
January 23, 2018 PCA Eagle’s Nest News 21890 US Hwy 34 Princeton, IL 61356 815-875-2933 [email protected]


Tues, 23 5:30P Girls Volleyball play Trinity Catholic @ Mendota

Thus, 25 5:30P Girls Vball @ Lostant

Fri, 26 8A Princeton 8th graders go to PHS to begin registration

Fri, 26 6:30P PCA’s Family Reading Night & Open House

Tues, 30 5:30P Girls Vball @ Dalzell

Wed, 31 2018-19 Registration opens for current PCA students

February 2018

Thurs, 01 5:30P Girls Vball Home game vs Holy Family

Tues, 06 5:30P Girls Vball game @ Deer Park

Thurs, 08 5:30P Girls Vball Home game vs. Dimmick

Fri, 09 7th/8th grades go to Navy Pier, Chicago

Progress report term ending

FRIDAY NIGHT is Family Reading Night 2018 It’s here! This Friday at 6:30P is our annual Family Reading Night. This will be a night full of fun, reading, and activi-ties for all the family to enjoy. We will be opening that evening to the public as this time will also be used as our Reg-

istration 2018-19 Open House. We ask that you could bring a dozen cookies for everyone to en-joy. Thank you and see you there!

Needed: Small glass jars We are again asking for any small glass jars and lids about 6 ounce size. Beverly Neff is wanting these to do a project for the last day of school activities. Begin saving these now so that she will be able to do this fun craft! Drop off at the office.

An important reminder!

We ask that our students please wear tennis shoes to school. As they are running in the gym and participating in re-cess or PE classes, tennis shoes are a much better choice to be worn. Also a reminder that black soled shoes should not be worn as they leave marks on the floors. Thank you for your attention to this.

Results ACSI Spelling Bee information

Congratulations to all our participants who attended the Spelling Bee! What a bless-

ing for our school to be represented in such a great way! We appreciate the work you

put into this.

In their respective grades, Andrea Imsland (8th) place 11th, Leah Wilson (7th) placed ?, Nata-

lie Richey(6th) placed 8th, Arthur(5th) placed 5th, Evan Wilson(3rd) placed ?, Alice Scruggs

(2nd) placed 7th, and Isabella van den Berg(1st) placed 2nd place in her final round! We are

so proud of you all! (absent from photo - Natalie Richey)

PCA Girls Volleyball Game: 1/23 Tonight @ Holy Cross (@ Mendota playing Trinity Catholic), 1/25 @ Lostant

Please have players to games no later than 5:00.

The team could use a scorekeeper if any parents would like to volunteer.

PCA 2018-2019

Registration Opens

It’s here! Next week on January

31st, the new school year registra-

tion begins for those students cur-

rently attending PCA. Go to TADS

to begin the process! If you have

any questions, contact Mr. Odell or

the office.


Didn’t we just begin 2017-18?

PCA MISSION STATEMENT ~ To provide an excellent academic education with a Christian world view

based on the absolute authority of God’s Word, the Holy Bible.


Art Remarks by Mrs. Bullington

From Mr. Odell’s desk: (God’s Word given to teachers each week and we want to share with you, also!)

Mark 10:17-22

17 Now as He was going out on the road, one came running, knelt before Him, and asked Him, “Good

Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” 18 So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good:

No one is good but One, that is, God. 19 You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery,’ ‘Do not

murder,’ ‘Do not steal,’ ‘Do not bear false witness,’ ‘Do not defraud,’ ‘Honor you father and your mother.’”

20 And he answered and said to Him, “Teacher, all these things I have kept from my youth.” 21 Then Je-

sus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you

have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up your cross, and follow

Me.” 22 But he was sad at this word, and went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.

When faced with the reality that something was missing in his life, this young ruler came running to Jesus.

He came running with his wrong thinking, yet he came nonetheless. Jesus points out to him first that to be

“right” with God we must see God’s absolute standard of righteousness. Secondly because man in desper-

ately broken because of sin there is nothing we can do which will make us acceptable to God.

The students that God has entrusted to us bring with them wrong thinking, effects of a sinful and fallen

race. At some point they will come to a place where they know “something is wrong”. How beautiful it is at

those moments to present Jesus and His redeeming work in a way that both confronts their wrong think-

ing and also presents Jesus as Savior. Keep presenting Truth and leave the results in the hands of God who

gave everything to restore those who trust only in the finished work of Christ on the Cross.

Please note Parents!

If your child signs up for a hot lunch but brings a cold lunch instead or refuses to eat the hot lunch, we cannot give

credit for that day. Please understand that the meal has been purchased and prepared for that day. It costs you money

and also the school. This situation is not brought on by illness, appointments, or school cancellation. Thank you for


Kindergarten is studying light! We are discovering that white light contains all the colors of the rainbow! First grade is working with value, gradation, tint, and shade. Second grade is learning about properties of color, hue, value, and intensity. Third grade is working with shapes. Not all shapes have names. The ones that have no names are organic. Fourth grade is creating a value study in blue. Fifth grade is using black, grey, and white only in a composition. Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth graders are creating relief prints. After they’ve mastered that, we will move on to mono-types. “The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” - Aristotle

Sonshine Preschool Note ~ Miss Elisha

Theme: “Winter Wonderland”

Bible topic: A Little Boy’s Meal

Bible verse: “God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

Letter: S s Number: 18 Eighteen

Color: Orange Shape: Oval

Reminder: Wednesday is “Mittens” Day! Friday is Snowman Day!

1st grade ~ Mrs. Wilson

ABC Bag/Snack

Wed: Kennedy

Fri: Lauren

Mon, Jan. 29: Levi

2nd grade ~ Mrs. Bickett

In Bible we will be learning about Jesus calling the disciples and how He is the vine and we are the branches. Our memory verse this week is “I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5 In Phonics, we are reviewing root words and suffixes, as well putting words in A-B-C order, in addition to learn-ing new daily special sounds. We are also learning about homonyms! Ask your student if they can explain this concept. In Math this week we are learning to use pounds and ounces as units of weight, learning the 10 subtraction fam-ily, telling time to five minute increments, and applying the concept of subtraction to money.

Please continue to work each night on your child’s piece for the speech contest. Thank you! Please continue to log your child’s minutes in the January Book-It Reading Calendar. Thank you! Congratulations to Isabella on her 2nd place finish at the ACSI Spelling Bee last Friday!

Our book for Reading Night will be “The Gruffalo’s Child” by Julia Donaldson. We will be doing some writing, art and science activities this week related to the book, as well as working on our display for Reading Night. Please let me know if you would be interested in helping out with a making Gruffalo Tea, Cake or Pie or another fun snack to go with the theme.

In Bible class this week we are continuing to learn about Esther. We are focusing on trying to put others before ourselves. Our verse this week is Philippians 2:4, “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” We will recite this verse on Friday. Spelling test 18 will be on Friday as well.

In math class we will be measuring to the nearest centimeter, learning how to write a multiplication sentence from an addition problem, Roman numerals 13 to 30, and the terms in a multiplication problem. In English we are continuing our unit on reference skills. We will learn the letters Ff, Gg and Jj in cursive.

Our class speech contest will be on Thursday, February 1st. Students need to have their speeches memorized and

ready to go on that day.

Because safety during recess and P.E. is important, students should be wearing shoes that have non-marking rub-ber soles with good traction. Boots are not the safest when playing in the gym during recess or P.E., so I encour-

age you to send your child in tennis shoes or have them have a pair they can change into that they leave at school.

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablets of your heart. ~The Book of Proverbs

3rd grade ~ Mrs. Cleary

4th grade ~ Mrs. Odell

5th grade ~ Mr. Clausen

6th grade Science ~ Mr. Cornman

Our Scripture focus this week is still Isa. 53: 5-7 plus we are learning Ephesians 2:8-9 – “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so

that no one can boast.”.

Our “in-house” speech contest is coming right up. The children need to work on their speeches

this week! They really are doing a great job. They are amazing!

We have been reviewing fractions in math. We are working with pronouns in English. We

will test on list 19 tomorrow and then move on to list 20 in spelling. History test is today and then we start the Civil War chapter. Science test will be tomorrow.

We are so excited about Family Reading Night! Our book presentation is Treas-ures of the Snow. We have enjoyed this book immensely as I read it to the class. We recommend it to all!

Have a wonderful week! Keep looking up!

How time is flying! Already we are close to the end of January and our Family Reading Night, January 26th at 6:30. The children are extremely excited as we will present Swiss Family Robinson. Book reports, tree houses and artwork will be displayed.

This week in class:

History - test on Tuesday covering William Penn, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington. We will be covering Thomas Jefferson next.

Math - Division and measurements.

Language - Pronouns and Book reports for Family Reading Night.

Reading - Book reports and Crossroads.

Health - Vitamins and nutrition.

Bible - 2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old is gone, the new has come.”

What a great focus for the new year! In Christ, Mrs. Cleary

Science oral reports are due Wednesday. Any Science extra credit for the current chapter should be turned in no

later than Wednesday.

Current Events are due next Monday.

By now students should have a good start on their biographies for the upcoming book reviews. The books should

be completed this week in preparation for the writing.

6th: Early ideas of Astronomy: Claudius Ptolemy, Nicolas Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton

7th: Birds, Anatomy for flight, air supply and digestive system. Thanks to the Houses for donating a duck for dis-


8th: Local winds: Monsoons, coastal breezes, Katabolic winds, accelerating wind s and Chinooks

January 2018

22 - Xavier Gyurkovics 5th grade

23 - Joseph Foster 1st grade

25 - Karlie Schultz 2nd grade

Mrs. Cook’s Jr. High News:

8TH Grade Language Arts-----Mrs. Kiser

Kindergarten Tidbit ~ Mrs. Whitlock & Mrs. Glass

It is truly a blessing to be able to teach your children while Mrs. Whitlock is on a mission trip.

This week we are going to see pictures of the children of Costa Rica that Mrs. Whitlock has sent.

In Bible we are going to be finishing up Daniel in the Lions Den and start learning Jonah. We will be practicing the Books of the Bible also. Our memory verse this week is Micah 6:8.

In Social Studies we are going to continue learning abut the Dutch in the Netherlands.

Continue reading with your child!!

This week the ACSI creative writing entries are due, and we have some wonderful pieces from 8th grade that will be

entered. We are working on perfecting those this week. We have also finished another chapter in grammar, and the

test on adjectives was today. Next week we begin reading Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream to prepare for

our trip to Navy Pier on February 9th.

The Bureau Valley Speech Contest is Wednesday, February 21 at Bradford, so students are selecting and memorizing

pieces for that as well. This is a busy time!


6th grade: Chapter 10 quiz tomorrow ---STUDY Q22 Map , 10.3-10.5

7th grade: Beginning our studies of English History. Study your map.

8th grade: We are working through the exploration and mission work of the 1800’s. The Second Great Awakening will be our topic tomorrow. Quiz on Thursday!


8th graders will test tomorrow over Lesson 17 in Spanish 1B and over Vocabulary 17-18 lessons.

7th graders are also testing over their chapters Thursday. All review work in the book will be graded before we test. We are nearing completion of Spanish is Fun! This is a big achievement. We will move into Abeka’s Por Todo El Mundo Spanish 1A! This transition should take us about a month. Congrats!

Language Arts:

6th grade: Spelling List 14- Test is on Friday

We will finish up Island of the Blue Dolphins this week. Students are encouraged to attend Friday’s Family Read-ing Night. Also, we have completed our writings for the ACSI contests. Great Work!

7th grade: This group has shown a lot of talent in their writing these past few weeks. We will continue with prepositions, poems, and our ongoing novel. We just tested over The Voyages of Doctor Doolittle and are begin-ning our study of Romeo and Juliet.

ALL STUDENTS participating in this year’s speech contests should be making their selections this week. Students can compete in prose, poetry, duet, group, and impromptu. Mrs. Kiser will be sending home the details of the competition in weeks to come. Please check the dates and make sure to attend!

February 2018

08 - William Marshall 6th grade

10 - Roman Lemons 6th grade

16 - Mr. Huber Computer teacher

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