
Hello there. I am a scientist. I watch the winds from satellites images.

I also use my Barometer, which measures air pressure, my Hygrometer, which measures humidity, and my Anemometer, which determines wind speed and directions.


Hygrometer Barometer

I’m going to tell you a story that I watched from the atmosphere, the layer of air that surrounds the Earth.

There is a family called the Front family. The Front family consists of four kids; Warm, Cold, Stationary, and Occluded.

Lately, Warm Front and Cold Front have been fighting a lot, running into each other in different ways. Stationary is always trying to slow them down so when they met in the middle Warm won't run over Cold. Instead, they would just head butt and stay put.

Occluded Front liked to be on both sides of the battle. After all, he was made of warm air and cold air meeting and creating clouds in between. Warm Front was warm air going over cold air. Cold Front was cold air going under warm air.

Well, do you recognize the Fronts? I know you have seen them before on the Weather Channel. Here, let me show you...

"This is not only this kind of map, there is also a Isotherm map too. Isotherm maps have isobars to show wind speed and direction." Mr. Scientist says, showing the kids the maps.

Now back to the story. So Warm Front and Cold Front are always butting heads trying to get by each other. When Warm manages to get enough strength and runs of Cold, Warm cools down creating Precipitation.

There are four main types of precipitation;




For the rain to fall, clouds have to form. Warm Front and Cold Front carry water particles, so when Warm runs over Cold and cools, the water particles hit their dew point and form droplets.

At one point the droplets come together to make a cloud. There are four types of clouds they could make; stratus, cirrus, cumulus, and nimbus.

So sometimes when these two hit, depending on where in the world, they can create something dangerous. This dangerous thing could be a tornado or a hurricane.

A tornado is a swirling mass of air on land, created by Warm and Cold running into each other and then circling around. A hurricane is similar except it occurs over water.

Warm and Cold Front keep on fighting about who has the most pressure. Warm front says he has high pressure, less dense air, but he could be both. Cold front wants to be low pressure, more dense air.

Stationary Front is trying to warn them that they are causing major wind currents.

The warm air starts to rise, causing low pressure. Cold air over water replaces the warm air. A gust of wind blows Cold Front and Warm front.

This gust of wind was a Sea Breeze. The winds are getting stronger since trade winds are coming to try to stop this horrifying event.

The ocean also watches the battle arising between Warm front and Cold front. The colder water wants to watch the battle and pushes the warm water away in a circular motion. This is called convection.

This certain type of ocean current is an Upwelling Current. Density Currents is about the colder, more salinated water switching places with less dense, warmer water. As all of these ocean currents come to watch, the battle becomes more and more terrifying.

“You are crossing my territory, Cold front!” Warm front yelled over the strong winds.

“Well, I am more powerful than you!” Cold front replied.

“You wanna fight little bro?” Warm front smirked.“Bring it on!” Cold front smirked back.

Both of the fronts charged toward each other, only to be met with stationary front. But the combination of all these fronts started to make a swirling mass of wind.

The air kept swirling around, faster and faster. The fronts combined into one giant tornado of mass destruction.

The tornado now spinning at 80 MPH sent cars and signs flying as it drove through a small town. Windows shattered and trees were uprooted.

“STOP!!!!!!!!!!!” Stationary yells over all the chaos.

The tornado faded away into the distance and the sun creeped out. The sun started to use its energy to make the never-ending cycle of wind and ocean currents.

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