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Dieffenbach, K.D. & Wayda, V. (2010). A critical review of American

academic coaching education programs. Journal of Coaching

Education, 3(2), 21-39.

Annie Machamer

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Type – Purpose – Theoretical framework

• Position Paper, Literature support

• Purpose: To provide an overview of the past, to better understand the context and challenges of academic coaching education.

• The evolutionary path of PETE and AC

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Background• 20th century “play” was believed to be a great

facilitator of learning. Growingly became accepted.

• Physical education moved to student centered focus, introducing more sport and game.

• The addition of sport succeeded, so it moved to sport during and after school organizations.

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Significance of Article

• What has been developed because of growth in sport

• The development of athletic coaching education process, within PETE and other degrees

• Where should the focus be to develop further with solid ground

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Method Comparing PETE & AC

• 1. Professional Faculty & Trainers• 2. Education & Training• 3. Employment• 4. Professional Associations• 5. Journals• 6. Standards• 7. Accreditation• 8. Certification• 9. Key areas of Scholarship

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AnalysisProfessional Faculty & Trainers


• 1st generation– Interest but no formal


• 2nd generation– Graduate level training, not

same undergraduate

• 3rd generation– Specialized training in both

graduate & undergraduate


• 1st generation– Interest but no formal


• 2nd generation– Graduate level training, not

same undergraduate

• 3rd generation– Does not exist (yet!)

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AnalysisEducation & Training


• Teachers License– Pedagogical Content

Knowledge (PCK) courses

• Systematic plan of study by semester

• Concluding with practicum


• Majors, Minors, Concentrations

• Foundations, content-specific, and pedagogy

• Vary among institution– Which department to be

under– Along with a larger major

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• Undergraduate Degree– Teach PK-12

• Masters Level Degree– Teach PK-12– Or higher ed. activity classes

• Doctorate Level Degree– Higher ed. Lecture, PETE,

activity, etc.


• No distinction seen in education level and employment in AC.

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AnalysisProfessional AssociationsPETE

• Present on…– State– National– International

• Important for…– Professional development– Building professional ties


• Present on…– State– National– International

• Important for…– Professional development– Building professional ties

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• Research of best practice is present.

• National Physical Education Teacher Education Standards (NASPE)

• Advanced Standards for Physical Education– These must be met to

complete a degree


• Research of best practice is present.

• National Standards for Sport Coaches– That should be


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– National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

• TEAC– Teacher Education

Accreditation Council

• Must submit materials at national and state level


• National Council for the Accreditation of Coaching Education

• voluntary

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• Must have a teachers license


• Vary from state to state– Teachers license– Experience– Parent– Etc.

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AnalysisAreas of Study


• Teacher behavior• Student behavior• Teacher effectiveness• Teacher issues• Curriculum


• Coaching behavior• Coaching effectiveness• And other similar of PETE

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FindingsA Conceptual Model to Follow

• Coaches Knowledge– Professional knowledge, interpersonal knowledge,

intrapersonal knowledge

• Athletes Outcome– Competence, Confidence, Connection, and


• Coaching Contexts– Must be able to meet needs from Novice -> Elite

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Conclusions/implications for practice and/or future research

• “AC is moving forward slowly on an unimproved road without clear idea of where the road goes.” (pg. 29)

• The importance of physical well being and lifetime activity continue to grow, so does academic coaching education discipline.

• Academic recognition and validation are an important first step in providing the recourses for growth and discipline.

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Questions from the Author?

• What are our professional and ethical responsibilities to the PSC’s we train, professions of AC, and to sport itself?

• How will we make a difference through our research, teaching, and passion?

• Pg. 34

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What did this paper mean to me?

• AC has developed through PETE, in some manner

• If AC wants to branch off, it needs to set goals and mandatory standards for growth and discipline.

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