
State TeamPlayer



Player Expectations

Dress Code


State Teams Contract

Nutrition Guide







IntroductionHockey NSW sends 26 State teams (State and Blues) each year to Field and Indoor National Championships in the Under 13, 15, 18, 21, Country and Open age groups.

The Hockeyroos and Kookaburras we see on the international stage were once, like you, part of a Hockey State Team. The fact that these current Australian Representatives are only too willing to represent NSW when circumstances allow speaks volumes of the strong culture within Hockey NSW.

In representing NSW in a State team you represent a long and proud history of hockey players from our great State, whilst also representing our future. With this comes responsibility and the expectation that you will represent Hockey NSW with the respect that is warranted on and off the pitch.

The following handbook contains information on some aspects of your time as a Hockey NSW State Team athlete. I encourage you to take the time to read this handbook so as to best prepare for the Australian National Championships.

Should you have any questions, I am available on the contact details below.

On behalf of Hockey NSW I wish you, your team and staff the very best for a successful and enjoyable Australian National Championships campaign.

Congratulations on your selection in a Hockey NSW State Team.

Glen StubbingsState Teams Manager0400 832 [email protected]



Please conduct yourself in a proper manner to the absolute satisfaction of your Coaches, Team Manager, Physiotherapist and any other officially appointed representative of Hockey NSW. If there is a breach of discipline including failure to observe any relevant Hockey NSW policies including the Player Contract and Code of Conduct you may be dismissed from the Team if so directed by the Team Manager in accordance with the Hockey NSW State Teams Manager and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Please understand that you are responsible for all costs in this regard.

ALCOHOL/ILLICIT SUBSTANCESNo alcohol is to be consumed by any player, Coach, Manager, Physiotherapist or any other person in a NSW State Teams capacity at training, the National Championships or in any other circumstance where a State Player could reasonably be construed as representing Hockey NSW.

To be certain, Hockey NSW recommends abstaining from pre-travel (before embarking on any part of the journey – via bus, plane etc.) until your return home post-event.


ASADA - LEVEL 1 ANTI-DOPINGAll Hockey NSW players and officials competing in Under 18, Under 21 and Open State Teams are re-quired to complete the ASADA Level 1 Anti-Doping Course (approximately 60 minutes to complete). This is a Hockey NSW Board Directive and compulsory for athletes in the above team to complete. If you have already completed this you do not need to recomplete. The Hockey Australia Anti-Doping Policy can be located on the Hockey Australia website.


Drug testing procedures are in place at some Hockey Australia National Championships to ensure athletes remain compliant.

All players are advised to take particular caution with regard to:

• Medications (including those prescribed by General Practitioners)• Nutrition Supplements• Injections (including therapeutic injections from health providers)

The responsibility lies completely with the athlete, regardless of who prescribed the medication, treatment or nutrition supplements.

Medications can be checked online via the ASADA website.



COMPLETING REQUIRED ADMINISTRATION ON TIMEPart of being a State Teams player is the timely completion of online registration, contract, uniform and ASADA (where applicable). Please ensure you adhere to such deadlines. Failure to comply can affect your membership in a State Team.


Hockey NSW encourages the use of social media however it is expected that this will be conducted in an appropriate manner. Comments that you make that are, or could be considered to be offensive, discriminatory, defamatory or illegal may be requested to be removed immediately by your Team Manager or Hockey NSW and further action may be taken if Hockey NSW deems necessary. It is essential that all players and officials recognise that Hockey NSW has relationships with other organisations such as sponsors and providers. The opinions expressed should not be detrimental to any stakeholders.


\Hockey NSW State Players should behave in a manner which appropriately represents the values of Hock-ey NSW and the Play The Whistle initiative. This extends to your treatment of umpires and officials at the tournament, as well as spectators, competing teams and your teammates. Swift action will be undertaken for any player deemed to be acting in a disrespectful manner toward any individual.

DUPLICATE NUMBERSPart of the contract and registration online asks for your existing number(s) on your current State playing singlets. In the event of a number clash you may be asked to supply an alternative player number for uniform purposes. This process is completely random and does not discriminate or favour any player over another. Where another playing singlet needs to be ordered because of a number clash Hockey NSW will order it on behalf of the player. Where uniform has been ordered by the player this will be printed with the replacement number.


Dress CodeAir Travel

The following clothing is not permitted:

• NO thongs/sandals/open-toed shoes are permitted. Clean shoes to be worn.• NO shorts are to be worn when travelling as part of a Field State Team• NO non-Hockey NSW Fi-Ta clothing or generic headwear to be worn





Dress CodeTransport to/from accommodation, games, training and meetings





The following clothing is not permitted:

• NO thongs/sandals/open-toed shoes are permitted. Clean shoes to be worn.• NO non-Hockey NSW Fi-Ta clothing or generic headwear to be worn

Dress Code

OtherDinner: Casual clothing unless instructed otherwise by your Team Manager.

Rest Day(s): Casual clothing unless instructed otherwise by your team manager (e.g. during team bonding).

MALE PLAYING FEMALE PLAYINGSinglet, Shorts & Socks Singlet, Skort & Socks

Playing Uniform

For clarity all NSW State Teams (State and Blues) wear the above in matches except when playing the Blues Team. When this occurs, the Blues team are required to wear the REVERSE uniform, pictured below.

Reverse UniformMALE FEMALE

TrainingEither the playing or reverse uniform can be used for training unless instructed otherwise.


Compression WearHockey Australia require any visible compression wear for NSW athletes to be the same colour as the playing singlet (sky blue).

• The total amount of sponsorship cannot be more than the invoiced amount for your state team uniform and player levy. • It is the sole responsibility of individuals to approach and secure potential sponsors.• Any business Hockey NSW deems a competitor to existing sponsors will be rejected for Individual Player Sponsorship. This includes companies or entities associated with alcohol, tobacco and/or gambling.

What can Hockey NSW offer?

• Certificate of Recognition for sponsoring our State Athlete.• Company name and company logo on the Hockey NSW website alongside the player name.• 3 Facebook posts promoting the sponsorship with company logo for company to ‘share’.• 3 Twitter posts promoting the sponsorship with company logo for company to ‘retweet’.

Please note to receive the social media aspects above the minimum investment is $500.

What can you offer?

Ideas to consider offering your sponsor individually include, but are not limited to:

• Ordering an extra playing singlet to sign and present to your sponsor.• Sending a photo of you in your State Team uniform to your sponsor. • Writing a media release or editorial to send to your local newspaper, offering to be available for a photo and highlighting the support provided by the company has been invaluable to you.• Offering to hold a morning tea as a thank you for their support.• Purchasing a mini sized hockey stick, signing it and presenting it to your sponsor.• Purchasing a Hockey NSW cap to give to your sponsor.

After Gaining Sponsorship

Hockey NSW will inform you when we receive an individual sponsorship form vie email or fax directly from a Company. On receipt of the Player Sponsorship, Hockey NSW will invoice you for the value of your nominated sponsorship as indicated by your sponsor.

Please note: Your sponsorship may be claimable as a tax deduction for the financial year, please check with your tax agent or accountant for specific advice.



State TeamContract

Please be aware of your obligations as a Hockey NSW State Team Player in regards to your State Player Contract. It is important that you read and understand what is required of you.

You would have received this contact from Hockey NSW State Teams via email ([email protected]) at the time of your selection and is included in its entirety below.

The State Player Contract includes aspects including (but not limited to):

• Dress code• Player behaviour and discipline• Mouthguards and shin pads• Mobile phones• Accommodation• Abstinence from alcohol, prohibited drugs or other stimulants

Violation of this contract may result in your removal from the team and jeopardise your place in any future State Teams.

See page over for the State Player Contract in full.


State Team ContractAttachment 1

Players Contract and Indemnity for Membership of a Hockey NSW State Team

1. I agree that this Agreement shall commence on the date that Hockey NSW selects me in the above Team and shall remain in force until my official release from the Team. In this agreement, “official release” from the Team takes place when either:

a) A member of the Team’s resignation in writing is received by the Hockey NSW State Teams Manager.

b) A member of the Team is dismissed from the Team in accordance with this Agreement and notified of such dismissal by the Hockey NSW State Teams Manager.

c) The notified time as indicated by the State Team Selection Letter as emailed to all athletes when selected for the State Team is reached.

2. I undertake and agree:

a) To be bound by and comply with the Rules and By-Laws of the Hockey NSW.

b) To comply with each and all of the directions given by Hockey NSW to the Team as a whole or my self individually, provided that such directions shall at all times be reasonable and shall not conflict with any personal, religious, ethical or professional standard.

c) To achieve a level of fitness as required by the Hockey NSW State Team Selection Policy.

d) To engage in any match, training, activity, sport or pastime associated with Hockey and appropriate to my membership of the Team, as is reasonably required by the Manager and/or Coach.

e) To travel to and depart with the Team to the National Championships/AHL and other related venues upon the dates and in the manner reasonably determined or approved by the Team Manager and/or indicated in the State Team Selection Letter.

f) During competition dates to remain under the control, management and direction of the Team Manager.

g) To conduct myself in a proper manner to the absolute satisfaction of the Team Manager, and if there is a breach of discipline including failure to observe any relevant Hockey NSW policies including the Player Contract and Code of Conduct I may be dismissed from the Team if so directed by the Team Manager in accordance with the Hockey NSW Chief Executive Officer (CEO). I understand that I am responsible for all additional costs in this regard.

h) To disclose forthwith to the Manager any illness and/or injury that may prejudice my proper participation in the competition.

i) To return to Sydney forthwith if so directed by the Manager if, in her/his opinion, after consultation with a medical professional, I am unable to perform at the competition to the best of my ability through illness and/or injury. I understand that I am responsible for all additional costs in this regard.

j) On the occasions prescribed by the Manager and in accordance with the Hockey NSW State Team Player Handbook to wear only the uniform prescribed and any other clothing issued by Hockey NSW. This includes wearing only uniform from the official Hockey NSW uniform supplier.STATE PLAYER HANDBOOK 13

State Team Contract

k) To agree to supply an alternative player number for uniform purposes should I be requested to do so by the Hockey NSW State Teams Manager in the case of a number clash with another player in the team. Where another playing singlet needs to be ordered because of a number clash Hockey NSW will order it on behalf of the player. Where uniform has been ordered by the player this will be printed with the replacement number.

l) To live in the accommodation determined by Hockey NSW for the specified period as specified in the State Team Selection Letter.

m) To refrain from the consumption of alcohol or use of prohibited drugs or stimulants including cigarettes at all times whilst participating in any State Team activity including training, during the National Hockey Championships and until the team is dismissed on the final day.

n) During competition dates not to participate in any kind of demonstration or propaganda whether political, religious or racial.

o) To wear shin pads and mouthguards at all training, practice and competition matches.

p) To complete an evaluation online survey within fourteen (14) days after the AHL/Championships as sent by the Hockey NSW State Teams Manager via the nominated athlete’s email address.

3. I acknowledge that to fund the participation of the State Team, Hockey NSW will generate a player levy based on the costs associated with the team and I agree to pay the invoiced amount in full prior to the due date. I accept that Hockey NSW is solely responsible for the player levy and any costs associated with the player levy is at the discretion of Hockey NSW. I acknowledge that failure to make that payment may jeopardise my position in the team.

4. I acknowledge that there are no guarantees that I will be allocated match time during the AHL/ National Championships and that the Coach has final say on this matter, and that no discussion will be entered into after the AHL/ National Championships on this matter.

5. I agree to comply with the Hockey Australia Member Protection Policy as available on the Hockey Australia website.

6. I acknowledge that I have read the following Hockey NSW Policies and accept the conditions outlined in each:

Attachment 1: Players Contract and Indemnity for Membership of a Hockey NSW State Team Attachment 2: Hockey NSW Player Mouthguard Policy Attachment 3: Player/Athlete Code of Behaviour as per the Hockey Australia Member Protection Policy Attachment 4: Parent/Guardian Agreement (if applicable)

7. I acknowledge that at no time I will drive an allocated team vehicle and if I do I am responsible for any traffic infringements and costs incurred.

8. I acknowledge that if I am responsible for damage to any accommodation or transportation property, then I am liable for payment of such costs.

9. I understand that as a registered member of Hockey NSW I am covered for Personal Accident Coverage through DHB & Associates P/L under the Hockey NSW Sports Insurance Scheme. Full details of this coverage are available on the Hockey NSW website.


State Team Contract

10. I understand that any mobile phones I have are required to be turned off upon arrival at the match day venue and during functions, team meals and team meetings.

11. I understand that Hockey NSW encourages the use of social media however it is expected that this will be conducted in an appropriate manner. Comments I make that are, or could be considered to be offensive, discriminatory, defamatory or illegal may be requested to be removed immediately by the Team Manager or Hockey NSW and further action taken if Hockey NSW deems necessary. I understand that it is essential that all players and officials recognises that Hockey NSW has relationships with other organisations such as sponsors and providers. The opinions you express should not be detrimental to any stakeholders. Such comments may be requested to be removed immediately and further action taken if Hockey NSW deems necessary.

12. I authorise:

a) any medical practitioner, sports scientist or therapist whom I have consulted during the twelve months preceding the commencement of the competition, to provide details of any illness and/or injury which I have sustained or may sustain or of any pre-existing medical condition, to the Physio of the Team if and when required provided that the Physio of the Team shall treat as confidential such details and shall not disclose any such details to any other person other than is necessary in all the circumstances. I understand that such information is required solely to determine my medical fitness to perform to the best of my ability at the competition;

b) the Team Physio to make full disclosure to the Manager of any information obtained pursuant to paragraph (a) of this clause, any detection of a prohibited drug, alcohol or stimulant or practice pursuant to Clause 2 (l) hereof, and of any diagnosis or treatment that has been made or prescribed for me;

c) in the event that in the opinion of the Physio of the Team I become physically or mentally incapable of making decisions related to my health or welfare, and it is impossible or impractical to put me under the care and control of a parent/guardian, or close relative who is over 21, I authorise Hockey NSW in his/her or their absolute discretion to obtain and engage the services of any recognised hospital, duly qualified medical practitioner, dentist or physiotherapist to examine and treat me, and to purchase any medical supplies or equipment deemed by such person or persons to be necessary for me, and to authorise treatment including the supply to me of an anaesthetic, blood transfusion or injection provided that in every case where I am unable to give my consent or otherwise to any proposed medical treatment then every effort is to be made to first contact and obtain the consent of my next of kin.

13. I agree that if required, at the sole discretion of either the Team Manager or the Team Physio, I shall undergo a test to provide a sample which may be analysed to determine whether or not I have taken or used prohibited drugs, alcohol or stimulants, I understand that if I refuse or decline to undergo the test or to provide the sample, of if the test or sample results in the detection of a prohibited drug, alcohol or stimulants, I shall be contravening Hockey NSW rules and therefore be ineligible to participate in the competition, be in breach of this Agreement and may be excluded from the Team.

14. Exclusion of Liability for Damage to Team Member’s Person or Property and Indemnity

I hereby agree that Hockey NSW shall not be nor be deemed responsible or liable whether in contract, or in tort or under statute, for any injury, illness or other mishap to me or my property sustained in, arising from or out of, or in any way directly or indirectly connected with any travelling, match, competition, practice, training or function of whatsoever nature held during the period of this Agreement or in any way directly or indirectly connected with the Team or with any medical or scientific examinations, tests or treatments


State Team Contractconducted on me during the period of this Agreement of for any disciplinary or other action ordered, taken against or directed at me by Hockey NSW or the Manager including any of the penalties set out in Clause 11 hereof or for any negligence of Hockey NSW and hereby indemnify and will at all times hereafter well and sufficiently indemnify and keep fully indemnified Hockey NSW from and against all actions, suits, causes of action, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses whatsoever which may be taken or made against the Association or incurred or become payable by the Association in connection with, or arising out of any such injury, illness or mishap to me or my property or any disciplinary or other action ordered, taken against or directed at me and hereby agree (without obligation upon the association to do so) that Hockey NSW may act as my agent in incurring such expenses as, and/or doing whatsoever is reasonably necessary for the benefit of me in connection with or arising out of any such injury, illness, loss, damage or other mishap.

15. I agree that if any litigation or liability shall arise from or out of, or in any way directly or indirectly connected with my membership of the Team, it shall be governed by the laws of New South Wales.

16. I agree that in the event of any breach of this Agreement or of discipline or misbehaviour on my part, I am liable to any one or more of the following penalties being imposed by the Team Manager in conjunction with the CEO of Hockey NSW:

a) To have my membership, of the Team, terminated forthwith; b) To be sent to Home/Sydney forthwith; c) To be excluded from the competition.


State Team ContractAttachment 2

Hockey NSW Player Mouthguard Policy

Exclusion of Liability for Damage to Team Member’s Person or Property and Indemnity as a result of non-wearing of mouthguard – Hockey NSW Representative Teams

I hereby accept there is an inherent and foreseeable risk of receiving a knock to the mouth or a ball striking my mouth in undertaking hockey activities. I acknowledge these risks are why Hockey NSW has a policy advocating the compulsory wearing of mouthguards. I accept and acknowledge my Association supports the policy of Hockey NSW.

I hereby agree that Hockey NSW and its employees, Tournament Officials including umpires, Technical Officials and other volunteers shall not be nor be deemed responsible or liable whether in contract, or in tort or under statute, for any injury, illness or other mishap to me or my property sustained in, arising from or out of, or in any way directly or indirectly connected with any match, competition, practice, training or function of whatsoever nature held during the period of this Agreement or in any way directly or indirectly connected with the Team or with any medical or scientific examinations, tests or treatments conducted on me during the period of this Agreement as a result of my non-compliance with the Hockey NSW safety rule relating to the compulsory wearing of mouthguards.

I hereby indemnify and will at all times hereafter well and sufficiently indemnify and keep fullyindemnified Hockey NSW and its employees, Tournament Officials including umpires, Technical Officials and other volunteers from and against all actions, suits, causes of action, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses whatsoever which may be taken or made against Hockey NSW and its employees, Tournament Officials including umpires, Technical Officials and other volunteers or incurred or become payable by Hockey NSW and its employees, Tournament Officials including umpires, Technical Officials and other volunteers in connection with, or arising out of any such injury, illness or mishap to me or my property arising from my non-compliance and/or refusal to wear a mouthguard.


State Team ContractAttachment 3

Player/Athlete Code of Behaviour as per the Hockey Australia Member Protection Policy

As a player of HA or as/with a Member you required to comply with this policy. You must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct and in any role you hold within HA or as/with a Member.

1. Behave in a sporting manner at all times to all players, officials and spectators.

2. Don’t make detrimental statements in respect of the performance of any match officials or umpires.

3. Play by the rules at all times and ensure that the game of hockey is not brought into disrepute by your actions.

4. Do not engage in inappropriate and/or physical contact with players or officials during the course of play.

5. Accept responsibility for all actions taken. Exercise reasonable care to prevent injury by ensuring that you play within the rules. Reasonable care consists of showing due diligence in abiding by the rules and adher-ing to the officials decisions.

6. Adhere to the HA Anti-Doping Policy.

7. Do not bet on the outcome or on any other aspect of a hockey match or competition.

8. Do not try to achieve a contrived outcome to a match or competition, or otherwise improperly influence the outcome or any other aspect of a match or a competition.

9. Do not show unnecessary obvious dissension, displeasure or disapproval (by action or verbal abuse) towards an umpire or match official as a consequence of his or her decision or generally.

10. Abstain from the use of tobacco and the consumption of alcoholic beverages while in the playing/repre-sentative uniform.

11. Adhere to the HA Member Protection Policy including the racial and sexual vilification policy.

12. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural back-ground or religion.

13. Don’t do anything which adversely affects or reflects on or discredits the game of hockey, HA, a Mem-ber, or any squad, team, competition, tournament, sponsor, official supplier or licensee, including, but not limited to, any illegal act or any act of dishonesty or fraud.

14. Refrain from using obscene, offensive or insulting language and/or making obscene gestures which may insult other players, officials or spectators.

The Tournament Director and/or HA Competitions & Events staff are responsible for ensuring that the Code of Behaviour is met at all times.


State Team ContractAttachment 4

Parent/Guardian Agreement (if applicable)

1. I agree to ensure that the Team member complies with the Player’s Contract and without limiting the generality thereof, with the undertakings set out in the Player’s Contract.

2. I approve of and endorse the authorities given by the Team Member in the Player’s Contract.

3. I acknowledge that the Team Member’s membership of the Team may be terminated in the event of any breach of the Player Contract, Code of Conduct or of discipline or misbehaviour on the part of the Team Member.

4. Indemnity

I hereby indemnify and will at all times hereafter well and sufficiently indemnify and keep fully indemnified Hockey NSW from and against all actions, suits, causes of action, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses whatsoever which may be taken or made against the Association in connection with, or arising out of any injury, illness or mishap to the Team Member or the Team Member’s property or any disciplinary or other action rendered, taken against or directed at the Team Member arising from or out of, or in any way directly or indirectly connected with travelling, match competition, practice, training or function of whatsoever nature held during the period of the Player’s Contract or in any way directly or indirectly connected with the Team or with any medical or scientific examinations, tests or treatments conducted on the Team Member during the period of the Player’s Contract.


Nutrition GuideThe guide below gives an indication for Hockey NSW’s expectations insofar as our athletes eating habits. While it need not be adhered to strigently, it contains valuable information and will help athletes off the field and on.





Pasta, rice, potatoes,cereals, breads, legumes

Poultry, beef/game/lamb, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy, soy (e.g. tofu, tempeh), legumes/nuts

Raw veggies,cooked veggies,veggie soups

Fresh fruit,stewed fruit,dried fruit

LOW GI VS. HIGH GIHigh GI foods are foods which break down in your system faster. A spike in GI due to these foods can cause your body to release insulin, meaning you can’t burn fat for that period of time. High GI foods can be used effectively when taken in small proportions anywhere from 15 - 30 minutes before a game or training (in small doses).


Bread (whole grain)Cereals (low in sugar)Crackers (Vita-Weats)Muesli BarsDairy

LolliesSoft drinkCakesHot chipsCreamy pasta sauces

RicePastaOats & MuesliFruit & Veg

ChocolatesSugary breakfast cerealsFruit juices


Nutrition Guide

Carbohydrate ExamplesBased on 50g of Carbs


FRUITFruit crumble 1 cupFruit packed in heavy syrup 280 g (1.3 cups)Fruit stewed/canned in light syrup 520 g (2 cups)Fresh fruit salad 500 g (2.5 cups)Bananas 2 medium-largeLarge fruit (mango, pear, grapefruit etc.) 2-3Medium fruit (orange, apple etc.) 3-4Small fruit (nectarine, apricot etc.) 12Grapes 350 g (2 cups)Melon 1,000 g (6 cups)Strawberries 1,800 g (12 cups)Sultanas and raisins 70 g (4 Tbsp.)Dried apricots 115 g (22 halves)

Potatoes 350 g (1 very large or 3 medium)Sweet potato 350 g (2.5 cups)Corn 300 g (1.2 cups creamed corn or 2 cobs)Green Beans 1,800 g (14 cups)Baked beans 440 g (1 large can)Lentils 400 g (2 cups)Soy beans and kidney beans 400 g (2 cups)Tomato puree 1 litre (4 cups)Pumpkin and peas 700 g (5 cups)

DAIRYMilk 1 litreFlavoured milk 560 mlCustard 300 g (1.3 cup or half 600 g carton)‘Diet’ yoghurt, natural yoghurt 800 g (4 tubs)Flavoured non-fat yoghurt 350 g (2 tubs)Ice cream 250 g (10 Tbsp.)Fromage frais 400 g (2 tubs)Rice pudding/creamed rice 300 g (1.5 cups)

SUGAR & CONFECTIONARYSugar 50 gJam 3 Tbsp.Syrups 4 Tbsp.Honey 3 Tbsp.Chocolate 80 gMars Bar and other 50-60 g bars 1.5 barsJubes, jelly babies 60 g

CARBOHYDRATE EXAMPLESWheat biscuit cereal (e.g. Weet Bix) 60g (5 biscuits)‘Light’ breakfast cereal (e.g. Cornflakes) 60 g (2 cups)‘Muesli’ flake breakfast cereal 65 g (1-1.5 cups)Toasted muesli 90 g (1 cup)Porridge - made with milk 350 g (1.3 cups)Porridge - made with water 550 g (2.5 cups)Rolled oats 90 g (1 cup)Bread 100 g (4 slices white or 3 thick wholegrain)Bread rolls 110 g (1 large or 2 medium)Pita and Lebanese bread 100 g (2 pita)Chapatti 150 g (2.5)English muffin 120 g (2 full muffins)Crumpet 2.5Muesli bar 2.5Rice cakes 6 thick or 10 thinCrispbreads and dry biscuits 6 large or 15 smallPancakes 150 g (2 medium)Rice, boiled 180g (1 cup)Pasta or noodles, boiled 200 g (1.3 cups)Canned spaghetti 440 g (large can)

PROTEIN FOODSAs a general rule, you need 1 gram of protein per kilo of body weight per day e.g. 70 kg male/female requires 70 grams of protein per day. As a rule of thumb, one piece of lean meat the size of the individuals palm is the daily average of proteinLean meat, chicken, fish are good examples of protein. These are a MUST have in all meals for a Championship. Different varieties of proteins is vital.Protein is a good recovery AID post game/training. A simple Up&Go and a piece of fruit post game or training to replenish the body followed up by a main meal with lean meat.

PROTEIN FOODS2 slices of reduced fat cheese on crackers (Vita-Weat)Fruit smoothieLow fat yoghurt 250mL Up&GoFlavored milk/milkshakeMultigrain sandwich/wrap/roll + lean meat + saladTuna


Nutrition Guide

FatsFat provides the main fuel source for long duration, low to moderate intensity exercise. Even during high intensity exercise, where carbohydrate is the main fuel source, fat is needed to help access the stored carbohydrate (glycogen).

What to eat: Good fats come in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

HydrationHydration is one of the biggest factors in the prepa-ration and recovery for National Championships.

If you’re already thirsty, you’re well on the way to being dehydrated so make sure consistent sips of fluid throughout the day are taken, not just when you feel thirsty

Some consequences of poor hydration include:

Increased risk of cramps Dizziness Poor coordination and decision making Increased lactic acid build up

These can be found in foods such as most vegetable oils and seed oils (sunflower & corn), nuts (almonds, peanuts, walnuts in small doses), oily fish and fish oils, avocado, olives and egg yolk.

What to avoid: Bad fats come in the form of trans fats and saturated fats. These fats cause our bodies to produce more bad cholesterol, reducing good cholesterol. Bad fats include pizzas, cakes, chips, burgers and donuts (any takeaway).

Hydration Guidelines3-4 Hours prior to training/match: 400-600mL of fluid

20 minutes prior to training/match: 200-300mL of fluid

Athlete should drink 150% of what was lost in training/playing in order to stay hydrated (weigh in prior to training/match and weigh out at the completion).

Fuelling before games& trainingCarbohydrate are a critical source of fuel leading into a game or training.

0-4 hours before playing (if having a meal), the general rule is to attempt to have around 50g of carbohydrates.

Good choices for this include:

Breakfast cereals, toast, crumpets, raisin toast, crackers, rice, pasta, starchy vegetables, fruit (straw-berries, passionfruit, rockmelon)

45-60 minutes before, another Carb top up can be had. This might include muesli bars, Powerade etc.

Example plannerGame Day

Pre-Fueling (Morning)1 X 350mL Up&Go Energize/Sustagen Sport

Breakfast/Post Training2 Cups cereal using low fat milk + fruit + toast with Vegemite

Mid-Morning1 piece of fruit + 200g tub low fat yogurt + crackers (Vita-Weat with low fat cheese)

Lunch1-2 Lean meat + salad sandwiches (aim for 2 sandwiches if training or activity in afternoon)

Afternoon Snack1-2 crumpets with jam/honey/Vegemite + small banana smoothie with low fat milk.

Dinner 200g-250g piece of lean meat + 1/3 pasta/rice/noodles/starchy vegetables + salad or vegetables.

Supper/Desert1 small bowl of fruit salad with low fat custard.


Hockey NSW would like to acknowledge its partners

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