  • 8/12/2019 Perspectives Athletics, Volume 4, Issue 3



    Softball Roundup

    Track & Field Roundup

    Girls Soccer.

    Summer Athletic Camps.

    Varsity Baseball Roundup.


    Bo Dome

    CHICAGO | VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3, JULY 2014 | @pcs_athletics

    a seasonal review of the Perspectives Charter Schools Sports Program

  • 8/12/2019 Perspectives Athletics, Volume 4, Issue 3


    he Per-spectivesLeadershipAcademy/HighSchool of ech-nology girlssoftball teamdisplayed gritand determina-

    tion through-out a 6-9 sea-son, thanks

    in part to aseries of excit-ing events thathelped boost

    team morale.

    Te Warri-ors attended aCubs game as ateamthe firstprofessional base-

    ball game mostof the players

    had seenandwatched a Big enSoftball ourna-ment game atNorthwestern.

    Te team is anexceptional ex-ample of buildinga community andstaying posi-tive even whentimes get tough,head coach SusieMazur said. Teyare an amazinggroup of ladies!

    Junior DanyiaBell led PLA/ech with eight

    home runs, threeof them grandslams, while alsostepping up asa pitcher. Other

    contributorsincluded juniorsShekinah Rich-mond and AlyssaSanders andfreshman RaiahMathis.

    Te PerspectivesMSA/Joslin girlsteam finished 0-5

    but had severalnotable perfor-mances. JuniorGloria Scott hittwo home runs

    in the final game,and head coachBill Yadronspitching staffaveraged sevenstrikeouts a game.

    Other top play-ers includedseniors LaShayHolloway, DaniTames, AlexRochelle andDominique Miller,

    juniors VictoriaWilliams, DawnRayford andCadesha Floydand freshmanDestiny Garner.

    Tey were abunch of hard-working ladieswho never quit,

    Yadron said. Tey

    demonstratedperseverancethrough toughoutings.

    Te Perspec-tives/II Math &Science Academy16-inch co-edmiddle schoolsoftball team wonthe PCS leaguetitle for the secondstraight year, thistime under firstyear head coachAlex Nicholson.

    Nicholson cred-ited his teams 4-0season to out-standing defenseand communica-tion as well as to8th-grader...

    Continued of P5



  • 8/12/2019 Perspectives Athletics, Volume 4, Issue 3


    P3he Perspec-tives/II Math& Science Acad-emy/Joslin coedtrack and field

    team had one ofits best seasonsever, sending twoof its female ath-letes to the Class2A state meet atEastern IllinoisUniversity.

    Sophomore Carah

    Cole qualified forstate by winningthe shot put andfinishing secondin the discus at the

    De La Salle Class2A sectional meet.Sophomore AlaysiaHardy made it byfinishing second inthe shot put.

    MSA/Joslin fin-ished sixth amongthe 15 teams in the

    sectional meet.

    Junior BrayceHardy was amonghead coach JesseHardys top malecontributors. CoachHardy, by the way,is Alaysias andBrayces father.

    We hope to buildon this years ac-complishments,he said about nextseason.

    Te PerspectivesLeadership Acad-emy/High Schoolof echnology alsomade an appear-

    ance at EasternIllinois, thanks tojunior sprinterRokyah Robinson.Robinson won the200-meter dash atthe Lyons own-ship girls Class 3Asectional meet toqualify for state.

    Head coach Sa-vannah Knowlesother top perform-ers included jun-iors Niara Powelland Dj Washing-ton and freshmanNya Magby.

    op contributorsfor head coach

    erry Jones PLA/ech boys teamincluded seniorsChristopher Hawk-ins and Robert

    White and juniorLee Langham.

    Te PerspectivesMiddle Academy

    track team wonseveral first-placemedals in South-side rack and FieldLeague competi-tion. Among headcoach ristanRoches standoutswere 8th-gradersEmmanuel Gipson,

    Joseph Smith, Ken-neth Smallwood,Darnell Brown-Owens and evinJones-Rogers.

    We had a verystrong 6th-gradeteam, so I believethey can step upas 7th-graders and

    keep the improve-ment going, Rochesaid.

    op Contributors

    for head coach oddHolbeins Perspec-tives MSA middleschool team in-cluded 8th-gradersMario Chandler,Faith Cook andTomas Oscar,

    7th-graders JQuailPride, Melik Bakerand Khaiyah Mar-tin and 6th-graderWanita Watson.

    By Barry emkin


  • 8/12/2019 Perspectives Athletics, Volume 4, Issue 3


    Bo Jack-son caresabout kids.

    Tat gives theformer baseball

    and footballsuperstar a lotin common withPerspectivesCharter Schools,and its whyhe received theA DisciplinedLife Award atPerspectives ADisciplined LifeBenefit May 1 at

    the Four SeasonsHotel in Chicago.

    Jackson hasdedicated hispost-playing daysto bettering thelives of minorityyouth through hisGive Me a ChanceFoundation.

    He also has es-tablished Bo Jack-sons Elite Sports,which includesa huge air-sup-ported structureknown as the BoDome and which

    is regarded asone of the lead-ing indoor sportstraining centersin the country.

    PerspectivesBoard Chairmanony Andersonconnected Per-spectives withJackson.

    As part of thisbudding relation-ship, four Per-spectives teamshave been able totrain for a day atthe dome, whichis in Lockport.

    Te Perspec-

    tives LeadershipAcademy/HighSchool of echnol-ogy baseball andsoftball teams and


    e: [email protected]:

    twitter: @PCS_ATHLETICS

    the Perspectives/II Math & Sci-ence Academy/Joslin baseballteam visited thedome April 16

    and worked withformer White Soxplayer John Can-gelosi and otherinstructors.

    Te Perspec-tives football teamworked out at thefacility June 14.

    It is a top-notchfacility with stateof the art equip-

    ment and coach-ing, PerspectivesAthletic Director

    Vinay Mullicksaid.

    It was just areal good experi-ence for our kidsand coaches to beexposed to that,and hopefully wecan continue touse the facility foryears to come.

    By Barry emkin



    Mr. emkin retired in 2008 from the

    Chicago ribune and volunteers in the

    Perspectives Charter Schools athletic

    department. He spent his last 20 years

    at the ribune writing a high school

    sports column that covered hundredsof schools, including Perspectives.



  • 8/12/2019 Perspectives Athletics, Volume 4, Issue 3


    ...Jonathan urn-ers success as apitcher despitenot practicing theposition beforethe first game.

    Other top per-formers included8th-graders e-Shaun Anderson,Journee Lockridgeand Jaylen Jones

    and 7th-gradersDaJuan Gordon,

    Yree Sheppard,Immanual aylorand Xavier Riley.

    We cant waitto defend the PCS16-inch title withgreat teamwork,solid defense andenthusiasm, Ni-cholson said.

    Te PerspectivesMiddle Academy16-inch teamdemonstratedsteady progressthroughout theseason, finishingwith a 2-2 recordand a trip to thePCS league cham-pionship game.

    Among the


    Joslin headgirls soccercoach RachelUrista creditsher teams 11seniors for whatshe labeled ourbest seasonever. Tatsuccess includeda program-

    record 20participants anda 1-1-2 record.

    We werepositive andsupportive of eachother, and wegrew more thisyear than anyother year, thecoach said. Shout-out to our seniorsthat helped buildthe program to

    where it is today!

    Junior GraceAkindes team-leading three


    goals andsenior first-timeplayer ShelseeHernandezs firstgoal ever wereamong the seasonshighlights.

    Other topcontributorsincluded seniors

    Kiya Hampton andGiselle Galan andsophomores AlexRendon and LizetGarcia.

    top contributorswere 8th-gradersyler Danzy andDajuan Epps and6th-grader Ga-

    brial Burt.

    Tis may havebeen the hardest-working groupof athletes I havecome acrosswhile at PCS,head coach RonMcBride said.

    Te Joslin mid-dle school 16-inchteam was 0-6this season butdisplayed a win-ning attitude onand off the field.

    Standout per-formers included

    7th-graders JoshNowell and IvyHarris and 6th-grader RaniahRoberts.

    Te players

    became a familyand cheered eachother on even ifwe didnt end upwith a win, first-year head coachMichelle Ander-son said.

    Te teamworked hard andworked togetherin order to showeach other how toimprove. I neverhad to tell anyoneto be positive orsupportive; theydid it on their


    By Barry emkin

  • 8/12/2019 Perspectives Athletics, Volume 4, Issue 3


    and two weeksto middle schoolcamps. All campswere at Perspec-tives AuburnGresham cam-pus. Tey werefree and includedlunch and a campshirt.

    Te ChicagoYouth Sports Al-liance once againserved as sponsor.

    Its really greatthat partnershiphas continued, andwe are excited tobe able to bringquality programsto Chicago youthin the summerthanks to CYSA,Athletic Director

    Vinay Mullicksaid. We hopeto keep workingwith them foryears to come.

    field, softball andvolleyball June10-26 to approxi-mately 350 boysand girls enter-ing 5th through12th grades fromthroughout Chi-cago.

    Each sport hada four-day camp,with one weekdevoted to highschool camps


    PerspectivesCharterSchools hascontinued itscommitment tolocal youth byagain offeringsummer sportscamps.

    PCS providedcamps in base-ball, basketball,cheerleading,football, track and


    he futurelooks brightfor the Perspec-

    tives LeadershipAcademy/HighSchool of ech-nology baseball


    Te presenthasnt been badeither because the

    Warriors vaulted

    from a seventh-place finish in2013 in the Chica-go Public LeaguesErnie BanksConference to a10-4, second-placeperformance thisseason. Help-ing lead the waywere seniors Ste-ven Robinson andJordan Lloyd.

    Head coachLacey Rogers

    will return sevenstarters fromthis years team(15-9 overall),including juniorJavontae Gibson

    and sophomoresHakeem Adebim-pe, JuJuan Patrick,James Patterson,Deaireon Davis,Izea Hatcher andOrlando Cook.

    Tat has himaiming for con-ference andregional titles in2015.

    Te expecta-tions for this

    team will be highfor the next twoyears, Rogerssaid.

    Te Perspectives

    MSA/Joslin teamwas 6-13 overall,4-9 in the BanksConference, buthead coach CletisNichols sawencouraginggrowth amonghis youngerplayers, includ-ing junior JackPratt, sopho-mores Glenford

    Wagner andCortlen Murphyand freshmen

    Anthony DavisJr. and reyvonFreeman.

    Seniors erenceJones and Chris

    Katz were amongthe other top per-formers.

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