

blank Book Manulacturers.


'_Xj:j^ J^'^ED -JOTHE PRACTlCit

" EntiTdi at t/ic Pust Office of New Vvrk, N. T., o« secandrclasa matter."



r oC QucNlioned Haiidwrltiuff.

«. H. SBLl'rruCK,General Agent Sponccriim Copy Booto.


Circiilara Free to Auy Address.


Bond Street, New 'S



205 Broadwaj.

MAYHEW BUSINESS COLLEGE,Chamber ot Commerce, Detroit, Micb.

AMAYHKW. LL-D. Pr**irlfnt.

PHirrO- ELECTROTYPE COMPANY,20 Cliff street. New York.

Ptiolo-Electrotypea for lUiiBtrotious are clieapor am

HBOWN*S BUSINESS COLLEGE,it 300 Fulton SIroet, Brookljii.

[Twenty years at 205 Fulton Strc


T* most thorougli and proctiral.

ADDIS ALBRO. Principal.


Printei* of

IieBSOns in Practical Writing.

No. VI.

" It must hiive been a special gift" is a i-orn-

mon observftlion when an unusual degree ol'

skill is displayed in the use of the pen. This

idea is not only rallacious, but is exceedingly

pernicious as regards the acquisition of good

writiii" inasmuch ns it tetida to diacoumgc

pupils who write badly by leudiny tliem to be.

lieve that, not having "the gift" they are

debarred from becoming good writers.

Good writing is no more a gift than is good

reading, spelling, grammar or any other ttttain-

:, and the i way 1 beI

acquired, viz.: by patient and studious effort.

Vyriting Is just as much a subject for scudy

and thought as any other branch of educAtion.

Study must, however, be united with practice.

The correct form and construction of writing

mnst be learned by study, while practice must

give the manaul dexterity for its easy and grace-

ful execution. Many pei-aons fail to become

good writers from not properly uniting study

and practice. Careful study with too little

practice will give writing comparative!;

rate in Its form and

but labored, stilT and awkward in its execution,

while upon the other hand much practice

with little study imparts a more easy and flow-

ing style, but with much less accuracy as re-

gards the forms of the letters and general pro-

porlion nnd construction of the writing, which

will commonly have a loose and sprawly ap-

pearance. Example of writing which has re-

sulted more from study than practice.

will sUndoubtedly many of onr

cibly illustrated in one of these examples their

own experience; so niniufeat is the effect of these

different modes of practice, that we have only

.gkt jdis(:e at a piece of writing

which ft writer has combined study with

pnu'tice while learning to write.

We have in previous lessons considered

position, movement, unity of form, correct

proportion and spacing, as the essentials to

good writing. We shall now direct special

attention to a correct an* uniform slope as

another essential to good writing.

The degree of slope now adopted

by the leading authora and one

j^'*" YSl which we approve, is at nn angle

of S2° from the horizontal, as

per diagram.

The relative ctTecta of

slope may be seen in the following examph

the slope of different letters

d their parts will be rendered much more

perceptible by drawing straight extended lines

through their parts thus :

ihe ob^t

In practicing

altcmion be giv<

rectiou of these faults.

Exercise to be practiced for r

special attention to certain

with each lesson we, by

would have any one lose sight of

e previously mentioned.

We find the first mention made of writing in

Exodus 17: 14. And the Lord said unto Moses,

"write this for a memorial in a book, and re-

hearse it in the ears of Joshua," etc. And in

Exodus 24: 4, "and Moses wrote all the word>i

of the Lord, and rose up early in the raoniing

imd buildcd an altar under the hill, and twelve

pillars, according to the twelve tribes of Israel."

Seventh verse: "and he took the book of the

covenant and read in the audience of the peo-

ple." And they said: "All that the Lord hathi<uid will we do, and be obedient." Twelfth

verse: "And the Lord said imto Moses, comeup to inc into the Mount and be there, and I

will give thee a table of stone, and a law, andcomniaudmeuts which I have ifritten, that thoumaycst teach them."Exodus '6i: 1. "And the Lord said unto

Mobc;s, hew thee two tables of stone like untothe tii-st, and I will vyrite upon these tables thu

words that were in the first tables which thoubrenkcsl." Twenty-eighth verse: "And he wasthere on the Mount with the Lord forty daysand forty nights, and he did neither eat bread

drink water, and he wrote upon the tables

the words of the the command-

Owing to an unfortunate mistake by which

tie main cut in the following illustrations wasiserted upside down, and several thousand

ojies of the January number printed before

ihl mistake was discovered, we here repeat this

[Ttion of that lesson.

Bnch care should be exercised while practicing

I employ the proper curve for connecting let-

!8 and their parts. It is a very common and

g^evous fault in writing that a straight line or

thtwrong curve is employed in the construction

am, connection of letters, thus leaving them

wi<ont distinctive character, or imparting one

wish Is false and misleading. As for instance,

a fmi made thus yf^ is really no letter, but

aiiQossiblyfora^^^,^^. In cases where the

coiixt does not determine, its identity

beopes a mere matter of guess, and when ex-

tentj thus^'^^^;;f^ its significance, as will besceq is still more vague and un-

ccrtl;as it might he intended for cither of the

follcflig seven combinations


Witbpi-operly trained hand no more time or

efforo required to impart the true and unmis-

takau characteristics to each letter than to I

makorms whose identity is open to doubt andconjejrc.


Ancient Writing.

Th)rt of writing is most ancient, and theaccoijof its origiu lost in the distance of time.It is^ar from history that it had its com-

arly period in some

The pen is first mentioned in the Bible in

Job Vd: '24. In Job's complaint of misery hesays : "0, that my words were written; 0, that

they were printed in a book; that they weregraven with an tron- ^Cft and lead in the rock.

My heart its inditing a good i

I speak of the things which I have made touch-ing the King; my tongue is the -pen of a ready

Jeremiah 17: 1. "The sin of Judah is writ-

ten with a -pen of iron, and with the point ofa diamond; it is graven upon the table of theirheart, and upon the horns of your altui-e."

""' ' therefore, much reason to believe

understood amongThere

that the t

the Jews while other nations were yet without'

1, and that from them it baa passed :

;s, and has been handed dow

The Komans practiced running hand as earlyas the fourth century. The Greeks and Romansbelieved that the Phccnicians wer« the inventorsof lerti-rs. mid that the knowledge of it wasbfoutrlit liv t'aiiiHUs iroru Thcenicia into Greece

Finn, tlh.' I'li.iiiiiiiin, or the Hebrew, withwhith i[ is t;losu[\ alliud, arc derived the Urien.tul iilplmbet u.^t-'d in Asia, written from rightto left. The priucipal being the Syriac, Arabic

•riginal Greek was first written fromleft and then right to left and left to

lutively. But inscriptions datedre written from left to right, or in


742 B. C. w.

the way nonOne of thi

cut out the I

--"III »\ '- II I ! i\ //ii^'liarias when he namedio fULi .luliu. Luke i ; ti3, "And he asked forwriting-table and wrote, saying his name is

ohn. And they marveled all."

they covered these tables

I wanted to be r

'ith 1

gioJF the East, and from thencei of the world. Many have aup-

poscifat the knowledge of lottcio ««<. ^vi-uto irlby direct revclatiou from God. TheBiblcfes us the earliest notice on the subjectthat iiywherc to be found.Mq we are told, received the two tables

of tlpvcnant on Mount Sinai, written with|and

the Or of God ; and before that, Moses him- substamself I not ignorant of the use of lettei-s. to trace the letters

that. The: letters on these rabies

i; of iron called a .itylej


of trees were early

the thin films peeled

reed Papyrus, whichNile, a material wasI the purpose much

off from the Egyptiagrow along the rive

formed which ausweibetter.

Cloth of linen and sometimes of cotton wasanother ancient material for writing.

The skins of animals, also, were preparedfor the purpose. About aoO years bclbreChrist, the i ' " "

'of preparing them10 great pericciion in the city ot I'crgiui

whence they received the name I^crguiiu'''-"

' English, has changed into pa robmiQB still in use. For writing on si

i reed, formed into a pen, wua u:

with ink of some sort, al

the fasbion that is now common, or else tbey

were painted with a small brush, as was proba-

bly the general custom at first.

Books were wriltea generally upon skins,

linon, cotton cloth, or papyrus; parchment, in

later times was most ealecmed. The several

pieces, or leaves, were joined together so as tc

make a single sheet from the beginning to the

end. Th!is WAS then rolled round a stick, or if

5, two stick s, IjeginnlDg Bt each end

ig until tlio; met in the middle. Vhenon wanti-rf o rca.l, he unroHet it to

e lie «isln-<j . an<l wlieo he was doneup ogam. The lines n ere writ

cular colum present style.

V size were called Tom.V'Autiu me ns the «om B thing n Its

.111 .16: 1. "Tftke thee n roll of a

J write the ein nil the words I have

nto thee aga nst Israel."

ally written on one side,TheIhul which was i:iveii to Ezckiel,

written, both within and teiVumt.

Ezekiel 1: 9, 10. ''Aiid when I looked, be^

hold, a hand was sent unto me: and lo, a roll of

a book was therein; and he spread it befovo

me, and it was written within and wit/iaut;

and there was written therein lamentations andmourning, and woe."From this

once or a number of times, so that

might have to be opened, iifter reading a part

before the reader could proceed to the re-


Isaah 29; U. "And the vision of all is be-

j the words of a book that

sealed, which men deliv

saying, read tliis, I

pray thee; and hesaith, I cannot, for

it is sealed."

Then we have theaccount of the booksealed with sevenseals, which no

Revelation 6: 1,

2,3. "And I sawin the right hand of

s that is learned.

,and is achieving an enviable success

. ninman has opened a business college at

tcr, Mass. Mr. Hinnoan is a thorough andutious teacher, and will undoubtedly give

sfaction to all who mav favor him with

College, by the Kev. Atldis Albro, M.Albro is a thoroughly competent instruc

will undoubtedly bnild up a flourishing c

conducts a cothraercial de-

University, Canton. Mo.i penman.

C. W. Robbitpartment in ChrMr. Robbins is ai

C. W. Rice, teacher of writing at Bryant'sMii-itK/-is College, Chicago, III., incloses several

-liiLiiiicns of business writing which are amongilir lifst we haVe received. Mr. Rice is one oftiiiL most promising young penmen.

J. B. Moon, Powder Springs, Ga., sends very

creditable specimens of practical writing andflourishing,

H. T. Loorais, teacher of writing at Bryant',-*

(Biiifalo, N. Y.), Business College, is an accom-plished penman and teacher of writing.

A numerous collection of well-written copy-

-li|.~ an.i ciirds conu-s Irotn L. W. HaUett, who: -. ,. I,ii,_ >^.!n„, ,1.1--,- in WestDanby, N. y.

\ - I I I -I'linien of flourishing

ii ' ' I, : 11 , i I AW Dudley, teacher of

imiuj- 111 !l,L- >uiiili,_'in Indiiiua Normal College

at Mitchell, Ind.

Oscar Stephens, a student of the Joliet (III.)

Business College, sends a good specimen of prac-

tical business writing,

J. C. Miller, teacher of writing at Allen's

Business College, Mnnslield, Pa., incloses sev-

eral slips of writing executed in a masterly

a most exquisitely written lettei

ease, grace and perfcctiou his


i that I 1 thethrone, a book writ-

ten within and onthe biick side, seal-

ed with seven seaht.

And I saw a strong

angel proclaimingwith a loud voice,

who is worthy toopen the book( andto loose the seals

Ihercof? And noman in heaven, norin earth, neither

the book, neiiher

to look thereon."

Letters were gen-erally in the form of

J. B. R., Wheeling, W. Ya.—Shaded writinfor business purposes is not objectionable froi

the fact of its shade, but from its more difficid

slow and correct execution, as compared wiiunshaded writing,

M. H. W., Harrisburgh, Pa.—Four numlicionly of the new Spencerian Oompcndinni ui

ready for sale. No. 5 will be ready in aboutmonth. All the numbers ready are mailed I'mt

the office of the Jocbsal at the publisher'.-* \n i.-.

BO cents per number.

the letters pi

tioniitc and \

their properpass. These,ed with a prorapidwill jrive good I;

ncss writing.


is the Eastern cus-

tom at present, sent

out being sealed,

while tbosead-dressed lo personaof distinction wereplaced in a valuable

purse or bag, whichwas lied, and thenclosed over withclay or was, andetanipedwith the wrThe Roman Serinium, or book,

of cylindrical shape ; the rolls areperpendicularly, with labels at thing the titles.

Those among the Jews whoin the use of the pen, were of cc

portance in society. They werefrom other men by havmg anto their girdle.

Exekiel 9: 2. "And onewas clothed with lin^n withby hi.-^ .side. And ilir l...ul

through the city of .1. m .i.

upon the forhcads ot .i!l i' .'

Ink and pen, I licli,'\,' i-

Bible but once; third Epis

; "I bad many things i

lid be derived' m blackboard

Black-iting is ex-


tical foi 'a1 II ^f


ho were skillful

r considerable im-

'cre distinguished

ink-ho}-n fastened


f John, ISlh

ite, but I willwith ink and pen write unto thee."

Second Epistle of John, 12th verse: "Havingmany things to write unto yon, I would notwrite with paper and ink ; but I trust to comeunlo yon, and speak face to face, that our joymay be full."— D. L. Hfvsselman, in tlte

Mvdern Argo.

When Subacriptione May Begin.

Subaeriptious to the Journal may date from

any lime since, and inclusive of September 1S77.

All the back numbers from that date with the

four premiums will be sent for $3.00. All the

numbers of 1880 and 1881, with either

the premiums will be sent for $1.76. With all

four of the premiums for $3.00.

3 subscribe for the Joi'i


Wc return our thanks to Messrs. Mille & whichDrake, proprietors of the N. J. Business Colfee,

Newark, N, .1., for invitafion t.j be prcsoulat

H. C. Spencer, of the Spencerian Business''°"'*^ *** "^.'''^ ^"'^ ^^ere large capitals ,.,• writ-

College. Washington, D. C, favors us with a ,'"? "V"^''.""'''**'" **''^ ad">''-''i">l>-, ^m,.|i ,,.. i„


.ecntcd in genuine Spencerian style, '^''S"'" ''''"'^'""' '"f^"^'''''"""^- ^"' Th. forer

all that need be said.,

,"' ^'' i;""! '""'"'..n n,,,v,'in-,iit >li„iild b..- em-ployed (or all wiiiiiii: ,,l :iri uniJiuirv size

I'". H. Banker, of Lawrence, Kas., incloses sev- 1With long and ,011-1. i„t |.i,,, ri^^' tlic ivholc arm

-..liii.-r..^^'''' ''Pf^cimcns of woll-executed practical writing ' niovement m,.v 1>,- .,> ,li-cJi,liiicd as in be suocess

- fromihe ,

""*' " specimon of flourishing. fully employed in striking the capitals upou the


I _C. B. Ward, now with G. A. Gaskcll, Jersey

^""'" "'"''' o*" <"-<l'"i'-J' 'writing,

ituble. ^Vc City, N. J., incloses several specimens of plainI

D. W. J., Cleveland, 0.. desire-' to Itnow if we' and foucy card writing which are very cred-


do not favor teaching wriiii»tr ,iii!itv(i,.,liv Tp-I itablc.


Geo. Spencer, wKh the Northwestern Mutual


Benefit Association, writes an elegant Spence-

L S. Haines, who is teacliing writing atumArbor, Mich., is highly complimented lithe

press of that city for his fine penmanshitind

successful teaching.j

C. F. Pond, principal of a select coinncinij

S. G, Snell, Cisco, Me.,

school for ladies and gentlemen,

Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, ha:

number of the names of his pupils as substtcrs

to the JooRNAL. He says, in a letter of lent ^^_^_date, " I tell my students that a good hantlrit-

, ^leglili'tlv'

But *

eating our analysisauthors have done.

inbine- llic


graceful hand ; the writing, however, lacks pre-

M. J. Goldsmith, teacher of writing at Moore'sUniversity, Atlanta, Ga., incloses in an

letter several slips ofsuperb

lilt method in the present-1 presenting more cffec-Its upon the leaching andcourse of lessons will be

Wc notice that Prof V. N. Douglas, thijp-

ular superintendent of penmanship and |k-

kecping in the Lockport Public Schools, v a

delegate to the Grand Chapter of the ral

Arch Masons, recently in session at Albi—a compliment well bestowed — " Ooug.'^s


always a good boy. '

Joseph Foeller, Jr., of Aslilaud. Pa., writes anlegant hand

\ ^ ^^'1 I student at Musselman's Busi-

wing which he incloses.

lought, prLtousands. perliaiis mllllonfl t]

o dow >ipon a thought, proitiu

A riipid penman can write thirtyminute. Tbdo this he must draw histheMpaieofnrod.iBtteenanda h.ill I.

a the gmro ot^e^gift.


the most unexceptional caligraphy extnnt, inrii-ing the young iady to a matinee." She revolledut the idea, rcAiaed to consider herself sacrific-able to his desires, and sent a polite note of re-fnsnl, on receiving which he procured a carbineand howie knife, said that he would not nowforge fetters hymenial with the queen, went toan isolated spot, aevered the jugular vein anddischarged the contents of his carbine in his ab-domen. The debris were removed by the cor-

rfominarics for the training of teachers haveexisted in Prussia for nearly 200 years.

W. E. Wells, author, andes-Superintendent ofPublic Schools of Chicago, has a collection ofEnglish grammars, by various authors, numbiT-ing over nine hundred, and has learned the titIo<of about four hundred others which he is desi-rous of obtaining.

Can you, dear reader, interview Webster orWorcester in regard to the pronunciation ofetiquette, subsidences, precedence, commandantvagary or extant, and not meet with one or moresurprises.

In nothing is illiteracy shown more easily andriy than in incorrect orttm^rapliy

: and

a Milijuct tor kiviiy, or we should be temptedto perpetrate a wicked joke at tlieir expense.—Nffriml M<mthly. The undertaker of thatwitticism better try again.—TVwc/iws' Guide.

"Chawleg," languidly drawled Josephinelooking up from her book, " I see one of thestudies at West Point is trigonometry. Whatis trigonometry anyhow?" "Trigonometry,"replied Charles, toying with an invalid mus-tache, " a—a—is the science of pulling trigger,of course." I thought so," said Josephine, re-suming her novel.—Jvornl^town Herald.

looks pretty scruinptuons, don'i they?" andcompiinion replying, "You betcher boots."a boy iloesn't talk lilu- a Rist-class gmmn

for that matter, should observe this time-honoredmotto, " Whatever is worth doing at all, is worthdoing well."

Handwriting and Character.

Tou never take a pen in liimd but vou areshowmg something of your own character. The

itjle of handwriting Is nn elementdetermination of chamct...

dashes ofl' a letter

vhich tl


, 1 which-.. much the

his voice. Tnere is

ixperts, like

an certainly

1 Vi.

^f written "indtjjcnd-thc error is doubtlessuh language in which

;nted to Ihe


—RroekfoTd Cnunrr,

'Sit."—Many of the agriculturaljrely troubled to know whether a

If some editor of dignity

1 the nest, and the editorswould be well for the world.

your mnjc!lni-.'s,M„l^',v,plea.e

--J-...... „ It IS to l>csaidthatadeal of humbug is often talked bv people

who profess to be judges of handwriting. Ishowed a professor of caligraphy a letter whicliI had received. He took a very unfavorableview of the handwriting. It was the hand-writmg of a man without learning, withoutgenius, without feeling. "And now. Sir," Isaid, "will yon look at the signature?" Theletter was written by Lord Macaulay.—Z<?7i(fo7i

although they

^Two young men have been sent out by King

Kalukaua to Uermany for naval and liiilitary

The number of optic nerve fibres is 437,000,and of retinal cones in each human eye 3,360-OOit. '


The Siberian University is rapidly becomingestablished. The Russian government, beforethe foundation stone was laid, had expended$366,000. A library of.



The State of New Jersey offers the sum oftwenty dollars to every one of her free publicschools, with which to start a library, providedthe district raises as much more. Ten dollarsi^ lidded yeiiriy, upon the same conditions.

Of the colleges in this country ninety pro-nounce Latin according to the English method,seventy five follow the Continental method, andseventy-two have adopted the Roman or Latinmethod.

According to the recent investigation of a(ierman scientist, the percentage of pupils whoare near-sighted increases with alarming rapid-ity as the pupils increase in age. The percent-age of pupils at six years of age, found to benear-sighted, was 11 per cent., while at twcnty-oue years, no less than 62.1 per cent, werefound to be alllicted in this manner.

Theyeor 1881 will be a mathematical curios-ity. From right to left and from left to right it

will read the same; 18 divided bv 2 gives 0; 81divided by 9 gives 9; if 81 be divided by 9, thequotient will contain a 9; if multiplied' by 9,

the nrodn.f ,mit;iiii- ino nines. If the 18 beMed, the sum is 99.

S 1, 8, 8, 1. it will

1- of 81. By adding,

,nineteen nines arc

jvcry year needed to

.jcentlv prIKient of the Unllcd States a massive and magni-liient writing-desk made from timbers of herMajesty's ship Resolute.

At the dedication of the new Pardee Hall atLafayette College, Easton, Pa., there were pres-ent the President of the United States, a portionof his Cabinet, and the General of the Army.The prosperity of tins college is largely owing toits president, Dr. Cattell.

The College for Working-women in London,England, is eminently successful.

placed,n,.|,.Ml.. s,.,

lftllMi-m,~ l„. .„[<[,

give _l^, .nul Is ,- i».,

produced, licinj; mic 9

complete the century.

^he Sophomore cIom of anc jit^oun collraw)

Little boy at the opening of a proposed spel-ling match: "Lets .«tart fair, grandmother;yon take Nebuchadnezzar, and I'll take cat."

Instructor—Cite some of the references toCsesar's times." Student hesitates, and his nextneighbor suggests, quite audibly, "Though lostto dtf, to memory dear."


Teacher—"Suppose that you have two sticksof candy, and your big brother ^more, how many haveboy, (shaking his head)he ain't that kind of a boj-.'

A college is a plai

— her; neitherhough the old hen mij

1 if they would allow.

aside, then ei


.. -h-bench ; but he could setIII "1 ii, -.wA neither the basin nor gram-• wiwM ..bJL'ci. He could sit on a dog'siliu Jug ueie willing, or he might set hisit. But if he should set on the aforesaidset his foot there, the grammarians, as-

the dog would howl. And yet, strung(

Pitt's Precocity.

William Pitt was born on the 28th of May1-759. He was the second son of that WilliamPitt, first Earl of Chatham, who, as the greatCommoner, had ruled the House of Commonswith an iron sway such as its members hadnever before experienced, and who, as Fii-stMinister of the Crown, had made the name ofEngland feared in both hemispheres as she hadnever before been feared or has never since beenfeared. There are some men who, at a veryoa,-iy age, give sigiis^of the fame theyward to obtainwhen a child ofdinal du Perroi


the might the tail

told that SmeatonX, made a windmill; that Carwhen only seven, asked for g

. - - book ngain>t thi' Hugitenotsthat West, when a boy, exclaimed, "A ]>aintcr is

companion for kings!" that wdown and neither be assailed by Hartley determined to write a bookthe grammarians.— ^i^f^Aeny


ture of man. Bacon a work on philosopi

Bad Penmanship.

n dif-


the highest percentage of population of schoolage enrolled in the school, viz, 104, or 4 percunt, more than the whole number between 2and 18 years of age, and also the highest per-centage of average daily attendance, viz, 77.

N. T. Sdwol Journal.

The"; nither curious piece of com-p06ili<m "1- .r:(!v t,s,-,(i upon the black-hoard ;.( I


! -r in Vermont, and aprize '! I \\ Miiiiiy offered to anypLTsnii MJ,

,; mil pronounce every

word eoiM .(I_. III. I k ^^ us not carried off,

however, as twelve was the lowest number ofmistakes in pronunciation made: "A sacrileg-ious son of Beliul, who suffered from bronchitis,having cxhauxled his finances, in order to makegood the deficit, resolved to ally himself to acomely, lenient and docile young lady of the Ma-lay or Caucasian race. He accordingly pur-chased a calliope and coral necklace of thechameleon hue, and securing a suite of rooms ata principal hotel, he engaged the headhis coadjuti " -

kept during the period he is sowing his wildoats, and thus relieves his family of the annoy-ance of having hun about,

Bonioji Post.

"Speaking of the dead languages, Professor,"inquired the new student, "who killed them?"

ipposed that they were killed by beingstudied too much.

Fresliman in (Algebra), while the professor'sback is turned (in a whisper): " Say, how do-JU get that quantity out from under the radi-

il?" Another freshman, (consolingly), "Rub

Said a college professor to a notorious lag-gard, who was once, for a great wonder, promptlyin his place at morning prayers, and at Ihe ap-pointed time: "I have marked you, sir, aspunctual this morning. What is your excuse?''"S-s-ick, sir, and couldn't sleep," was the reply

" In what condition was the patriarch Job atthe end of his life? ' asked a Brooklyn Sunday--chool teacher of u quiet-looking boy at the footof the class. " Dca<l," calmly replied the boy.—liurlington Hawkeye.

We ought to spell the word potato "(ihongh-|ihtli.i;;hti'iiii," iiecording to the following rule:'''"'

I N' N f,,ii,_

,,s you'll find from the last''


' ii. 'lugJi stands for

in epic poem, and DeThouabistiny". V.j„i,gbelonged to this precocious oider. At awhen most boys are scarcely out of the.'ly he was a brilliant scholar. His l<^..n...-

ledge of the classics was profound. He w

of the most useful f»'her, he

branches of education- yet it issplendid sire, h^

, , thouglits ill seibyour best „ny,„,,j,,^jh^profouudest points o


I of his

)st painfully neglected,

educators, as well as

taught, when a child,

express hisEnglish,and how i

Tested him fromglad that I

," he said to his mother,a of the Chatham peerage: " I i

the House of papa/'" Alrendvgenms had laid open before him his r.iture In'deed, never in the annals nf i,,. ,-.,|,i,.,

.... ,.',i,un

His tutor had t

[Q. developing iheHayley, the pm

s of this

scholar. The atrocious penmanship of the Int.

Dr. Gtetey. for many years the most brilli

editorof the United States, will probably renthe tjcme of disparaging comment as longwill Jie recollection of that good man. ".„»

writiife served the purpose of many a practical'""!''''' '^"*'^^ '^'^ '

joke.fome of which, perhaps, might bear re- ThfrethT'"''''

peatife. One one occasion, having become dis. "gustcJ with the continued Idunders ofpositAhe wrote an order for his dis^,,-..,

whiclft is said the compositor used for yeaiafter«|ds as a testimonial of his splendid abil ii


from (leley. On another occasion, he wrot.longlelr to a certain government official givii,:

his opifcn. as he was in the habit of doin.- I «as „nH,. ti.« i ii' k-"'.^i'""" ""»^'- apeecn

ipt. found that he hnd - ' - ' mitrht hp m-t .1,,,= » ,.„ .. v„„ .....,_ , ' ..

hottoniBcnp; he then called in rv,,,,

departments, who were n [ (,


it, He theuenclosed rli, i, .

in New York, with a requr-^ ,

call perAlly at the Tribune office, andinterprcAju, whicli he whs requested to frrite

out andjward. The New-Yorker called

the 7V(VA oflice in due time, and was shownto Grcelotoffice. Upon presenting the

t was introduced torival, and the greatspeech after speech

— Temple Bar.

Scene between Professor and Freshman." How dare you swear before me, sir" Fresh.,(triumphantly) " How did 1 know you wanted toswear first." After the scene that ensued, theFreshman gathered himself np and silently stoleaway.

Amherst Student.

Letter to _a teacher.—Miss Q. Don't teachmy bOy no more sounding of his a b b's i'Ulearn him that at home. And don't waist yonrlime over the jimiiastics—he gits ennf of ihcmover the back gate. You hav too much foolin

lipt for >rprctation, Mr. Greeley

Greeley h

with him,

of any pi

even clain

of genius,

he showu

they had

Bud pcnmi i

cusable sh

for any pci



He then dispatched a letter in One of our State exchanges speaks of " the


A painter having restorchurch was requested to


he did as follows: For.. „„^


Tables of the Law, $l,2fi

conceded fact by "P ^''ate and put a gold tn^

all who were acquainted ?; ''"'''"§ P"'."" ^'"'"' '"'

"I Peter and pamted again

or ills il«y. Mnio personsbovo mivnriillo llislioiid, J1.J6; !,,, I,,,,,,,. „,.|,,,|Imt poor penmniiBliip was a mai-k "'^ ''"'^ °^ "'* tnaitl servaiitofGiiiiiplms and put

il Greelcv and otiicr noted men ,™"°° °" '""' ''""'">• *0.50;for having 'renewed

pennten as pfoofof -M, abs„d &°',rSnrSr..:'S ?,'=': same liypothesis, it could 'O'-y and restoring a few souls, n 75 ; for havingof our greateal statesmen '"""• "''* 6°''' "lo robe of Herod, putting in

e for their fine talents but."'"'«,'«"';. »"'' ^''"g his wig. »I.4Ii ; for havhig


' lengthened the tail of the dog of Tobias and fileda siring to his traveling bag, 82.00; for havingcleaneil the ears of the a.s of Balaam and ahood11, $2.50 ;

for having painted and shaded the Ark"» Noah, $4.75.

rkable for their fine talents, butikards, were geniuses heeause I a'S'ig

ioeutric habit of getting tipsy.

mark of a .sloven andness, and it Is a grand mistake> attribute to any one an e«ra-of ability on aeeount of his bad


Back WmnbemTCreto try to eonvinee one of There are renniining a few of all the haek.blehan,e., that a very poor work, numbers of the Jof'. we certamly would be laughed the September number ! 877Webelieve,then,thatwhoeverJ,^,,o Jan. 1st, 1881, whiei, will be .env ,orpenmanship, or anything else

I »3.00; with all four of the premiams lor $3.60.

SingleMi^«ntA. Specimei


1 column »3fiO0 »W 00 »100

KivttDce ; I

Beading n


ThePamily Becord.




Well ill,< thu

skill, hftvc learned to write by practicing from

copies and who have not aubsequently

changed their hands by practicing under widely

different dreiimstances; there may not be the

very marked distinguishing characterielics or

personality common to handwriting.

It id the peculiar eccentricities of habit in

writing as it is tbe figure, dress, fee. in persons

which readily and certainly deternimeB their

identity. A peraonof medium size, having regular

features, without excentiioity of habit or dress,

makes no marked impression and is not readily

identified, while a dwarf, cripple, giant, or per-

son ciccptional in dress Or peculiar in habit,

ihalleuges aH.»ntion, and is recognized en cas-

ual acquaintance or even at sight. So.different

ng of regularly formed letters

combined and shaded according to some stand-

liable to have many coincidences

of form and apparent habit, which rcndtPB their

indentity, when questioned, diffiicult and some-

ues uncertain.

The following is a specimen of writinR not

highly characteristic and of the style in which

coincidences would be frequent.

The following

would be few.

Fei-sons are never so identical in form,

fcature-t, dress, habit &c., as to be misluk-

en by intimate acquaiutances, and usually

where astrong personal resemblance is apparent

to strangers, it ceases to be so upon (i more inti-

mate acquaintance. So, two different handwrit-

ings of nearly equ^il size, uniform slope, *hadi>,

io. may as a whole, or in its pictorial effect, pre-

sent to the eye of a novice or casual observer,

mycli the same appearance, yet to one fnniilittr

with tliem or to an expert examiner, they ivould

hf without characteristic- rpaoruhlac*=*. V.


The handwriting of every adull must inevita-

bly have multitudinous distinctive and habitual

pecuUarities, of which the writer is more or lesi

unconscious; such a* initial and terminal lines

forms of letters, their relative propoitions, conj

nect'ons, turns, angles, spacing, slope shading

(in place and degree), crosses, 'iots, orthngrapli

punctuation, &c., &c. These peculiarities being

habitual, and mainly unconscious, can

successfully avoided or simulated through

tended piece of writing. No writer can avoid

that of which he is not conscious, nor can

copyist take cognizance of and suocessfully

produce these multitudinous habitual peculiari

ties, and at the same time avoid his own habit

A writer may with the utmost ease, enl

change the general appearance of his wrii

this may be done by a change of slope, wi.

by using a widely different pen, yet in spite|

all effort his unconscious writing habit will\

main and be perceptible in all the details of B

writing; such an effort to disguise ones writif

could be scarcely more successful than woulde

a disguise of ihe person to avoid recognition.

n specimen of writing consid-

ind in which ooincidenccs

art- conducted, by honest intelligeuce or knavish

ignorance, and we have no reason to believe

that all the knaves who profess to teach, are

confined to business colleges.

As regards the practical utility of such a

course of training as is given in a really first-

class Business College there is no more ground

to doubt than there is regarding all schools for

special education. Few persons would ques-

tion the value of a course of military training

for a soldier, or of medicine, law, theology, or

engineering, Ac, to their i-espective practi-

tioners. The science of occounts, the art of

penmanship and a general knowledge of the

forms and customs of business are just as much

a matter for special study and teaching as are

any of the above named specialties and are more

generally useful than any of them, since to a

greater or less degree those branches are called

into use in every other profession and pursuit.

According to Pmk no business man would

presume to entrust a Business College graduate

with the keeping of a set of books. To our

knowledge many have done so, and as they have

found safely, and, we, have not the slightest

doubt, that there ore quite as many business men

who would trust a Business College graduate

to keep their books, as there are who would

entrust themselves or friends if sick, in the

hands of a freshly graduated medical student,

or their legal affairs to the recent graduate of a

law school. As a nmttcr of fact, in all these

cases the expfricn^^i'd umi Iricd practitioner is

to be prcferiMl ; Hil' Hiisiiir-s Cullcgc graduate

must no niori' |.n<vc bi- liliiL-s* ami ability to

The Penman's Gazette,

We Ifum from Prof. G. A. Oaskcli that ho i<

about to resume the monthly publication of the

PenvxaiCn Oaeette which no doubt many of our

renders will be pleased to learn and will join u»

in wishing it success. Prof. Gaskell is uu able

am) fluent writer, his experience as editor and

author will undoubtedly enable him to conduct

a really first-class penman's paper. We shall

welcome the Gazette with no spirit of jealousy

or envy, there is ample room and work for

two penman's papers. We shall hope that every

penman will find it to his interest to subscribe

for bolh the .Todrnal and OazHte, and have no

doubt they will find it the best investment of two

dollars they can make. It is safe to say that

neither the Joiirnal or Gazette will be any the

less intere-iting or valuable from the publication

of the other,

auil responsibility thai

The impcmtive force of habit is manifest in all

the social and industrial conditions and relations

of life, extending to the minutest details of hu-

man thought and action. It is observed in the

salutation, shake of the hand, the artisan's skill,

the training of oratory and music. Habits

formed from a long and frequent repetition, he-

come as it were, a part of the individual and

cannot be at once abandoned oravoided. Prob-

ably there is nothing in which this is more mani-

festly a fact than in a persons handwriting.

Writing being a complicated mechanical struc-

ture, acquired at first by study and practice, and pursuing a

subsequently modified and individualized by

long practice, presents a eombination of the hab-

it of thought and mechanical effort, more com-

plex and full of habitual detail than any other

human acquirement.

The haudwriting of differc nt individuals diffei-s I to young men, and ladies

in appearance and characteristics as widely as graduates of these

does the physiognomy, style of dress and

personal appearance of th

ings are as certainly dis',

other as are the writers.

Puck and BusineBS Colleges,

In a recent issue Puck, to lise a comm

parlance, j<i8t went for Business Colleges, d'-

acterixing them as humbugs of the worst ft,

and their gniduates as being inferior to tpt

of an ordinary public school, even charginpjal

in most instances young men suffered polvc

injury rather than deriving advantage

• of studv i ) of thdn

wish or purpo to

become the special champion of Bu-siiicsol-

Icges or of any special education, but fioiiiir

long and close observation of Business Oge

work and the advantages which have relcd

ho haveicn

re are prfled

denounce PucU^s sweeping charges asriig

1, and the writ- I unjust and unwarranted,

ble from each That th«re have been so-called BusineJol-

Ileges, and college professors which wer

It sometimes happen* that in general appear- and frauds we would not deny, nor oou

ance different handwritings, as do different per- Piiek deny a similar chaise if made

sons, have a marked resemblance to each other, I some of the so-called institutes, academicdni-

in which case mistaken identity is iiable ; in the nariea and some other institutions digi

handwriting, except by penionsfamilinrwithitor the titles of university nnd college, thi

those who make a careful scientific examination, that each of any ofthe above named inst|ons

and of the persons except by intimate acquaint- 1 arc meritorious or otherwise precisely fiey

tility of

fill a positiun

the graduates of any other

a certain sense must serve a routine of practice

and gain promotion or place as they prove their

merits. Each will have a broader and more

comprehensive understanding of their profession

from having pursued a special course of study

and training. This is as true of the Business

College graduate as of any other.

In our opinion the day when the

special schools for business training en

more questioned than any other class

has long since passed, and, although, as a rule.

Puck is well up with the times, on the Business

hi-hind the .igc.

A World's Fair in 1883.

The Worid's Fair to be held in New York,

in 1883, on the centennial anniversary of the

signing of a trealy of peace by Great Britain, is

now promising for success.

The Commission has been organized with

General Grant as its President. The Commis-sion ia comprised of able and responsible men,

which, together, with the liberal contributions

of funds being made to defiay the expense of

the fair, are an ample guarantee of its complete

The Egyptian Obelisk.

On the 22d of January the Egyptian Obelisk

was rai.sed to its position in Central Park.

It was first erected iu Egypt .1600 years ago.

It was subsequently removed to Ale-xandria,

where, after lying prostrate twenty-three years,

it was ei-ccted twenty-three years B. C, before

the palace of the CiDsars. The Obelisk was

presented to the United States hy Ismail Pa.sha,

and was transported to New York by Lieut.

Gorringe, at nn expense of $75,000, which waspaid by W. H. Vandeibilt.

The Census of 1860.

gives the population of the United States at

50,152.5.H. an inoi-ease of neariy )2,000,0oe

in ten years. The five largest States in their

order are New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illi-

nois and Missouri ; the five largest cities. NewYork, which has l,aotl,6{iO; Philadelphia, 846,-

984 ; Brooklyn. 00(1,089; Chicago, 608,304; Bos-

ton. 362,B35. The population of New YorkCity alone exceeds the entire aggregate popu-

lation of the five States of Now Hampshire,Vermont, Rhode Island, Nevada and Oregon;

and, should we add to its population that o|

Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hoboken and othe

suburbs, which are really a part of New York,we have a population of over 2,000,000; tO

equal which would require the additional States

of Delaware, Oolomdo, Florida, and the District

of Columbia,

The King Clubs

For the past month conies again from C ,W.

Boucher, Teacher in the Commeicial depftrU

ment of the Northen Indiana Normal School,

Valparaiso, Ind., and numbers seventff'fiw

names. This makes an aggregate of thrtte hun-

dred names sent by Mr. Boucher within a period

of loss than five months, and by far the largest

number scut by any other single person within

that period. The second largest club cornea

from n. T. Loomis, teacher of writing in Dry*

ant's (Buffolo) Businesw College, and numbcPg

thirty-seven The third club in size conieB from

Charles R. Frailey, Lancaster, Pa., numbering

eighteen. The month previous he sent a club

of twelve. The past, has been emphatically a

month of clubs, for which we return our*

thanks, und shall endeavor to reciprocate by

sending a constantly improving paper.

School management,

is the title of an highly interesting and valuable

little work by Prof. Amos M. Kellogg, editor

of the The Km York SchoolJmirnnl It con-

tains many^valuablesuggestious to teacher regard-

ing school work.

An appropriate and highly Interesting Intro-

diiclion is written by Thomas Hunter, Pre&ldpHt

of the New York Normal College, frof KelloKi-'

Is ftn cxputliiQcuJ uiiJ poputnr tpntfher ahd i- pTil-

inenlly fitted by his long experience as a teacher

and observer of school methods to give, as he

does in his book, the best and most valuable

advice regarding every department of school

Special Rates to Clubs.

To favor teachers and pupils in schools wh

numerous copies of the Journal are desii

wc offer to mail it one year on the following v

favorable terms


2 cople* »7.75l 15 copiea (I copies S.2S I !S copies 1

n copicH n.GUI

'00 copiea... . i

To each subscriber will be mailed, as a pre-

mium, with the first copy of the Journal, as

they may designate, either the "Bouuding Slag,"

2'lx32, the "Flourished Eagle," 24x32, ihc

"Lord's Prayer," 10x32, or the "Picture of

Progress," 22x28, For 50 cents extra all four

of the premums will be sent. These premiumswere all originally executed with a pen, and are

among the masterpieces of pen art. Either of

them, to an admirer of skillful penmanship, is

worth the entire cost of a year's subscription.

Extra Copies of the Journal,will be sent free to teachers nnd others who do-

sin- to make an effort to secure a club of sub-

scribers. .

The Business of the New York Post


Some conception of the magtiilmU- nf tlic busi-

ness of the New York Post Office may be l.nn,

cd from the following figures which we U.wi-

compiled from the recent official report of Hi.

office for 1880. There was handled 410,7.; I,

780 pieces of mail matter. There was delivcK il

by caniepfl in the city 265,232,758 pieces. Th.

mony order transactions amounted to |61,:^.;i.

749. Receipts for stamps, envelopes and

curds, fS, 107,398. For newspapei-s meiclundise, &c., $316,520. The total revenue of ili.

office was $3,490,884. Tho expense of ili.

ofllce $765,558, leaving a net revenue of t2.7.'pN,

717, There are employed 297 carriers onU 07


Si#ilTYOf m^^^ '4 -OEM*



^yifm-f-cA-'-decteytcir/off /" /' ^.y/';' < c P,/c>i,'yHM-7^yCCrP

^e/f-/ rc-' c^ii^u^re / fr^ //f ^// /? /a>/ rCciy,^X>'

-VKI JOIIKN.VI.-^sfsr'


ImporVxnl office to u;Hcli.T:\ek.s "beea appoirvtei







Ancient Cities.

Nineveh was liftocu milL--; ion-, fi^litand ibrly miles round, ivitli :i uill n,,, In

feet higb, and thick enou-rti i.i tl. ,

abrca*it. Babylun was iitt\ n i ,i

walls, which were 87 feet ihu ., .,ii i, ,

with 100 brazen gates. The JVii.|iii

at Ephe^iis, was 420 feet to tlic MipimPOof. It was 100 jeai-.s Id building. Tof the pyramids is 401 feet high, andsidt-!-; ils bii>e cover- 11 acres. TIr





Inclose ten cents for n specimen copy of theJouBSAi, A single dime is a trifle, but whenusf-regated to thousands it is not n trifle Arniinyou wish a copy of the Jovrsal, which w ofvalue to you and n cost to U8. The cost ofsingle copy to you is a trifle, but the cost ofmany is much to m.

If you want good pens cnelosc ^a t-cnia loiquarter p-03=<, or $1 for full gross of Ame's

The firefly only shines when on the \It 18 with the mind when once we

D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers,

1. a fttiil 5 DowD SraEKT, New York.

durabib biudi

binder. Seal

The Common Sense Binderprppared

itnicU-rt OH toeeinc bolhn.-cvlpt o( SI.

'ENMAN'S ART JOUltNAL,2(19 llroadwajr, Kew York.

Silica t eDUMO.ND



I N Tf -°li""'"' '"' "" "l"" (iodudUie sold

FOlt SAZ.E at II biuvoiu;

CoinmorcUkl Colli-ge, I

portlculurs nppl; to Couiuii


Superior Writing Inks,AND

OFFICE ITIUCILAGE.IVrltIng:, Curyln?, lUarkini^, Indellblv,

Slninpin^i Japan, Siylugraptilc,



•. County Clerk.

Offlce of Supt. of writing In HiRli and piiblic SchoolH. doiDR moro for fltudentc i

In Bizo, made from toiiRhproper care will last a life

guarantee to place it in thcondition. Price, in 3 or

eight, cither OQ straight oris having ». rapid eale and Ib

penmanship than an? otherthe public. lli8 3U)i8Viin,

liine. An Analytical AJpha-

• hands of purchasure in good

Penman's Companion.

An ln«tn.mont for enlarKinR and reducing dcslRns


8. JoKBs, Supt.IJ™T '

-'., JuIyOth, 18«0 o'l''BTO mod your Inks, exchiaively. for tho I

J^t li

[ rapidly and hand-

aSsriHErS^SSi Photo and Photo-Lithographs

uirtng your Inkswilh groat i

part ia] to Inks that " " "

tiiuu ihow dialiiictly at oum* partial to Into that flowrtvelya;how dialiiictly at one* tlie lUiest lino.

by gas-Ui[tit or daylight, wo pwfer yonr Dwp Blaok. orHnun Bn^i xf..».n..Mi^ 1..1— _.,_.. Your I''ancy laki I

H. W. Kibbe.


consider them the heat yet provided for thorough busi-ucAs traming. Sample copies of the Univeniity Book-

. byr

Addretw the publisher, Q. T. OPLINQER, Slat/ngl'iin;


BROOKS GROYE, LFV'. CO., NWill mail to any address the following t

GASKELL'S BUSINESS SCHOOLSJersey Ciiy Bii<.iiii>«« ColletTv*

23 and U Newark Avenue, Jere.'y City, N. J.

Gaskeij,, Priniipnl. A. H. Stepkenhon. Secy.

Bryant & Straliou Co1U>kc,Cor. Manchester and Elm Stroets,

yo. 7 UOBART ST., Wiixi'SSs. jr. } rri„"""'

nnOA. M. Y.{

OlniuUn of both free for etompa.

i Card Boanl. '.'JxSS. tor white Ink 60

( Cards per thousand, by express 3 00per sheet, qnlie,

t's drawlg-paper, hot-press, llixSO In., $ 15 (1 20

ma* In.'.' ao a ao

28x10 in!! 06 7 00aixS2ln.. 1 70 30 00!"""".".'*.'!! 2 00" " 1.000, by express.. 1 SO

or & Newton's super sup. lud. Ink, pr stick., 'i 00

Dicutal Cards, 12 designs, per pack of 26

" by cxpreea i ooI iia ink, per bottle, by express 66

N, "to^aa'Uiy."! 30

McLt^cs' Alphabets 2 fiO

Cougdou's Normal system of Flourixhing 50" " Lettering 80

Both FloiulsMng and Lettering 70

Key to Sponccri;nPonman«liip. ..... 60

Speucerian Compendium 1 25SpfinKO Rubber, 2x2 ln„ very superior, per piece,. 60

SlrMi- Cli.fli. i..ue y,'ir.l wide, any length, per yard.

305 Bboaswax, New York.


J-o-st I^-ULlDXisItLed-

Sadler's Counliii House Arilkelic.

PRACTICAL TEXT-BOOK for BiiBinoM CoUL>g«i, High Solio

limccaK couiseof etud; adapted to thai practical appticatioa o(

'inceptiou or eudden Impulse, but one o( those self-imposed t*

V Venn, aad corner forth at this time to Eiipply a praoticAl test-b

od by the undersigned and by him peraoni

indautly proved by the mimerous orders reoeiv



7 as to how 1 like your new Counting House Arithmetic, I answer better

stber Aritlimolic now published. It is specially adapted for Commi1 to become a ntandard work of reference iu the countinn room. I

iquire regarding Its merits. Respectfully youi

explanutiouBftnd niles are clear, conolse and pointed. I am glad to give your work my hearty oppro-

tive analysefl of commen^iiii topics not only" pic*

BelievmK that a commendation is only valuablitiouallj- V

: info my schools, and am highly pleased with it. My teac

cellent in regard to qucstioi

ishing you unbounded si

J. M. MARTIN k BRO- Propn ors

E Creek. Miuh., Sept.' 20th 80

T pupils since its adoption.

Sir ; Your Counting House Arithi

' highly pleaaed ^

for OUT pupils sine ^Very reepectfuUy yours,

Bktant *! Stbatton B

y unquaUaed approval. Have usi

D. M. McLachlas Prindpa

SPECIAL TO XEACHERS AWD PROPRIETORS OF SCHOOLS.Specimen copies of Sadler's Counting House Arithmetic, for examination will be sent nos na d

now m course of publication. Part I. wUl be issued February 1, )8S0.

To llie Public.Cople8ofthoArithmelictoanynddre8S,,»2.00. W. H- SADLER. Pub, and Pres't



rfinn-inship goes everywhen;

M^AsZ. Jersey aty Buaiueia nold'd Writing


PCHnnL PENS^OPCflARSTmP£/l/S/A/ use '

. A\\^\\^^S ^'»JLX.^'^ ^Wl

f:^^^ >-'-:^i^

DISPLAY CUTS FOR ADVERTISING.[1 especially for displaying HandbUls


e, etc. By using these Outs, HaudUU

to any address, at low prices. InclLise

AND EIVGRAVIKC.- Diitloitiasi and Specimen

nipt, oconc

College Currency, TcstimoiD. T. AMES, 205 Rroadtvay, New York.

L '20 NiiuibcrM« Muit*rj- Htj'lv of ivritin^.

SAJTIPI.ES of the l«a<

ccipt of 10 cenlwi Iviboii.Blakeman, Taylor Sc Co., T.'i.l

Broadivay, Nciv York.STEEL PENS.

A few of the Best Specimens of Improvement in HandwritingFROM U;S1:NG-

GASKELL'S COMPENDIUM{^iidj--Jcaching Pcimans/,//.), received the paU Month

^^.a!^c.uL^ r^^^feel

I'ruf. (i. A. (lASKELL. friacipa} Jrnrt, dhj II,,,, mis C„llr„r.


e coiimry./r«fl to thoao wrTung fori

Top Related