Page 1: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become









This Manual Belongs To: __________________

Page 2: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

Brian Cain Peak Performance – P.R.I.D.E.

Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]


What does it really mean to be mentally tough?

Are you overly sensitive to criticism of really tough skinned?

How us your attitude and your outlook on life?

What goes through your mind after you make an error?

That is your ―Self-Talk‖. Are you overly critical of yourself?

Do you have a strong self-concept of who you are even when you may not be playing well for awhile?

Are you self-confident on the inside when things aren’t going well on the outside?

Do you have the ability to recover quickly from a mistake or a bad call?

Are you a victim (of the bad official) or a fighter (who comes back aggressively)?

How well do you deal with adversity, unfairness, injury, failure?

Can you get back into a competitive frame of mind quickly?

Are you a pessimist or an optimist about your next competition?

Are you a player who does better under pressure or do you ever think that you might ―Throw away an opportunity‖ by

getting angry?

How well do you keep things in perspective and look at the other possible outcomes?

Consider whether you have the desire to get the most out of your ability?

How much of a commitment are you willing to make to become the best you can be, not compared to others, just to


Do you take pride in what you have accomplished in your career?

What are you especially good at? How can you become even better?

How can you enjoy playing the game even more than you do now?

How can you enjoy it when you are frustrated and not playing well?

Have you set any limits on what you can achieve?

Is it possible to have unlimited heights of achievement?

Do you have positive self-talk about yourself?

When can you expect to achieve a small part of your larger goal?

Do you have a back up plan in case?

What does life mean to you? Without athletics?

“Today is the most important day of your career. If you want to be a great, you must start doing the things that will

make you successful today.”

NOTES: ________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 3: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

Brian Cain Peak Performance – P.R.I.D.E.

Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]



―The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude to

me is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than

education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than

what other people think, say, or do. It is more important than appearance,

giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company… a team… a home. The

remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will

embrace for that day. We cannot change our past… we cannot change the fact

that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The

one thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our

attitude… I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I

react to it. And so it is with you… we are in charge of attitudes.‖

“The attitude you take is a decision you make. What kind of attitude will you choose to take today? Attitude is a

Decision. Attitude = Altitude”

NOTES: _________________________________________________________________________________________








Page 4: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become


Brian Cain Peak Performance – P.R.I.D.E Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]

THE PRESENT MOMENT (3) 200ft – Today + Today + Today = Your Career – Don’t count the days, make the days count Way of the Peaceful Warrior (Book or Video) – Dan Millman What is the difference between being IN vs. being INTO? ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ We will use the _________ second drill as an example to prove that we can get locked in anytime we want and we will use the ____________ second drill when our complete and totally undivided attention is needed. We will play the game one pitch/shift/play/possession at a time in the present moment, right here, right now with our mind and body working together. Success in athletics is not hocus-pocus, it is all about ___________ and _________________. WIN = What’ s Important_____________________________- By practicing the _______________________ you can develop your ability to focus and train yourself to stay in the present moment longer. Concentration and focus are skills just like the fundamental skills of your sport. They can be training and developed. The concentration grid needs to be practiced on a consistent basis. Compare yourself to how good you were yesterday, not how good you did compared to your neighbor. World Champion Snowboarder Swaun White said “If I try to beat someone, then I can only get as good as they are. If I try to be as good as I can be, there’s no telling where that might lead.” Who is John Wooden? ___________________________________________________________________ How did John Wooden define success? By using my practice and game ____________________ I can set my self up to be in the present. The past is history, the future is a mystery, the opportunity we get to play today is a gift, that is why they call it the present. The 1973 Figure Staking World Championships video showed that: _______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Today + Today + Today + Today = Your Season & Career *Concentration Grid Score Today: __________________________________________________________

Page 5: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

**The Man In The Glass & Mind Games Article.

Brian Cain Peak Performance – P.R.I.D.E. Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]



The ability to stay focused on the process is critical to success. The process is the next 200 feet. The process is what we need to do to WIN. The Process is playing one pitch, one shift at a time. Who is Sir Rodger Banister? What is his significance? __________________________________________ Winning is a _________________ of doing thing the right way. The best team never wins… It is always _________ _______ _____ ________ ___ ______. What’s important now is the PROCESS. We can talk about winning and National Championships, but what do we need to do to get there – THAT IS THE PROCESS. Part of the process is CONTROLING WHAT I CAN CONTROL -

The Process is also setting daily goals that will take you up the staircase of success – the next 200FT

NOTES: What are the steps you need to follow to get the result you are looking for? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________



Page 6: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

Brian Cain Peak Performance – P.R.I.D.E. Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]



What is Lloyd’s Lesson? ____________________________________________________________________________

Who are the crabs in your life?

Remember these 3 important words – COMPARED _________ ______________

The difference between a HAVE TO vs. GET TO mentality is what? _________________________________________

If you have a big enough reason ___ you will always find a way ___

Keeping the game in perspective will help you to play better because you will put less pressure on yourself to perform

well. Many athletes have it wrong. They thin that identifying with ―Being a Baseball Player‖ is all you can be. When

you see yourself and your self worth as how you perform on the diamond what you are doing is

_______________________ performance. THIS IS A TRAP.

The purpose of the FED EX logo is for me to ___________________________________________________________



So-MAKE TODAY YOUR BANQUET and identify – WHY you play. How do you want to be remembered?





What is the significance of War Dogs?_________________________________________________________________


*War Dogs Article & Casey O’Rourke University of Iowa

―Knowing why I love to play the game made it easier for me to deal with the day to day stress and grind of playing the

game. It kept me focused and allowed me to play at my best.‖ – Pete Rose

Page 7: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

Brian Cain Peak Performance – P.R.I.D.E. Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]

KEEP A POSITIVE ATTITUDE (6) Staying positive means that you focus on what you are trying to accomplish, not what you are trying to avoid. Remember… There are no pick elephants T.B.T = Thoughts ______________ _________ The little voice you hear inside of you head is referred to as self talk. Make the commitment to talk positively to yourself. Write down your positive POWER STATEMENTS (aka – Green Light Thoughts) and review them on a daily basis. POWER STATEMENTS: _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What did Kevin Young write on his Olympic Village Wall? Why? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What is the difference between a fountain and a drain? NOTES: ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Page 8: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

Brian Cain Peak Performance – P.R.I.D.E. Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]


“THE HOUR GLASS” What was the significance of the water bottle with dirt in it? _______________________________________ “Failure to prepare is preparing to fail” What can you do to make your practice and training more game like? _____________________________________________________________________________________ We do not want to STEP UP – we want to do __________ __ __ _________ What does it mean to “Flush It”? ___________________________________________________________ Why are performance journals beneficial for athletes? ___________________________________________ When does practice start for me? ___________________________________________________________ When does practice end for me? ___________________________________________________________ We use the hour glass to help us separate from being the student and athlete. The preparation routines that you set will allow you to be at your best when it means the most. Follow your hour glass, get big and start to play MORE CONSISTENTLY near the top of your game.

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ See VT Lake Monsters Hour Glass _________________________________________________________ ―Some people skate to the puck. I skate to where the puck is going to be."

~Wayne Gretzky

Page 9: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

Brian Cain Peak Performance – One Pitch At A Time Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]


HABITS = ACTIONS = SUCCESS (8) Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become you and your destiny. *See Brian Cain Nutritional Plan – Get with a sports nutritionalist – make a plan of you own. We have talked about pre-practice, pre-game, between inning and pre-pitch routines – You will want to develop these following the hour glass concept.

*What is your mental check point going to be? Recognize = Check In – Release = Flush it – Refocus = WIN (200FT) My release is __________________________________ My mental check point is ____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Pitching routine notes: ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Hitting routine notes: ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ * Have a definite time that your hour glass starts and stops.

Page 10: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

Brian Cain Peak Performance – One Pitch At A Time Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]

RESPONSE-ABILITY (9) The difference between man and dog is OUR RESPONSE-ABILITY DOG = Stimulus Response MAN = Stimulus Pause (Breathing) Response *The length of the pause is your ability to stay in control of yourself.

1) You have to be in control of yourself before you can control ____________ __________________

2) You have very little ___________ of what goes on around you, but total control of what goes on _________________ you or… you have very little _____________ of what goes on __________ you, but total _____________ of how you choose to respond to it.

E+R=O _________________________________________________________________________ Mind Control ___________ Body Control________________ Bat/Ball Control Jackie Robinson Story & Victor Frankel – “Man’s Search For Meaning” Force yourself to act different than how you feel. ACE = _______________ _________________ _________________ You are not a baseball player, you are a person who for part of your day, ACTS like a baseball player. Yellow Lights – Acts one of three P’s – Primal, Prayer, Perfect Kevin Costner – Fake It Till You Make It Video HOPE LANE VIDEO – FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT HOPE = ___________ ________ __________________ ________________ HOPE = _________________ ________________ ________________ ______________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

You increase self control by breathing deep DINNER FOR TWO TEST

Page 11: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

Brian Cain Peak Performance – P.R.I.D.E. Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]

RELAX-RECOVER (10) How many times do you hear the corner of the fighters saying BREATH in the fight clip_________________ Develop your sleep routines. See the top 10 sleep habits. Understanding your quality of sleep effects how you perform when you are awake. Invest in a great bed, you spend 1/3 of your life there and it effects how you perform in the other 2/3 The ability to relax is a skill just like being able to throw a pitch or lay down a drag bunt. Find a way to condition your relaxation response by doing relaxation training on a consistent basis Breathing and relaxation training tracks on DISC #6. Experience The 5-4-3-2-1 Relaxation Training Audio *Sports Nutrition – Magic 20 Minute Window – Dr. Declan Connolly UVM (interview on Disc 6) Take stress management and/or Yoga class if you can. Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Page 12: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

Brian Cain Peak Performance – One Pitch At A Time Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]


REFOCUS (11) Recognizing Your Signal Lights – Develop ATW – Awareness To Win

**What you are aware of you can control, what you are unaware of will control you** Rule 1) You have to be in control of yourself before you can control your performance Rule 2) You have very little control of what goes on around you, but total control of how you choose to respond to it. Rule 3) What you are aware of you can control, what you are unaware of will contorl My release after a bad play is

Green Lights Thoughts/Self Talk (Mental) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Feelings (Physical) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Situations/Actions (In Game/Pract) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Red / Yellow Lights Thoughts/Self Talk (Mental) ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Feelings (Physical) ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Situations/Actions (In Game/Pract _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Page 13: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

Brian Cain Peak Performance – P.R.I.D.E. Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]


“The Experience Factor” Knowledge is not power – the power is in ACTION What does GOYA stand for? ______________________________________________________________ K-A=0 means what? _____________________________________________________________________ Knowledge is the anticipation of what could happen and knowing what you need to do. One of the only ways you can improve is through experience. There are two types of experience EXPENSIVE & INEXPENSIVE What is expensive experience? ____________________________________________________________ What is inexpensive experience? ___________________________________________________________ Five things that you can take from your teammates that will make your season better are: 1) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Who are my mentors? ___________________________________________________________________ I will accept constructive criticism as a compliment and will be coachable


DOn’t waIT

Page 14: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

Brian Cain Peak Performance – P.R.I.D.E. Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]

IMAGERY (13) What can you learn form the Canadian Olympic Imagery video and the Randy Couture video? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What is the purpose of the Lemon experiment? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Why is imagery effective? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ You can use imagery with your physical performance – how can you use mental imagery to help your performance? Paul Karyia “I score 50 goals a day” – Hockey Tough NOTES: ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Page 15: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

Brian Cain Peak Performance – P.R.I.D.E. Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]

INSPIRATION (14) Motivation and inspiration are not permanent. You don’t brush your teeth once in a while and expect them to look good. You do it everyday… hopefully more than once a day. Motivation and inspiration are the same. Surround yourself with images and words that will motivate you. Have a mental game check list of things that you can read that will inspire you to play. What do you love about playing your sport? __________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What do you want to accomplish your sport? __________________________________________________ What do you want to accomplish this season? _________________________________________________ You become what you surround yourself with. TBT – Thoughts ________________ _________________ What are 3 good power thoughts you can read through on your mirror or somewhere on a daily basis like Kevin Young the world champion hurdler did? 46.78 1) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3) ___________________________________________________________________________________

SUCCESS HOTLINE – Dr. Rob Gilbert (973) 743-4690

The Mental Game Works If You Work It

Page 16: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

Brian Cain Peak Performance – P.R.I.D.E.

Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]

DEDICATION (15) When you identify how you want to be remembered (Make Today Your Banquet) you will enhance your dedication. Surround yourself with people you can make a commitment to so that you enhance your commitment. 3 Step approach – Make a commitment, make it public, make it happen. Dedication starts the day you declare your core covenants to your teammates. What are you working on? Are you going to be dedicated to ME or WE? Simple question. But remember, simple and easy are not the same thing. It is easy to quit on yourself – it is harder to quit on other people who are relying on you. TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More… If Total Effort of All Members When you know why, you will find a way how. Can you define the covenants? Can you remember what PRIDE stands for? Can you memorize and LIVE the 5 levels of the Mountain? You can say you are dedicated, you can say you will commit to team covenants and team goals, but what REALLY matters is your action. Don’t bother talking the talk, just walk the walk. Make a commitment, make it public, make it happen 3 Areas that I need to develop a stronger dedication to are: 1) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3) ___________________________________________________________________________________ “A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done.‖

Vince Lombardi

“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.”

Jesse Owens “I tink if people sit down and consider the amount of dedication we put into what we do, we are at the paramount of that scale.”

Lars Ulrich – Metallica

Page 17: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

Brian Cain Peak Performance – P.R.I.D.E. Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]

DISCIPLINE (16) Discipline – doing what you should do, not what you feel like doing.. People who are disciplined force themselves to act different than how they feel. Randy Mazy has his players do 3 things everyday that they don’t want to do, but they do to develop the habit of discipline – 1) Make your bed, 2) Shave, 3) Wear your seatbelt. What are 3 areas that you can increase your discipline and what are some things that you can practice to develop the habit of discipline? 1) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3) ___________________________________________________________________________________ One of the most important life skills you can develop that will help us achieve the levels of performance we are looking for on and off the field is mental and physical discipline. There are plenty of players in the country who have talent, but never make it to the levels of play that their physical talent should allow them to reach because they are not physically and mentally disciplined. If you are walking down the street and there is a dog that jumps out at you and starts barking, do you get down on your hands and knees and bark back? No, that would be stupid. Yet we often retaliate against the other team when they start to bark at us. If we bark back we usually end up giving them the advantage. Barking back at an umpire will not help us to win. DO NOT BARK BACK AT EVERY BARKING DOG!!! Our mental discipline will separate us from other teams. Remember, the best team never wins, it is always the team who plays the best that wins. We have the talent to be Champions, will we have the discipline to play at our best on a consistent basis? What is your nutritional discipline? What is your sleep discipline? Having clear goals and clear routines will help you with discipline and having discipline will help you with your routines and your goals. “Discipline is the refining fire by which talent becomes ability.”

Roy L. Smith quote “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”

Jim Rohn “It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.‖

Zig Ziglar quotes “Discipline is putting off what you want in the moment for what you want most.” Brian M. Cain “With self-discipline most anything is possible.” Theodore Roosevelt

Page 18: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

Brian Cain Peak Performance – P.R.I.D.E. Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]

EXCELLENCE (17) Excellence is being at your best when it means the most which is _____ _______ ____ Consistency starts between the ears – EXCELLENCE IS AN ATTITUDE!!! See attached Ohio State Football In Game Criteria Excellence is an attitude. Excellence is what we need to do everyday. Excellence is bigger than winning and losing – Excellence is playing OUR GAME TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY every Pitch. When we do that, we will give ourselves the best chance for success. Blue Angels Notes (What can you take from this video that you can use in your pursuit of excellence?) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Our goal is to achieve excellence is all that we do which will result in us getting the most out of our individual and collective team ability. If we come close to achieving levels of excellence we will be A VERY DANGEROUS TEAM. Will you follow the core covenants set by the TEAM and program? Will you give everything you have to get what you we have never reached??? _____________________________________________________________________________________ “Excellence can be obtained if you: more than others think is wise; ...risk more than others think is safe; ...dream more than others think is practical; ...expect more than others think is possible.

Page 19: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

Brian Cain Peak Performance – P.R.I.D.E. Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]


IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY “It’s a RARE PERSON who doesn’t get discouraged in the face of adversity. Whether it happens to us or to a friend

we’re trying to cheer up, the answer to overcoming adversity lies in one word: PERSEVERANCE. The value of

courage, persistence, and perseverance has rarely been illustrated more convincingly than in the life story of this man,

his age appears in the column on the right.”


Failed in business 22

Ran for Legislature—defeated 23

Failed again in business 24

Elected to Legislature 25

Sweetheart died 26

Had a nervous breakdown 27

Defeated for Speaker 29

Defeated for Elector 31

Defeated for Congress 34

Elected to Congress 37

Defeated for Congress 39

Defeated for Senate 46

Defeated for Vice President 47

Defeated for Senate 49

Elected President of the United States 51

That’s the record of Abraham Lincoln!

“You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try. Failure is not in losing the game, but in not

getting off the mat when you are knocked down. How do you respond to adversity? What are specific examples of

times when you have fought back in the face of adversity?”

NOTES: _________________________________________________________________________________________








Page 20: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

Brian Cain Peak Performance – P.R.I.D.E. Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]




A Human Resource executive went out in the field to determine how laborers felt about their

work. He went to a building site at your team’s stadium where you and your teammates were working

at building some new stone bleachers under the direction of a famous architect… Your coach.

He approached the first worker and asked, ―What are you doing?‖ ―What are you blind?,‖ the

worker snapped back. ―I am cutting these boulders with primitive tools and putting them together the

way the boss tells me. I’m sweating under this blazing sun, its backbreaking work, and it’s boring me

to death!‖

The Human Resource executive quickly backed off and retreated to a second worker. He asked

the same question: ―What are you doing?‖ The worker replied, ―I am shaping these boulders into

useable forms, which are then assembled according to the architect’s plans. It’s family, it’s a job. It

could be worse.‖

Somewhat encouraged, He went to a third worker. ―And what are you doing?,‖ He asked.

―Why can’t you see?,‖ beamed the worker as he lifted his arms to the sky. ―I’m on a bleacher

building team.‖

Attitude is a decision. What attitude will you bring to the team today? Are you part of a team, willing to do what is

best for the group, or are you just doing it because someone wants you to? If you get nothing else out of playing for

this team, take this…

“I am responsible for my attitude, thoughts and actions. Nothing can take away that responsibility and that control

which I have as a human being.”

NOTES: _________________________________________________________________________________________





Page 21: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DAILY EXCELLENCE PEAK · Watch your habits, they become your actions, watch your actions, they become

Brian Cain Peak Performance – P.R.I.D.E.

Brian Cain Peak Performance, LLC Brian M. Cain, MS, CAA – Peak Performance Coach 96 Pinnacle View, Richmond, VT 05477 H: (802) 487-3046 – C: (802) 999-1096 - O: (802) 858-1774 – E-Mail: [email protected]


The Fountain is always part of the answer.

The Drain is always part of the problem.

The Fountain always has a program.

The Drain always has an excuse.

The Fountain says ―Let me do it for you.‖

The Drain says ―That’s not my job.‖

The Fountain sees an answer for every problem.

The Drain sees a problem for every answer.

The Fountain sees a green near every sand trap.

The Drain sees two or three sand traps near every green.

The Fountain says ―It may be difficult, but it’s possible.‖

The Drain said, ―It may be possible, but it’s too difficult.‖

“It is real simple. If you want to be a good teammate and if you want people to like you, you MUST be a fountain.

Your team does not need drains. Drains only clog thing up.”

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