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Part 4.3 Protection and managing the water ecosystems

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Managing Water for an Equitable and Sustainable Future


CD: Water EcosystemsMs N. Mohapi

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Protection of water resources

• Maintenance of the quantity and quality of the water resources while ensuring ecological sustainability.

• Prevention of further degradation of the water resources.

• Rehabilitation of the degraded water resources.

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Common Water Quality concerns in SA

• Sporadic sewage effluent spillages (Microbiological contamination)

• Acid Mine Drainage (AMD)• Other localized pollution in urbanized &

industrialized areas• Eutrophication• Salination (diffuse pollution)

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Further exacerbated by…

• Over-abstraction of ground and surface water in many catchments;

• Habitat destruction (sand-wining from riverbeds, invasive alien aquatic plants, agricultural activities in riparian zones);

• Development in estuarine zones


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Prevalence of the Water Quality Issues:

• Eutrophication – Crocodile West Marico, Lower & Middle Vaal, Mvoti to Umzimkhulu and Umzimvubu to Keiskamma

• Acid manage Drainage – Upper Vaal, Olifants, Middle Vaal, uThukela, Inkomati, Crocodile West Marico, Limpopo

• Microbial contamination – countrywide with minimal impacts in Usuthu to Mhlathuze, uThukela and the Orange

• Salination - countrywide with minimal impacts in Mvoti to Umzimkhulu

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The Protection of Water resources is addressed by 2 Broad based Approaches:

• Resource Directed Measures– Focus on overall health or condition of the water resource measured

by its ecological status.– Aims at achieving a balance between protecting and using the water

resources for social and economic development

• Source Directed Controls– Limits and constraints that must be imposed on the use of water

resources to achieve the desired level of protection.– Control of water use activities at the source of impact through

standards, and situation-specific conditions.– Link between protection of water resources and regulation of use.

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The broad-based approaches are supported by…

• Hierarchy of decision-making

• Integrated management• Long-term vision for the resource, taking social, economic and

environmental concerns into consideration

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Water Use ControlWater Use Control

End of pipe standards

End of pipe standards

Management plans

Management plans

Catchment Assessment including current state Catchment Assessment including current state

Strategic use; International obligations; future use;

inter-basin transfers

Management Class

Societal values and aspirations

Determine RQOs and ReserveDetermine RQOs and Reserve

Allocation schedule (quality and quantity) Allocation schedule

(quality and quantity) Water use

authorisations Water use



ComplianceCompliance StateState

Resource Management


Catchment Management Strategy

Other strategies

Source Directed Management




Desired state of water resources

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Development of water resource protection strategies (focus on priority interventions such as AMD, Eutrophication, IWQM etc.);

Rehabilitate important water sources and critically threatened wetlands

Establish clear goals relating to the quantity and quality of the relevant water resource (incl. the management class and setting the RQOs)

Develop an integrated water quality information system and strengthen water resource monitoring programmes (wetlands, River Health);

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Development of regulatory tools and their roll (Waste Discharge Charge System)

Enhance capacity in institutions to manage water quality;

Strengthen collaboration with key partners on managing freshwater ecosystems (NFEPA’s, Protection zones to curtail developmental impacts)

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Part 4.4 Governance & Institutional Arrangements

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• Effective delivery on the constitutional and legislative mandates of the institutions

• Access to water supply and sanitation• Reallocation of water • Management of pollution, water theft• Infrastructure backlog & maintenance• Establishment of institutions

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There is currently an ineffective arrangement of water sector institutions





Water Boards (12)

WSAs (156?)

CMAs (2)

WUAs (79)

*: Orasecom, Limcom, Incomaputo committees, KOBWA;


International bodies*

Lines of reporting through the DG to the MinisterIrrigation

Boards (169)

Minister has 97 entities reporting organisations, which is unmanageable-the arrangements need to change.

Minister has 97 entities reporting organisations, which is unmanageable-the arrangements need to change.

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Vision and Objectives

To create sustainable water sector institutions that will facilitate effective service delivery

•The overall trusteeship of the water value chain is with the Minister of Water Affairs.

•The Department will set policy, regulate, and provide support to water management and water services institutions

•The ownership, financing, development, management and operations and maintenance of national water resources infrastructure will be strengthened

• The development, financing, management, operation and maintenance of regional bulk water and wastewater services will be strengthened through the consolidation of existing water boards .

•Water resource management for each of the 9 newly defined water management areas is strengthened through consolidating into 9 economically viable CMAs.

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Vision and Objectives

• Water user associations will facilitate the management of local water resources infrastructure by users for their mutual benefit and assist with local water resource management functions.

• The development and management of the four international river basins will be undertaken by trans-boundary water management institutions.

• Water research, information and knowledge management will contribute to improved water resource management and sustainable water service provision.

• Economic regulation is to being explored and by the end of 2014 a decision will be taken around appropriate institutional design which will ensure that water provision and services is provided in an efficient, fair and sustainable manner

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Water Boards (9 > 4


CMAs (9)


*: Orasecom, Limcom, Incomaputo committees, KOBWA;** WUAs with state infrastructure or state guaranteed loans


International organisations*

Lines of reporting through the DG to the MinisterAccountability to the Minister



Future Water Sector Institutional arrangements

The proposed structure will reduce the 96 institutions reporting directly to Minister by 50% and therefore reducing span of control.The proposed structure will reduce the 96 institutions reporting directly to Minister by 50% and therefore reducing span of control.

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Water Management AreasLimpopoLimpopo












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Management of water resources at catchment level

The role of CMAs is to ensure that water resources are managed to facilitate the involvement of local communities in water resources management.

The new 9 WMAs have been gazetted for public consultation on the 20 July 2012 for 90 days

•Inkomati-Usuthu, Breede -Gourits, Vaal, Orange, Limpopo, Olifants, Mzimvubu- Tsitsikamma, Berg- Olifants and Pongola –Mzimkulu.

•Two CMAs are operational the Inkomati and Breede-Overberg CMA

•The department plans to establish all 9 CMAS one in each WMA by 2015.

•The establishment of the CMAs will be prioritised based on the progress towards establishment, the state of readiness of the proto-CMAs, the water resources management challenges and financial viability.

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Managing National water resources infrastructure• At present the Department manages most of the national water resources

infrastructure while the TCTA finances and project manages specific water projects as per Ministerial directives.

• These projects are financed off-budget and the investment costs are repaid through user charges.

• Key areas of concern are poor financial management of the Water Trading Entity, low revenue collection, poor customer management (including poor customer data), delays in procurement of key maintenance contracts, high staff turnover, loss of skills and low staff morale.

• A draft business case has been developed for the creation of an optimal institutional model

• The main advantages of this are increased accountability, transparency and improved performance.

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Managing local water infrastructure(water user association)• Slow transformation of irrigation boards has been due to

difficulties in achieving representivity targets, unresolved concerns regarding the transfer of private assets and liabilities to a wider grouping

• There is a lack of financial and technical resources to support new ‘developmental’ WUAs.

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Regulation , Establishment and Accountability of


Regulation , Establishment and Accountability of


Transformation of Irrigation Boards

Transformation of Irrigation Boards

Minister Flagship Project on Land/Water and

Agrarian for Resource Poor Farmers

Minister Flagship Project on Land/Water and

Agrarian for Resource Poor Farmers

Irrigation boards to be transformed within 12 months to bringwithin the ambit of the National Water Act Amendment of the National Water ActTransformation score-card to be introduced.

Differentiated approach to regulation of irrigation boards WUAs with government water schemes and state loans to be regulated by DWA . Establishment and accountability of WUAs to be done by CMAs.

Effective support for the establishment of WUA for resource poor farmers DWA to drive support programme on Resource Poor Farmers with Rural & Land Affairs and Agriculture.




Managing local water infrastructure(water user association)

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Management of Regional water infrastructure and future role of water boards

Bubbles are water boards scaled by revenue, a proxy for potential development impact

Address underperforming & marginal water boards

through consolidation

Address gaps in regional infrastructure provision

through expansion

Stronger water boards can play a more effective role in supporting municipalities

Improve management of water resources infrastructure by taking on WR assets & improve sector

alignment (source to tap)

Strengthen water boards through consolidation & expansionStrengthen water boards through consolidation & expansion


11 22


Strong, financially viable regional institutions can access financial markets to raise finance for investment44

12 9




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All names are place-holders only





North Eastern



E. Central

Overberg (not regional)

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water research commission

Legislative Review

Legislative Review

Coordination of Water Research Coordination of Water Research

National Water Research Plan be introduced in South Africa led by DWA and WRC.

B The review of the Water Research Act of 1971 to be fastracked and the review to be completed within 6 months.



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Part 4.5 Water, Equity & Social Development

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Giving effect to Equity Principle by:

•Redressing past imbalances (race and gender)

•Contributing to Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment

•Enhancing Capacity development

•Supporting Local, provincial and national planning initiatives

•Facilitating Fair, reasonable and consistent Allocations

•Achievement of Development objectives

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• To have meaningful transformation in water use

• To support poverty eradication & economic development

• To help balance resource protection, equity and growthth

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• Large quantities of water in the hands of Non HDIs;

• Most applications received are from Non HDIs without any indications

of contribution to redress and equity

• Allocable water getting depleted without achieving equity in allocations

• Difficulties experienced by HDIs in using water for productive purposes.

• Trading of water does not necessarily contribute to equity

• Lenient legislation towards the status quo

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The Water Allocation Reform Strategy (WARS) proposes strategic

mechanisms to achieve the set targets:


•General authorizations

•Strategic alignment with other national initiatives

•Compulsory Licensing


•Review of the current WAR strategy

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National targets in respect of blacks

YEAR TARGET2014 30%2019 45%2024 60%

National targets in respect of women


2014 30%

2019 40%

2024 50%

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The sucess of WAR is largely dependent on collaboration with all sectors (mining, industry, agriculture, etc)

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Part 4.6 Improved Water Regulation

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• To ensure the protection, use, development, conservation, management and control of water resources.

• The guiding principles (sustainability and equity) recognise

− the basic human needs of present and future generations,

− the need to protect water resources,

− the need to share some water resources with other countries,

− the need to promote social and economic development through the use of water.

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WHY IS REGULATION IMPORTANT?• To ensure the protection- the health and interest of citizen

• To ensure the protection of citizens rights to basic water services

• To realise the above : (protection of the water resources and citizens) Regulatory function entails:

− Authorisation

− Compliance monitoring

− Enforcement

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RSA is rated as water scarce thus the need to protect the resource from threats of :

• over abstraction

• discharges that are not compliant with the set standards

• unlawful water use

• etc


• The need to protect the health and interest of citizens

• The need to protect the citizen rights to basic water services.

• Increased demand for water services due to among others population growth, migration from rural to cities.

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ECONOMIC REGULATIONThe protection of the interest of the consumers without

compromising the sustainability of the Water Services Institutions

Ensuring that tariffs throughout the value chain are:

• fair to all citizens (equitable); • affordable (viable; ensure economically effective & efficient

use of resources); and • allow for continuity of service (sustainability).

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•Comparison of 2009 (first) and 2012 Blue Drop reports on the National microbiological compliance of the South African tap water measured against the National Standard (SANS 241) indicates an improvement.


•Improved/reduced risk rating


•Increased reports of unlawful Water Use

•Increase application for Water Use authorisation - increased the need for Compliance monitoring and Enforcement

•Capacity constraints in dealing with the demand for increased regulatory function


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Strengthening and continuous improvement of Water services Regulation by e.g. (RPMS) Regulatory Performance Measurement Systems

INCENTIVE-BASED REGULATION:•The conscious use of rewards as well as penalties to encourage performance and continuous improvementTARGETED RISK-BASED REGULATION

•Risk-based regulation allows the institutions to identify and prioritise the critical risk areas within its water and wastewater management and to take corrective measures to abate these. •Risk analysis is used by the Regulator to identify, quantify and manage the corresponding risks according to their potential impact on the water resource and to ensure a prioritised and targeted regulation

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−Mpumalanga - Sector (Mining)−Vaal - Sector (Irrigation)

SEPARATING (WITHIN DWA) SUPPORT FROM REGULATION•Referring cases of ailing municipalities needing support to sector support unit of the Department (Rapid Response Unit.)

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CAPACITATED STAKEHOLDERS• Awareness campaigns• Strengthen the role of Civil society

OTHER MEASURES• Inter departmental collaboration• Joint investigations with law enforcement agencies• Strengthening the compliance and enforcement unit• Targeting specific problem areas• Promoting self-regulation• Entrench the principles of Regulation• Development of Regulatory tools

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Part 4.7 Water Sector Capacity Building & Skills development

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Background to Skills Development Landscape

• The skills shortage and low levels of water literacy can be attributed to a fragmented approach to education, training and public awareness.

• Despite the overarching positioning of the National Qualification Framework(NQF) as a design imperative, education, training, human resource and skills development have not aligned into an integrated, seamless process.

• Skills challenges have primarily been converted into human resource management concerns, resulting in the neglect of a pipeline approach to education and training.

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Water for Growth and Development

NEW Growth Path

Constitution/National Water Act/NWRS 2

Constitution/National Water Act/NWRS 2


MTSF 2009-2014


NWRS 2 SKILLS: Alignment with the Legislative Framework Water Sector Leadership Group Skills Task Team

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Skills are vital to key Water Sector strategic goals for:

• Ensuring sustainable and equitable water• Ensuring universal access to safe and affordable

water services• Building, operating and maintaining infrastructure• (Aligned) and effective institutions• The Water for Growth and Development goals

Skills Development Objectives for the Water Sector

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Strategic objectives and Timeframe

Strategic objectives Timeframe

Develop and adopt an internal policy directive relating to an integrated focus on institutional capacity building

March 2013

Review and re-develop an education, training and capacity building framework that conceptually and practically integrates the various elements of the water-value-chain-pipelines approach

Nov 2012

Ensure alignment with EWSETA and LGSETA SSP (2011-2016) Ongoing between 2011-2016

Expand the functions of the DWA Learning Academy February 2013

Develop an inclusive strategy for the professionalization of water institutions and practitioners

September 2013

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Strategic objectives and Timeframe(Continued)Strengthen existing mechanisms and processes for DWA to provide strategic sector leadership

Dec 2013

Establish a sector-supported institutional model for the effective coordination of institutional capacity building, education, training and skills development

Nov 2013

Establish a skills/ business intelligence hub for skills planning, coordination, quality assurance, knowledge management and skills intelligence.

Feb 2014

Development of management capacity needed to support good water governance in all water institutions.


Implementation of public awareness campaigns to make everyone aware of the value of water


Promote awareness of the role of water as a strategic resource amongst politicians, other decision-makers and planners.


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Key Interventions over the next 5 years:WATER LITERACY

• Roll Out of the Curriculum Aligned Resource Materials to Grade R-9 in all schools across the country (some work have started)

• Roll Out Curriculum Aligned Resource Materials for Grade 10-12 and FET Colleges

• Capacitating educators on water education• Develop strategy and programme for HET-level water literacy

and partner SAQA on water elements of education and training• National Public Education and Awareness Drive


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Interventions over the next 5 years:FURTHER EDUCATION & TRAINING (FET)

• Investigate the FET training sector, infrastructure and processes for water sector

• Establish Water-Focused FET College (s)• Promote FET training as a viable and credible training route

for the water sector• Ensure that FET College Curriculum and Training Processes

Meeting Sector Needs• Promote, support and strengthen Apprenticeships system


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Key Interventions over the next 5 years:WATER SECTOR / HET ALIGNMENT

• Enable structured and effective dialogue between HET and water business to narrow gap between sector needs and graduates entering the workplace

• Strengthen and Support DWA Learning Academy• Engage effectively with Department of Higher Education and

Training to improve quality of training (and trainers) for Engineers, Scientists, Managers and Socio-Econo-Enviro Professionals across institutions of Higher Learning


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Key Interventions over the next 5 years:WORKPLACE TRAINING &

DEVELOPMENT• Promote dialogue and sharing among water businesses to

encourage enabling environments for workplace training and development(e.g. Municipalities)

• Facilitating processes to improve Mentorship in the water sector and development for Occupations

• Focus on Professionalising Sector Education and Training• Facilitating dialogue and programmes on retention

strategies for the water sector


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Interventions over the next 5 years:SECTOR INTELLIGENCE

• Develop a comprehensive Sector Intelligence Mechanism to anchor education, training and skills development in the sector

• Develop effective mechanisms and processes for all water businesses and Sector Partners to Provide Credible information for the intelligence mechanism

• Develop “State of the Water Sector Education and Training” Reports from intelligence gathered through the system


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• Civil Engineers • Biochemists

• Chemical Engineers • Analytical Chemists

• Electrical Engineers • Limnologists

• Mechanical Engineers • Environmental Health Practitioners

• Hydrologists • Economists

• Hydraulic Specialists • Lawyers

• Microbiologists • Health Promotion Officers

• Construction Project Managers

• Engineer Managers

• Technical Project Managers • Artisans

• Technicians • Scientists

• Process Controllers • General Managers

• Financial Management • Resource Economists

• Water Resource Managers

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National Functions to ensure Coordinated Responseto Meet the Sector Skills Development Challenge

PLANNING•Strategic Objectives

•National Target setting• Strategy Alignment


QUALITY ASSURANCE•Tracking progress

•Strategic level reporting•Performance Monitoring


RESOURCES•Identifying funding sources

•Facilitating access to finance ADVOCACY

•Political & leadership buy-in•Inter-sector engagement

•Mainstreaming Water into Education & Training

• Water Literacy


•Partnerships• Role Clarity



•Matching demand & supply•Critical Analysis



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Part 4.8 Information, monitoring & research

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Managing Water for an Equitable and Sustainable Future


CD: Water Resources Information Management

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Importance of Monitoring and Information

• It is indispensable for effective water management;• More and more reliable information will be critical in future;• It is needed to address escalating challenges in:

– Increased water needs for growth, development and equity;– Complexities and uncertainty brought about by climate

change;– Competing needs of different water users and aquatic

ecosystems; and• Good information on water depends on effective monitoring

systems, good data management, secure archiving and highly accessible dissemination systems.

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Present Situation. • Most hydrological datasets are still adequate, but with

insufficient growth and some decline in places;• Inadequate maintenance, vandalism and theft of monitoring

equipment;• Many rainfall gauges have been closed down by SAWS;• Not enough data sharing between government departments;• Need more shared water information with countries in

shared river basins; • Information in the National Register of Water Use is still

incomplete;• Several water information systems are still “stand alone” and

with limited accessibility; and• Resources (staff, skills, funding and equipment) for

monitoring are still inadequate.

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Drivers for Improved Governance of Water Information and Monitoring

• The scope is extensive and complex: availability, distribution, quantity, quality, use of water, costs and authorization;

• Monitoring happens at local, regional and national levels of government and in the sector;

• Significant information needs of many stakeholders must be addressed;

• Many institutions are now involved in water information management and monitoring;

• Resources in funds, skills and manpower are limited;• The is a growing resulting need to optimise efforts in monitoring

and improve availability of information, and• Great benefits and potential synergy will be gained through

effective collaboration and pooling of efforts in this field.

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Strategic Approach

DWA will lead with a national plan in partnership with organs of state, water management institutions, water users and water sector

institutions to improve, facilitate and coordinate the ongoing monitoring, recording, assessment and dissemination of data and information on water at

all levels.

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Strategic Objectives• Raise awareness about the value of water information;• Improve national water monitoring governance;• Improve the collection of water data and information;• Rationalize data and information on water on a national scale;• Increase efficient access to timely and related water information;• Improve national coverage by data and information;• Ensure reliable and quality-checked data and information;• Increase investment in water and related information, and • Improve the use of advanced and appropriate technologies in

water monitoring and information

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Managing Water for an Equitable and Sustainable Future


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Key Issues to Address• Raise awareness on the need to invest in collecting high quality water-

related information in collaboration with water sector institutions;• Implement a national monitoring and information management plan

for the water sector, evaluated & updated every 5 years;• Establish an integrated water information management system

accessible to institutions and sector users by 2019;• Ensure that high quality data and information for supporting scientific

research, regulation, monitoring and compliance enforcement are made accessible to public and private institutions;

• Invest in building technical expertise needed to collect, analyse the water information and to produce reports for decision-makers in support of the “water footprint” concept;

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More Key Issues…• Build a network for data collection by water users,

government, scientific institutions and members of the public;• Work jointly with SAWS and the ARC to ensure improved

investment in rainfall monitoring.• Develop a data sharing protocol and set national data

standards; • Initiate the development of national and WMA-level water

accounts during 2013 in preparation for NWRS-3; • Ensure the necessary resources to improve the current water

monitoring infrastructure over the next five years to achieve an effective monitoring network across the country as part of the 5 Year Monitoring Plan.

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• The water sector in South Africa faces urgent challenges such as the scarcity of the resource and the deterioration of the quality thereof

• This leaves us with no other alternative but to invest in the future through the development of R&I in the water sector

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• Publicly-funded water R&I currently use the water research levy, administered by the Water Research Commission (WRC) - currently approximately R150 million/annum

• The total level of water-related R&I funding (public plus private) is higher – between R250 and R350 million/annum for the sector as a whole

• Most of the water research is conducted at universities, science councils, parastatals, private sector organisations, water utilities and NGOs


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• Fragmentation between the water sector R&I strategy, national science and technology, the national R&D strategy and the National System of Innovation

• Reliance on international research and innovations, while there are local solutions available (sometimes outside the recognised formal sector)

• Researchers must be trained and encouraged to contribute towards solutions for the water sector

• Over-reliance of water-related R&I on public funding • Uptake of research and innovation products • No consolidated database of R&I roleplayers and products

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• DWA to take a lead role in directing and supporting research and innovation to address specific water sector challenges

• Develop a framework for monitoring and evaluation of R&I progress and uptake/use

• Promote innovation and technology in the private and public sector by making funds available for pilot projects, support knowledge sharing and continue to award outstanding achievement in various forums

• Utilisation of indigenous knowledge to enhance water resource conservation and management

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• Establishment of a comprehensive inventory of water related R&I data for the South African water sector

• Establish a viable funding model for the sourcing and allocation of financial resources to water sector R&I

• Effective utilisation of mobile technology and satellite imagery in resource monitoring, compliance monitoring and enforcement activities

• Establish public-private partnerships to secure funding for water-related R&I


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Thank you

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