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In Australia there are over 517,000 Indigenous people making up 2.5% of the total Australian


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Some live on the beautiful Torres Strait Islands, others live in remote communities,

country towns or urban cities.

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Together we share a common humanity.

We are all created equally

but our opportunities in life and our

levels of disadvantage vary greatly.

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For many Torres Strait Islander and

Aboriginal peoples the odds are stacked

against them.

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One of us is expected to live 11 years longer than the other

One of us is 3 times more likely to have diabetes

One of us is 9 times more likely to be diagnosed with kidney disease


One of us is Indigenous and one is not

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A huge gap exists between the life expectancy and health of those who are Indigenous and those who are not.

What is the gap?




us M




us W
















Life Expectancy Gap

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Life expectancy rate for Indigenous Australians are alarmingly similar to those in a number of

developing countries

Average Life Country


Nepal 66 Thailand 69 Indigenous Australia 70 Philippines 72 Peru 73 Vietnam 74

Cambodia Bangladesh Indigenous Aust.

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But such a gap has no place in our society

It cannot be tolerated

We cannot look away

We have to care

We have to ask why

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The reasons are complex.Social, economic and physical factors all play a role.

Dispossession Dislocation Discrimination

Poor and overcrowded housing Poor diet and nutrition

Unemployment Limited access to health care services(3 times the rate for non-Indigenous people )

Low income (Indigenous Australians earn just 62% of the income of non-Indigenous people).

Why is there a gap?

These all lead to the Gap

Lack of education (In 2006, 21 % of 15 year old Indigenous people were not participating in school education)

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Services and resources


Education and training

Recognition and respect

Working in partnership

How can we Close the Gap?

We have the resources and knowledge to close the gap

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In the remote Kimberley region of

Western Australia, Caritas Australia

is working with the DMCP on the

prevention, management, treatment

and care of diabetes, promoting a

change in lifestyle behaviours and

health to reduce the impact of

diabetes .

How is Caritas Australia closing the gap?

Diabetes Management and Care Program (DMCP)

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The UFPA supports the education program within the school.

As a result the students are well informed about he cause and effects

of diabetes. Well informed, healthy students are making good choices

about health.

Mr. Crawford takes the Children of the Looma Community through some basketball coaching – promoting more exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle.







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Together we are making a difference.

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The local people are taking control of their own health. Diabetes in these communities is decreasing!


Parental Involvement

School fitness and health programs

Provision of healthy breakfasts

Cooking classes using local and traditional foods

Diabetes education

Training of community leaders to run the program

Nutrition education

Shops are clearly identifying healthy food with coloured stickers

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Jalaris Kids Future Club

Dealing with complex issues among

Indigenous children in the Derby area.

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As part of this program Derby Aboriginal children are provided with positive experiences of education, health and nutrition. The program runs educationally based cultural and health activities 3 days per week.

Children in Derby prepare a healthy lunch

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Together, we are moving forward

Caritas Australia and other organisations are working hard to close the gap but we need help.

In 2008, Prime Minister Mr. Kevin Rudd promised to close the 17-year life expectancy gap between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians by 2030.

He has promised that Indigenous people will get health services equal to those of the rest of the population within 10 years.

Now we need to ensure that the government keeps its promise.

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March 2008

They have agreed to develop a long term plan of action

A great step forward!

At the Indigenous Health Equality Summit the Australian government and Opposition together with the Australian and Torres Strait Islander peoples signed a Statement of Intent to

work together to Close the gap

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What is the Close the Gap Campaign?

The Close the Gap campaign is calling on Australian governments to take action to achieve health equality for Indigenous Australians within 25 years by:

•Increasing annual Indigenous health funding to enable equal access to health services

•Increasing Indigenous control and participation in the delivery of health services

•Addressing critical social issues such as housing, education and self-determination which contribute to the Indigenous health crisis

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What can you do to Close the Gap?

•Join the Facebook Close the Gap group and post relevant news on the Wall

• Add your name on a hand in the Sea of Hands and add your voice to the growing number of Australians calling for justice for Indigenous peoples -

•Sign GetUp’s petition

•Support Caritas Australia to extend their Indigenous health programs

How will you help to close the gap?

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“I know you think you should make a tripto Calcutta, but I strongly advise you to

save your airfare and spend it on thepoor in your own country.

Its easy to love people far away. Its notalways easy to love those who live right

next to us.” Mother Teresa

Our challenge for the future is to act

right now


at home

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Thank you

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Reflection/ AssessmentWhat do you believe is the most difficult or challenging obstacle to be

overcome? Why?

Explain why you do/don’t believe the gap will be closed within 25years?

Why will it take so long?

Explain what you think will be the most obvious sign of the gap closing?

What improvements will be difficult to see?

Why/ How does the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous life expectancy affect you?

What happens when we don’t keep our promises?

What will be the consequence of not closing the gap?

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Catholic Social Teaching and Close the Gap Campaign

• Solidarity• Participation• Common Good• Human Dignity• Subsidiarity• Stewardship of the Earth

• Preferential option for the poor

How are the following principles demonstrated in the campaign or in Caritas Australia’s Indigenous programs ?

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