Page 1: Part I: · Web view3. Tõ ph¸t sinh (derived-words) * Tõ ph¸t sinh lµ nh÷ng tõ cã h×nh th¸i tõ gèc céng víi

PhÇn 1: PhÇn lý thuyÕtPart I: Pronunciation (ph¸t ©m)

A. C¸c phô ©m h÷u thanh vµ v« thanh trong tiÕng Anh:* H÷u thanh /b, d, g, v, ð, z, ʒ, ʤ, m, n, , l, r, j, w/ + toµn bé nguyªn ©m a, e, o, u, i.* V« thanh /p, t, k, f, θ, s, ∫, t∫, h/1. Quy t¾c c¬ b¶n của viÖc ph¸t ©m c¸c tõ tËn cïng víi ‘s’:

‘s’ ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /z/ khi theo sau c¸c ©m h÷u thanh trõ 3 ©m (z, ʒ, ʤ/)‘s’ ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /s/ khi theo sau c¸c ©m v« thanh trõ 3 ©m (s,∫,t∫)‘s’ ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ / iz/ khi ®i sau c¸c ©m (z, ʒ, ʤ, s, ∫,t∫ )

2. Quy t¾c c¬ b¶n của viÖc ph¸t ©m c¸c tõ tËn cïng víi ‘ed’:§éng tõ tËn cïng b»ng ‘ed’ ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /d/ khi theo sau c¸c ©m h÷u thanh trõ ©m (d)§éng tõ tËn cïng b»ng ‘ed’ ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /t/ khi theo sau c¸c ©m v« thanh trõ ©m (t)§éng tõ tËn cïng b»ng ‘ed’ ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /id/ khi theo sau c¸c ©m (t, d, te, de)

B. Stress1. Tõ cã hai ©m tiÕt (Two - syllable words)- §èi víi tõ cã hai ©m tiÕt, träng ©m cã thÓ r¬i vµo ©m tiÕt ®Çu hoÆc ©m tiÕt thø hai.

§èi víi ®éng tõ, tÝnh tõ, tr¹ng tõ, vµ giíi tõ cã quy luËt c¬ b¶n sau: nÕu ©m tiÕt thø hai cã chøa nguyªn ©m dµi hoÆc nguyªn ©m kÐp (trõ) th× träng ©m r¬i vµo ©m tiÕt thø hai.

Vd: arrive (v), attract (v), correct (a), perfect (a), alone (adv), inside (pre)... Nguîc l¹i nÕu ©m tiÕt thø hai cã chøa nguyªn ©m ng¾n hoÆc nguyªn ©m kÐp ....,

hoÆc ®îc kÕt thóc b»ng mét phô ©m th× träng ©m r¬i vµo ©m tiÕt ®Çu. Vd: open (v), borrow (v), lovely (a), sorry (a), rather (adv).............

§èi víi danh tõ, nÕu ©m tiÕt thø hai cã chøa nguyªn ©m ng¾n th× träng ©m r¬i vµo ©m tiÕt ®Çu.

Vd: money, product.... Ngîc l¹i, nÕu ©m tiÕt thø hai cã chøa nguyªn ©m dµi hoÆc nguyªn ©m kÐp th× träng ©m r¬i vµo ©m tiÕt thø hai. Vd: balloon, design, estate...

2. Tõ cã ba ©m tiÕt (Three - syllable words) §èi víi ®éng tõ , nÕu ©m tiÕt cuèi lµ ©m tiÕt m¹nh, nã sÏ cã träng ©m. Vd: enter’tain, resur’rect... - NÕu ©m tiÕt cuèi lµ ©m tiÕt yÕu, träng ©m r¬i vµo ©m tiÕt ®øng ngay tríc nã, VD: encounter, determine.... - NÕu c¶ ©m tiÕt thø hai vµ thø ba lµ ©m tiÕt yÕu th× träng ©m sÏ r¬i vµo ©m tiÕt ®Çu tiªn. Vd: advertise, speculate..... §èi víi danh tõ, nÕu ©m tiÕt cuèi cïng yÕu hoÆc tËn cïng b»ng /əu/, vµ ©m tiÕt

thø hai m¹nh, träng ©m sÏ r¬i vµo ©m tiÕt thø hai ®ã. Vd: statistics, potato, diaster.....; - NÕu ©m tiÕt thø hai vµ thø ba cïng lµ ©m tiÕt yÕu,th× ©m tiÕt ®µu tiªn sÏ mang träng ©m. Vd: quantity, cinema, emperor......3. Tõ ph¸t sinh (derived-words)

* Tõ ph¸t sinh lµ nh÷ng tõ cã h×nh th¸i tõ gèc céng víi mét hoÆc nhiÒu phô tè (affixes). Phô tè bao gåm tiÒn tè (prefixes) vµ hËu tè(suffixes).

* Ba trêng hîp phô tè cã t¸c ®éng ®Õn träng ©m cña tõ: B¶n th©n phô tè mang träng ©m chÝnh. Vd: ‘semicircle, ... Phô tè kh«ng lµm thay ®æi träng ©m chÝnh cña tõ gèc.

For the examination for GCSE 1

Page 2: Part I: · Web view3. Tõ ph¸t sinh (derived-words) * Tõ ph¸t sinh lµ nh÷ng tõ cã h×nh th¸i tõ gèc céng víi

Vd: ‘pleasant, un’pleasant, ............ Sù cã mÆt cña phô tè lµm thay ®æi träng ©m chÝnh cña tõ gèc. Vd: ’magnet. mag’netic

4. D¹ng ph¸t ©m m¹nh vµ d¹ng ph¸t ©m yÕu cña c¸c tõ chøc n¨ng (weak forms and strong forms of function words)

Mét sè tõ chøc n¨ng trong tiªng Anh (trî ®éng tõ, giíi tõ, liªn tõ,...) cã thÓ cã hai c¸ch ph¸t ©m- d¹ng m¹nh vµ d¹ng yÕu. D¹ng ph¸t ©m yÕu (weak form) lµ d¹ng ph¸t ©m th«ng thêng cña nhãm tõ nµy vµ chóng chØ ®îc ph¸t ©m díi d¹ng m¹nh (strong form) trong c¸c trêng hîp sau:

Khi tõ ®ã xuÊt hiÖn ë cuèi c©u nãi. Vd: Chips are what I’m fond of. Khi tõ ®ã ®îc ®em t¬ng ph¶n víi mét tõ kh¸c. Vd: the letter’s from him not to him. Khi tõ ®ã ®îc ®¸nh träng ©m v× môc ®Ých nhÊn m¹nh cña ngêi nãi. Vd:You must give me more money. Khi tõ ®ã ®îc trÝch ®Én. Vd: You shouldn’t put and at the end of the sentence.

5. NhÞp ®iÖu (Rhythm):Ng«n ng÷ lêi nãi tiÕng Anh ®îc cho lµ cã nhÞp ®iÖu vµ nhÞp ®ã ®îc ph¸t hiÖn

nhê vµo sù xuÊt hiÖn ®Òu ®Æn cña c¸c ©m tiÕt cã träng ©m. TiÕng Anh cã nhÞp ®iÖu theo träng ©m cã nghÜa lµ c¸c ©m tiÕt cã träng ©m cã xu híng xuÊt hiÖn trong nh÷ng kho¶ng thêi gian t¬ng ®èi b»ng nhau dï gi÷a chóng cã sè lîng ©m tiÕt kh«ng mang träng ©m kh¸c nhau.

Vd: ‘Walk ‘down the ‘path to the ‘end of the ca’nal 1 2 3 4 5

6. Nuèt ©m (Elision)Nuèt ©m lµ sù lîc bá 1 hoÆc nhiÒu ©m khi nãi. Díi ®©y lµ mét sè trêng hîp nuèt ©m chñ yÕu:

Sù biÕn mÊt cña nguyªn ©m. Sù mÊt ®i nh÷ng nguyªn ©m yÕu theo sau /p, t, k/ Sù biÕn mÊt cña phô ©m.

7. Nèi ©m (linking)o Phô ©m -> nguyªn ©m Vd: Look at me; Can I help you?o Nguyªn ©m -> nguyªn ©m Vd: How often do I have to do it?

8. Ng÷ ®iÖu (Intonation) Ng÷ ®iÖu lµ sù lªn xuèng cña cao ®é ©m thanh khi ta ph¸t ©m. Cã ba lo¹i ng÷

®iÖu c¬ b¶n ®îc tr×nh bµy trong SGK 12: Ng÷ ®iÖu gi¸ng (falling tune); ng÷ ®iÖu th¨ng (rising tune); ng÷ ®iÖu th¨ng - gi¸ng (rising-falling tune). Sau ®©y lµ mét sè quy t¾c ng÷ ®iÖu c¬ b¶n:

C©u trÇn thuËt : C©u trÇn thuËt th«ng thêng xuèng giäng ë cuèi ph¸t ng«n. Vd: I love you. C©u liÖt kª lªn giäng võa ph¶i ë mçi phÇn liÖt kª vµ xuèng giäng ë cuèi

ph¸t ng«n. Vd: We had some soup, smashed potato, fish and chips and finally a glass of orange juice.

C©u hái cã tõ ®Ó hái : - Quy luËt c¬ b¶n lµ xuèng giäng ë cuèi ph¸t ng«n.

Vd: What does WTO stand for?

For the examination for GCSE 2

Page 3: Part I: · Web view3. Tõ ph¸t sinh (derived-words) * Tõ ph¸t sinh lµ nh÷ng tõ cã h×nh th¸i tõ gèc céng víi

- §«i khi lªn giäng dÇn tõ khi b¾t ®Çu cho ®Õn khi kÕt thóc ph¸t ng«n (thÓ hiÖn sù quan t©m nhiÒu h¬n)

Vd: How’s your daughter? C ©u hái ®¶o : ®Òu lªn giäng ë cuèi ph¸t ng«n kÓ c¶ lo¹i cã d¹ng thøc gièng

nh 1 c©u trÇn thuËt. Vd: Do you love him? You love him?

Lêi yªu cÇu, ®Ò nghÞ : Lªn giäng ë cuèi ph¸t ng«n. Vd: Can you open the door ,please?

C©u hái ®u«i : - Xuèng giäng ë phÇn ®u«i cña c©u hái khi hái chØ ®Î x¸c nhËn th«ng tin.

C©u hái nh thÕ nµy cã t¸c dông gÇn nh mét c©u c¶m th¸n. Vd: It’s really hot, isn’t it?

- Khi hái ®Ó lÊy th«ng tin thùc sù vµ cÇn cã sù kh¼ng ®Þnh hoÆc phñ ®Þnh cña ngêi nghe th× phÇn ®u«i cña c©u hái ph¶i lªn giäng. Vd: You don’t love her, do you?

C©u hái lùa chän : lªn giäng ë mçi sù lùa chän trõ sù lùa chän cuèi cïng th× xuèng giäng.

Vd: Would you like tea, coffee or milk?PART II: GRAMMAR (PhÇn ng÷ ph¸p)

I. The present simple tense (Thì hiện tại đơn)1. Form to be

- Affirmative: S + V1…. S + am/is/are…… - Negative: S + do/does + not + V1… S + am/is/are + not….. - Interrogative: Do/Does + S + V1….? Am/Is/Are + S ….?

2. Usage: - Th× HT§ dïng diÔn t¶ mét thãi quen, mét hµnh ®éng x¶y ra thêng xuyªn lÆp di lÆp l¹i ë hiÖn t¹i. eg. I watch T.V every night. - Th× HT§ dïng diÔn t¶ mét ch©n lý, mét sù thËt hiÓn nhiªn. eg. The sun rises in the East / Tom comes from America. - Th× HT§ ®îc dïng khi ta nãi vÒ thêi khãa biÓu (timetables), ch¬ng tr×nh (programmes)......... eg. The train leaves the station at 8.15 a.m. The film begins at 8 p.m. - Th× HT§ dïng sau nh÷ng côm tõ chØ thêi gian: when, as soon as,.. vµ nh÷ng côm tõ chØ ®iÒu kiÖn: if, unless. eg. When summer comes, I’ll go to the beach. You won’t get good marks unless you work hard.

3. Adverbs: Often = usually = frequently, always = constantly, sometimes = occasionally, seldom = rarely, everyday/ week/ month............. II. The present continuous tense (Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn)

1. Form : - Affirmative: S + am/is/are + V- ing…… - Negative: S + am/is/are + not + V-ing….. - Interrogative: Am/Is/Are + S + V-ing ….?

2. Usage: - Th× HTTD diÔn t¶ mét hµnh ®éng ®ang diÔn ra vµ kÐo dµi mét thêi gian ë hiÖn t¹i (thêng cã c¸c tr¹ng tõ : now, right now, at the moment, at present) eg. The children are playing football now. - Th× HTTD còng thêng ®îc dïng theo sau c©u ®Ò nghÞ, mÖnh lÖnh. eg. Be quiet! The baby is sleeping.

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Page 4: Part I: · Web view3. Tõ ph¸t sinh (derived-words) * Tõ ph¸t sinh lµ nh÷ng tõ cã h×nh th¸i tõ gèc céng víi

Note: Kh«ng dïng th× HTTD víi c¸c ®éng tõ chØ nhËn thøc, tri gi¸c nh : to be, see, hear, understand, know, like, want, glance, feel, think, smell, love, hate, realize, seem, remember, forget, belong to, believe.....(Víi c¸c ®éng tõ nµy ta thay b»ng th× HT§). eg. She wants to go for a walk at the moment.

SO SAÙNH thì SIMPLE PRESENT Với thì PRESENT CONTINUOUSThì Simple Present được dùng để chỉ 1 hành động diễn ra trong 1 thời gian noí chung không

nhất thiết phải là thời gian ở hiện tại. Thời gian nói chung là thời gian ma sự việc diễn ra mỗi ngày (every day), mỗi tuaàn (every week), mỗi tháng (every month), mỗi năm (every year), mỗi mùa (every spring / summer / autumn / winter)…

- He goes to school every day.- Mrs Brown travels every summer.

* Thì Present Continuous được dùng để chỉ 1 hành động đang xảy ra (a current activity) hay một sự việc chúng ta đang làm bây giờ (now/ at present/ at this moment), hôm nay (today), tuaàn nµy (this week), năm nay (this year)…

- We are learning English now.- Mary is playing the piano at the moment.

Hãy so sánh : - I work in a bakery every day.- I’m working in a bakery this week.

* CHU Ù Y Ù : (1) + Thì Simple Present thường được dùng với các động từ chỉ tri giác (verbs of

perception) như: feel, see, hear… và các động từ chỉ trạng thái như: know, understand, mean, like, prefer, love, hate, need, want, remember, recognize, believe…

+ Ngoài ra chúng ta còn dùng thì Simple Present với các động từ : be, appear, belong, have to…

+ Thì Simple Present còn được dùng với các trạng từ chỉ tần suất (adverbs of frequency) như : always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, generally, rarely, never…

- That child needs care.- This book belongs to me.- He never comes late.

+ Chúng ta cũng dùng thì Simple Present để chỉ 1 chân lí hay 1 sự thật hiển nhiên (a general truth).

- The sun rises in the east.- Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom.

(2) Thì Present Continuous còng được dùng để chỉ hành động ở 1 tương lai gần (a near future action) Với các trạng từ chỉ tương lai như : tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, next summer… III. The present perfect tense (Thì Hiện tại hoàn thành)

1. Form : - Affirmative: S + has/have +V3/ed….

- Negative: S + has/have + not + V3/ed….. - Interrogative: Has/Have + S + V3/ed….? 2. Usage :

- Th× HTHT diÔn t¶ hµnh ®éng võa míi x¶y ra, võa míi kÕt thóc, thêng ®i víi tr¹ng tõ “just” eg. We have just bought a new car. - Th× HTHT diÔn t¶ mét hµnh ®éng b¾t ®Çu tõ qu¸ khø, cßn kÐo dµi ®Õn hiÖn t¹i vµ cã kh¶ n¨ng tiÕp tôc ë t¬ng lai. eg. You have studied English for five years. - Th× HTHT diÔn t¶ hµnh ®éng xaû ra trong qu¸ khø mµ kh«ng biÕt râ thêi gian. eg. I have gone to Hanoi. - Th× HTHT diÔn t¶ hµnh ®éng ®îc lÆp ®i lÆp l¹i nhiÒu lÇn ë qu¸ khø. eg. We have seen Titanic three times. - Th× HTHT dïng sau nh÷ng tõ so s¸nh ë cÊp cao nhÊt. (trong lêi b×nh phÈm) eg. It’s the most boring film I’ve ever seen.For the examination for GCSE 4

Page 5: Part I: · Web view3. Tõ ph¸t sinh (derived-words) * Tõ ph¸t sinh lµ nh÷ng tõ cã h×nh th¸i tõ gèc céng víi

- Th× HTHT dïng víi This is the first/ second time, it’s the first time......... eg. This is the first time I’ve lost my way.

- Th× HTHT dïng víi This morning/ This evening/ Today/ This week/ This term...... khi nh÷ng thêi gian nµy vÉn cßn trong lóc nãi. eg. I haven’t seen Joana this morning . Have you seen her?Note : - Gone to kh¸c víi Been to. eg. Marry has gone to Paris(®ang ë hoÆc ®ang trªn ®êng ®Õn Pari) Marry has been to Paris(®· ®Õn nhng b©y giê kh«ng cßn ë Pari)

3. Adverbs : - just, recently, lately :gÇn ®©y, võa míi - ever: ®· tõng

- never: cha bao giê - already: råi - yet: cha (dïng trong c©u phñ ®Þnh vµ nghi vÊn) - since: tõ khi (chØ thêi ®iÓm mµ hµnh ®éng b¾t ®Çu) - for: kho¶ng (chØ kho¶ng thêi gian cña hµnh ®éng) - so far = until now = up to now = up to the present : cho ®Õn nay, cho ®Õn tËn b©y giê ...* Th× HTHTTD : S + have been + Ving. Sö dông t¬ng tù th× HTHT nhng muèn nhÊn m¹nh tÝnh liªn tôc cña hµnh ®éng. eg. You have been learning English for 5 years.


+ Thì Present perfect (Hieän Taïi Hoaøn Thaønh) ñöôïc duøng ñeå chæ keát quaû cuûa moät tình traïng ôû hieän taïi (the result of the present state), moät vieäc xaûy ra trong quaù khöù khoâng roõ thôøi ñieåm, laäp ñi laäp laïi nhieàu laàn vaø keùo daøi ñeán hieän taïi.+ Thì Present Perfect Continuous (Hieän Taïi Hoaøn Thaønh Tieáp Dieãn) ñöôïc duøng ñeå chæ söï tieáp dieãn cuûa moät haønh ñoäng (the continuity of an action) cho tôùi hieän taïi.

- I have been waiting for two hours, but she has not come yet.- He has been living here since 1975.- We have been working in the garden all morning.

+ Thì Present Perfect Continuous coøn ñöôïc duøng vôùi caùc ñoäng töø nhö : lie, wait, sit, stand, study, learn, live, rest, stay…

- They have been learning English since 1995.- The chair has been lying in the store window for ages.

IV. The past simple tense (Thì Quá khứ đơn)1. Form to be

- Affirmative: S + V2/ed…. S + was/were…… - Negative: S + did + not + V1….. S + was/were + not….. - Interrogative: Did + S + V1….? Was/Were + S ….?

2. Usage : - Th× QK§G diÔn t¶ hµnh ®éng x¶y ra trong qu¸ khø, ®· chÊm døt vµ biÕt râ thêi gian.

eg. I went to the cinema last night.3. Adverbs : - last, yesterday, ago, in 1989,…

- Khi ®æi sang d¹ng phñ ®Þnh vµ nghi vÊn nhí ®a ®éng tõ chÝnh vÒ nguyªn mÉu. - Chó ý c¸ch ph¸t ©m c¸c ®éng tõ cã tËn cïng lµ ‘ed’

SO SAÙNH THÌ PRESENT PERFECT VAØ THÌ SIMPLE PAST* Thì Present perfect (Hieän Taïi Hoaøn Thaønh) ñöôïc duøng ñeå chæ moät quaù

khöù khoâng roõ thôøi ñieåm coøn lieân laïc vôùi hieän taïi.

For the examination for GCSE 5

Page 6: Part I: · Web view3. Tõ ph¸t sinh (derived-words) * Tõ ph¸t sinh lµ nh÷ng tõ cã h×nh th¸i tõ gèc céng víi

* Thì Simple Past (Quaù Khöù Ñôn) ñöôïc duøng ñeå chæ moät quaù khöù coù thôøi ñieåm roõ reät caét ñöùt vôùi hieän taïi.+ CHUÙ YÙ :

(1) Thì Present Perfect thöôøng ñi vôùi nhöõng töø nhö : up to now, up to the present, so far (cho tôùi nay), not … yet (vaãn chöa), for, since, ever (ñaõ töøng), never, several times (nhieàu laàn), just (vöøa), recently (vöøa môùi), lately (môùi ñaây) ...

- Have you ever seen a tiger ?- The train has not arrived yet.- We have lived here for 6 years.- The bell has just rung.

(2) Thì Simple Past thöôøng ñi vôùi nhöõng tieáng chæ thôøi gian quaù khöù xaùc ñònh nhö : yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last month, last year, last summer, ago.

- We came here a month ago.- He went to the cinema yesterday.

* Thì Simple Past coøn ñöôïc duøng ñeå chæ moät chuoãi caùc haønh ñoäng keá tieáp xaûy ra trong quaù khöù.

- He closed all the windows, locked the doors and then went out. V. The past continuous tense: (Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn) 1. Form : - Affirmative: S + was/were + V-ing…. - Negative: S + was/were + not + V-ing….. - Interrogative: Was/Were + S + V-ing….? 2. Usage : - Hµnh ®éng ®ang x¶y ra vµ kÐo dµi mét thêi gian ë qu¸ khø. eg. Yesterday, Mr Nam was working in the garden all the afternoon. - Hµnh ®éng ®ang x¶y ra t¹i mét thêi ®iÓm x¸c ®Þnh trong qu¸ khø. eg. We were learning English at 9 a.m last Sunday. - Hµnh ®éng ®ang x¶y ra (ë qu¸ khø) th× cã mét hµnh ®éng kh¸c xen vµo. (Hµnh ®éng ®ang x¶y ra dïng th× QKTD, hoµn ®éng xen vµo dïng th× QK§) eg. When I saw her yesterday, she was having breakfast. - Hai hµnh ®éng x¶y ra song song cïng mét lóc ë qu¸ khø. eg. Last night, I was watching T.V while my sister was reading a book.Note: Kh«ng dïng th× nµy víi c¸c ®éng tõ chØ nhËn thøc, tri gi¸c (thay b»ng QK§). 3. Adverbs: - at 4 p.m yesterday - at this time last Sunday...........

SO SAÙNH THÌ SIMPLE PAST VAØ THÌ PAST CONTINUOUS+ Thì Simple Past (Quaù Khöù Ñôn) ñöôïc duøng ñeå chæ moät haønh ñoäng ngaén

(thình lình) xaûy ra trong quaù khöù. - I met him in the street yesterday.

+ Thì Past Continuous (Quaù Khöù Tieáp Dieãn) ñöôïc duøng ñeå chæ moät haønh ñoäng keùo daøi trong quaù khöù töông öùng vôùi moät haønh ñoäng khaùc cuõng trong quaù khöù.

- I met him while he was crossing the street.- She was going home when she saw an accident.

+ Thì Past Continuous coøn dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng keùo daøi taïi ñieåm thôøi gian xaùc ñònh ôû quaù khöù hoaëc hai haønh ñoäng lieân tieáp song song vôùi nhau.

- My father was watching TV at 8 o’clock last night. - I was doing my homework while my father was watching TVVI. The past perfect tense (Thì quá khứ hoàn thành) 1. Form : - Affirmative: S + had + V3/ed…. - Negative: S + had + not + V3/ed….. - Interrogative: Had + S + V3/ed….?

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2. Usage: DiÔn t¶ mét hµnh ®éng trong qu¸ khø x¶y ra tríc mét thêi gian cụ thể hoÆc tríc mét hµnh ®éng kh¸c trong qu¸ khø. (NÕu trong c©u cã hai hµnh ®éng qu¸ khø, hµnh ®éng nµo x¶y ra tríc ta dïng QKHT, hµnh ®éng nµo sau ta dïng QK§). eg. They had live here before 1985. After the children had finished their homework, they went to bed.VII. The past perfect continuous tense (Thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn) 1. Form: - Affirmative: S + had + been + Ving …. - Negative: S + had + not + been + Ving….. - Interrogative: Had + S + been + Ving….? 2. Usage: DiÔn t¶ mét hµnh ®éng qu¸ khø ®· x¶y ra vµ kÐo dµi cho ®Õn khi hµnh ®éng qu¸ khø thø hai x¶y ra (hµnh ®éng thø hai dïng QK§). Kho¶ng thêi gian kÐo dµi thêng ®îc nªu râ trong c©u.

eg. The boys had been playing football for 2 hours before I came


+ Thì Past Perfect Continuous (Quaù Khöù Hoaøn Thaønh Tieáp Dieãn) duøng ñeå nhaán maïnh tính lieân tuïc cuûa haønh ñoäng tröôùc khi moät haønh ñoäng quaù khöù khaùc xaûy ra. Haõy so saùnh :

- She had been studying English before she came here for classes.(Haønh ñoäng had been studying xaûy ra lieân tuïc cho tôùi khi haønh ñoäng came

for classes xaûy ra).- She had studied English before she came for classes.

(Haønh ñoäng had studied chaám döùt tröôùc haønh ñoäng came for classes)Vaø haõy so saùnh :

- It had been raining when I got up this morning. (Möa ñaõ döùt khi toâi thöùc daäy.)

- It was raining when I got up this morning. (Möa vaãn coøn khi toâi thöùc daäyVIII. The simple future tense (Thì tương lai đơn)

1. Form : - Affirmative: S + will/shall + V1…. - Negative: S + will/shall + not + V1…..

- Interrogative: Will/Shall + S + V1….? 2. Usage: - Dïng khi ta quyÕt ®Þnh lµm mét ®iÒu g× ®ã vµo lóc nãi.

eg. You will give your sentences now. - Dïng ®Ó yªu cÇu, ®Ò nghÞ ai ®ã lµm g× eg. Will you shut the door. - Dïng ®Ó ®ång ý hoÆc tõ chèi lµm g× . eg: A: I need some money. B: Don’t worry .I’ll lend you some. - Dïng ®Ó høa hÑn lµm ®iÒu g× eg: I promise I’ll call you when I arrive - Dïng shall I vµ shall we ®Ó ®Ò nghÞ hoÆc gîi ý. eg. Where shall we go tonight?/ Shall we go to the cinema? - Dïng I think I’ll...../ I don’t think I’ll......khi ta quyÕt lµm / kh«ng lµm ®iÒu g×. eg.I think I’ll stay at home tonight./ I don’t think I’ll go out tonight.

3. Adverbs : - someday :mét ngµy nµo ®ã. - next week/ next month.......... - tomorrow : - soon :ch¼ng bao l©u n÷a.

IX. Near future (Thì tương lai gần)1. Form: S + Be (is/am/are) + Going to + V bare infi. (dù ®Þnh sÏ)

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S + Be (is/am/are) +Ving (s¾p söa)2. Usage: DiÔn t¶ hµnh ®éng sÏ x¶y ra trong t¬ng lai gÇn cã dù ®Þnh tríc (th-êng trong c©u kh«ng cã tr¹ng tõ chØ thêi gian) eg. They are going to repaint the school .

- DiÔn t¶ sù tiªn ®o¸n, sù kiÖn ch¾c ch¾n x¶y ra ë t¬ng lai v× cã dÊu hiÖu hay chøng cø ë hiÖn t¹i .

- eg. Tom’s a good student. He’s going to pass the final exam. Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain.X. The future continuous tense (Thì tương lai tiếp diễn) 1. Form: S + will / shall + Be + Ving. 2. Usage : - DiÔn t¶ mét hµnh ®éng ®ang x¶y ra t¹i mét thêi ®iÓm x¸c ®Þnh trong t¬ng lai . eg. I will be watching T.V at 8p.m tonight. - DiÔn t¶ mét hµnh ®éng ®ang x¶y ra ë t¬ng lai th× cã mét hµnh ®éng kh¸c x¶y ra. eg. I’ll be cooking when my mother return this evening.

SO SAÙNH THÌ SIMPLE FUTURE VAØ THÌ FUTURE CONTINUOUS+ Thì Simple Future (Töông Lai Ñôn) dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng seõ xaûy ra (coù

hoaëc khoâng coù thôøi gian xaùc ñònh ôû töông lai); coøn thì Future Continuous (Töông Lai Tieáp Dieãn) dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng lieân tieán taïi ñieåm thôøi gian xaùc ñònh ôû töông lai.

- He will go to the stadium next Sunday.- We will / shall have the final test.

Haõy so saùnh : - I will eat breakfast at 6 o’clock tomorrow. - I will be eating breakfast at 6 o’clock tomorrow. + Trong caùc meänh ñeà traïng töø chæ thôøi gian (adverb clause of time) hay meänh ñeà ñieàu kieän (adverb clause of condition), thì Simple Present ñöôïc duøng ñeå thay theá cho thì Simple Future.

- I shall not go until I see him.- If he comes tomorrow, he will do it.

+ CHUÙ YÙ: WILL coøn ñöôïc duøng cho taát caû caùc ngoâi.XI. The future perfect tense (Thì tương lai hoàn thành)

1. Form : S + will + have + V(ed,3).2. Usage : - DiÔn t¶ mét hµnh ®éng sÏ hoµn tÊt vµo mét thêi ®iÓm cho

tríc ë t¬ng lai. Thêng dïng c¸c côm tõ chØ thêi gian nh : By (+ mèc thêi gian ), By the time, By then.

eg. We’ll have finished our lesson by 11 o’clock. When you come back, I’ll have had lunch.

XII. The future perfect continuous tense (Thì tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn)1. Form: S + will + have been + Ving .2. Usage : - DiÔn t¶ mét hµnh ®éng b¾t ®Çu tõ qu¸ khø vµ kÐo dµi ®Õn mét

thêi ®iÓm cho tríc ë t¬ng lai. Thêng dïng c¸c côm tõ chØ thêi gian nh : By...........for (+ kho¶ng thêi gian), By the time , By By May, they’ll have been living in this house for 15 years.


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+ Thì Future Perfect (Töông Lai Hoaøn Thaønh) ñöôïc duøng ñeå chæ moät haønh ñoäng seõ hoaøn thaønh tröôùc moät haønh ñoäng khaùc trong töông lai hay moät ñieåm thôøi gian ôû töông lai.

- The taxi will have arrived by the time you finish dressing.- By next Christmas, he will have lived in Dalat for 5 years.

+ Ñeå nhaán maïnh tính lieân tuïc cuûa haønh ñoäng, chuùng ta duøng thì Future Perfect Continuous (Töông Lai Hoaøn Thaønh Tieáp Dieãn).

- By the time you receive this letter, we shall have been travelling through Russia.

- By next June, they will have been working in this factory for 12 years.

* Sequence of tenses: (Sù phèi hîp vÒ th× ) Trong c©u cã hai mÖnh ®Ò trë lªn, c¸c ®éng tõ ph¶i cã sù phèi hîp vÒ th×.Sù phèi hîp cña c¸c ®éng tõ trong mÖnh ®Ò chÝnh (main clause) vµ mÖnh ®Ò phô (subordinate clause) nh sau :

Main clause Subordinate clause

1. Simple present - Simple present- Present perfect- Present continuous- Simple future/ Near future- Simple past (nÕu thßi gian x¸c ®Þnh ë q/khø)

2. Simple past - Simple past- Past perfect- Past continuous- Would/ was ,were+ going to + V bare infi.- Simple present (nÕu diÔn t¶ mét ch©n lý)

3. Present perfect - Simple present4. Past perfect - Simple past

eg. Marry says she’ll come here next Sunday. People have said that London has fog.Sù phèi hîp cña c¸c ®éng tõ trong mÖnh ®Ò chÝnh vµ mÖnh ®Ò tr¹ng ng÷ chØ thêi gian nh sau:

Main clause Adverbial clause of time

1. Present tenses - Present tenses2. Past tenses - Past tenses 3. Future tenses - Present tenses

+ MÖnh ®Ò tr¹ng ng÷ chØ thêi gian thêng ®îc b¾t ®Çu víi c¸c tõ nèi sau: - when: - until:- whenever : - just as :ngay khi - as: - since:- while: - no sooner ......than: ngay khi- before: - hardly.......when: khã.......khi- after: - as long as: chõng nµo, cho ®Õn khi

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- as soon as:- till: eg. You will go home as soon as you have finished your exercises. When I came there, it was raining hard. I often drink coffee while I am watching T.V.+ Note:- Kh«ng ®îc dïng th× t¬ng lai (Future tenses) trong c¸c mÖnh ®Ò tr¹ng ng÷ chØ thêi gian (cã thÓ thay b»ng th× hiÖn t¹i). eg. If it rains tomorrow, We’ll stay at home. - Trong trêng hîp dïng tõ nèi Since lu ý: S +V (present perfect/ present perfect cont.) + Since + S + Ved. eg. You have been studying English since you came here.

SỰ HOÀ HỢP GIỮA CHỦ NGỮ VÀ ĐỘNG TỪTheo luaät chung moät ñoäng töø bao giôø cuõng hoøa hôïp vôùi chuû ng÷ cuûa

no ù- töùc laø – neáu chuû ngữ soá ít thì ñoäng töø theo sau cuõng ôû soá ít vaø ngöôïc laïi neáu chuû ngữ soá nhieàu thì theo sau laø ñoäng soá nhieàu. Tuy nhieân, ta haõy chuù yù 10 luaät ñaëc bieät sau:[1]: Hai hay nhiều chủ ngữ số ít đựơc nối bởi liên từ AND thì đòi hỏi một động từ số nhiều - The boy and the girl love their parents dearly.

- Tom and Mary were late yesterday.Tuy nhieân, neáu hai chñ töø naøy dieãn taû moät ngöôøi, moät vaät hay moät yù töôûng chung thì ñoäng töø vaãn ôû soá ít.

- Bread and butter is my daily breakfast.- To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness in life.

[2] : Hai chuû ng÷ ñöôïc noái vôùi nhau baèng AND maø tröôùc chuû ngữ ñaàu coù EACH, EVERY, MANY A, NO thì ñoäng töø phaûi ôû soá ít.

- Each boy and girl has a textbook.- No teacher and student is present.

[3] : Khi hai chủ ngữ ø được nối bởi OR, EITHER… OR, NEITHER…NOR…thì động từ hoà hợp cùng với chủ ng÷ gần nó nhất

- He or you are the best student in this class.- Neither Jack nor I am willing to do that.

[4] : Khi hai chuû ngữ ñöôcï noái bôûi AS WELL AS, NO LESS THAN, WITH, TOGETHER WITH, ALONG WITH thì ñoäng töø hoøa hôïp vôùi chuû ngữ 1.

- John, as well as you, is responsible for this act.- Tom, with his friends, is in the car.

[5] : Một danh từ tập hợp (collective noun) cần 1 động từ số nhiều khi ta ngụ ý nói tới từng cá nhân tạo nên tập hợp ấy, nhưng động từ vẫn là số ít nếu ta ngụ ý nói chung chung coi cả tập hợp như một đơn vị

- The family of this dead soldier is noble.- The family go to the movies every Sunday morning.

[6] : Khi chuû ng÷ laø danh töø coù hình thöùc laø soá nhieàu nhöng nghóa laïi laø soá ít thì ñoäng töø chia ôû soá ít.

- No news is good news.- Physics is more difficult than chemistry.

Các danh từ thường gặp như: news, physics, mathematics, politics, gymnastics, phonetics, measles, mumps, rickets, the United States, the Philippines…[7] : Khi chuû ngữ laø danh töø chæ troïng löôïng, ño löôøng, giaù caû hay giaù tieàn thì ñöôïc coi laø soá ít, ñoäng töø theo sau cuõng ôû soá ít. - Ten thousand dollars is a big sum of money.

- Five hundred miles is a long distance.

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[8] : Khi chủ ngữ là đại từ bất định như : everyone, something, nobody,…thì động từ theo sau phải ở số ít - Nobody has opened the door.

- Is everyone present ?[9] : Trong caâu baét ñaàu baèng THERE thì ñoäng töø hoøa hôïp vôùi chuû töø theo sau noù. - There stands a pagoda facing the little lake.

- There were a lot of people at the meeting.[10] : Động từ có chủ từ là đại từ quan hệ thì phải hoà hợp cùng ngôi và số với tiền vị từ của đại từ ấy.

- He works for the factory which makes cars. - The man who is living near my house teaches us English.

REPORTED SPEECH:* C©u gi¸n tiÕp lµ c©u dïng ®Ó thuËt l¹i néi dung lêi nãi trùc tiÕp.* C¸ch thay ®æi chung khi chuyÓn tõ c©u trùc tiÕp sang c©u gi¸n tiÕp.1. Thay ®æi vÒ th× trong c©u:

C©u trùc tiÕp C©u gi¸n tiÕpSimple present Simple PastPresent progressive Past progressivePresent perfect Past perfectPresent perfect progressive Past perfect progressiveSimple Past Past perfectPast progressive Past perfect progressiveSimple Future Future in the pastFuture progressive Future progressive in the past

2. Thay ®æi vÒ ®¹i tõ nh©n x ng, ®¹i tõ së h÷u vµ tÝnh tõ së h÷u :- I -> he/ she, we -> they - mine -> his /her , our -> their- Me -> him/her, us -> them - myself -> himself /herself, ourselves ->themselves- My -> his /her, our -> their

1. Thay ®æi vÒ c¸c nhãm tõ chØ thêi gian vµ n¬i chèn :Nhãm tõ trong c©u trùc tiÕp Nhãm tõ trong c©u gi¸n tiÕp

today that dayyesterday the day beforetonight that nighttomorrow the following day/ the next daythis moth that monthlast month the moth before / the perious

monthnext month the month after / the following

monthhere therenow thenago beforethis thatthese those

* C¸ch thay ®æi cô thÓ cho tõng lo¹i c©u trong lêi nãi gi¸n tiÕpI. C©u trÇn thuËt: (statement)

S + said/ told + ( O ) (that) + clause**Clause : thay ®æi th×, ®¹i tõ, côm tõ chØ thêi gian, n¬i chènVd: ‘We will have a test tomorrow’, My teacher said.For the examination for GCSE 11

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-> My teacher said (that) they would have a test the next day.II. C©u hái: (questions)

C©u hái ®¶o ( yes/ no question)S + asked + ( O ) + if / whether + clause*

* Clause: trËt tù tõ trë vÒ d¹ng c©u trÇn thuËt, thay ®æi vÒ th×, ®¹i tõ, tõ chØ thêi gian vµ n¬i chèn cho phï hîp víi v¨n c¶nh lêi nãi.

C©u hái cã tõ ®Ó hái: (wh - question )S + asked + (O) + wh - word + clause*

* Clause: trËt tù tõ trë vÒ d¹ng c©u trÇn thuËt, thay ®æi vÒ th×, ®¹i tõ, tõ chØ thêi gian vµ n¬i chèn cho phï hîp víi v¨n c¶nh lêi nãi.III. D¹ng mÖnh lÖnh thøc / c©u ra lÖnh , ®Ò nghÞ: (command/ requests)

- D¹ng kh¼ng ®Þnh: S + ®éng tõ têng thuËt + O + to infinitive

- D¹ng phñ ®Þnh: S + ®éng tõ têng thuËt + O + not + to infinitiveĐéng tõ têng thuËt : told, asked, advised, persuded, taught, directed, begged, encourage.......

IV. Danh ®éng tõ trong lêi nãi gi¸n tiÕp:- Khi lêi nãi gi¸n tiÕp lµ lêi ®Ò nghÞ, chóc mõng, c¶m ¬n, xin lçi,....®éng tõ têng thuËt cïng víi danh ®éng tõ theo sau nã thêng dïng ®Ó truyÒn t¶i néi dung lêi nãi trªn.

§éng tõ têng thuËt + (O) + giíi tõ + danh ®éng tõ (V-ing)........* §éng tõ têng thuËt : thank sb for, accuse sb of, congratulate sb on, dream of, object to, apologize sb for, insist on, complain about......... §éng tõ têng thuËt + danh ®éng tõ( V-ing).......

* §éng tõ têng thuËt: deny, admit, suggest, regret........... Danh ®éng tõ têng thuËt thêng ®i theo ®éng tõ têng thuËt SUGGEST

trong c¸c mÉu c©u ®Ò nghÞ sau: Why don’t you/ Why not / How about -> suggest + sb + V-ing Let’s / Let’s not -> suggest + V-ing/ suggest + not+ V-ing Shall we/ It’s a good idea -> suggest + V-ing.

V. §éng tõ nguyªn mÉu trong lêi nãi gi¸n tiÕp- Khi lêi nãi gi¸n tiÕp lµ lêi ®Ò nghÞ, mÖnh lÖnh, ý ®Þnh, lêi høa, lêi yªu cÇu,...®éng tõ têng thuËt cïng víi ®éng tõ nguyªn mÉu theo sau thêng dïng ®Ó truyÒn t¶i néi dung lêi nãi trªn.

§éng tõ têng thuËt + t©n ng÷ + ®éng tõ nguyªn mÉu (to-infinitive)*§éng tõ têng thuËt: ask, advise, command, invite, order, recommand, encourage, urge, warn, want... §éng tõ têng thuËt + ®éng tõ nguyªn mÉu (to-infinitive)*§éng tõ têng thuËt:agree, demand, hope, promise, threaten, offer, refuse, decide... Would you/ Could you / Will you/ Can you -> asked+ sb + to + V Would you mind + V-ing /Do you mind + V-ing -> asked + sb + to +V Would you like/ Will you -> invited + sb + to + V Had better/ If I were you/ why don’t you -> advised + sb + to + V

VI. C©u ®iÒu kiÖn trong lêi nãi gi¸n tiÕp- NÕu trong lêi nãi gi¸n tiÕp cã c©u ®iÒu kiÖn, th× chØ cã c©u ®iÒu kiÖn lo¹i mét lµ thay ®æi vÒ th×, hai c©u ®iÒu kiÖn cßn l¹i vÉn gi÷ nguyªn h×nh thøc ®éng tõ.

PASSIVE VOICE:Structure : Active: S + V + Obj.

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Passive: S + Be + Vpp +( by Obj)Công thức :

S + Be (am, is, are, was, were) + V pp (by Obj). S + Be (am, is, are, was, were) + Being + Vpp (by Obj). S + have/ has + been + Vpp ( by Obj). S + had been + Vpp ( by Obj). S + will/ shall + Be + Vpp ( by Obj). S + Be (am, is, are) + going to + Be + Vpp(by Obj). S + will/ shall + have been Vpp (by Obj).

Modal verbs: S + can / may/ must / ought to / should / could.........+ Be + PII. S + modal verbs + have been + PII (d¹ng hoµn thµnh)

* Notes: + Ta cã thÓ bá: by me, by him, by her, by it, by us, by you, by them, by someone, by people trong c©u bÞ ®éng nÕu kh«ng muèn nªu râ t¸c nh©n hoÆc thÊy kh«ng quan träng. + NÕu c©u chñ ®éng cã c¸c tr¹ng tõ (ng÷) chØ n¬i chèn th× ®Æt chóng tríc “by + t©n ng÷ bÞ ®éng”. eg. The police found him in the forest - He was found in the forest by the police. + NÕu c©u chñ ®éng cã c¸c tr¹ng tõ (ng÷) chØ thêi gian th× ®Æt chóng sau “ by + t©n ng÷ bÞ ®éng” eg. They are going to buy a car tomorrow. A car is going to be bought by them tomorow. + NÕu t©n ng÷ trong c©u bÞ ®éng chØ sù vËt, sù viÖc th× ta dïng giíi tõ ‘with’ thay ‘by’ tríc t©n ng÷ Êy. eg. The bottle is filled with ink./ The bowl is fill with sugar. + NÕu ®éng tõ chñ ®éng cã hai t©n ng÷ th× mét trong hai t©n ng÷ cã thÓ dïng lµm chñ ng÷ trong c©u bÞ ®éng (nhng chñ ng÷ vÒ ngêi ®îc sö dông nhiÒu h¬n) eg. I am writing her a letter. She is being written a letter. A letter is being written to her- C¸c ®éng tõ : ask, tell, give, send, show, teach, pay, offer thêng cã hai t©n ng÷. Mét sè d¹ng bÞ ®éng kh¸c :

1. D¹ng nhê b¶o : HAVE, GET.Active: S + HAVE + Obj +V (person) + V -> Passive: S + HAVE + Obj (thing) + PII + (by Obj(person) eg. I have her cut my hair yesterday. -> I had my hair cut yesterday.Active: S + GET + Obj (person) + To V + Obj (thing). ->Passive: S + GET +Obj (thing) + PII + by Obj (person). eg. I get him to make some coffee -> I get some coffee made. 2. §éng tõ chØ gi¸c quan: see, watch, hear.........Active: S + Verbs +Obj + bare inf/ V ing. -> Passive: S + Be + PII + to inf/ V ing. eg. I saw her come in -For the examination for GCSE 13

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->She was seen to come in. 3. §éng tõ chØ vÒ ý kiÕn: say, think, know, believe, hope, consider, tell....................Active: S + V1 + that + Clause (S2 +V2 +Obj2) -> Passive: ->It + be + V1 (PII ) + that + Clause (S2+V2+O2). -> S2 + be + V1 (PII) {+ to inf {+ to have PII . Eg 1 . People say that he is a famous doctor ->It’s said that he is a famous doctor. ->He’s said to be a famous doctor. Eg 2: They thought that Marry has gone away. ->It was thought that Marry had gone away. ->Marry was thought to have gone away. 4. C©u mÖnh lÖnh:a. Verb + Obj + Adjunc -> Let + Obj + be + Vpp + Adjunct. eg. Close the door, please. -> Let the door be closed, please.b. S + let + sb + do + st. eg. He let me go out. _I was let to go out / I was allowed to go out. 5. BÞ ®éng cña ®éng tõ Need, Make

a. Need: - The floor is dirty. It needs to be swept/ cleaned. or: The floor is dirty. It needs sweeping/ cleaning.

b. Make: - The story makes me laugh -> I am made to laugh- They made her work hard -> She was made to work hard.


CONDITIONAL SENTENCES.A. Grammar: C©u ®iÒu kiÖn cã hai mÖnh ®Ò: M§ phô (hay M§ ®iÒu kiÖn) b¾t

®Çu b»ng If, vµ M§ chÝnh(nªu lªn kÕt qu¶).

- Cã 3 lo¹i c©u §K :1. Real conditional sentences (Type 1).a. Future possible (cã thÓ x¶y ra ë hiÖn t¹i hoÆc t¬ng lai). If + S + V (simple present) + S + will/ can/ may/ must...+ V inf. eg. If I have time, I will visit you.b. Habitual ( thãi quen). If + S + V (simple present) + S + V (simple present). eg. Ann usually walks to school if she has enough time.For the examination for GCSE 14

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c. Command (c©u mÖnh lÖnh, yªu cÇu). If + S + V (simple present) + command form. eg. Please buy me some fruits if you go to market. 2. Present unreal conditional sentences (Type 2). If + S + V (simple past) + S + would/ should/ could/ might + V inf. (Trong M§ phô nÕu cã’To be’th× dïng ‘Were’ cho tÊt c¶ c¸c ng«i). eg. If today were Saturday, I could go to the beach. If I had time, I would write you a letter.3. Past unreal conditional sentences (Type 3). If + S + V (past perfect) + S + would/ could/ might + have + PII. eg. If I hadn’t lost my way, I would have arrived sooner.Note:- Cã thÓ dïng ®¶o ng÷ trong c©u §K lo¹i 2 cã ‘Were’ vµ c©u §K lo¹i 3 để

nhấn mạnh

eg. If I were younger, I would play tennis. - Were I younger, I would play tennis. If he had studied hard, he would have passed his exam. - Had he studied hard, he would have passed his exam. - Unless: Trong M§ ®iÒu kiÖn , ta cã thÓ thay liªn tõ If b»ng Unless(nÕu kh«ng, trõ phi). Unless = If........not .......... eg. If you don’t study hard, you will fail in the exam. =Unless you study hard, you will fail in the exam.

Khi ta ®æi If sang Unless, nÕu M§ If ë thÓ kh¼ng ®Þnh kh«ng ®îc ®æi sang thÓ phñ ®Þnh khi dïng Unless mµ ph¶i ®æi M§ chÝnh sang thÓ ngîc l¹i.

eg. If we had more rain, our crops would grow faster. =Unless we had more rain, our crops wouldn’t grow faster.

- Provided (that) / providing (that), On condition (that) (víi ®iÒu kiÖn lµ), As long as, so long as (miÔn lµ, víi ®iÒu kiÖn lµ), Suppose, supposing (gi¶ sö nh), In case (trong trêng hîp), Even if (ngay c¶ khi, dï cho....dïng ®Ó chØ sù t¬ng ph¶n hay nhÊn m¹nh), ......... cã thÓ dïng thay cho If trong c©u ®iÒu kiÖn. eg. Supposing it rains, what will you do ? I’ll accept your invitation provided you go with me. Even if he goes to bed early, he always wakes up late . 4. When (khi): khi hµnh ®éng ch¾c ch¾n x¶y ra h¬n.For the examination for GCSE 15

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eg. I’ll phone you when I go to bed tonight. 5. As if and As though: Cø nh thÕ, nh lµ * ChØ hµnh ®éng cã thÓ x¶y ra ë hiÖn t¹i: S + V ( present) + As if/ As though + S + V (present). * ChØ hµnh ®éng hay sù kiÖn kh«ng cã thËt ë hiÖn t¹i:

S + V (present) As if/ As though + S + V (past). eg. He acts as though he were rich. The girl dresses as if it were summer even in the winter. * ChØ hµnh ®éng hay sù kiÖn kh«ng cã thËt ë qu¸ khø. S + V (past) + As if/ As though + S + V (past perfect). eg. She looked as if she had seen a ghost. 6. But for (nÕu kh«ng v×, nÕu kh«ng cã) eg. But for the storm, we should have arrived earlier. 7. Without (kh«ng cã): eg. Without his books, he would know nothing. 8. MÖnh lÖnh c¸ch + and : Do that again and I’ll call a policeman. (= If you do..)

9. Clauses after Wish, If only: (ao íc, gi¸ mµ ). Sau Wish vµ If only thêng dïng mét M§ chØ mét ®iÒu ao íc, mét ®iÒu kh«ng thËt. Cã 3 M§ sau Wish vµ If only: a. Future wish: S + wish + S + would/ could + V (bare inf) (If only) eg. I wish I would be an astronaut in the future. If only I would take the trip with you next Sunday.b. Present wish: S + wish + S + V past subjunctive = simple past. (V2; be - were). (If only) eg. I can’t swim. I wish I could swim Marry isn’t here. I wish she were here. =If only Marry were here.c. Past wish: S + wish + S + past perfect/ could have + PII. ( If only) eg. She wishes she had had enough money to buy the house. (She hadn’t have enough money to buy the house). If only I had met her yesterday.(I didn’t meet her).

NOUN CLAUSES AND RELATIVE CLAUSES. I. Noun clauses: - Lµ mét mÖnh ®Ò phô lµm c«ng viÖc cña mét danh tõ.- Noun clause: ®îc nèi víi mÖnh ®Ò chÝnh bëi c¸c tõ nèi: That, who, what, which, where, when, how, whether.- Khi dïng c¸c tõ nèi trªn, ®éng tõ trong M§ danh ng÷ chia ë thÓ x¸c ®Þnh, kh«ng chia ë thÓ nghi vÊn.1. Noun clause lµm chñ ng÷ trong c©u:

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eg. What he said was not true.2. Noun clause lµm t©n ng÷ trong c©u: eg. I’ll tell you when he comes. I didn’t believe what he said.3. Noun clause lµm bæ ng÷ trong c©u: eg. Money is what she needs.4. Noun clause lµm t©n ng÷ cho giíi tõ.II. Relative clauses : - Cßn ®îc gäi lµ Adj clause (M§ tÝnh ng÷) v× nã lµ M§ phô ®îc dïng ®Ó bæ nghÜa cho danh tõ ®øng tríc nã.- M§QH ®îc nèi víi M§ chÝnh bëi c¸c ®¹i tõ quan hÖ Who, Whom, Which, Whose, That hoÆc c¸c tr¹ng tõ quan hÖ When, Where, Why.- VÞ trÝ : M§QH ®øng ngay sau danh tõ mµ nã bæ nghÜa.* The uses:1. Who: - lµ mét §TQH chØ ngêi, ®øng sau danh tõ chØ ngêi lµm chñ ng÷ cho ®éng tõ ®øng sau nã. eg. This is the man. He is my teacher. This is the man who is my teacher The man is my brother. He is standing overthere.- The man who is standing overthere is...2. Whom: - lµ mét §TQH chØ ngêi, ®øng sau danh tõ chØ ngêi lµm t©n ng÷ cho ®éng tõ ®øng sau nã. eg. The woman is my aunt. You saw her yesterday. - The woman whom you saw yesterday is my aunt.- Whom : cã thÓ ®îc bá. - The woman you saw yesterday is my aunt.3. Which: lµ mét §TQH chØ vËt, ®øng sau danh tõ chØ vËt lµm chñ ng÷ hoÆc t©n ng÷ cho ®éng tõ ®øng sau nã. eg. The hat is mine. It’s on the table. - The hat which is on the table is mine. eg. This is the book. You gave it to me yesterday. - This is the book which you gave me yesterday.- Which : cã thÓ ®îc bá khi nã lµm t©n ng÷ cho ®éng tõ sau nã. eg. This is the book you gave me yesterday.4. That: - lµ §TQH chØ c¶ ngêi vµ vËt. - That cã thÓ dïng thay cho Who, Whom, Which trong M§QH x¸c ®Þnh. eg. That is the car that he bought last month.

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5. Whose: lµ mét §TQH, ®øng sau danh tõ chØ ngêi vµ thay cho tÝnh tõ së h÷u tríc danh tõ. Whose còng ®îc dïng cho vËt (=of which). Sau Whose lu«n lµ mét danh tõ.eg. The woman whose wallet was stolen yesterday is my sister.6. When: lµ mét tr¹ng tõ quan hÖ chØ thêi gian, ®øng sau danh tõ chØ thêi gian. - When ®îc dïng thay cho at / on / in + which ; then. eg. I’ll never forget the day when I met her. = on which That was the time when she saw the thief. = at which7. Where: lµ mét tr¹ng tõ quan hÖ chØ n¬i chèn, ®øng sau danh tõ chØ n¬i chèn. Where ®îc dïng thay cho at / on / in + which; there. eg. That is the house where we are living now. Your home town is a place where you were you born.8. Why: - lµ mét tr¹ng tõ quan hÖ chØ lý do, ®øng sau tiÒn ng÷ ‘ THE REASON’. - dïng thay cho ‘ FOR THE REASON’. eg. Please tell me the reason why you are so sad. = for which III. Ph©n lo¹i : cã 2 lo¹i relative clauses.1. Definite clause: (M§ x¸c ®Þnh)- Lµ mÖnh ®Ò gióp ta nhËn ra ®Æc ®iÓm, tÝnh chÊt ®Æc biÖt cña ngêi hay vËt ®îc nãi ®Õn. NÕu ta bá chóng ®i th× c©u kh«ng ®ñ nghÜa hoÆc kh«ng gi÷ ®îc nghÜa gèc ban ®Çu.- LiÒn ngay tríc vµ sau mÖnh ®Ò kh«ng cã dÊu phÈy.- That cã thÓ thay cho who vµ which trong m® lo¹i nµy. eg. -The man is my teacher He’s standing overthere. The man who(that) is standing overthere is my teacher. - The book is very interesting. I bought it yesterday. The book which(that) I bought yesterday is very interesting.2. Non-defining clause: (M§ kh«ng x¸c ®Þnh)- M§ nµy chØ gi¶i thÝch thªm danh tõ ®øng tríc nã vµ cã thÓ bá ®i mµ nghÜa cña c©u kh«ng thay ®æi.- LiÒn ngay tríc vµ sau m® cã dÊu phÈy.- That kh«ng ®îc sö dông trong c©u cã m® lo¹i nµy. eg. This hat, which my sister gave me on my birthday , is expensive.IV. Tr êng hîp ®éng tõ cña M§QH cã giíi tõ (chØ dïng víi who vµ which)- Ta ®Æt giíi tõ tríc M§QH( tríc who, which).

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- Ta còng cã thÓ bá whom hoÆc which vµ ®Æt giíi tõ ra sau ®éng tõ cña M§QH (chØ ¸p dông víi M§ x¸c ®Þnh).- Khi dïng that, ta kh«ng ®îc chuyÓn giíi tõ lªn tríc mµ vÉn ph¶i ®Ó sau ®éng tõ. eg. The man is Mr. Nam. Hoa is talking to him. The man to whom Hoa is talking is Mr. Nam. The man Hoa is talking to is Mr. Nam. The man that Hoa is talking to is Mr. Nam.- NÕu giíi tõ lµ thµnh phÇn cña ®éng tõ kÐp th× ta kh«ng chuyÓn chóng ra tríc whom, which. eg. This is the book which I’m looking for.- NÕu chñ ng÷ cña c©u lµ c¸c ®¹i tõ bÊt ®Þnh th× ta chØ dïng That lµ ®¹i tõ quan hÖ.

eg. Everything that she said yesterday was not correct.V. D¹ng rót gän cña M§QH:1. M§QH cã thÓ ®îc rót gän b»ng c¸ch dïng hiÖn t¹i ph©n tõ vµ qu¸ khø ph©n tõ.a. NÕu ®éng tõ trong M§QH ë thÓ chñ ®éng, ta dïng hiÖn t¹i ph©n tõ thay cho mÖnh ®Ò ®ã (bá ®¹i tõ quan hÖ vµ trî ®éng tõ, ®a ®éng tõ chÝnh vÒ nguyªn d¹ng vµ thªm -ing) eg. The girl sitting next to you is my sister. Do you know the man breaking the window last night?b. NÕu ®éng tõ trong M§QH ë thÓ bÞ ®éng ta dïng qu¸ khø ph©n tõ thay cho mÖnh ®Ò ®ã (bá ®¹i tõ quan hÖ vµ trî ®éng tõ, b¾t ®Çu côm tõ b»ng Vpp). eg. The books written by To Hoai are interesting.2. M§QH cã thÓ ®îc rót gän b»ng c¸ch dïng‘TO- INF, or INF.PHRASE (for+O+to inf) eg. - English is an important language which we have to master. English is an important language to master. - Here is a form that you must fill in. Here is a form for you to fill in.

(Khi mét M§ tÝnh ng÷ mµ tríc nã lµ mét M§ th× ®ã lµ M§ kh«ng x¸c ®Þnh).

ALTHOUGH / IN SPITE OF; BECAUSE / BEACAUSE OFI. MÖnh ®Ò tr¹ng tõ chØ sù t ¬ng ph¶n: Although/ even though/ though + Clause= despite/ in spite of + N / noun phrase / ving phrase= despite/ in spite of the fact that + Clause.For the examination for GCSE 19

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Vd: Although/ even though/ though he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.-> Despite/ in spite of having enough money, he refused to buy a new car.-> Despite/ in spite of the fact that he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.II. MÖnh ®Ò tr¹ng tõ chØ nguyªn nh©n:Because + clause = because of + N / noun phrase / ving phraseVd: He didn’t go to school because he was ill. He didn’t go to school because of his illness.PREPOSITIONS AND ARTICLESI. Prepositions- Giíi tõ lµ tõ dïng ®Ó chØ mèi quan hÖ gi÷a danh tõ hoÆc ®¹i tõ víi mét tõ kh¸c trong c©u.- Giíi tõ lu«n ®i tríc mét danh tõ hoÆc ®¹i tõ vµ c¸c danh tõ hoÆc ®¹i tõ ®ã gäi lµ t©n ng÷ cña giíi tõ.- §¹i tõ n»m sau giíi tõ lu«n ph¶i ë h×nh thøc t©n ng÷: him, her......- §éng tõ ®øng sau giíi tõ lu«n ë h×nh thøc Danh ®éng tõ (Ving)A. Prepositions used for Time and for Places.1. AT: a. For time:

- at 4 o’clock, at 5 pm - at last/ first- at night/ noon/ midnight - at the moment- at Christmas, at Easter - at present- at once- at the age of- at sunset/ sunrise

- at weekends- at the same time

b. For places: - at home/ school/ work - at the theatre - at the seaside- at the corner of the street - at the grocer’

- at the doctor’s - at the shop- at the top - at the bottom - at the foot of the page- at the biginning of/ at the end of: vµo lóc ®Çu/ cuèi- (To arrive) at the airport/ rainway station.2. IN: a. For time: - In ®îc dïng tríc n¨m, th¸ng, mïa, buæi (trõ at night, at noon). eg. in 1990, in August, in Spring, in the morning.- In time: ®óng giê.b. For places: - In: ë trong in the living room/ in the box.- In ®îc dïng tríc c¸c thµnh phè, ®Êt níc, miÒn, ph¬ng híng: in London, in Hanoi, in France, in the east ........- in the street/ sky - in my opinion - in good/ bad weatherFor the examination for GCSE 20

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- in the newspaper - in the middle of - in English/ German- in the rain/ sun - in the dark - in + time (in 2 days)- in the water/ river/ sea - in a line/ queue - in a picture/ mirror/ photo- in bed/ hospital/ prison - in the end: (cuèi cïng) - in love with3. ON. a. For time: - On ®îc dïng tríc thø (ngµy trong tuÇn) eg. on Sunday- On ®îc dïng tríc ngµy th¸ng eg. on August 12th - On time : ®óng giê (chÝnh x¸c) - On Christmas day- On holiday/ on a trip/ on a tour- On the occasion of: nh©n dÞpb. For places:- On : ë trªn eg. on the table - on the phone- On horseback: trªn lng ngùa - on a diet- On foot : b»ng ch©n (®i bé) - on fire- On TV / on radio - on the left/ right- On the beach - on the 1st floor4. BY. - By ®îc dïng trong c©u bÞ ®éng nghÜa lµ ‘bëi’.- By ®îc dïng ®Ó chØ ph¬ng tiÖn ®i l¹i (by bike, by car.....)- By the time : tríc khi- By chance : t×nh cê- Learn by heart: häc thuéc lßng5. TO: - TO thêng ®îc dïng sau ®éng tõ GO (go to the cinema..... nhng GO HOME).- TO thêng ®îc dïng ®Ó chØ sù di chuyÓn : My father takes me to the cinema. Marry invited me to her birthday party.6. INTO: - INTO cã nghÜa lµ vµo trong, ®îc dïng sau c¸c ®éng tõ : GO, PUT, GET, FALL (r¬i ng·), JUMP (nh¶y), COME ...... eg. go into the room, get into the train, put the pen into the bag, fall into the river, jump into the river and swim, come into the house.....- INTO cßn ®îc dïng ®Ó chØ sù thay ®æi cña ®iÒu kiÖn hoÆc kÕt qu¶:

The rain changed into snow.

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7. OUT OF: ra khái. eg. He came out of the house./ He is looking out of the window.8. WITH: - With: cã nghÜa lµ cã, mang, cïng: eg. A girl with blue eyes./ a coat with two pockets.- With: ®îc dïng ®Ó chØ mét c«ng cô, ph¬ng tiÖn. He’s writing with a pen- With: ®îc dïng ®Ó chØ sù liªn hÖ hoÆc ®ång hµnh, cã nghÜa ‘ cïng víi’ I’m living with my parents.- With: cßn cã nghÜa lµ ‘víi’ Do you agree with me?9. UNDER: - Under: cã nghÜa lµ ë díi, ®Ó chØ vÞ trÝ phÝa díi mét vËt. eg. The cat is under the table.- Under cßn cã nghÜa lµ Ýt h¬n, thÊp h¬n. eg. Children under fourteen years of age shouldn’t see such a film. B. Prepositions following Adjectives: 1. OF:

- ashamed of: xÊu hæ vÒ - hopeful of: hy väng- afraid of: sî, e ng¹i - independent of: ®éc lËp- ahead of: tríc - proud of: tù hµo- aware of: nhËn thøc - jealous of: ghen tþ víi- capable of: cã kh¶ n¨ng - guilty of: ph¹m téi (vÒ), cã téi- confident of :tin tëng - sick of: ch¸n n¶n vÒ- doubtful of: nghi ngê - joyful of: vui mõng vÒ- fond of: thÝch - quick of: nhanh chãng vÒ- full of: ®Çy

2. TO: - acceptable to: cã thÓ chÊp nhËn - likely to: cã thÓ- accustomed to: quen víi - lucky to: may m¾n- agreeable to: cã thÓ ®ång ý - next to: kÕ bªn- addicted to: ®am mª - open to: më- delightful to sb: thó vÞ ®èi víi ai - pleasant to: hµi lßng- familiar to sb: quen thuéc ®èi víi ai - preferable to: ®¸ng thÝch h¬n- clear to: râ rµng - profitable to: cã lîi- contrary to: tr¸i l¹i, ®èi lËp - rude to: th« lç, céc c»n- equal to: t¬ng ®¬ng víi, b»ng - similar to: gièng, t¬ng tù

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- favourable to: t¸n thµnh, ñng hé - useful to sb: cã Ých cho ai- grateful to smb: biÕt ¬n ai - necessary to st/ sb: cÇn thiÕt cho

ai/c¸i g×- harmful to sb/ for st: cã h¹i cho ai/ c¸i g×

- available to sb/ for smt: s½n cho ai/ c¸i g×

- important to: quan träng - responsible to sb: cã t/n víi ai3. FOR:

- difficult for: khã - sorry for: xin lçi- late for: trÔ - qualified for: cã phÈm chÊt- dangerous for: nguy hiÓm - helpful/ useful for: cã lîi/ cã Ých- famous for: næi tiÕng - good for: tèt cho- greedy for: tham lam - grateful for st: biÕt ¬n vÒ viÖc- necessary for: cÇn thiÕt - convenient for: thuËn lîi cho- perfect for: hoµn h¶o - ready for st: s½n sµng cho viÖc g×- suitable for: thÝch hîp - responsible for st: chÞu t/ n vÒ

viÖc g×4. AT:

- good at: giái (vÒ....) - excellent at: xuÊt s¾c vÒ- bad at: dë (vÒ.....) - present at: hiÖn diÖn- clever at: khÐo lÐo, th«ng minh vÒ - surprised at: ng¹c nhiªn- skillful at: khÐo lÐo, cã kü n¨ng vÒ - angry at st: giËn vÒ ®iÒu g×- quick at: nhanh - clumsy at: vông vÒ- amazed at: ng¹c nhiªn - annoy at st: khã chÞu vÒ ®iÒu g×- amused at: vui vÒ

5. WITH: - delighted with: vui mõng víi - busy with: bËn - aquainted with: lµm quen (víi ai...) - familiar with: quen thuéc- crowded with: ®«ng ®óc - furious with: phÉn né- angry with: giËn d÷ - pleased with: hµi lßnh- friendly with: th©n mËt - popular with: phæ biÕn- bored with: ch¸n - satisfied with: tháa m·n víi- fed up with: ch¸n - contrasted with: t¬ng ph¶n víi

6. ABOUT: - confused about: bèi rèi (vÒ...) - serious about: nghiªm tóc- excited about: hµo høng - upset about: thÊt väng

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- happy about: vui, h¹nh phóc - worried about: lo l¾ng- sad about: buån - anxious about: lo l¾ng

- disappointed about st: thÊt väng vÒ c¸i g×7. IN:

- interested in: thÝch, quan t©m vÒ.... - successful in: thµnh c«ng vÒ....- rich in: giµu vÒ...... - confident in sb: tin cËy vµo ai

8. FROM: - isolated from: bÞ c« lËp - far from: xa- absent from: v¾ng mÆt (khái......) - safe from: an toµn- different from: kh¸c - divorced from: ly dÞ, lµm xa rêi

9. ON: - keen on: h¨ng h¸i vÒ.....10. Notes: - be tired of: ch¸n eg. I’m tired of doing the same work every day.- be tired from: mÖt v×..... eg. I’m tired from walking for a long time.- be grateful to smb for smt: biÕt ¬n ai vÒ vÊn ®Ò g× eg. I’m grateful to you for your help.- be responsible to smb for smt: chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm víi ai vÒ viÖc g×. eg. You have to be responsible to me for your actions.- good/ bad for: tèt/ xÊu cho......, good/ bad at: giái/ dë vÒ........ eg. Milk is good for your health. / She is bad at mathematics.C. Prepositions following verbs/ two-word verbs.

- apologize sb for st: xin lçi ai vÒ viÖc g× - approve of st to sb: ®ång ý vÒ viÖc g× víi ai

- admire sb of st: kh©m phôc ai vÒ viÖc g×

- participate in: tham gia

- belong to sb: thuéc vÒ ai - succeed in: thµnh c«ng vÒ- accuse sb of st: tè c¸o ai vÒ viÖc g× - prevent sb from: ng¨n ai khái .....- blame sb for st: ®æ lçi cho ai vÒ viÖc g×

- provide with: cung cÊp

- differ from: kh¸c víi - agree with: ®ång ý víi- introduce to sb:giíi thiÖu víi ai - beg for st: xin, van nµi cho- give up: tõ bá - borrow st from sb: mîn c¸i g× cña ai- look at: nh×n vµo - depend on/ rely on: dùa vµo, phô

thuéc vµo- look after: tr«ng nom, ch¨m sãc - die of (a disease): chÕt v×....- look for: t×m kiÕm - join in: tham gia vµo

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- look up: tra tõ. (trong tõ ®iÓn) - escape from: tho¸t khái- look forward to: mong ®îi - insist on: kh¨ng kh¨ng- put on: mang vµo, mÆc vµo - change into, turn into: hãa ra- put off: ho·n l¹i - wait for sb: chê ai- stand for: tîng trng - arrive at (station, bus stop,

airport.....) ®Õn- call off: hñy bá, ho·n c¸c ®Þa ®iÓm nhá- object to sb/ Ving: ph¶n ®èi ai/ viÖc g× - arrive in (London, Paris, England.....)

®Õn - infer from: suy ra tõ thµnh phè hay ®Êt níc....- congratulate sb on st: chóc mõng ai vÒ viÖc g×.

II. Articles MẠO TỪ

A, An, The: Mạo tõ a (an) vµ the.

1. a vΜ an:an - ®îc dïng:

- Tríc 1 danh tõ sè Ýt ®Õm ®îc b¾t ®Çu b»ng 4 nguyªn ©m (vowel) a, e, i, o - Hai b¸n nguyªn ©m u, y- C¸c danh tõ b¾t ®Çu b»ng h c©m. vÝ dô: u : an uncle.

h : an hour- HoÆc tríc c¸c danh tõ viÕt t¾t ®îc ®äc nh 1 nguyªn ©m. VÝ dô: an L- plate, an SOS, an MP

a - ®îc dïng:- Tríc 1 danh tõ b¾t ®Çu b»ng phô ©m (consonant).- Dïng tríc mét danh tõ b¾t ®Çu b»ng uni : a university, a uniform, a universal, a union.

- Tríc 1 danh tõ sè Ýt ®Õm ®îc, tríc 1 danh tõ kh«ng x¸c ®Þnh cô thÓ vÒ mÆt ®Æc ®iÓm, tÝnh chÊt, vÞ trÝ

hoÆc ®îc nh¾c ®Õn lÇn ®Çu trong c©u.- ®îc dïng trong c¸c thµnh ng÷ chØ sè lîng nhÊt ®Þnh. VÝ dô : a lot of, a couple, a dozen, a great many, a great deal of.

- Dïng tríc nh÷ng sè ®Õm nhÊt ®Þnh, ®Æc biÖt lµ chØ hµng tr¨m, hµng ngµn. VÝ dô: a hundred, a thousand.

- Tríc half khi nã theo sau 1 ®¬n vÞ nguyªn vÑn.

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VÝ dô: a kilo and a half vµ còng cã thÓ ®äc lµ one and a half kilos.

Chó ý: 1/2 kg = half a kilo (kh«ng cã a tríc half).- Dïng tríc half khi nã ®i víi 1 danh tõ kh¸c t¹o thµnh tõ ghÐp. VÝ dô : a half-holiday nöa kú nghØ, a half-share : nöa cæ phÇn.- Dïng tríc c¸c tû sè nh 1/3, 1 /4, 1/5, = a third, a quarter, a fifth hay one third, one fourth, one fifth .

- Dïng trong c¸c thµnh ng÷ chØ gi¸ c¶, tèc ®é, tû lÖ. VÝ dô: five dolars a kilo; four times a day.

- Dïng trong c¸c thµnh ng÷ tríc c¸c danh tõ sè Ýt ®Õm ®îc, dïng trong c©u c¶m th¸n. VÝ dô: Such a long queue! What a pretty girl! Nhng: such long queues! What pretty girls.

- a cã thÓ ®îc ®Æt tríc Mr/Mrs/Miss + tªn hä (surname): VÝ dô: a Mr Smith, a Mrs Smith, a Miss Smith.

a Mr Smith nghÜa lµ ‘ ngêi ®µn «ng ®îc gäi lµ Smith’ vµ ngô ý lµ «ng ta lµ ngêi l¹ ®èi víi ngêi nãi. Cßn nÕu kh«ng cã a tøc lµ ngêi nãi biÕt «ng Smith.

2. The

- §îc sö dông khi danh tõ ®îc x¸c ®Þnh cô thÓ vÒ tÝnh chÊt, ®Æc ®iÓm, vÞ trÝ hoÆc ®-îc nh¾c ®Õn lÇn thø 2 trong c©u.

- The + noun + preposition + noun.

VÝ dô : the girl in blue; the man with a banner; the gulf of Mexico; the United States of America.

- The + danh tõ + ®¹i tõ quan hÖ + mÖnh ®Ò phô

VÝ dô: the boy whom I met; the place where I met him.

- Tríc 1 danh tõ ngô ý chØ mét vËt riªng biÖt. VÝ dô: She is in the garden.

- The + tÝnh tõ so s¸nh bËc nhÊt hoÆc sè tõ thø tù hoÆc only way. VÝ dô : The first week; the only way.

- The + dt sè Ýt tîng trng cho mét nhãm thó vËt hoÆc ®å vËt th× cã thÓ bá the vµ ®æi danh tõ sang sè nhiÒu.

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VÝ dô: The whale = Whales, the shark = sharks, the deep-freeze = deep - freezes.

Nhng ®èi víi danh tõ man (chØ loµi ngêi) th× kh«ng cã qu¸n tõ (a, the) ®øng tríc. VÝ dô: if oil supplies run out, man may have to fall back on the horse.- The + danh tõ sè Ýt chØ thµnh viªn cña mét nhãm ngêi nhÊt ®Þnh. VÝ dô: the small shopkeeper is finding life increasingly difficult.

- The + adj ®¹i diÖn cho 1 líp ngêi, nã kh«ng cã h×nh th¸i sè nhiÒu nhng ®îc coi lµ 1 danh tõ sè nhiÒu vµ ®éng tõ

sau nã ph¶i ®îc chia ë ng«i thø 3 sè nhiÒu. VÝ dô: the old = ngêi giµ nãi chung; The disabled = nh÷ng ngêi tµn tËt;

The unemployed = nh÷ng ngêi thÊt nghiÖp.

- Dïng tríc tªn c¸c khu vùc, vïng ®· næi tiÕng vÒ mÆt ®Þa lý hoÆc lÞch sö. VÝ dô: The Shahara. The Netherlands. The Atlantic.

- The + East / West/ South/ North + noun.

VÝ dô: the East/ West end / The North / South Pole.

Nhng kh«ng ®îc dïng the tríc c¸c tõ chØ ph¬ng híng nµy, nÕu nã ®i kÌm víi tªn cña mét khu vùc ®Þa lý.

VÝ dô: South Africal, North Americal, West Germany.

- The + tªn c¸c ®å hîp xíng, c¸c dµn nh¹c cæ ®iÓn, c¸c ban nh¹c phæ th«ng. VÝ dô: the Bach choir, the Philadenphia Orchestra, the Beatles.

- The + tªn c¸c tê b¸o lín/ c¸c con tÇu biÓn/ khinh khÝ cÇu. VÝ dô: The Titanic, the Time, the Great Britain.

- The + tªn hä ë sè nhiÒu cã nghÜa lµ gia ®×nh hä nhµ ... VÝ dô: the Smiths = Mr and Mrs Smith (and their children) hay cßn gäi lµ gia ®×nh nhµ Smith.- The + Tªn ë sè Ýt + côm tõ/ mÖnh ®Ò cã thÓ ®îc sö dông ®Ó ph©n biÖt ngêi nµy víi ngêi kh¸c cïng tªn.

VÝ dô: We have two Mr Smiths. Which do you want? I want the Mr Smith who signed this letter.

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- Kh«ng dïng the tríc 1 sè danh tõ nh Home, church, bed, court, hospital, prison, school, college, university khi nã ®i víi ®éng tõ vµ giíi tõ chØ chuyÓn ®éng (chØ ®i tíi ®ã lµm môc ®Ých chÝnh).

VÝ dô: He is at home. I arrived home before dark. I sent him home. to bed (®Ó ngñ) to church (®Ó cÇu nguyÖn) to court (®Ó kiÖn tông)

We go to hospital (ch÷a bÖnh) to prison (®i tï) to school / college/ university (®Ó häc) T¬ng tù

in bed at church

We can be in court in hospital at school/ college/ university

We can be / get back (hoÆc be/ get home) from school/ college/university.

leave school We can leave hospital

be released from prison. Víi môc ®Ých kh¸c th× ph¶i dïng the. VÝ dô: I went to the church to see the stained glass.

He goes to the prison sometimes to give lectures.

Student go to the university for a class party.

SeaGo to sea (thñy thñ ®i biÓn)to be at the sea (hµnh kh¸ch/ thuû thñ ®i trªn biÓn)Go to the sea / be at the sea = to go to/ be at the seaside: ®i t¾m biÓn, nghØ m¸t.We can live by / near the sea. Work and office.

Work (n¬i lµm viÖc) ®îc sö dông kh«ng cã the ë tríc. Go to work.

nhng office l¹i ph¶i cã the. Go to the office.

VÝ dô: He is at / in the office.For the examination for GCSE 28

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NÕu to be in office (kh«ng cã the) nghÜa lµ ®ang gi÷ chøc.To be out of office - th«i gi÷ chøc. Town

The cã thÓ bá ®i khi nãi vÒ thÞ trÊn cña ngêi nãi hoÆc cña chñ thÓ. VÝ dô: We go to town sometimes to buy clothes.

We were in town last Monday.

Go to town / to be in town - Víi môc ®Ých chÝnh lµ ®i mua hµng.

B¶ng dïng the vµ kh«ng dïng the trong mét sè trêng hîp ®Æc biÖt.

Dïng the Kh«ng dïng the Tríc c¸c ®¹i d¬ng, s«ng ngßi, biÓn, vÞnh

vµ c¸c hå ë sè nhiÒu.VÝ dô:The Red sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Persian Gulf, the Great Lakes.

Tríc tªn c¸c d·y nói.VÝ dô: The Rockey Moutains

Tríc tªn 1 vËt thÓ duy nhÊt trªn thÕ giíi hoÆc vò trô. VÝ dô: The earth, the moon, the Great

Wall Tríc School/college/university + of + noun

VÝ dô: The University of Florida. The college of Arts and Sciences.

Tríc c¸c sè thø tù + noun. VÝ dô: The first world war. The third chapter. Tríc c¸c cuéc chiÕn tranh khu vùc víi

®iÒu kiÖn tªn c¸c khu vùc ®ã ph¶i ®îc tÝnh tõ ho¸.

VÝ dô: The Korean war.

Tríc tªn c¸c níc cã tõ 2 tõ trë lªn. Ngo¹i trõ Great Britain.

VÝ dô: The United States, the United Kingdom,

the Central Africal Republic. Tríc tªn c¸c níc ®îc coi lµ 1 quÇn ®¶o. VÝ dô: The Philipin.

Tríc c¸c tµi liÖu hoÆc sù kiÖn mang tÝnh lÞch sö.

VÝ dô: The constitution, the Magna

Tríc tªn 1 hå (hay c¸c hå ë sè Ýt).VÝ dô:Lake Geneva, Lake Erie

Tríc tªn 1 ngän nói VÝ dô: Mount Mckinley

Tríc tªn c¸c hµnh tinh hoÆc c¸c chïm sao VÝ dô: Venus, Mars, Earth, Orion

Tríc tªn c¸c trêng nµy khi tríc nã lµ 1 tªn riªng. VÝ dô: Cooper’s Art school, Stetson University.

Tríc c¸c danh tõ mµ sau nã lµ 1 sè ®Õm.

VÝ dô: World war one chapter three Kh«ng nªn dïng tríc tªn c¸c cuéc chiÕn

tranh khu vùc nÕu tªn khu vùc ®Ó nguyªn.

Tríc tªn c¸c níc cã 1 tõ nh : Sweden, Venezuela vµ c¸c níc ®îc ®øng tríc bëi new hoÆc tÝnh tõ chØ ph¬ng híng.

VÝ dô: New Zealand, South Africa. Tríc tªn c¸c lôc ®Þa, tiÓu bang, tØnh,

thµnh phè, quËn, huyÖn. VÝ dô: Europe, California. Tríc tªn bÊt cø m«n thÓ thao nµo. VÝ dô: Base ball, basket ball. Tríc tªn c¸c danh tõ mang tÝnh trõu t-

îng trõ nh÷ng trêng hîp ®Æc biÖt. VÝ dô: Freedom, happiness. Tríc tªn c¸c m«n häc chung. VÝ dô: Mathematics, Sociology Tríc tªn c¸c ngµy lÔ, tÕt.

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Carta. Tríc tªn c¸c nhãm d©n téc thiÓu sè. VÝ dô: The Indians, the Aztecs. Nªn dïng tríc tªn c¸c nh¹c cô. VÝ dô: To play the piano. Tríc tªn c¸c m«n häc cô thÓ. VÝ dô: The applied Math. The theoretical Physics.

VÝ dô: Christmas, thanksgiving.. Tríc tªn c¸c b÷a ăn : breakfast, lunch , dinner ...

CONJUNCTIONS1. So: Cã nghÜa lµ ‘v× vËy’, liªn tõ nµy ®øng tríc vÕ thø hai trong mét c©u ghÐp, biÓu hiÖn vÕ thø hai lµ

kÕt qu¶ t¸c ®éng cña vÕ c©u thø nhÊt. C«ng thøc dïng nh sau:

Clause 1, so + clause 2

Vd: Tim was too angry, so he left without saying anything.2. But: Cã nghÜa lµ ‘nhng’ liªn tõ nay ®øng tríc vÕ thø hai trong mét c©u ghÐp, biÓu thÞ ý nghÜa tr¸i

ngîc víi ý nghÜa cña vÕ c©u thø nhÊt. C«ng thøc dïng nh sau:

Clause 1, but + clause 2

Vd: I tried my best to pass the exam, but I still failed.3. However: Cã nghÜa lµ ’Tuy nhiªn’ liªn tõ nµy ®øng ë ®Çu mét c©u, biÓu thÞ ý nghÜa tr¸i ngîc víi ý nghÜa cña tríc ®ã vµ ng¨n c¸ch víi vÕ c©u ®i sau b»ng dÊu phÈy. Ngoµi ra nã cã thÓ lµ tõ nèi gi÷a hai vÕ c©u trong mét c©u phøc. Trong trêng hîp nµy nã sÏ ®i sau dÊu chÊm

phÈy vµ ®øng tríc dÊu phÈy. C«ng thøc dïng nh sau:

Sentence 1. However, sentence 2.Clause 1; however, clause 2.

Vd: - Studying English is not easy. However, it is benificial - Studying English is not easy; however, it is benificial4. Therefore: Cã nghÜa lµ ’v× vËy’ liªn tõ nµy ®øng ë ®Çu mét c©u, mang ý nghÜa chØ kÕt qu¶ cña hµnh ®éng trong c©u tríc ®ã vµ ng¨n c¸ch víi vÕ c©u ®i sau b»ng dÊu phÈy.Ngoµi ra nã cã thÓ lµ tõ nèi gi÷a hai vÕ c©u trong mét c©u phøc. Trong trêng hîp nµy nã sÏ ®i sau dÊu chÊm phÈy vµ ®øng tríc dÊu phÈy. C«ng thøc dïng nh sau:

Sentence 1. Therefore, sentence 2.Clause 1; therefore, clause 2.

Vd: -He didn’t study hard. Therefore, he failed the exam.For the examination for GCSE 30

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-He didn’t study hard; therefore, he failed the exam.5. Sù kh¸c nhau gi÷a bu t vµ however ; gi÷a so vµ therefore * But vµ however chØ sù ®èi lËp. Tuy nhiªn but kh«ng thÓ ®øng ®Çu c©u mµ chØ cã thÓ ®øng ë ®Çu vÕ thø hai trong mét c©u phøc.* So vµ therefore chØ kÕt qu¶. Tuy nhiªn so kh«ng thÓ ®øng ®Çu c©u mµ chØ cã thÓ ®øng ë ®Çu vÕ thø hai trong mét c©u phøc.MODAL VERBS - ACTIVE AND PASSIVEActive voice: -> Passive Voice: Will Will Would Would may/might may/might must must Need Need Can Can S + Could + V1 + O S + Could + BE + V(ed,3) Should Should Be able to Be able to Ought to Ought to Had better Had better Have to Have to

TRANSITIVE AND INTRANSITIVE VERBS1. Intransitive verbs: (néi ®éng tõ)

Lµ nh÷ng ®éng tõ ®øng sau chñ thÓ g©y ra hµnh ®éng vµ kh«ng cã t©n ng÷ ®i kÌm.vd: sleep, die, swim...C«ng thøc:

S + V Vd: The sun rise in the east.2. Transitive verbs: (ngo¹i ®éng tõ)

Lµ nh÷ng ®éng tõ ®ßi hái cã t©n ng÷ ®i kÌm (cã thÓ cã mét hoÆc nhiÒu t©n ng÷). Vd: get, take, see, advise.... C«ng thøc:

S + V + O Vd: Yesterday I wrote a letter to Mary.

COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS I. Adjectives and Adverbs.1. Adjectives: * Positions: - Adj + N. beautiful hat. - be/ seem/ appear/ feel/ taste/ look/ keep.... + Adj. He seems tired now. - be/ seem/ look/ taste...+ too + Adj. He is too young to drive a motorbike. - be + Adj + enough . She is tall enough to play volleyball. - be/ seem/ look/ taste/ smell/ ...+ so + Adj. + that. The story is so interesting that I can’t put it down. - How + Adj + S + V. How beautiful the girl is.For the examination for GCSE 31

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Notes: TrËt tù tõ cña tÝnh tõ:- TÝnh tõ chØ c¶m nghÜ ®øng tríc tÝnh tõ miªu t¶: an interesting young man.- §«i khi chóng ta dïng hai hay nhiÒu tÝnh tõ miªu t¶ trong mét c©u, th× trËt tù cña chóng ®îc s¾p xÕp nh sau: Sè lîng + ChÊt lîng + KÝch thíc + Tuæi t¸c + Mµu s¾c + XuÊt xø (quèc gia)+ ChÊt liÖu + NOUN. eg. a beautiful old French picture.- TÝnh tõ chØ kÝch thíc vµ chiÒu dµi (big, tall, long...) thêng ®i tríc tÝnh tõ chØ h×nh d¸ng vµ chiÒu réng (round, fat, wide...) eg. a long narrow street.- Khi cã hai hoÆc h¬n hai tÝnh tõ chØ mµu s¾c,ta dïng liªn tõ ‘and’. eg. a red, white and green flag.2. Adverbs: lµ nh÷ng tõ dïng ®Ó diÔn t¶ tÝnh c¸ch, ®Æc tÝnh, møc ®é, tr¹ng th¸i... vµ ®îc dïng ®Ó bæ nghÜa cho ®éng tõ, tÝnh tõ, tr¹ng tõ kh¸c hoÆc cho c¶ c©u.* Positions: - V(trî ®éng tõ) + Adv + V (thêng). I have recently finished my homework. - be/ feel/ look/ .... + Adv + Adj. I feel completely interested in this book. - V (thêng) + too + Adv. He studied too lazily to pass his exam. - V (thêng) + so + Adv + that. Jack drove so fast that he caused an accident. - S + V + (O) + Adv. He drives carefully. - V (thêng) + Adv + enough. He worked hard enough to succeed. - Adv. còng cã thÓ ®øng mét m×nh ë ®Çu c©u (hoÆc gi÷a c©u gi÷a hai dÊu “,”) Suddenly, he heard a strange voice.II. Degrees of comparison of Adj. and Adv.1. Equal dgree: S + V + as + Adj/ Adv + as + N/ Pronoun. eg. He is as tall as his father. / Mai is as beautiful as her mother.- Cã thÓ thay ‘as’ b»ng ‘so’ trong c©u phñ ®Þnh. S + Be not + as/so +Adj + as N/ Pronoun. S + do/ does not +as/so + Adv +............ eg. Your pen is not so expensive as mine.- Cã thÓ diÔn ®¹t ý b»ng nhau, nh nhau: S + V + the same + (noun) + as + noun (pronoun). eg. My house is as high as his = My house is the same height as his. Marry is as old as Tony = Marry and Tony are the same age.For the examination for GCSE 32

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2. Comparative degree:a. Short Adjectives/ Adverbs: S + V + short Adj/Adv + er + than + Noun/ Pronoun. eg. Today is hotter than yesterday./ He runs faster than I do.- TÝnh tõ 1 ©m tiÕt tËn cïng lµ phô ©m ®¬n ( trõ w, x, z) ®øng tr íc mét nguyªn ©m ®¬n th× gÊp ®«i phô ©m cuèi + er big - bigger- TÝnh tõ 2 ©m tiÕt cã tËn cïng lµ : y, le, er, ow, et + er. quieter, cleverer, narrower....- TÝnh tõ 2 ©m tiÕt nhng kÕt thóc b»ng mét phô ©m + y, ®æi ‘y’ thµnh ‘i’ + er. happier.- So s¸nh h¬n cã thÓ ®îc nhÊn m¹nh b»ng c¸ch céng thªm ‘much’ hoÆc ‘far’. S + V + far/ much + short Adj/ Adv + er + than + noun/ pronoun. eg. Today is much hotter than yesterday.b. Long Adjectives/ Adverbs: S + V + more long Adj/ Adv + than + Noun/Pronoun. eg. This chair is more comfortable than the other. He speaks English more fluently than I do. - NhÊn m¹nh : S + V + far/ much + more + long Adj/ Adv + than + noun/ pronoun. eg. Hoa’s watch is much/ far more expensive than mine. He reads much more rapidly than his brother.- So s¸nh kÐm h¬n: S + V + less Adj/ Adv than noun/ pronoun. eg. My TV is less beautiful than yours. He drives less carefully than I think.3. Superlative degree: S + V + the + short Adj/Adv + est + in (danh tõ ®Õm ®îc sè Ýt) + the most + long Adj/ Adv + of (danh tõ ®Õm ®îc sè nhiÒu) + the least + Adj/ Adv eg. He is the tallest in my class. Nga is the most inteligent of all the students. Those shoes are the least expensive of all.Note: - good/ well better the best - bad/ badly worse the worst - many/ much more the most - little less the least - far farther the farthest (vÒ kho¶ng c¸ch) further the furthest (vÒ thêi gian) - near nearer the nearest (vÒ kho¶ng c¸ch) the next (vÒ thø tù) - late later the latest (vÒ thêi gian)

the last (vÒ thø tù) - old older the oldest (vÒ tuæi t¸c)

elder the eldest (vÒ cÊp bËc h¬n lµ tuæi t¸c)For the examination for GCSE 33

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4. So s¸nh kÐp (double comparatives): a. Cµng ngµy ....... cµng, mçi lóc mét...... h¬n.* Víi tÝnh tõ ng¾n: Adj + ER and Adj + er The weather gets warmer and warmer* Víi tÝnh tõ dµi: more and more + Adj She becomes more and more beautiful.b. Cµng ngµy cµng Ýt...., cµng ngµy cµng kÐm....: less and less + Adj eg. He is less and less hard-working.c. Cµng .... th× cµng.......* Víi tÝnh tõ ng¾n: The adj + er......., the adj. + er eg. The darker it gets, the colder it is.* Víi tÝnh tõ dµi: The more adj......., the more adj......... eg. The more beautiful she is, the more miserable her husband is.* Víi ®éng tõ: the more...., the more...... The more you learn, the more you forget.Note: NhiÒu khi hai vÕ kh«ng cïng mét lo¹i tÝnh tõ dµi hay ng¾n nhng cã thÓ sö dông lÉn lén víi nhau. (hoÆc vÕ tríc tÝnh tõ, vÕ sau ®éng tõ hoÆc ngîc l¹i,...) eg. The more she smiles, the more graceful she is.d. Cµng Ýt........, th× cµng Ýt........ Cµng kÐm.....,× cµng kÐm......* Víi tÝnh tõ: The less + adj........, the less + adj. ....... eg. The less difficult the lessons are, the less hard-working the students.* Víi ®éng tõ : the less....., the less..... The less I live with him, the less I like him.5. Nh÷ng c¸ch nãi kh¸c cã tÝnh c¸ch so s¸nh.a. Other .... than........: kh¸c. I want to read other novels than these.b. Rather than: h¬n lµ. We want to be poor rather than rich.c. Had better: nªn You’d better stay at home than go fishing.d. Had rather hoÆc Would rather: thÝch.. ..h¬n .We’d rather watch a film than read a book.6. Danh tõ còng cã thÓ ®îc dïng trong so s¸nh: S + V + as + many/ much/ little/ few + noun +as + noun/ pronoun. hoÆc S + V + more/ fewer/ less + noun + than + noun/ pronoun. eg. He earns as much money as his brother. I have more books than she does.PHRASAL VERBS

MÖnh ®Ò ®éng tõ, lµ nh÷ng ®éng tõ ®i kÌm víi mét hoÆc hai tõ (mét tr¹ng tõ hoÆc mét giíi tõ). Víi mçi tr¹ng tõ ®i kÌm th× mÖnh ®Ò ®éng tõ sÏ mang mét ý nghÜa kh¸c nhau.

Vd: - Look! There is a cat!For the examination for GCSE 34

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- My mother looks after carefull. Cã bèn lo¹i côm ®éng tõ kh¸c nhau:1. Lo¹i 1:

§éng tõ ®i víi mét t©n ng÷ trùc tiÕp- ®©y lµ ngo¹i ®éng tõ. NÕu t©n ng÷ trùc tiÕp lµ mét danh tõ, nã cã thÓ ®øng tríc hoÆc ®øng sau tr¹ng tõ. Tuy nhiªn, nÕu t©n ng÷ trùc

tiÕp lµ mét ®¹i tõ th× nã ph¶i ®øng tríc ®¹i tõ. C«ng thøc:

V + Adverb +OVd: look up, bring (sb) up, let(sb) down, make up, put off, put on, take off, take away, try on, turn down, work out, turn on, turn off......2. Lo¹i 2:

§éng tõ ®i víi mét giíi tõ vµ mét bæ ng÷ trùc tiÕp - ®©y lµ ngo¹i ®éng tõ. §èi víi nh÷ng côm ®éng tõ nµy kh«ng ®îc t¸ch rêi hai phÇn cña côm ®éng tõ. C«ng thøc:

V +preposition +O

V d. She looks after her children properly

3. Lo¹i 3: Đéng tõ kh«ng ®i víi bæ ng÷ trùc tiÕp - ®©y lµ néi ®éng tõ. Ta kh«ng ®îc t¸ch rêi hai phÇn

cña côm ®éng tõ. C«ng thøc:

V + AdverbVd: break down , break up, get away, get by, go down, hold on, pass away, pass out, set off/ set out, stand out, take off....4. LoaÞ 4:

Đéng tõ bao gåm c¶ tr¹ng tõ vµ giíi tõ. Chóng lu«n cÇn mét bæ ng÷ trùc tiÕp. Ta kh«ng ®îc t¸ch rêi c¸c phÇn cña côm ®éng tõ nµy. C«ng thøc:

V + Adverb + preposition + O

Vd: catch up with, come up against, come up with, face up to, fall in with, get along/on with, get out of, look up to, make up for, put up with, run out of, stand up for, stand up to...

Some common Phrasal verbs Verb Preposition Synonym (Nghĩa)call  back return a telephone call  Gọi lại (điện thoại)call  off cancel  Hủy bỏcall on ask to speak in class  Gọi phát biểu ý kiếncall up make a telephone call Gọi điện thoại

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do over do again  Làm lạifigure  out find the solution to a problem  Tìm giải phápfill in complete a sentence by writing in a blank  Điền vàofill up fill completely with gas, water, coffee, etc.  Đổ đầy, làm đầyfind out discover information  Tìm ra, phát hiện raget  in enter a car, a taxi  Lên xe, tax i...get off leave a bus, an airplane, a train, a subway, a bicycle  Xuống xe buýt, máy bay ...get  on enter a bus, an airplane, a train, a subway, a bicycle Lên xe get over recover from an illness  Bình phục, khỏi ốmgive back return something to someone  Trả lạigive up quit doing something or quit trying  Từ bỏ, bỏgo off explode Phát nổhand  in give homework, tests, papers, etc., to a teacher  Nộp bài kiểm tra, bài thi...hand  out give something to this person, then that person, then another person, Phân phátkeep  on continue  Tiếp tụcleave out omit  Bỏ sót, bỏ qualook up look for information in a reference book  Tra cứu (từ,kiến thức...)make  up invent  Phát minh back return money to someone  Trả lai tiền cho aipick up Lift   Đón put  off Postpone Hoãn lạiput on put clothes on one's body Mặc quần áoput  out extinguish (stop) a fire, a cigarette, a cigar  Dập tắt (Lửa, thuốc lá ..)run into meet by chance  Tình cờ gặpshut off stop a machine or light, turn off  Đóng ,tắtstart over start again  Khởi động lại take off remove clothes from one's body  Tháo, cởi quần áo...tear  up tear into small pieces  Xé ra từng mảnh nhỏthrow away/out put in the trash Vứt bỏ try on put on clothing to see if it fits  Thử (quần áo)turn  down decrease the volume  Vặn nhỏ âm thanhturn  off stop a machine or a light, shut off  Tắt (đèn, máy móc ...)turn on begin a machine or a light  Bật đèn, máy móc...turn up increase the volume Vặn to âm thanh

ADVERBIAL CLAUSE OF TIME* MÖnh ®Ò tr¹ng ng÷ chØ thêi gian ®ãng vai trß t¬ng ®¬ng víi tr¹ng ng÷ cña c©u. MÖnh ®Ò nµy kh«ng thÓ ®øng mét m×nh mµ ph¶i lu«n ®i kÌm víi mÖnh ®Ò chÝnh.* MÖnh ®Ò tr¹ng ng÷ chØ thêi gian thêng b¾t ®Çu víi c¸c tõ sau: For the examination for GCSE 36

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1. When (khi) - When I was watching TV, it began to rain.2. While (trong khi) - While Tommy was having a bath, the telephone rang.3. As (khi) - As I was watching TV, it began to rain.4. As soon as (ngay khi) - As soon as I finish reading this book, I will return it to you.5. Until (cho ®Õn khi) - Please wait for me until I come back.6. Before (tríc khi) - You must remember to turn all lights off before you go out.7. After (sau khi ) - After my parents have dinner, they often watch TV till late at night.8. Since (tõ khi)- Since I move here, I have never met my next-door neiboor 9. As long as: (l©u chõng nµo)- You can stay here as long as you want to. NOTE: * Ngêi ta kh«ng dïng th× t¬ng lai trong mÖnh ®Ò chØ thêi gian. Khi mÖnh ®Ò chÝnh cã ®éng tõ ë th× t¬ng lai th× trong mÖnh phô chØ thêi gian, ngêi ta sÏ dïng:- Th× HTHT thay v× dïng th× TLHT.- Th× HT§ thay v× dïng th× TL§* Sau As vµ While ta hay dïng ®éng tõ th× tiÕp diÔn.GERUNDS & INFINITIVESA. DANH ÑOÄNG TÖØ: (Gerund)

Danh ñoäng töø coù caáu truùc gioáng nhö hieän taïi phaân töø (töùc laø ñoäng töø theâm ING) : talking, learning, cutting, lying…

Danh ñoäng töø, nhö teân goïi, laø ñoäng töø duøng nhö danh töø. Danh ñoäng töø chuû yeáu ñöùng ôû vò trí, vaø thöïc hieän chöùc naêng, cuûa moät danh töø trong caâu. Noù thöôøng ñöôïc :

1/ Duøng laøm: (subject)- Swimming is good for our health.- Being friendly will bring you friends.

2/ Duøng laøm: (object of a verb)- These boys like swimming.- My brother practises speaking English every day.

3/ Duøng laøm boå ngöõ cho S: (subject complement)- My hobby is swimming.- Seeing is believing.

4/ Duøng laøm O cho giôùi töø: (object of a preposition)- He is fond of swimming.

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- She is interested in learning English.5/ Duøng trong caâu ngaên caám ngaén (short prohibition) hoaëc ñeå thaønh

laäp danh töø keùp (compound noun) - No smoking.- No talking, please.- a swimming pool.- a dining room.- a washing machine.

6/ Duøng sau tính töø sôû höõu:- Please forgive my coming late.- His driving carelessly often causes accidents.

7/ Duøng sau moät soá ñoäng töø vaø moät soá caùch dieãn ñaït nhaát ñònh nhö: admit, advise, avoid, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, finish, hate, keep, like, mind, practise, postpone, quit, risk, suggest, can’t help, can’t bear, can’t stand, be worth, be busy, it’s no use, there’s no…

- We enjoy listening to music.- I can’t help laughing when she makes jokes.

B. ÑOÄNG TÖØ NGUYEÂN MAÃU: (Infinitive)Ñoäng töø nguyeân maãu thöôøng coù giôùi töø to ñöùng tröôùc (to do, to learn, to

help, to advise…) vaø ñöôïc duøng trong nhöõng tröôøng hôïp sau :1/ Laøm S,O hoaëc boå ngöõ (complement) trong caâu:

- To conceal the truth from her was foolish.- He wanted to become a spaceman.- What he asked for is to be left alone.

2/ Laøm tính töø boå nghóa cho danh töø:- He was the first man to leave the room.- English is an important language to master.

3/ Laøm traïng töø dieãn taû caùc noäi dung sau:* Muïc ñích cuûa haønh ñoäng.

- He went to the station to meet her.- He bought a dictionary to study English.

* Keát quaû, haäu quaû. (sau TOO +Adj / Adv)- She is too tired to go for a walk.- The box was too heavy for her to carry.

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* Hieäu quaû. (sau Adj / Adv + ENOUGH)- I’m strong enough to carry that heavy box.- He isn’t rich enough to travel everywhere by taxi.

4/ Duøng sau moät soá ñoäng töø nhaát ñònh nhö : afford, agree, arrange, decide, demand, expect, fail, hope, intend, learn, manage, need, offer, plan, pretend, promise,refuse, threaten, want, wish, would like…

- They promised to come back soon.- He can’t afford to take a taxi.

vaø duøng sau moät soá ñoäng töø coù O (verb + obj + to inf) nhö : advise, allow, ask, beg, encourage, expect, forbid, force, help, invite, order, permit, persuade, prefer, remind, teach, tell, want, warn…

- They don’t allow us to smoke in the office.- I taught myself to play the guitar.

+ Chuù yù : Moät soá ñoäng töø coù theå theo sau bôûi danh ñoäng töø hoaëc ñoäng töø nguyeân maãu nhöng coù söï khaùc bieät

veà nghóa trong caâu.(*) Remember + gerund : nhôù laïi vieäc ñaõ thöïc hieän.

- I remember posting the letter.Remember + to infinitive : nhôù ñeå thöïc hieän.

- I remember to post the letter.(*) Stop + gerund : ngöng thöïc hieän vieäc ñang laøm.

- She stopped mending the dress.Stop + to infinitive : ngöng laøm moät vieäc gì khaùc ñeå laøm vieäc naøy.

- He stopped to have a drink.(*) Try + gerund : thöû laøm vieäc gì .

- I try writing in blue ink to see if my handwriting is better.Try + to infinitive : coá gaéng laøm vieäc gì.

- They tried to work as hard as they could.(*) Mean + gerund : mang yù nghóa.

- Failure in the exam means having to learn one more year.Mean + to infinitive : döï ñònh laøm vieäc gì.

- He means to take the coming exam.(*) Forget + gerund : queân ñieàu gì ñaõ xaûy ra.

- I forgot telling her this story. Forget + to infinitive : queân laøm ñieàu gì.

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- I forgot to tell her about this.(*) Regret + gerund : hoái tieác vieäc ñaõ xaûy ra.

- She regrets going to a village school.- The party was great. He regretted not to go there.

Regret + to infinitive :Lấy laøm tieác phảiõ laøm vieäc gì.- I regret to say that she can’t come tonight

C. ÑOÄNG TÖØ NGUYEÂN MAÃU KHOÂNG “TO”. (Bare Infinitive)Ñaây laø ñoäng töø nguyeân theå khoâng ñi keøm vôùi to (infinitive without to) vaø

ñöôïc söû duïng trong caùc tröôøng hôïp sau :1/ Duøng sau caùc ñoäng töø khieám khuyeát (Modal verbs) nhö: can, could,

may, might, must, ought to…- You may go now.- They must finish the work by now.

2/ Duøng sau caùc ñoäng töø : HAVE, LET, MAKE, HELP…- I helped the child tidy his desk.- He had a painter paint the gate.- They let him enter the room without a ticket.- My parents make me go to bed early.

3/ Duøng sau BUT, EXCEPT vôùi nghóa “ngoaïi tröø”- Why don’t you do anything but complain?- She agreed to do everything but help him with the homework.

4/ Duøng sau caùc ñoäng töø chæ giaùc quan nhö : see, watch, hear, notice, observe, spot…

- We heard them sing all morning.- He saw the thief enter the hall.

Chuù yù : nhö ta ñaõ bieát hieän taïi phaân töø (present participle) coù theå ñöôïc duøng cho caùc ñoäng töø treân ñeå dieãn tahaønh ñoäng ñang tieáp dieãn. Coøn ñoäng töø nguyeân theå duøng trong tröôøng hôïp naøy chæ haønh ñoäng ñaõ hoaøn taát.

- I watched them playing football for a while. (traän ñaáu vaãn ñang tieáp dieãn)- I watched them play football yesterday afternoon. (xem toaøn boä traän ñaáu)

USEFUL STRUCTURES (C¸c cÊu tróc c©u quan träng)A. Grammar :

1. It’s/ was + S + that + Predicate : ChÝnh...... mµ.......For the examination for GCSE 40

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eg. Smoking causes lung cancer. - It’s smoking that causes lung cancer.

My sister gave me a computer on my birthday.- It was my sister that gave gave me a computer on my birthday

2. It’s + Adj + for somebody + to infi. = To infi. + be + Adj. = Ving + be + Adj. eg. It’s difficult for me to learn Russian. = To learn Russian is difficult. = Learning Russian is difficult. It’s not easy to speak English perfectly. = To speak English perfectly is not easy.3. It’s/ was possible/ impossible for somebody to infi. = S + be + possible/ impossible + to infi. eg. It’s impossible for us to finish the long test on time. = We’re impossible to finish the long test on time.4. It takes/ took/ will take + Sb + time + to infi. = S + spend/ spent/ will spend + time + Ving. eg. It takes me 30 minutes to cook dinner. = I spend 30 minutes cooking dinner.5. S + be + said/ thought/ believed/ known .....+ that + clause. = S + be + said/ thought/ believed/ known...... to infi./ to have + Vpp. eg. It’s said that the earth is round. = The earth is said to be round.6. It’s likely that + clause (will): cã thÓ eg. It’s likely that man will conque nature.7. S + used to + V (ñaõ töøng…) chæ moät thoùi quen ôû quaù khöù eg. I used to cry when I was a child. - S + use st + to V. Sử dụng c¸i gì để làm gì eg. I use a dictionary to look up the meaning of words. - S + be/ get used to + Ving. (quen vôùi…) töông đương vôùi Be accustomed to

8. Had better + (not) + to V : nªn, kh«ng nªn lµm g× eg. You had better get up early and do morning exercises. He’d better not smoke cigarettes.9. Would rather + do st than + do st. ThÝch lµm viÖc g× h¬n viÖc g× = Prefer doing st to doing st/ (prefer N to N). eg. I’d rather stay at home than go out. = I prefer staying at home to going out. I prefer films to books.10. Phrases and clauses of purpose. (Côm tõ vµ mÖnh ®Ò chØ môc ®Ých)a. Phrases of purpose: For the examination for GCSE 41

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- NÕu muèn diÔn t¶ môc ®Ých kh¼ng ®Þnh ta dïng: * to infinitive * in order to/ so as to + V. (®Ó mµ) eg. They try to study to pass their next exam. They try to study in order to pass their exam - NÕu muèn diÔn t¶ môc ®Ých phñ ®Þnh ta dïng: so as not to, in order not to. eg. They study hard so as not to fail the exam. I got up early in order not to miss the train.b. Clauses of purpose (Adverbial clauses of purpose) S + V + so that/ in order that + S + will/ would + V (M§ chÝnh) can/ could may/ might ( M§ tr¹ng ng÷ chØ môc ®Ých) eg. I try to study so that I can pass the exam. I try to learn English in order that I can find a good job. Note: NÕu chñ ng÷ cña M§ chÝnh vµ M§ chØ môc ®Ých kh¸c nhau ta kh«ng dïng Phrases of purpose.c. Adverb clause of reason BECAUSE + Clause (bôûi vì…) giôùi thieäu meänh ñeà traïng töø chæ nguyeân do

- I couldn’t come to class yesterday because I was ill.- Because the weather was bad, the flight was put off.

BECAUSE OF + Phrase (bôûi vì…) duøng cuïm töø hoaëc danh töø sau because of (preposition)

- I couldn’t come to class yesterday because of his illness.- Because of the bad weather, the flight was put off.

11. Phrases and clauses of result.a. Phrases of result: * TOO…TO : (qu¸ ...... kh«ng thÓ). S + be/ get/ look/ seem/ become...+ too + Adj +(for O) + to infi. S + V (thêng) + too + Adv +(for O) + to infi. eg. This coffee is too hot for me to drink. He runs too slowly to catch the bus.* ENOUGH…TO: (®ñ.......®Ó cã thÓ). S + be + Adj + enough (for O) + to infi. S + V (thêng) + Adv + enough (for O) + to infi.For the examination for GCSE 42

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eg. He’s intelligent enough to get good marks. They speak slowly enough to understand.b. Clauses of result: * SO........ THAT: (qu¸ ............ ®Õn nçi). S + be/ look/ seem/ smell/ taste/ feel....... + so +Adj + that + S + V. ( Main clause) (Adverbial clause of result) S + V (thêng) + so + adv + that + S + V. eg. It was so dark that I couldn’t see anything. The soup tastes so good that everyone will ask for more. - NÕu tríc ‘SO’ cã ‘ MANY, MUCH, FEW, LITTLE’ th× ta dïng cÊu tróc: S + V + so +many/ few + plural count. N + that + S + V. eg. There are so many people in the room that I feel tired. S + V + so much/ little + uncount. N + that + S + V. eg. He spent so much money in his holiday that he runs out of money now.* SUCH .............. THAT: (qu¸ ............ ®Õn nçi). S + V + such a/ an + Adj + N + that + S + V. eg. It was such a hot day that we decided to stay at home. He is such an intelligent boy that we all admire him.12. It’s time/ It’s high time (®· tíi lóc mµ mét viÖc nªn ®îc lµm ngay).a. Followed by past tense with present meaning: It’s time + S + Ved (be - were).- past subjunctive. It’s high time eg. It’s time we went home.b. Followed by infi. - It’s time + (for + O) + to Infi. It’s high time + S + Ved eg. It’s time for her to go to bed =It’s high time she went to bed 13. Clauses after Would rather: (mong muèn r»ng).a. Mong muèn ë t¬ng lai: S + would rather ( that) + S (not) + V bare infi. eg. I’d rather (that) you not call me tomorrow. I’d rather (that) she be here tomorrow.b. Mong muèn ë hiÖn t¹i( tr¸i víi thùc tÕ, kh«ng cã thËt). S + would rather (that) + S + V past subjunctive. eg. I’d rather the weather were fine today. Nam’d rather (that) his girlfriend worked in the same office as he does.c. Mong muèn ë qu¸ khø : ( tr¸i víi thùc tÕ, kh«ng cã thËt).For the examination for GCSE 43

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S + would rather (that) + S + V past perfect subjunctive. eg. John would rather (that) Marry had gone to school yesterday.* C¸ch sö dông mét sè tõ lo¹iI. §¹i tõ bÊt ®Þnh: gåm cã c¸c nhãm sau.1. Some : somebody, someone, something - ®îc dïng trong c©u kh¼ng ®Þnh vµ ®i víi ®éng tõ sè Ýt. eg. There is somebody at the door./ I’ve got something in my bag.- ®îc dïng khi muèn ‘mêi’ hay ‘yªu cÇu’ ®iÒu g×. Would you like something to drink?2. Any : anybody, anyone, anything- ®îc dïng trong c©u phñ ®Þnh vµ nghi vÊn eg. Is there anybody in the room? / I’m very tired now. I don’t want to eat anything.- ®îc dïng trong mÖnh ®Ò ‘If’. If anyone has any questions, I’ll pleased to answer them.3. No : nobody, noone, nothing( =not anyone, anybody, anything).- ®îc dïng trong c©u kh¼ng ®Þnh nhng mang nghÜa phñ ®Þnh, cã thÓ ®øng ®Çu c©u hoÆc ®øng mét m×nh. eg. ‘What did you say?’ ‘Nothing’.- ®îc dïng víi ®éng tõ ë h×nh thøc sè Ýt. eg.The house is empty.There is nobody living there.- Sau nobody, noone cã thÓ dïng ‘ they, them, their’. eg. Noone in the class did their homework.II. Tõ x¸c ®Þnh ®øng tríc: Cã chøc n¨ng lµm ®¹i tõ, cã thÓ dïng tríc giíi tõ OF vµ mét danh tõ sè Ýt hoÆc sè nhiÒu, ®Õm ®îc hoÆc kh«ng ®Õm ®îc. §éng tõ theo sau cã thÓ ë h×nh thøc sè Ýt hoÆc sè nhiÒu, tïy lo¹i.- All (tÊt c¶), some (vµi), a few (mét vµi), several (vµi), both (c¶ hai), each (mçi), either (mét trong hai), neither (kh«ng ai/ c¸i g× trong hai), none (kh«ng ai/ c¸i g× trong nhiÒu), little, much, many ...1. Some of.../ Most of.../ None of... ... + the , this, that, these, those, my, his, Ann’s...... cã thÓ ®i víi ®éng tõ sè Ýt hoÆc sè nhiÒu tïy thuéc vµo danh tõ sau nã. eg. Some of the people I work with are very friendly. None of this money is mine.2. Cã thÓ dïng ‘ Some of, None of...’ + us / you / them. eg. How many of these pens do you want? A few of them/ None of them.

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3. Cã thÓ dïng ‘ Some, most, many, little, ...’ mét m×nh mµ kh«ng cã danh tõ. eg. Some pupils are lazy but some are not.4. Khi dïng ‘ both, either, neither’ + of th× cÇn cã ‘ the/ these/ those/ my/ his/ Ann’s...’ eg. Both of these books are very interesting. I haven’t read either of these books.5. Cã thÓ dïng ‘ both of/ neither of/ either of + us/ you/ them’. eg. Both of us are students. / Neither of them are good pupils.6. Sau Neither of ®éng tõ cã thÓ ë h×nh thøc sè Ýt hoÆc sè nhiÒu. eg. Neither of the children want ( wants) to go to bed.7. ‘Either, neither, both’ chØ hai sù viÖc, ‘Any, none, all’ chØ h¬n hai sù viÖc. eg. I tried two hats. Neither of them fit me. Both of them were too large. I tried a lot of hats. None of them fit me. All of them were too large.8. Kh«ng dïng All ®Ó chØ ‘ everybody, everyone’. eg. Everyone Ñnjoyed the party.9. Everybody, everyone, everything ®îc dïng víi ®éng tõ ë d¹ng sè Ýt. eg. Everyone is in the room.10. All dïng víi c¶ danh tõ sè Ýt hoÆc sè nhiÒu. §éng tõ theo sau ë h×nh thøc sè Ýt hoÆc sè nhiÒu tïy thuéc vµo danh tõ tríc nã ë sè Ýt hoÆc sè nhiÒu. eg. All of the books on the self are expensive. All of the money has been spent.11. -Little, much : chØ ®îc dïng víi danh tõ kh«ng ®Õm ®îc( sè Ýt). eg. Much of the time in my life was in the countryside. - Many, few: dïng víi danh tõ ®Õm ®îc( sè nhiÒu) eg. We have many interesting stories. - Little, few mang nghÜa phñ ®Þnh( kh«ng ®¸ng kÓ) eg. We must be quick. There is little time.(not much/ not enough time) - A little/ a few mang tÝnh kh¼ng ®Þnh nhiÒu h¬n. eg. I have a few friends and we meet quite often. 12. A lot of/ lots of/ plenty of: dïng víi danh tõ sè nhiÒu vµ danh tõ kh«ng ®Õm ®îc. eg. He has a lot of friends./ a lot of luck./ lots of time. He won plenty of money.13. Much, many ®îc dïng chñ yÕu trong c©u hái vµ c©u phñ ®Þnh. eg. We didn’t have much time./ Do you know many people?For the examination for GCSE 45

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- Much. many ®îc dïng trong c©u kh¼ng ®Þnh khi ®i víi c¸c tr¹ng tõ: very, too, so. eg. There are too many people here.

WORD FORMATIONS (C¸ch thµnh lËp tõ )I. Noun formations (Thµnh lËp danh tõ)* Kind of nouns: - Concrete Ns (Danh từ cụ thể); proper Ns- D. từ riêng John, London...), common Ns - D.

từ chung (country, man...) - Abstract Ns (D.từ trừu tượng): happiness, goodness...- Singular Ns - D. từ số ít (pen, man...), Plural Ns - D.từ số nhiều (pens, men...), countable Ns - D từ đếm được

(hat, bag...), uncountable Ns- d.từ không đếm được (rice, milk...)

* Positions of Ns: Adj + N; S ; Prep + N; V + N=Obj ; article + N.

1. Mét sè danh tõ ®îc thµnh lËp b»ng c¸ch thªm c¸c hËu tè vµo sau ®éng tõ:a. V + tion: pollution, attraction, invention...b. V + ment: enjoyment, development, movement, treatment, employment...c. V + er, or, ant, ist = N job / person: teacher, visitor, assistant, typist...d. V + ing: teaching, swimming...e. V + age: usage, drainage....2. Mét sè danh tõ ®îc thµnh lËp b»ng c¸ch thªm c¸c hËu tè vµo sau danh tõ:a. N + ship: friendship, scholarship....b. N + ism: capitalism (CN t b¶n), Marxism, socialism...c. N (subject) + ist, er, ian = N (career): chemist, philosopher, musician...3. Mét sè danh tõ ®îc thµnh lËp b»ng c¸ch thªm c¸c hËu tè vµo sau tÝnh tõ:a. Adj + ity: possibility, responsibility, nationality...b. Adj + ness: richness, happiness, coldness...4. Compound nouns:a. N + N: tea cup, book self, school year, tooth- brush,...b. Gerund + N: driving lience, swimming pool....c. Adj + N: blackboard, gentleman...II. Adjective formations (Thµnh lËp tÝnh tõ)* Positions of Adjs: Adj + N; Be/ look/ seem/ become...+ Adj, Adv + Adj (very interesting)1. Mét sè tÝnh tõ ®îc thµnh lËp b»ng c¸ch thªm c¸c hËu tè vµo sau c¸c danh tõ:a. N + ful: harmful, useful, helpful, .....b. N + less (kh«ng cã): childless, homeless...c. N + ly (cã tÝnh c¸ch, cã vÎ, hµng giê, n¨m...): manly, brotherly, daily...d. N + like (gièng nh): childlike, godlike...

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e. N + y (nhiÒu, ®Çy): rainy, snowy, healthy, foggy...f. N + ish (theo c¸ch cña): childish, foolish...g. N + al (thuéc vÒ): industrial, natural, ...h. N + ous: poisonous, dangerous, famous...2. Mét sè tÝnh tõ ®îc thµnh lËp b»ng c¸ch thªm c¸c hËu tè vµo sau c¸c ®éng tõ:a. V + ive: active, progressive, attractive...b. V + able: countable, agreetable, acceptable, forgetable....c. V + ing/ ed: interesting, interested...3. Mét sè tÝnh tõ ®îc thµnh lËp b»ng c¸ch thªm c¸c tiÒn tè vµo tríc tÝnh tõ mang nghÜa phñ ®Þnh.a. Un + Adj : unhappy, unlucky, unforgetable...b. In + Adj : indirect, independent...c. Im + Adj : impatient, impossible...e. Ir + Adj : irregular, irrational4. TÝnh tõ kÐp cã thÓ ®îc thµnh lËp theo c¸c c¸ch sau:a. Adj + Adj : dark- blue (xanh ®en), red- hot (nãng ®á)...b. N + Adj : snow-white (tr¾ng nh tuyÕt), pitch-dark (tèi ®en nh mùc)...c. N + past participle : blue-eyed, man-made, long-haired (cã tãc dµi)...d. Adj + Ving : good - looking, nice-looking, slow-moving, fast-running...III. Verb formations (Thµnh lËp ®éng tõ)* Positions: S + V, V + Adv, Adv + V.1. Mét sè ®éng tõ ®îc thµnh lËp b»ng c¸ch thªm tiÒn tè OUT vµo néi ®éng tõ (intransitive V) ®Ó biÕn nã thµnh mét ngo¹i ®éng tõ (transitive V). - TiÒn tè OUT cã nghÜa lµ : tèt h¬n, nhanh h¬n, dµi h¬n.... + outgrow (lín h¬n, ph¸t triÓn h¬n...) + outlive (sèng l©u h¬n) + outweight (nÆng h¬n) + outnumber (nhiÒu h¬n, ®«ng h¬n)2. Mét sè ®éng tõ ®îc thµnh lËp b»ng c¸ch thªm tiÒn tè EN vµo sau tÝnh tõ, danh tõ hoÆc ®éng tõ kh¸c. TiÒn tè EN cã nghÜa lµ : bá vµo, lµm cho, g©y ra... + danger (N) - endanger(V) + rich (Adj) - enrich (V) , large (Adj) – enlarge (V) + close (V) - enclose (V)IV. Adverb formations (Thµnh lËp tr¹ng tõ)1. Tr¹ng tõ thêng ®îc thµnh lËp b»ng c¸ch thªm hËu tè ‘ly’ vµo sau tÝnh tõ.For the examination for GCSE 47

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+ beautifully, carelessly, strongly, mainly...2. Mét sè trêng hîp ®Æc biÖt: + good - well + long - long + ill - ill + hard - hard + late - late/ lately + soon - soon + fast - fast +

early - early

TRANSFORMATION Caùch bieán ñoåi caâu laø caùch ta vieát laïi caâu theo moät caáu truùc môùi

(thöôøng ñöôïc cho tröôùc) maø khoâng thay ñoåi nghóa cuûa caâu ban ñaàu.* Ví duï 1: Haõy vieát laïi caâu sau ñaây :

- He didn’t go to school yesterday because he was ill. Because of……

Theo ví duï treân, ta vieát laïi caâu baèng “Because of…”, coù nghóa laø ta bieán meänh ñeà “ he was ill” thaønh moät cuïm töø, vì sau “because of” ta phaûi duøng moät cuïm töø. Nhö vaäy, caâu vieát laïi coù theå laø :

Because of his illness, he didn’t go to school yesterday.Hoaëc Because of being ill, he didn’t go to school yesterday.Hoaëc Because of his being ill, he didn’t go to school yesterday.

* Ví duï 2: Haõy vieát laïi caâu sau ñaây : - They built that house a century ago. That house……

Theo ví duï treân, caâu vieát laïi baét ñaàu baèng “That house” – moät tuùc töø – coù nghóa laø ta vieát laïi caâu naøy ôû daïng bò ñoäng (passive voice). Nhö vaäy, caâu vieát laïi nhö sau :

That house was built a century ago. * Ví duï 3: Haõy vieát laïi caâu sau ñaây :

- He didn’t go out because he didn’t have time. If……Theo ví duï treân, caâu vieát laïi baét ñaàu baèng “If”, coù nghóa laø ta vieát laïi

caâu naøy thaønh caâu ñieàu kieän khoâng coù thaät ôû quaù khöù (loaïi 3) vì thì cuûa ñoäng töø ôû quaù khöù. Caâu vieát laïi nhö sau :

If he had had time, he would have gone out. * Ví duï 4: Haõy vieát laïi caâu sau ñaây :

- The last time I saw her was five years ago. I haven’t…………Theo ví duï treân, caâu vieát laïi seõ ôû thì hieän taïi hoaøn thaønh vì caâu baét

ñaàu baèng “I haven’t……” I haven’t seen her for five years.

(ago khoâng ñöôïc duøng ôû thì hieän taïi hoaøn thaønh, neân ta duøng for ñeå thay theá) * Ví duï 5: Haõy vieát laïi caâu sau ñaây :

- His house is bigger than mine. My house isn’t………Theo ví duï treân, caâu vieát laïi seõ chuyeån thaønh daïng so saùnh baèng ôû

theå phuû ñònh. My house isn’t as big as his.

Hay My house isn’t so big as his (house).

Chuùc caùc em thaønh coâng trong caùc kyø thi saép ñeán!

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PhÇn 2 : PhÇn bµi tËpGRAMMAR

Unit 1+ 2 : Basic Tenses

Exercise 1. Choose the most correct answer:1. I _______this film twice.

A. see B. saw C. will see D. have seen 2. –Peter, please help me do the washing up. – Sorry, Mum. I ______ TV.

A. watch B. am watching C. had watched D. watched3. The farmers _____ in the field now.

A. were working B. have worked C. worked D. are working4. The war _____ out three years ago.

A. broke B. had broken C. has broken D. was breaking5. He ______ a cup of coffee every morning.

A. drinks B. drank C. is drinking D. has drunk6. She ______ a lot of new books.

A. had just bought B. has just bought C. buys D. bought7. Up to the present, Nam_____ good work in his class.

A. does B. has done C. had done D. did8. At present, that author ______ a historical novel.

A. is writing B. was writing C. has written D. had written9. By next month, I _____ my first novel.

A. will finish B. am going to finish C. finish D. will have finished10. Phong ______ at the university so far.

A. had worked B. was working C. worked D. has workedFor the examination for GCSE 49

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11. How long _____ able to drive? – since 1990.A. could you B. have you been C. were you D. are you

12. They ______ since eight o’clock.A. are talking B. have been talking C. talked D. talk

13. My brother _______ in the army from 1990 to 1995.A. served B. has served C. had served D. is serving

14. At this moment, I _____ that we have a good chance of victory.A. was feeling B. am feeling C. feel D. had been feeling

15. I _____ the money from him yet.A. haven’t received B. don’t receive C. will receive D. am receiving

16. This is the most interesting book _____ . A. I’ve read B. I had read C. I’ve ever readed D. I’ve ever read

17. I ____ him ten days ago.A. see B. saw C. have seen D. will see

18. It ______ a long time since I last saw him.A. is B. was C. will be D. had been

19. She _____ so hard this week that she doesn’t have time to go to the hairdresser’s.A. works B. worked C. has been working D. had worked

20. Mr. John_______ to Los Angeles in 1992.A. had gone B. has gone C. went D. was going

21. What ______ to you yesterday?A. happened B. did happen C. had happened D. has happened

22. I never go to Australia. I _____ to Australia yet.A. will go B. went C. haven’t been D. have been

23. What _____ do at 7:00 tomorrow morning.A. will you B. shall you C. were you D. did you

24. Why ______ you come yesterday? A. couldn’t B. can’t C. didn’t D. A and C25. My mother ______ in this factory since 1990

A. works B. worked C. has worked D. had worked26. I _____ my hair before breakfast this morning. A. washed B. had washed C. was washing D. have washed27. I _____ about him when he suddenly came in.

A. talk B. talked C. am talking D. was talking28. He will finish this work before you _______ here tomorrow.

A. leave B. will leave C. would leave D. are going to leave29. Don’t make noise. My mother ______ with her friends.

A. is talking B. was talking C. talks D. talked30. He _____ in this office for ten years by next Monday.

A. will have been working B. would be working C. will work D. will be working31. No sooner _____ the office than the telephone rang.

A. was he leaving B. he was leaving C. he had left D. had he left32. George______ this movie three times.

A. sees B. has seen C. saw D. had seen33. Food, air and clothes _______ necessary for life.

A. was B. were C. is D. are34. He ______ a visit to Halong Bay in 1995.

A. had paid B. paid C. has paid D. pays35. This morning while I ______ for the bus, the rain stopped.

A. waited B. have waited C. had waited D. was waiting36. What _____ during the last few weeks.

A. did you do B. had you been doing C. have you been doing D. were you doing37. Up to now, the teacher _______ our class five tests.For the examination for GCSE 50

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A. gives B. is giving C. has given D. had given38. The students _____ English now. A. study B. are studying C. will study D. have studied39. I don’t feel good. I _____ work tomorrow.

A. won’t be going B. won’t go to C. don’t go D. went40. He is tired because he ____ all day.

A. had worked B. has worked C. worked D. works41. _____ at home tonight?

A. are you staying B. do you stay C. were you staying D. did you stay42. We _____ in this house for ten years. A. are living B. were living C. had lived D. have lived43. She ____ in the departure lounge for a long time.

A. is waiting B. was waiting C. waits D. has waited44. I ______ my driving test on Friday.

A. have passed B. had passed C. passed D. was passing45. I ______ a vegetarian since 1998.

A. am B. was C. have been D. had been46. When _____ she was sorry?

A. did Jane say B. had Jane said C. has Jane said D. was Jane saying47. The motorway ____ in 1986.

A. finished B. was finished C. has finished D. finishes48. I hope you _____ more carefully in the future.

A. write B. will write C. would write D. wrote49. She _____ English before she came to England.

A. studied B. had studied C. would study D. studies50. We usually go ______ after work.

A. to fishing B. fished C. fishing D. fish51. She’ll be a millionaire by the time she _____ forty.

A. was B. is C. will be D. is going to be52. I’ve been waiting for my friends. I wonder if they_____ their way.

A. will lose B. would lose C. had lost D. have lost53. He said everything _____ all right.

A. is B. will be C. can be D. would be54. It is raining now. it began raining two hours ago. It ______ for two hours.

A. has rained B. had rained C. is raining D. has been raining55. He ______ his job last month and since then he ________ out of work.

A. has lost/ is B. had lost/ was C. lost / has been D. lost/ had been56. At this time tomorrow, my father ____ in London. A. is arriving B. has arrived C. will be arriving D. would arrive57. In a few hours, we ______ the test, and we’ll go home and rest.

A. have finished B. are finishing C. will be finishing D. will have finished58. People ____ English and French in Canada.

A. speak B. have spoken C. had spoken D. are speaking59. The car isn’t here today because Dick ______ it.

A. uses B. used C. is using D. has used60. “When did you come here?” “I ____ here since last Sunday.”

A. have been B. had been C. was D. am61. Mr. Harry ______ in the army from 1980 to 1985

A. had served B. has served C. is serving D. served62. At first you should ____ slowly for a short distance.

A. jog B. to jog C. jogging D. jogged63. We began to jog____.

A. before three year B. three years ago C. three years past D. the past three years For the examination for GCSE 51

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64. The baby_____. Don’t make so much noise.A. sleep B. sleeps C. slept D. is sleeping

65. Peter said that he _____ that film before. A. didn’t see B. had not ever seen C. will not see D. has not ever seen

Exercise 2: Sequences Of Tenses Choose the most correct answer:1. He said that he ____ a lot of money on advertising to expand his business.

A. spends B. has spent C. spending D. had spent2. The train _____ when we got to the station.

A. just left B. just leaves C. had just left D. will leave3. Tom told me he _____ call me at the airport when I ______.

A. would/ arrived B. will/ arrive C. will have/ arriving D. would be/ arriving4. At this time tomorrow, we ____ our final exam.

A. will have taking B. will be taking C. will be taken D. would take5. ____ before? – Yes, I ____ my holidays here last year.

A. have you ever been / spent B. have you ever been / spendC. Did you ever be / spending D. were you ever / spend

6. ______ I was working in the garden, John was repairing the washing machine. A. as soon as B. because of C. while D. until

7. Peter said he _____ a test the following day. A. had had B. will have C. has had D. would have

8. After she _____ at the hospital for 2 years, she_____ to give up the job yesterday.A. had been working/ decides B. had been working/ decided

C. working / had decided D. is working/ will decide9. Tom _____ before we arrive there.

A. has left B. had left C. will leave D. leaves10. In 1970, the Canadian scientist George Kelly ______ that warm water _____ more quickly than cold water.

A. prove/freeze B. proves / breezed C. proving / freezing D. proved/freezes11. After we _____ our work, we ____ for lunch.

A. having finish/ went B. have finished/ went C. had finished/went D. having finish/ going12. After _____ Tom was apprenticed to learn a trade.

A. leave B. leaves C. left D. leaving13. They were in a hurry because they thought that the class _____.

A. had already begun B. have already begun C. was begun D. will begin14. – Why have they demolished that old building? – They ____ a new supermarket there.

A. would be built B. were building C. are going to build D. had built15. When I’m learning English, sometimes I ____ the accent.

A. will be confused about B. was confused aboutC. had be confused about D. am confused about

16. After he _____ his English course, he went to England to continue his study .A. will have finished B. has finished C. had finished D. will finish

17. They ____ a lot of preparation before the match started.A. has made B. had made C. will be made D. are making

18. I____ in the US for one year, but I still find it difficult to communicate with the American.A. am B. was C. have been D. had been

19. American women may ____ conversations with men or even ___ them to dance.A. to start/ to ask B. started/ asked C. starting / asking D. start/ ask

20. After ______ the doctor found that he ____ his arm.A. to examine/ breaks B. to examine/ broke C. examining/ broken D. examining/had broken

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21. As soon as she arrived in London, she found that the English people spoke English differently from what she _____.

A. will learn B. is learning C. has been learning D. had learnt22. How____ since we____ school?

A. are you/ left B. will you be / leftC. have you been/ had left D. have you been/ left

23. Before cars_______ , people ____ horses and bicycles.A. were discovered/ had used B. discovering/ useC. have been discovered / have been using D. is discovered/ using

24. Don’t go anywhere until I _____ back.A. come B. will come C. have come D. came

25. I _____ the book by the time you come tonight. A. will be finishing B. will have finished C. have finishing D. finished

26. Who ______ when I came ?A. were you talking to B. are you talking to C. you were talking to D. you are talking to

27. Please send us a postcard as soon as you _______in London.A. will arrive B. is going to arrive C. arrive D. arrived

28. I will give you this book ______ I met you tomorrow.A. when B. until C. since D. for

29. Jane _____ her house all the morning before the guest arrived.A. had been cleaning B. was cleaning C. has been cleaning D. is cleaning

30. We ______ for going home when it began to rain.A. are preparing B. were preparing C. will be preparing D. have prepared

31. Tom said everything ______ ready when the match ______.A. will be/ started B. would be/ started C. is / started D. will be/ starts

32. I _____ in the waiting room when I heard someone_____ me.A. am sitting/ to call B. was sitting/ call C. am sitting/ called D. have sat / called

33. At 10 o’clock tomorrow morning, we_____ our final test.A. has been taking B. will be taking C. will take D. would be taking

34. Our grandfather____ as an engineer for 30 years be fore he retired in 1980.A. had been working B. was working C. has been working D. worked

35. Up to now, the pollution problems yet.A. will not have solved B. are not solving C. hadn’t solved D. haven’t solved

36. Miss Hoa always takes her umbrella when she _____ to school.A. has gone B. goes C. is going D. will go

37. Never talk to the driver while he ______.A. will be driving B. will drive C. drives D. is driving

38. I’ll tell you it is good or not after I ____it.A. try B. am trying C. have tried D. will try

39. I’ll marry her as soon as she _____ all her problems. A. solves B. has solved C. had solved D. solve40. I bought Romano whenever I ____ Maximart.

A. had gone B. has gone C. went D. would go41. My son was sleeping when I ______ home.

A. went B. has gone C. had gone D. would go42. I was compiling this book while my son ____.

A. slept B. would sleep C. had slept D. was sleeping 43. Lan has learnt English since she ____ a small girl.

A. has been B. had been C. was D. would be44. She won’t get married until she _____ 25 years old.

A. is B. will be C. had been D. was45. After ______ , he went to bed.

A. had done his homework B. have done his homeworkFor the examination for GCSE 53

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C. being done his homework D. doing his homework46. Yesterday when I _____ at the station, the train _______ for 15 minutes.

A. arrived/ had left B. arrives/ has left C. arrived/ left D. had arrived/ left47. When we _____ there ; people ______ calmly.

A. got/ are waiting B. got/ were waiting C. got/ waited D. get/ wait 48. While I ____ in the street, I saw my old friend.

A. was walking B. am walking C. walk D. walked49. What do you think the children _____ when we get home?

A. would do B. do C. were doing D. are doing50. I’ll read the book when I _____ time.

A. have B. had C. will have D. would have51. The house was quiet when I _____ home. Everyone _____ to bed.

A. was getting/ was going B. got/ had gone C. had got / went D. got/ went 52. I ______ her since I _____ a student.

A. know/ am B. knew/ was C. have known/ am D. have known/ was53. While I was going to school yesterday, I ____ him.

A. meet B. met C. will meet D. am meeting54. Alice _____ for Washington as soon as she had finished her exam.

A. will leave B. would leave C. leaves D. left55. He died after he ______ ill for a long time.

A. was B. had been C. has been D. is56. I _______ home until I finish my lesson.

A. haven’t come B. don’t come C. didn’t come D. won’t come57. The manager ______ the store before I arrived.

A. closed B. had closed C. has closed D. was closing58. When the alarm rang, Hai ______ out of bed quickly.

A. was jumping B. has jumped C. had jumped D. jumped59. When we see Mr. Minh tomorrow, I ____ him of that. A. will remind B. remind C. have reminded D. reminded60. I’ll wait until you ____crying.

A. have stopped B. will stop C. stop D. stoppedExercise 3: Find ONE mistake in each of the following sentences:1. (A)Last year, my son (B)was lost (C)among the crowd when we (D)have gone shopping.2. The problem (A)has turned out (B)to be more serious (C)than we (D)will have thought.3. (A)Almost 300 million people (B)had visited (C)America’s national parks (D)every year.4. They (A)have studied English(A) before they went (C)to London.5. They (A)has got married (B)for 30 years (C)by the end of (D)this month.6. They (A)will help you (B)whenever you (C)will ask (D)them.7. (A)When Sam (B)will arrive, he will (C)open (D)the gift.8. My father (A)has ever told (B)me honestychân thât (C)was (D)the best policy.9. Did you say (A)that you (B)will have a lot of things (C)to do the (D)following week?10. (A)When we arrived (B)at (C)the station, the train (D)has already left.11. (A)Did your doctor (B)recommend you that you (C)will stop (D)smoking?12. (A) Up to now, there (B)had been (C)no woman (D)being chosen the US president.13. The neighbors (A)are having a party. They (B)are making so much noise (C)since 6 o’clock. I (D)can’t sleep.14. (A)Don’t (B)leave the house (C)until I (D)will get back.15. I (A)was walking along the pavement(B) when I (C)realized that there (D)has been a man following me. 16. Human (A)had struggled (B)against weeds (C)since the beginning (D)of agriculture.17. Mary (A)said (B)that she (C)do jogging (D)every morning.18. (A)At this time (B)next week, Peter (C)was working (D)in London.19. Never I (A)have seen (B)such a (C)good film (D)before.20. (A)Before the 1920s, (B)no women (C)will vote (D)in the US.For the examination for GCSE 54

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21. Some students have always (A)complain that they (B)do not have (C)enough money (D)to spend.22. The teacher (A)got (B)angry with him (C)because he sometimes (D)come to class late. 23. (A)Up to now, there (B)had been (C)no woman (D)being chosen the US president. 24. The mother (A)had always took (B)good care (C)of her (D)little son.25. An American woman (A)not always (B)shake hands (C)when she is introduced (D)to a man.26. Peter (A)has been written the composition (B)for 3 hours and he (C)has not finished (D)yet.27. We (A)were a few minute late (B)so the film (C)was already started when we (D)got to the cinema.28. (A)By the time (B)the police (C)come, the robber (D)had run away.29. Why (A)didn’t Peter (B)go to school? What (C)did happened (D)to him?30. I (A)was listening (B)to the radio (C)when the door bell (D)will ring.31. Why (A)are you so late? I (B)am waiting here (C)for you for more (D)than one hour .32. Phuc never (A)go to bed (B)before he (C)has finished his (D)homework.33. I (A)have learnt English (B)for I (C)was ten (D)years old.34. Yesterday evening (A)while I (B)was watching TV, Mai (C)pays me (D)a visit.35. We (A)went out (B)for a walk (C)after we (D)had our dinner.36. (A)As soon as (B)the next lecture (C)will end, (D)let’s leave.37. Mr. Ba (A)had a daughter who (B)were born in 1950, but (C)who died a few years (D)later.38. (A)After they (B)were playing cards, (C)someone broke (D)into the house.39. A (A)city university professor reported that he (B)discovers a vaccine (C)which could (D)prevent bird flu.40.Factories discard waste that (A)had (B)polluted air and water, but factories (C)give us (D)employment. Exercise 4: Subject and verb agreement

Choose the best answer:

1. No news -------------- good news. A. is B. are C. were D. have been2. Here -------------- some accounts that you must check.

A. is B. are C. were D. was3. A lot of homework -------------- me tired. A. make B. makes C. have made D. are making4. Not only Mr. Pike but also his sons -------------- tea. A. likes B. like C. has liked D. liking5. Mathematics -------------- us with many aspects. A. helps B. help C. have helped D. helping6. The United States -------------- of about 160 nations.

A. consists B. consist C. consisting D. have consisted7. Coffee contains caffeine, and --------------

A. tea does so B. so tea does C. so does tea D. does tea so8. Both Tom -------------- Mary are students. A. and B. nor C. or D. with9. Plenty of milk -------------- consumed everyday. A. are B. is C. was D. were10. Neither you nor I -------------- responsible for the bad result. A. are B. is C. am D. be11. Ten thousand dollars -------------- a large sum of money. A. are B. is C. were D. being12. I can not speak Spanish. – --------------

A. So can I B. Neither can I C. Either can I D. Neither can’t I13. Both Jane and Mary, as well as John, -------------- ready for the exam.

A. is B. was C. are D. has been14. Working for 12 hours a day -------------- her very tired.

A. make B. makes C. making D. have made15. The number of the days in a week -------------- seven.

A. is B. was C. are D. wereFor the examination for GCSE 55

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16. What he told you -------------- to be of no importance.A. seems B. seem C. is seeming D. has seemed

17. The army -------------- eliminated this section of the training test.A. has B. have C. are D. is

18. The quality of these recordings -------------- not very good.A. is B. are C. have D. were

19. -------------- Julia -------------- her sister are going to the party. A. Both /and B. Neither / nor C. Either /or D. Not only / but also 20. My wife had never been to Hue, and -------------- I. A. never have B. neither have C. neither had D. neither did

Unit 3 :Reported Speech

Exercise1: Choose the best option to complete the following sentences1. Jack asked me _____.

A.where do you come from? B.where I came from C.where I am from D.where did I come from?

2. She asked me _____ I liked pop music.A.when B.what C.if D.x

3. The doctor ____ him to take more exercise.A.told B.tell C. have told D. are telling

4. I wanted to know_____ return home.A.when would she B. when will she C. when she will D. when she would

5. Claire told me that her father____ a race horse.A.owns B.owned C. owning D. A and B

6. What did that man say ______?A. at you B. for you C. to you D. you

7. I rang my friend in Australia yesterday, and she said it _______ raining there.A. is B. were C. has been D. was

8. The builders have ______ that everything will be ready on time.A. promised B. promise C. promises D. promising

9. The doctor _______ him to take more exercise.A. told B. tell C. have told D. are telling

10. The last time I saw Linda, she looked very relaxed. She explained she’d been on holiday the ______ week.A. ago B. following C. next D. previous

11. Yesterday, Laura ______ him to put some shelves up.A. asked B. is asking C. ask D. was asked

12. Tom has ______ this story wasn’t completely true.A. admitting that B. was admitted that C. admitted that D. admit that

13. When I rang Tessa some time last week, she said she was busy ______ day.A. that B. the C. then D. this

14. I wonder _____ the tickets are on sale yet.A. what B. when C. where D. whether

15. Mathew _____ Emma that her train was about to leave.A. has reminded B. has reminded that C. reminded D. reminded that

16. Hello, Jim. I didn’t expect to see you today. Sophie said you _____ ill.A. are B. were C. was D. should be

17. Ann ______ and left.A. said goodbye to me B. says goodbye to me C. tell me goodbye D. told me goodbye

18. I told you ______ to switch off the computer, didn’t I ?A. don’t B. not C. not to D. to not

19. Bill was slow, so I ________ hurry up.For the examination for GCSE 56

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A. tell him B. told him for C. told to D. told him to20. Sarah was driving to fast, so I ______ to slow down.

A. asked her B. asked C. ask D.have asked her21. Someone ______ me there’s been an accident on the motorway. A. asked B. said C. spoke D. told22. Sue was very pessimistic about the situation. I advised her _____.

A. no worry B. not worry C. no to worry D. not to worry23. I couldn’t move the piano alone, so I asked Tom_______.

A. giving a hand B. gave a hand C. to give a hand D. give a hand24. Tom said that New York _______ more lively than London.

A. is B. be C. was D. were25. When he was at Oliver’s flat yesterday, Martin asked if he ______ use the phone.

A. can B. could C. may D. must26. George couldn’t help me. He ______ me to ask Kate.

A. tell B. said C. told D. say27. Judy ______ going for a walk, but no one else wanted to.

A.admitted B. offered C. promised D. suggested28. I said that I had met her ______ .

A. yesterday B. the previous day C. the day D. the before day.29. The man asked the boys ______ .

A. why did they fight B. why they were fighting C. why they fight D.why were they fighting

30. “______the door”, he said.A. please open B. open pleased C. please to open D. please, opening

31. I wanted to know ______ return home.A. when would she B. when will she C. when she will D. when she would

32. The woman wonders _______ doing well at school.A. whether her children are B. if her children areC. whether her children were D. her children are if

33. Peter said he was leaving for Paris ______.A. next week B. the week previous C. following week D. the following week

34. “I don’t usually drink milk when ______ ” Mrs. Pike said.A. she was hungry B. I was hungry C. I am hungry D. I will be

35. They said that their house had been broken into ______.A. the two days before B. two days ago C. two days before D. since two days

36. She advised me _______ an apple everyday to stay healthy.A. eating B. I should eat C. to eat D. please, eat

37. “I’ll come with you as soon as _______” she replied.A. I was ready B. I am ready C. I ready ready D. am I ready

38. “_____ today as it was yesterday.” She remarked.A. it wasn’t so foggy B. it isn’t so foggyC. it hadn’t been so foggy D. it isn’t such foggy

39. “I wish _____ eat vegetables”, he said.A. my children will B. my children wouldC. whether my children would D. my children must

40. “I _____ late again”, she promised.A. I am not B. I won’t be C. I wouldn’t D. I was not late

41. “How long _____ here ?”, asked Jane.A. you have been B. you had been C. had you been D. have you been

42. She wanted to know ______.A. what was happening B. was happening

C. it was happening D. was happening what 43. “Do you know ______ ?” asked the man.For the examination for GCSE 57

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A. where is the ticket office B. where the ticket office isC. the ticket office is D. where was the ticket office

44. The teacher asked Mary ______ the previous match.A. who wins B. who is winning C. who won D. that won

45. My father asked me _____ of the film.A. what do you think B. what I think C. what did you think D. what I thought

46. “ Why hasn’t Minh phoned? ” she wonderedA. she wondered why Minh hasn’t phoned B. she wondered why Minh didn’t phoneC. she wondered why Minh hadn’t phoned D. she wondered why hadn’t Minh phoned

47. “Could you tell me how to get to the airport?”A. he asked me how to get to the airport B. he said if I could tell him the airportC. he told me how to get to the airport D. he asked me to tell how to get to the airport

48. “Have you heard of her marriage?”A. she asked me if I hear of their marriageB. she asked me whether I had heard of their marriageC. she asked me if I had heard of their marriageD. B and C

49. Cindy said that “I haven’t seen John since last month.”A. Cindy said she hasn’t seen John since the previous monthB. Cindy said she hadn’t seen John since the previous monthC. Cindy said she wasn’t seen John since the previous monthD. Cindy said she doesn’t see John since the previous month

50. The little boy said “two and two make four.”A.The little boy said that two and two made four.B.The little boy said that two and two have made four.C.The little boy said that two and two had made four.D.The little boy said that two and two make four.

51. “If I were you, I would go to the doctor. ”Minh said to Lan.A. Minh told Lan to become a doctor B. Minh advised Lan to go to the doctorC. Minh told Lan that he would to go to the doctorD.Minh advised Lan not to go to the doctor

52. His wife said to him: “write to me as often as you can”A. His wife told him to write to her as often as he can

B. His wife told him to write to her as often as he couldC. His wife told him writing to her as often as he couldD. His wife told him writing to her as often as he can

53. “What were you doing last night, Mr John?” asked the police.A. The police asked what were you doing last night, Mr John

B. The police asked Mr John what he had been doing the night before C. The police asked Mr John what he had been done the night before

D. The police asked Mr John what had he been done the night before54. The teacher advised us ______.

A. to be careful when doing these exercises B. be careful when doing these exercisesC. careful when doing these exercises D. are careful when doing these exercises

55. She told me _______.A. think well before I answered B. think well before I answerC. to think well before I answered D. think well before I will answer

56. He begged them --------------. A. help him B. should help him C. to help him D. help to him57. She said that she -------------- there the year before. A. went B. had gone C. would go D. goes

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58. Peter asked Jane why -------------- the film on T.V the previous night. A. didn’t she watch B. hadn’t she watched C. she doesn’t watch D. she hadn’t watched59.They said they -------------- us if we needed. A. help B. helped C. would help D. had helped60. He advised them -------------- in class. A. to not talk B. not to talk C. to talk not D. don’t talk61. She said to us “Don’t be late again”. A. She said us not to be late again. B. She told us to be not late again. C. She told to us not to be late again. D. She told us not to be late again.62. “John shouldn’t have behaved so badly.”, said Janet. A. Janet doesn't like John's behaviors. B. Janet was angry with John. C. Janet disliked John. D. Janet objected to John's behaviors.63. John said “You had better not lend them any money, Daisy”. A. John said Daisy not to lend them any money. B. John advised Daisy should not lend any money. C. John said to Daisy not lend them any money.D. John advised Daisy not to lend them any money.64. “I’m sorry I have to leave so early’, he said. A. He apologized for having to leave early.B. He apologized to have to leave early. C. He apologized that he has to leave early.D. He apologized to have left early.65. “Can I borrow your pen please, Sam?”, said Gillian. A. Gillian asked Sam if she can borrow his pen. B. Gillian asked Sam if she could borrow his pen. C. Gillian asked Sam she can borrow his pen. D. Gillian asked Sam she could borrow his pen.66 .“Where did you go last night, Nam?”, said Hoa A. Hoa said to Nam where had he gone the night before. B. Hoa said to Nam where he had gone the night before. C. Hoa told Nam where he had gone last night. D. Hoa asked Nam where he had gone the night before.67. “What were you doing last night, Mr. John?” The police asked. A. The police asked what were you doing last night, Mr. John. B. The police asked Mr. John what he had been doing the night before. C. The police asked Mr. John what had he been done the night before. D. The police asked Mr. John what he had done the night before. 68. He said he would do it --------------. A. yesterday B. the following day C. the previous day D. the day before 69. Claire wanted to know what time --------------.

A. do the banks close B. the banks closed C. did the banks close D. the banks would close70. Ann -------------- and left.

A. said good bye B. said me good bye C. told me good bye D. goodbye meExercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences :1. “Push as hard as you can” She said to me. She told me _____________________________________________________________________2. “Don’t wait for me if I am late” He said to her. He told her _____________________________________________________________________3. “Where are you from, Nam?” said Mai. Mai asked_______________________________________________________________________4. Mary said “ I cannot go to the cinema with you, John”. She ___________________________________________________________________________

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5. Tom asked Mary “Did you phone me last night?” Tom wanted to know_____________________________________________________________6. He asked me “Why didn’t you go to school yesterday?”. He asked me___________________________________________________________________7. Why don’t you stop smoking?” the doctor said to him. The doctor advised him ____________________________________________________________8. “How many students are there in your class?” The man asked me ________________________________________________________________9. “Have you seen John recently?” said Ann. Ann asked me ___________________________________________________________________

10. The policeman said to her : “Show me your driving licence.” The policeman ordered ____________________________________________________________ 11. He said : “Did you see Mary yesterday ?” He wanted to know _______________________________________________________________ 12. He said : “Would you mind telling me the time ?” He told _________________________________________________________________________ 13. I said to my friend : “When did you buy your new car ? I asked __________________________________________________________________________ 14. My friend said to me : “We have known everything about that.” My friend told ____________________________________________________________________ 15. Helen said : “What did you say, Jack ?” Helen asked Jack __________________________________________________________________ 16. 'You'd better look for a new job, Andrew.'

Jane advised ______________________________________________________________________ 17. 'It was nice of you to invite me to your birthday party. Thanks very much.

Mike thanked________________________________________________________________________ 18. 'I must. have made a mistake in the calculations.'

Mr Forest admitted __________________________________________________________________ 19. 'I'll pay for the meal.'

Sarah insisted _____________________________________________________________________ 20.Perhaps we can go to Paris for the weekend.'

Neil suggested ____________________________________________________________________21. 'I'm sorry I couldn't come to visit you last summer.' Kate apologized ___________________________________________________________________

22.'We'll organize the Christmas party.' They promised ______________________________________________________________________

23.I hear you won the championship. Congratulations!' Dane congratulated _________________________________________________________________

24. 'You're selfish.' Jane accused _______________________________________________________________________

25 . 'You mustn't drink too much caffeine.' Marta warned ______________________________________________________________________

Unit 4 :Passive Voice

Exercise 1:Change into passive voice:1. The teacher always welcomes new students.______________________________________________________________________________________2. Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877.______________________________________________________________________________________3. The police found two children in the forest.______________________________________________________________________________________4. They will send your order as soon as possible.For the examination for GCSE 60

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______________________________________________________________________________________5. The scientists are studying the problem carefully.______________________________________________________________________________________6. Pat Murphy was riding the horse.______________________________________________________________________________________7. The police have just arrested the robbers.______________________________________________________________________________________8. They can use this room after 5p.m.______________________________________________________________________________________9. They have to repair the engine of the car.

→ __________________________________________________________________________________10.. People must repair that old building.______________________________________________________________________________________11. People don’t learn a foreign language in a short time.______________________________________________________________________________________12. Did Henry write that book years ago ?______________________________________________________________________________________13. I wasn’t introduced to any of the guests.______________________________________________________________________________________14. You should place matches out of reach of children.______________________________________________________________________________________15. People say that inflation is getting out of control.______________________________________________________________________________________16. I heard her singing very beautifully.______________________________________________________________________________________17.The robbers made the bank manager to hand over the money.______________________________________________________________________________________18. They let us go._____________________________________________________________________________________19.The police stopped Tom on the highway and made him show his I.D card._____________________________________________________________________________________20. People believe that 13 is an unlucky number._____________________________________________________________________________________21. They should announce that news as soon as possible.→______________________________________________________________________22. They say that John is the brightest student in class._____________________________________________________________________________________23. They reported that the troops were coming._____________________________________________________________________________________24. People saw him steal your car._____________________________________________________________________________________25. She advised me to sell that house._____________________________________________________________________________________Exercise 2: Choose the most correct answer:1. The boy_____ by the teacher yesterday.

A. punish B. punished C. punishing D. was punished2. “Ms Jones, please type those letters before noon”_ “They’ve already ______,sir. They’re on your desk.”

A. typed B. been being typed C. being typed D. been typed 3. Today, many serious childhood diseases _____ by early immunization.

A. are preventing B. can prevent C. prevent D. can be prevented4. They had a boy _______ that yesterday.

A. done B. to do C. did D. do 5. We get our mail ______ yesterday.For the examination for GCSE 61

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A. been delivered B. delivered C. delivering D. to deliver 6. My wedding ring ______ yellow and white gold.

A. is made B. is making C. made D. make7. If your brother _______ , he would come.

A. invited B. were invited C. were inviting D. invite8. Mr. Wilson is _______ as Willie to his friend.

A. known B. knew C. is known D. know9. References _____ in the examination room.

A. not are used B. is not used C. didn’t used D. are not used 10. Laura ______ in Boston.

A. are born B. were born C. was born D. born11. His car needs ________. A. be fixed B. fixing C. to be fixing D. fixed12. Her watch needs _______.

A. repairing B. to be repaired C. repaired D. A and B13. My mother is going _____ this house.

A. sold B. sell C. to be sold D. to sell14. There’s somebody behind us. I think we are _______.

A. being followed B. are followed C. follow D. following15. Have you _____ by a dog?

A. bite B. bit C. ever been bitten D. ever been bit16. The room is being _____ at the moment.

A. was cleaned B. cleaned C. cleaning D. clean17. It _____ that the strike will end soon.

A. is expected B. expected C. are expected D. was expected18. It is _____ that many people are homeless after the floods.

A. was reported B. reports C. reported D. reporting19. He was said _____ this building.

A. designing B. to have designed C. to designs D. designed20. Ted ______ by a bee while he was sitting in the garden.

A. got sting B. got stung C. get stung D. gets stung21. These tennis courts don’t _____ very often. Not many people want to play.

A. got used B. used C. get used D. get use22. I’ll get Minh _____ do this for you.

A. do B. done C. did D. to do 23. “What a beautiful dress you are wearing”- “thanks, it_____ especially for me by a French tailor.”

A. is made B. has made C. made D. was made24. Somebody cleans the room everyday.

A. The room everyday is cleaned. B. The room is every day cleaned.C. The room is cleaned everyday. D. The room is cleaned by somebody everyday.

25. People don’t use this road very often.A. This road is not used very often. B. Not very often this road is not used.C. This road very often is not used. D. This road not very often is used.

26. How do people learn languages?A. How are languages learned? B. How are languages learned by people?C. How languages are learned? D. Languages are learned how ?

27. Over 1500 new houses _______ each year. Last year, 1720 new houses _______.A. were built/ were built B. are built/ were builtC. are building / were built D. were built/ were being built

28. Tom bought that book yesterday.A. That book was bought by Tom yesterday. B. That book was bought yesterday by Tom.C. That book yesterday was bought by Tom D. That book was bought yesterday.

29. The new computer system _____ next month. For the examination for GCSE 62

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A. is be installed B. is being installed C. is been installed D. is being installed by people30. They will build a new house in our town. Means _________

A. a new house will be build in our town B. a new house will be built in our townC. our town will be build a new house D. our town will be build a new house

31. They cancelled all flights because of fog.A. All flights were because of fog were cancelled. B. All flight were cancelled because of fog.C. All flight were because of fog cancelled. D. All flights were cancelled by them of fog.

32. They had to postpone the meeting because of illness. A. The meeting because of illness had to be postponed.

B. The meeting had to because of illness be postponed.C. The meeting had to postponed by them because of illness.D. The meeting had to be postponed because of illness

33. They are building a new highway around the city.A.A new highway around the city is being built.

B.A new highway is being built around the city by them.C.A new highway is being built around the city.

D. Around the city a new highway is being built.34. They will ask you a lot of questions at the interview.

A. You will be asked a lot of questions at the interview B. You will be asked a lot of questions at the interview by them.

C. A lot of questions will be asked you at the interview.D. A lot of questions will be asked at the interview.

35. They have built a new hospital near the airport.A.A new hospital near the airport has been built.B.A new hospital has been built near the airport by them.C.A new hospital has been built near the airport.D. Near the airport a new hospital has been.

36. Alice didn’t make that pie. Did Mrs Franch make it ?A. That pie weren’t made by Alice. Was it made by Mrs Franch?B.That pie wasn’t made by Alice. Did it be made by Mrs Franch?C.That pie aren’t made by Alice. Was it made by Mrs Franch?A. That pie wasn’t made by Alice. Was it made by Mrs franch?

37. Does Professor Jackson teach that course?A. Is that course teached by Prof. Jackson? B. Has that course been taught by Prof.Jackson?C.Is that course taught by Prof.Jackson? D. Was that course taught by Prof.Jackson?

38. James……..the news as soon as possible.A. should tell B. should be told C.should told D. should be telled

39. I tried my best, but the windows……… me.A. could open B.could be open C.could be opened D. could opened

40. Sarah is wearing a blouse. It ……… of made B.are made made D.made

41. They have watched the music programme on T.V since 3 o’clock.A. The music programme on T.V have been seen since 3 o’clockB. The music programme on T.V has been seen since 3 o’clock.C. The music programme on T.V have be seen since 3 o’clock.D. The music programme on T.V had been seen since 3 o’clock.

42. People said that Tom stole that bicycle.A. Tom is said to steal that bicycle. B. Tom is said that to steal that bicycle.C. Tom was said to steal that bicycle. D. Tom were said to steal that bicycle.

43. People believed that John is a good person.A. It is believed that John is a good person. B. It was believed that John is a good personC. It believes that John is a good person D. It believed that John is a good person.

For the examination for GCSE 63

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44. Mary is reading newspapers now.A. Newspapers are read by Mary now. B. Newspapers being read by Mary now.C. Newspapers are being read by Mary now. D. Newspapers are reading by Mary now.

45. The storm has delayed the 11.20 flight to London. A. The 11.20 flight has been delayed to London by the storm. B. The 11.20 flight to London has been delayed by the storm. C. The 11.20 flight to London has delayed the storm. D. All are correct.46. People believe that hundreds of homeless children are living on the streets. A. It is believed that hundreds of homeless children are living on the streets. B. Hundreds of homeless children are believed to be living on the streets. C. Hundreds of homeless children believe to be living on the streets. D. A & B are correct.47.You should give us this information. A. We should give you this information. C. We should be give this information. B. We should be given this information. D. This information should give us.48. They are repairing our car at the garage. A. Our car is repairing at the garage. B. Our car is being repairing at the garage. C. Our car is being repaired at the garage D. They are being repaired our car at the garage.49. No one has cleaned the floor for weeks. A. The floor hasn’t been cleaned for weeks. B. The floor has been cleaned by someone for weeks. C. The floor hasn’t cleaned for weeks. D. A & B are correct.50. We will finish the report in time. A. The report will finish in time. C. The report will be finish in time. B. The report will be finished in time. D. The report is finished in time.Exercise 3:Chän 1 lçi sai trong nh÷ng c©u sau:1. (A)Do you want (B)being (C)woken up (D)tomorrow morning?2. That is (A)a (B)new circus which (C)formed (D)in 1992.3. The bridge (A)was hitting by a large ship (B)during a (C)sudden storm (D)last week.4. The destruction (A)of most of (B)the city of London (C)made by a fire (D)in 1600s.5. The romantic poet Keats (A)died (B)by tuberculosis (C)at (D)a very young age.6. Science (A)has been dividing (B)into areas (C)to (D)help organize the knowledge.7. ( A)The robbers (B)arrest by the police (C)last week have just (D)escaped from the prison.8. A social worker who (A)wanted to (B)speak to Mrs. Hamilton (C)attacked and (D)badly bitten by one of her dogs.9. (A)Most of (B)the films (C)made (D)for entertainment.10. Peter (A)is said (B)being (C)good (D)at English.11. (A)The switch (B)must not be touch (C)while the machine is working.12. The report (A)has not be examined (B)by the (C)committee of experts (D)yet.13. (A)The matter (B)will discussing (C)at the (D)next meeting.14. He (A)was think (B)to be the most (C)handsome boy (D)in our class.15. (A)All the main (B)streets (C)in this city (D)are be widening.16. Peter (A)usually (B)has his car (C)washing (D)at weekend. 17. (A)Do you know the boy (B)whose bicycle (C)was stole (D)last night ?18. (A)Until I (B)got enough money, the picture (C)that I wanted (D)had sold.19. (A)Hand me the letters (C)type (C)by the secretary (D)yesterday.20. Tom (A)is consider (B)to be the (C)best student (D)in his class. 21. It’s (A)believes that (B)our lives (C)will (D)be better in the future.22. That actress (A)has had (B)her dresses (C)make (D)there.23. (A)Many people (B)think (C)this novel (D)writing by Ngo Tat To.24. (A)Most lasers (B)are be used in (C)medical and (D)scientific field. For the examination for GCSE 64

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25. Your(A) question can(B) only answer(C) by an (D) excellent student.26. I (A)was informed (B)that you (C)had been see (D)in Athens.27. (A)This house (B)has been build (C)since (D)last month.28. He (A)couldn’t read French (B)so he (C)had the letter (D)translating into English.29. He is very(A) brave. (B) His friends (C) are impresses by his (D)bravery.30. I (A) had my motorbike (B) repair yesterday (C) but now it still (D) doesn’twork

Unit 5: Conditional Sentences

Exercise 1: Cho d¹ng ®óng cña ®éng tõ trong ngoÆc:1. I (be)_________ angry if it turns out that you are wrong.2. If he (finish)__________ with the computer, I will put it away.3. If you leave now, you (be) _________ home in 2 hours.4. You (have to) ___________ finish writing it if you want to leave now.5. If it (not rain)__________ we will have the party outside.6. If I (live)__________ out of town, I would take up the garden.7. I (not mind) ________________ living in Sapa if the weather were better.8. If Mr. Hai (be) _____________ still a teacher, he wouldn’t permit such a bad behavior.9. We would be fine if we (leave) _________________ in the next ten minutes.10. I’m homeless. If I (have)_________ money now, I (buy) ______________ a big house.11. If we had missed the train yesterday, we (be) ________________ late for the meeting.12. It’s good that you reminded me about Ann’s birthday. I (forget) ____________if you hadn’t reminded me.13. The accident was your fault. If you had driven more carefully, it (not happen)________________.14. The view was wonderful. If I (have)_____________ a camera, I would have taken some photographs.15. If you had told me you needed money, I (lend)_____________ you some. 16. If it (be) _______ convenient, let’s meet at three o’clock.17. If I had known that the baby was hungry, I (feed) ___________ him.18. He (come) ___________ if you waited.19. If she had had your address, she (write) ___________ to you.20. We lost the match. If you (play) ______________ for us, we (win) __________.21. He (not, have) _______________ an accident if he had not been driving so fast.22. Had I known that she was sick, I (visit) ___________ her.23. If today (be) ___________ Sunday, we wouldn’t have to work.24. If I became very rich, I (build ) ___________ a hospital for the poor.25. If you (ring) _______________ the bell, the servant would come.Exercise 2: Chän ph¬ng ¸n tèt nhÊt ®Ó hoµn thµnh c¸c c©u sau1. If I ______ the bus this afternoon, I will get a taxi instead.

A. miss B. will miss C. missed D. had missed2. `We’ll have to go without John if he ______ soon.

A. won’t arrive B. will arrive C. arrives D. doesn’t arrive3. If I make some coffee, _____ the cake?

A. do you cut B. will you cut C. are you cutting D. don’t you cut4. If you ______ your homework, I _____ you watch TV.

A. won’t do/ let B. did/ won’t let C. don’t do/ won’t let D. won’t do/ don’t let 5. If you _____ this switch, the computer _____ on.

A. press/ comes B. will press/ comes C. press/ can come D. have pressed/ will comes

6. ____ you, I would think twice about that decision. It could be a bad move.A. If I am B. should I be C. were I D. if I had been

7. “Would you like some cake?”- “no thanks. If I ________ cake, I ______ fat.”A. ate/ will get B. ate/ would get

C. would eat/could get D. am eating/ will get8. Pam broke her arm in the accident. It____ much worse if she hadn’t been wearing her seat belt.For the examination for GCSE 65

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A. will be B. would have been C. was D. were9. “My boss made me work overtime again.”_ “if I _____ you, I _____ my job.”

A. were/ would have quit B. am/ will quit C. was/ must quit D. were/ would quit10. “John went to the hospital alone.”- “Did he? If he_____ me with him.”

A. told/ would go B. told/ might have gone C. had told/ could go D. had told/ would have gone11. “My car broke down when I was leaving London ”. – “_____, we’d _____ you up.”

A. if we had known/ pick B. had we known/ have picked C. if we’d known/ picked D. if we knew/ pick12. “I don’t know whether to take that job or not”- “_____ you, I _____ it. ”

A. if I had been/ would have taken B. should I be/ will takeC. if I were/would have taken D. were I/ would take

13. “ You look tired ”- “well, if you ____ me up in the middle of the night, I _____ so tired.”A. didn’t wake/ wouldn’t have been B. hadn’t woken/ wouldn’t beC. hadn’t woken/ wouldn’t have been D. don’t wake/ won’t be

14. ____ resigned, we would have been forced to sack him.A. Had he not B. Hadn’t he C. He had not D. He not had

15. If you _____ me about the bad service, we’d have eaten there.A. didn’t tell B. wouldn’t have told C. hadn’t told D. had told

16. The teacher was absent today, so class was canceled. If she _____ absent again tomorrow, class____ tomorrow, too.

A. is/ will cancel B. is/ will be canceled C. was/ would be canceled D. was/ would cancel17. If you ______ to my advice in the first place, you______ in this mess right now.

A. listen/ won’t be B. had listened/ wouldn’t have beenC. will listened/ wouldn’t be D. had listened/ wouldn’t be

18. If he ____ me, I’ll be ready to help him.A. ask B. will ask C. asks D. to ask

19. When winter comes, I ____ a new coat.A. buying B. buy C. will buy D. buys

20. What would Tom do if he ____ the truth? A. would know B. has know C. knows D. knew

21. If I ____ you, I wouldn’t do that.A. be B. were C. was D. had been

22. If I had money now, I _____ a car.A. will buy B. buy C. would buy D. had bought

23. It would have been a much more accident if she _____ fast at the time.A. was driving B. had driven C. drove D. drive

24. If I had been absent from class yesterday, I____ the math testA. would missed B. would have missed C. will miss D. miss

25. If you _____ here earlier, you _____ her.A. had come/ would have met B. come /meetC. came/would meet D. comes will meet

26. If I _____ a millionaire, I ______ a Civic Honda.A. am/ will buy B. was/ would buy C. was/ would have bought D. were/ would buy

27. “ Here is my phone number”- “thanks, I _______ you a call if I _____ some help.” A. will give/ will need B. would give/ needed C. will give/ need D. give/ need28. If I _____ wings, I _____ take an airplane to fly home. A. have/ won’t have to B. had/ wouldn’t have to C. have/ will have to D. had/ didn’t have to29. I think you should stop smoking. A. if I am you, I will stop smoking. B. if I were you, I will stop smoking. C. if I were you, I would stop smoking. D. if I had been you, I would stop smoking.30. If I were you, I would work harder.For the examination for GCSE 66

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A. you would rather not work so hard B. you should work harderC. you should work with me D. do not work so hard.

31. We did not visit the museum because we had no time. A. If we have time, we will visit the museum.

B. If we had time, we would visit the museum. C. If we had had time, we would have visited the museum. D. If we had had time, we will visit the museum.

32. He looked frightened as if he ______ a ghost. A. sees B. is seeing C. has seen D. had seen33. Doctor, I feel as if my head _______ on fire at the moment. A. is B. were C. had been D. be 34. ______You work harder, you will be sacked. A. Whether B. If C. However D. Unless 35. Unless you _____ quiet, I’ll scream. A. don’t keep B. keep C. kept D. didn’t keep36. I won’t wake unless I ______ the alarm. A. don’t hear B. heard C. hear D. didn’t hear37. ______, he would have been able to pass the exam. A. If he studied more B. If he were studying more

C. studying more D. had he studied more38. Had I had some more money, I _______ that book. A. Would buy B. will buy C. would have bought D. all are correct 39. ______ if I take a map. A. I will get lost B. I will not get lost C. I would get lost D. I would not get l40. If cauliflowers ______ from extreme temperatures, the heads get discolored. A. will not be protected B. are not protected C. were not protected D. are not being protected Exercise 3: Put “if” or “unless” into these spaces.

1/ ________ we hurry, we’ll miss the bus.

2/ Will you phone me ________ you come to England ?

3/ ________ you see Jane, ask her to contact me.

4/ You’ll never pass your exam ________ you don’t work harder.

5/ Liverpool won’t win ________ they begin playing better.

6/ ________ you forget our address, you can find it in the phone book.

7/ You won’t pass your driving test ________ you drive more carefully.

8/ He’ll be ill ________ he doesn’t stop worrying so much.

9/ We’ll go to the beach tomorrow ________ it’s raining.

10/ We’ll never get there on time ________ the train leaves soon.Exercise 4:Chän mét lçi sai trong c¸c c©u sau:1. (A)Unless there (B)had been a (C)heavy storm, the climber (D)will not have died.2. What (A)would happen (B)if there (C)was (D)no water?3. A)If forests (B)had not been destroyed, there (C)will have been (D)no floodsFor the examination for GCSE 67

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4. (A)They spent money (B)as if (C)they (D)were very rich. 5. (A)What (B)would you have do (D)if you (D)were in my position?6. (A)If I (B)had knew the time (C)when the match started, I (D)would have told you.7. If (A)had I known you (B)were (C)in financial difficulty, I (D)would have helped you.8. (A)If she (B)had listened (C)to my direction she (D)will not turn down the wrong street. 9. My children (A)won’t go to bed (B)unless they (C)don’t have (D)some money.10. If you (A)keep on (B)playing games (C)on the computer, I (D)would sell it.11. (A)Unless it (B)rains, we (C)will stay (D)at home.12. (A)If I (B)am (C)a director, I (D)would make more film about children.13. We (A)will go (B)to see the film “Titanic” (C)if the weather (D)is fine or not.14. (A)Had he planned (B)on going, he (C)will have let us (D)know.15. If you hadn’t (A) left the car(B) unlocked, it (C) wouldn’t have(D) be stolen. Exercise 5 : Rewrite the following sentences using If clauses. 1. I don’t have enough money. I can’t go on a long holiday this year.

If _______________________________________________________________________________2. He is very slow, so we won’t give his such an important task.

If _______________________________________________________________________________3. He works overtime to get more money because he has to pay father’s debt.

If _______________________________________________________________________________4. City life isn’t enjoyable because everything is very expensive.

If _______________________________________________________________________________5. You’ll ask the teacher. He’ll explain the lesson to you.

If _______________________________________________________________________________6. Mary doesn’t see the sight. She can’t tell you about that.

If _______________________________________________________________________________7. I don’t know his address. I can’t give it to you.

If _______________________________________________________________________________8. She was ill. She didn’t go to work.

If _______________________________________________________________________________9. It was raining all morning. We didn’t go out.

If _______________________________________________________________________________10. He was tired. He made a mistake.

If ______________________________________________________________________________11. Peter didn’t write to me. I didn’t write to him.

If _______________________________________________________________________________12. You didn’t ask Alice. She didn’t tell you the truth.

If _______________________________________________________________________________13. She can’t speak English. She won’t apply for the job. If _______________________________________________________________________________14. He wasn’t here. He didn’t have a lot of fun. If _______________________________________________________________________________

For the examination for GCSE 68

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15. Everything on the earth grows well because the sun always shines.

If _______________________________________________________________________________

Unit 6 : Relative Clause

Exercise 1: Chän ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®Ó hoµn thµnh c¸c c©u sau:1) What’s the name of the man________?

A. you borrowed his car B. which car you borrowed C. whose car you borrowed D. his car you borrowed2) Colin told me about his job,_______ very much.

A. that he’s enjoying B. which he’s enjoying C. he’s enjoying D. he’s enjoying it3) Sheila couldn’t come to the party, _______ was a pity.

A. that B. it C. what D. which4) Some of the people ______ to the party can’t come.

A. inviting B. invited C. who invited D. they were invited5) Do you know the woman ______ lives next door?

A. she B. who C. whom D. her6) They are never on time, can’t be explained

A. who B. that C. what D. which7) A pensioner is someone _____ no longer works and gets money from the state.

A. whom B. whose C. which D. that8) The man _____ answered the telephone told me you were away. A. whom B. he C. who D. what9) Some people ______ were arrested, have now been released.

A. that B. which C. whom D. X10) They give their children everything _____ they want.

A. what B. x C. who D. how11) Tell me _____ you want and I’ll try to get it for you.

A. that B. how C. what D. A and C12) The women ______ he fell in love left him after a few weeks.

A. with whom B. who C. to whom D. for whom13) Do you still remember the day ______ we first met? A. where B. whom C. which D. when14) I don’t know the name of the woman _______ I spoke on the phone.

A. whom B. who C. to whom D. to that15) This school is often for children _____ first language is not English.

A. who B. that C. whose D. X16) Fortunately we had a map, _____we would have got lost.

A. no which B. without which C. none that D. without that17) They asked me a lot of questions, _____ I couldn’t answer.

A. all of whom B. that C. all of which D. who18) The secretary was the only people _____ by the traffic chaos.

A. delay B. delayed C. who delayed D. whom delayed19) An obstacle is something, ______ your way.

A. blocked B. to block C. that is blocked D. which is blocking20) _____ I really need is a long holiday.

A. That B. What C. Which D. Who21) A chemical company ______ has gone bankrupt.

A. to employ 4000 people B. employing 4000 people C. employ 4000 people D. that was employed 4000 people

22) The picture ______ Laura painted is being shown in an exhibition. A. that B. which C. why D. A and BFor the examination for GCSE 69

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23) The plane ______ has just taken off is an hour late.A. it B. what C. which D. who

24) I had just only one reply. Albco was the _______ company to reply my letter.A. last B. most C. only D. second

25) The week _____ Mike went to camping was the wettest of the year.A. which B. when C. how D. who

26) Which is the European country ______ economy is growing the fastest?A. who B. what C. whose D. that

27) Martin is someone with _____ I usually agree.A. that B. which C. who D. whom

28) Melanie was looking after a dog ______ leg had been broken in an accident.A. who B. whose C. that D. what

29) I’d like to see the photo _____ A. took B. you took it C. that you took D. that you took it

30) There are people ______ no one cares.A. about which B. who C. for whom D. to whom

31) That is a problem, the government is now dealing.A. to which B. with which C. with how D. which

32) It rained all the time, _____ was a great pity.A. that B. what C. which D. who

33) A hammer is a tool _____ you hit nails with.A. that B. which C. what D. A and B

34) The Titanic, ______, was supposed to be unsinkable.A. that sinking in 1922 B. which sank in 1922 C. sink in 1922 D. that sank in 1922

35) ______ was caused by breathing impure air was once a common belief.A. Malaria B. That malaria C. Why malaria D. For malaria

36) One basic question psychologists have tried to answer is ______ .A. people learn B. how do people learn C. people learn how D. how people learn

37) Is that the lawyer to _____ you spoke?A. who B. what C. whom D. which

38) The melting point is the temperature ______ a solid changes to a liquid.A. which B. at which C. at D. which at

39) Most folks songs are ballads_______ have simple words and tell simple stories.A. what B. whose C. how D. that

40) A battery is a device ______ electricity by chemical means.A. it produces B. by which production of C. produces D. which produces

41) In geometry, a tangent is a straight line ______ a curve at only one point.A. it touches B. whose touching C. its touching D. that touches

42) Some ancient units such as the day, the foot, and the pound, ______ today.A. are still in use B. that are still in use C. which are still in use D. still in use

43) The scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) ______ by high school students as a requirement for admission to many colleges.A. which is taken B. is taken C. taken D. is taking

44) Camp David ______ the official country home of the U.S presidents.A. that is B. that it is C. it is D. is

45) In a meritocracy, intelligence and ability _______ more than social position or wealth.A. which value B. that are valued C. valuing D. are valued

46) I have just bought a television set ______ made in Japan.A. which made B. in which made C. who is made D. made

47) David was the only person _____ his help. A. who offers B. to offer C. that will offer D. offering48) They took her to the hospital, ______is only a mile away.

A. which B. where C. in which D. thatFor the examination for GCSE 70

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49) I always remember my school day ______I felt very happy together with my classmates and teachers.A. on which B. on that C. where D. which

50) Love, _______is the most wonderful feeling comes to me now.A. that B. which C. what D. who

51) Tennis fans _____ tickets have been queuing all night at Wimbledon.A. who are hoped to buy B. whom hoped to buy C. hoping to buy D. hoped to buy

52) Tom was the last member ______ the club last night.A. that leaves B. left C. to leave D. who leaving

53) The authority have a message for people ______ by the traffic.A. delaying B. who delayed C. to be delayed D. delayed

54) The guest on our program will be the youngest _______ the quiz.A. to win B. that wins C. who is winning D. won

55) The library didn’t have ____ I want.A. which B. that C. what D. whose

56) The building _____ by Mr. Pike looks terrible.A. which decorated B. decorating C. whose decorated D. decorated

57) _______ that Columbus sailed to America.A. In 1492 B. It was in 1492 C. That was in 1492 D. It is in 1492

58) Mrs. Jackson, _______ used to be very beautiful, is now suffering from a fatal disease.A. who B. whose C. she D. that

59) The book_____ my father is interested is very expensive.A. in which B. which in C. which D. in that

60) The meeting _____ was very boring.A. that Jane attended B. where Jane attended C. who Jane attended D. attending by Jane

61) It was on Monday _______ left.A. when B. where C. that D. how

62) I felt very sorry for the woman _____ was stolen.A. that her car B. whose car C. which her car D. A and C

63) I enjoy taking a walk at night _____the roads are very quiet.A. which B. that C. where D. when

64) I wanted to know ____ she remained so thoughtful.A. why B. which C. in which D. what

65) My car broke down, _____ a real nuisance.A. that was B. which was C. which were D. where was

66) Do you remember the day _____ into this house?A. that we moved B. when we moved C. where we moved D. A and B

67) This bed, _____ he used to rest on, is made of wood. A. where B. which C. that D. A and C68) Florida, ______ the Sunshine State, attracts many tourists every year.

A. is B. known as C. is known as D. that is known as69) That contract, about _____ we had a disagreement last month, has now gone through.

A. that B. what C. whom D. which70) He was unwilling to explain the reason ______ he was absent.

A. why B. that C. of D. for71) The reason I left is ______ I was bored.

A. why B. that C. why D. for72) Were you able to locate the person ______ wallet you found?

A. which B. whose C. that his D. that’s73) The movie ______ last night was terrific.

A. I went to B. I went to it C. I went D. that I went 74) There was a small room into ______were all crowded.

A. it B. where C. that D. which75) She is the most intelligent girl ______ I’ve met.For the examination for GCSE 71

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A. who B. whose C. that D. which76) A philatelist is a person ________.

A. that stamp collecting B. who collect stamps C. whose collect stamps D. all are correct77) She passed her exam, _______ made her parents proud.

A. who B. which C. that D. B and C78) Many patients ______ suffer from cancer can be saved by the treatment of lasers.

A. who B. whom C. which D. whose79) The girl _____ near the door is my new friend.

A. who is standing B. standing C. that is standing D. all are correct80) I like Hamlet, a play ______ Shakespeare.

A. was written by B. written by C. that written by D. all are correct81) She was carefully opening the drawer ______ she kept her precious things.

A. in which B. where C. in that D. A and B82) Please tell me ______ you look so sad.

A. why the reason B. the reason why C. that the reason D. the reason that83) I have two sisters _____ are doctors.

A. both of which B. who both C. both of whom D. whom both84) A new varieties of rice _____ is adapted to harsh climatic conditions has been developed

A. what B. where C. that D. who85) Sam’s uncle, ______ is very rich, came to visit our orphanage.

A. that B. who C. whom D. whose86) La Guardian Airport in New York City, ____ after Fiorello La Guardian, is one of New York’s most

popular mayors.A. which is named B. named C. which named D. is named

87) Do you know any restaurant ______?A. have a really good meal B. where we can have a really good mealC. has a really good meal D. that we can have a really good meal

88) When ______ is not known.A. was the wheel invented B. the invention of wheelC. it was invented the wheel D. the wheel was invented

89) In 1850, Yale University established Sheffield Scientific School ______. A. engineers were educated there B. where engineers were educated there

C. where engineers were educated D. in which engineers were educated 90) ______ are your children’s needs.

A. What you must know B. That you must knowC. Whom you must know D. Which you must know

Exercise 2 : Write who, that, which, where, when, or why or nothing to complete these sentences :

1/ Have you got the money ___________ I lent you yesterday ?2/ Peter, ___________ I had seen earlier, wasn’t at the party.3/ This is the machine ___________ cost half a million pounds.4/ Mary, ___________ had been listening to the conversation, looked angry.5/ Have you read the book ___________ I gave you ?6/ The house, ___________ they bought three months ago, looks lovely.7/ Mrs.Jackson, ___________ had been very ill, died yesterday.8/ Is this the person ___________ stole your handbag ?9/ The dog, ___________ had been very quiet, suddenly started barking.10/ I didn’t receive the letters ___________ she sent me.11/ My mother, ___________ hadn’t been expecting visitors, looked surprised.12/ The old man, ___________ had been talking to them earlier, knew that they were in the building.13/ The horse, ___________ had been injured by the flying stones, was very frightened.14/ We didn’t like the secetary ___________ the agency sent.15/ I didn’t find the money ___________ you said you’d left.

For the examination for GCSE 72

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16/ We visited the school ___________ my father taught.17/ I met her last month, ___________ she came to our house.18/ We all looked at the place ___________ the fire had started.19/ Did they tell you the reason ___________ they were late?20/ The cat sat on the wall ___________ it had a good view of the birds.21/ They arrived in the evening, at a time ___________ we were all out.22/ I couldn’t understand the reason ___________ they were so rude.23/ I met him in the cafeù ___________ he was working as a waiter.24/ I listen to music late at night, ___________ the children have gone to bed.25/ I bought them in August, ___________ I was in France

Exercise 3: Chän mét lçi sai trong c¸c c©u sau:1. On the way home, we saw a lot of men, women, and dogs which were playing in the park.

A B C D2. The man whom remained in the office was the manager.

A B C D3. This novel, which written by a well known writer, should be read.

A B C D4. My friend George, that arrived late, was not permitted to enter the class.

A B C D5. This is the only place which we can obtain scientific information.

A B C D6. Chemistry is one branch of science on that most of the industries depend.

A B C D7. 1975 is the year in when the revolution took place.

A B C D8. Mr. Brown, that teaches me English, is coming today.

A B C D9. The hotel where we stay in last year was excellent.

A B C D10. At last they found the woman and her cat which were badly injured by the fire.

A B C D11. They have told me some information most of whom is very useful.

A B C D12. New Year day is the day where all my family members gather and enjoy it together.

A B C D13. Do you know the reason when English men travel to the left?

A B C D14. The car who I bought used to be my father’s.

A B C D15. Alan said that it was her which had stolen his suitcase.

A B C D16. Stratford is the town there William Shakespeare, a great Enligh playwright was born and died.


17. I really don’t know the reason on which Sam was sacked. A B C D

18. The biggest city in Brazil is Sao Paulo which population is over 5 million. A B C D

19. She is one of my relatives whom get a Ph. D degree. A B C D

20. Janet, her father is our teacher, is very good at mathematics. A B C D21. What is the name of the girl whom has just come in?For the examination for GCSE 73

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A B C D22. Andy was standing among the competitors whose were ready for the competition.

A B C D23. Many films whose are about violence are harmful to our children.

A B C D24. The artist whom pictures we saw yesterday is also a concert pianist.

A B C D25. Since last Monday , I didn’t meet Mr. Hai, who is our form teacher.

A B C D26. Whom wrote this novel? – Charles Dickens did.

A B C D27. New York is the largest city where I have ever visited.

A B C D28. The time which we will have another discussion should be appointed as soon as possible.

A B C D29. Do you know the boy whose bicycle was stole last night?

A B C D30. Mr. Hung, to that we complained, apologized for the mistake.

A B C D31. The Thames, when I spent my childhood, is always in my mind.

A B C D32. Dr Xuan, that lives next door, is willing to help poor patients.

A B C D33. The teacher whom was respected by all his students teaches English.

A B C D34. My mother, for that I buy these flowers, likes roses.

A B C D35. John found a cat which leg was broken.

A B C D36. I need the book whom I lent you last week.

A B C D37. He is the man who his novel won the first prize last year.

A B C D38. The students who don’t have library cards they can’t borrow books from the library.

A B C D39. There are not many people which adapt to a new culture without feeling some disorientation at first. A B C D 40.Miss Huong and her motorcycle who were reported missing in the storm last week have been found unhurt.


Lesson 7: Adverb Clauses And Phrases

Exercise1:Underline the correct option in each of the following sentences:1. The school boy are in a hurry (not to/ in order not to) miss their school bus.

2. They were talking in whispers (so that/ so as) nobody could hear them.

3. My mother needs a tin opener(to open/ for opening) the bottles.

4. Advice is given (in order that / in order to) students can choose the best course.

5. You may put your money in a small coin bank (so that/ in order to) keep it safe.

For the examination for GCSE 74

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Exercise2: Fill each blank with BUT – SO – HOWEVER – THEREFORE where appropriate :

1. You could fly via Singapore, ................................, this isn’t the only way.

2.The boy was able to learn English , ........................ he is very lazy.

3.He didn’t attend the lesson , ................................... he could not do his homework.

4.The rice is 5000 dong per kilo, ............................... we bought 10 kilos.

5.Your son is heading the right direction, ........................ I think you should encourage him to learn harder.

6.It was midnight, ........................ the restaurant was still open.

7.It was midnight, ......................... they closed the restaurant and went home.

8.He had written her many times , but she didn’t give any reply , ......... they had been out of touch ever since.

9.We discussed the issue all day, ......................... we couldn’t come to a final conclusion.

10.It started to rain hard , ............................... we decided to stay at home to watch TV.

11.The wind was howling outside, ................................... it was warm and comfortable indoor.

12.The highway was under construction, .............................. we had to take a different route to work.

13. Jackson was going to study all night, ............................ he declined our invitation to dinner.

14,There is still much to discuss . We shall, ........................... , return to this item at our next meeting.

15. The holiday had been a complate disaster. We , ........................ , decide to fly home early if we could..

Exercise3: Choose the most correct option:1. Mary jogs everyday ______ lose weight.

A. so she can B. so that she can C. because she can D. so that to2. We’ll be late ______ we hurry. A. if B. despite C. unless D. when3. She failed the test ______ she studied hard. A. although B. even though C. as D. A and B4. You should bring an umbrella ______ it rains. A. if B. unless C. in case D. because of5. He went on working ______ feeling unwell. A. although B. unless C. due to D. despite6. They decided to go ______ the danger.

A. because B. in spite of C. although D. so7. ______ they lost, their fans gave them a big cheer. A. However B. In spite of C. Although D. if8. Jane has a computer, ______ she doesn’t use it. A. and B. since C. but D. in spite of9. ______ we had got on the plane, it started to rain. A. If B. While C. Before D. As soon as.10. We have to wait ______ everybody else finishes their turn.

A. when B. but C. so D. until11. Mark heard the news on the radio _______ he was driving home.

A. while B. as C. until D. A and B12. What are you going to do _______ graduating from university?

A. before B. after C. so D. because13. I am not so good at English, _______ I have to practice more.

A. but B. so C. while D. despite14. ______ the fact that she fail the exam, she didn’t look disappointed.

A. although B. despite C. in spite of D. because ofFor the examination for GCSE 75

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15. We didn’t go to France last summer______ we couldn’t afford to.A. so B. when C. because D. because of

16. You can’t drive a car ______ you have a license.A. unless B. so C. in case D. if

17. ______the flight delay, they didn’t attend the conference.A. Because B. As C. Although D. Because of

18. The storm was so strong . _____ all the crops were destroyed.A. However B. As a result C. Consequently D. B and C

19. Everyone thought she would accept the offer ______, she turned it down.A. However B. So C. Too D. Moreover

20. You should look up the meaning of the new in the dictionary _____ misuse itA. so as to B. to C. so as not to D. so that

21. I bought this new software _____ Chinese.A. for learning B. learning C. to learn D. learned

22. The flight from New York to London was delayed ______ the heavy fog.A. because of B. because C. so D. as a result

23. It’s _____ city that he’s got lost.A. a such big B. such big C. such a big D. a very big

24. There are _____ in the universe that we cannot count them.A. so much stars B. so many stars C. such stars many D. such stars much

25. He has ____ to do that he can’t go to the cinema with us.A. so much work B. so many work C. such much work D. such a work.

26. It is _____ book that just a few people like it.A. so an old B. so old C. such old D. such an old

27. The satellite travel _____ into space that nobody could see it with naked eyes.A. so far B. such far C. too far D. far enough

28. ______ the bad weather, the plan landed safely. A. in spite B. in spite of C. despite the fact that D. though29. It was ____ that we went for a walk. A. a beautiful weather B. so a beautiful night C. so nice weather D. such a nice weather 30. He lighted the candle ______ he might read the note.

A. so that B. and C. because D. as a result31. _______ his exhaustion, he won the marathon by nearly three minutes.

A. In spite B. Despite C. Although D. However32. He has worked for the same company _____ he left school.

A. because B. since C. then D. for33. _______ it was raining hard, he went out without a raincoat.

A. Despite B. In spite of C. However D. Although34. The coffee was _____ to drink.

A. so strong B. strong C. enough strong D. too strong35. It was ____ that we went for a hike in the mountains.

A. so a nice day B. so nice day C. such nice day D. such a nice day36. Julie is not _____ to see this film.

A. as old enough B. enough old C. enough old as D.old enough37. ______ I meet her, she always wears a blue dress.

A. Whatever B. However C. Whoever D. Whenever38. The film was ______ through.

A. too long for us to see B. very long for us to see itC. too long for us seeing it D. too long enough for us to see

39. Hoa was late _____ her car was broken down.A. if B. whether C. because D. while

40. We couldn’t sleep last night _____ the noise next door.A. although B. since C. because D. because of

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41. ______ he can’t afford a car, he goes to work by bicycle. A. Because B. Since C. As D. all are correct42. ______ I have time, I will go with you,

A. If B. Unless C. So D. So that43. He was too scare ______ me what he really thought.

A. tell B. telling C. to tell D. told44. These boys were punished ______ they went to school late.

A. in spite of B. as if C. even though D. because45. They were sacked _____ their carelessness.

A. because B. because of C. although D. despite46. Will you be ______ kind _____ to help me?

A. so/ enough B. too/ enough C. enough/ too D. such/ too47. Some workers are so poor that they don’t want to quit their job _______ they are ill- treated

A. as though B. since C. although D. if48. He turned off the lights before going out _____ waste electricity.

A. so that not B. as not to C. in order that not D. so as not to49. The school boys are in hurry ______ they will not be late for school.

A. so as to B. to C. in order that D. for50. He ______ I was scared.

A. drove too fast that B. drove so fastly that C. drove so fast that D. drove such fast that51. She dances _____ everybody adores her.

A. such beautifully that B. so beautiful that C. too beautifully that D. so beautifully that 52. It is ______ to go swimming.

A. too cold B. so cold C. such a cold D. enough cold that53. The bed is not clean enough ______ .

A. to lie in it B. to lie in C. for lying in D. in which to lie54. The piano was too heavy ______.

A. for nobody to move B. for nobody to moving C. for anyone to move D. for anyone to moving 55. He _____ to be offered the job.

A. was such experienced B. was too experienced C. B and D D.not experienced enough56. _______ to go to the cinema.

A. it was late so that B. that it was late C. it was too late D. such too late57. We don’t _____to go there now.

A. have time enough B. enough time C. have too time D. have enough time 58. I don’t think our daughter is _______ to understand this matter.

A. too young B. is such young C. not enough young D. not age enough59. Mrs. Harrison is _____ he owns many palaces.

A. so a rich man that B. such an rich man that C. such a rich man that D. that so rich man a 60. He just had to apologize _______ he knew he had made a mistake.

A. before B. wherever C. due to D. because61. I often feel tired ______ I get up in the morning.

A. although B. so long as C. when D. while62. No sooner had he come _______ he knew he had dropped his wallet.

A. when B. after C. than D. then63. _______ the church service, people keep quiet.

A. While B. During C. When D. As64. ______ in doubt about taking the medicine, consult your doctor.

A. As B. Though C. As soon as D. When65. She hasn’t received a single letter from him _______ they both left school.

A. as B. because C. since D. now that66. _______ I am aware, this is the last talk on the topic.

A. Where B. As long as C. Since D. As far asFor the examination for GCSE 77

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67. He wouldn’t have failed his exams _______ he hadn’t been ill.A. unless B. in case C. if D. although

68. _______ he gets home before us and can’t get in?A. if B. What if C. If only D. Unless

69. _______ you change your mind, I won’t able to help you.A. If only B. Because C. Unless D. Provided

70. _______ you keep it in good condition, I’ll lend you my car.A. So long as B. Although C. Because D. While

71. Fail to pay the bill ______ they will cut off the electricityA. unless B. and C. so D. if

72. It is such an important matter _______ I can’t decide anything about it myself.A. so B. because C. that D. if

73. He hid that letter in a drawer _______ no one could read it.A. so that B. because C. although D. than

74. _______ Tom was unable to see anything, he knew someone was in his room.A. Because B. In case C. If D. Even though

75. _______other workers’ constant objection, the director dismissed the workers. A. Because B. Because of C. Although D. In spite of

76. _______ some scientists use lasers for military purposes, others use them in medicine.A. When B. While C. Until D. However

77. It seems _______ those students haven’t learnt this grammar point before.A. so that B. as if C. such that D. even though

78. They were disqualified_______ they fought to the last minute.A. as B. since C. though D. once

79. The teacher explained the lesson twice _____ the students understood it clearly.A. as long as B. so that C. because D. as if

80. Huong didn’t participate in the contest ______ her lack of confidence.A. because B. because of C. since D. despite

81. It is _____ that I have read it twice.A. such an interesting book B. so interesting a bookC. too interesting a book D. A and B

82. Lili is ______ to do this exercise.A. no intelligence enough B. not intelligent enoughC. not enough intelligent D. so intelligent enough

83. I am _____ a car.A. not rich enough to buy B. too rich enough to buy

C. too poor to buy D. A and C84. The ceiling is ______.

A. too high for me to reach B. too high for me to reach it. C. so high for me reaching D. enough high of me to reaching85. The woman was so beautiful ______.

A. that I couldn’t help looking at B. that I couldn’t help looking at herC. for me looking at her D. that for me to look at

86. It is ______ that I would like to go to the beach.A. such a nice weather B. too nice weather C. such nice weather D. such weather nice

87. These are ______ that I can’t finish them.A. a such long assignments B. such long assignmentsC. such a long assignments D. too long assignments

88. He goes to England_____.A. so that he learns English B. so that he may learn English

C. so to learn English D. so he learns English 89. It was too late _____. A. to go for them to the party. B. for them to go to the party. For the examination for GCSE 78

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C. because they go to the party. D. so they go to the party.90. Cindy is sick. She can’t go to work.

A. Cindy is too sick to go to work B. Cindy is sick enough to go to workC. Cindy is such sick that she can’t go to work D. Cindy is sick so that she can’t go to work

91. She hid the present______ _______.A. so that the children wouldn’t find it B. in order to the children not to find it

C. for the children not find it D. in order that the children not to find it 92. The teacher was explaining the lesson slowly and clearly_____.

A. to make his students to understand it B. in order that his students can understand itC. so as to that his students could understand it D. so that his students could understand it

93. They are _____.A. so lazy boys as they are punished B. so lazy boys that they are punished

C. such lazy boys that they are punished D. such lazy that they are punished94. “It was so cold. We couldn’t go out. ” means ______.

A. It was so cold that we couldn’t go out B. It was too cold for us to go outC. It was such cold that we couldn’t go out D. A and B

95. The boy always does his homework before class ______.A. so as not to be punished by the teacher B. so as to be punished by the teacherC. so that not to be punished by the teacher D. in order that not to be punished by the teacher

96. “ I tried to study English well. I want to get a good job.” Means________.A. I tried to study English well so that I can get a good jobB. I tried to study English well in order that I can get a good jobC. I tried to study English well to get a good jobD. all are correct

97. “His stomach cancer was too serious to have an operation. ” Means _______.A. His stomach cancer was so serious that the doctor couldn’t operate on him

B. His stomach cancer was so serious to have an operation C. His stomach cancer was too serious so that the doctor could operate on him

D. His stomach cancer was serious so that to have an operation98. “They whispered. They didn’t want anyone to hear them.” Means _____.

A. They whispered in order to make anyone hear themB. They whispered so that no one could hear themC. They whispered to make everyone hear themD. They whispered in order that make everyone hear them

99. “I spoke slowly. The foreigner could understand me. ”means _____.A.I spoke slowly so that the foreigner could understand meB.I spoke slowly in order to the foreigner could understand meC.I spoke such slowly that the foreigner could understand meD.I spoke slowly to make the foreigner could understand me

100. “We preserve natural resources. We can use them in the future.” Means_____.A. We preserve natural resources so that we can use them in the futureB. We preserve natural resources so as to we can use them in the futureC. We preserve natural resources for future useD. A and C

Exercise 4: Chän mét lçi sai trong nh÷ng c©u sau:1. The prices of accommodation are as big that many people cannot afford to buy a house.

A B C D2. He had smoked so a lot of cigarettes that he died of cancer.

A B C D3. In spite of my father is old, he gets up early and does morning exercises. A B C D4. Although the bad traffic, I managed to arrive at the meeting on time. A B C DFor the examination for GCSE 79

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5. Despite she was in her middle age, she looked very graceful and charming. A B C D

6. The workers went on strikes because of they thought their wages were low. A B C D

7. Please arrive on time in order to we will be able to start the meeting punctually. A B C D

8. It was so a funny film that I burst out laughing. A B C D

9. They had to sell their house because of they had been broke. A B C D

10. They can speak English and use a computer so as to they can easily get a good job. A B C D

11. In order that to buy his new car, he had to borrow his friend some money. A B C D

12. He was tired so that he couldn’t continue his work. A B C D

13. Those students are trying their best in order that to get the scholarship. A B C D

14. Sound is carried from the eardrum to the nerves so as to we can hear it. A B C D15. Many teachers have devoted all their lives to teaching so teaching is not a well paid job. A B C D16. Mai has such many things to do that she has no time to go out.

A B C D17. Because it was late, so that he tried to type the contract as fast as possible. A B C D18. I was such nervous that I didn’t think I would pass the exam.

A B C D19. My only regret is that I didn’t study English good enough to get a good job. A B C D20. The novel was such interesting that I had read it all night. A B C DExercise 5: Rewrite the following sentences :1.He hurried to the station so as not to miss the train He …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.Leave early so that you may get home before dark In order to …………………………………………………………………………………….………………3.We should do morning exercises regularly to improve our health We ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………4.Mary went to the library in order that she could borrow some books Mary …………………………………………………………………………………………………………5.She put on warm clothes so that she wouldn’t catch cold In order ………………………………………………………………………………………………………6.Please shut the door in order that the dog won’t go out of the house Please…………………………………………………………………………………………………………7.My father drove carefully in order not to cause accidents My father ……………………………………………………………………………………………………8.He moved to the front row so that he could hear the speaker better To ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………9. Athough he is sick, he goes to school. In spite of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………10. Although Lan was tired, she did all her homework carefully. Despite ………………………………………………………………………………………………………11. Everybody has a great regard for her despite her poverty. Although ……………………………………………………………………………………………………12. They worked very hard although they were old.

For the examination for GCSE 80

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In spite ……………………………………………………………………………………………………13. Peter didn’t go to school yesterday because he was sick. Because of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………14.We didn’t go fishing because the water was rough.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………15 He is tired because of staying up late last night.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Unit 8 :Prepositions & Articles

A. PrepositionsExercise 1: Choose the best option to complete the following sentences1. When studying abroad, Mary was very happy to get a phone call _____ her parents.

A. to B. for C. of D. from2. Why don’t we stay ______ home _______ a change?

A. from/ as B. at / with C. at / for D. at/ on3. A horse is always mounted ______ the left side.

A. on B. to C. from D. at4. What would you like to have _____ lunch?

A. at B. in C. for D. of5. Surgeons use lasers _______ miraculously accurate scalpels.

A. for B. as C. of D. with6. The Medical Center is close______ the school.

A. to B. at C. next D. from7. Once scientists fully understand the cause ____ a disease, it becomes easier for them to find a cure ___ it.

A. of / of B. of / from C. from / in D. of / for8. There is a shop _____ front _____ my house.

A. at / in B. out / next C. in / of D. of / in9. He jumped ______ until the stinging return to his feet.

A. on and off B. out and in C. down and up D. up and down10. The only way ______ cross the river is ______ swim.

A. to / to B. of / by C. on / to D. in / by11. The summer is over. Pupils and students have to go ______ to school on Monday.

A. back B. on C. through D. into12. He threw stones _____ his attackers, trying to drive them _____.

A. to / out B. for / up C. at / away D. at / up13. The medical center is close ______ the campus.

A. to B. up C. for D. with14. I haven’t gone there _____ ages.

A. with B. in C. for D. of15. Most college football games are played ______ Saturdays.

A. at B. in C. with D. on16. Leaves turn color _______ the autumn.

A. for B. on C. at D. in17. _____ the whole, I enjoy the movie.

A. On B. In C. At D. Up18. She’ll come home ______ April.

A. on B. in C. at D. for19. The art museum is located next _____ the museum of natural history on State Street. A. to B. for C. on D. with20. Minh was born_____ Ho Chi Minh city.

A. on D. up21. Mai graduated _______ the University of Education.

For the examination for GCSE 81

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A. from B. at C. in D. for22. English is spoken in many countries all _____ the world.

A. in B. over C. at D. from23. _______ many areas of the world, wars have made lives more miserable.

A. on B. from C. in D. at24. When we arrived _______ the station, the last train had just gone.

A. in B. at C. for D. from25. Approaching ______ the village, we saw the village common in the distance.

A. at B. in C. to D. x26. Fortunately, the company offered _____ me the job I had applied.

A. to B. for C. with D. x27. The pop singer has always received a large number of letter _____ her fans.

A. of B. from C. to D. on28. She was very surprise _____ the grade she received.

A. on B. of C. at D. about29. Blue grass music is somewhat different ____ other types of country music B. from C. with D. upon30. I’m not familiar _____that song.

A. to B. with C. of D. on31. We are here to provide you _____ the best service possible.

A. of B. with C. to D. for 32. Lan doesn’t spend much money ____ clothes.

A. over B. at C. on D. with33. His computer is not capable _____ running this software.

A. to B.on C. of D. about34. The property was divided equally _____ his son and daughter.

A. from B. between C. in D. over35. They are talking ______ one another ______ their last trip.

A. with/ about B. with/ on C. to/ about D. A and B36. Peter, together _______ his wife, paid us a visit last week.

A. of B. with C. along D. in37. Nowadays, most of young people are involved ______ learnirng English.

A. of B. with C. along D. in38. Are you interested _____ learning English?

A. of B. with C. along D. in39. I’m so happy to hear from Mary because I haven’t seen her ______ last year.

A. for B. on C. since D. A and B40. He is very sucesssful _____ his job.

A. for B. with C. in D. of41. You are old enough to live _____ yourself, you should not depend _____ parents so much.

A. in/ in B. on / on C. by / with D. of/ to42. When Mr. Pike was young, he was keen ______ playing football.

A. of B. on C. at D. in 43. Mary is the most beautiful girl _______ the three sisters.

A. in B. of C. with D. on44. I have no interest ______ playing chess.

A. at B. from C. of D. in45. When he was young, he was very keen _____ playing sport to keep himself fit.

A. at B. on C. in D. of46. If you earn a good salary, you can be independent _____ your parents.

A. of B. for C. from D. away47. I will be responsible ______ what I do. A. with B. for C. from D. onFor the examination for GCSE 82

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48. You cannot do well two jobs _____ same time.A. in B. at C. on D. for

49. Before you decide to choose a job, you ought to take all the factor ______.A. into B. at C. of D. among

50. If you don’t want to get ______ trouble again, please get _____ early and go to work _____ time.A. into/ up/ in B. in/ up / on C. on/ away/ by D. on/ up/ with

51. The assignment must be submitted ______ the end ______ the week.A. from / of B. at/ of C. from/ to D. in/ of

52. Many people believe that natural resources will never be used ______A. out B. up C. of D. away

53. Pupils and students enrich the mind______ knowledge they get from class.A. without B. for C. with D. from

54. Farmers get rid ______ weeds by spraying.A. off B. of C. out D. away

55. The government invested a great deal of money in irrigation to protect fields ______ drought.A. out B. about C. from D. off

56. Drivers should slow _______ on this road because it is slippery after rains. A. on B. down C. up D. to57. Pollution has bad effect ______ our life.

A. of B. to C. with D. on58. Before you light ______ a cigarette, remember to ask for permission.

A. up B. down C. on D. off59. It’s very kind ______ you to offer us a lovely dinner.

A. of B. from C. for D. to60. The woman was pale and weak because ________ the lack ______ fresh air.

A. for / on B. on / for C. of / of D. of / for61. I’m not good _______ English. I think I should spend more time _______ it.

A. in / at B. at / on C. at / in D. on / at62. An umbrella I what I need now, it’s raining . I’ll give it _____ tomorrow.

A. up B. away C. back D. over63. I couldn’t find any place to go ______ holiday.

A. at B. for C. up D. on64. I’m fed ______ doing the same work everyday.

A. out of B. forward to C. on to D. up with65. Have you ever thought ______ giving up smoking?

A. over B. of C. on D. at66. If you don’t know the meaning of the word, you should look it ______ in the dictionary.

A. out B. in C. up D. on67. She has tried ______ several shoes but she can’t find suitable ones.

A. at B. in C. out D. on68. The party begin at 7 o’clock and I’ll pick you _____ at 6: 30.

A. on B. up C. away D. of69. I come _____ an ancient city, sometimes referred ______ as the Athens of the North.

A. on / as B. up / to C. over / to D. from / to70. The house is ______ fire. Please call ______ help!

A. at / to B. for / at C. on / for D. up / for71. An apple stand _____ the New York State.

A. for B. on C. up D. at72. She keeps ______ complaining ______ the weather.

A. in / of B. on / about C. out / about D. on / in73. Some pessimistic persons think that the world’s resources will run ____ in some day.

A. off B. of C. out D. on74. Let’s get acquainted _____ the newcomer.For the examination for GCSE 83

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A. to B. of C. with D. about75. We don’t have time to think it ______ .

A. on B. up C. out D. over76. I object ______ being kept waiting. Why can’t you be _____ time?

A. at / in B. for / in C. to / on D. at / on77. You aren’t aware _____ the time, are you ? You are always late ______ work.

A. of / for B. for / of C. on / at D. on / for78. If someone knocks _____ the door ______ night, don’t open it.

A. on / at B. at / at C. up / in D. at / on79. Everything is available _______ the operation.

A. of B. on C. from D. for80. He is very keen _____ English, but he is not good ______ listening.

A. at / on B. on / at C. at / at D. to / of81. Your hairstyle is quite similar _____ me.

A. from B. with C. of D. to82. Nguyen Du devoted all his lifetime ______ writing.

A. for B. to C. in D. from83. I bought a coat ______ my mother _______ the supermarket.

A. from / for B. for / at C. for / from D. for / in84. She was very surprised ______ the grade she received.

A. at B. on C. of D. about85. We might need more food, depending ______ how many people turn up.

A. for B. on C. at D. with86. Jane doesn’t spend much money ______ clothes.

A. over B. about C. at D. on87. A sign warned motorists ______ dangers.

A. of B. for C. about D. A and C88. They translated the letter ______ French. A. for B. with C. into D. about89. Since she graduated, Anne has no longer been dependent _____ her parents for financial support.

A. to B. on C. upon D. B and C90. Catherine became accustomed _____ spicy foods when she was traveling.

A. to B. on C. for D. about91. Table salt is composed _____ two elements, sodium and chlorine.

A. to B. around C. of D. for92. Is there enough ______ that salad _____ everyone.

A. of/ for B. with / for C. to / to D. on / with93. Washington state is famous ______ its apples.

A. in B. for C. of D. with94. People who are afraid ______ heights are called acrophobias.

A. of B. on C. in D. to95. Water is essential ______ all life.

A. on B. for C. in D. with96. Were you aware ______ the regulations against smoking in this area?

A. in B. with C. of D. about97. I’m not familiar ______ that song.

A. to B. of C. with D. about98. This movie is based ______ a true story.

A. about B. on C. to D. with99. This variety of seed inferior _____ the type I planted last year.

A. with B. upon C. up D. to100. Thank you very much ______ what you have done for me.

A. of B. up C. for D. aboutFor the examination for GCSE 84

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101. The opposite ______ “old fashion” is “modern”.A. at B. of C. to D. in

102. House cats are distantly related ________ lions and tigers.A. in B. to C. of D. about

103. Is this type of soil suitable ______ growing tomatoes?A. for B. about C. in D. at

104. If you are not satisfied ______your essay, then I suggest that you rewrite it.A. to B. on C. with D. about

105. Do you belong ______ any clubs or organisations?A. on B. to C. for D. up

106. We should concentrate ______ solving this problem before we discuss the other ones.A. on B. in C. to D. at

107. Most essays consist ______ an introduction, a body and a conclusion.A. in B. of C. about D. with

108. People want friends they can rely _____ .A. up B. of C. in D. on

109. The accident resulted ______ several minor injuries.A. on B. in C. of D. at

110. Congratulations ______ your success!A. to B. on C. in D. up

111. My brother was married _______ one of the most famous actresses.A. to B. up C. with D. about

112. William insists ______ getting up early,even on weekens.A. on B. to C. toward D. for

113. What does this symbol refer _____?A. on B. to C. for D. forward

114. Many companies participated ______ the trade fair.A. for B. in C. to D. up

115. Did you hear the news ______ TV or read it ______ the newspaper?A. at / on B. on / in C. in / in D. for / on

116. This book is based _____ part on fact.A. in B. upon C. at D. on

117. _____ general, I found zoology to be the easier subject than botany.A. On B. In C. At D. With

118. The police blamed the mother ______ neglecting her child.A. to B. for C. with D. of

119. She returned ______ China after spending much time abroad.A. in B. from C. to D. at

120. Tom has tried hard hard to keep pace _____ his classmates.A. to B. with C. at D. for

121. I have lost touch ______ Huong for 2 years.A. with B. of C. from D. to

122. Pay attention ______ all the traffic sign when you are travelling in the street.A. of B. to C. for D. with

123. Have you taken notice ______ the “Stop” sign?A. at B. to C. from D. of

124. Teacher, are we expected to learn all the new words ______ heart?A. in B. at C. by D. to

125. She always takes good care _____ her children.A. for B. in C. of D. with

B. Articles Exercise 1: Put a/ an/ the in each space, or leave the space blank:1.We went by _____ train to _____ west of England.For the examination for GCSE 85

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2.______ who live in ______ Netherlands are called Dutch.

3.______ judge sent me to _____ prison for ______ ten years.

4.______ Columbus was one of _____ people to cross _____ Atlantic.

5.As ______ captain of ______ ship, I have _______ complete authority.

6.David learned to play _____ violin when he was at _______ university.

7.______ Trafalgar Square is near ______ Charing Cross Station.

8.Did you read _____ book I lent you _____ last week?

9.We’ll put up ______ shelves and then go to ______ café for something to eat.

10.Is that ______ present Bill gave you for ______ Christmas.

Exercise 2: Choose the best option to complete the following sentences1. My mother goes to church in ______ morning.

A. x B. every C. the D. a 2. I eat ______orange everyday.

A. an B. orange C. the orange s D. any orange 3. Harry is a sailor. He spends most of his life at _____ sea.

A. a B. an C. the D. X4. There are billions of stars in _____ space.

A. a B. an C. X D. the5. He tried to park his car but _____ space wasn’t big enough.

A. the B. a C. an D. X6. Can you turn off _____ television, please?

A. the B. a C. an D. X7. We had _____ dinner in a restaurant.

A. a B. an C. x D. the8. We had _____ meal in a restaurant. A. a B. an C. the D. X9. Thank you. That was ______ very nice lunch.

A. a B. an C. the D. X10. ______rose is my favourite color.

A. a B. an C. the D. X11. When was _____ computer invented?

A. a B. an C. the D. X12. My daughter plays _____ piano very well.

A. the B. a C. an D. X13. Mary loves _____ flowers.

A. a B. an C. the D. X14. Jill went to ______ hospital to see her friend.

A. x B. the C. a D. an15. Mrs Lan went to ______ school to meet her son’s daughter.

A. x B. the C. a D. an16. Carol went to ______ prison to meet her brother.

A. the B. a C. an D. X17. Sandra works at a big hospital. She’s _______.

A.nurse B. a nurse C. the nurse D. an nurse18. She works six days _____ week.

A. in B. for C. a D. X19. ______ is a star.

A. Sun B. A sun C. The sun D. Suns

For the examination for GCSE 86

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20. What did you have for ______ breakfast this morning.A. x B. a C. an D. the

21. London is _____ capital of England.A. an B. a C. x D. the

22. When ______ invented?A. was telephone B. was the telephone C. were telephones D. were a telephone

23. We visited _______ two years ago.A. Canada and the United States B. the Canada and the United StatesC. the Canada and United States D. Canada and United States

24. Are you going away next week? No, _______ week after next.A. a B. the C. some D. X

25. We haven’t been to ______ for years. A. cinema B. the cinema C. a cinema D. any cinema26. It took us quite a long time to get here. It was ______ journey.

A. three hour B. a three- hours C. a three- hour D. three- hours27. If you live in _______ foreign country, you should try and learn the language.

A. the B. x C. an D. a28. Did your train leave from ______ ?

A. the 8 Platform B. an Platform 8 C. some Platform 8 D. Platform 829. I can’t work here. There’s so much ______.

A. noise B. noises C. the noise D. a noise30. Do you need ____?

A. an umbrella B. a umbrella C. umbrella D. an umbrellas31. I’ve seen ______ good films recently.

A. a B. the C. some D. an32. I often watch ______ television for two hours every night.

A. some B. the C. any D. X33. The injured man was taken to _____.

A. hospital B. any hospital C. the hospital D. hospitals34. She went out without _____ money.

A. any B. an C. a D. x35. Toshi speaks ______ at home.

A. the Japanese B. Japan C. the Japan D. Japanese36. A man and a woman were standing outside my house. ______ looked English but I think _____ woman

was foreign.A. the / a B. a / the C. a/ a D. the / the

37. John sat on _____ chair nearest the door.A. the / a B. a / the C. a /a D. the / the

38. For breakfast I had _____ sandwich and _____ apple. The sandwich wasn’t very nice.A. the / an B. a / the C. a / an D. the / the

39. I would love to live by _____ sea.A. the B. a C. an D. X

40. What is ______ longest river in ______ world?A. the/ a B. a / the C. a / a D. the / the

41. This morning I bought a newspaper and a magazine. ______ newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where ______ magazine is.A. a /a B. a / the C. the / the D. the / a

42. We live in ______ big house in ______ middle of the village.A. a / a B. a / the C. the / the D. the / a

43. I’m looking for _____ job. Did Mary get _____ job she applied for?A. a / the B. the / a C. a/ a D. the / the

44. Did _______ police find ______ person who stole your bicycle?A. a /a B. the / the C. a / the D. the / a

For the examination for GCSE 87

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45. We went out for ______ last night. _______ restaurant we went was excellent.A. a /a B. the / the C. a / the D. the / a

46. As I was walking along the street, I saw _____ $10 note on ______ pavement. A. a/ a B. the / the C. a / the D. the / a47. The Soviet Uinon was ______ first country to send a man into _____ space.

A. the /the B. X / X C. x /the D. the / X48. Did you watch “Titanic” on ______ television or at ______ cinema?

A. the/ the B. X / X C. X / the D. the / X49. After _____ lunch, we went for a walk by ______ sea.

A. the / the B.X/X C. X / the D. the / X50. Peru is ______ country in South America. _______ capital is Lima.

A. a / a B. a / the C. the / the D. the / a 51. I never listen to _____ radio. In fact I haven’t got ______ radio.

A. a /a B. a / the C. the / the D. the / a52. It was a beautiful day. _______ sun shone brightly in _____ sky.

A. a / a B. a / the C. the / the D. the / a53. It is said that Robinhood robbed _____ rich and gave the money to _____ poor.

A. a /a B. a / the C. the / the D. the / a54. Life is not so easy for _______ unemployed. A. the B. a C. an D. X55. Many people were killed in the accident. The bodies of _____ dead were taken away. A.the B. a C. an D. x56. The butler was _____ I suspected.

A. last person B. a last person C. the last person D. some last person57. Where ______ you borrowed last week?

A. is scissors B. are the scissors C. is some scissors D. are scissors58. Too much rubbish is being dumped in ______.

A. sea B. the sea C. a sea D. some sea59. This is exactly _____ I was looking for.

A. job B. a job C. some job D. the job60. Of all the cars, I think I prefer ______.

A. a Japanese B. some Japanese C. the Japanese one D. a Japanese one Unit 9 :Comparisons

Exercise 1:Choose the best option to complete the following sentences:1. No one else in the class plays the guitar ______ John. A. as well B. as far as C. so well as D. as soon as2. The town was nearer _____ we thought it would be.

A. then B. that C. as D. than3. The economic conditions today are _______ they were in the past.

A. much more good B. much better than C. much better D. the best than4. Peter is ______ student in my class.

A. taller than B. so tall as C. the tallest D. tallest5. The deep oceans contain some of the ______ of all living creatures.

A. strangest B. strange C. as strange as D. stranger6. Jane is not _____ her brother.

A. more intelligent as B. intelligent as C. so intelligent as D. so intelligent that7. He drives as ______ his father does.

A. careful as B. more carefully C. the most careful D. carefully as8. What’s the ______ film you’ve ever seen.

A. good B. best C. better D. the best9. I’ll be there _______ I can.For the examination for GCSE 88

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A. sooner as B. no sooner as C. as soon as D. soonest as10. Mr. Lam cannot earn _______ his wife. A. as many money as B. as much money as C. as many money than D. as much money than11. I like English ______ French.

A. than B. more C. less D. better than12. My car is _______ yours. A. more fast and economical than B. more fast and more economical than

C. faster and economical as D. faster and more economical than13. Of the two sisters, Linda _______ .

A. is beautiful B. the most beautiful C. is more beautiful D. is so beautiful as 14. The lab is _____ from the bus stop than the library.

A. far B. farther C. furthur D. B and C15. The ______ accident in the history of the city occurred last night on the Freeway.

A. badest B.most bad C. worse D. worst16. He finished the test _______ of all.

A. rapidly B. the most rapidly C. most rapidly D. more rapidly17. Many chemicals react ______ in acid solutions.

A. more quick B. more quickly C. quicklier D. as quickly more 18. It’s becoming ______ to find a job.

A. more difficult and more B. more and more difficult C. most and more difficult D. more difficult than19. ______ electricity you use, _______ your bill will be.

A. the more / the higher B. the most / the higher C. the more / the high D. more / higher 20. The more I got to know Tom, _______ I liked him.

A. least B. the less C. the least D. the fewer21. The rooms in the front ______ noisier than those in the back.

A. are more B. are little C. are much D. are very22. ______ you are, ______ you concentrate.

A. Tired / the least hard B. The more tired / the harderC. The tireder / the harder D. The tired / the harder

23. ______ the man gets, ______ he becomes.A. the more old / the more weak B. the older / the weaker

C. the older / the weakest D. older / weaker24. Of all the candidates, Mr. Hung is probably ______.

A. the less qualified B. the qualified less C. the most little qualified D. the least qualified25. _______ a car is, ______ it is.

A. the expensive / the comfortabler B. the most expensive /the most comfortableC. the more expensive / the more comfortable D. the less expensive / the more comfortable

26. His house is _____ mine.A. larger and more comfortable than B. the most large and comfortable thanC. more large and comfortable than D. the largest and more comfortable than

27. The larger the drop of water, ______ freezing temperature.A. the higher its B. its higher C. higher than its D. higher of its

28. Automobiles, airplanes, and buses use more energy per passenger ______ .A. trains do B. as trains C. as are trains D. than trains do

29. A cat would be _______ to look after ______ a dog.A. easy / than B. easier / than C. easy / to D. the easiest / than

30. The younger you are, _______ it is to learn.A. easier B. you are easier C. the easier D. the easy

31. His job is ______ as mine.A. not so difficult B. not that difficult C. nor so difficult D. not more difficult

32. _______ the horse tried to free itself from the restraint, ______ it became. A. The most / the tighter B. The more / the tighter C. The more / tighter D. More / tighterFor the examination for GCSE 89

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33. This is _____ man of all I’ve ever known.A. best B. better C. good D. the best

34. ______we finish the project, _______ we can start the next one.A. The soonest / the sooner B. The soonest / the most soonC. The sooner / the sooner D. The soonest / the soonest

35. Jays are ______ and more colorful than crows.A. short B. shortest C. more short D. shorter

36. As a rule, ______ the heart rate, the faster the pulse.A. the more rapid B. the more rapidly C. rapid D. the most rapid

37. Yesterday I felt a little ill and today I feel ______ .A. more ill B. most ill C. worse D. worst

38. Thoudsands of years ago giraffes had much ______ necks than they have now.A. short B. shorter C. less short D. least short

39. Special airplane fares for tourists make travel _______ than ever before. A. less expensive and more attractive B. less expensive but attractive

C. not only expensive and attractive D. less expensive therefore attractive40. Advertising is _____ in the world.

A. one of the biggest business B. one of the business biggest C. one business of the biggest D. one of the more big business41. Mary is ______ in our class.

A. prettier B. more pretty C. most pretty D. the prettiest42. Jogging makes our health _____.

A. more good B. better C. the more good D. the most good43. ______ we jog, _______ we are.

A. the most / the healthiest B. the most / the healthierC. the more / the most healthy D. the more / the healthier

44. The winter is coming, it is getting _______.A. more cold B. the most cold C. colder and colder D. the more cold

45. The _____ things are produced, the ______ prices are.A. more / cheaper B. most / cheapest C. much / cheap D. many / cheaper

46. _____ we read, ______ we know.A. the most / the most B. the more / the more C. most / most D. more/ more

47. It gets ______ . let’s go swimming.A. hot and hot B. the more hot C. more and more hot D. hotter and hotter

48. Minh usually runs ______ Hung.A. more fast B. more fast than C. the fastest D. faster than

49. The problem seems to be _____.A. most serious B. more serious than C. more serious as D. more and more

serious50. Prices get ______. A. high and high B. highest and highest C. more and more high D. higher and higher51. The more waste paper we recycle, _______ .

A. the more trees we preserve B. the less trees we preserveC. the most trees we preserve D. the least trees we preserve

52. There are ______ diseases being treated by laser beams.A. more or less B. more than C. more and more D. less than

53. “We produce more food. It gets cheap. ”means _______.A. the more food we produce, the cheaper it gets B. the most food we produce, the cheapest it getsC. the least food we produce, the less cheap it gets D. most food we produce, cheapest it gets

Exercise 2: Chän mét lçi sai trong nh÷ng c©u sau:1. “Tomorrow Never Die” is one of the more exciting films. A B C D 2. Most babies will grow up to be as cleverer as their parents.For the examination for GCSE 90

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A B C D 3. New York is the larger of all American cities. A B C D 4. The new models are not only less expensive but also the more efficient. A B C D 5. The more they advertise, the least expensive things are. A B C D 6. The problem is the more serious because there has been no relevant solution up to now. A B C D

7. The more he earns, the most happy he is. A B C D 8. Nam plays the piano better than I am. A B C D 9. Mary looks more prettier than she used to be. A B C D 10. Jim has failed the examination. He is the baddest in our class. A B C D 11. Minh can play table tennis better more than I can. A B C D 12. Your computer works faster than my. A B C D 13. His father’s health gets worst and worst. A B C D 14. The most we work, the more money we earn. A B C D 15. This car is more economical as that one. A B C D 16. Not everyone has realized that the most largest organ of the human body is the skin. A B C D 17. The more fast you drive, the more dangerous you get. A B C D 18. All the athletes are trying to run as fastly as they can. A B C D 19. Rice is most important in Vietnam. A B C D 20. The more that she tried to remove the strain from her shirt, the worst it looks. A B C D Exercise 3: Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.1. If we leave early, we'll arrive soon. The earlier________________________________________________2. If you work harder, you make more products. The harder ________________________________________________ 3. When you eat a lot, you get fat. The more____________________________________________________________ 4. If you run a lot, you will get fitter. The more_________________________________________________7. If you run a lot, you will get fitter.

The more_________________________________ .

8 . When you eat a lot, you get fat. For the examination for GCSE 91

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The more________________________________________________

9 . If you walk slowly, it takes longer to get there. The more__________________________

10. If you have a better job, you get higher salary.

The better the job you have ,______________________________________

Lesson 10 :Verb Form ( Gerund & Infinitives)

Exercise1:Chän ph¬ng ¸n ®óng ®Ó hoµn thµnh c¸c c©u sau:1. We are looking forward _____ you again soon.

A. to see B. to seeing C. saw D. have seen2. My mother was afraid to let the boy _____ the tree.

A. to risk climbing B. to risk to climb C. risk climbing D. risk to climb3. I remember _____ but he said I did not.

A. to buy him a book B. buy him a book C. buying him a book D. to have bought him a book

4. Remember _____ john a present . today is his birthday. A. send B. to send C. sent D. sending

5. I suggest _____ some more mathematical puzzles.A. do B. to do C. doing D. done

6. Would you mind _____ the door?A. open B. to open C. opening D. opened

7. You should give up _____ or you will die of cancer.A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. smoked

8. The driver stopped _____ a coffee because he felt sleepy.A. have B. to have C. having D. had

9. That old man tried to stop _____ because of his bad health.A. smoke B. smokes C. smoked D. smoking

10. There is nothing prevent us from______ the mystery of that palace.A. discover B. discovery C. discovering D. discoveries

11. Mr. Thomas does not allow people_____ in his office.A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoked D. smoking

12. We are not allowed _____ in that restricted area.A. to enter B. enter C. entering D. to entered

13. You had better _____ at home until you feel better.A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed

14. The machine needs_____ .A. B and C are correct B. to be repaired C. repairing D. to repair

15. I couldn’t help _____ when I heard the story.A. laughing B. to laugh C. laughed D.laugh

16. Peter usually help his mother ______.A. to do housework B. do housework C. with housework D.all are correct

17. She used that money _____ a new B. buying C. to buy D. for buying

18. Can you manage_____ ______ the report in the morning?A. finishing / to write B. to finish / writing C. finishing / writing D. to finish / to write

19. Rex hotel was the best place for us _____. A. stays B. staying C. to stay D. stay20. You can’t stop me from _____ what I want.

A. doing B. do C. to do D. that I do21. I must go now. I promise _______ late.

For the examination for GCSE 92

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A. not being B. not to be C. to not be D. I won’t be22. Do you want ______ with you or do you want to go alone?

A. me coming B. me to come C. that I will come D. that I come 23. I’m sure I locked the door. I clearly remember _____ it.

A. locking B. to lock C. to have locked D. to be locked24. She tried to be serious, but she couldn’t help ______.

A. laughing B. to laugh C. that she laughed D. laugh25. I like _____ the kitchen as often as possible.

A. not cleaned B. clean C. to clean D. that I clean26. He tried to avoid ______ my question.

A. answering B. to answer C. answer D. how to answer27. Could you please stop _______ so much noise?

A. to make B. make C. to have make D. making28. I enjoy ______ to music.

A. listen B. to listen C. listening D. listened29. Have you finished ______ your hair yet?

A. wash B. washed C. washing D. to wash30. If you walk into the road without looking, you risk _____ knocked down.

A. been B. to be C. be D. being31. Jim is 65, but he isn’t going to retired yet. He wants to carry on _____.

A. to work B. work C. works D. working32. Hello! Fancy _____ you here! What a surprise!

A. to see B. seeing C. seen D. see33. I’ve put off _____ the letters so many times. I really must do it today.

A. write B. to write C. written D. writing34. What a stupid thing to do! Can you imagine anybody _____.

A. being B. be C. to be D. were35. Sarah gave up ______ to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad.

A. apply B. to apply C. applying D. application36. Suddenly he stopped the car in order ______.

A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. has smoked37. I can’t bear ______this dirty room.

A. seeing B. to see C. seen D. saw 38. Have you considered _____ to live in another country?

A. going B. to go C. gone D. goes39. Cathy suggested _____ to the cinema.

A. went B. not to go C. not go D. going40. They caused her _____ a lot.

A. cried B. crying C. to cry D. cry41. Paula quit _____ alcohol three years ago.

A. to drink B. drank C. being drunk D. drinking42. We must do something. We can’t go on _____ like this.

A. to live B. living C. life D. live43. My mother rarely allows me _____ things for myself.

A. to buy B. bought C. buy D. buying44. She admitted _____ the money.

A. to steal B. steals C. steal D. having stolen 45. It was late, so we decided ______ a taxi home.

A. to take B. taken C. taking D. was taken46. Simon was in a difficult situation, so I agreed _______ him some money.

A. lend B. lending C. to lend D. lender47. How old were you when you learnt ______ ?

A. how to drive B. how driving C. how drive D. how driversFor the examination for GCSE 93

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48. I waved to Karen but I failed ______ her attention.A. to be attracted B. to attract C. attracting D. attracted

49. We decided ______ because of the bad weather.A. not going out B. not to go out C. not go out D. not gone

50. She always encouraged her son _____ .A. to jog B. jogged C. is jogging D. jogging

51. They seem _____ plenty of money.A. are having B. to have C. having D. had

52. I like Simon, but I think he tends _______ too much.A. to talk B. talking C. talk D. is talking

53. Ann pretended ______ me as he passed me in the street.A. not seeing B. not to seen C. not see D. not to see

54. I happened ______ that news from a magazine.A. known B. to be known C. to know D. know

55. He has been on a diet to _____weight.A. have lost B. having lost C. to have lost D. lose

56. I don’t know whether ______ for the job or not.A. to applying B. apply C. to apply D. applied

57. Do you understand _______?A. what done B. what doing C. what to do D. what do

58. Can somebody show me ______ the film in this cinema?A. how to changed B. how change C. how changing D. how to change

59. Don’t forget _____ the letter I gave you.A. to post B. posting C. post D. posted

60. There was a lot of traffic, but we managed _____ to the airport in time.A. are gone B. going C. to go D. to be going

61. Jill didn’t afford _____ a car.A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought

62. We’ve got a new computer in our office. I haven’t learnt how ______ it yet.A. to operate B. operating C. operate D. be operated

63. We were all too afraid to speak. Nobody dared ______ anything.A. saying B. being said C. says D. to say

64. They had a boy ______ that yesterday.A. done B. to do C. did D. do

65. We get our mail ______ yesterday.A. been delivered B. delivered C. delivering D. to deliver

66. Tom hopes _______ a solution soon.A. to be found B. finds C. to find D. finding

67. You must ______ a lot of people here.A. to know B. knowing C. know D. known

68. This involves having a good memory and ______ hard.A. work B. to work C. worked D. working

69. They claimed ______ the problem.A. have solved B. solve C. solving D. to have solved

70. I’ve been invited to the party but I don’t know ______ or not.A. whether I should to go B. whether go

C. whether going D. whether I should go71. Health experts advise ______ breakfast.

A. us not skipped B. us not skipping C. us not to skip D. us not skip72. I would rather ______ this job.

A. not taken B. not take C. not to take D. not taking73. I spent some time ______ around the shops in Elizabeth street yesterday.

A. looked B. be looking C. look D. lookingFor the examination for GCSE 94

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74. She will probably offer ______ the stereo for you .A. to repair B. to be repairing C. repair D. repairing

75. She always proves _______ a true B. being C. to been D. to be

76. There’s no point in _____ that.A. persuade him to do B. persuading him to do

C. persuading him do D. persuading him doing 77. If you delay _____ it back, you will risk ______ your rights as a customer.

A. to take / losing B. taking / to lose C. being taken / losing D. taking / losing 78. You should be willing _____ .

A. to do that B. that do C. doing that D. to be done that79. Just keep on ______ what you like.

A. do B. did C. doing D. done80. He made me _______ it all over again.

A. do B. doing C. to do D. done81. It is easy _____ wise after the event.

A. be B. to be C. being D. is82. It is up to you _____ the laws of your own country.

A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learned83. Aren’t you fed up _____ the same thing everyday?

A. od doing B. with doing C. with do D. on doing84. Are you ready _____?

A. cooperate B. cooperated C. to cooperate D. cooperation85. There are a lot of peple ______ London everyday.

A. visit B. to visit C. visiting D. have visited86. We enjoy ______ that film.

A. see B. to see C. seeing D. seen87. ______ is my hobby.

A. collect B. collecting C. collected D. A and C88. It’s no use ______ about pollution in big cities.

A. to complain B. complain C. complaining D. complained89. Excuse me for _____ late and it is very kind of you ______ for me

A. to be / to wait B. been / waiting C. being / to wait D. being / waiting90. I remember _____ him ______ that he ______ on time.

A. hearing / says / will be B. hear / says / be C. hear / said / would be D. hearing / say / would be91. When _____ each other, the American women do not usually shake hands.

A. meet B. to meet C. met D. meeting92. On _____ at the airport, I was very worried to find that no one _____ for me.

A. arriving / was waiting B. arrive / was waiting C. arriving / had waiting D. arrive / had been waited93. _____ a foreign language requires great effort.

A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. B and C 94. I regret _______ you that we cannot approve your application.

A. inform B. to inform C. informed D.informing95. The rocks in the soil made ______ more difficult.

A. to plough B. ploughed C. ploughing D. plough96. I remember ____ you somewhere but I’m sorry I forget your name.

A. meet B. to meet C. met D. meeting97.Would you mind _______, please.

A. to answer the phone B. answer the phone C. answering the phone D. to the phone answered98.My mother told me _______ hope.For the examination for GCSE 95

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A. not to give up B. not to giving up C. not giving up D. not give up 99.My friend has lost weight ______ everyday.

A. to excercise B. to excercising C. by to excercise D. by excercising100.I’m hungry. Is there any food _____ ?

A. to be eaten B. to eat C. eating D. for me eating101.Mary was the last applicant _____ by that interviewer.

A. to be interviewed B. to be interviewing C. to have interviewed D. to interview 102.He is the good colleague ______ .

A. to work for us with B. for work with usC. to us for working with D. for us to work with

103.______ her sweetheart, she smiled happily.A. Look B. To look C. Looking D. Looked

104. Huong never lets me _______ her booksA. to borrow B. borrow C. borrowing D. borrowed

105. The teacher was explaining the lesson and didn’t notice Linh _____ out.A. go B. went C. gone D. to go

106. Please wait a minute! My boss is busy _____ something.A. write B. to write C. writing D. wrote

107. My father wanted me ______ a pilot.A. become B. becoming C. to become D. became

108. He began ____ English 2 years ago.A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. B and C

109. It takes 5 minutes _____ to the school.A. walk B. walking C. walked D. to walk

110. ______ all their money, they decided to go home.A. Having spent B. Spent C. Had spent D. Have spent

Exercise 2: Chän 1 lçi sai trong nh÷ng c©u sau:1. Before to go out, remember to turn off the computer. A B C D2. You had better learning a foreign language before applying for a job. A B C D3. On to hear the telephone ring, I answered it immediately. A B C D4. There’s something wrong with my computer. It may need to repair . A B C D5. It is a dull evening. We have nothing doing. A B C D6. Gets the bad news from her parents, Lan immediately burst into tears. A B C D7. I regret not to help you but I really couldn’t do anything else. A B C D8. Many scientists have tried to unlocking the genetic code. A B C D9. Open the letter from her mother, she feels very happy. A B C D10. To reduce pollution, we have to stop to use many things that make our lives comfortable. A B C D11. It is very difficult for us to preventing forest fires during the drought. A B C D12. People want to conserve the environment, but they can’t help pollute it. A B C D13. A: let’s go out for a drink. - B: I suggest staying at home and watch television. A B C DFor the examination for GCSE 96

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14. The government has had the ethnic minority settling down and provided them with land. A B C D15. There are many people visit the Pyramids in Egypt everyday. A B C D16. We go to school enriching our mind with knowledge. A B C D17. It is very difficult for human beings fighting pollution. A B C D18. If we don’t care conservation the environment, we will get unavoidable disasters. A B C D19. Would you mind give me a hand, I have a lot of things to do? A B C D20. You have to finished writing the report yourself. A B C D21. Minh is a bit tired. He does not feel like eaten anything. A B C D22. I noticed the boy to creep into the house through a hole at the foot of the wall. A B C D23. There comes my bus! I must go now. Don’t forget giving me a call. A B C D24. Faraday’s father was not rich enough to sending him to school. A B C D25. She left the house in a hurry without to say goodbye to us. A B C D26. I remember that I have something new to telling you. A B C D27. I couldn’t help get angry when he told me about the problem. A B C D28. Language coming from Latin, such as French, Italian and Spanish are easy learning. A B C D29. I enjoy not have to get up early when I’m on holiday. A B C D30. I don’t recommend to eat in that restaurant. Its food is awful. A B C D31. The flowerist recommended me buying some roses. A B C D32. The police stopped everybody enter the house. A B C D33. Knew that he was poor, I offered to pay his fare. A B C D34. If you don’t allow me entering, I’ll break down the door. A B C D35. Alan advised me reading some more books. A B C D36. Leaves kept to fall and I felt tired of keeping the yard clean. A B C D37. I am only interesting in what he did. A B C D

38. Would you please tell me how doing this? A B C D39. My parents never let me going out in the evening. A B C DFor the examination for GCSE 97

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40. You should do nothing but waiting. A B C D41. Gloria made a lot of friends by work in the cafeteria. A B C D42. Why don’t you help each other studying for the examination? A B C D43. Let’s taking a walk. Walking is good for our health. A B C D44. Everyone stopped talk when the president came in. A B C D45. Understand what he is talking about is dificult. A B C D46. He hates to be made fun at. A B C D47. He was angry with my come late. A B C D48. What’s your job? – Hear the phone and typing letters. A B C D49. Her favorite sports are climb and skiing. A B C D50. Are you accustomed to hear airplanes over your house ? A B C D51. It is impossible imagine what she will say. A B C D52. My friend was fond of attend a higher mathematics course. A B C D53. Some people say that forget is better than remembering. A B C D54. Long ago, I gave up to try to learn swimming as I could not get over my fear of water. A B C D55. The only good way to getting achievement in learning English is to practise it as frequently as possible. A B C D56.It is sure that human beings will regret to destroy the environment and they obviously have to suffer a lot. A B C D56. Efforts to improving the standard of living for human have also resulted in the environmental pollution. A B C D57. All the students are looking forward to spend their free time relaxing in the sun this summer. A B C D58. Many people have stopped to smoke because they are afraid that it may be bad for their health. A B C D59. After spending 2 days arguing about where to go on holidays, they decided not going anywhere. A B C D60. I am interested on leaning the new course next week.

A B C DLesson 11: Word Form

Exercise 1: Chän ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®Ó hoµn thµnh c¸c c©u sau:1. Life here is very _____.

A. peacefully B. peaceful C. peace D. peacefulness2. Women usually don’t shake hands when being _____.

A. introducing B. introduction C. introduced D. introducer 3. He was so _____ that he had an accident.

A. caring B. careless C. careful D. carefullyFor the examination for GCSE 98

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4. Farmers can enrich the soil by using ______.A. fertile B. fertility C. fertilize D. fertilizers

5. Nowadays, chemicals are ______ into some fruits to reduce decay.A. injection B. injecting C. inject D. injected

11. What’s your _______ ? – I’m Vietnamese.A. nation B. national C. nationality D. international

12. In this course, students receive _______ in the basic English grammar.A. instruct B. instructional C. instruction D. instructive

13. I _____ him for his honesty.A. respective B. respectful C. respectable D. respect

14. All of the students appreciate the ______ of English learning.A. import B. important C. importantly D. importance

15. We can enjoy live programmes through _______ satellites.A. communicate B. communication C. communicative D. communicable

16. Learning English has become a ______ in our country.A. necessitate B. necessary C. necessity D. necessarily

17. Computers are ______ used in schools and universities.A. widely B. wide C. width D. widen

18. He retired at the ______ of 60.A. age B. old C. older D. elder

19. My teacher always give us a clear ______.A. explain B. explained C. explanatory D. explanation

20. The _____ of the moon for the earth causes the tides.A. attract B. attracted C. attractive D. attraction

21. Your bad result made me ______ .A. disappoint B. disappointment C. disappointed D. disappointing

22. Getting such a well-paid job is very beyond my ______.A. expect B. expected C. expecting D. expectation

23. It has been proved ______ that the unemployment rates are increasing.A. statistic B. statistics C. statistical D. statistically

24. She has made an _______ for the job as a nursery teacher because she like children.A. apply B. applicant C. application D. applicator

25. Daisy has been out of work for 3 months. She stay at home and does the housework_______.A. disappoint B. disappointed C. disappointedly D. disappointing

26. She is a biologist. She is interested in _______ .A. conserves B. conservancy C. conservation D. conservative

27. There is no ______ for them to do that.A. need B. needs C. needless D. needing

28. The _____ development leads to our country’s prosperity.A. industry B. industries C. industrial D. industrialize

29. Farmers ______ their land to make it _______. A. fertilize / product B. fertilizer / productive C. fertilize / production D. fertilize / productive 30. Many communities are burning garbage and other biological waste products to produce ______.

A. electric B. electricity C. electrician D. electrify31. Stress and tiredness often lead to lack of _______.

A. concentrate B. concentration C. concentrated D. concentrator32. Human being are the worst _______ on the earth.

A. pollutes B. polluters C. pollutants D. pollutions33. Mrs. Christine has been told by her doctor that she is _________, she cannot have a child of her own.

A. childless B. childhood C. childish D. child34. Thanks to my friends’ ________ remarks, my essay have been improved.

A. construct B. construction C. constructive D. constructor35. What is your _____ in fife?For the examination for GCSE 99

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A. aim B. aimless C. aimlessly D. aimlessness36. The president traveled under the ______ of many soldiers.

A. protect B. protective C. protection D. protector37. The US made a _____ declaration of war to Iraq.

A. formal B. formality C. formalize D. formalism38. I sometimes do not feel ______ when I’m at a party.

A. comfort B. comforter C. comfortable D. comfortably39. Women show a _______ to live longer than men.

A. tend B. tendentious C. tendency D. tendentiously40. It is necessary for the host to make his guest feel comfortable and _____

A. relax B. relaxation C. relaxing D. relaxed41. Their _____ has lasted for more than 20 years.

A. friends B. friendly C. friendship D. friendness42. Do you feel _____ when taking a test ?

A. nervous B. nerve C. nerveless D. nervy43. The workers chose Mr. Pike their _______.

A. represent B. representative C. represents D. representation44. Jack London wrote several ______ novels on adventure.

A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interestingly45. She is _____ with her present job.

A. satisfy B. satisfied C. satisfaction D. satisfactory46. It takes one a long time to become an ______ pianist.

A. accomplish B. accomplished C. accomplishment D. accomplishing47. The young usually do things _______.

A. enthusiasm B. enthusiast C. enthusiastic D. enthusiatically48. The industrial ______ has made many changes in our country.

A. develop B. developing C. developer D. development49. The hotel is famous for its _______ arranged rooms.

A. attractive B. attracted C. attractively D. attraction50. I wasn’t _____ on going to the party last night.

A. keenness B. keenly C. keen D. keenest51. You can _____ knowledge by reading newspapers.

A. richly B. enrichment C. rich D. enrich 52. My son has given a great deal of _____ to his future job.

A. thoughtless B.thoughtful C. thought D. think53. The most important thing is to keep yourself ______.

A. occupation B. occupied C. occupant D. occupational54. Hundreds of ______ have been involved in the research.

A. scientists B. science C. scientific D. scientifically55. The more ______ an event is, the better it will be remembered.

A. signify B. significance C. significantly D. significant56. The authorities are discussing the worrying ______ issues in the area.

A. environmentalists B. environmental C. environment D. environmentally57. Cheer up! You look ______!

A. disappointed B. disappointing C. disappointment D. disappointed58. Carbon dioxide occurs in the air in _____ form.

A. nature B. naturally C. natural D. naturalness59. I have ______ touch with my father for a long time.

A. loss B. lost C. loose D. loosen60. I don’t know what I am going to do after leaving school. I am ______ about my decision.

A. uncertain B. certainty C. certain D. certainly61. They have been working very hard in _____ for the upcoming exams.

A. prepared B. preparation C. preparatory D. preparesFor the examination for GCSE 100

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62. I think their injuries need medical ______ .A. treatment B. treated C. treatable D. untreated

63. The children should be _____ to realize their full potential.A. discouraged B. encourage C. couraged D. courage

64. I don’t think I am ______ of doing it. A. capability B. capable C. capabilities D. capacity

65. The film gives us ______ insight into life in Brazil. It’t worth seeing!A. valuable B. unvaluable C. value D. evaluate

66. We were amazed at the _______ of the Great Barrier Reef.A. beautiful B. beautifully C. beautify D. beauty

Exercise 2: Chän ®¸p ¸n ®óng ®Ó hoµn thµnh c¸c c©u sau:1. All the pupils have done the exercises easy.

A B C D2. The die of a famous doctor was announced last night.

A B C D3. We occasional go out for dinner but we cook our meals most of the time.

A B C D4. She was too shame to tell her teacher about the stupid mistakes.

A B C D5. She failed the driving test because she didn’t follow the guidance of the driving instruct.

A B C D6. To prepare his science works, Faraday often spent whole days in the laboratory.

A B C D7. They ride their bicycle to the countryside for please.

A B C D8. He was sadness because he couldn’t pay his debts.

A B C D9. The representatives joining the festival were from different national.

A B C D10. The teacher often courage the student to ask questions.

A B C D11. In some countries, black people do not have equal with white people.

A B C D12. Because his love for teaching, David would continue his teaching career.

A B C D13. Many industry developed countries spend much money preventing environmental pollution.

A B C D14. When foreigners ask him, he answers in English automatic.

A B C D15. Special drugs should be manufacture and dispensed carefully.

A B C D16. He often went to work late, consequence he was sacked.

A B C D17. We should learn all the new word by heart in order to rich our vocabulary.

A B C D18. The little boy felt very disapppoint because his parents didn’t let him go with them.

A B C D Lesson 12: Sentence Transformation

Exercise 1:Rewrite the following sentences1) I haven’t been to the dentist for two year.

It is ____________________________________________________________________________2) This is the first time I have driven a car.For the examination for GCSE 101

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I have __________________________________________________________________________3) It started raining last Friday and has not stopped yet.

It has ___________________________________________________________________________4) The last time I played tennis was in 1990.

I haven’t ________________________________________________________________________5) The children went to bed. We watched TV.

After the children _________________________________________________________________6) How long is it since you started learning English?

When __________________________________________________________________________7) Originally, tennis was an indoor game.

Tennis used to ____________________________________________________________________8) He found a job in a steel mill, and then he got married.

After ___________________________________________________________________________9) It is ten years since I last met David.

I haven’t ________________________________________________________________________10) I haven’t seen that man here before.

It is the first ______________________________________________________________________11) He studies very hard. He doesn’t want to fail in the final exam. ( using “so that”)

________________________________________________________________________________12) She practices English everyday. She wants to speak to foreigners. (using “so that”)

________________________________________________________________________________13) She bought a new car. She wants to make a trip to Canada.

She bought a new car to ____________________________________________________________14) John gets up early. He doesn’t want to be late.

John gets up early so as not to _______________________________________________________15) I couldn’t hear the speaker’s voice because it was very noisy.

Because of ______________________________________________________________________16) Russian is too hard for us to learn.

Russian is so _____________________________________________________________________17) He is rather rich. He can buy a new house.

He is rich enough _________________________________________________________________18) John was too ill to go to work.

John was not _____________________________________________________________________19) The weather was so bad that we couldn’t go sailing.

The weather was too _______________________________________________________________20) It was such a boring film that we left before the end.

The film was so __________________________________________________________________21) The car was expensive. We couldn’t afford to buy it.

The car was so ___________________________________________________________________22) He is too weak to carry this bag.

He is so_________________________________________________________________________23) Bill is too foolish to understand what I say.

Bill is not _______________________________________________________________________24) Although William had a bad cold, he still went to school.

Despite _________________________________________________________________________25) His father is taller than his mother. His mother is not ________________________________________________________________________26)Tom didn’t come to the party. Ann didn’t come to the party, either. Neither Tom ____________________________________________________________________________27)Although the traffic was bad, I arrived on time.

For the examination for GCSE 102

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In spite of ______________________________________________________________________________28) My father said I could use his car. My father allowed ________________________________________________________________________29) If you don’t hurry, you’ll be late. Unless ________________________________________________________________________________30) Jane is a better cook than Mary. Mary can’t ______________________________________________________________________________31) Jack is too young to get married. Jack is not _______________________________________________________________________________32) She made herself ill because she worked very hard. She worked so ___________________________________________________________________________33) The book was so good that I couldn’t put it down. It was such _______________________________________________________________________________34) The man injured in the accident was taken to the hospital. The man who ____________________________________________________________________________35) It is said that he is 108 years old. He is said ______________________________________________________________________________36) They don’t understand him because he doesn’t speak clearly. If ____________________________________________________________________________________37) She didn’t buy the coat because she didn’t have enough money. If ____________________________________________________________________________________38) I am always nervous when I travel by air. Travelling by air __________________________________________________________________________39)That factory is producing more and more pollution. More and more pollution ___________________________________________________________________40)We must leave now or we’ll miss the train. If ______________________________________________________________________________________41)She is a faster and more careless driver than I am. She drives _______________________________________________________________________________42)We spent five hours getting to London. It took ________________________________________________________________________________43)I hope to see you at Christmas. I’m looking forward ________________________________________________________________________44) Don’t try to escape. It’s no use. It’s no use _______________________________________________________________________________For the examination for GCSE 103

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45) Ann said to Bill : “Don’t forget to have your appoinment with Mr.Brown.” Ann reminded __________________________________________________________________________Exercise 2: Choose the best option1. I like tea more than coffee.

A. I like coffee better than tea. B. I like coffee as you do.C. I like tea very much. D. I prefer tea to coffee.

2. Murder is the most serious of all crimes. A. Murder is very serious. B. Everyone is afraid of murder.

C. No crimes is more serious than murder. D. Murder is the dangerous crimes.3. I find it important to learn English.

A. I make it possible to learn English B. I find that learning English important.C. It’s important to learn English. D. It’s as important to learn English.

4. The heavy rain stopped me from going out.A. As the heavy rain, I couldn’t go out. B. Thanks to the heavy rain, I couldn’t go out.C. Because of the heavy rain, I couldn’t go out. D. Except for the heavy rain, I couldn’t go out.

5. Could you please close the door?A. Would you mind close the door? B. Would you mind to close the door?

C. Would you minded close the door? D. Would you mind closing the door?6. Bill drives more carelessly than he used to.

A. Bill doesn’t drive as carefully as he used to B. Bill doesn’t drive carefully he used toC. Bill doesn’t drive as carefully he used to D. Bill doesn’t drive as carefully as he used

7. The last time I saw Jane was three years ago.A. I haven’t seen Jane for three years. B. I haven’t seen Jane three years agoC. I haven’t seen Jane since three years D. I have seen Jane for three years

8. Ban cannot get married because he is under sixteen.A. Ban is young enough to get married B. Ban is too young to get married

C. Ban is old enough to get married D. Ban is too old to get married9. No one in the class is taller than Lan.

A. Lan is the tallest student in the class B. Lan is the tall student in the classC. Lan is the tallest student in class D. Lan is tallest student in the class

10. Dave is very young. He cannot understand it. A. Dave is not young enough to understand it. B. Dave is very young to understand it.C. Dave is not young to understand it. D. Dave is too young to understand it.

11. He likes not only sports but also reading.A. He only enjoys sports. B. He only enjoys reading.C. He enjoys neither sports nor reading. D. He enjoys both sports and reading.

12. She is married with two children.A. She has a husband and two children B. She is singleC. She is a childless mother D. She has two children

13. What’s the matter with you?A. What’s thing with you? B. What’s issue with you?C. What’s wrong with you? D. What’s right with you?

14. She started school when she was 6 years old.A. At the year of 6 she started school. B. At the age of 6 she started school.

C. At the old of 6 she started school. D. At the time of 6 she started school.15. He enjoys having noodle soup every meal.

A. He has to eat noodle soup every meal. B. He should eat noodle soup every meal.C. He likes to eat noodle soup every meal. D. He must eat noodle soup every meal.

16. They didn’t see each other six months ago. A. They haven’t seen each other six months. B. They haven’t seen each other for six months.

C. They haven’t seen each other since six months. D. They haven’t seen each other six months ago17. I don’t speak English as well as my sister. For the examination for GCSE 104

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A. My sister speaks English better than I do. B. I speak English worse than my sister does.C. My sister speaks English more well than I do. D. A and B

18. Daisy doesn’t play cricket as well as she used to.A. Daisy was used to play cricket better. B. Daisy used to playing cricket better.C. Daisy used to play cricket better. D. Daisy got used to playing cricket better.

19. “I think you should go by bus.” He told us.A. He asked us to go by bus. B. He ordered us to go by bus.C. He advised us go by bus. D. He advised us to go by bus.

20. Our house is going to be painted by a local firm.A. We are going to have our house painted. B. We are going to have our house be painted.C. We are going to have our house to be painted. D.We are going to have our house being painted.

21. Whose English books are these?A. Who are these English books belong to? B. Who do these English books belong to ?C. To whom do these English books belong to? D. Whom do these English books belong to?

22. It was too careless of you to drive very fast. A. You should not drive very fast. B. You should not drive very slowly.

C. You should not have driven very fast. D. You should not to drive very fast.23. What were you doing then? I didn’t know.

A. I didn’t know what you were doing then. B. I didn’t know what were you doing then.C. I didn’t know what you had done then. D. I didn’t know what you would do then.

24. The last time they were in Paris was in 2003.A. They weren’t in Paris since 2003. B. They haven’t been in Paris since 2003.C. They hadn’t been in Paris since 2003. D. They haven’t been in Paris from 2003.

25. What’s her date of birth?A. When did she born? B. When were she born?C. When’s her birthday? D. When was she born?

26. This is the most horrible film I have ever seen.A. I already saw this horrible film before. B. I have never seen such a horrible film before. C. This is the most horrible film I saw. D. I have ever seen this horrible film before.

27. The police are looking for the missing boy.A. The missing boy is looked for. B. The missing boy is looking for.C. The missing boy is being looking for. D. The missing boy is being looked for.

28. Susan regretted not buying that villa. A. Susan wished she had bought that villa. B. Susan wished she bought that villa.C. Susan wished she could buy that villa. D. Susan wished she hadn’t bought that villa.

29. It’s a pity that you didn’t tell us about this.A. I wish you told us about this. B. I wish you would tell us about this.C. I wish you had told us about this. D. I wish you have told us about this.

30. It started to rain at 2 o’clock and it is still raining.A. It has been raining at 2 o’clock. B. It has been raining since 2 o’clock.C. It has been raining for 2 o’clock. D. It has been raining in 2 o’clock.

31. They made her hand over her passport.A. She was made to hand over her passport. B. She was made hand over her passport.C. She was handed over to make her passport. D. She was handed over for her passport to make.

32. I tried to eat the cake, but it was too sweet.A. It was such a sweet cake that I couldn’t eat it. B. It was so sweet cake that I couldn’t eat it.

C. The cake was too sweet that I couldn’t eat it. D. The cake was very sweet that I couldn’t eat it.33. My brother and I went to that school.

A. I went to that school and my brother, too. B. I went to that school and so my brother did.C. I went to that school and so did my brother. D. I went to that school and so my brother did, too

34. She said to us, “Don’t be late again.”A. She said to us not to be late again. B. She told us to be late again.C. She told to us not to be late again. D. She told us not to be late again.

For the examination for GCSE 105

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35. I often get up early in the morning.A. I am used to getting up early in the morning. B. I am used to get up early in the morning.C. I used to get up early in the morning. D. I used to getting up early in the morning.

36. It isn’t necessary to shout.A. You need to keep silent. B. You don’t need shouting.C. You needn’t shout. D. It’s necessary to keep silent.

37. “You shouldn’t stay up late ”, the doctor told Mr William.A. The doctor advised Mr William not stay up late.

B. The doctor advised Mr William not to go to bed so early.C. The doctor advised Mr William to stay up late.

D. The doctor advised Mr William not to stay up late.38. Julia couldn’t pass the driving test because she was so nervous.

A. Julia could pass the driving test if she hadn’t been so nervous.B. Julia could pass the driving test if she wasn’t very nervous.C. Julia could have passed the driving test if she hadn’t been so nervous.D. Julia will pass the driving test if she wasn’t so nervous.

39. It takes me five hours to drive to Manchester city from here.A. Manchester city is five hours’drive from here .

B. Manchester city drives for five hours from here .C. Manchester city is driving for five hours from here D. I have five hours to drive to Manchester city from here .

40. Peter lives in the house. The house is opposite my house. A. Peter lives in the house it is opposite my house.B. Peter lives in the house which opposite my house.C. Peter lives in the house on which is opposite my house.D. Peter lives in the house which is opposite my house.

41. The plants may develop differently. The plants live on that island.A. The plants live on that island may develop differently. B. The plants that live on that island may develop differently. C. The plants which lives on that island may develop differently.

D. The plants whose live on that island may develop differently.42. He came back at 9:00 last night. His son was having dinner.

A. After he came back at 9:00 last night his son was having dinner.B. He came back at 9:00 last night but his son was having dinner.C. When he came back at 9:00 last night his son was having dinner.

D. When he came back at 9:00 last night and his son was having dinner.43. The weather was very cold. They couldn’t go out.

A. The weather was very cold and that they couldn’t go out.B. The weather was so cold that they couldn’t go out.C. The weather was not so cold they couldn’t go out.D. The weather was very cold they couldn’t go out.

44. My teacher lives far from our school.A. It’s a short distance from my teacher’s house to our school.

B. It’s a long distance from my teacher’s house to our school.C. My teacher’s house is near our school. D. My teacher lives near our school.

45. The water was so cold that we couldn’t swim in it. A. The water was too cold for us to swim in it.B. The water was very cold for us to swim in.

C. The water wasn’t warm enough that we couldn’t swim in it.D. The water was too cold for us to swim in.

46. Although there was a traffic jam, Mr. David managed to get to his office on time.A. Despite traffic jam, Mr. David managed to get to his office on time.

For the examination for GCSE 106

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B. In spite traffic jam, Mr. David managed to his office on time.C. Despite of the traffic jam, Mr. David managed to his office on time.D. In spite of the traffic jam, Mr. David managed to get to his office on time.

47. I’ll only help you if you promise to try harder.A. Unless you promise to try harder, I’ll help you.B. I won’t help you unless you promise to try harder.C. I’ll help you even when you promise to try harder.D. I won’t help you even when you promise to try harder.

48. John began playing the organ five years ago.A. John has been playing the organ five years ago. B. John has played the organ for five years.C. John has been playing the organ for five years .

D. John used to play the organ five years ago.49. She can’t have any more children because of her old age.

A. She isn’t young enough to have more children.B. She isn’t young to have more children.C. She isn’t so young that to have more children.D. She is too old that to have more children.

50. I like watching TV more than listening to the radio. A. I prefer watching TV to listening to the radio.B. I prefer watching TV than listening to the radio.C. I’d better watching TV to listening to the radio.D. I’d better watch TV to listening to the radio.

51. Unless you keep your feet dry, you will catch a cold.A. You won’t catch a cold even if you don’t keep your feet dry.B. You will catch a cold if you don’t keep your feet dry.C. You will catch a cold if you keep your feet dry.D. Unless you keep your feet wet, you won’t catch a cold.

52. Parents always make their children wash their hands before meals. A. Children are always made to wash their hands before meals.

B. Children are always made wash their hands before meals. C. Parents always allow their children to wash their hands before meals.

D. Parents always let their children wash their hands before meals. 53. The bookshelf was so high that Heidi couldn’t reach it.

A. The bookshelf was too high that Heidi couldn’t reach it.B. The bookshelf was too high for Heidi to reach .C. The bookshelf wasn’t slow enough for Heidi to reach.D. B and C

54. Peter regretted buying the secondhand computer. A. Peter didn’t want to buy the secondhand computer.

B. Peter wished he didn’t buy the secondhand computer.C. Peter wished he hadn’t bought the secondhand computer.D. Peter was glad to buy secondhand computer.

55. It was such a dull play that he fell asleep.A. The play was not interesting enough that he fell asleep.

B. The play was too dull that he fell asleep.C. The play was so dull that he fell asleep.D. The play was very dull that he fell asleep.

56. The garden is too small to play football in.A. The garden is so small not to play football in.B. The garden is small enough to play football in.C. The garden isn’t big enough to play football in. D. The garden is such small that they can’t play football in.

For the examination for GCSE 107

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57. Donald could not help weeping when he heard the bad news. A. Donald could not stop himself from weeping at the bad news.B. Donald could not allow himself to weep at the bad news.C. Donald could not help himself and so he wept.D. Donald could not help himself because he was weeping.

58. Caroline asked me what time the meeting would end.A. Caroline said, “What time will the meeting end?”B. Caroline said, “What time would the meeting end?”C. Caroline said, “What time the meeting will end?”D. Caroline said, “What time the meeting would end?”

59.I’ve never eaten this food before.A. It’s the first time I’ve eaten this food. B. It’s the most tasty food I’ve ever eaten.C. I’ve never eaten such a good food before. D. the food is so good that I’ve never eaten before

60. We couldn’t go out because the weather was so bad.A. It was so bad a weather that we couldn’t go out. B. It was such a bad weather that we couldn’t go

out. C. It was so bad weather that we couldn’t go out. D. It was such bad weather that we couldn’t go out. Unit 14 – 15 : Phrasal verbs

Exercise I/ Choose the most appropriate preposition to fill in each blank.

up after on off in1. I’d like to listen to some music. Would you please turn the radio….................?2. Please try to give…....... smoking. It is not good for your health.3. Don’t put…............. your homework anymore. the deadline is coming.4. When I was young, my uncle looked…........... me because my parents were abroad.5. Before you enter the class, you need to fill… ........this form so that we can have your personal information.

Exercise II. Choose one of the following phrasal verbs to complete the sentneceslook up look after find out go on

turn down give up grow up break down

1. We'll buy a smaller house when the children____________and left home.2. The computer isn't working - it______________this morning.3. It was not problem. We______________his number in the telephone book.4. Who ____________the cats when we go away on holiday?5. I where he lived by checking in the local library.6. My headaches have been much better since I__________drinking coffee.7. 'What_______________here? What are you doing?'8. I_____________their offer because they weren't going to pay me enough money

Exercise III- Choose from the four options given(marked A,B,C or D) one best answer to complete each sentence.1. The driver skidded and ….a dog.

A. ran B. ran in to C. ran after D. ran over

2. Aren’t you going to …the dress…before you buy it?

A. try/ X B. try/ up C. try/ on D. try /in

For the examination for GCSE 108

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3. I’m sorry, sir. But you’ve already worn these dress. That’s why we can’t…it…..

A. take/ back B. take /after C. take/ in D. take/ again

4. Are you telling the truth? Or are you …. this story.

A. making B. making up C. making for D. doing

5. Perhaps important supplies of food and minerals were suddenly….

A. cut out B. cut off C. cut down D. cut back

6. His alarm clock is always set for six o'clock. He arises at the same time every day.

A. turns off B. gets up C. puts on

7. She telephoned her friend to tell him about the meeting. They decided to drive there together.

A. turned on B. took off C. called up

8 Some old friends of mine visited us last night.

A. called on B. called up C. wore out

9. Fortunately, Marie is associating well with her new co-workers.

A. calling on B. talking over C. getting along with

Exercise IV. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the phrasal verb in brackets. You may have to change the form.1. Peter is just like his father! (take after)Peter ._________________________________________________________________________________.

2. Quite by chance, Brenda met Philip at the station, (run into) Brenda _______________________________________________________________________________. 3.Tina's car stopped working on the way to Scotland, (break down) Tina's car______________________________________________________________________________.

4.Ruth's party has been postponed until next month, (put off)Ruth's party__________________________________________________________________________ .5. It would be a good idea to stop drinking coffee, (give up)It would be a good idea_________________________________________________________________.6. I saw their number in the phone directory, (look up)I ___________________________________________________________________________________7.We offered them £250,000 for the house but they refused our offer, (turn down)We offered them £250,000 for the house___________________________________________________ . 8. It took me a long time to recover from my illness, (get over)It took me______________________________________________________________________ 9. I’m thinnking about my next holiday with pleasure. (look)

I’m looking forward ____________________________________________________________10.You don’t need to wear your rain coat. it is so hot here. ( take)You can ______________________________________________________________________

Unit 16 : Clauses of time

Exercise I.Match an adverbial clause in A with its main clause in B. A B 1. By the time we got to the station, a. It's two hours 2. since Mary rang. b. she went home.For the examination for GCSE 109

Page 110: Part I: · Web view3. Tõ ph¸t sinh (derived-words) * Tõ ph¸t sinh lµ nh÷ng tõ cã h×nh th¸i tõ gèc céng víi

3.While Mary was washing-up, c. she broke a cup.4. After Jill had given Nick his books, d.What were you doing5. when I phoned you last night? e. the train had left.6. until Mrs Hall comes back. f .I received a phone call.7. When I got home g. we'll phone you.8. As soon as we're ready, h. Pleasewait hereExercise II. Put each verb given into the correct tense.1. When Harry (wake up)_______________________, we told him the news.2. Everyone (wait) ______________ for the concert to begin when a message (come) .3. When the film started, I (already arrive) ________________________ten minutes before.4. It's a long time since we (not speak)_____________________ to your sister.5. After I finish University I (travel) ______________________ all over Europe by InterRail.6. Hand in your paper as soon as you (finish)__________________ .7. By the time you leave here, I (collect)______________over 1000 Euros for charity.8.. When I see her again, I (tell)_______________________ her your news.

Exercise III. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using

no more than three words.

1. Steve left before my arrival.

When I _______________________________________________________already left.

2. I'll wait here until it stops raining.

When it stops raining_________________________________________leave.

3. In the middle of my meal, the phone rang.

While I_________________________my meal the phone rang.

4. I haven't been to the cinema for ages.

It's_________________________last went to the cinema.

5. Michael took a deep breath and dived into the water.

After Michael_______________________a deep breath, he dived into the water.

6. When he was younger David played tennis.

David_________________________tennis when he was younger.

7. Hurry up! We'll get to the theatre after the beginning of the play.

By the time we get to the theatre, the play _______________________.

8. Kate took two aspirins, and then she felt a lot better.

After Kate_________________________two aspirins, she felt a lot better.



Đề nghị Trả lời đồng ý Trả lời không đồng ý

For the examination for GCSE 110

Page 111: Part I: · Web view3. Tõ ph¸t sinh (derived-words) * Tõ ph¸t sinh lµ nh÷ng tõ cã h×nh th¸i tõ gèc céng víi

- V0 ............, please. - Can you  / Could you + V0..........- Would you please + V0...........- Will you + V0.- I wonder if you'd/ could + V0.

- Certainly - Of course - Sure - No problem - What can I do for you? - How can I help you?

I'm sorry. (I'm busy )I'm afraid I can't/ couldn't

- Would / Do you mind  V-ing........

- No I don't mind. - No, of course not. - Not at all.

- I'm sorry, I can't.


Trả lời đồng ý Trả lời không đồng ý-Shall I...- Would you like me to ...-Do you want me to ...- What can I do for you ?- May I help you ? - Do you need any help?- Let me help you. - Can I help you ?

-Yes. Thank you-That's very kind of you. Yes, please. Oh, would you really? Thanks a lot.

No. Thank youNo, thank you. I can manage.No, there's no need. But thanks all the same.Well, that's very kind of you, but I think I can manage, thanks.


Trả lời đồng ý Trả lời không đồng ý- May I ....? - Can I .....? Could I -May I go out ? -Do you think I could ... -I wonder if I could ... -Is it all right if I ...

- Certainly - Of course- Please do - Please go ahead- Yes, by all means - I'd rather you didn't

- I'd prefer You didn't-No, I'm afraid you can't-I'm sorry, but you can't.- Would you mind if I + QKĐ

- Would you mind if I smoked ?- Do you mind if I + HTĐ. Do you mind if I smoke ?

- No, of course not. - Not at all. - Please do- Please go ahead


Trả lời đồng ý Trả lời không đồng ý1. Shall I / we... (do)?2. Let's... (do).3. Why don't I / we... (do)?4. How about... (doing)?5. What about... (doing)?6. I think we should... (do).7. I suggest that we... (do).8. It might be a good idea if we / you... (do).9. I think the best way of dealing with this situation would be to... (do).10. If you ask me, I think we / you should/ could...V (do).

1. Yes, I think that's a good idea.2. That's probably the best option.3. Sure, why not?4. Yes, definitely.5. By all means.6. Good idea

No, let's not.


Trả lờiFor the examination for GCSE 111

Page 112: Part I: · Web view3. Tõ ph¸t sinh (derived-words) * Tõ ph¸t sinh lµ nh÷ng tõ cã h×nh th¸i tõ gèc céng víi

- Thank you. - Thank you very much.- Thanks a lot. - Thanks a lot for ....

- You're welcome. - That's all right.- Not at all. - It's my pleasure

7 ) CÁC MẪU CÂU hỏi lại khi nghe không rõ:

- Pardon? ( chữ này thông dụng các em cần nhớ) - Please say that again.- Could you repeat that?


a) Mời ăn uống: - Would you like + món ăn/uốngVí dụ: Would you like a cup of tea?  ( mời bạn uống trà)Đáp lại: - Yes, please. / - No, thanks.

 b) Mời đi đâu: - Would you like + to inf.Ví dụ: Would you like to go to the cinema with me?  ( mời bạn đi xem phim với tôi)

Would you like to go to the party?  ( mời bạn đi dự tiệc)


Don't move! Mind you head! Watch out!Look out! Be careful! Take care!

10) CÁC MẪU CÂU CHUNG :Showing interest (Thể hiện sự quan tâm)

1. Uh-huh! 3. Right! 3. Really? 4. That's interesting!5. And? 6. What then? 7. Oh? 8. What happened next?

Showing that you're listening(Thể hiện bạn đang lắng nghe)

1. Now, you mentioned... 2. So, that's how...?3. Yes, I was going to ask you about that... 4. Could you give me / us an example of...?5. Could you explain in more detail...?

Thanking and responding( Cảm ơn và đáp lại lời cảm ơn )

1. Many thanks. 2. Thanks a lot. 3. Cheers! 4. That's very kind of you. 5. Thank you very much 6. Not at all. 7. It's a pleasure. / My pleasure. 8. You're welcome. 9. Don't mention it. 10. Any time. 11. That's OK / all right. 12. I'm glad to have been of some help

Apologizing( Xin lỗi )

1. Sorry 2. I'm very/awfully/so/extremely sorry.3. Excuse me. 4. Sorry, (it was) my fault.5. I do apologize. 6. Please accept my apologies

For the examination for GCSE 112

Page 113: Part I: · Web view3. Tõ ph¸t sinh (derived-words) * Tõ ph¸t sinh lµ nh÷ng tõ cã h×nh th¸i tõ gèc céng víi

 Accepting an apology( Chấp nhận lời xin lỗi)

1. That's all right/OK. 2. Not to worry.3. That's quite/perfectly all right. 4. No reason/need to apologize.5. Don't worry about it

Giving instructions( Đưa ra lời hướng dẫn )

1. Make sure... 2. Remember... (to do).3. Be careful... (not to do). 4. Don't forget... (to do)5. Giving directions 6. Go straight on.7. Take the first/second on the left / right. 8. Turn left / right. 9. Go along... as far as... 10. Take the number 7 bus / tram.11. Get off (the bus / tram) at... (place). 12. Carry on until you see...13. Look out for..

Checking someone has understood( K.tra xem ai đã hiểu hay chưa)

1. Are you with me? 2. Did you follow that?3. Have you got that? 4. Is everything clear so far?5. Does that seem to make sense


1.A: “More coffee ? Anybody ?” B: “………………….”A. I don’t agree.I’m afraid” B.I’d love to C.yes,please D.It’s right.I think2.A: “ Do you like the weather here ?” B: “ I wish it…………………”A.doesn’t rain B.didn’t rain C.won’t rain D.hadn’t rained3.A: “ Oh,I’m really sorry” B: “…………………” A.It was a pleasure B.That’s all right C.Thanks D.Yes, why?4.A: “ What’s your hobby,Hoa? B: “…………………….”

A.Well, I like collecting stamps B.Oh, with computersC.Well,I want stamps D.Oh,on the phone

5. A: “You look nice today .I like your new hairstyle” B: “………………………”

A.It’s nice of you to say so B.Shall I? Thanks

C.Oh, Well done D.I feel interesting to hear that6. A: “ A motorbike knocked Ted down.” B: “ …………………… A.ưhat is it now? B.Poor Ted! C.How terrific! D.What a motorbike!7. A: “ I have bought you a toy.Happy birthday to you!” B: “…………………” A.The same to you B.Have a nice day! C.What a pity! D.What a lovely toy ! thanks8.A “………………” B: “Oh, It’s great”

For the examination for GCSE 113

Page 114: Part I: · Web view3. Tõ ph¸t sinh (derived-words) * Tõ ph¸t sinh lµ nh÷ng tõ cã h×nh th¸i tõ gèc céng víi

A.How is the English competition ? B.Would you like the English competition? C.What do you like about the English competition? D.What do you think of the English competition ?9. “ Peter : “ Do you feel like going to the cinema this everning ?” Mary: “……………………………” A.I don’t agree.I’m afraid B.You’re welcome C.That would be great D.I feel very bored10. Laura: “ What a lovely house you have “ Mary: “……………….”

A.Of course not, It’s not costly B.Thank you .Hope you will drop inC. I think so D. No problem

11. A : “ Has an announcement been made about the eight o’clock flight to Paris ?” B: “……………….”A.Yes,it’s was B.Sorry,I don’t C.I don’t think that D.Not yet12.A: “Would you mind lending me your bike?” B: “…………………….” A. Yes.Here it is B.Not at all C.Yes,let’s D.Great13.A: “…………….detective stories?” B: “In my opinion,they are very good for teenagers”

A.How about B.Are you fond ofC.What do you think about D.What do people feel about?

14.Hellen : “ Congratulations !” Jane : “…………….” A.What a pity B.Thank you C.I’m sorry D.You are welcome15.Linda : “ Excuse me ! Where ‘s the post office ?” Maria: “…………………..” A.It’s over there B.I’m afraid not C.Don’t worry D.Yes, I think so16.Tom: “ How did you get there ?” John: “ ………………” A.Is it far from here ? B.I came here by trainC.I came here last night D.The train is so crowded 17.Alice : “ What shall we do this everning?” Carol: “………………….” A.Let’s go out for dinner B.No problem C.Thank you D.Not at all19.Mary: “Whose bike is that?” Tom :”…………….” A.No, It’s over there B.It’s Jane C.It’s just outside D.It’s Jane’s20.Peter : “ How do you go to school?” Mary: “…………………” A.I go there early B.Everyday,Except Sunday C.I don’t think so D.I go there by bus21.A: “ Bye” B: “…………..” A.See you lately B.Thank you C.Meet you again D.See you later23.A: “ I’ve passed my driving test” B: “…………………..” A.Congratulations! B.That’s agood idea C.It’s nice of you to say so D.Do you?24.A: “ would you like to have dinner with me ?” B: “……………….” A.Yes, I love to B.Yes, so do I C.I’m very happy D.Yes,it is25.Ann: “………..where the nearest post office is ? Linda: “ Turn left and then turn right” A.Could you tell me B.Should you show me C. Do you tell me D.Will you say me26.A : “ How do you do ?” B: “…………….”For the examination for GCSE 114

Page 115: Part I: · Web view3. Tõ ph¸t sinh (derived-words) * Tõ ph¸t sinh lµ nh÷ng tõ cã h×nh th¸i tõ gèc céng víi

A.How do you do ? B.Not too bad C.I’m well.Thank D.Yeah,OK27.Peter: “ I enjoy listening to pop music” Maria: “………………..” A.I’m too B.I don’t C.Neither do I D.So am I28. A: It’s hot in here? B: “ …….I open the window?” A.Did B.Shall C.Would D.Do29 .David : “ Jame is a very brave man “ Bob: “ Yes, I wish I…………..his encourage” A.had B.will have C.have had D.have30.David: “ You’ ve got a beautiful dress!” Hellen: “ ………………..” A.I do B.Thank you C.You,too D.Okay31.Sue: “ I love music” Alice : “……………” A.So do I B.No, I won’t C.Yes, I like it D.Neither do I32.Maria: “ I’m taking my end term examination tomorrow: Sarah : “………………..” A.Good luck B.Good day C.good time D.Good chance33. Hang: “ Thank for your help,Lan:” Lan: “ …………………..” A.with all my heart B.Never remind me C.It’s my pleasure D.Wish you34.Ann: “ Do you think it will rain?” Peter : “…………………” A.I don’t hope B.I hope not C.I don’t hope so D.It’s hopeless 35.Ann: “ Do you think you you will get the job?” Mary: “………………….” A.Yes, that’s right B.I think not C.I know so D.Well,I hope so 36. David: “ Happy Christmas !” Peter : “…………..” A.The same to you! B.Happy christmas to you! C.You are the same ! D.Same for you!37.A: “…………going on a picnic this weekend ?” B: “ That’s great !” A.Why don’t we B.Would you like C.How about D.Let’s38.What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary!- _______

A. Thank you very much. I am afraid C. You are telling a lieB. Thank you for your compliment D. I don't like your sayings

39.You look great in this new dress. - ________. A. With pleasure B. Not at all C. I am glad you like it D. Do not say anything about it40.How well you are playing! - ________.

A. Say it again. I like to hear your words C. I think so. I am proud of myselfB. Thank you too much D. Many thanks. That is a nice compliment

41 .I’m sorry. It’s late. I must go now. - ________________. A. You are welcome B. Good bye. See you soon C. Not at all D. Hello42.What a lovely hat you have! – Thanks. ……………. . A. that’s OK B. I don’t care C. I’m glad you like it D. certainly43. A: How’s life? – B: ______ A. Sure B. Not too bad, but very busy C. Very well, thank you D. Pleased to meet you44. A: “Thank you for the lovely present.” –B: “______” A. Go ahead B. Not at allFor the examination for GCSE 115

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C. Come on D. I’m pleased you like it45.A: “Thank you very much” B: ……………………. A.Not at all B.You are well come C.That’s all right D.All are correct46. A: “Do you fancy a coffee?” B: ………………………. A.Oh,dear B.Everything is ok C.Oh,yes. I ‘d love one D.How do you do47 .. A:“You look nice in that red shirt.” B: ………………………….. A.It’s nice of you to say so B.Am I? Thanks C.Oh,poor me D.I’m interesting to hear that48. A: Peter had an accident.he’s been in hospital for 5 days” B: …………………………… A.Poor it B.Poor him terrific D.Oh,Is he?49.. A: “Happy birthday! This is a small present for you” B:…………………………. A.What a pity B.How beautiful it is ! Thanks C.Have a good time D.How terrble!50..A: “How are you getting on ?” B: ……………………………….. A.All right B.Not bad C.It’s Ok D. All are correct51.. A: “ I’m sorry.It ‘s late .I must go now.Bye bye” B: ………………………………. A.You are welcome B.Goodbye.See you soon C.Not at all D.Hello52.A: “ Thank you for a lovely evening.” B: ………………………….. A.You are welcome B.Have a good day C.Thanks D.Che53.. A: “ Do you mind if I use your bike” B:………………………… A.Yes do you B.Yes , It’s my pleasure C.No, you don’t D.No, You can use it54.. A: “ Congratulations!” B:…………………………. A.What a pity! B.Thank you C.I’m sory D.You are welcome55..A : “ …………………..” B: I’m in teaching A.What do you do for a living ? B.What do you earn for a living? C.How do you live? D. What are you working ?

For the examination for GCSE 116

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