
Pastor: Fr. Michael Carroll

Deacon Dave Ford([email protected])

Deacon Ed Morgado ([email protected])

St. Teresa Of Avila 11600 Atwood Road Auburn, CA 95603


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We have God with us in person to help us live good lives, make good decisions, and most of all at this time—how to make the Christmas happy. So, lift the spiritual telephone, (which is prayer, and the Mass ), and invite Jesus Christ to your homes. His Presence will make this Christmas joyful and peaceful. Christmas and the New Year are times of renewal and new beginnings. With the Presence of Christ, all of us will be more kind hearted. Welcome God in person to your home this Christmas and enjoy yourselves in His company.


The woman was old, and feeble, and grey, And bent with the chill of the winter's day; The street was wet with the recent snow,

And the woman's feet were weary and slow. She stood at the crossing, and waited long,

Alone, uncared for, amid the throng. Down the street, with laughter and shout,

Glad in the freedom of 'school let out', Came the boys, like a flock of sheep;

Hailing the snow, piled white and deep. Past the woman, so old and grey,

Hastened the children on their way, Nor offered a helping hand to her, So meek, so timid, afraid to stir.

At last came one of the merry troop -

The happiest boy of all the group; He paused beside her, and whispered low,

"I'll help you across if you wish to go"; He guided the trembling feet along,

Proud, that his own were firm and strong. Then back again to his friends, he went, His young heart happy, and well content,

"She is somebody's mother, boys, you know, Although she is old, and poor and slow. And I hope some fellow will lend a hand To help my mother—you understand - If e'er she be poor, and old and grey, When her own dear boy is far away."

And 'somebody's mother' bowed low her head, In her home that night, and the prayer she said

"God be kind to the noble young man, Who is somebody's son, and pride and joy."


EMMANUEL—'God With Us' How many times have you used the telephone to get through to the expert? The expert may be the person who sold you your computer, they may be your insurance person, your doctor, or in my case, lately, the telephone company. How sweet the words sound "please come to the office", or "I'll be right over to help." So we give the directions to our home and guide the expert down our street and straight to our front door. How much more helpful is it to have the expert there in person. Emmanuel means "God Is with us" in person. You can all draw out the similarities from the fact that Jesus was born into the world as one of us.

First Christmas In Heaven I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below, with tiny lights, like heaven's stars, reflecting on the snow. The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away that tear, for I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear, but the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here. I have no words to tell you the joy their voices bring, for it is beyond description to hear the angels sing. I know how much you miss—I see the pain inside your heart, but I am not so far away, we really aren’t apart. So be happy for me, dear ones, you know I hold you dear, and be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. I send each a special gift from my heavenly home above. I send you each a memory of my undying love. After all, "Love" is the gift more precious than pure gold. It was always most important in the stories Jesus told. Please love and keep each other as Jesus said to do, for I can't count the Blessings or Love He has in store for you. So have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear. Remember, I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

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Cuando yo pienso en la Navidad, yo tengo memorias maravillosas de nuestras tradiciones mexicanas, las cuales yo les he pasado a mios hijos. Cuando éramos chicos, todas las familias mexicanas de la área haríamos las posadas en una casa diferente cada noche. Los niñitos llevaban María y José y todos cantábamos las bonitas canciones de Cristo, yendo de puerta en puerta. En la Nochebuena íbamos a Misa y entonces comíamos de tamales. Luego, el seis de enero, teníamos una gran fiesta para Jesús con risas, música y un tiempo divertido para todos. No habían regalos, sólo el gozo de estar juntos.


Frank O'Connor in his autobiography "An Only Child" tells the following story: One Christmas, Santa Claus brought me a toy engine. I took it with me to the convent, and played with it while mother and the nuns discussed old times. But it was a young nun who brought us in to see the crib. When I saw the Holy Child in the manger, I was distressed because little as I had, he had nothing at all. I asked the young nun politely if the Holy Child didn't like toys, and she replied composedly enough, "Oh, he does but his Mother was too poor to afford them." That settled it. My mother was poor too, but at Christmas she at least managed to buy me something. I distinctly remember getting into the crib and putting the engine between his out-stretched arms. I probably showed him how to wind it as well, because a small baby like that would not be clever enough to know. I remember too the tearful feeling of reckless generosity with which I left him there in the nightly darkness of the chapel, clutching my toy engine to his chest.

Pinatas & Las Posadas A piñata is usually a paper mache decoration filled with candy, small toys, or other goodies that is struck with sticks by children and broken open. Pinatas are thought to have originated from China. The Italian explorer Marco Polo visited China in the 14th century, and brought piñatas back to his native Venice, Italy. Piñatas initially were associated with Lent, particularly the First Sunday of Lent (which became known as "piñata Sunday" in Italy and the "Dance of the pinata" in Spain). In Mexico, piñatas are popular at Christmas time as a feature of Las Posadas, a nine day re-enactment of Mary and Joseph's trip to Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus.

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A brother and sister had made their usual hurried, obligatory pre-Christmas visit to the little farm where dwelt their elderly parents with their small herd of horses. The farm was where they had grown up and had been named Lone Pine Farm because of the huge pine, which topped the hill behind the farm. Through the years the tree had become a talisman to the old man and his wife, and a land mark in the

countryside. The young siblings had fond memories of their childhood here, but the city hustle and bustle added more excitement to their lives and called them away to a different life. The old folks no longer showed their horses, for the years had taken their toll, and getting out to the barn on those frosty mornings was getting harder, but it gave them a reason to get up in the mornings and a reason to live. They sold a few foals each year, and the horses were their reason for joy in the morning, and contentment at day's end. Angry, as they prepared to leave, the young couple confronted the old folks "Why do you not at least dispose of The Old One. She is no longer of use to you. It's been years since you've had foals from her. You should cut corners and save so you can have more for yourselves. How can this old worn out horse bring you anything but expense and work? Why do you keep her anyway?" The old man looked down at his worn boots, holes in the toes, scuffed at the barn floor and replied, "Yes, I could use a pair of new boots." His arm slid defensively about the Old One's neck as he drew her near with gentle caressing he rubbed her softly behind her ears. He replied softly, "We keep her because of love. Nothing else, just love." Baffled and irritated, the young folks wished the old man and his wife a Merry Christmas and headed back toward the city. The old couple shook their heads in sorrow that it had not been a happy visit. So it was, that because of the unhappy leave-taking, no one noticed the insulation smoldering on the frayed wires in the old barn. None saw the first spark fall. None but the "Old One." In a matter of minutes, the whole barn was ablaze. With a cry of horror and despair, the old man shouted to his wife to call for help as he raced to the barn to save their beloved horses. But the flames were roaring now, and the blazing heat drove him back. He sank sobbing to the ground, helpless before the fire's fury. His wife back from calling for help cradled him in her arms, clinging to each other, they wept at their loss. By the time the fire department arrived, only smoking glowing ruins were left, and the old man and his wife, huddled together before the barn. They were speechless as they rose from the cold snow covered ground. They nodded thanks to the firemen as there was nothing anyone could do now. Brokenly he whispered, "We have lost much, but God has spared our home on this eve of Christmas. Let us gather strength and climb the hill to the old pine where we have sought comfort in times of despair." And so, he took her by the hand and slowly helped her up the snowy hill as he brushed aside his own tears with the back of his old and withered hand. The journey up the hill was hard for their old bodies in the steep snow. Looking up to the top of the hill the old couple gasped and fell to their knees in amazement at the incredible beauty before them.

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Seemingly, every glorious, brilliant star in the heavens was caught up in the glittering, snow-frosted branches of their beloved pine. They were breathless as the old man held his wife tighter in his arms. Suddenly, the old man gave a cry of wonder and incredible joy. Amazed and mystified, he took his wife by the hand and pulled her forward. There, beneath the tree, in resplendent glory, a mist hovering over and glowing in the darkness was their Christmas gift. Shadows glistening in the night light. Bedded down about the "Old One" close to the trunk of the tree, was the entire herd, safe. At the first hint of smoke, she had pushed the door ajar with her muzzle and had led the horses through it. Slowly and with great dignity, never looking back, she had led them up the hill. The foals were frightened and dashed about. The mares that were in foal with a new year's crop of babies, pressed uneasily against the "Old One" as she moved calmly up the hill and to safety beneath the pine. And now she lay among them and gazed at the faces of the old man and his wife. Those she loved she had not disappointed. Her body was brittle with years, tired from the climb, but the golden eyes were filled with devotion as she offered her gift—and joy . . . And Thank God again the peace of love filled their hearts.

Cancer is a strange cell. Going along for years in remission and then one day it pops

It's head up again. Pray for the day there will a permanent cure.

I was asked to keep this story circulating, even if it's only to one more person. In memory of anyone you know who has been struck down by cancer or is still living with it. May this Christmas fill your hearts with joyful melody that lasts forever. Amen

God Bless, Fr. Mike

A Christmas Toast Here's wishing you more happiness than all my words can tell, not just alone for Christmas, but for all the year as well.

Merry Christmas

Fr. Mike


O Jesus, look graciously upon our family here before you—our trials and joys—that our home may ever be the shrine of peace, love and faith. Protect and bless all of us, both absent and present, and be merciful to those departed. O Mary, loving Mother of Jesus, and our Mother, pray to Jesus for our family, for all the families of the world, to guard the cradle of the newborn, the schools of the young and their vocations. O Joseph, holy Guardian of Jesus and Mary, assist us by your prayers in all the necessities of life. Be present at the pillow of the sick and dying so that we may all be united to Jesus and Mary and you for all eternity. Amen

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Whether you are baptized Catholic as a child or you’ve only recently decided

to see what the Catholic Church is about, we are glad you are here. Wherever you are in your faith journey, our desire is that we will help you discover- or re-discover - the Catholic faith. Our hope is that you will find that being Catholic can help you find true peace, happiness, and purpose in life. Our goal is to provide you with the help you need to understand the Catholic Church and her teachings. Go ahead, we want you to ask the tough questions. We want you to know God’s love for you. We want you to be part of our global Catholic family. We invite you to join us in worship, prayer and fellowship. What best describes you- I’m not a Catholic but I’m curious! I used to be a Catholic but I have fallen away! All those new changes are confusing me – I thought the Catholic Church never changed- how can I get updated? Now is your time to join with Fr. Mike, Sr. Anita and other staff members of our parish for four Q and A sessions at our parish Beatitude Room from 9-10:00 on Sunday January 15 and 22 as well as Sunday February 5 and 12. We look forward with great joy to your coming home! Contact Sr. Anita Minihane at 530-889-2254 ext. 13 or Fr. Mike at 530-401-0232.

Please check out for further information.

St. Teresa of Avila Parish 11600 Atwood Road, Auburn, CA 95603

(530) 889-2254, fax (530)889-2643 Confidential Registration Form

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