Page 1: Patanjali’s Yoga · Patanjali’s Eight fold path of yoga • Yama: Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

By: Parinita Yogesh

Page 2: Patanjali’s Yoga · Patanjali’s Eight fold path of yoga • Yama: Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and

Patanjali’s Eight fold path of yoga

• Yama: Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and the world around you. These are moral principles. Sometimes they are called the don'ts or the thou shalt not's.

• Niyama: Niyama is inner discipline and responsibility, how we treat ourselves. These are sometimes called observances, the do's.

• Asana: These are the actual physical exercises that people usually associate with yoga.

• Pranayama: These are the energizing breathing exercises that produce vitality, overall health and inner calm.

• Pratyahara: This is detachment from the ever-present fluctuations of life.

• Dharana: This is the practice of powerful and focused concentration.

• Dhyana: This is devotional meditation on God, designed to still the agitations of the mind and open the heart to God's healing love.

• Samadhi: This is blissful absorption of one's individual consciousness in the essence of God.

Page 3: Patanjali’s Yoga · Patanjali’s Eight fold path of yoga • Yama: Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and

1. Remorse.

1. Ahimsa or Non-injury One man is beating a small boy, while an onlooker rushes forward to intervene and stop the injury.

2. Satya or Truthfulness A boy has broken a vase and is denying the mischief. Mother watches, hoping he will learn to tell the truth.

3. Non-Stealing Two boys conspire to steal , as one boy distracts the merchant while the other steals a book.

Page 4: Patanjali’s Yoga · Patanjali’s Eight fold path of yoga • Yama: Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and

1. Remorse. 4. Brahmacharya or sexual purity A brother guards his sister's purity, brahmacharya, from a rogue who has approached her.

5. Patience (kshama) restraining intolerance with people and circumstances. Here mother patiently sets aside her urgent duties to tend to her daughter's tears.

6. Dhriti or Steadfastness The worker on the left works steadily and energetically, exemplifying dhriti, while the other is less productive.

Page 5: Patanjali’s Yoga · Patanjali’s Eight fold path of yoga • Yama: Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and

1. Remorse. 7. Daya or Compassion The man beating his dog has little compassion, daya. A friend urges him to recognize the cruelty of his actions.

8. Honesty Two students are cheating on a test while another advises them to be honest.

9. Mitahara or Moderate Diet At a cafe two men enjoy meals. One follows mitâhâra/moderate diet, while the other overeats

Page 6: Patanjali’s Yoga · Patanjali’s Eight fold path of yoga • Yama: Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and

1. Remorse. 10. Purity Avoiding impurity in body, mind and speech.

A man advises his friend not to sink into a low-minded sensual life.

Page 7: Patanjali’s Yoga · Patanjali’s Eight fold path of yoga • Yama: Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and

1. Remorse.

1. Remorse The boy’s tears show his remorse, having accidentally broken a neighbor’s window

2. Santosha Or Contentment All the members of the family living happily and content with a simple life.

1. Dana or Charity A well-to-do woman takes joy in giving food and clothing to needy family in a selfless act of Dana.

Page 8: Patanjali’s Yoga · Patanjali’s Eight fold path of yoga • Yama: Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and

1. Remorse.

4. Faith A man’s car stalls as a train approaches. He holds to his faith, and Siva, helps him escape to safety

5. Worship of the Lord Hands raised in adoration during a puja, a devotee bows to Lord Ganesha during worship.

6. Scriptural Learning A teacher teaching scriptures to four boys through recitation of holy scriptural texts

Page 9: Patanjali’s Yoga · Patanjali’s Eight fold path of yoga • Yama: Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and

1. Remorse.

7. Spiritual Understanding A sage blesses a young boy, bestowing upon him mati, insightful cognition and spiritual understanding.

8. Observance of Sacred Vows A couple voice their wedding vows, vrata, promising life-long fidelity in one of our most sacred rites of passage.

9. Japa or Incantation A Hindu woman chants her mantra on a chain of holy beads, performing japa during her morning spiritual discipline.

Page 10: Patanjali’s Yoga · Patanjali’s Eight fold path of yoga • Yama: Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and

1. Remorse.

10. Tapas or Austerity Religious austerity, tapas, ranges from simple self-denial to rigorous yogic ordeals and physical challenges.

Page 11: Patanjali’s Yoga · Patanjali’s Eight fold path of yoga • Yama: Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and

The heart of any yoga practice is the performance of yoga positions (called asanas), each of which has specific physical and and mental benefits.

Page 12: Patanjali’s Yoga · Patanjali’s Eight fold path of yoga • Yama: Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and

Yoga breathing exercises, also known as Pranayama, are an important part of a developing yoga practice. Pranayama is one of the Eight Limbs of Yoga, as defined by the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. A belief that different methods of breath affect the body's health and life force is the core of Pranayama practice.

Page 13: Patanjali’s Yoga · Patanjali’s Eight fold path of yoga • Yama: Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and

Pratyahara is withdrawal of the senses. Pratyahara occurs during meditation, breathing exercises, or the practice of yoga postures — any time when you are directing your attention inward. When you master pratyahara, you are able to focus anywhere , as seen in the above picture where a yogi is not distracted in a crowded place.

Page 14: Patanjali’s Yoga · Patanjali’s Eight fold path of yoga • Yama: Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and

Dhyana This is devotional meditation on God, designed to still the agitations of the mind and open the heart to God's healing love.

Samadhi This is blissful absorption of one's individual consciousness in the essence of God. In this state, the yogi experiences the direct presence of God in his or her life at all times. The result of samadhi is peace, bliss and happiness without end.

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