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Pathway to Light The Emerald Stone

Volume 5: Elemental Earth Attunements

A transformational pathway to Elemental growth & infusion

Love Inspiration

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Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

For the Infinite Benefit Of All

May all be liberated from suffering. V5: 28.10.19II

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Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

Please ensure that before you begin this Volume Five - The Emerald Stone ebook course you:

1) Have completed Pathway To Light Volume Four: Red-Fire Fox.

2) Have allowed yourself the required timeframe of 4 weeks from the completion of the Red-Fire Fox ebook (i.e. Level Six - Onson). [This includes whether you have completed The Advanced Syon Cleanse or not].

3) Have activated (unlocked) the Emerald Stone energies and attunements using the activation code & instructions on the next page.

Once you have unlocked the energies, you are ready to begin. With love, we wish you well on your Emerald Stone journey!

If you have not already done so, please feel free to do any or all of the following in order to help you on your Ascension Pathway journey:

• Sign up for free Ascension Healing

• Join the Love Inspiration Community Facebook page

• Download the Love Inspiration Handbook as an accompaniment to this ebook

• Visit The Love Inspiration Ascension Pathway FAQ webpages V5: 28.10.19III

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Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

Activating (Unlocking) The Emerald Stone Energies: Before opening up to these beautiful ascension energies, it is very important that you firstly activate or ‘unlock’ the energies & attunements in this ebook. Once this is completed, you will then be ready to begin!

The activation is a very simple process, done by yourself, using a specially embedded activation code to ‘unlock’ the energies in this ebook. The four step process is outlined below and should only take you around five minutes or so to complete.

(For more information about the activation codes or the activation process - please visit our Activation Codes FAQ's).

1) Preparation: Please sit or lie down, whichever is more comfortable for you, and ensure that you will not be disturbed for at least 5 minutes or so. Perhaps you wish to play some so0thing or relaxing music, light some candles or burn some incense to create a nice ambience.

2) Invocation: Invoke the activation (‘unlocking’) by placing your hands together, fingertips touching in prayer position and saying the following:

3) Receiving: If you wish to, you can now just sit for a few minutes as the energies are unlocked for you. After this period of time, as you feel ready, you may wish to give thanks. The activation is now complete!

4) Understanding: Once you have completed your activation, we ask that you now read through - “Activation Codes and Suggested Timeframes". This will only take around a minute or so and will help you to receive the maximum benefits from all of these healing energies, attunements and practices. After this, you are now ready to begin opening up and receiving these beautiful ascension energies! May you enjoy these with much love & light and with an intention to benefit all beings.

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“With infinite grace, I ask humbly and clearly to activate the energies & attunements of The Emerald Stone.

With the unique activation code 22457911 may this be so. May this activation benefit all beings.

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.”

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Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements


Get The Most Current Version Of The Emerald Stone Ebook! Please note that this ebook is updated as further information comes to light, therefore before you begin, and periodically throughout your attunements if you wish, please visit our website to check you have the most current version. The version number and date are listed in the bottom right hand corner of each page of the book and only the version on our website will always be the most current.

Content Page

Dedication II

Activation Note III

Activating (Unlocking) The Emerald Stone Energies IV

Contents V

An overview Of This Ascension Pathway VI

An Introduction To Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone X

An Outline Of Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Levels & Timeframes XII

1. Introducing The Eight Levels Of The Emerald Stone 3

2. Instructions For Receiving The Attunements For Levels 1-8 8

3. Advanced Syon Cleansing 10

4. Final Comments 11 V5: 28.10.19V

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Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

An Overview Of this Ascension Pathway: In the previous overview sections, we have talked about the pathway that lies ahead as this has been an important part of the learning and motivation for moving forwards into higher energies and love.

However here, in this overview section, we now wish to talk more about the feelings that you may be experiencing as you move through this Ascension Pathway as this may help to provide you with some additional perspective and understanding about the overall ascension journey.

For some of you, this last year or so might have been filled with love, happiness and joy. You may be experiencing these new ascension energies in the most wonderful and uplifting way as you move into Higher Consciousness with all the love in the world. If this is true for you, then we are truly delighted and happy that you are enjoying these energies!

For many of you though, you may have also been experiencing these ascension based healing energies in a slightly different way. For example, you may be experiencing many kinds of healing crises, perhaps even one after another and because of this, you might have reached a point where you are feeling a little despondent, perhaps holding thoughts that this pathway is all too difficult!

So with this in mind, we now wish to take a few moments here to share some of Marty & Gerry’s experiences as they walked on their Ascension Pathway. For them, they have described this 2 - 3 year period of their lives as the most challenging by far!

This was a time where they seemed to be constantly facing feelings of anger, frustration, stress, sadness, despondence and many more challenging and difficult emotions within. This was a time where the universe seemed to be constantly pushing their buttons and somehow manifesting situations and circumstances that seemed to squeeze and push them into these states of emotional imbalance and difficulty.

During this time, they seemed to be constantly fighting with one anther and indeed fighting with the world around them as many of their impurities were being brought to the surface for healing and purification. In summary, this first 3 years of the Ascension Pathway was truly one of the most difficult and challenging periods of their life, by far!

So if this sounds anything like your journey to date, we wish you to know that you are not alone and you have our deepest empathy and compassion. These challenging internal feelings, being despondent, upset, sad, angry, frustrated, stressed or worried, having the feeling that everything is being stacked against you and that everyone else seems to have it easy compared to you.

We want you to know that all of this, all of the circumstances that are surrounding you in your life at the moment, are all being divinely designed perfectly for you so that you can heal, purify and expand into higher states of love, light and purity. V5: 28.10.19VI

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Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

And although this may be a difficult time for you, we can lovingly suggest here that the absolutely best thing that you can do is to continue moving onwards and upwards on your Ascension Pathway. And we can assure you, you will indeed reach a point on this pathway where things get a lot easier as you reach a place where so much peace, love and purity can be felt within!

It is most certainly true that the ascension process does not happen in a few short months but rather, it is something which develops with time, patience & through many, many layers of healing.

For Marty & Gerry, at the time of writing, having moved through the Ascension Pathway and having also completed many of the Ascended Pathway levels, they understand now that the early stages of this journey are easily the most difficult.

So with this in mind, we would like to give you some reassurance here that the pathway does get easier, slowly but surely. For now, there will still be some internal obstacles and impurities that need to be purified so that you can move into these Higher Consciousness states & feelings however moving through these - the rewards are certainly worth it!

We have heard this ascension process being described as clearing away many lifetimes of negative karma in only a few short years so for sure, this will always bring its challenges & difficulties!

Please know that above all, your pathway to ascension has truly been endorsed & ordained by Higher Consciousness. As such, this entire process is being divinely guided and you are being watched over, cared for and showered in love by so many Great Beings in every moment as you ascend, heal and evolve into Higher Consciousness vibrations.

We ask here that you please take a few moments to digest this important information and remember this well, as you continue to move forwards on your Elemental Attunements journey. We hope that this message has helped you to feel like you are not alone on this journey and for those of you who may be feeling despondent, these feelings do clear with time & with continued ascension.

As we understand it, this ascension process is helping to guide you from an ‘egoic’ based consciousness into a ‘unified’ based consciousness and as such, these ascension energies will be asking the ego to let go of its control over you as you embrace this ever loving and unified part of yourself.

The ascension process will also be helping you to connect with immeasurable amounts of love, joy, happiness and peace, however equally so, there will surely be times when you are guided to release and let go of old, unpleasant or unwanted energies which no longer serve you.

The more energies you release and the more you purify and heal - the more love, light and happiness you will ultimately feel in the long run. So again, if you are feeling like you are going through an incredibly difficult time at the moment, please know that there is so much light waiting for you at the end of the tunnel! V5: 28.10.19VII

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Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

As we look now at the overview diagram above, we can see very clearly that as you continue to move forwards into these Elemental Attunements, you are steadily moving towards the ‘Great Transition Period’ which marks a very significant point for this overall shift in consciousness.

By completing the Elemental Attunements, you will then be welcomed into this Great Transition Period through the Ascended Pathway where you will reach the ‘point of transition’. This is the point where you will ‘officially’ be welcomed into the vibration of The New Love Consciousness and where you can now accelerate very quickly into higher realisations, understandings and love!

This welcoming then can be thought of as a birth and from this point, you will have finally transitioned into the New Light. This is a place where you can start to feel more expansiveness, more open-ness, more fluidness and of course, more of the all important open-ness vibration! V5: 28.10.19VIII

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Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

Looking at this Ascension Pathway in another way then, we wish to now share the full Ascension Pathway summary table once more with you as a gentle reminder of the Elemental Attunements that lie ahead. We hope that you will continue to enjoy your journey into Higher Consciousness!

Having again seen the pathway that lies ahead, might we also suggest here that you take a few short moments to reflect on how far you’ve come on your journey. In what has been only a few short years, your energetic vibration has been uplifted, raised and ascended very profoundly so it is here, with much love, that we invite you to simply acknowledge this and perhaps give yourself a kind and loving pat on the back for all the progress that you have made!

We hope that you will enjoy this next series of Elemental Earth energies and may this next series of ascension based attunements & energy upgrades help you to transform, learn and blossom even further on this journey into the infinite! V5: 28.10.19IX

Ascension Pathway: Pathway To Light

Volume Ebook Name Nature Of Energies

Completion Timeframe

Volume 1 The Golden Mile Universal Love 12 months

Volume 2 The Silver Line Universal Peace 6 months

Volume 3 New Blue Moon Universal Truth 9 months

Volume 4 Red Fire Fox Elemental Fire 5 months

Volume 5 The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth 10 months

Volume 6 The Blue Canal Elemental Water 7 months

Volume 7 The Wind Elemental Elemental Wind 6 months

Volume 8 The Grey Smoke Elemental Ether 8 months

Total Completion Time for the ‘Pathway To Light’ Series = approx. 63 months / 6 ¼ years

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Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

An Introduction To Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone: With love we welcome you to here these Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements and we wish to congratulate you again on reaching this beautiful series of energies and attunements. The Emerald Stone is a truly beautiful infusion of love energy and will help you to become more connected and harmonised with our beautiful Earth. To help us introduce these energies, let us now share the information that was brought through by the Guide ‘Archasshon’:

“Greetings and with warm Earthly blessings we welcome you to this effervescent layer of Elemental healing and growth.

During your time on this Earth plane you will have no doubt seen the earthly demise of the environment and the quintessential realm that you reside in. This is not due to the karmic evolution of your planet but rather due to the

ignorance and belittlement of your Earth by its human inhabitants. Please do not be offended by our somewhat unsubtle and truthful words;

we simply wish to explain that the Earthly manifestations occurring currently are the doing of your own species.

Secondly we do not wish to lay blame here, but rather awaken you to the idea that you are responsible. Responsible for all Earthly inhabitants and their environments.

The Emerald Stone pathway of eight attunements takes us on a journey of Earthly rediscovery, both within our heart centres and within our physical environment. All care and nurturing starts at the heart centre and there is no difference here for the Earth care centre also. Radiating the

energies of The Emerald Stone will re-instil the correct patterns of behaviour that stem from love and infinite care for all beings, not just the self or egoic identity.

Once you have invoked the energies of the very first attunement, there will be a great many changes taking place within the heart’s centre energy. You will then become open to the energetic frequencies of the Earth Mother herself, as she

radiates her infinite love to you and all beings inhabiting her Earth energy. From the second attunement onwards you will be receiving elevating steps

upwards in vibration as the Earth energy begins to expand within you - and grow and heal you - for the collective benefit of all. V5: 28.10.19X

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Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

From the fifth and sixth attunement you will begin to feel many subtle changes within your energy, or perhaps consciousness. Small things like the inability to walk past a destructive cycle such as littering, or excessive waste production. You will begin to

understand and see more of the Earth’s energy as being your energy too.

This is the fundamental teaching of The Emerald Stone. The Earth’s energy and your own are not separate but rather quite one in unity. It is therefore important to nurture the inner Earth energy (within your own energy system) as well as the ‘outer’ Earth’s energy too. Of course there is no separation here but we use this analogy to explain.

By the seventh attunement your energy system will begin to merge with that of the Earth and you will be shown ways to enhance your inner being by utilising the Earth’s

energy to rebalance and bring harmony.

At the eighth and final attunement you will receive the blessings of The Emerald Stone. This large energetic force will be instilled and infused within your energy system and

will act as a large grounding and Earth energy frequency. A merry and humble blessing for both yourself and the planetary energetic Earth frequency.

The Emerald Stone will be placed in such positioning that after 3 months from the date of your attunement, it’s energies will be fully infused and will immerse themselves in the everyday life of your physical being. This in itself is a great blessing but is equally an important change in the way the planetary realm will raise in vibration. For each and every being that receives the Emerald Stone will optimally enhance the Earth healing capacity, thus in turn returning healing energies to our Great Mother. This is the way our Earth energy will grow and manifest further, by helping each of us individually and

together as a planetary whole.

We offer the gift of The Emerald Stone with great love and after many eons of manifestation. May your Emerald Stone energy radiate the pathway home to healing

your inner and outer Earth realm for the collective benefit of all.

Blessings be for all the Emerald Stone Earthly Saints (that is you!)” ~ Archasshon V5: 28.10.19XI

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Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

An Outline Of Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Levels: You will notice here that the format for receiving these Elemental Earth Attunements is very similar to the Red-Fire Fox attunements however this time, there will only be two attunements required for each level. In order to help keep things as easy as possible, we refer you to the below table where you can see a full summary of the Emerald Stone attunements & timeframes. V5: 28.10.19XII

Pathway to Light - The Emerald Stone

Level Days Symbol Attunements Stage Of Earth Energy Initiation

OneDays 1 - 28

4 weeks UliquonDay 8 - Uliquon Attunement 1

Day 24 - Uliquon Attunement 2

Two Days 1 - 28 4 weeks

PlessiquonDay 8 - Plessiquon Attunement 1

Day 24 - Plessiquon Attunement 2

Three Days 1 - 28 4 weeks

HoliquonDay 8 - Holiquon Attunement 1

Day 24 - Holiquon Attunement 2

FourDays 1 - 28

4 weeks EliquonDay 8 - Eliquon Attunement 1

Day 24 - Eliquon Attunement 2

Five Days 1 - 28 4 weeks

MetiquonDay 8 - Metiquon Attunement 1

Day 24 - Metiquon Attunement 2

SixDays 1 - 28

4 weeksAmdaquon

Day 8 - Amdaquon Attunement 1

Day 24 - Amdaquon Attunement 2

SevenDays 1 - 28

4 weeks LoliquonDay 8 - Loliquon Attunement 1

Day 24 - Loliquon Attunement 2

Eight Days 1 - 28 4 weeks

Biettaquon Day 14 - Biettaquon AttunementCompletion

12 weeks rest before commencing Vol 6 - The Blue Canal

Total Completion Time For The Emerald Stone = 44 weeks / 10 months

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Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

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Welcome to Levels

One - Eight

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Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

Elemental Earth Attunements Levels One - Eight


Content Page

1. Introducing The Eight Levels Of The Emerald Stone 3

2. Instructions For Receiving The Attunements For Levels 1-8 8

3. Advanced Syon Cleansing 10

4. Final Comments 11

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Welcome to The Emerald Stone!

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Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

1. Introducing The Eight Levels Of The Emerald Stone:

It is with great pleasure and a sense of hope that we welcome you here to another inspiring and uplifting accumulation of energies & attunements. As you may remember from your Red-Fire Fox attunements, the format here is very simple. For each level, you will be opening yourself up to receiving a number of different energetic frequencies via one symbol. You will be calling on your attunement on day 8 and day 24 with the other days being rest and assimilation days.

Please note here that the timeframe of 4 weeks for each level is indeed very applicable and in accordance with the Guide’s instructions. Even after querying the lengthy timeframes for these attunements, Marty & Gerry were told that the 4 week time period is indeed important for an effective digestion and assimilation of these new energies.

In addition to this, please understand that whilst the format for this level has been simplified dramatically - the energies will still be offering you a very profound and significant transformation opportunity. And as such, whilst you may only be working with ‘one symbol’, please know here that you are indeed opening up to many divine frequencies that are bringing about a very significant range of energetic changes from within you.

As an extra additional note, you may wish to periodically make Earth offerings throughout your Emerald Stone attunements and particularly at the beginning of these attunements. For those wishing to do this, we would suggest that these offerings be made either before your first attunement or just afterwards.

By offering something to the Earth, you are effectively helping to strengthen your commitment to these Earth Elemental energies and as such, you will be gaining some energetic rewards from these practices. For example, you may wish to pick up some litter, cycle to work instead of taking your car, perhaps you wish to do some more recycling or give up plastic bags for a few weeks and see how you feel. You may even want to start designing yourself a new passive solar house! Whatever you feel is relevant and appropriate for you will be wonderful!

In addition to this, the Guides have also added here that you may feel drawn to spend more time out in nature throughout these Earth Elemental attunements and this will also help you to better assimilate and absorb these new Earth Elemental energies into your consciousness.

As part of this practice then, we lovingly invite you to go for a walk down to the beach, take the kids camping, perhaps enjoy a short bush walk or even just sit in a park amongst the trees, plants & birds. Anything that you feel can help you strengthen your connection with our Earth Mother will bring a wonderful energy into your energy field during these next eight months!

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Attunement on … Day 8 & Day 24

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Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

To help you connect with these wonderful Earth Elemental energies, please find each of the eight symbols for the eight levels shown here below:

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ULIQUON Level One (Pronounced Ull - ih - kwee - on)



PLESSIQUON Level Two (Pronounced Pless - ih - kwee - on)



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HOLIQUON Level Three (Pronounced Holl - ih - kwee - on)




ELIQUON Level Four (Pronounced Ell - ih - kwee - on)



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METIQUON Level Five (Pronounced Met - ih - kwee - on)


1 2

AMDAQUON Level Six (Pronounced Am - dah - kwee - on)



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LOLIQUON Level Seven (Pronounced Loll - ih - kwee - on)



BIETTAQUON Level Eight (Pronounced Bee - ett - ah - kwee - on)



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Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

2. Instructions For Receiving The Attunements For Levels 1-8:Just like the previous volumes, the attunement processes described here are very simple and easy to follow along with. And you will be able to follow this same attunement process for all eight levels. Therefore, we kindly ask that you please take some time to read through this process carefully to ensure that you are comfortable and familiar with everything prior to receiving your attunements.

NOTE: Before you begin your attunements, please ensure that you have activated (unlocked) The Emerald Stone energies & attunements prior to commencing.

The activation / unlocking process is a simple 5 minute process which unlocks the energies and gives you access to them. Once you have unlocked the energies, this means that you have activated ALL the energies & attunements in this whole ebook specifically for you. You are therefore then ready to continue your Emerald Stone journey by working through this ebook, at your own pace and receiving the energies as you feel guided.

If you have not yet activated / unlocked The Emerald Stone energies & attunements for yourself, you may do this by following the instructions on Page IV of this ebook.

Once you have unlocked the energies and you feel ready to commence your first Uliquon attunement, please open up to receiving the energies in line with the process outlined below. And most importantly, relax, open and enjoy your attunement with love & gratitude and for the benefit of all. We hope you have a series of wonderful attunements!

Please note that all of the Level One to eight attunements will be taken in exactly the same way as outlined below, just simply replacing the applicable words in the invocation for each different attunement (and using the different applicable symbol in the symbol practice.)

1. Preparation: Sit or lie down, whichever is more comfortable for you, ensuring that you will not be disturbed for at least 10 minutes. Perhaps you wish to play some so0thing or relaxing music, light some candles or burn some incense to create a nice ambience.

2. Invoke the attunement: Invoke the attunement by placing your hands together, fingertips touching in prayer position and say the following:

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“With love I ask our Earth Mother to bestow the Elemental Earth blessings upon me through this Level One

attunement - Uliquon. Please help me to surrender to the Earth Elemental with love for the collective benefit of all.

Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou.”

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Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

3. Completing the symbol practice:Place the applicable symbol into the Heart Chakra and receive it’s divine frequencies for 3 - 5 minutes. As you do this, it is very important that you surrender yourself to these energies so that you can allow them to ‘infuse’ throughout your body. To help you with this, might we suggest that you work with the following affirmation during your symbol practice:

“I surrender with love to the Earth Elemental”

As with all attunements, you may feel some energy moving during this time, perhaps you may feel relaxing vibrations or some may feel almost nothing happen. Whatever the case may be for you, please know that you will receive each symbol’s energies in accordance with your own highest good. And please know that with each set of attunements, your Earth energy will be growing, transforming and assimilating within.

4. Closing the attunement: As always, it is good practice to close our attunement with love and gratitude. Perhaps you wish to say something like:

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“With love and gratitude I offer my sincerest thanks for receiving these Elemental Earth energies. May my Earth energy

grow and manifest for the infinite benefit of all! Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou.”

Congratulations! After your eighth attunement,

you have now completed The Emerald Stone.

* 12 weeks rest before commencing Volume 6 - The Blue Canal

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Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

3. Advanced Syon Cleansing: As we mentioned during the end of the Red-Fire Fox ebook, the Guides have recommend that The Advanced Syon Cleanse be called on regularly (either at the start or end of each volume) to help you release and let go of old and unwanted energies. These are the words that they shared with us as they brought through ‘The Advanced Syon Cleanse':

“As you progress further on your deep healing pathway your energies will be changing frequently; releasing toxins and old unwanted energies often. It is therefore well recommended to

take The Advanced Syon Cleanse periodically as you continue on your healing journey.”

“Do not underestimate the benefit of The Advanced Syon Cleanse as you progress higher and higher on your healing pathway. For you are now reaching levels of great healing and purification

and therefore to enable an increased rate of acceleration, cleansing is required.”

For those of you who have already received these energies - you will understand that The Advanced Syon Cleanse is received very simply and easily in around 25 minutes or so. These energies can help us to clear away and release old energies and as we understand it, these energies are particularly effective for these type of higher vibratory healing frequencies.

The Advanced Syon Cleanse has also been recommended by the Guides as a wonderful complement to the Elemental Attunements. By receiving this cleanse, the healing & ascension process can be made a little easier as you are guided to clear away, release and let go of internal impurities & healing issues that may be arising from these higher level ascension based attunements.

By now, you have most likely received The Advanced Syon Cleanse a number of times and as such, you are probably feeling quite comfortable and happy with receiving these energies.

As you move into the next volume of energies - The Water Elemental, we will be offering you the chance to receive a more advanced version of these energies through another one of our very special Treasure Chests!

This more advanced cleanse, known as The Triple Advanced Syon Cleanse, will be helping you to cleanse at a deeper layer and will be especially helpful as you move into the later stages of these Elemental upgrades. This is again another optional step for those who wish to take it and we offer this with much love & light.

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Page 23: Pathway to Light - Love Inspiration...Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements For the Infinite Benefit Of All May all be liberated from suffering. II V5: 28.10.19

Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

4. Final Comments: It is with great respect and love that we offer you our deepest gratitude and congratulations for completing these Elemental Earth attunements and for your continuation on this Pathway to Light series. We understand that at times, these energies can present their challenges and that this healing journey, although very uplifting and rewarding, does indeed present many difficulties also!

The Earth Elemental has been a very important frequency as part of this ascension process and will now help you to uphold your continued journey forwards. May you always carry the light of Mother Gaia within your heart for the collective benefit of all!

Looking forwards now, and you will already be aware that The Emerald Stone energies will be fully infused after 3 months from the date of your Level 8 attunement and will thereafter “immerse themselves in the everyday life of your physical being”. Therefore we recommend a resting period of 12 weeks from the completion of your Level 8 energies before before commencing Volume 6 - The Blue Canal attunements.

The next volume of attunements - The Blue Canal, will be bringing forward the beautiful and purifying Water Elemental attunements and we truly hope that you will join us for this next series of Water attunements as you feel ready.

If you would like a certificate for completing this volume of the Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone, please click on the link to be taken to our website where you can download a certificate for this course  in PDF format. Simply print it out and fill it in as you wish. Again, we would like to sincerely congratulate you for this remarkable achievement!

And with this, we will now say a loving farewell and we hope to see you again very soon for the Pathway To Light - The Blue Canal energies or for any other of our healing courses.

With Earth Mother Blessings, Love Inspiration & Maitri Foundation

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Page 24: Pathway to Light - Love Inspiration...Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements For the Infinite Benefit Of All May all be liberated from suffering. II V5: 28.10.19

Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

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Blessings & Thankyou,

Marty & Gerry

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Page 25: Pathway to Light - Love Inspiration...Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements For the Infinite Benefit Of All May all be liberated from suffering. II V5: 28.10.19

Pathway To Light - The Emerald Stone Elemental Earth Attunements

For the Infinite Benefit Of All

May all be liberated from suffering.

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