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Partnership Matters Newsletter, Spring 2019



1. Foreword – by Chief Officer Sandra Ross

2. Danish delegation in Aberdeen for integration learning day

3. Integration Joint Board paves way for move to three localities

4. ‘Frank’s Law’ free personal care for under-65s

5. Open Forum day – meet our Chief Officer

6. New Strategic Plan approved

7. ADA receives donation from HEART Awards

8. Community Link Working Programme rolled out across the city

9. Organisational development plan takes shape

10. A Life Alongside Caring – you said, we’re doing

11. New report highlights Heath Improvement Fund successes

12. Search is on for Engagement Ambassadors

13. Danestone health and social care services in the spotlight

14. Partnership joins Career Ready network to inspire staff of the future

15. iMatter enters third year

16. ‘SWIFT’ workforce improvement plans launched

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Welcome, everyone, to the spring edition of our Partnership Matters newsletter – and welcome, too, to the next phase of our development as a health & social care partnership! Our Integration Joint Board recently made two key decisions which will have a fundamental impact on the ways in which we continue to change and grow, transform and modernise. Crucially, IJB members at their latest meeting unanimously and enthusiastically endorsed our new Strategic Plan 2019–22 – describing it as “accessible, positive and credible”. Underpinning our strategic plan are our delivery plans, enabling plans and partner plans, which describe how we will make positive and transformative differences to the ways in which we deliver our services. I hope you’ll take the time to read these important documents because they will have an impact on the ways in which we all go about our work together. The IJB also endorsed our move from four to three localities to better shape the way we deliver services to the different parts of Aberdeen and shift our precious resources towards prevention and a real community-focus. Again, this will be fundamental to the ways in which we work together, now and in the future. I’ll be out and about again very soon at a range of venues for my regular Open Forums with staff (details below) and I hope to meet as many of you as possible. I’m sure you will share your ideas on how we are organising ourselves as a Partnership and make your suggestions for re-shaping how we go about our business. We all know that there is work to do to bring about effective integration – but it’s inspiring to see that our Partnership’s high reputation continues to spread abroad. This month we welcomed a top-level delegation of health and social care professionals and politicians from the Danish city of Elsinore, who came to visit us to

Foreword by Aberdeen

City Health & Social Care

Partnership Chief

Officer Sandra Ross

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learn more about health and social care integration – and all its ups and downs! – because they are just beginning their integration journey in Denmark. They enjoyed a full day of tours and presentations about many aspects of our work and the delegation shared their own experiences of the challenges they are facing – many of them sounding very familiar! I know that they were inspired by the work that they saw and by the committed Partnership professionals that they met. We wish them good luck on their integration journey. Finally, a quick thank-you to everyone who has played a part in making our recent integration lunches at the Beach Ballroom such a success. By meeting up and sharing our ideas, we are playing a big part in shaping our Partnership’s future. Let’s keep all these communications channels open – because that’s the way in which we will all learn from each other and grow together.

Danish delegation in Aberdeen for integration learning day

Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership welcomed a high-level delegation from Denmark this month for a study visit to the city.

The group from the Center for Sundhed og Omsorg, Helsingor – the Centre for Health and Care in Elsinore – was made up of seven local politicians from the Danish city’s local authority and three senior officials who manage health and care for older people.

The delegation at Woodend– with (from right) ANP Kirsty Williamson, IJB Chair Cllr Sarah

Duncan, Team Leader Denise Johnson and Service Manager Kenny O’Brien

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Denmark is just beginning its health and social care integration journey and so the Elsinore party decided to travel to Scotland to learn more – spending a day in Edinburgh speaking to senior Scottish Government officials and then a day in Aberdeen.

The party enjoyed a packed and varied programme in the Granite City, which was designed to reflect the particular areas of our work which the Danish delegation had expressed a special interest in.

The day began at Woodend Hospital in the morning with a tour of the facility and four presentations – on the hospital itself and its rehab and older people’s care, on delayed discharge, on the West Visits project and on Acute Care @ Home.

Next, they were whisked off to the Health Village for lunch and a tour. And then it was along to Marischal for more presentations – an overview of the Integration Joint Board and the Partnership, and on our work in the field of health promotion, wellbeing and public health.

Management staff from the Partnership and representatives from Aberdeen Council for Voluntary Organisations were also on hand over lunchtime and at Marischal College to answer any questions which came up about the spectrum of our work.

Special thanks for the expert presentations go to Service Managers Jon Taylor and Kenny O’Brien, Team Leader Denise Johnson and Advanced Nurse Practitioner Kirsty Williamson (at Woodend); Sandy Reid (for the Health Village tour); and (at Marischal College) IJB Chair Councillor Sarah Duncan, Chief Finance Officer Alex Stephen, Research & Evaluation Manager Calum Leask, Public Health Co-ordinator Katie Cunningham (who opened her presentation in Danish!), Senior Wellbeing Co-ordinator Jayne Boyle, and Senior Link Practitioner John Mulhern.

Feedback from the Elsinore party at the end of the day was extremely positive, with the whole group expressing their real appreciation for the quality of the programme and the warmth of their welcome to Aberdeen.

They told us: “On behalf of the delegation, thank you for a fantastic visit to Aberdeen. You had arranged some exciting and very interesting visits – and best of all something that can inspire our practice here in the municipality of Elsinore.”

Integration Joint Board paves way for move to three localities

Aberdeen’s Integration Joint Board (IJB) has agreed to move from four to three localities – to help Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership (ACHSP) provide services tailored to the needs of local communities.

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Each of the three new ACHSCP localities will include an Aberdeen Community Planning Partnership priority locality – and the three localities will be aligned with existing city neighbourhoods, which are Aberdeen’s natural communities.

Localities bring together health and social care professionals, partner organisations, service users and other stakeholders to help plan how to transform local services and shift resources towards prevention and a community-focus.

The IJB has recognised the commitment and input of a wide range of colleagues, stakeholders and members of the public who have been involved in locality working to date. The new arrangements will be brought in over a period of time and the approach will be very much based on working closely with interested people and groups.

During a comprehensive consultation this winter on the proposal to move to three localities, respondents were overall in favour of the change and overwhelming agreed that more joined-up locality planning arrangements would bring big benefits.

The consultation exercise highlighted existing challenges, including the terminology used to describe localities. Discussions with partners will now be held on the best ways of defining health and social care partnership localities and community planning localities.

Concerns were also raised that the proposals could see the focus of health and social care shift towards communities that experience multiple deprivation.

But IJB chair Councillor Sarah Duncan said: “The vision of the Partnership is to enable people to achieve fulfilling, healthy lives – and it is well known that people experiencing multiple deprivation often have poorer health outcomes. It’s therefore appropriate that the Partnership seeks to address this health and wellbeing gap.

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“But the Partnership’s focus on improving outcomes covers everyone – the whole of the city and all of its communities – and so no one will lose out because of the move to three localities.”

The consultation process also identified a number of actions that will now be put in place to help strengthen locality working.

Why are we moving to three localities? The IJB chose to move to three localities to bring opportunities for:

• greater efficiencies in terms of data-sharing and delivery planning etc

• better collaborative working

• better alignment between wider locality plans and smaller area plans

• empowering multi-agency teams to look at what’s most important to people

• supporting a cross-system response to issues like obesity and public health

• teams to be based together and progressing initiatives by involving a range of staff teams and partner organisations.

What happens next? Work will now start on the move to three localities:

• A planned approach will be taken to strengthen opportunities for locality working – from the perspectives of service delivery and community

participation and engagement.

• The approach ‘co-production’ and working closely with people, communities and organisations.

• An ‘easy-read’ locality profile and action plan will be developed.

• Locality Leadership Groups will be realigned to the new localities.

• Strong leadership from the Partnership will help enable the success of locality working, including reporting to the IJB on progress made and barriers


• Opportunities will be identified for the co-location of a range of customer-facing services, including housing, health and social care, and children’s


A further report on implementation will go to the IJB in November. The full report on the new locality model is at:

‘Frank’s Law’ free personal care for under-65s

Free personal care for the under-65s is now available in Aberdeen.

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Integration Joint Board (IJB) members have agreed an action plan to guide the implementation in Aberdeen of the new law, which was introduced across Scotland on 1 April 2019.

Some £30m in Scottish Government funding has been allocated across the country to implement “Frank’s Law”, which is named after former Dundee United footballer Frank Kopel who died in 2014 aged 65, five years after being diagnosed with early-onset dementia.

Ex-footballer Frank Kopel and his wife, Amanda, who campaigned tirelessly for the new law

that now bear’s his name

His wife Amanda and the Kopel family fought a successful campaign for free personal care for people aged under 65 who need help with everyday physical tasks. Free personal care for people aged 65 and over was introduced in Scotland in 2002 and includes services like help with bathing, toileting, preparing food, simple medications and dressings.

A report to the IJB said extending free personal care to under-65s would have important benefits for many who are currently charged for this support – including increased uptake of services and fairness in terms of charging. Many people under 65 who have been assessed as needing personal care have declined to receive it due to the cost, with the care instead often provided by family and friends.

The report said:” Extending free personal care will mean that everyone who requires this support will have access to it equally, regardless of age, condition or means.”

The Scottish Government funding for the new law means that Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership will have some £1.3million available to implement it.

People who believe they are eligible for free personal care under Frank’s Law need to contact ACHSCP to apply – but every effort is being made to publicise the new law to ensure as many people as possible who are eligible are provided for.

The Partnership arranged to stop the charges from 1 April for under-65s already receiving personal care and paying for it.

More information on Frank’s Law is at:

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Scottish Government website pages

Care Information Scotland website pages

Free Personal Care FAQs at Scottish Government website


YouTube video

Twitter feed on

Meet our Chief Officer, Sandra Ross

Thursday 18 April 2019

Health Village, Room 5 10-11.30am Town House, Committee Room 5 12-1.30pm Woodend Hospital, Seminar Room 2-3.30pm Summerfield House, Seminar Room 4-5pm

Your opportunity to meet Sandra, pose your questions and put your point of view across!

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Sandra says: “As Chief Officer, I am keen to take every opportunity to have discussions with as many of my colleagues as possible.

“I hosted the first set of Open Forums in January – and it was so useful to hear what staff had to say. This is now the second of four days I’ve set aside this year to listen

to staff’s ideas and concerns – with no set agenda and no presentations! This is simply an opportunity for us to have a conversation.

“You can ask any question you like about our work and I will give you the best feedback I can. Anything that needs a closer look will be noted and fed back to you later. We’re also distributing “You said/We did” communications to staff after each of

the Open Forum days.”

Further Open Forums will be held on 12 September and 28 November at venues to be confirmed.

New Strategic Plan approved

Aberdeen Integration Joint Board members have approved the new Strategic Plan 2019-22.

The plan sets out the aims, commitments and priorities underpinning the work of Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership – in alignment with Community Planning Aberdeen’s Local Outcome Improvement Plan, NHS Grampian’s Clinical Strategy and Aberdeen City Council’s Local Housing Strategy.

The plan shows how the Partnership will help to build more resilient and better-connected communities and demonstrates how it will encourage and enable supported self-management and the prevention agenda to help manage future demand for services.

It also sets out how service delivery will be modernised and transformed to support citizens to take more control over and responsibility for their own health and wellbeing – and how the Partnership's success will be measured.

IJB members said the plan was “accessible, positive and credible” and laid out clearly what the Partnership could realistically achieve over the next three years.

The new Strategic Plan is at

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ADA receives donation from HEART Awards

Members of the HEART Awards Project Team and one of our awards night hosts, Dr Calum Leask, took a trip down to the Alcohol & Drugs Action (ADA) office to present the team with the donation from our 2019 event.

Fraser Hoggan (left) receives the HEART Awards donation from Dr Calum Leask

On the night, our colleagues from across the Partnership donated money as part of a charity game which raised £1500. ADA was drawn from the hat as the chosen recipient. Fraser Hoggan, Chief Executive Officer ADA, was delighted to receive the generous donation and expressed his sincere thanks to the attendees of the HEART Awards – and for the substantial donation from the Beach Ballroom staff which helped to get the total to £1,500.

Community Link Working Programme rolled out across the city

The Aberdeen Links Programme has been officially rolled out across the whole city. As of April 2019, every GP practice now as a Primary Care Link Practitioner attached and they have started to receive referrals from health care professionals. Following three-weeks of training and induction, the second cohort of Primary Care Link Practitioners have joined the rest of the team, so we now have 20 people in post.

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Aberdeen Links aims to support people to live well by strengthening connections between community resources, third sector organisations and primary care and to enhance social prescribing in Aberdeen. Link Working aims to reduce the negative impact of social and economic circumstances on someone’s health and wellbeing.

The role is to provide a person-centred service that is responsive to the needs of the practice population. The Link Practitioners will work with and support patients to identify issues that affect their ability to live well and help them to address these.

The programme recognises the pressures that GPs and primary care colleagues are under and brings an opportunity to integrate a different skill-set into the practice team, as well as supporting the existing staff to use local resources more effectively.

The Link Practitioners are all employed by the Scottish Association for Mental Health, who were awarded the contract for managing the resource at the beginning of 2018.

Next steps • Link Practitioners will spend time getting to know their communities, building

relationships and understanding the range of community and third sector resources that they will work very closely with

• Ongoing recruitment to the remaining 3.5FTE Link Practitioner roles

• Share our six-month outcome evaluation report about the initial impact of the service in summer 2019

• Support the embedding of the “Links Approach” in Primary Care and beyond.

We are always looking for ways in which to improve our communication and engagement. If you have any ideas/suggestions please contact: Jenny McCann, Transformation Programme Manager, [email protected].

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Page 13: Partnership Matters · Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership welcomed a high-level delegation from Denmark this month for a study visit to the city. ... presentations –

A Life Alongside Caring – you said, we’re doing

Two years ago we held a Carers Conversations event to make carers’ voices count as we put together our Carers Strategy 2018–2021, ‘A Life Alongside Caring’. We promised to tell you about the progress we’ve made on support for carers – and now a “You said/We’re doing” document has been produced to set out what we’re in the process of achieving A major development in support for carers has been the implementation of Adult Carer Support Plans and Young Carer Statements. These key tools, introduced by the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016, give us a framework to pinpoint the personal outcomes and individual needs of carers – and they place the responsibility on the local partnership of services to meet these outcomes and needs. The person-centred nature of these tools is helping to meet many of the hopes and aspirations you told us about two years ago, like:

• treating carers as equal partners in care

• treating carers holistically

• improving support

• building trust

• planning for the future

• co-ordinating the support provided to a carer, and

• recognising the impact of the caring role. The document here details some of the developments, activities and good practice that have delivered on your hopes and aspirations for carers. It’s not an exhaustive list and many other positive stories could be told, particularly around the ongoing frontline support to carers provided by a wide range of colleagues across many local organisations. But it does show that we are starting to deliver what’s needed.

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New report highlights Heath Improvement fund successes Neighbourhood Health, part of the Public Health & Wellbeing team, has published a special report on its Health Improvement Fund. The highly accessible and fully illustrated report explains the background to the fund and the changes which have taken place over the 2016-19 period – and includes case studies of successful applications from across the city.

Tor-na-dee Care Home bought a hen house with HIF funding – hen care and fresh eggs are

now contributing to the residents’ wellbeing! The Health Improvement Fund seeks to improve health and wellbeing in communities across Aberdeen by allocating funding in the shape of community grants of up to £2,500 and via Core Health Improvement Funding for commissioning larger, city-wide programmes of work. The report, entitled ‘Health Improvement Fund – the Journey from 2016-19, is at

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Danestone health and social care services in the spotlight Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership staff are visiting Danestone Medical Practice to find out from patients what matters to them. An opportunity has arisen to invest funding to provide modern facilities for the future delivery of health and social care services in the area.

Partnership staff will be at the practice on:

• Thursday 18 April, 8.30–10am

• Wednesday 24 April, 8.30–10am All patients, carers and practice staff are welcome to attend to let us know what’s important to you about the practice. The Partnership has also launched a quick online survey, available at Aberdeenshire Health & Social Partnership, meantime, is starting stage one of a project to provide new health and social care facilities in Banchory and Ellon, which will be part of the same overall financial package from the Scottish Government to fund the respective developments. Public engagement sessions to find out people’s local priorities will be held at:

• Ellon: Tuesday 30 April, 3–7pm, New Inn, 14 Market Street

• Banchory: Thursday 1 May, 3–7pm, Banchory Guide Lodge

Partnership joins Career Ready network to

inspire our staff of the future

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Career Ready is a UK-wide charity working with public and private sector organisations

to connect disadvantaged young people with the world of work, unlocking their

potential and giving them the skills, confidence and opportunity to enjoy a rewarding


Since 2002, Career Ready has provided young people aged 14-18 with mentors,

internships, masterclasses and workplace

visits to prepare them for the world of work.

In 2018, they had a network of over 2,000

volunteer mentors from 300 organisations

across Scotland and helped transform the

lives of over 1,250 young people from over

125 schools.

The Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership is proud to be part of this


Mentoring There are currently three volunteer Career Ready mentors within our

Partnership – Martin Allan (Business Manager), Christine Masson (Nursing Services

Administrator) and Tara Murray (Organisational Development Practitioner). Over a two

period they will each mentor and support a pupil from Harlaw Academy who would like

to pursue a career in health and social care.

Internships The pupils will be joining various ACHSCP

services and departments in July 2019 for a four-week

internship. We will provide further details of their internship

and how they are progressing throughout their mentoring

journey in future issues of Partnership Matters and on the

Connect website.

We know that whatever service or department they join,

our staff will provide them with first-class supervision and

support and make them feel part of our organisation.

ACHSCP is collaborating with Career Ready to not only

help these pupils transform and develop their workplace

skills and confidence, but also to develop a diverse

talent pipeline for the Partnership and encourage young

people to join our organisation.

72% of


supervisors would,

given the

opportunity, hire

their Career Ready


75% of Career Ready

students would,

following their

internship, consider

working for their

employer in the future

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For further information please visit or speak to one of our

volunteer mentors.

iMatter enters third year

Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership is about to take part in its third year

of iMatter.

Last year the Aberdeen City Partnership iMatter questionnaire response rate was

65%, which is good result, especially as the average response rate across Grampian

was 61%. The results showed the Employee Engagement Index (EEI) score, which

represents how engaged all staff who completed the questionnaire feel, was 78%.

Again, this was higher than the Grampian average which was 77%. Furthermore,

staff rated working within the Partnership as 6.96 out of 10. We hope to continue this

participation and success in 2019.

What is iMatter?

iMatter is an employee engagement tool used to measure the level of employee

engagement within the organisation and encourage managers to work with teams

and employees. As iMatter is an annual process, it gives employees and teams the

opportunity to reflect and share their experiences as individuals, team members and

employees within the Partnership on a yearly basis.

So what do I need to do?

All ACHSCP employees will receive an iMatter employee engagement questionniare

via email on 17 June 2019 with a closing date of 19 July. The questionnaire consists

of 28 multiple choice questions and willl take no more than five minutes to complete.

All responses are anonymous and will be collated into a team report and an

ACHSCP report. If you would like a paper copy of the questionnaire, please let your

manager know.

Teams and their managers will then meet to discuss the results of their team report

and as a team create actions which will improve areas where employee engagement

is low and maintain and celebrate areas in which employee engagement is already


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Why should I participate?

In one word…


• gives everyone the opportunity to have their say on how we can improve

employee engagement within the ACHSCP

• gives staff the opportunity to change and improve their workplace

• helps managers and team leaders work with and understand their teams’


• lets the Leadership Team be aware of the level of employee engagement

within the organisation

• helps teams to work more closely together to improve the service they

provide to patients, clients and service users.

I’m a manager, what do I need to do?

Managers and team leaders have now confirmed their team names and will receive

access to the online iMatter system, Webropol, on 20 May 2019. This will allow

managers and team leaders to make changes to their teams, such as adding new

team members and removing those who have left. The closing date for this is 14

June 2019.

Where can I get further information?

Further information and resources are available at  

Aberdeen City Partnership iMatter Administrator Tara Murray will release further

information closer to the questionnaire live date. Meanwhile, if you have any

questions or would like advice on the iMatter process please do not hesitate to

contact [email protected]

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SWIFT – Supporting Workforce Improvement

For Tomorrow

Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership is

looking at what we do and how we do it to be more

effective and efficient.

To do this, our greatest resource is YOU…

We know that our staff are dedicated and

hardworking and there is a need to maximise

the use of this scarce and reducing resource

more effectively. This will ensure that staff feel

supported, listened to and are able and

empowered to make change.

People working together to actively share,

learn and apply to ultimately achieve best


Sustainable improvements can only be achieved by a strong and continued focus on

innovation, improvement and accountability across the whole health and social care

workforce. As an organisation, we are looking to examine what we do and how we

do it to be more effective and efficient. We want staff to have knowledge of

improvement methods and how to use them at all levels. Staff may already be

working on ideas and by giving training and support, these can be progressed to

their potential.

Using well established improvement tools and techniques, staff will be empowered to

make changes to improve frontline services.

Existing Projects

We are embarking on five initial projects identified by staff in February 2019:

• Community Physiotherapy Service (CAARS) The community physiotherapy service manages more than 250 referrals each month. The senior physiotherapy team is exploring the process from receipt of referral to allocation, which ensures the patient sees the right person at the right time. The aim of the project is to improve efficiency around this process which will create additional staff capacity.

• Increasing community nurses’ patient-facing time

Community nurses say they would like to spend more time with patients. At the

moment they feel they spend a substantial portion of their working day completing

administrative and process tasks. The aim of this project is to increase nurse/patient

focusing time through reducing administrative tasks.

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• School age immunisation

The immunisation team highlighted that they do not have enough time to spend on

education sessions to raise awareness of the importance of vaccines and

other value-added tasks. This is due to pressures placed on them by the paper-

heavy immunisation preparation process. The aim of this project is to increase the

time the immunisation team spend delivering value-added tasks.

• Social work financial assessments

Social work financial assessments are lengthy and difficult. There is a large volume

of assessments and delays for clients receiving an outcome to the assessment.

The aim of this project is to reduce the time taken for Social Work Residential

Financial Assessment processes, resulting in a faster financial assessment


• Wheelchair service

The wheelchair service has undergone a lot of quality improvement work to greatly

reduce the patient waiting times for wheelchairs. However, there are possible

inefficiencies in the wheelchair pathway from referral to patients receiving their


The aim of this project is to further improve the efficiency of the wheelchair service.

Regular updates from the services undertaking this work will be provided but if you

would like to know more please contact

[email protected]

Future Projects

We want to hear your thoughts and ideas of areas where

there are opportunities for improvement to reduce waste

and free up staff time!

Please email your ideas and who to get in touch with to

[email protected]

And keep an eye out for updates on progress from current projects on the Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership Connect website soon.

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➢ Do you have a story for Partnership Matters? Better still, with pictures?

➢ Do you want all staff – including those in the 3rd and independent sectors – to know about the great work that’s going on right across our Partnership?

➢ Do you want colleagues to know about your achievements and events, and be able to highlight them to fellow staff members and to patients and clients?

➢ Does your story make us feel good about being part of the partnership?

➢ Does your story celebrate our work in making a real and lasting difference to the health and wellbeing of the lives of the people of Aberdeen?

➢ If so, do please get in touch with the Partnership’s Communications Lead, Graham Lawther, on 01224 655739, email [email protected]

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