Page 1: Pathways to Progress with BJD for Stock Agents

Pathways to Progress with BJD for Stock Agents

Mr Phil Whitten Dairy Australia, BJD Project Manager

Dr Andrew Padula Veterinary Consultant March – April 2008

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1. Introduction2. What is BJD? Why worry about BJD?3. What’s the National Dairy BJD Assurance Score?4. What’s in it for clients? What’s in it for agents?5. Getting a Dairy Score6. “No known Johne’s” = Non-Assessed = Score 07. Declaring the Dairy Score on NVDs8. Interstate trading and the Dairy Score9. Dairy industry resources on BJD

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• Road show of information sessions in Vic and Tas• Provide information on industry approach to BJD• Working with vets, stock agents and milk companies• Aiming to get farmers implementing low risk measures

1. Introduction

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BJD in Australia

• Common in dairy herds in south eastern Australia

• BJD comes on the back of a truck!

• Bug survives in muck on the farm

• Changing environment regarding regulation

2. What is BJD? Why worry about BJD?

Mycobacterium paratuberculosis

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Signs of BJD2. What is BJD? Why worry about BJD?

Weight loss

Chronic scouring

Images courtesy Dr J.Malmo.

• Infected as a young calf• Show signs when old (4+)

• scouring• weight loss• reduced milk• death

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Why worry about BJD?

• Relatively common dairy cattle disease• Hypothesised link to Crohn’s disease in humans

– MAP found in some Crohn’s patients– MAP found in overseas retail milk surveys– Insufficient evidence to support a link

• MAP in milk may make future market access difficult• Small on-farm economic losses

2. What is BJD? Why worry about BJD?

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Whole chain risk management summary2. What is BJD? Why worry about BJD?

Cattle Harvesting Processing Markets

HazardBJD in herd

HazardFaecal contamination of milk

HazardPasteurisation efficacy

HazardMarket sensitivity to MAP

Critical Control PointsGood calf hygieneRemove shedders

Avoid Introducing BJD

Critical Control PointsGood milking hygiene

Critical Control PointsUnderstand efficacy of heat tx

Use appt. time and temp.

Critical Control PointsCommunication and


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National Dairy BJD Assurance Score

• “BJD comes on the back of a truck!”• Voluntary tool for farmers to better manage the risk of BJD with

herd introductions• Ranks existing BJD programs by risk• After July 2008 all farms Score 0 unless implemented

measures to reduce or assess the risk

3. What is the Dairy Score?

“The higher the Score the lower the risk”

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Comparing the riskMarket Assurance Program herds

Single test negative

Protected Zone

Approved Control Programs

Hygienic Calf Rearing Programs ie. JDCAP (Victoria) or 3-StepInfected or Suspect

All Non-Assessed herds after July 2008

Free Zone (WA)

3. What is the Dairy Score?

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Extra points for good calf rearing

3-Step Calf Plan– Included as part of dairy company QA program– Bonus of 1 extra point on top of the herd base Score- Herd can stay on Score 3 if 3-Step in place before Jul 08

Victorian Johne’s Disease Calf Accreditation Program– Managed by DPI Victoria (called JDCAP)– Bonus of 3 extra points on top of herd base Score

3. What is the Dairy Score?

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BJD calf rearing programs earns points

• 3-Step Plan can be done on all farms• Helps break major route of transmission• Faecal contamination of dam’s udder a risk• Environment contaminated with Mptb

3. What is the Dairy Score?

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What’s in it for vendors and buyers?

Better recognition for those farmers who have controlled BJD by testing and calf rearing programs

Greater information for buyers on BJD risk of stockVoluntary systemContributing to national control of BJD

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4. What’s in it for our clients? What’s in it for agents?

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What’s in it for agents?

• Expected increased interest in low BJD risk stock• Better comparison of BJD risk between herds• Provide better information to prospective buyers

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4. What’s in it for our clients? What’s in it for agents?

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Some options for getting a Dairy Score

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5. Getting a Dairy Score

3-Step Calf Plan• Dairy Score 3 if implemented before 1 July 2008• All calves at 12mths old get a bonus +1 point• Auditable – farmers need records

Check Test• 50 cattle bled, Dairy Score 7 if all negative

Test & Control Program• Score 2 to 6 depending on current test status

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3-Step Calf Plan5. Getting a Dairy Score

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Step1Calves removed from dams within 12 hours of birth

Step 2No access to source of manure or effluent

Step 312 months grazing separation from adults

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No Known Johne’s = Non-Assessed

• “No known Johne’s” = no assurance on BJD = Dairy Score 0

• Dairy Score better rewards those that do something about BJD

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6. No Known Johne’s

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Advertising the Dairy Score

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Dairy Score 0

JD Non-Assessed = Dairy Score 0

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Dairy Score declaration

• Mandatory in NSW (from1/4/08) and South Australia• Voluntary in Victoria and Tasmania• Write Dairy Score in Section 9 on NVD• Separate declaration form is available for special


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7. Declaring the Dairy Score

Dairy Score 4

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Interstate Trading

• Consult local DPI for current movement requirements• Dairy Score mandatory in NSW and SA

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8. Interstate trading and the Dairy Score

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Dairy BJD resources

• Web site

• Publications– 3-Step Calf Plan– Dairy Score– BJD Technotes for vets and advisers– Dairy farm guidelines for BJD– DVD on BJD best-practice

• Project manager

9. Dairy BJD resources

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