
parishworks! 1Vol. 7 No. 06 May 14, 2011

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Pastor’s MessageJesus: the Sheepgate and the Shepherdby: Rev. Msgr. Dennis Odiver

The issue on the reproductive health bill has indubitably sown division and dissension among us. It has shaken the rudiments of our beliefs and distorted our view of the role of the Church in societal life.

The tenth chapter of the Gospel of St. John presents Jesus as the Sheepgate and the Shepherd. He is the gate to life in abundance. He is the shepherd that leads us to the Father, source of all life. Now, we realize the relevance of Jesus in our lives. Our faith in Jesus, is not merely a mental abstract or an induced feeling. It is a “lived knowledge of Christ, a living remembrance of His commandments, and a truth lived out.” (JP II, Veritatis Splendor #88)

In the series of Pastoral Letter of His Excellency Leonardo Legaspi, D.D., Archbishop of Nueva Caceres, on the subject, he exhorts and challenges the faithful to promote and serve life.

1. Why does the Church oppose the RH bill? Because what is at stake is the dignity of the human person, whose defense and promotion have been entrusted to us by the Creator. Respect for the dignity of persons is inseparable from the respect for the universal right to life, which is fundamental of all rights and from which all other rights are derived, including the women’s reproductive rights. The concern for life is not only a duty of the Church but of all of us Filipinos, Christians and non-Christians alike, for service to, and promotion of life, is everyone’s task and responsibility.

Pilgrimage at Monasterio de Tarlac By Angelina Poe

Last Saturday, May 7, members of the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, led by Ric Mundin, and some pastoral workers went on a pilgrimage at the Monasterio de Tarlac, home of the Servants of the Risen Christ (SRC). The group attended a mass presided by Reverend Father Archie Cortez, Prior of the SRC, and concelebrated by other monk priests from the monastic community. Aside from the Eucharistic Mass, we also had the opportunity to touch the Reliquary of the Holy Cross and have a short recollection with Father Archie as the speaker.

In recognition of the priceless gift of a mother, SAAP, through the shepherds of the flock, Reverend Monsignor Dennis Odiver (parish priest) and Reverend Father Victor Allan Dichoso (parochial vicar), paid tribute to them on the May 8 Mother’s Day Celebration in all the Holy Masses of the day. They made the mothers feel their importance to

Church Honors Moms on Special DayBy Glo V. Pineda, Education Ministry Chair


Church Honor Moms... from page 1

their families in the homilies they delivered and in other special prayer services.

In his homily, Monsignor Dennis reminded the community of the significance of the Day as he declared, “There are 365 days in a year and only one day is being set aside to honor our mothers. As such, let’s express our appreciation for them in a very special way this day.

Of the three basic types of people in the world (the ones who makes things happen; the ones who watch things happen; and the ones who do not know what is happening), mothers, in the likeness of Jesus, make things happen. Untiringly and selflessly, they take care of and nurture their families.”

Father Allan, likewise, in giving recognition to mothers proclaimed, “Mothers are God’s instruments in bringing forth human beings into the world, just as the Blessed Mother was, in bringing Jesus into this earthly life.” (Traditionally, May is the month of the Blessed Mother and the mothers as well.)

Father Allan sang the song, “You” by Basil Valdez and dedicated it to the mothers. Quoting a few lines of the song which touched hearts:

“You pushed me up, when I’m about to give up;

You’re on my side when no one seems to listen…”

(How really true, moms!)

“It’s your smile, your face, your lips that I miss,

Those sweet little eyes that stare at me

And make me say, I’m with you through all the way.”

A special prayer was offered for the mothers as they gathered around the altar. The priests extended their hands of blessings to them.

As tokens of gratitude to the moms, colored foldable fans and red roses from the generous hearts of the beloved pastors were distributed.

The mothers, elated for the recognition and expression of gratitude accorded them, were so grateful for the concern, thoughtfulness, and generosity of their priests.

Indeed, it was a Special Day for the moms!

The Health Care Ministry (HCM) had an Operation Circumcision last May 8

with the aid of ten UST volunteer doctors and the SAAP HCM volunteer

doctors. A total of 117 patients were operated.

Operation Circumcision (May 8, 2011)

Marriage Encounter Week End (April 29-May 1, 2011)

Graduates of the Marriage Encounter Class 3, held last April 30 to May 1 ,

2011. The Ecclestial Team was composed of Fr. Nick Gito (team priest), Andy

& Edith Santiago (Team couple A) and Jimmy & Minda Gonzalez (team couple B).

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Pastor’s Message ... from page 1

2. Called to share in the prophetic mission of Christ, the Church has to preach the Gospel of Truth and Life, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power. The preaching of the Gospel may be a “stumbling block” to the passage of the RH bill and “folly” to those who support it. Or it may also be a transforming power and energy to those who walk in the light of Truth. But the Church cannot and will never renounce her charge to proclaim the Truth. As Jesus before Pilate proclaimed “For this I was born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth” (Jn. 18:37) so will also the Church do faithfully before the society and the world.3. The teachings of the Church concerning prevailing social issues that affect people are not merely limited to renunciation of immoral acts, but in a more positive light, these teachings seek to form and illumine our conscience to enable us to choose the good and to genuinely decide in accordance with what is true. In this sense, the Church is a vital contributor in the political debate, a transformative resource insofar as she helps in purifying and shedding light upon the application of reason to the discovery of objective moral principles. Ultimately, the right and duty of the Church to speak about the Truth and to form conscience in the Truth is rooted not so much in her doctrinal statements and pastoral letters but in her fidelity in following Jesus.4. Challenge to Action

To Parents Summoned to proclaim, celebrate and serve the

Gospel of Life in the family, parent lead their children to authentic freedom through their choices and concrete actions that reveal that human life is a gift received, in order to be given as a gift. As we close the month of the Lady of the Rosary, may every family celebrate the Gospel of life through common recitation of the rosary and daily exercise of love and self-giving.

To Civil Leaders Entrusted with the task of serving the people

and the common good, government officials have a duty to make courageous choices in support of life. In a democratic system, where laws and policies are made on the basis of consensus of the majority, the decisions of Catholic politicians cannot renounce their personal responsibility in conscience to God.

To Priests and all those responsible for catechesis and formation of consciences

Faced with opposing points of view on the RH bill, the members of the Church, who share in different ways in the prophetic mission of Christ, should not betray the truth and their own mission by proposing personal ideas contrary to the Gospel of life. Positively, priests need to possess a thorough and accurate understanding of Church teachings with respect to life and death issues.

To those involved in the mass media Called to combine freedom of information with

respect of every person and profound sense of humanity, media practitioners need to present noble models of life and make room for instances of people’s positive and heroic love for others. With great respect, they should also present the positive values of sexuality and human love, and not insist on what defiles and cheapens human dignity.

To health care personnel: doctors, nurses, pharmacists, health care assistants etc.

As guardians and servants of human life, health care professionals should commit themselves to absolute respect for human life and its sacredness. They are called to become living images of Christ and of his Church in loving the sick and the suffering; witnesses of the Gospel of Life.

To all Christians, non-Christians, groups and associations

The issue of life and its defense is not a concern of Christians alone. “No single person or group has a monopoly on the defense and promotion of life. These are everyone’s task and responsibility.”

The present day realities exact from us not only attention but action. It is not enough that we know and assess truths. We must also be forthright and determined to live for them. We cannot just claim and adapt principles as our own. We must rather be informed and rendered capable to judge and choose what to assimilate and adhere to.

Jesus is the Sheepgate and the Shepherd. It is in accepting and receiving Jesus that we enter life. It is in being faithful and obedient to Jesus that we merit fullness of life.

We must cease in our stubbornness and arrogance rejecting Jesus and His teachings. If we persist opposing Him, we cannot enter. If we adamantly refuse to encounter Him, we cannot participate in His life.


Ria Salvaña Matthew LizaresParish Works StaffEllie Medina, Angelina Poe,Emilio Medina, Rochelle Pineda Announcements CoordinatorPia SanedrinBulletin Board EditorEJ CarlosPowerpoint CoordinatorGing Santos, JayR PaduaContributor: Glo Pineda, Evelyn de Vela

Spiritual AdvisorRev. Msgr. Dennis Odiver

PublisherSt. Andrew the Apostle ParishN. Garcia St. cor. Kalayaan Ave.Bel-Air II, Makati CityPhones: (632) 890-1796 / 890-1743 [email protected]

Parish Works is the official weekly newsletter of Saint Andrew the Apostle Parish. Media and Communications Ministry Co-coordinators




487 J.P. Rizal St. Makati CityFirst ChoiCe

Sunday Mass Schedule 6:30am - Filipino

8:00am - English 9:30am - English 11:00am - English 12:15n.n - English

3:30pm - Filipino 5:00pm - English 6:30pm - English 8:00pm - English


• Parish Renewal Experience Seminar (PREX) on May 20, 21 and 22. You may register at the Parish Office.

• ProHealth Program “Bantay Kalusugan”, June 5, from 6:30 am to 11:00 am. Package of P250.00 includes BUN, CBC, ECG, FBS, Cholesterol and Urinalysis. Free eye refraction and eye glasses at reasonable prices. Reminders: No intake of food & drink for 8-12 hours. Bring urine sample.

The place is exceptionally beautiful with the colorful gardens and lovely nature surrounding the monastery. A perfect location that is conducive to prayer and meditation. A short escape from the noisy and busy city life, and a chance to have quality time with the Lord.

Let me share with you some lessons from the recollection:

1. We should take some time “to smell the roses” for us to appreciate the blessings that we continuously receive from God, may these be big or small. In doing this, we should take a break from our busy schedules and STOP, LOOK around, ASSESS ourselves, LAUGH and LOVE.

In assessing ourselves, we should look deeply into our hearts and take away all the, h - Hatred, e - Envy, a - Anger, r - Resentment, t - Timidity to have peace of mind and gain complete happiness.

2. We must live the Word of God through acts of charity and love. We must learn to reach out to our brothers and sisters in Christ who need our time, attention, assistance, and care. We must be a living testament of God’s love to others through concrete actions and not through words alone. As the saying goes “ Actions speak louder than words”.

Truly, the journey to the Monasterio de Tarlac was an enriching and memorable experience. As what Father Archie said during the recollection, our pilgrimage at the monastery was not a coincidence. We were brought there by God for a reason. It further strengthened our spirituality and faith as Catholics and made us reflect and discover more about ourselves and our mission and purpose in life.

Looking forward to the next spiritual adventure.

Pilgrimage... from page 1

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