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1 Periodic TableJeopardy Review

Jeopardy2Semimetals and nonmetals 20These are poor conductors of heat and electricity.What are nonmetals?

5Semimetals and nonmetals 30The most useful property of semimetals.What is their varying ability to conduct electric current?

6Semimetals and nonmetals 40At room temperature all the semimetals are solid, while most nonmetals are ____.What is a gas?

7Semimetals and nonmetals 50The group that is formed around the zigzag line.What are the semimetals?

8Groups 20The most reactive metals are found in this group.What is group 1, the alkali metals?


11Groups 40The name given to elements in Groups 3-12.What is transition metals?

13Groups 50Elements that do not ordinarily form compounds.What are inert gases?

14Atoms 10In an atom, the number of protons equals what other subatomic particle?What is an electron?

15Atoms 20The property of an element that indicates the number of protons in its atom.What is the atomic number?

16Atoms 30Aluminum has 13 protons. What is its atomic number?What is 13?

17Atoms 40Na has an atomic number of 11 and contains 12 neutrons. What is its atomic mass?What is 23?


19Metals 10This term describes a metal that can pulled out, or drawn into a wire.What is ductile?

21Metals 20The group that contains the most elements.What are metals or transition metals?

22Metals 30Most metals are in this state of matter at room temperature.What is solid?

23Metals 40The chemical reactivity of metals does this from left to right across the periodic table.What is decrease?

24Metals 50If a metal reacts violently with water, in which group is it likely to be found?What is Group 1?

25Hodge Podge 10This part of a square on the periodic table tells a one or two letter shortcut for writing elements.What is a chemical symbol?

26Hodge Podge 20The two most common alkali metals.What are Na and K?

27Hodge Podge 30Scientists use these machines to make synthetic elements.What are particle accelerators ?

28Hodge Podge 40The two most common alkaline earth metals.What are Ca and Mg?

29Hodge Podge 50Why it is difficult to determine the properties of newly created elements.What is they are unstable and the nuclei break apart very quickly?


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