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  • Period 1 By: Carlie Duggan Tylon Bicakcioglu Carly DiSilvestro Luca Cacciatore 9/23/13
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  • On the Peloponnese Peninsula in Greek On top of Aspis hill and Larissa hill Located on the Argolid plain Near Nafplion harbor Once had flowing rivers but Poseidon dried them
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  • Fish The few crops they grew Olives, figs, cheese, bread, and wine Vegetables and honey were popular Grew citrus products
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  • Ruled by a king Their government was a monarchy Wealthy and rich watered region Argos competed with Sparta Used coins made of silver
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  • Mainly worshipped Hera Etruscan mythology Believed in afterlife and morality Used sacred texts Ceremonies and rituals were preformed at alters
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  • Built monuments Built temples Built statues Used clay and copper to build structures
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  • Greece, in the Archaic was mainly broke up by free people & slaves Social Classes: -Gods & Goddesses -Rich & Wealthy -Citizens -Non-Citizens -Free Slaves -Slaves
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  • Famous for their wonderful poets and musicians Painted and carved art for designs Had pottery and vases Had geometric designs
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  • Used writing tablets and rulers Books were expensive and rare Had an alphabet
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  • Thought to have invented coins Had mixing bowls Used Boats
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  • Argos is the second oldest city-state in Greece Founded by Phoronus Mythological founder was Argos Was the most important city-states in Greece
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