
Pharmacologyonline 1: 594-603 (2011) Thirunavukkarasu et al.


Effect of Aluminum Induced Toxicity on Behavioral and Hematological Parameters Under the

Influence of Manasamitra Vatakam (An Ayurvedic Formulation) In Rats

S.V. Thirunavukkarasu1*, Dr. LokeshUpadhyay2, S. Venkataraman1


Department of Pharmacology, C.L. Baid Metha College of Pharmacy and Research

Foundation, Thoraipakkam, Chennai-600 097, Tamil Nadu, India. 2Division of Biochemistry, CARISM, SASTRA University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.

*Corresponding Author: Phone: Email: [email protected]; +91-44-24960151,



To investigate the effect of Aluminum induced toxicity on behavioral and hematological parameters

under the influence of Manasamitra Vatakam (MMV), (an Ayurvedic formulation) in rats

Wistar rats were selected for the present study and the animals were divided into four groups

containing six animals in each. The Group Ist served as control and received only vehicle solution

whereas, group IInd

rats received Al chloride (100 mg/kg bwt/day). The group IIIrd

rats were treated

with Al chloride (100 mg/kg body weight/day) and simultaneously the MMV drug (100 mg/kg

bwt/day) was also provided to these group animals. The group IV rats were administered MMV only at

the dose of (100 mg/kg bwt/day) for 90 days. At end of study, behavioral and hematological

parameters were investigated. We observed a significant alteration in the performance of Plus Maze,

Active avoidance along with gross alteration in the hematological parameters after Al treatment

.Whereas, after MMV treatment a significant recovery was observed in the behavioral alteration as

well as hematological parameters. The present study concludes that the oral administration of MMV

could very well prevent the behavioral alteration as well as Al induced toxicity in the peripheral


Keywords: Aluminium Chloride, Toxicity, Manasamitra Vatakam.


Aluminium metal (Al) is ubiquitous in the environment and may cause certain disease such as

Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and Parkinsonism [1]

. Aluminium is a very common toxin and affects

the proper functioning of central nervous system through different ways [2]

. The daily intake of

aluminium was estimated to be approximately 10–20mg from cooking utensils, food additives and

medicines such as, antacids or deodorants [3]

. Since a variety of biomolecules are able to bind

aluminium, and it can displace other biological cations (such as calcium and magnesium) from their

binding sites, almost every metabolic pathway is a potential target for the adverse effects of

aluminium. Aluminium causes changes in skeletal, digestive, nervous and haemopoietic systems of an

organism [4,5,6]

. Strong et al. [6]

reported that Al exposure caused impairments in glucose utilization,

agonist-stimulated inositol phosphate accumulation. Aluminium salts may bind to DNA, RNA and

may inhibit the activity of enzymes such as hexokinase and alkaline phosphatases, phosphooxidase

and phosphodiesterase [7]. Aluminium is known to enhance the peroxidative damage of lipids and

Pharmacologyonline 1: 594-603 (2011) Thirunavukkarasu et al.


decreases the antioxidant status in different parts of the rat brain [9]

. In addition, an aluminium

compound has been reported to affect the metabolism of lipids & proteins by enhancing the

peroxidative damage and decreasing the antioxidant enzymes [9].

On the other hand, various natural antioxidants have been used against toxic stress and these drugs

maintain the proper functioning of the body by improving the antioxidant status [11]. However, the

detail mechanism of action of these drugs are yet to be evaluated. The Manasamitra vatakam (MMV)

is a herbo mineral drug used in the Ayurvedic system of medicines for cognitive deficits. We have

already reported the presence of phytoconstituents like alkaloids, steroids, protein, tannins, phenols,

flavanoids, saponins, amino acid, glycosides in the MMV. Further, we observed that MMV affects the

synthesis and release of a specific neurotransmitter enzyme acetylcholineestrase [11]

. It was also

observed that MMV influences the different antioxidants parameters and showed very good free

radical scavenging activities by affecting the activity of various key enzymes such as DPPH, NO and

free radicals [10a]

. Thus, keeping above fact in view, the present study has been planned to investigate

the effect of Aluminum induced toxicity on behavioral and hematological parameters under the

influence of Manasamitra Vatakam (MMV) in rats.

Materials and Methods


Manasamitra vatakam was purchased from Kotakkal arya vidya sala, Kerala, India whereas

Aluminium chloride was purchased from Merck, Chennai, India. The Scopolamine (standard) was

purchased by Sigma-aldrich, Bangalore, India. These compounds were pure and the efficiency

was greater than 99%. The Tritonx-100 solution was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Pvt. Ltd.,

Bangalore, India. Standard pellet diet was obtained from Hindustan lever, Bangalore, India. All other

chemicals were purchased from Sisco Research Laboratories pvt. Ltd. India.

Experimental animals

Male healthy adult Wistar albino rats (200–220 gm) were housed in clean polypropylene cages and

maintained at the room temperature 23oC-25

oC with alternate 12 h light and dark cycles. The animals

were fed standard pellet diet and drinking water ad libitum. All the procedures were carried out in

accordance with the guidelines for care and use of laboratory animals and protocols were approved by

the Intuitional Ethical Committee on experimental animals (IAEC No. 14/18/IAEC/24/07/07),

C.L.Baid Metha College of pharmacy, Chennai, India.

Acute toxicity study

Acute toxicity study was carried out using OECD guide lines No. 423. Three mice of the same age

group and weight were taken in a single dose (MMV) up to the highest dose 2000 mg/kg orally. The

animals were observed for 1 h continuously and then hourly for 4 h, and finally after every 24 h up to

15 days for any mortality or gross behavioral changes [12]


Test Drug

Ayurvedic proprietary formulation, Manasamitra Vatakam (MMV) was obtained from Kotakkal arya

vidya sala, Kerala. The drug MMV (100 mg/kg bw) was weighed and dissolved in distilled water and

used for the animal studies.

Pharmacologyonline 1: 594-603 (2011) Thirunavukkarasu et al.


Experimental design

Rats were divided into four groups containing six animals in each. The Group Ist served as control and

received only vehicle solution. Whereas group IInd rats received aluminium chloride (100 mg/kg

bwt/day) diluted in pure drinking water. The group IIIrd rats were treated with aluminium chloride (100

mg/kg body weight/day) and simultaneously the drug MMV (100 mg/kg body weight) was also

provided to these group animals. The group IV rats were administered MMV only at the dose of 100

mg/kg body weight. The MMV drug and Aluminium chloride were administered orally and entire

experiment was conducted for 90 days. The body weighed of animals was recorded twice in a month

where as behavioral observations were recorded before and after the entire length of drug treatment [13].

Behavioral test

Plus Maze

The elevated plus maze is a pharmacologically validated model for assessment of anxiety state in the

rodent (19),

and consist of two open arm (40 cm x 10 cm) and two enclosed arms of the same size with

40 cm high walls. The entire maze was elevated 50 cm above the ground and placed in a quiet dimly

lit room. Experimental rats were placed individually in center of the maze facing the closed arms and

observed for 5 min. and the following parameter were measured: Number of arm entries, time spent on

the open arms and number of closed arm entries. Subsequently the percentage of open arm entries

(OAE) and time spent in open arms were calculated.

Active avoidance

Cognitive behavior was assessed by the number of times, the animal escapes in the 10 test trials. The

apparatus for this test consisted of one chamber with pole climb (Cooks Pole climb apparatus)

(Kulkarni,. 1999). One chamber was in mirror lit. The animals were put into inside of the lit

compartment. After 10 Sec, the buzzer was set on and after another 5 Sec, an electric shock at 80 V

was given. If the animals jumped in to uphold pole climb Shock free zone (SFZ), as soon as the buzzer

was set on, it means that animal has avoided the test and if tries to hide some other means, this is

termed escapism. A total of 10 trials were given to every animal in a single day and to qualify, the

animals had jumped and avoid test at least 7 trials out of 10 trials.

Blood collection

At the end of the experimental period, all the animals were anaesthetized with ketamine and blood

samples were collected through retro-orbital sinus in plain vial as well as along with heparin as

anticoagulant. All the parameters were such as RBC counts, hemoglobin (Hb), hematrocrit (Hct),

mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular

hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were analyzed using an electronic hematology analyzer (Advia

120, adivia 60, cobas micros 60, Sysmex).

Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis was carried out by using Graph Pad Prism software (version 4.03). One way

ANOVA was used, followed by Newman-Keuls multiple comparison test. The data were represent

mean ± SEM and the minimum level of significance was set at p ≤ 0.001.

Pharmacologyonline 1: 594-603 (2011) Thirunavukkarasu et al.



Effect of MMV on behavioral parameters

The anxiety level of the animals was found significantly increased in Al treated animals as compared

with control and the level of stress were confirmed by the plus maze experimental findings. On the

other hand, the level of anxiety was found significantly decreased in MMV treated rats as compared

with Al treated rats. Also the number of entries in the open arm was decreased in MMV treated rats as

compared with the Al exposed rats where the number of entries were increased Further it was

observed that Al treated animals spend very less time as compared to MMV along with Al treated rats.

(Figure 1)

Figure 1: Effect of MMV on behavioral changes (Plus maze) in Al treated rats

(Values are mean ± S.E.M): Comparison: Control vs Al treated ( a P < 0.001),

Al treated vs Al + MMV treated ( b P < 0.001), Control vs MMV treated (c - non-significant).

The effect of Al and MMV treatment on behavioral changes of active avoidance was observed. The test

was conduct to assess the cognitive behavioral activities of learning and memory impairment in terms

of animals treated with Al. The principle of the mechanism of the test was to observe the animals from

escaping the shock on the basis of memory loss or gain. We observed that the number of escaping

from the shock under the treatment of MMV was significantly decreased (P ≤ 0.001) as compared with

Al treated rats. (Figure 2)

Pharmacologyonline 1: 594-603 (2011) Thirunavukkarasu et al.


Figure: 2 Effect of MMV on behavioral changes (active avoidance) in Al treated rats

(Values are mean ± S.E.M); Comparison: Control vs Al treated ( a

P < 0.001), Al treated vs Al +

MMV treated ( b

P < 0.001), Control vs MMV treated (c - non-significant)

Hematological parameters

The haemoglobin and RBC were significantly (p ≤ 0.001) decreased in Al treated rat’s as compared

with normal control (Fig. 3 and 4). Whereas, in combined treatment (MMV with Al), the haemoglobin

and RBC level were significantly (p ≤ 0.001) increased as compared with Al treated rats. The levels of

HBS and RBC were within the normal limit in MMV alone treated rats. The other hematological

parameters such as MCH, MCHC, PCV and hematocrit (Hct) were significantly (p ≤ 0.001) decreased

in Al induced rats (Figure 5). On the other hand, the MCH, MCHC, PCV and hematocrit (Hct) level

were significantly (P ≤ 0.001) increased in MMV along with Al treated rats. There was no any

significant change in the MCH, MCHC, PCV and hematocrit (Hct) level in MMV alone treated rats

and the values were within the normal limit.

Pharmacologyonline 1: 594-603 (2011) Thirunavukkarasu et al.


Figure 3: Effect of MMV on hemoglobin changes in Al treated rats

(Values are mean ± S.E.M); Comparison: Control vs Al treated ( a P < 0.001),

Al treated vs Al + MMV treated ( b P < 0.001), Control vs MMV treated (c - non-significant).

Figure 4: Effect of MMV on RBC changes in different group of rats

(Values are mean ± S.E.M); Comparison: Control vs Al treated ( a P < 0.001),

Al treated vs Al + MMV treated ( b P < 0.001), Control vs MMV treated (c - non-significant)

Pharmacologyonline 1: 594-603 (2011) Thirunavukkarasu et al.


Figure 5: Effect of MMV on hematological parameters in Al treated rats

(Values are mean ± S.E.M): Comparison: Control vs Al Treated ( a P < 0.001)

Al treated vs Al + MMV treated ( b P < 0.001), Control vs MMV treated (c - non-significant)


The animals treated with Al revealed altered behavioral changes suggesting a link between chronic Al

induced toxicity with these parameters. We observed long term memory impaired performance under

the influence of Al exposure. The animals spent short time in arms after exposure of Al and thus

depicting increased anxiety levels [15]

and the reentries of animal’s were increased which was being

considered as error and proved the disturbed cognitive behaviors of animals.

On the other hand, animals treated with MMV showed improvement in the cognitive function as well

as long term memory significantly. The MMV treatment showed an easy identification of previous

visited arms after Al exposure may be due to correction in cholinergic neurotransmission, which is

linked to altered memory function. Punita Bhalla, et al., [16] also reported the mechanism of action of

Al induced toxicity and concluded that it causes defect in cognitive function. The hippocampus and

cerebral cortex are the key structures of memory function. Because the hippocampus is especially

indispensable in the integration of spatial information, a decline in learning ability may be induced by

the deterioration of hippocampal function [17, 18, 19]

. The importance of neurobehavioral studies in risk

Pharmacologyonline 1: 594-603 (2011) Thirunavukkarasu et al.


assessment lies in the fact that behavior can be regarded as the net output of the sensory, motor and

cognitive functions occurring in the nervous system and can serve as potentially sensitive end points of

chemically induced neurotoxicity [20]


Al is known to concentrate in the water-lipid interface of membrane and interact with the phosphates

of the external hemilayer, thus diminishes the membrane external surface area. Additionally, Al can

disrupt the bilayer structure, causing a redistribution of membrane lipids, leading to shape change [21]


The Al results in significant hemorheological and hematological changes in rats such as a decrement in

RBC deformability at low shear stress levels, aggregation process and an increment in whole blood

viscosity at both native and standard Hct. The MCV, Hb and Hct of rats exposed to Al2 (SO4)3 has

been also found to be decreased. There is evidence that anemia is associated with Al accumulation in

the plasma and /or bone tissue which is known to cause chronic renal insufficiency [22]

. The present

results indicated that Al treatment resulted in a significantly decreased haemoglobin (Hb), total

erythrocytic count (TEC) and packed cell volume (PCV) along with increased while total leukocyte

count (TLC). Vittori et al. [23]

have reported morphological changes in the erythrocyte after Al toxicity

and finally the cell loses their typical biconcave shape. They also suggested that aluminium may

disturb erythropoiesis through combined effects on mature erythrocytes and cellular metabolism in late

erythroid progenitors. Also, the inhibition in erythropoiesis and iron metabolism due to aluminium

treatment probably hinders haemoglobin synthesis and erythroid cell maturation [24, 25]. On the other

hand, significant improvement in these parameters after MMV treatment it self suggests the protective

role of this drug against Al induced toxicity.

The increasing use in preparation and storage of food in Al vessels, cans, and foils may increase the

Al content, particularly in the food that are salty, acidic, or alkaline. There has been little concern

about toxic consequences of Al ingestion because the bioavailability was considered to be poor [26]


the gastrointestinal tract normally represented a barrier to Al absorption under normal circumstances

but this barriercan be breached [27]

. It has been clearly shown that individuals ingesting large amounts

of Al compound do absorb significant amounts resulting elevate plasma levels [26, 27]. In spite of this,

a persistent intoxication would cause compensating mechanisms to be triggered, leading to restoring

the hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration with a concomitant persistence of microcytosis and a

decrease MCH [28]

. The effects of Al on erythroid progenitors and on mature erythrocytes and the toxic

effects on erythropoiesis may be responsible for the decrease of hemoglobin and hematocrit levels [29].

It is already known that Al disorganizes the erythrocyte membrane by altering its mechanical

properties, suggesting a reduction of the mean lifespan of circulating erythrocytes, which could play a

major role in the anemia [30]

. Thus, the present findings revealed that the MMV can very well protect

the cells against the toxic stress caused by Al and it may be due to the presence of active molecules

such as saponin and flavanoids [Thirunavukkarasu, et al., 2010] which are well known antioxidants..


Authors are thankful to the Indian Council for Medical Research, New Delhi, for providing the

financial assistance and to the SASTRA University for PhD registration of Mr. S.V.Thirunavukkarasu.


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