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Universitas Siliwangi

Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian



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Compiled by:

Agis Andriani, S.Pd., M.Hum.

Arini Nurul Hidayati, M.Pd.

Dr. Soni T. Tandiana

Neni Marlina, M.Pd.

Fuad Abdulah, M.Pd.

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Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh,

All praise due to Allah swt., the most gracious the most merciful.

Alhamdulillahirabbil’aalamiin, this reference book for research proposal

and thesis writing has finally accomplished.

This book is arranged to help the students in English Education Department

write their research proposal and thesis systematically. There are two major

research paradigms that become the references in this book for completing

the study; namely, quantitative and qualitative research.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of the members in

Undergraduate Research Committee (DBS) in English Education

Department who have put their efforts in accomplishing this reference


Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh

Tasikmalaya, 3 September 2020

Head of Undergraduate Research


Agis Andriani, S.Pd., M. Hum.

NIDN. 0411088302

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PREFACE ............................................................................................ ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................... iii



1.1. The Skeleton of Quantitative Research Proposal……..………. 1

1.2. The Skeleton of Quantitative Thesis ………….………………. 2

1.3. Description of each component in the skeletons…..…………... 4



2.1. The Skeleton of Qualitative Research Proposal ..................... . 16

2.2. The Skeleton Qualitative Thesis ……………………………. 17

2.3. Description of each component in the skeletons…………….. 19



3.1. General Mechanism ................................................................ 36

3.2. Specific Mechanism ................................................................ 39

3.3. Writing Citation and the Sources ............................................ 41


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1.1. The Skeleton of Quantitative Research Proposal

1) Part I










2) Part II


1. Background of the Study

2. Formulation of the Problem(s)

3. Operational Definitions

4. Aim(s) of the Research

5. Significance(s) of the Study

6. Literature Review

6.1 Theoretical Framework

6.2 Study of the Relevant Research

6.3 Conceptual Framework (optional)

7. Research Hypothesis and Research Questions

8. Research Procedures

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8.1 Research Method

8.2 Variables of the Research

8.3 Research Design

8.4 Population and Sample

8.5 Data Collection Technique

8.6 Research Instrument

8.7 Data Analysis Technique

8.8 Steps of the Research

8.9 Time and Place of the Research

3) Part III



1.2. The Skeleton of Quantitative Thesis

1) Part I












2) Part 2


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1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Formulation of the Problem(s)

1.3 Operational Definitions

1.4 Aim(s) of the Research

1.5 Significances of the Study


2.1. Theoretical Framework

2.2. Study of the Relevant Research

2.3. Conceptual Framework (optional)

2.4. Research Hypothesis and Research Questions


3.1. Method of the Research

3.2. Variables of the Research

3.3. Research Design

3.4. Population and Sample

3.5. Data Collection Technique

3.6. Research Instrument

3.7. Data Analysis Technique

3.8. Steps of the Research

3.9. Time and Place of the Research


4.1. Research Result

4.2. Discussion


5.1. Conclusion

5.2. Suggestions

3) Part 3


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7.7 Description of each component in the quantative research skeleton

1) Part 1


Cover and title page consist of the title of the research proposal/

thesis, the word ‘A RESEARCH PROPOSAL/ A THESIS’ and ‘Submitted

to English Education Department Faculty of Educational Sciences and

Teachers’ Training as a Partial Fulfillment to Thesis Writing’, the logo of

Universitas Siliwangi, name of the student, student’s number, name of the

institution, and the year of research proposal/ thesis writing. The title page

is a separated page after the cover (example attached).


Approval sheet consists of the word ‘APPROVAL SHEET’ followed

by the research title, name of the student, student’s number, date of the

proposal seminar/ thesis examination, signature spaces for the approval

from Supervisor 1 and Supervisor 2. Specifically, for thesis, the signatures

of Head of English Education Department and Dean of Faculty of

Educational Sciences and Teachers’ Training are added (example attached).


This part consists of the research title and the statement of the student

recognizing the originality of the research; free from plagiarism and

irrelevant mechanical issues. The student needs to put Rp. 6.000, 00 stamp

in the right bottom corner along with the date of the research, name of the

student and student’s number. The signature of the student must touch the

stamp. This page is written in Bahasa Indonesia (example attached).


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This optional page consists of the student’s personal motto

considering the ethical issues in the academic field and written in one page.


Abstrak is a brief description about the content of the thesis comprise

background of the study, aim of the study, method of the research, research

result and conclusion written in a maximum 250 words. It is written in

Bahasa Indonesia. There should be three – five keywords placed in the end

of the paragraph (arranged alphabetically).


Abstract is the English version of the ‘Abstrak’.


Preface consists of a brief description about the aims of writing the

research proposal/ thesis, and the main contents of the research proposal/

thesis based on the components of research proposal/ thesis. At the end of

paragraph, there is an open statement indicating an acceptance towards any

constructive criticisms and suggestions due to the limitation of the research

proposal/ thesis. In the right corner below the paragraphs, mention the name

of the city where the institution is located (Tasikmalaya), month and year of

the thesis writing. Then, write your name and your student’s number right

below this information.


This is a gratitude page which aims at expressing appreciations all

people who have given contribution during your study in Universitas


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Table of contents consists of a comprehensive information about the

contents of the proposal, ranging from the approval sheet until enclosures.


List of tables consists of the sequence of the tables that are available

in the research proposal/ thesis’ scripts.


List of figures consists of the sequence of pictures that are available in

the research proposal/ thesis. Each picture’s sequence number in the list of

pictures must be given the page number which shows the position of the

picture in the thesis. Pictures in this context include pictures, photos, maps,

charts, histograms, illustations, etc.


List of enclosures consists of the sequence of enclosures that are

available in the thesis. This page includes the enclosure sequence number,

the title of the enclosure, and the page showing the position of the

enclosures. Thesis enclosures involve teaching instruments, research

instruments, research data, data analysis result, pictures, photos,

supervisor’s decree, research permit, CV, etc.


Introduction consists of background of the study, formulation of the

problem, operational definitions, aims of the research and significances of

the study.

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1.1. Background of the Study

Background of the study is arranged based on deductive thinking

patterns (from general to specific) related to research problems. The author

suggests problematic phenomena/ facts in general leading to specific

problems by identifying problems/ raising problems at the research site or

in other supportive places. The author also needs to present preliminary

studies/ other people’s research results/ journals that support the problem.

In addition, this section also has to state reasons or arguments for the

importance of research and state the reasons for the treatment chosen. The

problems identified may be many and varied. Therefore, to make the

research focus on solving problems that are considered relatively important

by the author, it is necessary to define the limitation of the problem in this


1.2. Formulation of the Problem(s)

Formulation of the problem contains a brief statement of the problem

under study in the form of an interrogative sentence. It must be articulated

in the form of operational (measurable) questions.

1.3. Operational Definitions

Operational definitions consist of contextual explanations of the

research variables to be studied. An operational definition is not an

explanation of every word in the title. In the operational definition, the

characteristics of research variables that can be measured should be

explained and their formulation must be based on the understanding or

explanation of scientific references that refer to the theoretical study section

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(the statement or formulation of the expert’s opinion quoted is not


1.4. Aim(s) of the research

Aims of the research contain the results to be achieved after the

research is accomplished in accordance with the formulation of the problem

posed (the number of aims of the research is in accordance with the number

of formulations of the problems). Aims of the research are formulated /

stated in a statement.

1.5. Significances of the Study

Significances of the study include theoretical and practical uses from

the results of the research conducted. Theoretical uses, meaning that

research results should have benefits for the development of science

(support, develop, or invalidate existing theories). Practical uses, meaning

that the results of research have benefits that can be applied by individuals,

groups, or community institutions in need.


This section contains theoretical studies, generalizations, concepts,

expert opinions relevant to the research variables that will be used as a basis

for research or problem solving. Each variable concept is described in a

separate section, therefore, the research carried out is known about its

position in the middle of the development of science in the field under study

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and in the end the writer determines his position along with the reasons for

it. To anticipate the occurrence of the writing of the same thesis, this section

also needs to put forward other relevant research. Based on literature

review, this section also formulates a conceptual framework and hypotheses

or research questions (if any) which are written in a separate section.

Literature review can be quoted from books, journals, seminar/ training/

workshop papers, articles from the internet, magazines, newspapers, etc.

Articles from the internet must be selective with regard to the credibility of

the website domain and the author.

2.1. Theoretical Framework

Theoretical framework contains theories and concepts related to the

topic to be studied as a basis for stepping into the next stage of research.

The theories and concepts studied are used to clarify and sharpen the scope

and constructs of the variables to be studied, as a basis for the formulation

of hypotheses and the preparation of research instruments. Theoretical

framework is also used as a basis for discussing research results to provide

suggestions in an effort to solve research problems.

2.2. Study of the Relevant Research

This section contains previous studies that have been carried out and

are considered relevant/ related to the topic to be studied. This is necessary

to avoid repetition of research on the same subject matter. Relevant

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research in this study is also meaningful as a current reference related to the

research to be discussed.

2.3. Conceptual Framework (optional)

The conceptual framework is a logical argument to arrive at finding

temporary answers to the formulated problem. The conceptual framework is

useful for integrating separate theories and research results into one

complete series using deductive logic that leads to finding temporary

answers called hypotheses. The conceptual framework is presented in the

form of a description (narrative) accompanied by a chart or flow chart.

2.4. Research Hypothesis

Hypotheses are temporary answers to formulations of the problem or

temporary conclusions that require testing that must be proven.

2.5. Research questions (if any)

Research questions are statements related to research problems and

must be answered descriptively.


This section contains an explanation of the research method, research

variables, research design, population and samples, data collection techniques,

research instruments, data analysis techniques, research steps, and time and

place of research.

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3.1. Research method

This section describes the methods used in research according to the

characteristics of the study. The choice of research method must be

accompanied by clear reasons.

3.2. Research Variable

This section describes the research variables, their position, and the

relationship between the variables. The research variable in question is the

point of attention of a study which consists of the independent variable and/

or the dependent variable.

3.3. Research Design (for experimental research)

The research design is made if the research carried out is experimental

research. In the research design, it is explained that the experimental plan

carried out in the study is in accordance with the characteristics of the study

(you may use charts).

3.4. Population and Sample

Data of the research is taken from the object of research called the

population. The object under study can be in the form of living things

(humans, animals, and plants), non-living objects, events, and so on. If it is

not possible to conduct research on all members of the population, the

researcher must determine a study sample that is truly representative of the

population. The sampling technique must be adapted to the characteristics

of the population. This section should explain the population and the

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reasons for choosing this population. For samples, it is necessary to explain

the sampling technique with the reasons.

3.5. Technique of Collecting the Data

As a follow-up to selecting methods, this section must use data

analysis techniques in the form of tests and/ or non-tests which are used in

accordance with the research context and the reasons for choosing the


3.6. Research Instrument

Collecting data in the field requires research instruments. Therefore,

in this section it is necessary to explain the research instrument, the reasons

for choosing the instrument, and the instrument testing and the results. It is

also necessary to explain the series of instrument preparation and

instrument testing (starting from the blueprint, arranging instruments,

testing, to test results). The research instrument is related to data collection


3.7. Technique of Analysing the Data

All the data obtained were analyzed using techniques in accordance

with the characteristics of the data. This section describes the guidelines/

assessment rubric, the formulas used (processing and analyzing data), the

reasons for choosing data analysis techniques, and the criteria. Ways of data

analysis include methods of hypothesis testing approaches, both with

descriptive and inferential statistics. (To help the calculation process is

allowed to use the software).

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3.8. Steps of the Research

This section briefly describes the research steps, starting from the

preparation of a research proposal to a research report (thesis). The research

steps can be presented in the form of a chart, flow chart, table, diagram, or


3.9. Time and Place of the Research

The time and place of the research include the place where the

research was carried out, both in the laboratory and in the field (explained

as administrative areas). If necessary, give a brief description of the

research location and the map. The research time in question is the time

span for the implementation of the research as outlined in the form of a



4.1. Research Result

This section contains a description of the research data obtained, testing

hypotheses and answering research questions (if any). Data is described

according to the research variables

4.1.1. Description of the Data

This section describes the implementation of the research and

descriptions of the research data. (can be presented in the form of tables,

pictures, diagrams, etc.).

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4.1.2. Hypothesis Testing

In quantitative research, there is hypothesis testing that begins with

testing the requirements of the analysis containing the results of

calculations related to the requirements needed in hypothesis testing.

Testing this requirement is only needed in quantitative research with

parametric/ nonparametric statistical analysis. After all the requirements of

the analysis are met/ not, it is continued with hypothesis testing according

to the rules.

4.2. Discussion

Discussion of research results does not repeat the data or calculation

process from the previous section, but discusses research results that are

linked to theoretical studies or the results of comparisons of appropriate

previous research findings. The connection with theoretical studies does not

mean that you have to write more direct or indirect quotations, it is enough

to write down the name of the theory and its originator.


This section contains conclusions about the research results, the

suggestions put forward, and the implications of the research results.

5.1. Conclusion

The conclusion is a synthesis of all relevant research findings with the

formulation of the problem, research objectives, and hypotheses or research


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5.2. Suggestions

Suggestions are put forward for practical purposes aimed at policy

makers, users, and for future researchers who are interested in undertaking

further research. In this section also, the implications of the research are

discussed. Research implication is a direct impact or consequence of

research findings that contribute to the advancement of science.

REFERENCES References contain all written sources (books, journal articles,

papers, official documents, or other sources from the internet) which are

used as references in thesis writing. Sources that have never been cited or

have never been used as references do not need to be included in this part.

Rederences are compiled according to APA 6th edition.


Enclosures contain all the documents used in research and thesis

writing. Each enclosure is numbered in the page sequence according to the

order in which it is used.


CV is a brief description of your personal information relevant to scientific

activity. The description includes the full name, place and date of birth,

educational history, work history (if the author has worked), achievements

that have been achieved, and scientific work that has been produced or


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2.1. The Skeleton of Qualitative Research Proposal

2.1.1. Part 1









2.1.2. Part 2


1. Background of the Study

2. Formulation of the Problem(s)

3. Operational Definitions

4. Aim(s) of the Research

5. Significances of the Study

6. Literature Review

6.1 Theoretical Framework

6.2 Study of the Relevant Reseacrh

6.3 Conceptual Framework

7. Research Procedures

7.1 Method of the Research

7.2 Focus of the Research

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7.3 Setting and Participants

7.4 Technique of Collecting the Data

7.5 Technique of Analysing the Data

7.6 Steps of the Research

7.8 Time and Place of the Research

2.1.3. Part 3



2.2. The Skeleton of Qualitative Research Thesis

2.2.1. Part 1












2.2.2. Part 2


1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Formulation of the Problems

1.3 Operational Definitions

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1.4 Aims of the Research

1.5 Significances of the Study


2.1 Theoretical Framework

2.2 Study of the Relevant Research

2.3 Conceptual Framework


3.1 Method of the Research

3.2 Focus of the Research

3.3 Setting and Participants

3.4 Technique of Collecting the Data

3.5 Technique of Analysing the Data

3.6 Steps of the Research

3.7 Time and Place of the Reserach


4.1 Research Result

4.2 Discussion


5.1 Conclusion

5.2 Suggestions

2.2.3. Part 3




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2.3. Description of each component in the skeletons


The cover and title page contain the title of the research proposal/

thesis, the words “PROPOSAL RESEARCH”/ “THESIS”, the Siliwangi

University logo, the name of the student, the student's number, the name of

the institution, and the year of the proposal seminar/ thesis examination; the

title page is a separate sheet after the cover (terms and examples of the

cover and title page are discussed in a separate chapter).


The approval sheet contains the words “APPROVAL SHEET”, title,

student’s name, student’s number, date of the seminar proposal/ thesis

examination, approval column for supervisors I and II, especially for the

thesis approval sheet, it contains a column of endorsement for the head of

the Department and the Dean of the Teaching and Education Faculty

(examples of approval sheets can be seen in the attachment).


Lembar pernyataan is the statement indicating the authenticity of

scientific papers containing the title of the thesis along with the student's

statement regarding the authenticity of the scientific work written free of

plagiarism and/ or quotations that are not in accordance with predetermined

rules. In the lower right corner of this statement sheet is written titimangsa,

completed with the name and student’s number who made the statement

and signed a stamp of Rp. 6,000 (six thousand rupiah).

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Personal pages contain personal offerings and mottos. The content

contained on personal pages must pay attention to academic ethics, do not

contain SARA elements, and be contained in one page (this page may or

may not exist).


Abstrak is a brief description of the background, objectives,

methodology, research results, and conclusions. The maximum number of

words written is 250 words. Abstract written in Indonesian. Abstract

accompanied by keywords or keywords as many as 3-5 keywords

(alphabetically) which are placed at the bottom of the paragraph. Abstract is

written in one paragraph with one space.


Abstract is the English version of the ‘Abstrak’.


The preface contains a brief description of the purpose of preparing a

research proposal/ thesis, and the main contents of the research proposal/

thesis based on the components in the research proposal/ thesis. At the end

of the preface, there must be a statement of openness to receiving criticism

and suggestions for limitations in the preparation of a research proposal/

thesis. In the lower right corner of the foreword paragraph, the name of the

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city where the institution is written, the month and year of preparation of

the research/ thesis proposal, then underneath it is written "compiled by",

the name of the student and the Student’s Number.


Acknowledgments are written separately with a cover sheet

containing gratitude to the parties who contributed and contributed during

the study until the completion of the thesis.


Table of contents contains comprehensive information regarding the

contents of the research proposal/ thesis, starting from the approval sheet to

enclosures. Particularly for the content of the thesis, it only includes

chapters, sections, and sub-sections.


List of tables contains the order of the tables contained in the research

proposal/ thesis text. Table numbers are made sequentially in relation to the

order of the chapters in the main section. After the table number, the table

title is written. The table list is also equipped with a page where the table is


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List of pictures contains the sequence of images contained in the

research proposal/ thesis. Each picture serial number in the list of figures is

given a page number which indicates the location of the image on the

thesis. Pictures in this case consist of images, namely photos, maps, charts,

graphs, histograms, charts, illustrations, and so on.


List of enclosures contains the order of attachments contained in the

thesis. The enclosures list contains the attachment serial number, the

attachment title, and a page indicating where the attachment is. Thesis

attachments include learning tools, research instruments, research data, data

analysis results, pictures, photos, supervisor's decree, research permit,

curriculum vitae, and others that need to be attached.


The introduction contains background to the problem, research questions,

operational definitions, objectives and research uses. The section below

provides an introductory chapter structure adapted from Evans, Gruba and

Zobel (2014) as well as Paltridge and Starfield (2007).

1.1. Backgorund of the Study

This section describes the context of the research undertaken. The

author must be able to provide a background on the topic or issue to be

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raised in an interesting research in accordance with the current situation and

conditions. In this section the writer must be able to position the topic to be

studied in a broader research context and be able to state gaps that need to

be filled by deepening the topics to be studied. This section should also

briefly display the results of literature searches related to theories and

findings from previous researchers regarding topics to be further


1.2. Formulation of the Problem(s)

This section contains specific identification of the problem to be

studied. The formulation of research problems is usually written in the form

of research questions. The number of research questions made is adjusted to

the nature and complexity of the research being carried out, but still takes

into account the sequence and logical position of the questions. In the

research questions made, generally, the authors identify the topics that are

the focus of the research.

1.3. Operational Definitions

The operational definition contains an explanation of the issues or

research focus to be researched (proposal) or being researched (thesis). The

definition of terms should explain the concepts in the research title.

1.4. Aim(s) of the Research

The real research objective will be reflected in the formulation of the

problems previously presented. However, it is hoped that the authors can

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clearly identify the general and specific objectives of the research being

carried out so that it can be seen clearly the scope to be studied. Not

infrequently, the core purpose of research lies not in the first research

question but in the last research question, e.g.:

1. What is the level of students’anxiety in a public speaking class?

2. How do the teacher overcome the students’ challenges in relation to their

speaking anxiety?

This is possible because the initial questions are the initial steps that lead

the research towards achieving its real goals.

1.5. Significances of the Study

This section contains descriptions of the benefits of theoretical,

practical and empirical research findings. The research findings are a

synthesis of the answers to the research questions that have been discussed.

The theoretical benefits relate to the development of science and related

theories. Practical benefits relate to applying research findings to life as

innovative measures to improve conditions (for example, classroom

teaching practices). The empirical benefits encourage the development of

research findings that are more holistic, complementary and dynamic. The

description of research findings is written specifically in accordance with

the research findings. The following are examples of the usefulness of

theoretical, practical and empirical research:

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25 Theoretical


: This research will expand the

contribution of virtual synchronous and

asynchronous to teach English to young

learners. Practical Uses : This study will provide readers with an

instructional model that combines

virtual synchronous and asynchronous

teaching techniques to facilitate pre-

service teachers in teaching English to

first graders of junior high school. Empirical


: This study will provide empirical

insights into how pre-service teachers

experience online teaching practicum.


2.1 Theoretical Framework

Through literature review, it is shown the state of the art of the theory

being studied and the position of research problems in the field of study

being studied. In principle, this literature review / theoretical foundation

contains the following:

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2.1.1. the main concepts, theories, postulates, laws, models and formulas and their

derivatives in the studied field;

7.9 previous research relevant to the field under study, including its

procedures, subjects, and findings;

7.10 the theoretical position of the researcher with respect to the

problem under study.

In this section, the researcher compares, contrasts, and positions the

position of each study being studied through its association with the problem

being studied. Based on this study, the researcher explains his position / stance

along with logical reasons. This section is intended to present the "why and how"

theories and research results of previous experts are applied by researchers in their

research, for example in formulating their research assumptions.

There are some fundamental differences that need to be underlined

regarding how theory is studied in the thesis. Paltridge and Starfield (2007) argue

that several features that distinguish the level and nature of literature review for

thesis writing are more descriptive, focus on topics, and prioritize current

reference sources.

The literature review is made complete enough so that all parts of the

research are supported by theoretical concepts. Theory concepts can be taken from

textbooks, journals, and others. However, primary libraries such as journals are


2.2 Study of the Relevant Research

This section has actually been presented in the description in the Introduction

in the form of articles related to building research gaps, as well as has been stated

in the description of the theoretical study so that it is possible not to write it in a

separate section.

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2.3 Conceptual Framework (optional)

The conceptual framework is a relationship between one concept and

another from the problem under study or a summary of the literature review of the

problem under study. This section provides instructions for researchers in

formulating research problems. The researcher uses a conceptual framework that

has been compiled to determine which research questions the researcher should

answer and what empirical procedures are used to answer these questions.


This section is a procedural part, which is the part that directs the

researcher to design the flow of his research from the applied research approach,

the instruments used, the data collection stages carried out, to the data analysis

steps that are carried out.

In general, the pattern of exposure used in explaining the part of the

research method of a thesis will be presented with two trends, namely quantitative

and qualitative research. The following shows the trend of the flow of research

method exposure for a thesis that uses a qualitative approach, the trend of the flow

of research method exposure, especially for a thesis as adapted from Creswell

(2011), which is relatively more flexible, simple and contains the following


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3.1 Method of the Research

This section describes the types of research methods or designs used by

mentioning, if possible, special labels that fall into the qualitative research design

category, for example case studies, ethnography, classroom research, content

analysis and so on.

3.2 Focus of the study

The scope of research is essential in thesis writing, especially those

oriented to qualitative research. Thesis can be related to research in the same

theme but with a different breadth and depth.

Checking the scope of research can be done through benchmarking with

theses in the appropriate fields from other reputable universities or with articles

published in reputable international journals.

3.3 Setting and Participants

This section is mainly raised for types of research that involve human

subjects as the source of data collection. The considerations for recruiting

participants and the research sites involved need to be clearly explained.

3.4 Technique of Collecting the Data

This section describes in detail the types of data required, what instruments

are used, and the technical stages of data collection. It is very possible that data

collection is carried out using more than one instrument in the framework of

triangulation to improve data quality which includes credibility, dependability,

transferability and confirmability. With regard to research ethics (ethical issues),

especially for research that involves humans as the research subject, consideration

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of the potential negative impacts physically and psychologically needs special

attention. Researchers must be able to explain well that the research carried out

does not cause negative impacts both physically and non-physically and explain

the procedures for handling these issues.

3.5 Technique of Analysing the Data

In this section the authors are expected to explain in detail and clearly the

steps taken after the data has been collected. If there is a special analytical

framework based on a certain theoretical basis, the writer must be able to

explain how the framework is applied in analyzing the data obtained in

order to produce findings to answer the research questions posed. In

general, in the flow of qualitative data analysis, researchers talk a lot about

the steps of identification, categorization, codification, reduction, pattern

mapping, and synthesis of the results of implementing the series of stages.

3.6 Steps of the Research

This section briefly describes the research steps, starting from the

preparation of a research proposal to a research report (thesis). The research

steps can be presented in the form of a list, diagram, or table in the

following order:

7.11 Explore problems and develop a detailed understanding of a


7.12 Conducting a literature review.

7.13 State the objectives and research questions in general and broadly

based on the experience of research participants.

7.14 Collect data based on information from a number of individuals

so that the views of research participants are obtained.

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7.15 Analyze the data to determine the description and theme of the

data by using text analysis and interpreting the larger meaning of the


7.16 Write reports using flexible, structured and evaluative criteria,

and include elements of reflexivity, subjectivity and bias from the


3.7 Time and Place of the Research

The research time and place shall contain the place where the research

was carried out, either in the laboratory or in the field (explained as

administrative areas). If necessary, give a brief description of the research

location and the map. The research time in question is the time span for the

implementation of the research as outlined in the form of a table.


4.1 Research Result

This section contains research findings (results) whether presented in the

form of a written body, tables or figures. Excessive use of graphics should

be avoided if they can be presented in a short written form. The use of

photographs can also be limited by presenting real photographs that

represent the research findings.

4.2 Discussion

This section contains the interpretation of the research findings

obtained and the discussion related to the findings that have been reported.

Repetition of the presentation of research methods and results as well as

matters that have been disclosed in the introduction should be avoided. This

chapter also presents two main points, namely (1) research findings based

on the results of data processing and analysis with various possible forms in

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accordance with the order in which the research problems were formulated,

and (2) discussion of research findings to answer previously formulated

research questions.

In presenting the research findings and their discussion, Sternberg

(1988, p. 54) states that there are two general patterns that can be followed,

namely non-thematic and thematic patterns. The non-thematic way is a way

of presenting findings and a separate discussion, while the thematic way is a

way of presenting findings and a combined discussion. In this case, he

suggested a thematic pattern, where each finding is then discussed directly

before moving on to the next finding.

Given these two acceptable patterns, whatever pattern is used as a

reference, make sure that in describing each finding and discussion, the

writer/ researcher remembers the problem formulation that was raised at the

beginning of the study. This is to ensure that the findings and discussions

presented actually answer the research questions being asked.

In presenting the findings and discussing qualitative research, the

researcher presents the results of data analysis and evaluates whether the

main findings resulting from the data analysis answer the research questions

posed (Burton, 2002, p. 71). The findings and discussion section should

begin with a brief summary of the research findings, restating the purpose

of the study.

Qualitative research usually uses descriptive methods to describe

behavior rather than using data that can be analyzed statistically (Burton,

2002, p. 71). In understanding qualitative data, as stated by Lincoln and

Guba (cited by Rudestam & Newton, 1992), the researcher must carry out

an inductive analysis, and in this analysis two activities are carried out. The

first is unitizing, namely the activity of providing a code that identifies units

of information separate from the text. The second is categorization

(categorizing), namely arranging and organizing data based on the same

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meaning.Proses ini memerlukan revisi, modifikasi dan perubahan yang

berlangsung terus menerus sampai unit baru dapat ditempatkan dalam

kategori yang tepat dan pemasukan unit tambahan menjadi suatu kategori

dan tidak memberi informasi baru.

In presenting the data, according to Rudestam and Newton (1992, p.

111), qualitative researchers really need to describe the context in which an

event occurs. In addition, as suggested by Silverman (2005), qualitative

research needs to demonstrate an effort to address each piece of data that

has been collected. Thesis writers with a qualitative approach should pay

attention that data is not equally important. Thus, the data should also be

presented based on the level of significance in the research conducted. The

author, as suggested by Cresswell (2005, p. 199), needs to ask some

questions about some of the points raised below.

1) What is considered most important about the research findings in general

and why?

2) Which findings seem more important and less important and why?

3) Are there any findings that I should pay special attention to and why?

4) Is there anything strange or unusual in the research findings that needs to

be mentioned and why?

5) Has the methodology used or other factors influenced my interpretation

of the research findings and is this something that needs to be discussed?

For example, biases can emerge in research design (see Crasswell, 2005,

p. 199).

It should be noted that in presenting the findings, the writer should present

them proportionally, and discuss them analytically. By paying attention to

the five questions above, the thesis writer can avoid overexposing the

research findings.nIn discussing data, both quantitative and qualitative

data, there are several steps that must be taken:

1) explain how the data can answer research questions;

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2) make a concluding statement;

3) discussing or discussing data by relating it to the theory and implications of

research results (if possible) (see Sternberg, 1988, p. 53).

In terms of organizing it, the organizational structure or elements that are

usually in the discussion of data can be:

1) research background (information on research background);

2) a statement of research results (statement of results);

3) expected and unexpected results (un) expected outcomes;

4) references to previous research;

5) explanation of unexpected research results, namely explanations made to state

the reasons for unexpected or unexpected results or data (if this is true) or data

that are different from previous research findings;

6) giving examples, namely examples to support the explanation given in step no.

5 above;

7) support from previous research, namely citing previous research to support the

statements made;

8) recommendations, namely making recommendations for future research;

9) justification for future research, namely providing an argument for why future

research is recommended (quoted from Paltridge & Starfield, 2007, p. 147).

It should be noted that a common mistake in writing discussion chapters

is that the author fails to return to the literature review written in Chapter II

to integrate research results with other empirical research that examines the

same topic or phenomenon (see Rudestam & Newton, 1992; Emilia, 2008).

A good discussion or discussion attaches each research finding to the

theoretical context described in the literature review. Thus, in the discussion

section, the author needs to return to the literature review to better

understand the research findings and look for evidence that confirms or

contradicts existing data or research results. In the section on data

discussion, statements such as the one below should appear frequently.

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"(Not) like the research conducted by ..., which uses ..., this research finds

that ...".

In discussing the data, the writer of a thesis, thesis or dissertation

should ask in what ways or to what extent the research findings are

compatible with, or support, or oppose the findings of other studies. Where

appropriate, in exactly what way, and if not, why and what aspects might be

investigated further to improve existing knowledge.


5.1 Conclusion

This section contains conclusions about the research results,

suggestions, and research implications that are put forward based on the

research results. This chapter also contains conclusions, implications, and

recommendations, which present the researchers' interpretations and

interpretations of the results of the analysis of research findings as well as

proposing important things that can be used from the research results. There

are two alternative ways of writing conclusions, namely by means of item

by item or by means of solid descriptions.

For scientific papers such as a thesis, writing conclusions by means

of a solid description is better than by point by point. The conclusion must

answer the research question or problem formulation. In addition, the

conclusion does not include the statistical figures from the statistical test


5.2 Suggestions

Based on the results of the research, suggestions are made for

practical purposes aimed at policy makers, users, and for future researchers

who are interested in conducting further research. In this section also, the

implications of the research are discussed. The research implication is a

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direct impact or consequence of research findings that contribute to the

advancement of science.


References contains all written sources (books, journal articles,

papers, official documents, or other sources from the internet) which are

used as references in thesis writing. Sources that have never been cited or

have never been used as a reference do not need to be included in the

references even though they have been read by the author. References is

arranged alphabetically according to the first letter of the name quoted.


The enclosures contain all the documents used in research and thesis

writing. Each enclosure is numbered according to the order in which it is



CVs are made briefly and only convey matters relevant to scientific

activities. Its scope includes full name, place and date of birth, educational

history, work history (if the author has worked), achievements, and

scientific works that have been produced or published. Curriculum vitae can

be compiled in the form of details of each component one by one with a

solid essay form.

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This section will discuss general mechanism and special mechanism in

certain parts that require separate writing conventions.

3.1. Gerenal Mechanism

1) The type of paper used is A4 size paper (80 grams).

2) The font used is Times New Roman, size 12 pt

3) The writing vertical distance is one and a half (1,5) spaces.

4) There is no additional vertical space before and after figures or tables and

paragraphs/ paragraphs.

5) The left gutter (margin) is 4 cm; the right margin (margin) 3 cm apart; the top

margin (margin) is 4 cm; the bottom margin is 3 cm.

6) The page number is written at the top right, except at the beginning of the

chapter. Headers are 3 cm apart and footers are 1.5 cm apart.

7) Typing a new paragraph begins with the beginning of a sentence indented one

TAB beat or 1.5 cm from the left margin.

8) New page applies to preface, table of contents, list of tables, list of figures, list

of attachments, title of each chapter, bibliography, and attachments (if any).

9) Writing the title, foreword, table of contents, list of tables, list of figures, list

of attachments, chapter titles, and bibliography, using the format:

a. capital letters (all caps), bold (bold), without underscores;

b. without a point;

c.. written in the middle (center alignment);

d.. 6pt line spacing; and

e. 24pt distance to next paragraph.

10) Writing the titles of the following sections and sections using the following


a. capital letters at the beginning of each word, except for conjunctions or

prepositions that are located in the middle of a section title;

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b. without a point;

c. written just left (left alignment);

d. 6pt line spacing; and

e. 15pt distance to the preceding and following paragraphs.

11) The numbering in writing the research proposal uses Hindu-Arabic

numerals, according to the format on pages 7 and 16 as follows:

1 heading 1

1.1 heading 2

1.1.1 heading 3 heading 4 and so on (if any)

12) The numbering of chapters and subsections in writing a research report

(thesis) uses Hindu-Arabic numerals, according to the format on pages 9

and 18 as follows:

CHAPTER 1 (chapter section) heading 1

1.1 (section) heading 2

1.1.1 (section) heading 3 (section of subsections) heading 4 and so on (if any)

13) Writing paragraphs after the session in points 11 and 12 always starts as in

point 7 with the left border of the paragraph right at the left margin of 0

(not indented to the right)

14) Writing the titles of tables and figures as in point 10, except for (10.c)

(left alignment) is adjusted to (9.c) (middle average).

15) The title of the table is written at the top and the title of the figure is

written at the bottom of the position of the figure.

16) Numbering tables or figures using Hindu-Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4 and

so on) with the following writing format:

a. The proposal is written in formats 1, 2, 3, and so on, for example Table

1, Table 2, Table 3, and so on, or Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, and so


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b. In this thesis, it is written based on the chapter number and followed by

the sequence of tables or figures in that chapter. For example, Table 2.1

means the first table in CHAPTER 2, Figure 4.2 means the second

image in CHAPTER 4, and so on.

17) Numbering for the listed paragraphs (list paragraph, not heading), in the

proposal/ thesis using the format:

1) List paragraph

a) Sublist paragraph

(1) Sub-sublist paragraph

18) The page numbering is calculated from the inner volume, but the page

number is displayed from the PREFACE sheet until the end of the

proposal / thesis.

19) Page numbering for the foreword section, table of contents, table list, list

of figures, and list of attachments using the format:

a. Roman numerals, not capitals (eg i, ii, iii, iv, and so on); and

b. center alignment on the footer;

20) The page numbering from CHAPTER I to the end of the proposal / thesis

uses the format:

a. using Hindu-Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, and so on);

b. right aligns on the header;

c. if there is a chapter title, the page number is written centerwise in the


21) In the attachment, it is allowed to use the landscape format as a result of

rotating 90 ° clockwise from the portrait position, so that:

a. The left side (margin) is 4 cm; the right margin (margin) is 3 cm; the

top (margin) is 4 cm; the bottom margin is 3 cm.

b. The page is at the bottom right with the format following the previous


22) The insulation in the proposal/ thesis is only used as a separator between

CHAPTERS or enclosures.

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3.2. Specific Mechanisms

Specific mechanisms apply to outer cover, inner cover, endorsement

pages, thesis statement of authenticity pages, and abstract pages. Samples are

separately saved in the official format (template).

Outer Cover

The outer cover of the thesis contains the title, type of scientific work,

the purpose of writing the thesis, the university logo, the author’s name, the

student’s number, the name of the study program/ department, the name of

the faculty, the name of the university, and the year of writing.

1) The title is written in capital letters, preferably not using

abbreviations. Subtitles (if any) are written in capital letters at the

beginning of each word, except for conjunctions or conjunctions.

2) The type of scientific work is written in capital letters, for example,


3) The purpose of writing a thesis is written in small letters at the

beginning of each word, except for the word title or activity name,

for example… Seminar Proposal or… Bachelor of Education.

4) The author’s name is written in capital letters.

5) The layout of the letters on the outer volume uses a symmetrical

writing system.

6) The color of cover for English Education Department is RED.

7) Hard cover (delaminating) type.

Inner Cover

The contents (text) of the inner cover are exactly the same as the contents

(text) of the outer volume.


The approval sheet contains the title of the proposal/ thesis, the name

of the author, the name of the supervisor and the signature of the supervisor

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who approved the proposal/ thesis. Especially for a thesis, it must be

accompanied by endorsement in the form of the name and signature of the

head of the study program/ department and the dean (attached).

The name of the supervisor, head of study program/ department, and

dean is written complete with their academic title, followed by their

respective NIDN/ NIP. Each first letter in the name is written in capital

letters (attached).

Examiners page

This page contains evidence of student thesis testing by examiners in the

following order (attached):

Examiner 1

Examiner 2

Examiner 3

Examiner 4 (supervisor 1)

Examiner 5 (supervisor 2)

Pernyataan Keaslian Skripsi

In addition to containing the statement of authenticity of the thesis,

this section also states the place and date of making the statement, the name

of the statement maker and the signature of the statement maker on a stamp

of Rp. 6,000.00 (attached).


1) The elements that must be written in the abstract are the author's name, year,

thesis title, study program / department, faculty, and university using a period

to separate each of these elements.

2) The author's name is written in full capital letters, while others are written in

capital letters at the beginning of each word, except for conjunctions or

prepositions that are located in the middle of the elements. Thesis title in bold.

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3) Abstract is typed in one space, a maximum of 250 words (not more than one

page) accompanied by a maximum of 5 keywords.

Language Used in Research Proposal and Thesis

English is the only language used in writing the reseach proposal and

thesis in English Education Department.

3.3. Writing Quotations and the sources

3.3.1. The writing system refers to the 6th edition of the Publication Manual

of the American Psychological Association (APA). The term list of

references or references is used in this manual to emphasize that the

sources cited in the body (content) of the text are definitely written

on the list of references or references. Vice versa. This is done solely

to encourage and minimize the potential for plagiarism in writing

scientific papers.

3.3.2. Some general notes that need to be considered in writing a list of

references using the APA system are as follows.

1) Enter the surnames of all authors and their initials for up to

seven authors. If there are more than seven, then what is written

is up to the sixth author, then it is marked with a full stop three

times then the name of the last author was written before the

year of writing.

2) If there is a family name with the author’s initials that are similar,

then the full name of the initials is written in brackets before the

year of writing.

3) For writers in the form of groups or institutions, the name of the

institution is written clearly.

4) For reference to an edited book, enter the name of the editor in the

position of the author, and provide the writing (editor).

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5) The information on the year of publication is written in brackets,

preceded and ended by a period. For reference types in the form of

magazines, newsletters, write the clear year and date of

publication, separated by a comma and followed by a number in


6) If there is no information on the time of writing, write t.t. (without

year) in parentheses.

7) Regarding the title of a book, article or chapter, capital letters are

only used for the first word in the title and sub-title (if any), and

words that fall into the proper noun category.

8) For journal, newsletter, and magazine titles, the title should be

written in a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.

While the source name is italicized.

9) The identity of the city of publication should be written clearly

followed by the name of the publisher with the name between a

colon (:).

Some technical examples of writing a list of references or references using

the American Psychology Association (APA).

Writing Direct Quotations

Direct quotation is done by reproducing words that are directly

quoted from the work of other authors or their own published works.

Include information on the author's last name, year of publication, and page

or paragraph order (if no pages) and include the complete reference in the

bibliography. Quotes that are less than 40 words must be enclosed in double

quotation marks and enclosed in a paragraph. If the quote is stored mid-

sentence, it must end with the source information in parentheses, then the

sentence continues. Example for non-English Education courses italicized:

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Tannen (2007) states that discourse analysis requires the ability to combine

various theoretical understandings into one study. He said that

Discourse analysis is uniquely heterogeneous among the many

subdisciplines of linguistics. In comparison to other

subdisciplines, it may seem almost dismayingly diverse. Thus, the

term “variation theory” refers to a particular combination of

theory and method employed in studying a particular kind of

data. p.33)

If the quote is stored at the end of the sentence, close the part of the quote

with double quotes, enclose the source information in parentheses and end

with a period. Example:

Quotations of 40 words or more, display in separate blocks without having

to be enclosed in quotation marks. The block is written in half 1.27 cm from

the left margin. If there is an additional paragraph in the quote, the first line

is bent again by half 1.27 cm. The source information is placed at the end of

the block quote. Example:

Interpreting these results, Robbins et al. (2003) suggested that the

“therapists in dropout cases may have inadvertently validated parental negativity

about the adolescent without adequately responding to the adolescent’ needs or

concerns” (p. 541), contributing to an overall climate of negativity.

Confusing this issue is the overlapping nature of roles in palliative care,

whereby “medical needs are met by those in the medical disciplines; nonmedical

needs may be addressed by anyone on the team” (Csikai & Chaitin, 2006, p.


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Direct quotations from online sources are stated by providing the author,

year, and page number information in parentheses. Since many electronic

sources do not provide page numbers, alternatively we use the paragraph

sequence number, abbreviated as para.

If the document includes a title and paragraphs or page numbers are not

visible, cite the title and the number of paragraphs that follow to direct the

reader to the location of the material being cited.

In some cases, if there is no visible page or paragraph number, and the title

is too long to cite in full, use a short title enclosed in quotation marks for

the citation. Example:

Others have contradicted this view:

Co-presence does not ensure intimate interaction among all group members.

Consider large-scale social gatherings in which hundreds or thousands of

people gather in a location to perform a ritual or celebrate an event.

In these instances, participants are able to see the visible manifestation

of the group, the physical gathering, yet their ability to make direct, intimate

connections with those around them is limited by the sheer magnitude of the

assembly (Purcell, 1997, pp. 111—112).

Basu and Jones (2007) went so far as to suggest the need for a new

“intellectual framework in which to consider the nature and form of regulation

in cyberspace” (para. 4).

In their study, Verbunt, Pernot, and Smeets (2008) found that “the level

of perceived disability in patients with fibromyalgia seemed best explained by

their mental health condition and less by their physical condition” (Discussion

section, para. 1).

“Empirical studies have found mixed results on the efficacy of labels in

educating consumbers and changing consumption behavior” (Golan, Kuchler, &

Krissof, 2007, “Mandatory Labeling has Targeted”, para. 4).

Page 49: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


Use a three-dot space ellipsis (..), Not (…), in sentences that indicate

that we are quoting some material from the original source. Use four dots

(....) To indicate that there is other material between the two sentences. The

first dot indicates the end of the first sentence and is followed by a three-dot

space ellipsis. Do not use an ellipsis at the beginning or end of a quote if it

is not necessary to anticipate misinterpretation.

Direct and indirect quotations are distinguished by the terms reprint

and adapt. The reprinting process indicates that the material quoted is

exactly the same as the original without modification. The process of

paraphrasing (paraphrasing) means the modification of the citation material

to suit a new purpose or present the original theory/ idea in a new way that

suits research interests. APA rules limit only three pictures and three tables

that can be taken from an article or book chapter, the length of the text must

be less than 400 words, or in total direct quotations should be less than 800

words (if without permission from APA).

Indirect quotations are written without double quotation marks; only

include the author's last name and year of publication. Examples of indirect

citations can be found later in this manual.

Writing Quotations from One Author in One Manuscript

A single quote only informs the author’s last name and year of publication.


Early onset results in a more persistent and severe course (Kessler, 2003).

In the same paragraph, if it has been quoted for the first time, the second

sentence may only mention the author's last name. Example:

Kessler (2003) found that among epidemiological samples . . .


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Other ways are allowed as follows:

Writing Quotes from Several Authors

Citation from two authors is done by mentioning the last names of the

authors followed by the year of publication at each citation. Example:

Quotations from three, four, or five authors are done by mentioning all their

last names in the first citation, while in subsequent citations it is sufficient

to write the name of the first author followed by et al. just followed the year

published. Example:

Citation of two references consisting of more than three last names

and the same year of publication, can be cited by abbreviating the names

of the fourth et al. after the third name followed by a comma as follows:

In-paragraph citations for multiple authors may end with the word and for

before the last author. However, if the citation is placed in brackets, in the

title of the table, and in the bibliography, combine the last author's name

Among epidemiological samples, Kessler (2003) found that early onset

social anxiety disorder results in a more potent and severe course. Kessler also

found. . . The study also showed that there was a high rate of comorbidity with

alcohol abuse or dependence and major depression (Kessler, 2003).

Early onset results in a more persistent and severe course (Kessler, 2003).

Kessler (2003) also found. . . The study also showed that there was a high rate

of comorbidity with alcohol abuse or dependence and major depression.

Csikai and Chaitin (2006)


(Csikai & Chaitin, 2006)

Kisangau, Lyaruu, Hosea, and Joseph (2007) found. . . [on the first quote]

Kisangau et al. (2007) found . . . [on the next quotes]

Ireys, Chernoff, DeVet, and Kim (2001) and Ireys, Chernoff, Stein, et al. (2001)

Page 51: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


with an ampersand (&). Example:

Citation of more than five authors was carried out by only mentioning the

last name of the first author followed by et al. and year published. The

writing is done from the first time you quote onwards. Example if the

reference is written:

So how to quote in paragraphs:

Writing Quotations from Groups as Writers

This group includes corporations, associations, government agencies and

study groups. The name of the group must be written in full in the first

quotation, while the following quotation is sufficient with the abbreviated

name of the group followed by the year of publication. Example:

Writing Quotations from Author with Same Last Name

Authors with the same last name, citation in the sentence must write

the first initial followed by the last name. Sorting is not regulated (freed),

. . . as Kurtines and Szapocznik (2003) demonstrated . . .

. . . as has been shown (Joreskog & Sorbom, 2007)


249—267. 6, Research, Tobacco and

Gilbert, D. G., McClernon, J. F., Rabinovich, N. E., Sugai, C., Plath, L. C.,

Asgaard, G., . . . Botros, N. (2004). Effects of quitting smoking on

EEG activation and attention last for more than 31 days and are more


Gilbert et al. (2004)


(Gilbert et al.,


The National Council of Teachers Mathematics [NCTM] (2003) . . . [on the first


NCTM (2003) found . . . [in the next quote]

Page 52: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


Among studies, we review M. A. Light and Light (2008) and I. Light (2006)…

Somatanaya et al. (Eds.) (2012)


(Somatanaya et al. (Eds.), 2012)

usually the more mainstream theory is written down first. Example if the

bibliography is sorted like:

Quoted in the sentence to be:

Among these studies, we review M. A. Light and Light (2008) and I.

Light (2006)…

(Tambahkankan contoh dalam bahasa Indonesia)

Writing Excerpt from Manuscript without Author

If a book source is found without an author but the name of the editor is

available, write down the editor's name followed by Ed's statement. or Eds.

(if multiple editors). For example, if one editor:

For example, if two editors:

If neither the author nor the editor is found, simply write down the

title of the source (article, chapter, web page). For each periodical title

(journal, magazine, and newspaper), books, brochures, and research reports

are italicized. Example:

Light, I. (2006). Deflecting immigration: Networks, markets, and regulation in

Los Angeles. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation.

Light, M. A., & Light, I. H. (2008). The geographic expansion of Mexican

immigration in the United States and its implications for local law

enforcement. Law Enforcement Executive Forum Journal, 8, 73—82.

Arhasy (Ed.) (2010)


(Arhasy (Ed.), 2010)

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If an author is found with the initials anonymous (without name), the

citation method will be:

Quotation of Two or More Texts in the Same Brackets

Quotations from two sources with the same author are written in sequence

as follows:

Quotations from several different author sources are written in alphabetical

order as follows:

The exception is if the main quotation is included at the front then followed

by additional minor sources with the keyword see also.

Quotations from the Second Source

The second source citation is used if the original is no longer

available or is out of print. Write the second source in the bibliography,

while the citation must still write down the original manuscript source and

cite the second source. Example:

(Allport’s diary (as cited in Nicholson, 2003).

. . . on free care (“Study Finds”, 2007)

. . . the book College Bound Seniors (2008)

(Anonim, 1998)

(Anonymous, 1998)

Training materials are available (Department of Veterans Affairs, 2001, 2003)

Past research (Gogel, 1990, 2006) . . .

Several studies (Derryberry & Reed, 2005a, 2005b; Rothbart, 2003a, 2003b)

Several studies (Miller, 1999; Shafranske & Mahoney, 1998) . . .

(Minor, 2001; see also Adams, 1999; Storandt, 2007)

Allport’s dairy (dalam Nicholson, 2003) . . .

Page 54: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


If we try to quote directly from the first source, without going through the

second source:

Quotations from Classical Sources

Quotations of sources published in classical years, are allowed to take the

latest version or the translation result. If the latest version is taken, the

keyword version must be added. Example:

If the translation results must be added with the keyword trans. Example:

If it is known the year of publication of the original manuscript, and the

latest publication is found, write down the first and newest year. Example:

Manuscripts such as scripture can also be written as follows.

Reference does not need to write major classical texts, such as scriptures.

Writing excerpts from specific sources

The source section specifically indicates the page, chapter, figure, table, or

equation in a manuscript. Include the page number when quoting. Example:

Writing References

Every source and information quoted in the thesis must be included

in a special sheet bibliography. Likewise, any information contained in the

bibliography must also be included in the citation of the thesis content.

Allport (1998) mentions on his dairy . . .

1 Cor. 13:1 (Revised Standard Version) . . .

. . . (Aristotle, trans. 1931)

James (1890/1983) . . .

. . . (Qur'an 5:3—4)

. . . (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2005, p. 10)

. . . (Shimamura, 1989, Chapter 3)

Page 55: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


Only personal communication sources according to APA should not be

listed in the reference. References will provide all the detailed information

the reader needs to know where the information came from when quoted.

Making a proper bibliography can increase the credibility of the thesis as

well as the institution. The basic rules for preparing a reference are as


Reference is arranged alphabetically based on the author's last name

(1) If several sources have the same author's last name, arranged by the year of

publication according to the newness (old to new)

(2) If there is no author's data, it is replaced by a data editor by adding a

description of Ed. or Eds. (some editors) in parentheses. If there is no author

or editor data, place the title position into the author's position. Alphabetical

sorting is still valid.

(3) Use the sign "&" to replace "and" at the time of quotation. The "&" sign is

used to write up to seven authors in one source.

(4) Writing the source on the second line and thereafter indents one beat of the

TAB or the equivalent of half (0.5) inch.

(5) The first letter in the title and subtitle (if any) is capitalized.

(6) The section italicized in the bibliography only applies to: book titles, journal

names, proceedings names, and web document titles.

(7) All sources of information, including books, articles, web documents,

brochures, etc., are arranged in one bibliography alphabetically.

Some of the official abbreviations used in the bibliography in the APA

system are as follows:

ed. edition

Rev. ed. revised edition

2nd ed. second edition

Ed. editor

Eds. several editors

Page 56: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


Trans. translator

n.d. without years

p. page

pp. a few pages

Vol. volume

Vols. multiple volumes

No. number

Pt. part

Tech. Rep. Additional Suppl. technical report

Reference requires knowledge of how to find detailed data about

the author/ editor, year of publication, publication title, place of

publication, publication information (periodic articles), and URL address

(DOI if any). This information usually appears on the source volume page

or the back of the title page. Periodic sources, for example, journals,

magazines and newspapers, usually write this information in each sheet.

As for web pages, it will be more difficult because it requires accuracy in

finding the information. Further information can be found in the APA


Unlike the citation in paragraphs, based on APA, the way to

include the author/ editor’s name in the reference is by writing the last

name, followed by the initials of the first name and middle name (if any),

without other titles (academic, honorary, etc.). The first and middle name

initials are written in capital letters ending in a period followed by a space.

Example: name Dr. H. Ebih Abdul Rachim Arhasy, Drs., M.Pd. in the


Arhasy, E. A. R.

If his position is as editor then it


Page 57: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


Arhasy, E. A. R. (Ed.)


Arhasy, E. A. R. & Somatanaya, A. A. G. (Eds.)

If his position as a translator then becomes:

Arhasy, E. A. R. (Trans.)

Other rules regarding the writing of the publication year, article title, source

title, and source type follow separate rules based on the type of publication.

Book Sources

The general format of writing a bibliography for books is presented as


1) The last name of the author or editor, followed by other initials. Editors only

always end with a caption (Ed.) Or (Eds.)

2) Year published in brackets.

3) The complete title of the book. Capital only at the beginning of the title and

subtitle (if any). Every title and subtitle is italicized. Title and subtitles are

separated by a colon (:)

4) If any, include the edition of the book in brackets after the title and subtitle are

written. Examples: (3rd ed.) For the third edition, or (Rev. ed.) For the revised

edition. Don't put a period before the edition of the book is listed.

5) Place of publication must include the city and country of the publisher. If

published in the state of the United States (USA) must include the state

abbreviation based on the APA manual. If the book was published in multiple

places, include only the name of the place that was first mentioned.

Page 58: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


6) The publisher's name must be written as clearly as possible. Overseas

publishers may not include the term Publishers, Co., or Inc. except for the

words Books and Press. If the author and publisher names are the same, use the

keyword Author in the publisher name

7) It is enough for electronic books to include the document object identifier

(DOI) number or the web page, without the place and name of the publisher.

Example of writing a printed book source (print):

Examples of writing book sources published in the USA:

An example of writing a book source without an author, but with the

name of the editor in it:

Note: (Ed.) If only one editor, and (Eds.) If more than one editor.

Writing book editions in English format (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, ...)

An example of writing a book source with the same author and


Note: the word "Author" replaces the name of the publisher who has been

placed in the position of author of the book.

An example of writing a book source whose title is translated by an


Shotton, M. A. (1989). Computer addiction? A study of computer dependency.

London, England: Taylor & Francis.

Airey, D. (2010). Logo design love: A guide to creating iconic brand identities.

Berkeley, CA: New Riders.

Aspinall, V. (Ed.). (2014). Clinical procedures in veterinary nursing (3rd ed.).

Edinburgh, Scotland: Elsevier.

Mid Central District Health Board. (2008). District annual plan 2008/09.

Palmerston North, New Zealand: Author.

Page 59: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


Note: the citer may translate the original title of the book La psychologie de

l'enfant in square brackets. Translation results do not need to be italicized.

Examples of writing book sources translated by other authors:

Note: The translator of ‘The psychology of the child’ is named H. Weaver

(not reversed). The translator's last name is written on the back, while the

translator's first initial is written before his last name.

Examples of writing a chapter or chapter source for a particular

book in a printed version:

Note: this source is valid if found only chapters or certain other sections in

a book (not intact).

Examples of writing book chapter sources that are translated and

reprinted from other sources:

Note: pages 703—732 of the Manual of child psychology are reprinted on

pages 3—18 of the book Cognitive development to adolescence: A reader,

then G. Gellerier & J. Langer made a translated version entitled Extracts

Piaget, J. (1966). La psychologie de l’enfant [The psychology of

the child]. Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France.

Piaget, J. (1969). The psychology of the child (H. Weaver,

Trans.). New York, NY: Basic Books.

Haybron, D. M. (2008). Philosophy and the science of subjective well-being. In

M. Eid & R. J. Larsen (Eds.), The science of subjective well-being (pp.

17—43). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Piaget, J. (1988). Extracts from Piaget’s theory (G. Gellerier & J. Langer,

Trans.). In K. Richardson & S. Sheldon (Eds.), Cognitive development to

adolescence: A reader (pp. 3—18). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. (Reprinted

from Manual of child psychology, pp. 703—732, by P. H. Mussen, Ed.,

1970, New York, NY: Wiley).

Page 60: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


from Piaget's theory. Such sources have undergone republishing, so in the

way they are cited in paragraphs:

Example of writing a reference book source:

Example of writing outside reference book sources, title translated:

Examples of writing book sources that are only published online:

Note: how to cite the third source is written in the following paragraph:

An example of writing a printed electronic book source:

Piaget (1970/1988) . . .


. . . (Piaget, 1970/1988)

VandenBos, G. R. (Ed.). (2007). APA dictionary of psychology. Washington,

DC: American Psychological Association.

Real Academia Española. (2001). Diccionario de la lengua española

[Dictionary of the Spanish language] (22nd ed.). Madrid, Spain: Author.

Rich, J. R. (2011). Your iPad 2 at work [e-book]. Retrieved from

Sadun, E., Grothaus, M., & Sande, S. (2011). Taking your iPad 2 to the max

(2nd ed.). [e-book]. Retrieved from

O’Keefe, E. (n.d.). Egoism & the crisis in Western values. Retrieved from

O’Keefe (n.d.) . . . atau . . . (O’Keefe, n.d.).

Shotton, M. A. (1989). Computer addiction? A study of computer dependency

[DX Reader version]. Retrieved from


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Example of writing electronic book sources with DOI:

An example of writing a book source that is published in an electronic


Note: In paragraphs cited by:

Example of writing book sources in several volumes:

Note: In paragraphs cited by:

Periodic sources (journals, magazines, newspapers)

The general format of writing a bibliography for periodic sources is

presented as follows:

(1) Author's last name, followed by other initials.

(2) The year published in parentheses.

Schiraldi, G. R. (2001). The post-traumatic stress disorder sourcebook: A guide

to healing, recovery, and growth [Adobe Digital Editions version].

doi:10 .1036/0071393722

Freud, S. (1953). The method of interpreting dreams: An analysis of a specimen

dream. In J. Strachey (Ed. & Trans.), The standard edition of the

complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud (Vol. 4, pp. 96—121).

Refrieved from (Original work published


Freud (1900/1953) . . .


. . . (Freud, 1900/1953).

Koch, S. (Ed.). (1959—1963). Psychology: A study of science (Vols. 1—6). New

York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Koch (Ed.) (1959—1963) . . .


. . . (Koch (Ed.), 1959—1963).

Page 62: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


(3) The complete title of the article. Capital only at the beginning of the title

and subtitle (if any). Title and subtitles are separated by a colon (:)

(4) The names of journals, magazines and newspapers are italicized

(5) The volume number is italicized. No need to write "Vol." to show volume,

just write down the number.

(6) The issue number in the volume (if any) is written in brackets immediately

after writing the volume number. This issue number is not italicized.

(7) If no information on the volume or publication number is found, it may be

written down the month, season, or other terms that can indicate the

information on the publication of the article.

(8) Write the start and end pages of the article

(9) If so, write down the object identifier (DOI) or the web page.

Example of writing sources from a printed version of a journal (print):

An example of writing a print journal source whose title is translated:

Example of writing online journal sources with DOI:

Thompson, C. (2010). Facebook: Cautionary tales for nurses. Kai Tiaki: Nursing

New Zealand, 16(7), 26—36.

Light, M. A., & Light, I. H. (2008). The geographic expansion of Mexican

immigration in the United States and its implications for local law

enforcement. Law Enforcement Executive Forum Journal, 8(1), 73—

82. Gabbett, T., Jenkins, D., & Abernethy, B. (2010). Physical

collisions and injury during professional rugby league skills training.

Journal of Science and

Medicine in Sport, 13(6), 578—583.

Guimard, P., & Florin, A. (2007). Les evaluations des enseignants en grande

section de maternelle sont-elles predictives des difficultes de lecture au

cours preparatoire? [Are teacher ratings in kindergarten predictive of

reading difficulties in first grade?]. Approche Neuropsychologique des

Apprentissages chez l’Enfant, 19, 5—17.

Page 63: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


If there are more than seven authors in a journal, list the names of the first

six authors followed by a three-dot space ellipsis (..) And list the names of

the last authors. For example, if the online version with the DOI is as


Note: in paragraphs cited by:

If there is no DOI, it must include the keyword Retrieved from and

followed by the official homepage as a substitute for the DOI. Examples of

writing online journal sources without DOI are as follows:

Herbst-Damm, K. L., & Kulik, J. A. (2005). Volunteer support, marital status,

and the survival times of terminally ill patients. Health Psychology, 24,

225—229. doi:10.1037/0278-6133.24.2.225


249–267. 6, Research, Tobacco and

Gilbert, D. G., McClernon, J. F., Rabinovich, N. E., Sugai, C., Plath, L. C.,

Asgaard, G., . . . Botros, N. (2004). Effects of quitting smoking on EEG

activation and attention last for more than 31 days and are more severe

with stress, dependence, DRD2 A1 allele, and depressive traits. Nicotine

Gilbert et al. (2005) . . .


. . . (Gilbert et al., 2005).

Sillick, T. J., & Schutte, N. S. (2006). Emotional intelligence and self-esteem

mediate between perceived early parental love and adult happiness. E-

Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(2), 38—48. Retrieved from /index.php/ejap

Page 64: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


Example of writing a print version of a magazine source:

In paragraphs cited by:

The first quote is written:

The next quote is written:

An example of writing an online version of a magazine source:

In paragraphs cited by:

Example of writing a source from a print version of a newspaper:

Chamberlin, J., Novotney, A., Packard, E., & Price, M. (2008, May). Enhancing

worker well-being: Occupational health psychologists convene to share

their research on work, stress, and health. Monitor on Psychology, 39(5),


Chamberlin, Novotney, Packard, and Price (2008) . . .


. . . (Chamberlin, Novotney, Packard & Price, 2008).

Chamberlin et al. (2008) . . .


. . . (Chamberlin et al., 2008).

Clay, R. (2008, June). Science vs. ideology: Psychologists fight back about the

misuse of research. Monitor on Psychology, 39(6). Retrieved from

Clay (2008) . . .


. . . (Clay, 2008).

Schwartz, J. (1993, September 30). Obesity affects economic, social status. The

Washington Post, pp. A1, A4.

Page 65: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


In paragraphs cited by:

Examples of writing sources from the online version of a newspaper:

In paragraphs cited by:

If the name of the newspaper author cannot be found, then the position of

the author in the bibliography is replaced by the complete title of the article

that is displayed. Meanwhile, the citation in the paragraph uses the first few

words of the title, enclosed in quotation marks to replace the author's name

information. Example:

Note: In paragraphs cited by:

Schwartz (1993) . . .


. . . (Schwartz, 1993).

Brody, J. E. (2007, December 11). Mental reserves keep brains agile. The New

York Times. Retrieved from

Brody (2007) . . . atau . . . (Brody, 2007)

Six sites meet for comprehensive anti-gang initiative conference. (2006,

November/December). OJJDP News @ a Glance. Retrieved from

“Six sites meet for comprehensive” (2006) . . .


. . . (“Six sites meet for comprehensive”, 2006).

Page 66: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


Other sources

Example of writing a symposium contribution source:

In paragraphs cited by:

An example of writing a conference paper abstract source taken online:

Example: In a paragraph cited by:

An example of writing a periodical source from an online proceeding:

National Academy of Sciences, USA, 105,

12593—12598. doi:10.1073/pnas.0805417105

Cannan, J. (2008). Using practice based learning at a dual-sector tertiary

institution: A discussion of current practice. In R. K. Coll, & K.

Hoskyn (Eds.), Working together: Putting the cooperative into

cooperative education. Conference proceedings of the New

Zealand Association for Cooperative Education, New Plymouth,

Muellbauer, J. (2007, September). Housing, credit, and consumer expenditure.

In S. C. Ludvigson (Chair), Housing and consumer behavior.

Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Federal Reserve Bank of

Kansas City, Jackson Hole, WY.

Muellbauer (2007) . . . atau . . . (Muellbauer, 2007).

Liu, S. (2005, May). Defending against business crises with the help of

intelligent agent based early warning solutions. Paper presented at the

Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems,

Miami, FL. Abstract retrieved from

Liu (2005) . . . atau . . . (Liu, 2005).

Herculano-Houzel, S., Collins, C. E., Wong, P., Kaas, J. H., & Lent, R. (2008).

The basic nonuniformity of the cerebral cortex. Proceedings of the

Page 67: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


New Zealand. Retrieved from


MacColl, F., Ker, I., Huband, A., Veith, G., & Taylor, J. (2009,

November 12- 13). Minimising pedestrian-cyclist conflict on

paths. Paper presented at the Seventh New Zealand Cycling

Conference, New Plymouth, New Zealand. Retrieved from


An example of writing a source for a proceeding publication in book


An example of writing an online version of a doctoral thesis source:

Example of writing a printed thesis / thesis / dissertation source:

Williams, J., & Seary, K. (2010). Bridging the divide: Scaffolding the learning

experiences of the mature age student. In J. Terrell (Ed.), Making the

links: Learning, teaching and high quality student outcomes.

Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the New Zealand Association of

Bridging Educators (pp. 104-116). Wellington, New Zealand.

Carlbom, P. (2000). Carbody and passengers in rail vehicle dynamics (Doctoral

thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). Retrieved


Johnson, S. (2013). Style strategies (Master’s thesis). UCOL, Whanganui School

of Design, Whanganui, New Zeland.

Page 68: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


Apart from books and journal articles

Some examples of writing a list of references with written sources other

than books and journal articles are presented below.

1) Thesis, thesis, or dissertation:

Rakhman, A. (2008). Teacher and students' code switching in English

as a foreign language (EFL) classroom. (Tesis). Sekolah

Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung.

2) Publications of ministries, agencies, government agencies, legislation


Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (1998). Petunjuk

pelaksanaan beasiswa dan dana bantuan operasional. Jakarta:


Pemerintah Republik Indonesia [Government of the Republic of

Indonesia]. (2011). Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia

No. 50 tahun 2011 tentang Rencana Induk Pengembanagan

Kepariwisataan Nasional tahun 2010-2025 [Republic of

Indonesia Government Regulation No. 50 of 2011 concerning

the Master Plan for national tourism development in 2011 to

2025]. Jakarta: Sekretariat Negara.

3) Documents or reports:

Panitia Proyek Pengembangan Pendidikan Guru. (1983). Laporan

penilaian proyek pengembangan pendidikan guru. Jakarta:


4) Papers in conference proceedings or seminars:

Sudaryat, Y. (2013). Menguak nilai filsafat pendidikan Sunda dalam

ungkapan tradisional sebagai upaya pemertahanan bahasa daerah.

Dalam M. Fasya & M. Zifana (Penyunting), Prosiding Seminar

Tahunan Linguistik Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (hh.. 432-

435). Bandung: UPI Press.

Page 69: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


5) Newspaper Articles:

Sujatmiko, I. G. (2013, 23 Agustus). Reformasi, kekuasaan, dan

korupsi. Kompas, hlm. 6.

6) Source from the internet

a. Individual works:

Thomson, A. (1998). The adult and the curriculum. [Online].

Diakses dari


b. Order in online forums or online discussion groups:

Pradipa, E. A. (2010, 8 Juni). Memaknai hasil gambar anak usia dini

[Forum online]. Diakses dari Weblog/806.

c. Email in the message list (mailing list):

Riesky (2013, 25 Mei). Penelitian kualitatif dalam pengajaran bahasa

[Posel mailing list]. Diakses dari


d. Documents or reports:

Panitia Proyek Pengembangan Pendidikan Guru. (1983). Laporan

Penilaian Proyek Pengembangan Pendidikan Guru. Jakarta:


e. Papers in conference proceedings or seminars:

Sudaryat, Y. (2013). Menguak nilai filsafat pendidikan Sunda dalam

ungkapan tradisional sebagai upaya pemertahanan bahasa

daerah. Dalam M. Fasya & M. Zifana (Penyunting), Prosiding

Seminar Tahunan Linguistik Universitas Pendidikan

Indonesia (hh. 432-435). Bandung: UPI Press.

There are several important notes that must be observed from the list of

references or references above.

Page 70: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


1) The examples above are reference patterns of several types of documents

that are often used in scientific works. Not all are given examples in this

manual. For other specific types of reference sources, please refer to the

book Publication manual of the American Psychological Association

(2010) sixth edition.

2) Some of the examples above are not really real and accessible sources.

The writing of these sources is for the purposes of providing examples


3) Writing scientific papers in English, please follow the APA system

according to the original in English.

Page 71: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian




Note: mentors' names are entered as correspondence or as second /

third author

Research article template appendix

Articles are scientific papers designed to be published in scientific

journals written in a scientific manner and following scientific

guidelines or conventions that have been agreed upon or established by

the journal manager. Scientific articles written by undergraduate

students are based on the thesis they produce as a requirement for

completion of studies at the bachelor level.

Article Systematics

The systematic articles of research results include the section Title, Author

Name, e-mail, Author Institution, Abstract and Keywords, Introduction,

Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and List of References.


The title of the article must be informative, interesting, national or global in

tone, and contain the variables studied, between 5-14 words. The location

and time of the study are not mentioned in the title.

Author’s name and institution

The name of the article author is written without an academic or other

degree. The order of writing the author's name is based on the

contribution to the research, along with the name and address of the

institution. The author with the most contributions is written up front.

One of the authors' emails was provided for correspondence.

Page 72: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


Abstract and Keywords

Abstract contains the problem or research objectives, research

procedures, and conclusions. Abstracts are written in Indonesian and

English. Abstract 50-75 words long, single space. Keywords are

selected from words that represent the studied variables, the total is 3-5



The word ‘introduction’ was not written. The maximum number of

pages of the introduction is 20% of the entire text. This section

describes the latest developments in the field under study whose

arguments are supported by the results of primary and recent literature

studies, gaps, the researchers' arguments in filling these gaps as a

promise of the researcher's contribution to the development of science,

and ends with research objectives / questions.


The maximum number of pages of the method section is 20% of the

entire text. This section describes everything the researcher does in a

clear and detailed research, related to the research design, research data,

and analysis of research data. The definitions of population, sample,

design, and methods from the research book are not mentioned in this



The number of pages of sections yields a maximum of 20% of the entire

text. This section presents the clean results of data analysis. The

presentation of the results in the form of tables, charts or figures must be

meaningful and easy to understand. Tables, charts or figures may not

contain raw, workable data.

Page 73: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian



The number of pages of discussion sections 30-40% of the entire text.

This section contains a substantial meaning of the results of the analysis

and comparisons with previous findings based on the results of relevant,

current and primary literature studies. This comparison leads to the

presence or absence of differences with the findings of previous studies

so that it has the potential to suggest a contribution to the development

of science.


Conclusion is written in paragraph form, not numeric, maximum 10% of the

entire text. The conclusions contain research findings as a synthesis

between the results of data analysis and the results of the discussion,

highlighting new things that contribute to the development of science. The

technical terms of statistics and research methodology are not written in the

concluding section.


The list of references contains everything that is referenced in the text as

coming from the relevant source. The list of referrals used must be up-

to-date, at least 80% of which are references in the last 10 years.

Primary references, especially those in the form of journal articles, are

at least 80% of the total references.

Page 74: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


Example of outer cover of research proposal:




Submitted to English Education Department Faculty of Educational Sciences and

Teachers’ Training as a Partial Fulfilment to Thesis Writing

(logo berwarna)







Page 75: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


Example of the outer cover of the thesis:




Submitted to Fulfill the Requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree at English

Education Department of Faculty Educational Sciences and Teachers’ Training

Siliwangi University

(logo berwarna)








Page 76: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


Example of the Approval Sheet of Research Proposal:





Approved by

Supervisor 1, Supervisor 2,

Dr. Soni T Tandiana, M.Pd. Fuad Abdullah, M.Pd.

NIDN. 0403107001 NIDN. 0401088902

Note: We recommend that, for uniformity, NIP only uses NIDN.

Page 77: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


Example thesis approval sheet:





Approved by

Supervisor I,

Dra. Dede Pertamana, M. Pd.

NIDN. 0429076101

Supervisor II,

Arini Nurul Hidayati, M. Pd.

NIDN. 0406048801

Assigned by:

Dean of FKIP Siliwangi University


Dr. H. Cucu Hidayat, M. Pd.

NIDN. 0009046301

Head of English Education

Department of FKIP Siliwangi

University Tasikmalaya,

Yusup Supriyono, M. Pd.

NIDN. 0404077501

Page 78: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


This thesis had been examined on May 23rd, 2020

The Examiners,

Examiner I, Examiner II,

Rahmat, S.Pd., M.Hum. Arini Nurul Hidayati, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIDN. 0413117802 NIDN. 0406048801

Examiner III, Examiner IV,

Metty Agustine P., M.Pd. Agis Andriani, M.Hum.

NIDN. 0430087601 NIDN. 041108802

Examiner V,

Dewi Rosmala, M.A.

NIDN. 0412127601

Page 79: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian


Examples of authenticity statements of thesis:


Saya menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa skripsi yang berjudul



seluruh isinya adalah sepenuhnya karya saya sendiri. Saya tidak

melakukan penjiplakan atau pengutipan dengan cara-cara yang tidak

sesuai dengan etika keilmuan yang berlaku dalam masyarakat keilmuan.

Atas pemyataan ini saya siap menanggung konsekuensi atau sanksi

apabila di kemudian hari ditemukan adanya pelanggaran terhadap etika

keilmuan atau ada klaim dari pihak lain terhadap keaslian skripsi ini.

Tasikmalaya, 12 September 2020

Yang membuat pernyataan,

materai Rp 6.000,-

Ade Rianti


Page 80: Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi dan Proposal Penelitian





Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan,

Universitas Siliwangi, Tasikmalaya.

Tujuan dari penelitian kualitatif ini adalah untuk menyelidiki persepsi

siswa tentang guru yang baik dan kurang baik di dalam konteks Indonesia.

Berfokus pada 5 siswa, penelitian ini berusaha mendapatkan pemahaman

mendalam tentang pengalaman dan persepsi dari 5 siswa di salah satu

sekolah menengah kejuruan tentang guru yang baik dan kurang baik di

dalam konteks Indonesia. Data dikumpulkan dari hasil wawancara semi-

terstruktur dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis tematik, untuk

mengungkapkan persepsi siswa tentang guru yang baik dan kurang baik di

dalam konteks Indonesia. Temuan penelitian ini dijelaskan lebih lanjut

dalam penelitian ini.

Kata kunci: Persepsi Siswa, guru yang baik, dan guru yang kurang baik

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