Page 1: Part 3 50 Questions Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain

Part 350 Questions

Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain

Page 2: Part 3 50 Questions Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain

Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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Quote a saying of Imam Ali about worship.a. Work for your earthly life as if you will live

forever; and work for the Hereafter as if you will die next day.

b. The oppressor and the oppressed will both suffer in the Hereafter; the oppressor for his tyranny and the oppressed for accepting it.

c. Righteousness left me alone with no companions.

d. Oh Allah! I do not worship Thee because of fear of Hell or greed for Paradise., but I worship Thee because I find Thee worthy [of-the highest] worship.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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Who appointed Omar as Khalifa?

a. Ali.b. Abu Bakr.c. Uthman.d. Talha.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerDescribe 2 important

aspects of Omar's Khilaafah.a. Keeping the Islamic tempo of expansion

as started by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).b. a, + Imam Ali was pleased for the

expansion of Islam during Omar's rule, and satisfied with the dogmatic, strict rule of Omar.

c. a, + the Prophet (pbuh) was pleased for the expansion of Islam during Omar's rule.

d. a, + Abu Sufyan was pleased for the expansion of Islam during Omar's rule.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerDescribe 2 important

aspects of Omar's Khilaafah.a. Ali approved of the manner Omar

lived: very plain, and down to earth.b. Omar the Khalifa lived like an

ordinary person without pomp.c. a, b, + Money from the conquered

territories poured, leading to inflation.

d. a, b, + Money was given only to the poor.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerDescribe two important

aspects of Omar's Khilaafah.a. Omar prevented the Companions from

leaving Medina.b. a, + Omar prevented writing the

Hadith.c. Omar encouraged writing the Hadith

so that future generations won't forget it.

d. Omar dictated writing the Hadith to special secretaries.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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How did Ali view Omar's Khilaafah?

a. Well satisfied.b. Fairly satisfied.c. Not satisfied.d. Half hearted about that.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerWhy Ali was not asked to be

in charge of military operation during Khilaafah of Omar?a. Possible short-sightedness on the part

of the administration.b. a, + Possibly an indirect move to deny

him any chance to show his unparalleled capacity.

c. a, b, + Possibly Ali too valuable in Medina rather than outside.

d. Possibly Ali too valuable teaching Islam in Medina.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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What was the degree of help Ali rendered to Omar?a. During Omar's reign Ali gave his

opinion whenever asked.b. a, + Shari'ah, Fiqh, Administration, or

otherwise there was always Ali to consult.

c. a, + Islamic philosophy, calligraphy, or Management problems.

d. a, + Tafseer, Algebra, Math problems, or otherwise.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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Who is Umm al Baneen?a. Umm al Baneen was wife of Ali.b. Umm al Baneen was sister of Ali

who took care of his children.c. Umm al Baneen was aunt of Ali

who took care of his children.d. Umm al Baneen was mother of

Ali who took care of his children.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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Who is Al-Abbas?a. One of the children of Umm Al Baneen

and Ali.b. Al-Abbas was about 15 years younger

than Al-Husain.c. a, b, + Al-Abbas was handsome, with

high intelligence, quick temper, and the charm of Benu Hashim.

d. a, + Al-Abbas was about 5 years younger than Al-Husain.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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How was Ali during Khilaafah of Omar?a. Ali was unique in being accurate and

precise in giving answers to religious enquiries.

b. No enquiry of religious nature proved a challenge.

c. a, b, + Ali was the undisputed authority in Islamic knowledge.

d. a, b, + Ali was the only authority in Islamic knowledge.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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How was Omar killed?a. Killed by a Muslim Assassin.b. Was deadly wounded by a non-

believer, who was sane and not deranged.

c. Immediately killed by a non-believer Assassin.

d. Killed in Qadisiya battle in Iraq.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerWhat writing did Ali first

finish off during Khilaafah of Omar?a. Ali finished writing Tafseer of the

Quran.b. Ali finished writing Hadith first.c. Ali finished writing Ah’kaam first.d. Ali finished writing the Quran first.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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What is Mus'haf of Fatima?

a. Mus'haf of Fatima is Tafseer of the Quran, in three volumes.

b. a, + but in seven volumes.c. a, + but in five volumes.d. a, + but in twelve volumes.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerWhat writing did Ali finish off

after the Tafseer during Khilaafah of Omar?

a. Al-Hadith, called Saheefa of Ali.b. Al-Ah'kaam, called Saheefa of Ali.c. The white Jafr, called Saheefa of

Ali.d. The red Jafr, called Saheefa of Ali.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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What is Saheefa of Ali?

a. Tafseer of the Quran.b. Hadith.c. Al-Ah'kaam.d. The white Jafr.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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What is Al-Ah'kaam?a. Ah'kaam are the rules and

regulations of acts of worship.b. a, + Personal relationship, personal

behavior.c. a, + Personal matters regarding

war.d. a, + Personal matters regarding


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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerWho helped Ali in writing the

treasure of knowledge during Khilaafah of Omar?

a. Al-Hasan.b. Al-Husain.c. Ibn Abbas.d. Jabir Al-Ansaari.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerWho was Ali tutoring besides

his children during Khilaafah of Omar?

a. The youthful Ibn Abbas.b. The 40 year old Ibn Abbas.c. Ibn Omar.d. Jabir Al-Ansaari.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerDid Ali continue to work in a

farm during Khilaafah of Omar?a. When needed to support family,

help the poor, and free a slave a week.

b. Yes, solely to free a slave a week.

c. Yes, solely to support his family.d. Yes, only to support family and

help the poor.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerHow many slaves was Ali able

to free during Khilaafah of Omar?

a. Approximately 20.b. Approximately 520.c. Approximately 220.d. Approximately 120.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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Mention a saying of Imam Ali about man's character.a. The weakest of people are those unable

to make friends; even weaker are those who lose the friends they have gained.

b. If you are running away and death is approaching; the encounter will be soon.

c. Do not be too hard, lest you will be broken; Do not be too soft, lest you will be squeezed.

d. The greatest wealth is in giving up extreme desires.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerMention a saying of Imam

Ali about maturity in religion.a. Maturity in religion lies in the pursuit of

knowledge and putting it into practice. b. Indeed! The pursuit of knowledge is more

incumbent upon you than endeavor for livelihood; for, your livelihood has been apportioned and guaranteed by Allah the Just One and will be provided to you. Knowledge is stored with its possessors and you have been commanded to acquire it from them."

c. Beware the anger of a kind and generous person when in starvation; and the wrath of a mean person when full.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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Mention sayings of Imam Ali about learned men.a. The pursuit of knowledge is more incumbent

upon you than endeavor for livelihood; for, your livelihood has been apportioned and guaranteed by Allah the Just One and will be provided to you. Knowledge is stored with its possessors and you have been commanded to acquire it from them.

b. Allah's most complete gift is life based on knowledge.

c. The innumerable fools have made the learned very scarce.

d. The learned men are the living ones in the dead mass of ignorance.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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Mention a saying of Imam Ali about teaching.a. To respect the learned is to

respect Allah. Knowledge creates fear of Allah.

b. Perfecting your practice makes knowledge perfect.

c. To teach is to learn.d. Knowledge kills ignorance.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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Mention 4 more sayings of Imam Ali.a. People are enemies of what they do

not know.b. Greed is eternal slavery.c. A person who just observes others will

die of grief. Avoid the harm and trouble of someone you have helped.

d. Contentment is a perpetual treasure.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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Describe the first years of Uthman's Khilaafah.a. At first the administration under

Uthman seemed alright.b. a, + Ali used to advise and

counsel Uthman many times.c. a, + Ali never advised or

counseled Uthman.d. a, + Ali was given the

Governorship of Iraq.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerWhat happened to the

vivacious Islamic spirit during Uthman's Khilaafah?a. Within a few years the spirit of

expansion imperceptibly halted.b. The Islamic movement became soft

and subdued.c. a, b, + Uthman's mellow personality

reflected his administration.d. a, b, + Uthman's mellow personality

was the concern of Omar.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerWhat was one of the first

items Uthman abolished of Omar's restriction?a. Abolished Omar's decree which barred

the Companions to live outside Medina.

b. a, + Abolished Omar's decree of Muslim expansion.

c. a, b, + Abolished Omar's decree of collecting the Quran.

d. a, b, + Abolished Omar's decree of committing Hadith to memory.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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Who participated in the North Africa campaign?

a. Al-Hasan and Al-Husain.b. a, + Ibn Omar.c. a, b, + Ibn Abbas.d. a, b, c, + Mu'awiya.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerDescribe the North African

campaign with the Romans.a. The Roman (Byzantine) force was

huge and well prepared.b. The battle lasted for 3 days, was

ferocious and very bloody.c. The Roman's surrendered, the

total army.d. a, b, c, + Al-Hasan and Al-Husain

did well and were happy with the result.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerWhat was upsetting about the

spoils of war of the North African?a. Unreservedly Uthman gave to Marwan (his

relative) a large portion of the spoils of the North African battle.

b. Unreservedly Uthman gave to his wife Na'ila a large portion of the spoils of the North African battle.

c. Unreservedly Uthman gave to Ali a large portion of the spoils of the North African battle.

d. Unreservedly Uthman gave to Al-Hasan and Al-Husain a large portion of the spoils of the North African battle.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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Who is Marwan?a. Marwan was close family member of

Uthman.b. Marwan was the son of Hakam, who was so

mischievous that he along with his family was exiled by the Prophet from Medina for many years.

c. a, b, + Uthman cancelled the exile status and appointed Marwan as Secretary of State.

d. The exile status was due to the hurt Hakam inflicted on the Prophet and on Islam.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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Who is Mu'awiya, and his role during Uthman's time?a. Mu'awiya was a close relative of

Uthman.b. Governor of Syria, established the

Muslim navy, which beat the Byzantines.c. a, b, + Failed to triumph over

Constantinople, though his forces laid siege to it for 4 years.

d. a, b, + Failed to triumph over Constantinople or in the sea battle.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerWho is Ibn Sar'h and his

relation to the Prophet (pbuh)?a. Uthman appointed Ibn Sar'h as

governor of Egypt.b. Ibn Sar'h was Uthman's brother in

nursing (both had been nursed by the same woman).

c. a, b, + Ibn Sar'h was exiled because the viciousness against the Prophet and the Muslims.

d. Ibn Sar'h was exiled because of his tremendous wealth.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerDescribe Ali's feeling about

the Ummah during the last years of Uthman.a. Ali worried about the future of the

Islamic nation; there was much at stake.b. a, + Ali was pained because Uthman

left matters to his Secretary of State, Marwan!

c. a, b, c, + Ali was pained because Uthman did not take his advise.

d. a, b, c, + Ali was pained because Uthman did not listen to any advice.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerExplain the dangers facing

the Ummah during Uthman's rule.a. Appointment of family members

to every sensitive position.b. Corruption of the Benu Umayya

Governors appointed by Uthman.c. a, b, + The weak administration,

and the role of the crafty Marwan.d. a, b, c, + The promises given by

the Khalifa that were not fulfilled.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerMention 4 items that were

particularly dangerous to the Ummah during Uthman's rule.a. The clashes between the different clans, the

people's indulgence in luxury and material comfort, the tendency toward easy living, and the abuse of power.

b. The supremacy of Benu Umayya, the people's indulgence in luxury, the loss of religious fervor, and the abuse of power.

c. The continuation of Uthman's rule, the people's indulgence in luxury, and the love for power.

d. The yearning for Ali's Khilaafah, the people's return to Jahiliya, indulgence in luxury, the loose living, and the abuse of power.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerWhat was A'isha, (the Mother

of the Faithful), campaigning about Uthman?

a. A'isha was in a campaign to bring down Uthman.

b. A'isha wanted Ali to replace Uthman.

c. A'isha wanted Talha to replace Uthman.

d. A'isha wanted Zubair to replace Uthman.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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Explain how Uthman harmed Abu Dhar.a. Uthman beat the Prophet's

Companion Abu Dhar severely.b. a, + Because Abu Dhar was

attacking the excesses of the Khalifa.

c. a, b, + attacking the excesses of Mu'awiya in Syria.

d. a, b, c, + attacking the excesses of the rest of Benu Umayya.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerMention 3 points Ali was

worried about during the last years of Uthman.a. The many "millionaires" that had

emerged, such as Talha, Zubair, and Ibn Auf.

b. a, + Many of the corrupt governors of Benu Umayya who were Uthman's appointees.

c. a, b, + The suffering masses.d. a, b, + The suffering Benu


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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerMention 3 points Ali was

worried about during the last years of Uthman.a. The agitation Umm Al-Mu'mineen,

A'isha, was stirring against Uthman.b. a, + The poor treatment Abu Dhar, Ibn

Mas’ood, and Ammar ibn Yasir, received at the hands of Uthman.

c. a, b, + The poor treatment Mu'awiya, Marwan, and Ibn Sar'h received at the hands of Uthman.

d. a, b, + The frightening affairs of the nation and the direction it was heading to.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerWhat did Ali find out about

the rebellion against Uthman?a. Ali discovered that thousands of

protestors came from Egypt and Iraq to Medina.

b. People demanded radical change in Uthman's administration.

c. a, b, + People demanded equal treatment and increase in wages.

d. a, b, + People wanted a better government.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerDescribe the 3 points Uthman

promised the rebels in the Mosque.a. He would abide by his promises.b. a, + Would change his

administration as demanded.c. a, + Would give better pay for

the protestors and improve their living condition.

d. a, b, + Replace the corrupt Governors and institute reforms.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerWhy did the protestors return

from Egypt to put siege to Uthman's house?a. The protestors discovered a double-dealing

against them.b. a, + A letter to the Governor of Egypt was

commanding him to execute the protestors upon arrival in Egypt.

c. a, + A letter to Mu'awiya, the Governor of Syria was commanding him to execute the protestors upon arrival in Egypt.

d. a, b, + Now extremely inflamed the people returned to Medina and put up a siege to the house of the Khalifa (r), and even cut off its water supply.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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Who was dispatched to defend Uthman?

a. Al-Hasan and Al-Husain.b. Most of the Sahaaba.c. Most of the youth of Medina.d. Most of the youth of Mecca.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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How was Uthman killed?a. Uthman was killed by the angry fellow

Muslims.b. a, + The killers entered Uthman's

house after climbing the back wall, killing him in an outrage of anger!!

c. Uthman was killed by his relative, Mu'awiya.

d. Uthman was killed by his relative, Marwan.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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Who got wounded in defense of Uthman?a. Al-Hasan, wounded by an arrow as

he was defending Uthman's house.b. Al-Husain, wounded by an arrow as

he was defending Uthman's house.c. Both Al-Hasan and Al-Husain were

wounded by an arrow.d. Al-Hasan, wounded by a fistfight

with the angry mob.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerWhat did Ali finish off writing

during the Khilaafah of Uthman?

a. Al-Ah'kaam.b. a, + Al-Jafr, the white and the

red.c. a, + Al-Hadith.d. a, + Tafseer, called Mus'haf


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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


Click for the answerWhat did Ali do when the Holy

Quran was officially put in writing?a. Ali was the major person to

ensure the accuracy and exactness of the wording.

b. a, + It was a painstaking work to ensure the exactness of the manuscript.

c. a, + It took 3 months.d. a, + It took 6 months.

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Questions, Imam Ali, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, Part #3


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