ol-for ego. • e a Wal resum ; ut t e l •rocl•a&omeettbevlewaofLbemajor!tyofbo-.'lltmbtrs. first division having ahewed that the re· llwaa prr;~sed to bonow t bil m011ty in ooDa<qnenoe treBchment policy was again iu su.ecesefgl of the aholnh necesoity of forming alarre port! 1n of

t!le pablloatreeta ofUlelll·Y· Tbe pruent reveL no of operation, the Auditor-General withdrew the Cor9oratlo!l na not more thaD aufthlent to koep that departlllf!Dt, 80 as to make it accord tbe rtreo•e In re!"i•, •~d woull rol m•et the etpot!le

of formlnc uw atroets. £632.000 wollld be roqllircd to with the wishes of the committee. 1 ocom1llsb tbe oomplele f~rmatloa of tbo slrttta of

The Gaols and Pollee were thea voted t'le att:v. a~d it wa1 oontemphte?- &110 to expnd • con•lderable 111m ill otll•r im;>rovomentl, sucb u

without Jl•ing rile to aoy particular dh· Abattolra, Bt.tba, wei WMb-bonaeJ, Watl et-boa ec, oussion on details. There wu, in fact, &o., and also to eroot • large pubUo ball, for tile

oon·ven!eaoe of bolldlq meetl!!p of the oU'ze•t rather a disposit.lon 'to run into the oppo· 11 would be for Ute Bouo to snggut whether the

to bring op a apoolal nport Wltb tbe lout posllble de. lay, u 11 wu fearocl there wonW be no t~me to eder I~ to tho w:Wle aubjeot of l11quir1 for lhe fDrl'<'"' o1 p-aotlcd operation \JIIa HUlon.

Tbe COLONIAL SECRETARY apprebertlocl the oommlttet won' cl baYO no e-aton to Ill long, 11 the Governmnt wollld al oDCe suhm~t Its plan to It; and be had very lltCe doDbt lb~ eommittu would arre• toll. But If there wu ally srvund to ap. preheD4 aloar lltt!nr, lh• o'mmlttee ooa\4 report on Ul& pointe more immoclfate\y pnulag.

Tbe I SPEAKER enurtalllocl 1rme don~t u to 11.1 bellrg iompotent to the Colonial Becr•t&ry to m Ye ~>D amon~mont wb'cb tr&nlled toJODcl the saope of the orldul moUoo, wiz., for Ule uoollcl readlag of the Btu.

After I abort OODYHUt' OD 00 lbt point, · llr. SIIITII&(<tocl totbtpottpoDIIIItDt of lbe IIOOI:d

Gooier .. . 1\httoo .. . Six tnrnll.eya, •' 111. eallb par cllem Female tarllkey, at ea.


Prorillon for tO priaoaon, at 11. 3cL Clotbinc tor '0 ~on, •t lis. Fnel, Ucbt, ud ....tor Storet.-8eo ubeclale X llloldolltal o:a:peaaoe •. ,

a 4. be Ulouabt Ute clifti<lllty bad been rot onr, IDI1 a 300 :· 0 ·~•~Y aDcl rognlar 171lem of pay meDia mlsbt 110w be

aat:olpah4. 13~: : : l(r. ANN lND m·vocl tb&t tbo wbole oft!r.o eatimaM-ue 0 8 for tbe Pollee, 'l'i& , 663.~581., ell0nl4 bl Yota:l at 011oe,

----- bolnr tbo wbol• tmonat tbe Govemmat uilocl for, t.1a1o O O llr. Fi.lVK.NEB lAid, tht I!Jior the e:r:planatlOII ---- whlcb bld boell &ina, he -~old wltbclnw lilt

t. S- d 8 12 10 0 130 0 0 258 0 0 120 0 0 10 0 0

ame~dme11t. Mr. SIU'rB -ocllhe po&tp.."'ltmert of the whole

vote for the parpoH of aa m.lllle telae lll&lle Ia IIlt raw of pay of tbe aDborcllDate tllloen, lly an tmout 111 110 e~~e fll:eeedlJie lla. par cllem.

Capl&la II'IIABON lhaapt 111M thoro wo1114 bela tuttaa IIOIIOIDJ In the 811d, If the p~y of -tile nbtril-ute clll ... of thopolloe wulntr81118'.1. Heiboqii&M

1463 10 0 omoleat polloewoa~d never be •-red ill tile oo1nJ t.SUJ 10 0 u Ionr u the mea eould ro b fbe pllll*

site extreme of extraYagance, and to Yote lnterl!lt b be raid ahou'4 be 5, 6j, or e per cer-t ; tnt be t11on1bt no clltlolllty would arlaeln ~Mi"Ola"lll UJ•a

reaciiDg for a tormlg bt, ud Tilt COLONIAL SBICRE·rARY pat hla ameod. BIUAa'r. f. a. a.

meut ill th;. form-Tb&t a ••loot aomm'.ttee 'flit &allll&l for porllaJIAI (fore moutba) 1631 1 o

roacll ef tbt oolony, at cl obtain u 1004 or beltlr p&J thu thsy did ill the po:loe. h eYerJ ooUD\rJ the pay of tb.e pollee wu OJmslclerably aton the &Vt!llle rawef labor. Be wOII\4 ,auut.ltbat If an lDGnUif pay were r:na 00 Ult labordloato IDIIllhrl of Ute poUoe force, by tllll clay twelYO mOIIUII tile wbole departmeot lbonlcl be lila ve·y fu illlperbr to what lMT wore110w, 11114 eqaalto &DJ pollo••tablllb­me ot ID Ule world.

for a laviah expenditure as blindly &! loanatafalrnte<flnterost. be appolnMd to ir>qulre ioto wbat DWIJIIr

h h d • l t d f, t b Tbl CO!.ONUL SECREl'AB.Y lboncbt It would t ey a prenous Y l'O e or ro rene • bt Ute mOll aooveDiont oourse tbllt be ah uld at oue ment. S•me member!J were ltrongly in ' state tbe riewJ of the Go.-ernmeu\ upon thla point fnor of votiaa at once what the Goveru• Be cll4 not in uy ny wtob to ell.eln or p'Jitpoae the

-and te wbat uLeet looal requlremenll may te proYidecl !or oUlerwlao tball fiOIIl lbt aeoeral IOUIOUo & 1. cl. revet.Re, a~:d b7 wbom aaob fecll a!WI be aimlala- The aamt u for Portlaad (tor 6 DIOIIUls) 1636 I 0

pmeut qouuo~ ; but beor.uce be thoagM !t W~:n'4 ment wanted ; others were in fnor of • be UJ& mod espo41en' ny of nter~ hw &he inoreasinr the aum asked for; but whol• qne,uoa of muulolpal pernmellt, he •llould

t k propose te refer tbe Bill to a 10\eot oom. the Committee eventua ly tot the mltteo, ncb oommltt.t heiDI alao luku~t.ei more conailtent and constitutional to eoqnlro Ule whole qllllt!OII of looal ulf-

h b ri • roJernmoul. He lootocl npou the syatom of mnllio!pal course of A"Oing throug t e va ous 1tcms coYOrllrmellt utile cro•hat posllble relief tu the Jill-in detail. Captain lll'Mahon, the acting eautt.-., whicb wu really bet< mtae m ·r• allcl more

d owerwhohaocl wllb lookllll atter objootl of a looal Chief Commissioner of Police, ma e out a Datnro, by whiDb a a:vstem of oentralloattoowu rrow-lltrong case in behalf of increaaed pa_y to 1111 np m~•t prejucllotol to almolt enry IDd;'l'ldDal ia

d d tho colony. (Heu, bur.) Be beUencl It wu to a the saberdlnates in the force, an promise • YOry iarse extentowlllr to lho sroat •meant ot maul-in tb&t event, to make it equal to any ; olplllgoTernmentwhiOII EqlalldbadeveralaoeUJe\ime

of the Boon• poaHned, tllat EaeiiJirma bad, abon police force ln the world. d all other oa,too., aoqalred tbl art of ..U-gonrameut;

The Committee continued their labofl d and 011 the oUJer bEd be belleYOd tbat to tho rn:no111 lt.ha d' 171tem of eentrallMt·on &clop\&cl 111 F~&~:ce, waa »be

till elnen o'clock, ll4!1&W taD 188 an ~ aUr!butod tbe faot tbat Ule GOYernment Ulore bt4 ten obatiDate eD4euor, on the part of Mr. 1, 10 eullr o'fftttlrnocl, Ho belle.-od tbat 111t1r ill !hiJ

_.. ooloDy tbore wu aoaroely a slqle loaii&J lh&t .A.uaacJ, to oompel thea &o .,opt more ,1 1.-or or wlabotl to belp itnu-tbey --~- MI-. a all ran to tbo nntral Governmut tor anlltallea. .&a to • ••- • ,. whethu large pabllo workl abolll4 be earrlocl 011 b7

•· m-• ot a loon, he mJcbl 111 tllat be did aoUh!Jik U po01lble er reuonab!e Ul~ot lbt pres111t p11uall011 lh0n14 be •!loci apo11 to ereato wor•s for peJ!erlty; 1M $ .oqht it quite fair tb&l potterltr abollld be llllllocl ap,. to oootribnto &o Ulem, &lid \bat OIRI4 be done In ao other way tbau by a 10111. To wba~ e:aten' lbat prill.. elple tbollld to oar!led wollld bt a ftry fair 1nbjeot ot 101111dorat1011 for the aoleot oollllllltiH. WI b naarJ. to tbe pi'Mftt Bill, be did thla~ lllat lrelbenmo hlcl aeY.rJr-bocl frOIIl ibe Gover4111ellt anrthillr worlby t~e JIIJDe of ID ewloWDient. lt w"' the IDtll!­tiOII of tbt GMer»DUot to propoae Wa :JMr arrant ot u,oocl., aod to go oa gi'l'iag an Dual aronts ; but be 'bODiht it woald te b.t!•r at ODOI to pledlt till Oo­nrnmar.t to au unaol crant of lbat tmou11t. Bow mula beyo:d th•t tbe Govel'llmeot wollltl ro, wolllcl depend nry macb llj)OII the CUy OoliiiOil lhomsobes. Be beileved tbl* he<et. fu:e tb• Corporatl011 b&cl workld w011d ra wltb ihe nm at ·tbelr <jilpedJ, b.t It ..,... !m])OIIal >le for the Go.-en:rment to ebu' tbelr 1yes io the faot i hat ill the aliter u-l •D7 ef New 8o>Jb wAles Ule C<·rporatl&n bad become d•fool, aod It '"" lrnponible a1ao 11ot to how th•t there wu • geamr.l fGeliJ>g out tf dtora tbat the Clty Oour.cil n• mot !11 tbat ets!e ef .,·!ve !Ita, 10bloh oYery oue wo11ld wish It ahnold be Ia. SllppOIIIIJ' the C•ty Conruul to be la a

terocl, 11114 UJ&t tba oo-Utoe be laltrultocl to make a apoo!al report npoo tb' llelboar111 Corporatioll Aota .&mendmeot BUL

Kr. KILLER oomrllmontocl tbe ColOIIIal S.oretary 011 Ulo at&tetmaoiD:e apeoob whlob be 11&4 &dclroaaecl to tbo Hollie oa the question, and upl'llll4 a bope Ul&t ill OOIItraotlarlcannncb 11 lbst whlcb b&cl \eeD pro­poatd, recc,oue wolli4 b& bad to tbe o.buci&Dt oapltal ottbo ool011y noWIJIDI clormllllt, roUter lh&ll to tbe o'pllalll Eoglallcl, whlob tbty oolllcl aot obbla wilh­oat OJeall.l!g alate boncll.

llr. O•BBIBN ad-1111 llle 1110tlon of Ule Colonial Beoretuy.

Tbeaeoond reocllnr of tbe BUl waa UleD poatpoued to t!lla ci&J forhllbl, aad Ule ameadmat of tile Colonial 8eorobty W&O put &0 a IDhltar.tiYO moUOII, and 11reet1 ..

THE EIITINATBII. 'J' he BollH hnlae 1011• Into oommiUto, llr. 8 ocl·

srua ill tbe obalr, The AUDITOR.G&NE&4L aald Ul&t, Ill refer­

to tbl rednotl0111 wblilh Ulo oommlttoo bad madt Ia Ute YOteliUt al&'bt, Ule Gonrnm811l bad gina tbe nbjtot a fllriher oareflll aoolideraUol, and bad ocme to tbe oon­alaa!OIIIIl&l tbly -14 Dot our 1 oat Ule pus ell tor tbe Wtor IJIIIUiemtllt of tile rold-lletcls, willa a a~aller&talf lhJIIl tiler hl4 alreali7 prepJtecl. Beahonld Ulerefore, wllb tlle le&" of Ule oommlttoe, pootpone tiLt ramal all! g ltemc tor llallalhunt, foreoutcltratlon at a raton porlocl, ud ~oecl with tbe estimate for Ba· JMnt; u4 oa Ulolnt lteiDI ol Ulat, wbleb tbollld ill olljool*l to, it tbe deail!on of the oommltteo wu r.gaiDit the GoteriiMLent, apon a dlviii~D, tbl7 wo11lcl oot 01111 upoa tbe oommlltoe for any fariber 4\wlsloa. OD d!epat1d ite... He aboald tblnfore liiGYO llle llrst two ileml of the eat!mate for BrJDRt, to wbtob be beJIOYocl-tbere wu11o objootlo•.

The estimate tor 8alaarat 1na u foUotrl :-t. .. d.

1 reailleat OOJBm:uJoaer 1 ~tn:&r-ualatut oommlaalouer for the

gold •llhe... ... •. . . .. s aeDior aast.tant oommlnloDersat 600l. • j >lllor ualslao~ oommlnior.era at &001. t o;eru, • lz.,-ou at a&Ol. oat at 3001 ,

two at 2101 , two at 2001 , a11d throe at 1601 ...

1 oamp loapootor .. . . .. 11 teat keepors at 81. per diem s l&borora at 81. ptr cllem

7~· 0 0

BINI 0 0 1110 • 0 1800 8 0

1000 8 I 800 0 0

1752 0 0 876 0 0 281 0 0

857 0 0 2 pso\llon;o.kupert! at es. per dloa a drlJerl --- -

f.IO,t 7t 0 0 ----

ffo\f work!DB 11n•'• &be Gen!oment we•e wilUll8 te aettle u a.uuitt r.f &26.1)(.0 apoll &!Ia Col'J'<lratlo~, f 1r ta wlla~ portoi ml, bt be taa\\er of de iberstlon. lila prou-,t id .. was for f.rrt;r yt1r1, but that wou'd II. open to the declal~n •f llle HtnP. It tile CoUJ>oll aholllcl t.ppr" ve ~f lbe prinolp:e of t•trfi4tr C•nt work& b7 a !oa ft, lho G<lve,ment wool' be qllito wlli!DB

117. o•aHANABSl' OGnluded ibst tbe rr!nolple cf a 1ecluotlon of ~ par aen\. apo:a the whole amoant tf ' be Golcl-llolda E•tlm&!e, !lad l!eon • fllrmocl by tbs clifl•to~ aom• to Jut uicl!lt, and tba\ therefore the o~"n• propo..ocl by tbe Auditor-General wu lt­n~w..r.

to lend tllel' a!d Ia O&tl'11Dg ont t!l~t tl'i clp'e ; t at ttey alloald e.rpo:t tb.~t tb• t~,000 should form a t\.llrln.g fuud for ibe pr.ym, nl by 4er.u•• ot the prl•oltal borrowtd, and t~oy e:a uli erpect the Cor­,0r,uoa t~ defray tlle illt•••'t uulh~ loon; aod' f neee•­ury tho GoveriiDitnt woald gu~eloe the payment both1<ftbt HIMipal ar d i•torell, ud lfon'd take the f<>' lolfillg so!e_gaardt to prevent tb p~ulb'llty of the

l p•bllo belli& 1. jnrtd, vl~ : -to seo:au tbe rltbt u~n clltwe of tho mODe7, they wou1a "'<1'"' thd aa edl. mate of t'>o u~ual e:r.peaditunr, a~d 10001111h of that upendltnre. •koalcl be lt!d bJ! tbt Ltllslaturr, aacl tbe uoou11t1 be 1111clilod by the Gonromel\t, uti that au ally illtau 't 111 eaoh eatlmate cr ICIIOUtl, or 011 l!Oil-P•rmnt ot lnterut, lb& powers Of lill Olty c~allcll lhOu'd {PJO/OCfO merse Ill .. ICimmiuiOII w

: te ~~em&cl by lbe Cron, aod lllal all rat.tnc poWirt alloald be tranar.rrocl lmallllatol7 to snob Comllllaaloa. Bellloarbt cr-t llrl lboald bUakea ill nl&llOil to tilt pn~~at •eunre, u wbatet'8f 171t.m wu ldOplel\ tiDr llltlllouM wellld baft to bet:r.tolllled

-..., ~ ~ ~H!i~ n¥1,~~ '""'

Tke A.UDITOA-GENER.U. deniocl &bat lhe tao:a wore 13. No auobprlllolple bad bee• atlnalll.

Mr. KUl'LEDGBI aappartecl tile vlewa ~f tbe lll&mter for '.>lllbonrlll, (llr. O'Sbanauy).

Kr. FAWKNEll more4 tbat lila lfho:e Tote bl ro ­ta~ o- e ·ll'th.

llr. GRIFfiTH : Tbe whole &mou& ..... 1101 before tho Boll!e.

rt te!nr 11ow l1ll: 6'olook1 the oommltttt adj~VIIed tor one hour. .

'l'bo BOtllo ,_ltlllhlocllll aotnmlt.loe at •••• o•I!Goit. llr. rAWlUlER wltbdrew bla Ulaa4mtllt, and tile

IDm of 1.1200 wu 'IOlecl tor !.he Bealcl1111t CoJDI!IIuloner a!ld SRior Aulltut C"mmiMIOiltr for tlle Q~l4 Ol'tlet atBa!Nrat.

The 1to111 ct £1100 for ~ Ialor Alalatallt eom. mlul- at !100 .... thelllllroocito.

Oa Ule ltaa 11101 f9r fHr Jultr ~ ~ ~ .. -

Gaoltr llatroa ... Fenr Tnrn\:.171, at 10•. -b por cllem ... ODe tamale turnkey, It 11. 81. por di­Cookt .a 81. par tllem ...

••• cl. 300 0 0 10 0 0

130 0 0 118 l:t G 148 0 0

Mr. FA WKNE& eaqulrEd wb1 t bl4 ~e of Cacltl TbonapsoD, wllo "u wounded ill tbe raptaro of O•CoDnor 11114 8radltJ1 allll wbetller IDY~ ball b­d0118 for blm.'M4H0Ninroplyaal~, Ul&t C&clot Thom:pooll.

wu aowat K.Umoro,ar.d wu I'IFI4l:r r-verlrr. Be W


Foroce fvr 0111 bone .. .

t.l!U 13 e heon promoted to tbe rank of a lleni1111t m, &114 wollld r< celn a of the 6001. r.nd apwucla wblclh ba4 belll gino as a row&re1 for tbe oaptare of tba bJIU..

150 1 0 ranpn. Nlcbolsoo badail1), oa the day ofhll arrlftl ill lrolbor:me, recelYocl a lilnteiWioy.

18 8 0 Dr. GBEEVES opposed any lnoreue ID the Pllf ot BbotiDJ allli farrlery ... .. . ... ... PtO'I'is\ous fx 63 prlsontrt 11114 s olllotn,

at 11. U .... CloUliDI l'ael, IIcht ud wr.tor ..• 8torol.-9oo Boboclalt X Illll4tllt&1 e:r:po11101 ...

Total, CadlemalDt

CJ&oler ... ... Two tartlleya, at 101. ooeb per diem Female &arllkey, at 61. 51. por cllem Coolr, at ... por dl1111 ...

o.Ml!IGUC!BS. Provlllou for lbtrty pri11111en aall

c11lotn, at 11. 6:1. oaob par diiDI!··· Clothlag Fael, Ught, ar:cl water Stem.-Bte Bohednlo X. IIIOI4eatal n:peaaet

JIIUTI!OOTZ. 'l'ht AIDe M fo• lknibaral

IIDOB'W0117•• 'fill IIIII I u for 8&1lllhnrat~.

1&1C 5 1 tile polloe, whlob. u prop*'• YOD14 lu>)).va D-W• upollllitare ol £W,OOO. 50

3110 4tCI 100

O O Capt.ln COLE auppor(ocl the itoroue or tbt P'7 ot 0 0 tbl polloe. 0 0 Colooel ANDIIllS6N paued a ••rr blat eacomiaa 0 0 upon C&cletl Tbom{li!OD and Nioboltoe. tor ahelr

-,-ttl-t_e_6_ 0 brllll&Dt 11114 hereto eaudurt lo tbe oaptare or llle Mlll­ranrers, wbicb bo c'l&rllotoriloclu tbe 11101t darllll' ..

... t.uso n 1 p!lulllot whleh bo bad evu bo&rd ot.

lalarlos. f. •.••

300 0 0 3$5 0 8 118 12 0 Uti I 0

.After a lb'lt cllacllllloll, Tbe AUDI1'0R-GENEBALI&14 that 111-84-

of Ule very t811tral feeling wb!llh appeared to e:r.lJt oa both Jlidea rf the HoOle, bo wo:tld r.clopt the •an..U. of Ult bon. member for the tlty, 11114 po11iplme Ulla'""' tor t.llt pnrpoae of brlorinl ap u 1Doraaoci11UIIIIIIe.

l(r. 0'8BAN &.BSY tl>ouet•i tbl Nffmate a .,., large 01100 ui Wl.tai of 1..-inr lt the Oommi&tee

£11.:18 Ill I lhonlol r&llttr look o1Me1:J 11100 it b nolf It &I!~ - ot reluotlon. Bat If tbe llllODIIt 1111 f<lltd to he -

' s. 4 958 2 • ~0 0 0

150 0 • ~60 0 0 60 0 •

-11'1· be wollld 11~t o· joat to it.. lrr. HAI:MES colely UJeDWd 10 10 large IIIIDlOII:lt

belcg Yoted on aoo;ud of tbe pecallar olrc'OIIII*"­of Ule conn;ry; ucl ID the tll:peet&llon lll&l tbt CJo.. veriiDlellt 'lfOnlll «)nforoe the priiOrY&tiCIII of p-.. ucl orclor to tbe very ntm~et.

llr. W. NICHOLSON wou!d toppc.rt Ulo postpll&e­mtnt of !bo vote wilh a view Of inoreulog Ita am0011t,

rt1U8 3 1 and l!e did s~ beo\U!e his n:,e:l .. ~oo n a ma&IJtrall &aaa 1& e loci bins t• the c~nvietlon that mell or IDieW,._

•llll of OGOI aDcl atsady otntap, were reqalrocl to f. 1 . 4. perfo~ the d.fll<nll clatie• o! a rolloe forct wltJt.

2917 11 1 •fleltiiC)'; ud snob m .. !hey eoold not cet wllbo-t. bolci!Dg ou' a snfli: lent lliduoliD)eat b lbem Ia tho·

t. a. 4. form of good pay. ~an 11 e Colonel o\NDBB80M' wu ill favar of P'

- - --- ment wJUla view to laozeulllg Ule I'Oh.

The J.UDITOR.GENEILI.L laid th•t It woalcl be n00111ary for him to bring clowa an aiclltlon to tbi• 4epor'ment of lile •tim. tea tor a amall caolublbllab. meat at 8&1aarot, wlllcb bad heon Olllltte J. Ht would now 1rocm to the ooulaen.tloll of tbe PoliN Eat!­matta.

J>r. GBElilVJIS who! y o~Jeotocl te til&\ 0011na. Capt.ID D&.NE a:lf001t 4 II !:igh soa!e of romumt:f;

tton \., the pollee, ill or,lor to obtain u Etlloleot tone;. aod t11Fg 'l~e] th•lextn. pay tbou'4 be (lYO'l to tbl men f ·~ oontinniDc ill tb• forl!l after one year ; ull aloo that 1171ttm ofreworcll ttr good eoneu!l lllOal4 be l natltut>li for tbo f'DrJlOie of ueonrajl.1lg tbo menlO a mqrltorlons ocu,seof co: duot,-a pl•11 tbat wu a&­tendo<lwllb tbe moat adv.nii&NUB re;utta In tbe Irllh· ooDJtobnlaey-ore ot Lhe most eJreolhe fcrOts ill Ute worl,O~

011 tbt Vole tot tbe Baabllahment of tbo Cblef Commiii!Oiltf ,_

Chler Commt.altoer • •. ; Aatilhllt Comm.l.ulo:aer CblefCil!!k Pour olorlu,-oee at £900, Ole

at t.tiO, ao4 two at t.J10 ••• ra,muter ... ..• ... FlYt Clerke to Ute Pa,...uter,

- a• at uoo, two .. an, aad two at £100


• uoo 1100 100

&se 100

1300 100 300

AllOlf.\DOOI for

l!ouse11d. • ti. £ •• d. 00111000 oo •oooo I)OtiGOO

The C!!AIR\l.AN thea Fill the questlnn lblt lbe estl­m•te h pntt!'olled, aad lt wu nec,tlved w.tbod a 41Yia'oa.

0 • 4,5 0 • lOO

a 0

llr, ANN A • D tu:al1d apou h11 eme:.dnte .. t bole­pot.

o Tho .A UOI1'0R-GENEftAt. o"'lterde.t, on tilt olllor· 1 band, tbat II 'lUI hla rlgb; $0 propocethe ll"t\'Ote oflllt ·

ntlmate, viz , \bat for Ule doparhnllt c flbe Chlof Com­milalonor. Tb&\ tbe ~omendmool ooald aot be greater

e ' 640 0 Cl • 0 • V•terillar7 larr- ...

ll-D&er all4 HOtlllliOIJllf Vlldtr ....... .,

1 than the orlsillal motion, be thoag~t m01t ill obtloaa ro all; !IDa ill tb!t ••• If tbl boD. mtmber'• "'~'loa were oarmd, II would pnl a ec4 lo &lit fllrther - · alderat.lo11 of the tst!IUW tlltogetbor.

/11. 10111 Ud doniltrJ IIODmsatlOD 8UIII<l Ill .. ------..;'•-:-· wh~thtr tilt mollo• cf tbe boll. 1111111blr lbr Rilla

•11_1 1 &M,I e 'o Boarltt (Kr. Auaad) lthOGld be pat or 1111&1 h& Ill .. -- bu. --lallatrl4 .. lilt riP&.., .... Me ....

:1100 0 0 10 • •

; - ";'" $ft!! t. 1 rat.l!.t !!i!~!!U!! 8 II Pn fUn ID!!a

Page 2: Parliament of Victoria - Home · which he is held by the Press, he fa-tbreeo&~dacj->ntlatamm. vored the Houae with his opinion Tb• COLOlUAL Sl!lCREl'ABY r-n•otloetht 011 WociDeaclly


Majority .•• ... 2&

11r. AlUian~'• m 1t'o3..,... aOOOicll!lgly.Jod. 'l'bt fOWOf 10,8,61. for aal&rlea, allowances, ud oon.

&lepnolet of the depunn~~ r f the Chief Couun!s­liOltr ,., agreed to, as waa ala? \be •ot• •t U ,6001. tor aalarles an~ lno:denbl npenaea of tte dete :tin IJOl!Cit.

J&, A~NAND thu moved th t the ChalrJUD rtport progrea•, and 11~ leAn k» aU agrJn.

Tbt oommit~ dlvi4ed-Ayll 10 Noes_ !ll

lla)orltr .... 11

!'be motlln wu acoordlugly !oat. on the lte:n, u~der the voa ef the ceural pol'ee

toroe, of 863~. for aalarlu and allowanoa to tYtlve i ·speotO!I, y;s., twc at '1001. euh (wlthcut q11artsrs), fc:ur at ~:Ol, e~, ad six d 60~1 e.totl (w !b~ut quarters),

Tbe SPE . K~R o.'>j~oted to an lrnpeot'>~ ~ia~ BU· joned at 'ie f•lt In PJ'oferenoe to PorUand.

11r. RUl'LEOGE urpl tbe au;erior cla'ma ef B 1-jas\ to tbeboaor &t me P' • er. o3 of a polioe inap~tor. C~pt&ln DANIS aou.sht w atop tb9 cliaolllaleu of the

rlv .. I Bttlf. at •ni ~· U ntl obamphns, t y moving tb,. ~ Itt Chairman le.We t'le lhalr, wb:oh, howtter, was sregr.l.!Yold wli' o11t a division.

Jlt, WILKINSON illeD oeou,ried the Ume et the HGu!G fQr a Jenrhened ptrlod ln n:pouudlflg ~~e tuper!or claims of Pottled, aft!r whloh the V.;'El wu a IJl'•ed to.

On t~e ttem 12950 for ten elerlla t~ bepeaton, llr. OA~PBE£.L move! that it oo rtd1oed bf ~ON

bel~g the IM&l'}' of two cle~ks, whloh wu r..~t.Uv(d, ~'311 the orlgimal V•, te unlod. ·

On tbe Item \li .• OOI for rorty·Uiree aub.iupeetors, llr. OA.IlPBELt. moved a r.due\l<JQ of l,~'lOi.,

btl~t the &;.hry of t!lree &'QlJ illapsc\ors1 wbloh wn 186l'tl.Ved, and tb$ Orlgioal lte:n Clattied, U allo the I Utm U50l for ni11eteen lieutenant.. ~Tne AUDITOR GENERAL 'IU.U tint h~ wo111d postpone the next alx items of the " te, being 'he ta\afies of the rubordiuate -oili~era and membera ol 1 &he tol'09, with Uu vlsw cf ino:eaolD~ \he ra~e ot a]uy.

llr. WILKINSON tri<tTel th"t the C>Wrman report proems and obbill lo:.vo· t:J slt sr;ai '1 tJ-m')fro'tl, (thll d'Y ).

Toe motion waa n•gatlved wltbGut a dlvlai.•n , 'l'be lte:ns w·~ra postpot e:l. · Thefollcwlc.g lkma wereagnei to: -

"llx bhd:smUbt, at 18s. ~er I. a. d. ~ e. d. 'diem " ' UH e 0

flve uddlera, at liSJ, per diem oach .. . 1868 15 {J

1torekeepa~. a~ lOS. per dlem Ui2 10 0 l'orty.t'W<J te:1\keepers, a t

8J. p ;r diem ea~.h ... .. . 6!32 e 0 1'.bree 11tootm&n, •t 8 ·• p•r

dl9m ••• 4.38 '0 e 'l'hl'eG cooke, at 89. per

diem •.• '~ ~ ·o Three le.cknp-.keepers, at sa.

per diem e&l h 4.38 '0 10 Sight oa· ~rs ot 8~. per diem

eJaoh ... 1168 ·o '0 T wo fem•le aes.rchers, a.t tao

eaoh per annum . .. ·~a 0 a COI'ft!fGltNCliti­

Erpena~s Incurred in til!! traumloalea of P.iannere ... •,ooo 0 0

Travel' lng tX;lentea of police 1,000 0 0 · Pnrohue of 1110 honea, 11tt £46 eatb ... 8,MO o ~ l'or.age of 826 horses, at £lt 0 ·each per

annum ... 123,~00 e '0 F.r1Ie:y •,ooo e o Provl~iou for 2Cl1S offi !e·s and mea, ali

11. U eJ.Oh per die:n .. ;. 15 ,n~ 1a 1 Clothi~ f·Jr 1M3 men 19,736 o o Ji\tel,llght, aud w tar 2.000 o o St.or~.-~~:s~berllllle- X .• 26,380 o o .1Acld1d~ 'C!Xjell!ee 2,000 o o

~9,9110 2 6

Tile 1lrou~ t~en resu~ ; the Cb.airms.n repor ei 'JlfDgre!s, and 4Jb!ained ••ave to alt q to~morrow (tbls day} Adj Jur~ at .five ml~utes past eleYen ftlook.

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