
Branch Officers and Committee 2014-15

President Keith Smith 686477

Vice Presidents Yvonne Hayes 578306

Pearl Morton 263252

Chairman Dorinda Richardson 330824

Vice Chair/Asst Secretary Rosemary Rowles 349647

Secretary Jean Close 01775 720265

Treasurer Janet Darke 243556

Asst Treas. & Sales Organiser Jean Lawson 572980

Membership Secretary Mike Collins 559095

Welfare Officer Irene Amos 332260

Social Secretary Yvonne Hayes 578306

Asst Social Secretary Hazel Black 370694

Asst Social Secretary Yvonne Taylor 577287

Asst Social Secretary Dolores Gatehouse 264955

Birthday Club Irene Amos 332260

Speaker Host Pearl Morton 263252

New Member Hostess Dolores Gatehouse 264955

Monthly News Editor Trevor Caunt 705681

Rosie Frith 701789

Branch First Aider Dorinda Richardson

Publicity Officer

Co-opted Member Sandie Collins

Application forms for help from the National Benevolent Fund are

available from Central Office by ringing 01305 361317. Complete the

form and return as directed. If the Welfare Officer is not available please

contact any committee member should the need arise.

Trevor Caunt, Editor.

John Rostill, NHSRF Director, 07427571816

Patron: Mr Ken Jarrold CBE Registered Charity

No. 287936

Picture sent by Sue Stephenson,

last months speaker

Visit our Website: National Website : Contact the Editor: E.mail: [email protected] Snail mail: 54 Thorpe Lea Road, Peterborough, PE3 6BZ Tel : 01733 705681

Peterborough & District Branch NHS Retirement Fellowship

CHAIRMAN. ‘Good morning to you all’ However that phrase is not actually correct as it is gloomy, windy and pouring with rain, and with a low temperature. Wasn’t the speaker last month superb, the energy she brought to the room was so uplifting,

they really are just like ‘The Good Life’ and apparently her husband did go to sleep, but as soon as Sue stopped speaking he woke up. I must add a little piece of nature to this as the long tailed tits have arrived back and yesterday a great tit was looking in my nest box ‘silly bird’

Issue no 10



Finally as the caring group of people we are I would like us to give a thought to all those professional people and volunteers

trying to fight this awful Ebola outbreak that is ravishing 3 countries in the west of African continent. I think that is all from me, just about to start baking some bis-cuits for the grand children. Take care of yourselves, Dorinda. Last month Dorinda spoke about the harvest, which we all must be thankful for, so here is a picture of the pumpkin harvest. It is not long until Halloween.


Across: 1. Home heater.(8). 7. Happen. (5). 8. What’s hot on 21st April. (5). 9.

Small S. African hill. (6). 10. Base of a ship. (4). 12. For one time. (4). 14. Who

got the single rooms. (6). 17. Not stop (5). 18. Goes on lines. (5). 19. Sews. (8).

Down: 1. Repeat. (5). 2. March holiday County. (6). 3. Becomes ill. (4). 4. Old

weight measurement (5). 5. Norfolk destination. (9) 6. Range of chalk hills. (9)

11.A complainer. (6).13. Pop record listing. (5). 15. Sharks (Australian slang). (5).

16. Remains as was. (4).

Answers from September Crossword.

Across: 1. Anatomic. 7. Opera. 8. Onion. 9. Ninth. 10. Bach. 12. Iced.

14. Satnav. 17. Eager. 18. Algae. 19. Ornament.

Down: 1. Ahern. 2. Apathy. 3. Oboe. 4. Ibiza. 5. Hornpipes. 6. Anchovies.

11. Garage. 13. Eiger. 15. Night. 16. Aria.


1 2 3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10


12 13 14 15


17 18



EDITORIAL Where does time fly to! It does not seem a

month ago that I was doing last months editorial. I

suppose that it depends on how busy you may have

been. At this time of the year I tend to have lots of

work to do in the garden, taking in the geraniums,

begonias, taking out the tomato plants, taking down

the runner bean plants and generally tidying up the rest

of our garden as well as helping our daughter in hers. I

hope that by the time you read this it will all be done.

Last week I became an honorary member of the WI for 3 hours when June

and I joined them in a tour of Peterborough cathedral. I was made most welcome

by all the ladies and I was glad to see that there were 2 other men as well.

Christmas will soon be upon us and the difficult task of trying to get

presents for some who we never see from one year to another. I must admit that

it usually ends up with sweets or tokens of some sort. We do ask some what

they would like but they say surprise me so you cannot win.

We are going down to Stowmarket at the end of this month to celebrate

June’s aunts 100th birthday. It will give us a chance to catch up with some mem-

bers of the family who we have lost touch with.



Monday January 12th 12 noon for 12.15pm.

Cost £15.00 including tea/coffee, gratuities and free raffle.

Menus available, money with booking form PLEASE.

Places limited to 90 but a waiting list will be used in case of cancellations.

RAFFLE prizes will be much appreciated.

Please put on your booking form who you would like to sit next to.


Christmas Concert

Wednesday 3rd to Saturday 6th December

At the John Clare Theatre.



10 3


Are held on the last Wednesday of each month

in St Andrew’s Church Hall

Ledbury Road, Netherton, Peterborough.

The hall is occupied and being cleared up to 2pm

and members must not go into the hall until vacated by the previous users.


Wednesday, NOVEMBER 26th


Doors open 2pm, refreshments (50p) from 2.15pm, meeting


The usual sales table and Raffle.

Talk to Yvonne to book your outings.


PETERBOROUGH: November 14th.

BOURNE/DEEPING: November 21st.

The December combined lunch is yet to be arranged so watch this space.

I hope people will support these lunches and look forward to seeing old

and new members there. The actual places for these lunches are announced at

the monthly meetings.

Please note that these are subject to change depending on members’

availability, particularly car drivers. Please contact me one week prior to the

lunch date if you are interesting in joining either group.

Pearl Morton

Tel 01733 263252 OR [email protected]

AUSTRIA 2014. I think that I have already given you a holiday report on our

Austrian holidays for past years, but thought that I would give you an

update on this years trip, much better than last year.

When we booked the trip the flight was with one charter

company, but this was changed to Estonian Air with a small change in

take off time. But nearer to the actual day we were notified of a departure

change to late afternoon effectively reducing our holiday by 1/2 a day.

We complained but were told it was out of the tour company’s control

and there was nothing they could do and guess what the insurance did not

cover this change.

On the actual day of departure we took off with a delay of about 50

minutes. Following a good flight we arrived safely at Salzberg airport for

the short transfer to our hotel where we received the usual welcome, even

though the hotel was hosting a wedding reception, and given our evening


On Sunday we awoke to clear skies and warm sunshine so we

decided to walk around the lake, one which we have done many times

before. It is about 7 miles but not too strenuous, with a stop half way at a

local pub for a drink and to eat our sandwiches. The sandwiches are

provide free by the our hotel. On arriving back at our hotel we sat out in

the sun chatting to some other guests whom we have known for several


Other days of the holiday included a trip to Salzberg and the

Mirabelle gardens which were spectacular, a trip to the next town along

the valley and a walk along the shore, we had a few days when we just

relaxed around the village.

On the Friday night it was time to say goodbye to some of the staff

who would not be on duty when we left on Saturday morning. I have a

picture of me saying cheerio to our favourite waitress, which will remain


The flight home was uneventful and we were met by some friends

of our son, as he was in America, and taken to his house for the overnight

stay. We had a meal and then went to the local, which our son frequents,

for a jar or two, again with the usual welcome. A good drive home on the

Sunday ended a very good holiday.

Trevor. Pictures on page 9.

The Mirabelle

Gardens, Salzberg.

Art/Sculpture in the

centre of Salzberg.

4 9


Dorinda wants to thank

those fellowship members who

supported the craft stall held at

the Haycock Hotel last week. It

was run by A Marholm village

group and raised £1,300.












Branch Meeting report cont from page 7.

The Members and Annual Public Meetings was held in July but the

Members Meeting is on 1st October at 17.45 hours in Denis Bracey Room at

PCH. The Committee agreed a rota to attend the monthly Public Meetings on Sept

30th, Oct 28th, Nov 25th, and the Members meeting on Oct 1st, with any relevant

information being fed back to the Branch Meetings.

3 Members will have attended the Regional Forum on Sept 25th at Bury St


Dorinda informed the meeting about the Hospital At Home annual craft

stall at Wandsford on 14/15 Oct and would welcome any items for the stall.


If you are a member of the Trust and you have supplied them with an up to date

address you should be getting a copy. Rob Hughes suggests you confirm your

address - house or email (it is more cost effective if they have your email address)

this should ensure you get the magazine. Rob also suggests that if you are not

members of the Trust to apply. Tel 01733677851 OR [email protected]

You can also find this months and back copies on the website at http://


Another picture from

Sue Stephenson, last

months speaker.

I hope this comes out.

It is some young ducklings

feeding. Editor.

Well I never knew that.

In the 1400’s a law was set forth that a man was not allowed to beat his

wife with a stick no bigger than his thumb. Hence we have the rule of thumb.

Many years ago in Scotland, a new game was invented. It was ruled

Gentlemen Only...Ladies Forbidden… and thus the word GOLF entered into the

English language.

The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV was Fred

and Wilma Flintstone.

8 5

GUIDE DOGS FOR THE BLIND - USED STAMPS Many thanks to all those who have saved used stamps throughout the

year. It is amazing how they all add up, I might even try counting them next

year! I hate to remind you all that Christmas is coming, but of course that is

the time when we all get the majority of stamps these days. Please continue the

good work, and if you haven’t saved them in the past, this is a good time to

start, it doesn’t matter how many or few, they all count. If possible please

leave at least half an inch around the edge of the stamp. If you don’t know

who I am they can be handed to a committee member, who will pass them on

to me.

Margaret Inglett.

We all need a little humour these days.

A man sat in his armchair and shouts to his wife, ‘When I die I am going

to leave everything to you love’

She shouts back, ‘You already do you lazy man!!!’

An old woman was asked, ‘At your ripe age, what would you prefer to

get, Parkinsons or Alzheimers?’

The wise one answered, ‘Definitely Parkinsons, better to spill half of my

wine, than to forget where I keep the bottle.’


10 Sadie Stratton 11 Sylvia Cooper 11 Alec Cameron 17 Sylvia Rodulson 29 Violet Harbour+++++++ +++++ Denotes special birthday.

SEPTEMBER 24th Dorinda Richardson welcomed everyone to the meeting. There were

no new members this month, however, we did have a few returning


The delicious scones were a fond farewell from Lavinia and Len

Faulkner as the day of the meeting would have been their last one prior to

moving into sheltered accommodation nearer to their family. We will send a

card with our sincere thanks and best wishes for the future.

Dorinda reported that Pat Hemmaway is doing nicely and will be

attending our Annual Lunch in January.

Dorinda welcomed the days speaker, Sue and Brian Stephenson who

had come to thoroughly entertain us with anecdotes and an extremely

Humorous and nostalgic reflection of their journey through life to realise her

dream of ‘Puddle Paddock’. They started off at Wainfleet and Lincoln,

married, raised a family and renovated properties until she achieved her

goal. Puddle Paddock is to be found at Gedney Drove End (just off the A17

near Holbeach). They had also brought along various plants for sale. This

was part 1 of their journey. In due course we all look forward to part 2.

The raffle was drawn.

Welfare Irene reported that Marguerite Walpole had been in hospital

poorly but was back home and doing well. Also Margaret Oscar is doing

well post cataracts surgery.

With Yvonne away Trevor reported that various information about the

trips had been included in the newsletter. The trip to Litchfield and the

National Arboretum will be on Tuesday June 16th 2015 at a maximum cost

of £20.00. This is not being run by the Fellowship.

Dorinda Richardson, Yvonne Hayes and Jean Close had had a meeting

with Rob Hughes of the Hospital Trust to discuss how to strengthen the

bonds between both organisations. From this meeting came confirmation

that if our members are registered with the Trust they should receive a copy

of the Pulse magazine (see below) The Trust welcomes attendance at the

Public Meetings held at PCH on the last Tuesday of every month from

13.30 to 17.00 hours. Cont on page 8.


If you require help, know of a member who is ill, admitted to Hospital or re-

quires help in any way, please inform Irene using the telephone numbers on

the back page. If Irene is not contactable you can let a committee member

know and they will pass it on. Irene will take whatever action is needed.

At the October Committee meeting Irene reported on members who

were not well and needed our thoughts.

Lavinia Faulkner has been in hospital but has successfully moved to be

nearer to the family. Pat Hemmaway is now in Longueville Court. Alec

Cameron is recovering from a stroke. Rosie Frith is still struggling after her operation. Susan Bean is now home and doing fine.

We wish these members a good recovery.

Social Activities News Cont from Page 3

Others trips planned

Tuesday, April 21st. Trip to Norfolk to see the Workhouse, a ride on

a train, a hot workhouse lunch and time to explore.


Pick up times Bourne 7.45 am, Halcyon 8.30 am.


Friday, 20th March. Week end 4 day trip to Dorset Delights.


There will be a pick up at Bourne, providing at least 6 people

are travelling. If the Fellowship have 30 members and are prepared to

book early then the coach will be for our members only.

At present it is open to the public.

Yvonne has been able to secure some more single rooms.


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