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Chapter 1

Introduction:Currently we are facing energy demand; this demand is only covered by utilizing energy sources that are oil, coal and natural gas. Almost all the developed states are utilizing these energy sources but natural sources are about to decrease year by year. So it is necessary to develop some other forms of energies in order to overcome the energy needs. Generating energy currently has a major impact on the environment, natural ecosystems, human communities, and in other areas. It is for these reasons that currently there are many efforts underway to reduce the use of oil, coal and other nonrenewable energy sources and increase the participation of renewable energy technologies such as those from the sun, tides, biomass, and wind.Wind energy is being innovative because wind energy is environment friendly with zero emissions and high power generation .Other energy sources like oil gas and coal produces emissions and less environment friendly and also causes expenditure of plant services and maintenance but installing wind turbines makes an ease of use as they doesnt requires maintenance and service expense.Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into electricity or mechanical energy using wind turbines. The power in the wind is extracted by allowing it to blow past moving blades that exert torque on a rotor. The amount of power transferred is dependent on the rotor size and the wind speed.Wind turbines range from small four hundred watt generators for residential use to several megawatt machines for wind farms and offshore. The small ones have direct drive generators, direct current output, aero elastic blades, and lifetime bearings and use a vain to point into the wind; while the larger ones generally have geared power trains, alternating current output, and flaps and are actively pointed into the wind.Direct drive generators and aero elastic blades for large wind turbines are being researched and direct current generators are sometimes used.Since wind speed is not constant, the annual energy production of a wind converter is dependent on the capacity factor. A well sited wind generator will have a capacity factor of about 35%. This compares to typical capacity factors of 90% for nuclear plants, 70% for coal plants, and 30% for thermal plants.As a general rule, wind generators are practical where the average wind speed is 4.5 m/s or greater. Usually sites are pre-selected on the basis of a wind atlas, and validated with onsite wind measurements.Wind energy is plentiful, renewable, widely distributed, clean, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions if used to replace fossil-fuel-derived electricity. The intermittency of wind does not create problems when using wind power at low to moderate penetration level.

Motivation:The wind industry has achieved remarkable growth largely due to the claim that it will provide major reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. There's just one problem: It's not true. A slew of recent studies show that wind-generated electricity likely won't result in any reduction in carbon emissionsor that they'll be as small as to be almost meaningless.

Introduction to Project:In recent years, wind energy has become one of the most economical renewable energy technology. Today, electricity generating wind turbines employ proven and tested technology, and provide a secure and sustainable energy supply. At good, windy sites, wind energy can already successfully compete with conventional energy production. Many countries have considerable wind resources, which are still untapped.A windmill is a mill that converts the energy of wind into rotational energy by means of vanes called sails or blades. Centuries ago, windmills usually were used to mill grain, pump water, or both. Thus they often were gristmills, wind pumps, or both. The majority of modern windmills take the form of wind turbines used to generate electricity, or wind pumps used to pump water, either for land drainage or to extract groundwater.

Figure 11 (Wind Mill somewhere on site)

A technology which offers remarkable advantages is not used to its full potential: Wind energy produces no greenhouse gases. Wind power plants can make a significant contribution to the regional electricity supply and to power supply diversification. A very short lead time for planning and construction is required as compared to conventional power projects. Wind energy projects are flexible with regard to an increasing energy demand - single turbines can easily be added to an existing park. Finally, wind energy projects can make use of local resources in terms of labor, capital and materials.

The technological development of recent years, bringing more efficient and more reliable wind turbines, is making wind power more cost-effective. In general, the specific energy costs per annual kWh decrease with the size of the turbine notwithstanding existing supply difficulties.

Many African countries expect to see electricity demand expand rapidly in coming decades. At the same time, finite natural resources are becoming depleted, and the environmental impact of energy use and energy conversion have been generally accepted as a threat to our natural habitat. Indeed these have become major issues for international policy.Many developing countries and emerging economies have substantial unexploited wind energy potential. In many locations, generating electricity from wind energy offers a cost-effective alternative to thermal power stations. It has a lower impact on the environment and climate, reduces dependence on fossil fuel imports and increases security of energy supply.

For many years now, developing countries and emerging economies have been faced with the challenge of meeting additional energy needs for their social and economic development with obsolete energy supply structures. Overcoming supply bottlenecks through the use of fossil fuels in the form of coal, oil and gas increases dependency on volatile markets and eats into valuable foreign currency reserves. At the same time there is growing pressure on emerging newly industrialized countries in particular to make a contribution to combating climate change and limit their pollutant emissions.

In the scenario of alternatives, more and more developing countries and emerging economies are placing their faith in greater use of renewable energy and are formulating specific expansion targets for a green energy mix. Wind power, after having been tested for years in industrialized countries and achieving market maturity, has a prominent role to play here. In many locations excellent wind conditions promise inexpensive power generation when compared with costly imported energy sources such as diesel. Despite political will and considerable potential, however, market development in these countries has been relatively slow to take off. There is a shortage of qualified personnel to establish the foundations for the exploitation of wind energy and to develop projects on their own initiative. The absence of reliable data on wind potential combined with unattractive energy policy framework conditions deters experienced international investors, who instead focus their attention on the expanding markets in Western countries.It is only in recent years that appreciable development of the market potential in developing countries and emerging economies has taken place. The share of global wind generating capacity accounted for by Africa, Asia and Latin America reached about 20% at the end of 2008, with an installed capacity of 26 GW. This is attributable above all to breathtaking growth in India and China: these two countries alone are responsible for 22 GW. This proves that economic use of wind energy in developing countries and emerging economies is possible, and also indicates that there is immense potential that is still unexploited.

Problem Discussion:Before starting any project, there are always some difficulties that a person has to face in order to make his design successful. In the start of our project, we have also faced many problems that gives a little full stop to our project but with the courage and support of our teachers, we continued to find the solutions of those problems.Initially, the size of wind power plants was small compared to conventional power plants. The process of integrating wind power plants into the power system grid was accomplished by representing the wind power plant as an induction generator or as a negative load. This representation works fine as long as the size of the wind power plant is relatively small compared to the short circuit capability at the point of interconnection (POI). However, wind power development in the mid-nineties started to see a phenomenal increase in quantity.

Numerous wind power plants were built one after another within a short time. The size of the wind power plant started to grow from small sizes (under 50 MW to 600 MW). The impact of wind power plants can no longer be ignored. New wind turbine types were developed, and power electronics were added to improve the control of the wind turbines.As a consequence of the large influx of wind energy into the power grid, and the new type of generators that were introduced to the generation mix, a lot of efforts were geared toward improving planning tools to help wind energy to integrate into the power system network.

Turbine manufacturers, utilities, system operators (e.g., ERCOT) developed dynamic models of wind turbine generators. Many of the manufacturers developed models using their own software for their turbines. Most of the turbine models available at that time contained proprietary data and information, and many users had to sign a nondisclosure agreement(NDA) to use the dynamic models.

In June 2005, WECC convened the Wind Generator Modeling Group (WGMG) under the auspices of the WECC Modeling and Validation Work Group (MVWG) to develop a set of generic, nonproprietary wind generator models suitable for positivesequence dynamic simulations. It was envisioned that four standard models are required to represent the basic types wind turbine generator technologies available in the market: conventional induction machines, wound rotor induction machines with variable rotor resistance, doublyfed induction machines, and full converter machines. Although the standard models are being developed for use in the WECC, it is anticipated that the models will be embraced as the industry standard.

The WECC Wind Turbine Dynamic Model of four different wind turbine types represents the wind turbine types with the major market share in the United States. These wind turbine models were written to work with two major software platforms used by the majority of utilities in the United States. The model is simplified to make it possible that the manufacturers do not have to reveal their proprietary information, yet this model is accurate enough to simulate real wind turbines. The objective was to provide a model to the general public without the need for nondisclosure agreements between the user and the turbine- manufacturers. WGMG has defined the technical requirements of standard models. There is strong consensus within WGMG and externally that the following functional specifications are reasonable. Additional specifications were developed by WGMG consensus, as required.

The models should be suitable for implementation in positivesequence power system simulation programs such as PSLF and PSS/E, and should be consistent with existing models for other rotating machine generators in terms of accuracy, complexity, and numerical stability.The models should be suitable for assessing, on a preliminary basis, voltage ride through and reactive compensation requirements. As with any other power system component, additional studies using a more detailed system representation and higher order models may be required to refine the results 8of planning studies.The generic models should reproduce windturbine generator performance reasonably well in the range of 0 (DC) to 6 Hz, and in response to electrical disturbances such as closein and remote electrical system faults, assuming constant wind speed during the transient stability simulation.

The models should correctly reflect performance differences with respect to a range of initial wind speed assumptions (cutin to rated output). However, since traditional transient stability simulations are concerned with performance over short periods of time, wind speed can be considered constant during the simulation.

Applications/ Industry adaptability:

Our small wind turbines are used in a variety of industries and applications, including marine applications, off-grid systems, and industrial applications including road signage, remote telemetry, and mobile base stations and for houses, schools and farms.Wind Generators for Boats and YachtsThe ever increasing amounts of essential electronic equipment on boats are a real drain on your precious batteries. Of course you can run the engine or hook-up to shore power but thats not always possible or desirable - especially as it increases fuel consumption and energy costs.Wind Turbines for SecurityAll over the world, Leading Edge's wind turbines are helping customers reduce costs and protect resources by providing power for remote security and CCTV systems. There is an increasing need for CCTV cameras for security and damage control solutions.Wind Turbines for Signage and Signaling Somewhere near you, Leading Edge products are powering off grid signage and signaling for Road and Rail. There is an increasing need for off grid signage and signaling in areas where grid connection is neither easy nor cost effective.

Wind Turbines for AgricultureRemote power systems are needed more and more in the world of farming. Whether it's for powering electric fencing, powering water pumping, powering lighting in stables and chicken sheds or powering underwater cameras at salmon farms - Leading Edge Turbines have small wind turbines and other power equipment to meet the energy requirements.Wind Turbines for TelemetryLeading Edge wind turbines and our off-grid wind and solar hybrid systems are used extensively for low energy telemetry systems around the world, where power supply from the grid is not possible.Small Wind Turbines for HomesLeading Edge's small wind turbines for homes are frequently used for Residential Battery Charging and Grid Connection. If youre living in windy spot and the wind is whistling around you, your home could be the perfect spot for a wind turbine.Wind Turbines for Motorhomes and CaravansWith more and more of us using Caravans and Recreational Vehicles to enjoy our leisure time, it soon becomes apparent how much we need power.Wind Turbines for TelecomsWith more and more mobile communications and broadband technology being deployed in rural and remote areas, providing power for the transmission equipment can often be a real headache. Here at Leading Edge, we are very experienced with providing off-grid power solutions needed to support telecoms infrastructure.Wind Turbines for Off-grid LightingLeading Edge's small wind turbines are ideal for providing efficient and reliable lighting in off-grid locations. Our wind powered solutions generate free renewable energy which is stored in a battery ready for when it gets dark to power public street lights, car parks and playgrounds.

Chapter 2


It's hard sometimes to imagine air as a fluid. It just seems so ... invisible. But air is a fluid like any other except that its particles are in gas form instead of liquid. And when air moves quickly, in the form of wind, those particles are moving quickly. Motion means kinetic energy, which can be captured, just like the energy in moving water can be captured by the turbine in a hydroelectric dam. In the case of a wind-electric turbine, the turbine blades are designed to capture the kinetic energy in wind. The rest is nearly identical to a hydroelectric setup: When the turbine blades capture wind energy and start moving, they spin a shaft that leads from the hub of the rotor to a generator. The generator turns that rotational energy into electricity. At its essence, generating electricity from the wind is all about transferring energy from one medium to another.

Figure 21 (Another Project of Wind Mill)Wind powers all starts with the sun. When the sun heats up a certain area of land, the air around that land mass absorbs some of that heat. At a certain temperature, that hotter air begins to rise very quickly because a given volume of hot air is lighter than an equal volume of cooler air. Faster-moving (hotter) air particles exert more pressure than slower-moving particles, so it takes fewer of them to maintain the normal air pressure at a given elevation. When that lighter hot air suddenly rises, cooler air flows quickly in to fill the gap the hot air leaves behind. That air rushing in to fill the gap is wind.If you place an object like a rotor blade in the path of that wind, the wind will push on it, transferring some of its own energy of motion to the blade. This is how a wind turbine captures energy from the wind. The same thing happens with a sailboat. When moving air push on the barrier of the sail, it causes the boat to move. The wind has transferred its own energy of motion to the sailboat.

The simplest possible wind-energy turbine consists of three crucial parts: Rotor blades - The blades are basically the sails of the system; in their simplest form, they act as barriers to the wind (more modern blade designs go beyond the barrier method). When the wind forces the blades to move, it has transferred some of its energy to the rotor. Shaft - The wind-turbine shaft is connected to the center of the rotor. When the rotor spins, the shaft spins as well. In this way, the rotor transfers its mechanical, rotational energy to the shaft, which enters an electrical generator on the other end. Generator - At its most basic, a generator is a pretty simple device. It uses the properties of electromagnetic induction to produce electrical voltage a difference in electrical charge. Voltage is essentially electrical pressure it is the force that moves electricity, or electrical current, from one point to another. So generating voltage is in effect generating current. A simple generator consists of magnets and a conductor. The conductor is typically a coiled wire. Inside the generator, the shaft connects to an assembly of permanent magnets that surrounds the coil of wire. In electromagnetic induction, if you have a conductor surrounded by magnets, and one of those parts is rotating relative to the other, it induces voltage in the conductor. When the rotor spins the shaft, the shaft spins the assembly of magnets, generating voltage in the coil of wire. That voltage drives electrical current (typically alternating current, or AC power) out through power lines for distribution. (See How Electromagnets Work to learn more about electromagnetic induction, and see How Hydropower Plants Work to learn more about turbine-driven generators.MODERN WIND-POWER TECHNOLOGY

When you talk about modern wind turbines, you're looking at two primary designs: horizontal-axis and vertical-axis. Vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) are pretty rare. The only one currently in commercial production is the Darrieus turbine, which looks kind of like an eggbeater.

Figure 22 (Darrieus Turbine)

In a VAWT, the shaft is mounted on a vertical axis, perpendicular to the ground. VAWTs are always aligned with the wind, unlike their horizontal-axis counterparts, so there's no adjustment necessary when the wind direction changes; but a VAWT can't start moving all by itself -- it needs a boost from its electrical system to get started. Instead of a tower, it typically uses guy wires for support, so the rotor elevation is lower. Lower elevation means slower wind due to ground interference, so VAWTs are generally less efficient than HAWTs. On the upside, all equipment is at ground level for easy installation and servicing; but that means a larger footprint for the turbine, which is a big negative in farming areas.

Figure 23 (Working of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine)

Figure 24 (Large Scale Project of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine)

VAWTs may be used for small-scale turbines and for pumping water in rural areas, but all commercially produced; utility-scale wind turbines are horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs).As implied by the name, the HAWT shaft is mounted horizontally, parallel to the ground. HAWTs need to constantly align themselves with the wind using a yaw-adjustment mechanism. The yaw system typically consists of electric motors and gearboxes that move the entire rotor left or right in small increments. The turbine's electronic controller reads the position of a wind vane device (either mechanical or electronic) and adjusts the position of the rotor to capture the most wind energy available. HAWTs use a tower to lift the turbine components to an optimum elevation for wind speed (and so the blades can clear the ground) and take up very little ground space since almost all of the components are up to 260 feet (80 meters) in the air.

Figure 25 Working of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine)


Rotor blades - capture wind's energy and convert it to rotational energy of shaft Shaft - transfers rotational energy into generator Nacelle - casing that holds: Gearbox - increases speed of shaft between rotor hub and generator Generator - uses rotational energy of shaft to generate electricity using electromagnetism Electronic control unit (not shown) - monitors system, shuts down turbine in case of malfunction and controls yaw mechanism Yaw controller (not shown) - moves rotor to align with direction of wind Brakes - stop rotation of shaft in case of power overload or system failure Tower - supports rotor and nacelle and lifts entire setup to higher elevation where blades can safely clear the ground Electrical equipment - carries electricity from generator down through tower and controls many safety elements of turbineFrom start to finish, the process of generating electricity from wind -- and delivering that electricity to people who need it -- looks something like this:Unlike the old-fashioned Dutch windmill design, which relied mostly on the wind's force to push the blades into motion, modern turbines use more sophisticated aerodynamic principles to capture the wind's energy most effectively. The two primary aerodynamic forces at work in wind-turbine rotors are lift, which acts perpendicular to the direction of wind flow; and drag, which acts parallel to the direction of wind flow.

Figure 26 Figure illustrate How to make the Blades of Wind Turbine More Aerodynamic

Turbine blades are shaped a lot like airplane wings -- they use an airfoil design. In an airfoil, one surface of the blade is somewhat rounded, while the other is relatively flat. Lift is a pretty complex phenomenon and may in fact require a Ph.D. in math or physics to fully grasp. But in one simplified explanation of lift, when wind travels over the rounded, downwind face of the blade, it has to move faster to reach the end of the blade in time to meet the wind traveling over the flat, upwind face of the blade (facing the direction from which the wind is blowing). Since faster moving air tends to rise in the atmosphere, the downwind, curved surface ends up with a low-pressure pocket just above it. The low-pressure area sucks the blade in the downwind direction, an effect known as "lift." On the upwind side of the blade, the wind is moving slower and creating an area of higher pressure that pushes on the blade, trying to slow it down. Like in the design of an airplane wing, a high lift-to-drag ratio is essential in designing an efficient turbine blade. Turbine blades are twisted so they can always present an angle that takes advantage of the ideal lift-to-drag force ratio. See How Airplanes Work to learn more about lift, drag and the aerodynamics of an airfoil.Aerodynamics is not the only design consideration at play in creating an effective wind turbine. Size matters -- the longer the turbine blades (and therefore the greater the diameter of the rotor), the more energy a turbine can capture from the wind and the greater the electricity-generating capacity. Generally speaking, doubling the rotor diameter produces a four-fold increase in energy output. In some cases, however, in a lower-wind-speed area, a smaller-diameter rotor can end up producing more energy than a larger rotor because with a smaller setup, it takes less wind power to spin the smaller generator, so the turbine can be running at full capacity almost all the time. Tower height is a major factor in production capacity, as well. The higher the turbine, the more energy it can capture because wind speeds increase with elevation increase -- ground friction and ground-level objects interrupt the flow of the wind. Scientists estimate a 12 percent increase in wind speed with each doubling of elevation.To calculate the amount of power a turbine can actually generate from the wind, you need to know the wind speed at the turbine site and the turbine power rating. Most large turbines produce their maximum power at wind speeds around 15 meters per second (33 mph). Considering steady wind speeds, it's the diameter of the rotor that determines how much energy a turbine can generate. Keep in mind that as a rotor diameter increases, the height of the tower increases as well, which means more access to faster winds.At 33 mph, most large turbines generate their rated power capacity, and at 45 mph (20 meters per second), most large turbines shut down. There are a number of safety systems that can turn off a turbine if wind speeds threaten the structure, including a remarkably simple vibration sensor used in some turbines that basically consists of a metal ball attached to a chain, poised on a tiny pedestal. If the turbine starts vibrating above a certain threshold, the ball falls off the pedestal, pulling on the chain and triggering a shut down.Probably the most commonly activated safety system in a turbine is the "braking" system, which is triggered by above-threshold wind speeds. These setups use a power-control system that essentially hits the brakes when wind speeds get too high and then "release the brakes" when the wind is back below 45 mph. Modern large-turbine designs use several different types of braking systems:

Pitch control - The turbine's electronic controller monitors the turbine's power output. At wind speeds over 45 mph, the power output will be too high, at which point the controller tells the blades to alter their pitch so that they become unaligned with the wind. This slows the blades' rotation. Pitch-controlled systems require the blades' mounting angle (on the rotor) to be adjustable. Passive stall control - The blades are mounted to the rotor at a fixed angle but are designed so that the twists in the blades themselves will apply the brakes once the wind becomes too fast. The blades are angled so that winds above a certain speed will cause turbulence on the upwind side of the blade, inducing stall. Simply stated, aerodynamic stall occurs when the blade's angle facing the oncoming wind becomes so steep that it starts to eliminate the force of lift, decreasing the speed of the blades. Active stall control - The blades in this type of power-control system are pitch able, like the blades in a pitch-controlled system. An active stall system reads the power output the way a pitch-controlled system does, but instead of pitching the blades out of alignment with the wind, it pitches them to produce stall.

Globally, at least 50,000 wind turbines are producing a total of 50 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) annually. In the next section, we'll examine the availability of wind resources and how much electricity wind turbines can actually produce.


Figure 27 (Working of a Wind Turbine)


On a global scale, wind turbines are currently generating about as much electricity as eight large nuclear power plants. That includes not only utility-scale turbines, but also small turbines generating electricity for individual homes or businesses (sometimes used in conjunction with photovoltaic solar energy). A small, 10-kW-capacity turbine can generate up to 16,000 kWh per year, and a typical U.S. household consumes about 10,000 kWh in a year.

Figure 2-8

A typical large wind turbine can generate up to 1.8 MW of electricity, or 5.2 million KWh annually, under ideal conditions -- enough to power nearly 600 households. Still, nuclear and coal power plants can produce electricity cheaper than wind turbines can. So why use wind energy? The two biggest reasons for using wind to generate electricity are the most obvious ones: Wind power is clean, and it's renewable. It doesn't release harmful gases like CO2 and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere the way coal does (see How Global Warming Works, and we are in no danger of running out of wind anytime soon. There is also the independence associated with wind energy, as any country can generate it at home with no foreign support. And a wind turbine can bring electricity to remote areas not served by the central power grid.But there are downsides, too. Wind turbines can't always run at 100 percent power like many other types of power plants, since wind speeds fluctuate. Wind turbines can be noisy if you live close to a wind plant, they can be hazardous to birds and bats, and in hard-packed desert areas there is a risk of land erosion if you dig up the ground to install turbines. Also, since wind is a relatively unreliable source of energy, operators of wind-power plants have to back up the system with a small amount of reliable, non-renewable energy for times when wind speeds die down. Some argue that the use of unclean energy to support the production of clean energy cancels out the benefits, but the wind industry claims that the amount of unclean energy that's necessary to maintain a steady supply of electricity in a wind system is far too small to defeat the benefits of generating wind power.Potential disadvantages aside, the United States has a good number of wind turbines installed, totaling more than 9,000 MW of generating capacity in 2006. That capacity generates in the area of 25 billion kWh of electricity, which sounds like a lot but is actually less than 1 percent of the power generated in the country each year. As of 2005, U.S. electricity generation breaks down like this: Coal: 52% Nuclear: 20% Natural gas: 16% Hydropower: 7% Other (including wind, biomass, geothermal and solar): 5%

The current total electricity generation in the United States is in the area of 3.6 trillion kWh every year. Wind has the potential to generate far more than 1 percent of that electricity. According to American Wind Energy Association, the estimated U.S. wind-energy potential is about 10.8 trillion kWh per year -- about equal to the amount of energy in 20 billion barrels of oil (the current global yearly oil supply). To make wind energy feasible in a given area, it requires minimum wind speeds of 9 mph (3 meters per second) for small turbines and 13 mph (6 meters per second) for large turbines. Those wind speeds are common in the United States, although most of it is unharnessed.

Figure 29

When it comes to wind turbines, placement is everything. Knowing how much wind an area has, what the speeds are and how long those speeds last are the crucial deciding factors in building an efficient wind farm. The kinetic energy in wind increases exponentially in proportion to its speed, so a small increase in wind speed is in fact a large increase in power potential. The general rule of thumb is that with a doubling a wind speed comes an eight-fold increase in power potential. So theoretically, a turbine in an area with average wind speeds of 26 mph will actually generate eight times more electricity than one set up where wind speeds average 13 mph. It's "theoretically" because in real-world condition, there is a limit to how much energy a turbine can extract from the wind. It's called the Betz limit, and it's about 59 percent. But a small increase in wind speed still leads to a significant increase in power output.As in most other areas of power production, when it comes to capturing energy from the wind, efficiency comes in large numbers. Groups of large turbines, called wind farms or wind plants, are the most cost-efficient use of wind-energy capacity. The most common utility-scale wind turbines have power capacities between 700 KW and 1.8 MW, and they're grouped together to get the most electricity out of the wind resources available. They are typically spaced far apart in rural areas with high wind speeds, and the small footprint of HAWTs means that agricultural use of the land in nearly unaffected. Wind farms have capacities ranging anywhere from a few MW to hundreds of MW. The worlds largest wind plant is the Raheenleagh Wind Farm located off the coast of Ireland. At full capacity (it's currently operating at partial capacity), it will have 200 turbines, a total power rating of 520 MW and cost nearly $600 million to build.Many large energy companies offer "green pricing" programs that let customers pay more per kWh to use wind energy instead of energy from "system power," which is the pool of all of the electricity produced in the area, renewable and non-renewable. If you choose to purchase wind energy and you live in the general vicinity of a wind farm, the electricity you use in your home might actually be wind-generated; more often, the higher price you pay goes to support the cost of wind energy, but the electricity you use in your home still comes from system power. In states where the energy market has been deregulated, consumers may be able to purchase "green electricity" directly from a renewable-energy provider, in which case the electricity they're using in their homes definitely does come from wind or other renewable sources.

Figure 210

Chapter 3

Wind Turbine Dynamic Model

The wind energy is a low cost energy source only if it is designed in a proper scheme we have utilized all engineering aspects we worked and researched on all of the parameters regarding the blades design, induction generator, circuitry ,modeling, fabrication the blades we have selected are not that like commonly used 3 spooked blade hence for reducing the maximum wind turbulence and enhancing maximum air flow we are using cupped shaped blades composed of PVC for flexibility placed horizontally and coupled with the light-weight aluminum rods and joined with the shaft this method is helpful in increasing the diameter of blades span and enhancing the torque the shaft is fixed with the fly wheel of 10 inches of diameter and weighing 10 kg of weight the flywheel will follow the principle of gyro as mentioned above for uniform circular momentum the gyro is coupled with the dc dynamo with a gear of 1 inch diameter so the dc dynamo alternation increases with a gear ratio of 1:10 means one complete rotation of gyro fly wheel revolute the dc dynamo 10 times and hence the RPM are multiplied for more efficiency the wind turbine must be frictionless so for decreasing the friction two bearing plates are also coupled with the shaft for maximum alignment and reducing friction so in this way we have completed the mechanical works now lets discuss some of the electronic components our turbine is innovative and designed for mobilized commercial use we intended a sophisticated inverter circuit that converts 12V dc into 240V ac capable of drawing 500W of power and output of pure sine wave the inverter will charge the battery the whole system is designed on a square table of 33 feet and 33 height very easy to carry, mobilize and place according to the wind direction the blades and shaft are detachable. We will further elaborate each of the part we used in detail.

Aerodynamic Blades

The aero dynamics is the most valuable thing to be painstaking while working on the project related to the wind turbine energy generation as the aerodynamics would be good the air friction will be less and the torque will be more and energy generation will be more potent, the shape of blades are not that horizontal oriented The current work focuses strictly on the analysis and optimization of wind turbine blades. Two of the most signicant disciplines are the aerodynamics and structures. It is common practice to use the aerodynamic forces to perform structural analysis. This however, doesnt strictly constitute a proper aero structural analysis. A sound analysis is only possible when the structural deformation is returned to the aerodynamics and the coupled solution converged. The types of structural displacements that eect the aerodynamics are: the twist distribution, the coning angle distribution, and in general, the change in blade length due to both bending and centrifugal forces. The blades we are using is horizontally oriented blades made of PVC for flexibility and light weight the blades in mega wind turbine has a break sensor to reduce the speed of blade to oppose the malfunctioning power generation to reduce the cost of this sensor and brake we simply selected a cup shaped blade that remain spin on high wind pressure within its speed limit because the rotating blade will continuously opposing and blocking the cross wind direction due to its shape specialization on the other hand this shape is also essential while in very small wind the cup shape blade absorb a very little amount of air and start rotating this innovative design is also effective in wind turbulence and wind friction the blades has a length of 57.5 inches and the inner circumference of 6.5 inches this specific measurements are helpful in maximum air absorption and the shape is helpful in automatically maintaining the speed of blades.

Shafts and CouplerA shaft is a rotating machine element which is used to transmit power from one place to another. The power is delivered to the shaft by some tangential force and the resultant torque (or twisting moment) set up within the shaft permits the power to be transferred to various machines linked up to the shaft. Various members such as pulleys, gears etc., are mounted on it. A shaft is used for the transmission of torque and bending moment. The shafts are usually cylindrical, but may be square or cross-shaped in section. These shafts transmit power between the source and the machines absorbing power. The counter shafts, line shafts, overhead shafts and all factory shafts are transmission shafts. Since these shafts carry machine parts such as pulleys, gears etc., therefore they are subjected to bending in addition to twisting.A shaft is a rotating member, usually of circular cross section, used to transmit power or motion. It provides the axis of rotation, or oscillation, of elements such as gears, pulleys, flywheels, cranks, sprockets, and the like and controls the geometry of their motion. Shaft is used to transmit mechanical energy linearly into the rotating objects in design it is usually possible to locate the critical areas, size these to meet the strength requirements, and then size the rest of the shaft to meet the requirements of the shaft-supported elements.They are a function of inertia. Inertia is a function of Geometry. For this reason, shaft design allows a consideration of stress first. Then, after tentative values for the shaft dimensions have been established, the determination of the deflections and slopes can be made, we are using solid iron shaft of 60 inches of length weighing 6kg the shaft is connected with a fly wheel through bearing couplers the reason for choosing heavy shaft is to increase the uniform circular motion form the center of the blades span the shaft is also detachable and moveable part of our project.

Figure 31Bearings

The bearing makes many of the machines we use every day possible. Without bearings, we would be constantly replacing parts that wore out from friction. In this article, we'll learn how bearings work, look at some different kinds of bearings and explain their common uses, and explore some other interesting uses of bearings. The use of bearings are very important because we have to minimize the friction in shaft coupler and flywheel.

Figure 32 Bearing

DynamosIn simplest terms, a dynamo is essentially an electric motor run in reverse. The electric motor uses magnets spinning in a metal coil to spin an axle. Conversely, spinning the axle causes the magnets to rotate in the coil and generates an electric current moving away from the motor. A cool experiment to try is to buy a small motor from radio shack and put it to your tongue. Spin it and you will feel a slight tingle coming from the connectors. This is known as the Faraday Effect. Look up this effect to gain a fuller understanding of motors and dynamos.

In physics, a simple generator or machine for transforming mechanical energy into electrical energy. A dynamo in basic form consists of a powerful field magnet between the poles of which a suitable conductor, usually in the form of a coil (armature), is rotated. The magnetic lines of force are cut by the rotating wire coil, which induces a current to flow through the wire. The mechanical energy of rotation is thus converted into an electric current in the armature.Present-day dynamos work on the principles described by English physicist Michael Faraday in 1830, that an electromotive force is developed in a conductor when it is moved in a magnetic field. The dynamo that powers the lights on a bicycle is an example of an alternator, that is, it produces alternating current (AC).

How Does Dynamo Work?But at the lowest level, if you move a conductor such as wire across a magnetic field, it generates a current in the wire. All dynamos are just different way of packaging up a lot of wires and moving them fast in a magnetic field. There are lots of subtleties, but the underlying physics is the same uses a permanent magnet which is rotated by a crank. The spinning magnet is positioned so that its north and south poles passed by a piece of iron wrapped with wire. It was discovered that the spinning magnet produced a pulse of current in the wire each time a pole passed the coil. Furthermore, the north and south poles of the magnet induce currents in opposite directions. By adding a commutator, it is possible to convert the alternating current to direct current.In my view, and in the view of many bicycle safety experts, dynamos are usually not an attractive option. This is for reasons of both cost and performance. Decent dynamo light sets are much more costly than decent battery powered lights, and the battery powered lights have vastly superior illumination than even the most expensive dynamo powered system. The problem is that a dynamo driven by a bicycle is very limited in the amount of power that can be generated.The Attraction to Dynamo Powered Lights

The attraction of dynamo powered lights is obvious; you are self-sufficient and there is no limit to the duration that the lights can be used. Some individuals believe that having to rely on mains power for bicycle lighting is somehow cheating. Purists may be willing to spend the additional money for a high end, 6 watt, dynamo system, or live with the lower performance and lower safety provided by a 3 watt dynamo powered system. Of course a few of these people will hotly dispute the contention that a 3 watt system is less safe than a higher power system, but the bicycle safety experts do not agree with this contention.In well-lit cities where the cyclist is familiar with their route, a dynamo system is often sufficient. However due to the power generation limits of a bicycle dynamo, it simply is not possible to generate enough power for lights that are bright enough for use on dark or unfamiliar routes. Another factor is that as we age, our night vision deteriorates, and brighter lighting is necessary for safety. Personally, I do own a dynamo. It's fine for going around a familiar town at night, and eliminates the need to worry about batteries. However I would never use it on dark or unfamiliar routes.IntroductionThe main purpose to explain how to construct a high performance battery powered lighting system. Promote dynamo powered bicycle lighting systems. While I also use dynamo lights on occasion, I believe that it's important to understand the facts regarding dynamo systems and battery based systems, so you can choose the most appropriate lighting system for your needs.These e-mails and posts show that there are some dynamo users whose views on dynamo lights center on the idea that "I use them, so they must be fine, and anyone that disagrees with me is wrong because I say so." When people are so defensive, it's because they are insecure about their own choices. I decided to add this section on dynamo powered lights, so the reader can get an unbiased evaluation of the pros and cons of dynamo powered lights.

Figure 33DescriptionThe generating of a current by means of a dynamo-electric machine was briefly considered. The reversal of the direction of the current induced by the motion of the coil of wire, as illustrated in Fig. 25, is true of all the coils of wire comprising in part the armature of a dynamo. This is further illustrated in Fig. 26, which shows the ends of the wire coil C - C connected with two semicircular pieces of brass, A and B, representing the commutator, which are in contact with flat pieces of copper, E and F, representing the brushes of a dynamo. Assuming that the coil of wire is revolving clockwise, and cutting the lines of force from the N to the S poles of the magnet, a current induced in the part of the coil C is in the reverse direction from that in the part C, and only requires a closed circuit to flow around the coil in the direction shown by the arrows. As the coil continues to revolve until the position of the parts C and C are reversed, the current still flows around the circuit L in the same direction. The direction of the current in the coil has been reversed, but the pieces E and F are now in contact with different brushes, so the current still flows in the same direction around the main circuit. By having a large number of coils of wire in the armature and a corresponding number of sections in the commutator, the current in the main circuit is made practically uniform, the current from one coil rapidly succeeding that from the preceding coil.

Figure 34In commercial dynamos the practice is to have from 24 to 50 coils, each coil having several turns of wire, or the equivalent to several turns, as, to save labor, several lengths of insulated wire are wound together and the ends soldered at the proper section of the commutator. The greater the number of coils the more uniform the current, but the size of the machine and its uses regulate the number that are mechanically desirable.The sections of the commutator are insulated from each other by mica or other nonconductor.In addition to the coils of wire in the armature of a dynamo is an iron core, the purpose of which is to make a good magnetic path for the lines of force passing through it from the N to the S pole of the field magnets, as the core concentrates these lines of force, so increasing the number cut by the coils of wire, and consequently increasing the efficiency of the dynamo. The magnets between which the armature revolves are called the field magnets. The function of the field magnets is to provide the magnetic lines of force, through which the armature coils revolve. They may be permanent magnets or electro-magnets, the latter being universally used when other than very light work is required. The reason for this is that electro-magnets are capable of giving a much more powerful current than permanent magnets.

Figure 35In the earliest forms of dynamos the field magnets were excited by a current from an outside source; but this form was soon superseded by the self-exciting dynamo. One form, known as the series dynamo, is shown in Fig. 27. The iron cores of the field magnets, after being once excited, retain a certain amount of magnetism, termed residual magnetism. While small in amount, it is yet sufficient to produce some electro-motive force, so that when the armature revolves, a feeble current is produced, which, passing through the field coils, increases the magnetism, which, in turn, increases the magnetic lines of force and the resulting current from the armature coils. This continues until the armature core and field cores are thoroughly saturated with magnetism, and the dynamo reaches its maximum efficiency. By experiment and calculation the size and wiring of the several parts of a dynamo are carefully determined, the greatest output may be obtained from a given expenditure of power, and yet not reach a point where excessive or injurious E. M. F. is generated. The series dynamo is a form not much used, as it is not self-regulating under a varying load. If under loaded, the E. M. F. increases excessively; if overloaded, it decreases rapidly, - the reverse of which is desirable under those conditions.

Figure 36The wiring of the field coils is in series with the outside circuit, and the armature and the whole current passes through them. This necessitates a few turns of large wire for the fields. The load of a series dynamo is usually connected in series.Another form of wiring which overcomes certain of the objections of the series dynamo is that known as the shunt-wound dynamo, shown in Fig. 28. In this type the field coils form a shunt to the main circuit, only a portion of the current from the armature passing through them. The current, therefore, is divided or shunted, the larger part going directly to the outside circuit, and the balance around the field coils. As this latter current is small in amount, the wire for the field coils of a shunt-wound dynamo is small in size, but consists of many turns. The magnetism produced by the field coils is proportional to the current and the turns of wire, ampere turns, as they are called. Thus 10 turns of a large wire carrying 10 amperes is the equal of 100 turns of smaller wire carrying 1 ampere, and each will exert the same magnetizing force. By reducing the size of the wire, the ampere turns of a shunt-wound dynamo is made equal to the ampere turns of a series dynamo of the same size. The amount of energy required to magnetize the fields, and the efficiency of the two types of dynamos under a normal load, should be the same.

Figure 37

The shunt dynamo is more nearly self-regulating under a varying load than a series dynamo, the load being usually in parallel. Therefore, as additional branches in parallel in the main circuit are closed, the resistance falls, and more current is supplied by the armature. This decreases the amount received in the shunt or field coils, thus reducing the magnetism, which in turn slightly reduces the current of the armature, and so regulates the output of the dynamo. A low resistance in the armature is desirable in this type, and also an even strength of magnetism in the fields. To regulate the voltage of a shunt dynamo, a rheostat is generally inserted in the shunt circuit. A rheostat is an instrument containing circuits of varying resistance, with a switch for disconnecting any or all of them.Another type of dynamo which is self-regulating under wide variations of load is that known as the compound dynamo, shown in Fig. 29. This is a combination of the two previous forms of winding. In addition to the shunt winding of the fields, a few coils of thick wire in series with the main circuit are added. The effect of this is to make the current in the field winding, and consequently the magnetism produced proportional to the current flowing from the armature. The shunt winding maintains the proper voltage and the series winding the volume of current. It is customary, when using this form of dynamo for electric lighting work, to have the series winding slightly in excess of the theoretical requirements, that the voltage of the current may be fully maintained at all parts of the main circuit. This is called over compounding. The various parts of the above types of dynamos will be more fully considered in subsequent chapters. We have selected the auto mobile dynamo that is capable of generating 24V DC and power of 15 A on 450 rpm.

Figure 38

Gyroscopic Fly wheel

The flywheel is a heavy gear with a larger diameter the fly wheel is used to transmit energy from one gear to another the fly wheel obeys the principle of gyro scope the gyroscope works on a principle of inertia Aflywheelis a mechanical device with a significantmoment of inertiaused as a storage device forrotational energy. Flywheels resist changes in theirrotational speed, which helps steady the rotation of the shaft when a fluctuatingtorqueis exerted on it by its power source such as apiston-based (reciprocating)engine, or when an intermittent load, such as a pistonpump, is placed on it. Flywheels can be used to produce very high power pulses for experiments, where drawing the power from the public network would produce unacceptable spikes. A small motor can accelerate the flywheel between the pulses. Recently, flywheels have become the subject of extensive research as power storage devices for uses in vehicles and power plants, the flywheel when connected to any engine or drive dissipate more friction while in our wind turbine the fly wheel is used for decreasing friction using the bearing the fly wheel itself emits the maximum frictionless inertial momentum, our fly wheel is of 10 inches of diameter and weighing 8 kg possess more uniform acceleration through this flywheel the blades are able to revolute even in very small wind pressure because of gyroscopic principle Mechanical gyroscopes typically comprise a spinning wheel or disc in which the axle is free to assume any orientation. Although the orientation of the spin axis changes in response to an external torque, the amount of change and the direction of the change is less and in a different direction than it would be if the disk were not spinning. When mounted in agimbals(which minimizes external torque), the orientation of the spin axis remains nearly fixed, regardless of the mounting platform's motion.

Figure 39

DC Inverter

The dc inverter is capable of converting the input 12-13 DC volts into 240 volts AC the inverter is proficient in generating sine wave of 50-60HZ. This means that the current flows continuously from the negative terminal of the battery, through the completed circuit and back to the positive terminal of the battery. The flow is in one direction only, hence the name direct current. The ability to provide direct current power is inherent to the nature of batteries. Direct current is very useful, but batteries can generally only provide relatively low-voltage DC power. Many devices need more power to function properly than DC can provide. They're designed to run on the 120-volt AC power supplied to homes in the U.S. Alternating current or AC, constantly changes polarity, sending current one way through the circuit, then reversing and sending it the other way. It does this very quickly 60 times per second in most U.S. electrical systems. AC power works well at high voltages, and can be "stepped up" in voltage by a transformer more easily than direct current. An inverter increases the DC voltage, and then changes it to alternating current before sending it out to power a device. These devices were initially designed to do the opposite to convert alternating current into direct current. Since these converters could basically be run in reverse to accomplish the opposite effect, they were called inverters. The earlier dc inverters were composed of electromagnetic devices these when the DC voltage applied on magnet it changes the flow of current by pulling the conducting arm this generates the buzzing sound, now a days the inverters are made of oscillator circuit. Theyre made with transistors or semiconductors, so there's no longer the need for a spring arm flipping back and forth to alternate the current. Its not quite as simple as that, however. Alternating current forms a sine wave. The output of an inverter is a very square wave, not like the smooth, round wave of a perfect sine. Some devices are inherently sensitive to the signal produced by an AC wave. Typically, these are devices that receive or broadcast some kind of signal, such as audio or video equipment, navigation devices or sensitive scientific equipment. You can see or hear the square waveform on a television as lines on the screen or a steady buzz or hum. Cleaning up the sine wave requires a series of filters, inductors and capacitors. Inexpensive inverters have little or no filtering. The alternating current they produce has a very square wave, which is fine if you just want to make coffee or run something with a simple electric motor. If you need a smoother sine wave, you'll need an inverter with better filtering. Of course, better filtering also costs a little more. Inverters can get extremely expensive, even costing thousands of dollars, that is, if you're looking for an inverter with a smooth sine. The good news: Given a large enough budget, you can purchase an AC power inverter that produces virtually perfect AC sine wave. In fact, some high-end DC to AC inverters can make sine waves that are even smoother than the AC power supplied to your house. The dc inverter is powered up with the standard dry automobile battery the inverter is MOSFET based sine wave generator the inverter can draw 500W of current the inverter is secured by 30A circuit breaker to prevent circuit.

Figure 310

Chapter 4

Testing results

The testing is a procedure occurs when all of the designing implementation and assembling completed to test the project we have to first test each and every component individually including mechanical, electronic, fabrication, blade arrangements

Mechanical Testing

The mechanical components required proper arrangement and less friction such as the shaft, when selecting shaft this is necessary to select the shaft according to the size of blades also keeping the shaft aligned and adjusting weight of shaft the shaft was aligned in a single way but then it is divided into two parts the upper part of the shaft is for setting up the blades and rods and the lower part of the shaft is for installing the gyroscopic flywheel the bearings are also centered along the shaft

Electronic Testing:

The inverter circuit is also tested several times because of improper sine wave generation the sine wave is necessary for AC supply the most devices will work just fine without a pure sine wave inverter, but it is a good idea to think about the issue before making a purchase anyway. First, its important to understand why the differences between pure sine wave inverters andmodified sine wave inverters can cause problems. The two main issues at hand are efficiency and undesired interference from the additional harmonics present in a modified sine wave. That means that a pure sine wave inverter is good at two things: efficiently powering devices that use the alternating current input without rectifying it first, and powering devices like radios that can suffer from interference. This is necessary for the inverter to generate the sine wave because most electronic devices run just fine on a modified sine wave. For example, laptop computers, cell phone chargers, and all other equipment that uses a rectifier or AC/DC adapter to take an AC input and output DC to the device will typically work just fine without a pure sine wave inverter. Of course, with a lot of those devices you can just cut out the middleman and use a DC to DC converter that steps the 12v DC from your trucks electrical system either up or down without first converting it to AC before converting it back to DC. This is the more efficient route to go, so it might be worth looking into if DC adapters are available for any of your electronic devices. The sine wave can be obtained by placing oscillator circuit and MOSFET.


The fabrication is attempted for the table that occupies the whole equipments including all the mechanical and electronic wiring the fabrication is done on steel and electrode welded and have a very light weight and easy to carry

Normal Testing

The final testing happened after a lot of changing, alteration and replacing components for the final testing we assured that each and every mechanical, electronic and wiring components are in proper working condition and able to deliver the best output after checking the final mechanical lubrication we at first run the turbine without magnetic load means without connecting dynamo this test is for checking the rotation of blades and rotation per minute in no load conditions by checking in no load we determined that mechanical components are in proper condition ,then we test the turbine in normal wind pressure conditions the result was a success by the grace of Almighty Allah the turbine can swivel even in very small wind pressure.

Final Testing

The final testing is done under all conditions like normal wind pressure and high wind pressure in the final testing we also have to check the output power generation and analyze the variation according to the change occur in wind direction and speed , in final testing the biggest problem we faced was the magnetic load the flywheel after coupled by dynamo would about to produce more magnetic friction to reduce the friction we decided to twist the blades and loosen the gear friction by increasing the distance between the flywheel and the dynamo gear this result in better performance, after connecting the inverter and battery we finally start analyzing the power generation the battery started charging on 13Volts and also capable of drawing load of 500 watts the normal RPM of fly wheel was 53 rotation per minute by converting the gear ratio the dynamo is rotating on 530 RPM these results occurred in normal wind pressure.

Chapter 5

Wind Power Resources & Economics

Introduction:The demand for energy has increased in tremendous proportions in the last few decades in Pakistan and is expected to increase further in the coming years. The primary sources of energy available in Pakistan are oil, natural gas, hydro and nuclear power. At present oil accounts for approximately 45% of total commercial energy supply. The share of natural gas is 34% while that of hydro power remains roughly at 15%. The increase in cost of fossil fuel and the various environmental problems of large scale power generation have led to increased appreciation of the potential of electricity generation from non-conventional alternate sources. This has provided the planners and economists to find out other low cost energy resources.Wind and Solar energies are the possible clean and low cost renewable resources available in the country. Wind power provides opportunity to reduce dependence on imported fossil fuel and at the same time expands the power supply capacity to remote locations where grid expansion is not practical.

The Benefits of Wind Energy

Wind energy is an ideal renewable energy because:

It is a pollution-free, infinitely sustainable form of energy It doesnt require fuel as an input for its operators. It doesnt create greenhouse gasses and doesnt produce toxic or radioactive waste. When large arrays of wind turbines are installed on farmland, only about 2% of the land areas required for the wind turbines and the rest is available for farming, livestock, and other uses. Wind Energy increases the land value as the landowners often receive payment for the use of their land, which enhances their income and increases the value of the land. Ownership of wind turbine generators by individuals and the community allows people to participate directly in the preservation of our environment.

Each megawatt-hour of electricity that is generated by wind energy helps to reduce 0.8 to 0.9tons of greenhouse gas emissions that are produced by coal or diesel fuel generation each year. Wind energy is environmental friendly and does not present any significant hazard to birds or other wildlife.International Scenario

The graph below (values taken from Global Wind Energy Council Data) shows the list of countries according to the total installed capacity. China is top on which had installed capacity of almost 75,324 MW in 2012 and as compared to 404 MW in 2001. Similarly USA had installed capacity of 60,007 MW in 2012 in comparison of 2001 that was only 4,275. Spain has always inclined towards environmental protection and wide spread use of wind turbine technology restates the nations requirements of green energy. It started with almost 3,337 MW in 2001installed capacity and increased up to 22,796 MW in 2012. Indias percentage used to increase in every year as per the below table and jumped from 1,456 MW in 2001 to almost 18,421 MW in 2012. In future it is projected that India could actually surpass bigger and more developed nations that use alternative energy.

Total International Installed Capacity

Wind Resources in Pakistan

In Pakistan, first wind power generation plant of 50 MW was inaugurated in December 2012 and started full production in 2013. According to official documents, the wind power potential in Pakistan that has been identified in Sindh and Balochistan is more than 50,000 MW while Punjab has potential of producing almost 1,000 MW.

Recently conducted survey of Wind Power Potential along coastal areas of the country by Pakistan. Meteorological Department (PMD), indicates that potential exists for harvesting wind energy using currently available technologies, especially along Sindh coast. Gharo, one of the sites in Sindh where the wind data have been recorded and studied by PMD, has been selected for this feasibility study. The wind measurements at Gharo have been carried out during 24 months period. The annual mean wind speed is estimated to be 6.86m/s at 50 meter above ground level. The annual power density of area is 408.6 W/m2, which bring the site into good category of power potential it also means this area is suitable for large economically viable wind farm.

In recent years, the government has completed several small projects to demonstrate that wind energy is viable in the country. In Mirpur Sakro, 85 micro turbines have been installed to power 356 homes. In Kund Malir, 40 turbines have been installed, which power 111 homes. The Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) has also acquired 18,000 acres for the installation of more wind turbines.

Use of Wind Energy in Pakistan Lighting solution (micro wind turbines) to the poor people (individuals and community based) of remote areas in mosques, schools, hospitals and public places on need basis. Supply of clean drinking water (wind mill water pumping systems) to the poor communities living in remote areas for domestic and agriculture purpose.

Incentive by Government for Wind Power Project Development in PakistanGovernment of Pakistan's "Policy for Development of Renewable Energy for Power Generation" offers the following incentives for setting up Wind IPPs: Upfront tariff US Cents14.6628/Kwh. Facilitation for procurement / lease of land for wind farms provided by AEDB (unheard of another territories around the world) on extremely cheap rates offered for land for Wind farms (Euro 7/- only per acre per year. Availability of land is guaranteed for fast track projects. Wind Risk (risk of variability of wind speed). Guaranteed Electricity Purchase. Grid provision is the responsibility of the purchaser Protection against political risk. Attractive Tariff (Cost plus 15% ROE), indexed to inflation & exchange rate variation (Rupee/ Dollar). Euro / Dollar Parity allowed. Carbon Credits available. No Import Duties on Equipment. Exemption on Income Tax / Withholding Tax and Sales Tax. Repatriation of Equity along with dividends freely allowed. Permission to issue corporate registered bonds.In order to attract more investment in this sector, Government of Pakistan is in process of revising the existing policy which would be announced shortly.

Cost of the Project

S. NoComponentsQuantityPrice (PKR)

124 V DC Dynamo014,500




5Bearing Mountings022,000

6Steel disc024,000

7Steel Channel168,000

8PVC Pipe (Blades)084,200

9DC Inverter013,500

10Battery (65 Ampere) 015,500


12Panel box015,200


14AC / DC Meters 044000


TotalRs. 70,000

Chapter 6


In conclusion, a wind turbine is a machine that converts the wind kinetic energy into electricity. The major components of a wind turbine are: the rotor, the gearbox, the generator, the control and protection system, the tower and the foundation. Wind turbines are classified into two types of category: horizontal axis wind turbine and vertical axis wind turbine. The major advantage for a HAWT is the high efficiency it has; the disadvantage is the maintenance and repair at high altitude. The advantage of a VAWT is that the wind can come from any direction; the disadvantage is the height limitations. Aerodynamically, the wind turns the rotor blades of the HAWT because of the pressure differential between the top and the bottom of the airfoil. For the VAWT, it is the drag that acts on the blades and turns the rotor blades. Today, wind power is economically competitive compared to traditional energy because the cost of wind turbines is getting cheaper because of technology advancement and government incentives. It also creates jobs and generates extra personal and tax income. Wind energy is also a renewable and pollution-free energy which can help us reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. I believe that wind energy can become an important asset to solve climate change and global warming issues in the future.

Chapter 7

Future InnovationInflatable Alteros Device

Thealteros deviceis based on a helium-filled cushion or an inflatable shell to facilitate it to ascend towards the height and higher altitudes where wind pressure is high , this gives it contact to stronger and more consistent winds than tower-mounted turbines, and the power generated could be send to the ground by tethers. This could reduce energy costs by up to 65% by those high altitude winds, and due to the unique design, installation time can be reduced from weeks to just days.

Figure 71

Wind Harvester

The newwind Harvesteris based on a reciprocating motion that uses horizontal aero foils similar to those used on aero planes. It is virtually noise-free and can generate electricity at a low speed, which may result in less opposition to new installations. It will also be operational at higher wind speeds than current wind turbines.

Figure 72

Wind Stalk

The wind stalk is a new research wind energy method that doesnt need any blades , it has a piezoelectric disk the disk connected by a wire and the wire is further connected by electrodes as the wind blow these piezoelectric disk forced in compression this generate electricity in electrodes.

Figure 73

Wind Farms

The concept of wind farm is not very new but researches claims that it can generate more power than nuclear energy the wind farm uses several of wind turbine installed as a bank and connected to generate like the power bank China has a capacity of over 5,000MW of power with a goal of 20,000MW by 2020.

Future Improvements

In future we will try to promote awareness about wind turbine and renewable energy, in future we will also increase and improve the size of blades and diameter of fly wheel. This will increase more voltages and current and Rotation Per Minute, the power will also be increased by reducing magnetic friction the magnetic friction of dynamo can only be decreased by increasing the die electric median between the armature and magnets, the main purpose of improvement of design is to generate more power the inverter circuit transformer efficiency will also improve the more power consumption factor.


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