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Period of “on the job” training.


They were Holy Wars waged in an attempt to recapture Holy Land from the Turks who denied Christ’s pilgrims permission to visit Holy Sepulcher.


1. Knights of St. John of Jerusalem , (Italian)- devoted to religious life- discipline was strict- it established an organization of ranks advocated

principles of complete and unquestioned devotion to duty traditional obedience to superiors.

2. Teutonic Knights (German)- established tent hospitals for the wounded

3. Knights of St. Lazarus- was founded primarily for the nursing care of lepers in

Jerusalem after the Christians had conquered the city.

The Alexian Brothers were members of a monastic order founded 1348. They established the Alexian Brothers Hospital School of Nursing the largest School of Nursing under religious order. It operated exclusively for men in United States, The school closed in 1969.


There was the rise of Religious Nursing Orders for women. Although Christianity promoted equality to all men, women were still concentrated in their roles as wives and mothers. Only by entering a convent that she could follow a career, obtain an education and perform acts of charity that her faith taught would

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help her gain grace in heaven. Queens, princesses and other ladies of royalty founded many religious orders.

Religious taboos and social restrictions influenced nursing at the time of the religious Nursing Orders. Hospitals were poorly ventilated and the beds were filthy. There was overcrowding of patients: three or four patients regardless of diagnosis or whether they are alive or dead, may have shared one bed. Practice of environmental sanitation and asepsis were non-existent. Older nuns prayed with and took good care of the sick; while the younger nuns washed soiled linens, usually in the rivers.


1. Order of ST. Francis of Assisi (1200-present). Believed in devoting their lives to poverty and service to the poor.

a. First Order – founded by St. Francis himself. b. Second Order (Poor Clares) – founded by St. Clare of Assisi c. Third Order (Tertiary Order) – composed of members who devoted their time to performance of acts of mercy in their communities; most provided nursing care in homes and hospitals.

2. The Beguines – composed of lay nurses who devoted their lives to the service of suffering humanity. It was founded in 1170 by a priest, Lamber Le Begue.

3. The Oblates (12th Century)4. Benedictines5. Ursulines6. Augustinians

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1. St. Clare – founder of the second order of St. Francis of Assisi; took vows of poverty, obedience service and chastity; gave nursing care to the sick and the afflicted.

2. St. Elizabeth of Hungary – known as the “Patroness of Nurses”, she was the daughter of the Hungarian King. She lived her life frugally despite her wealth. She used all her wealth to make the lives of the poor happy and useful. She built hospitals for the sick and the needy. She fed the sick with her own hands and made their beds. She provided for orphans and fed 300-900 persons daily at her gate. To avoid idleness, she employed those who were able to work continually in her hospital and in the homes of the poor and to go fishing in streams to help provide for the many sufferers.

3. St. Catherine of Siena – the first “Lady with a Lamp”. She was 25th child of a humble Italian parents. She pledged her life to service at the age of seven and was referred to as little saint. She was a hospital nurse, prophetess, researcher and a reformer of society and the church.

The world of nursing, despite wars and plagues made considerable progress under the influence of Christianity. It maybe said that nursing owes its foundation to the work of benevolent men and women, the crusades and the guilds. But this progress in nursing was brought to a halt by industrial and political revolution and the Reformation in the 16th century. These left the world in the following situations:

1. The masses of people huddled in slums as a results of famine, wars, and the introduction of machinery (industrial revolution).

2. Living in blighted slum areas, the people sank into brutal and immoral way of life.

3. Ambition for power and the antagonism resulting from the attempts to achieve this power replaced human empathy.

4. Class lines could be by passed in some parts of the world, and people struggled against one another for power, wealth and leisure.

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5. Skepticism was the result of political, intellectual and ideological revolutions; everything in life had to be based upon scientific fact. Nothing else was true.


This extends from the 17th to 19th century from the period reformation until the U.S. Civil War. The religious upheaval led by Martin Luther destroyed the unity of the Christian faith. The wrath of Protestantism swept away from everything connected with Roman Catholicism in schools, orphanages and hospitals. Properties of hospitals and schools were confiscated. Nurses fled for their lives. In England, hundreds of hospitals were closed. There were no provisions for the sick, no one to care for the sick. Nursing became the work of the least desirable of women---women who took bribes from patients, who stole the patients food and who used alcohol as tranquilizer. They worked seven days a week, slept in cubbyhole near the hospital ward or patient and ate scraps of food when they could find them. These women were personified in a Charles Dickens novel as Sairey Gamp and Betsy Preg.


1. John Howard. A prison reformer, helped improved the living conditions in prisons and gave prisoners renewed hope.

2. Mother Mary Aikenhand. Established the Irish Sisters of Charity to bring back into nursing the dedication of the early Christian era.

3. Pastor Theodor Fliedner and Frederika Munster Fliedner established the Institute for the Training of Deaconesses at Kaiserwerth, Germany (1836), the first organized training school for nurses. Requirements for entering the school were:

a. Character reference from clergyman. b. A certificate of health from a physician. c. Permission from their nearest relative.

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