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How you can solve

 ANYTHING with...

 A low-stress, high-impact strategy for

taking control of any problem!

By Anik SingalBrought to you by Cyndi Krupp and Evolution Ezine

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Your Brain May Be Poisoning Your Own Success.

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The one thing that could be holding you back from success and a future of financial

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It has nothing to do with how smart, talented or educated you are. It has everythingto do with whether your brain is your greatest ASSET and Friend... or whether it's

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Get Your FREE Introductory Future of Wealth Course.

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3Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

Table of Contents

Part 1 - What It Is

What is “The Peg Method?“ .............................................4

Part 2 - How It Came

How I discovered the “power of Peg”... ..........................6

Part 3 - The Method

How to do The Peg Method .............................................9

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4 Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

Part 1 - What It Is

What is “The Peg Method?“

In this report I’m going to show you a cool problem-solving system.

With this system, you can walk right up to ANY type of problem - no matter how

tricky or scary or complicated -

look it straight in the eye, and take

complete control.

I call this “The Peg Method.“

It doesn’t matter what part of your

life the problem affects.

Even if you’ve failed many timesbefore, “pegging” can help

you finally achieve that elusive

success - whether it’s in finances,

relationships, health or business.

In The Peg Method you connect

three things - goals, problems, and

assets - and put them all together

to get success. That’s what thediagram above is about. Don’t

worry if it doesn’t make sense right

now. This report will show you how to use it in detail.

The best part about The Peg Method is it’s fast. Even if you’ve been struggling with a

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The Peg Method by Anik Singal, Brought to you by Cyndi Krupp and Evolution Ezine  ______________

5Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

problem for years, follow the steps and you can map out the solution and your entire

action plan in as little as 55 minutes.

Imagine finally taking control of a lifetime problem in under an hour. With The Peg

Method, you can.

The weird thing about The Peg Method is I think I was born with it. Looking back, it

was always just “there” in the background. I’m pretty certain that I was using The Peg

Method when I was just a little kid.

In some form or other, The Peg Method has always operated for me unconsciously,

helping me make all kinds of decisions and get to my goals.

But you know what? For all its power, I never consciously formulated The Peg Method

until recently.

It all came together when a friend who had a big business challenge came to visit. It

really proved the truth of one of my favorite sayings: Never underestimate the massive

power of helping someone.

In the process of helping out a friend, The Peg Method literally unveiled itself. What I

was doing unconsciously suddenly emerged as a complete, elegant system.

It’s not only a cool story, it explains pretty well what The Peg Method is. So let me tell

you about it right now...

Get past dreaming... and start DOING a lifeof abundance today! My Future of Wealth 

course takes you by the hand andguides you step by step.

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6 Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

Part 2 - How It Came

How I discovered the

“power of Peg”...

My friend Ben and I sat down together in the conference room.

I said, “Just talk. Tell me what’s going

on. I’m not going to say anything,

I just want to listen. What are your issues?

What are your problems? Tell me everything

you’re facing in your business. What are your


Ben talked for almost an hour. He didn t have

 just one problem or issue - he had at least a

dozen. My brain was whispering in my ear,

“Whoa, there’s way too much going on here!“

Even I was getting lost, and Im accustomed

to dealing with some pretty complex business

matters. Ben was literally drowning in ideas, obstacles, proposals, challenges, plus

financial targets that were all over the place.

My brain started tugging at me again: “Dude, we’ve got to SORT and SIMPLIFY. Ben

desperately needs some CLARITY.“

I think best when I can draw and diagram things out. So I walked up to the whiteboard

and created three columns: GOALS, PROBLEMS, ASSETS.

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The Peg Method by Anik Singal, Brought to you by Cyndi Krupp and Evolution Ezine  ______________

7Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

It just came out that way, without conscious


Then I asked Ben,” Hey, can we start to

break some things down? Sort things out?

Why don’t we start here. Tell me what your

goals are.” We made a list of 6 goals.

Next I said, “Now we’ll list what your

problems are.” We made a BIG list of those.

Finally I said, “Tell me what your assets


Ben looked puzzled. “What do you mean by assets?“

“Assets are EVERYTHING you’ve got on hand that can help you. Assets can be people,

products, information, money. In business assets can be data, stuff you own, a line of

credit, and your team. Assets can even be personal traits like persistence or creativity

or the ability to sing like the three tenors!” So we made a list of assets.

Then I said, “Okay, let’s just be quiet for a couple minutes, I got to look at this.” I

stepped back and just stared at it.

Have you seen that movie “A Beautiful Mind?” Remember how John Nash is just

staring at a bunch of random words and suddenly sees he it all decoded into aperfectly clear system? That’s how I suddenly felt!

I said, “You know what? If you use this asset to make $50,000, then it automatically

resolves this problem over here.“

Then I drew a staircase.

I took each goal and put it on its own stair. Then I started putting assets and problems

on each step.

 And in a few minutes bam - all of a sudden we had his entire 2010 business planmapped out! When we were all done, Ben turned to me and said, “So, what do you

think about a workshop? Should I do a workshop in October?“

I replied, “Hmm. Good question. Where do you see a workshop on this list?


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______________ The Peg Method by Anik Singal, Brought to you by Cyndi Krupp and Evolution Ezine

8 Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

“Haha! Then why are we talking about it? Does it fit anywhere?“

“No,” said Ben.

“So let’s not worry about it. Anyway, we’re talking about October. You’ve got three

steps you have to complete before you hit October, so set the workshop idea aside

for now. Focus on just the next step: launch this product here to make $50,000. That’sit. You don’t need to make $100,000, and you don’t want to make only $25,000 either.

Don’t overshoot or undershoot. Just do the $50,000.“

So the upshot? Ben just followed the plan and made $400,000 in 2010!

Get past dreaming... and start DOING a lifeof abundance today! My Future of Wealth 

course takes you by the hand andguides you step by step.

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9Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

Part 3 - The Method

How to do The Peg Method

Instant clarity with a simple staircase!

The Peg Method is the easiest way I’ve found to map what you should do in your

personal and professional life. As you just saw in Ben’s example, when you “Peg” you

make three lists:

1. Goals, targets, all the things you want to make happen.

2. Problems that are getting in the way of making things happen.

3. Assets - anything and everything you’ve got that can help you out. These three

lists are the core of The Peg Method. With these lists you see what you want,

what s stopping you, and what you have right now.

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______________ The Peg Method by Anik Singal, Brought to you by Cyndi Krupp and Evolution Ezine

10 Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

I could come up with dozens of examples of how to use The Peg Method, from highly

complex to drop dead simple.

To give you a sample of the Peg Method, though, I’m going to walk you through two


The first is a goal that may seem like a far out thing for most people: doubling their

income in one year.

Whoa, doubling your income? That’s quite a leap for many people. (Unless you were

unemployed the previous year!). Most people think they have to get a lucky job

opportunity or win the lottery to do that.

The second example is a goal that may seem EVEN MORE far out: making $1 million.

Sound a little ambitious? I understand. But with the help of the Peg Method, you’ll seethat both of these goals are DOABLE.

Let’s start with the first one: doubling your income.

Step 1: List Goals, Problems, and Assets

Steve is a middle manager making $50,000/year. That’s a decent middle class wage,

but Steve wants more. He’s got a kid on the way and wants to start making six figures

as quickly as possible.Can Steve do this in less than a year? Absolutely!

The first thing Steve needs to do is take out a piece of paper and start writing things

down. He should make three columns - GOALS, ASSETS, PROBLEMS.

THE GOAL: Earn $100,000 in the next year.

In this case, we are going with a big, top level goal up front. This is definitely an

ambitious goal that is not going to just fall into his lap. He’s going to need to create asolid plan to get it!

With the goal in mind, Steve should list out the biggest problems and assets

associated with this goal. For the sake of keeping this report short,

I’ll simplify them a bit, but you’ll get the idea.

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The Peg Method by Anik Singal, Brought to you by Cyndi Krupp and Evolution Ezine  ______________

11Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

PROBLEMS standing in the way:

1. Dead end job. Steve does not have any realistic opportunity to get promoted at

the company he works for.

2. Motivation. While Steve wants to double his income, sometimes he gets lazyand doesn’t feel like doing the work required to get it. (See how the Peg Method

forces you to be HONEST with yourself?)

3. Steve is a shy guy. He is not the kind of person who will walk into a room full

of strangers and bounce around as a social butterfly. This makes networking


Now for his ASSETS. What are the things working for Steve?

 ASSETS that can help:

1. Logan, a friend who owns her own business. She has connections with local


2. Overtime. Steve only works a 40 hour week, and there are opportunities to work

overtime, which is 1.5x pay.

3. Steve has expertise with social media marketing. He knows how to apply it to all

kinds of situations, both personal and business.

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______________ The Peg Method by Anik Singal, Brought to you by Cyndi Krupp and Evolution Ezine

12 Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

Here’s a picture that illustrates Steve’s lists, with the big goal at the top.

Step 2 - Draw the staircase.

Right now we have one big goal: make $100,000 this year. When you look at that goal,

it’s pretty overwhelming. How can Steve tackle something that big?

Simple: by breaking it up.

Even the biggest, most far-out goals become 10x more manageable when you break

them down into a bunch of mini-goals.

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The Peg Method by Anik Singal, Brought to you by Cyndi Krupp and Evolution Ezine  ______________

13Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

You know the old joke about “How do you eat an elephant?” One bite at a time! It’s the

same with your goals - especially big ones like “double your income.“

 At first glance, it’s NOT clear how Steve can make the jump from $50,000 to $100,000.

That’s just too much to bite off and swallow.

On the other hand, when Steve is looking at jumping from $50,000 to, say, $70,000,

all kinds of possibilities emerge. Breaking up your goals lifts the fog and makes

opportunities appear.

“Taking small bites” also increases your drive. It gives you some “small wins” along the


I’m the type of person who LOVES crossing things off my to-do list. If it takes me

months to cross something off, I become demotivated.

That’s a problem a bunch of people have with making more money. They make a little

headway - a few thousand dollars or so - and then stall. It takes too long to get the

satisfaction of achieving the big goal, so they give up.

But what happens when you break down your goal and make every few thousand

dollars its own win? You get the satisfaction of lots of small victories. Lack of

motivation is no longer a problem, and you can easily keep going.

What Steve needs to do is draw a staircase on his Peg Diagram. Here’s how it works:

• Each step of the staircase is ONE of his goals.

• Each step will use ONE of his assets which will resolve ONE of his problems.

For Steve, he’ll have a staircase with steps that are worth $20,000, $10,000 and

$20,000. (Steve should actually break it down even further, but this will give us a simple

example to work with.)

Here’s how it looks on the diagram:

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14 Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

STEP 3 - Put a Problem and an Asset on each step.

Now what happens? How does Steve pull

everything together into a plan? Simple:

he associates a problem and an asset with

each step.

Relax, this is a LOT easier than you think!

The problem-solving goes very fast at thispoint.

The first problem Steve should tackle

is motivation. Motivation kicks in

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The Peg Method by Anik Singal, Brought to you by Cyndi Krupp and Evolution Ezine  ______________

15Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

automatically for most people once they see results... but until they see results,

motivation is usually zero!

Steve needs to use an asset that will get him quick results. The lowest hanging fruit

available to him is working some overtime.

If he works an average of 10 hours of overtime each week, that will earn him an extra

$18,000 over the course of the year.

It makes sense for him to deploy this asset first because he will see an immediate

increase in each paycheck. Within a month, the amount in his bank account will be

higher. That will motivate him to keep going and make even more money!

Steve brings down his mini-GOAL ($20,000), his PROBLEM (motivation) and matches it

with an ASSET (Overtime).


 $20,000 + motivation + overtime

Now here’s something important about this step: Steve should not worry about, or

even THINK about, $100,000! The BIG goal should be OUT of his mind.

 All he should focus on is that first step.

Do you see how simply matching a problem + an asset with a goal really opens up your


It takes away the clutter. It eases the pressure. It allows you to relax. The stress goes

away. You’re focused on chunks. You’re eating the elephant, but it no longer looks

overwhelming, intimidating, or discouraging.

This also eliminates a lot of negative self-talk. You know, that little nagging voice in

your head that whispers “Ugh, this is such a BIG goal... it’s so HARD... I’ll NEVER do

it.” With the Peg Method, you forget about what you CAN’T do. Instead, you’re focusedon a small goal which you CAN do.

Here’s a little diagram that shows you what’s really happening. You’re just taking your

flat list of Goals, Problems and Assets, and arranging them on the staircase. And every

step on the staircase is an attainable goal.

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______________ The Peg Method by Anik Singal, Brought to you by Cyndi Krupp and Evolution Ezine

16 Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

STEP 4 - Repeat for each step on your staircase.

Now back to Steve’s goal. He’s going for the

second step on the staircase: $10,000.

• He brings down another goal: $10,000.

• He brings down a problem: no

promotion opportunities.

• He brings down an asset: his social

media skills.

Why does Steve need to deploy this part of

the plan - and not just be content with working

overtime? Because there’s not much moreSteve can do with the “overtime asset.” There’s only so many hours of overtime he can

work, and there’s no room for promotion. So he MUST get some side income going.

Luckily Steve understands social media tools like Facebook and Twitter. He can help

companies use these tools to market their products and services.

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The Peg Method by Anik Singal, Brought to you by Cyndi Krupp and Evolution Ezine  ______________

17Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

Should Steve go out and try to get a job as a social media manager? Maybe. But

only large companies hire somebody full time to manage their social media. Most

businesses contract it out to agencies or individuals.

But this actually gives Steve an incredible opportunity: he can approach local

businesses and offer to manage their social media for them.

In today’s market, he should be able to get at least $500/month per client.

Just getting two clients would vault him over the $10,000 mark for the year.

This is also a relatively easy strategy for Steve. Because he knows what he’s doing,

two clients would require only an hour or so each day. And all he needs is a computer

and Internet connection.

But here’s what’s really important: social media management could grow into full timework. It could replace Steve’s current job. How? His per hour rate is much, much

higher with the social media stuff. Once again, Steve is matching an asset against a

problem, and using that to achieve a mini goal.

PROBLEM (dead end job) + ASSET (social media skills) = $10,000 down!


 $10,000 + dead end job + social media skills

Now, has Steve stopped his other work? Heck no!

By now Steve’s riding the momentum he created with taking more overtime. He’s

already got money coming in from that.

So at this point, he’s simply ADDING

something to the mix.

He’s utilizing a new asset to solve an old

problem AND achieve a mini-goal at the same

time. Nice, huh?

Finally let’s do one more step on Steve’s


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______________ The Peg Method by Anik Singal, Brought to you by Cyndi Krupp and Evolution Ezine

18 Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

• He brings down another goal - $20,000.

• He brings down a problem: his introversion.

• He brings down an asset: his friend Logan.

It’s obvious that the best way for Steve to double his income is to grow his social

media consulting and wean himself off his current job.

 All Steve has to do is get more clients... but that means approaching busi nesses

and selling his services. That’s not something Steve is naturally good at. Frankly, cold

calling a lot of different businesses is NOT something Steve wants to do!

Luckily, Steve has a friend who has connections: Logan.

Logan can ask around her network. She can find out who needs social media services.

She can link those people up with Steve. No cold calling required!

Steve simply needs to follow through on the opportunities and do great work for his

clients. The Peg Method shows how this is totally doable. You offset what looks like a

huge problem with an asset that makes it melt away. By adding just four clients, he’ll

earn the extra $20,000 he needs to top $100,000 in annual income.

Even cooler, Steve could set himself up to be self-employed doing something he’s

passionate about. And all because he recognizes that Logan - an asset - can help him

overcome one of his biggest obstacles.


 $20,000 + introvert + Logan

Do you see how the Peg Method gets you to think creatively about the assets you

already have? It even gives you ideas for more assets you need to acquire. Imagine

what could happen for Steve if he had two, three, or five well-connected friends like


I could keep going, but I think at this point you can see how to do The Peg Method.

Simply write down...

• Everything you’re trying to accomplish (Goals)

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The Peg Method by Anik Singal, Brought to you by Cyndi Krupp and Evolution Ezine  ______________

19Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

• Everything you have that can help you (Assets)

• Everything standing in your way (Problems)

• Then just sort it all out on the staircase!

Lauren The Millionaire?

Now let’s go to the next level and see if the Peg Method can help achieve an even

more ambitious goal: becoming a millionaire.

Lauren owns a moderately successful Internet Marketing business that makes her

around $100,000/year. That’s a decent chunk of change, but Lauren wants more. In

fact, she wants to become a millionaire - and fast.

What’s step number one? Yep, you guessed it: creating those three columns.

THE GOAL: Earn $1 million during the next year.

With the goal in mind, Lauren should list out the biggest problems and assets

associated with it. Like the previous example, and to keep this report short, I’ll simplify

them a bit.

PROBLEMS standing in the way:

1. Small list. In the Internet Marketing world, it’s difficult to have huge product

launches if you don’t have a large email list. Unfortunately, Lauren’s email list is

very small.

2. No time! Her schedule every day is already maxed out. She doesn’t have more

than an hour or two to work on a new project.

3. Motivation. While Lauren wants to earn a million dollars, sometimes she getslazy and doesn’t feel like doing the work required to get it.

Now for her ASSETS. What are the things working for Lauren?

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______________ The Peg Method by Anik Singal, Brought to you by Cyndi Krupp and Evolution Ezine

20 Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

 ASSETS that can help:

1. Her friend Jamie, who owns a multi-million dollar Internet Marketing business.

She is constantly launching new products and could be open to collaborating on

some with Lauren.2. A shelved product that was never launched. Lauren created this product a while

back, but she got tied up with other stuff before she could launch it. While it

needs a little bit of work, it is almost ready to go.

3. Lauren LOVES meeting new people. She can walk into any room and instantly

make connections.

Here’s a picture that shows her lists, with the big goal at the top.

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The Peg Method by Anik Singal, Brought to you by Cyndi Krupp and Evolution Ezine  ______________

21Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

Let’s Peg It!

 Alright, we’ve got that imposing $1 million goal. The first thing Lauren needs to do is

break it up.


• Each step of the staircase is ONE of her goals.

• Each step will use ONE of her assets which will resolve ONE of her problems.

For Lauren, each stair will represent $250,000. Again, she should actually break it down

even further, into more granular goals. But I’ll do the 50,000 foot overview to simplify

the example.

Here’s how it looks on the diagram:

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22 Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

Now it’s time to start pairing up problems

with assets.

The first problem Lauren should tackle is

motivation. It’s important to get the ball

rolling since it's easier to KEEP moving

than it is to START moving.

So Lauren needs to use an asset that

will get her quick results. That means

launching a product. The good news is

that she’s got one ready to go sitting on

the shelf. So it makes sense for her to

deploy this asset first.

Within a month, she’ll see real money flowing into her bank account. That should

motivate her to keep going and make even more money!

Lauren brings down her mini-GOAL ($250,000), her PROBLEM (motivation) and

matches it with an ASSET (shelved product).


$250,000 + motivation + shelved product

Remember: Lauren should not worry about,

or even THINK about, $1 million! The BIG

goal should be out of her mind.

 All she needs to focus on is that FIRST STEP.

Now back to Lauren’s goal. She’s going for the

second $250,000 step.

• She brings down another goal:


• She bring down a problem: her lack of


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The Peg Method by Anik Singal, Brought to you by Cyndi Krupp and Evolution Ezine  ______________

23Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

• She brings down an asset: her friend Jamie! The two of them will collaborate on

creating and launching a new product.

Jamie is a terrific asset to help Lauren overcome her time issues. Yes, they can split the

work. But more importantly, J amie brings her own assets to help.

Working together, they can create and launch a product TOGETHER that will make

both of them MORE money.

Once again, Lauren is matching an asset against a problem to achieve a mini goal.

PROBLEM (lack of time) + ASSET (partnership with Jamie) = $250,000 down!


 $250,000 + no time+ Jamie

Finally let’s do one more step on Lauren’s staircase.

• She brings down another goal -


• She brings down a problem: her small


• She brings down an asset: hernetworking skills.

Lauren’s small mailing list is a significant

liability. By increasing the size of her mailing

list, Lauren can reach out to more potential

customers. This means any time she launches

a new product, she can sell to a huge

audience. That means more money with each

product launch.

Lauren will already be growing her list by following through on the first two steps. But if

she really wants to start making the big bucks, she’ll need to do more.

This is where networking comes in. Effective networking can connect Lauren with other

entrepreneurs with big lists of their own. If she nurtures these relationships and offers

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their lists good deals, that opens up opportunities for bigger product launches. That

means a LOT more money!

Lauren has an important networking asset: she is an outgoing woman. She can walk

into a room full of strangers and start connecting with them.

So Lauren simply needs to find more networking opportunities. She already possesses

a natural asset - her personality - that can connect her to people who will grow her

list. Heck, all Lauren has to do is USE a trait she already possesses and make some

profitable connections!


$250,000 + small list + networking skills

Just like that, the Peg Method takes an incredibly ambitious financial goal - earning $1

million - and makes it attainable. It all starts with breaking it down.

See, most people tackle their wealth goals the wrong way. They trap themselves in

longing and dreaming. They focus on the whole $200,000, $500,000, or $1 million.

But do you know how to make $50,000? Or even $100,000? And actually keep the

money you make?

 And do you know what’s standing in your way - what’s preventing you from making

that money? Do you even know what led to your current financial position in the first


Many people spend a bunch of money on different “make money” programs and get

absolutely nowhere with them. But it’s not because they have the wrong information.

It’s because they have absolutely no idea what their REAL obstacles are. And they

don’t know how to find the assets they need, let alone deploy them in an effective way.

Your problems - and your assets - are unique to YOU. So you need a set of steps - away to apply Law of Attraction, an abundance mindset, and all that good stuff into a

plan that feels right for YOU.

Without that, you’ll keep poisoning your mind with big, fuzzy, vague wishes that never

actually get anywhere!

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The Peg Method by Anik Singal  ___________________________________________________

25Copyright 2013, Anik Singal,

So let me ask you... do you know what your real problems are? What you’ve got for

assets? What you’ve got to work with? Do you know what you’re good at, and what

stands in your way?

To make money, you can’t just do what someone else tells you to do. What THEY did

to make money might not work for you. They’re different people. They have different

assets and different strengths. Their techniques might not work for you.

If you try to be like them, you could be fighting yourself.

But the Peg Method helps you stop fighting yourself. It shows you what you want, what

you have, and the EXACT STEPS you need to get what you want - without fighting

yourself, and without beating yourself up because you can’t do everything right NOW.

If you enjoyed this report, please pass it along to

as many of your friends as you can.

And don’t forget to visit 

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