

Phase 2 User Guide: Community Board Orientation Evidence2Success



Evidence2Success Phase 2 User Guide: Preparing for the Community Board Orientation

I. Introduction 3

II. Integrating Workshop Materials 3

III. Getting Ready for the Workshop 4

IV. Objectives and Agendas 5

V. Relevant Milestones and Benchmarks 6

VI. Preparation 8

VII. Content Matrix for Session 1 10

VIII. Content Matrix for Session 2 14

IX. Appendix: Evidence in Evidence2Success 20

X. Appendix: Slides to Use as Handouts 23




Evidence2Success is a framework for improving the well-being and development of children and youth and reducing racial disparities. Evidence2Success brings together public systems, schools, neighborhoods and elected officials to invest in tested and effective programs that promote well-being. Local data, system practice changes and strategic financing help Evidence2Success communities to invest more effectively in their young people by increasing their focus on prevention and early intervention.

This user guide is for Evidence2Success coordinators who are leading their community boards through the work of Phase 2. At this point the community board has formed (although representatives of a few local constituencies may still be needed). The first major task is to conduct the Community Board Orientation (CBO). With three sessions, the CBO is the lengthiest workshop in Evidence2Success. This guide was developed to help coordinators prepare to facilitate that workshop. The workshop’s content includes:

• Providing an overview of the Evidence2Success framework, prevention science and the underlying operating system

• Drafting a vision statement • Working with partner neighborhoods and participating public systems • Introducing strategic financing • Creating your local community board structure and forming workgroups • Communicating about the framework and formulating key messages • Increasing racial equity in your community and public systems

In addition to the Community Board Orientation, other highlights of Phase 2 include developing a timeline for installing Evidence2Success in the community and beginning the fund-mapping process (led by the local finance lead). For a comprehensive list of the work of Phase 2, see the Milestones and Benchmarks for Phases 1–5.

The Phase 1 User Guide contains an overview of the Evidence2Success framework as well as tips and terminology differences that apply to all five phases.


Evidence2Success contains a suite of tools for coordinators to use while working with their community boards. These tools come from several sources. This adds to the depth of the framework but also makes it crucial for coordinators to know where and how to locate the material for each workshop. This guide helps you find and integrate the materials for the Community Board Orientation in Phase 2.

Much of the material about prevention science (including risk and protective factors, tested, effective programs and use of survey data to identify priorities and choose programs) comes from


the University of Washington’s Communities That Care (CTC) operating system. The CTC materials include facilitator guides, web-streamed module presentations with videos, facilitator guides and participant handouts. The strategic financing materials and modules about the Evidence2Success process were created by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. These Evidence2Success-specific materials are to be integrated with CTC materials in the CBO.

To help you identify the source of each module, the CTC module titles are followed by (CTC) in this guide — and also on the Evidence2Success website.

All the material is available online, although some of it is protected by password. While preparing for the workshop, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with all of the material. Don’t overlook the CTC CBO facilitator guide introduction!

The coordinator facilitates most of the workshops in Evidence2Success, starting with the first two sessions of this one. Your coach will assist you in preparing for it and in planning all other work for the initiative.

Getting Ready for the Community Board Orientation

The goal of the Community Board Orientation is to build a cohesive team to drive the Evidence2Success effort in your community. We have structured the agenda in three daylong sessions. We recommend covering the materials in three sessions (rather than four or more) in order to maximize the number of participants present for all sessions. Other arrangements are possible, however. For example, a four-session workshop, meeting once each week for a month, may suit the schedules of the board members. Alternatively, some or all modules may be covered in regularly scheduled board meetings. All other workshops in Evidence2Success are shorter than this one; most are considerably shorter.

This guide is intended for the coordinator, who is the intended facilitator for sessions 1 and 2. The workshop participants are the members of the newly formed community board. Some of them may also be key leaders for the initiative in your community and may have already been exposed to some of this material. If this is true of the majority of community board members, then it may be appropriate to omit certain modules from the workshop and to hold a makeup session with new board members who are unfamiliar with those modules. Key leaders may be invited to speak about Evidence2Success and local progress to date.

The coordinator should prepare carefully by reading all the materials, watching the online videos and planning and discussing the session with the Evidence2Success coach. The coordinator should also follow the preparation guidelines in the CTC facilitator guides.


Objectives of the Community Board Orientation

For Session 1 For Session 2 Session 3

As a result of this orientation, participants will be able to:

• Explain prevention science and the research foundation of the operating system within the Evidence2Success framework

• Explain the process and goals of Evidence2Success and describe the work of each of the five phases

• Draft a vision statement

• Build relationships and work together

As a result of this orientation, participants will be able to:

• Explain the strategic financing process and aims

• Identify common goals of the participating public systems and the focus neighborhoods

• Structure the community board, set up workgroups and agree on communications protocols

• Build relationships and work together, launching the work of the community board

• Finalize the vision statement

As a result of this orientation, participants will be able to:

• Build shared understanding of key race-focused terms

• Discern the specific focus of a structural lens on race for analysis and data

• Build capacity for reporting data using a racial equity lens

• Test-drive a core tool for advancing racial equity

Session Agendas

For Session 1:

Module 0 Introduction to Evidence2Success 60 min

Module 1 The Big Picture (CTC) 45 min

Module 2 Foundations of the Operating System (CTC)

150 min

Lunch 30 min


Module 3 The Evidence2Success Process 45 min

Module 4 A Vision for Our Community (CTC) 60 min

Total time (including breaks)

6 hr 30 min

For Session 2:

Module 5 Introduction to Strategic Financing

(With welcome and debrief of Session 1)

60 min

Module 6 Working Together 45 min

Module 7 About Public Systems 45 min

Module 8 Understanding Partner Neighborhoods (or Communities)

45 min

Lunch 30 min

Module 9 Finalize the Vision Statement (CTC) 60 min

Module 10 Getting Organized (partly CTC) 100 min

Module 11 Establishing Effective Communication (CTC)

60 min

Total time (including breaks)

7 hr 25 min

Session 3 is facilitated by the Race Matters Institute, a program of JustPartners, Inc. The facilitation team will provide materials.

Milestones and Benchmarks Addressed in the Community Board Orientation

Please read all the milestones and benchmarks for Phase 2 before the workshop.



Milestone 2.1: Develop a diverse and representative community board that reflects partnership between public systems and neighborhoods to lead the community through the Evidence2Success process.



Milestone 2.1: Develop a diverse and representative community board that reflects partnership between public systems and neighborhoods to lead the community through the Evidence2Success process.


2.1.1 Hold community board orientation to ensure that members understand the research foundation of Evidence2Success and the Evidence2Success process. This orientation will include a component on racial equity if this work is new to the coalition.

2.1.2 Ensure that community board members understand roles and responsibilities.

2.1.3 Establish organizational structure, leadership roles and committee and/or initial workgroup structures, including finance, data, outreach or public relations and resources assessment or program workgroups.

2.1.4 Define the community board's relationship with key leaders, other coalitions and collaborations.

2.1.5 Define formal method of communication among coordinator, community board members and key leaders.


Milestone 2.1: Develop a diverse and representative community board that reflects partnership between public systems and neighborhoods to lead the community through the Evidence2Success process.

2.1.1 Hold community board orientation to ensure that members understand the research foundation of Evidence2Success and the Evidence2Success process. This orientation will include a component on racial equity if this work is new to the coalition.

2.1.2 Ensure that community board members understand roles and responsibilities.



2.1.1 Hold community board orientation to ensure that members understand the research foundation of Evidence2Success and the Evidence2Success process. This orientation will include a component on racial equity if this work is new to the coalition.

Milestone 2.3: Plan for administrative data analysis and reporting.


2.3.1 Collect administrative data, including asset-based data and data on disparities, and prepare it for prioritization.

Milestone 3.1: Develop the community board’s capacity to prioritize YES and administrative data.


3.1.4 Identify questions for data workgroup and data partner(s) to answer through analysis of disaggregated community data and administrative data.

Preparation for the Workshop

The following items are needed for each workshop:

• Name tags

• Computer

• Computer projector and screen

• Internet connection

• Flip chart and easel

• Sticky notes


Be sure to make the advance preparations required for the modules in the content matrix starting on page 10. For Module 7, “About Public Systems,” and Module 8, “Understanding Partner Neighborhoods (or Communities),” you will need to work with representatives from participating public systems or the community, as they will be making presentations about their system, neighborhood or community. Be sure to start working with them several weeks before the workshop so that they’ll have time to create slides and handouts.



• Set the room with tables for 4–6 people. Make sure all participants will be able to see the screen.

• Provide a table at the side or back for coffee, water and other refreshments.

• Provide a table at the entrance for name tags and participant materials.

• Place the computer and projector on a table at the front of the room.


• Place the name tags and participant materials at the entrance table.

• Check the computer, internet connection and videos to make sure all are working properly.

• Have the “Welcome” screen displayed on the overhead projector.

• Have all preparations finished at least 15 minutes prior to the session start time so you can be fully present to greet participants as they arrive.


In the slides, text in italics (like this) can be delivered verbatim or nearly so. Text set in ordinary roman type (like this) can be treated as talking points. It is important to make all major points in the slide notes.

Locating Workshop Content All Community Board Orientation materials are listed on a password-protected page of the

Evidence2Success website. Coordinators should log in at The CTC materials are clearly identified on the website and in each content matrix below. (CTC materials can also be accessed through, again under password protection.) You also have been provided a password for the Communities That Care site. You must be logged in to both the Evidence2Success and Communities That Care sites to use the links provided on the Evidence2Success site. Your coach can connect you with the right people to contact if you are

having trouble with your password. You will need the CTC Community Board Orientation facilitator guides, slide presentations and handouts.


Session 1 Content Matrix

The matrix or table below shows the materials for each session 1 module. (CTC materials are clearly labeled.) The matrix also shows the modifications that need to be made to be made to CTC modules (if any). As the facilitator of this workshop, you will need to integrate these two sets of materials in as seamless a manner as possible. All materials can be accessed through the Casey site for Evidence2Success: (CTC materials can also be accessed through the CTC site.)

The third column shows the adaptations needed to accommodate small differences in terminology or coverage between CTC and the Evidence2Success framework. If you have any questions, be sure to discuss them with your coach. For more information on terminology differences between Evidence2Success and CTC, see the Phase 1 User Guide.

Prepare an agenda for each session. Include the objectives for the session.

Session 1 Module Materials To Note Advance Preparation

0: Overview of Evidence2Success

60 min

Module: Overview of Evidence2Success


• Slide 8 (The Big Picture) on an 8.5 X 11-inch piece of paper (for legibility)

• Copies of all the PowerPoint slides with room for taking notes.

Remind the group that Communities That Care (CTC) is the operating system behind Evidence2Success. We’re combining materials from both sources in this workshop.

If any key leaders are present, they may be invited to speak and give an update on progress.

Have flip charts prepared for the Dependable Strengths exercise, ground rules and your parking lot/bike rack.

For debriefing the Shared Strategies activity, have three flip-chart pages prepared (one for each of the questions on slide 17).


Session 1 Module Materials To Note Advance Preparation

1. The Big Picture

45 min

Module: The Big Picture (CTC)

Handouts: The handouts provided by CTC for this module are not needed.

Start at slide 5.

Point out that the session numbers and module numbers they see on the screen don’t necessarily correspond with the ones we’re using because the CTC materials are being supplemented with modules specific to Evidence2Success. Skip slides 8 (CTC session objectives) and 9 (ground rules); these were already covered in module 0.

Stop with slide 10. (Do not cover the last two slides.)

Refer to the CTC Facilitator Guide for Session 1 and review all advance-prep items so you can discuss them with your coach prior to delivering this workshop.

For those who are new to the Evidence2Success effort or who have not seen the video “How Evidence2Success Is Making a Difference for Kids and Families,” provide the link by email beforehand:


Session 1 Module Materials To Note Advance Preparation

2. The Foundations of CTC

150 min

Module: The Foundations of CTC (CTC)

Handouts: Use all the CTC Handouts. Also use the handout Evidence2Success Outcomes, Risk Factors and Protective Factors, which can be found in the Document Index on the website.

For slide 12, point out that Evidence2Success usually thinks of “health and behavior outcomes” or “developmental outcomes” rather than “health and behavior problems.” Moreover, Evidence2Success takes a broader view of outcomes to focus on; it includes physical health as a developmental outcome. The same principles about risk and protection apply, however.

Review the handouts, especially the CTC handout Hard Questions About Risk Factors and the list of Evidence2Success outcomes, risk factors and protective factors. Discuss any questions you have in advance with your coach.


Session 1 Module Materials To Note Advance Preparation

3. The Evidence2Success Process

45 min

Module: The Evidence2Success Process


The Five Phases of Evidence2Success

Roadmap (print a full-page version of the Roadmap slide in the module or use the picture at the end of this document)

Evidence2Success Milestones and Benchmarks

Matching Game pieces (from your coach)

Scheduling spreadsheets (from your coach)

Review the Evidence2Success milestones and benchmarks.

4. A Vision for Our Community

60 min

Module: A Vision for Our Community (CTC)

Have the date, time and location of Session 2 so you can announce it at the end of this session.


Session 2 Content Matrix

The matrix or table below shows the materials for each session 1 module, along with the modifications or adaptations you (as facilitator) will need to make to integrate these two sets of materials as seamlessly as possible. All materials can be accessed through the Casey site for Evidence2Success: (CTC materials can also be accessed through the CTC site.)

Session 2 Module Materials To Note Advance Preparation

5. Introduction to Strategic Financing

60 min

Module: Introduction to Strategic Financing

Handouts: Copies of the PowerPoint slides with room for taking notes (for all the Evidence2Success-specific modules)

If any key leaders are present, they may be invited to give an update on recent progress (if there has been any since Session 1).


Session 2 Module Materials To Note Advance Preparation

6. Working Together

45 min

Module: Working Together


• Copies of all the PowerPoint slides with room for taking notes

• Ten Tips for Coordinators • Ten Tips for Neighborhood

Leaders • Ten Tips for Public System


Slide 6 should show local collaborative efforts in the community. This slide needs to be prepared ahead of time in conjunction with public system and neighborhood or community leaders.


Session 2 Module Materials To Note Advance Preparation

7. Introduction to Public Systems

45 min

Module: Introduction Public Systems


• Copies of the PowerPoint slides with room for taking notes

• Getting to Know Your System

Work with board members from participating systems to customize the slides in this deck for their particular system. Give them the template for the handout Getting To Know Your System and ask them to prepare it for this session.

You might ask them to complete the template a week or two in advance of Session 2, so that you can work with them to incorporate the information into Module 7 slides. If possible, a representative of the public system should present the slides relevant to their system. Assist them in planning to manage time.

Please Note: Work on this module should begin before CBO Session 1.


Session 2 Module Materials To Note Advance Preparation

8. Understanding Partner Neighborhoods (or Communities)

45 min

Module: Understanding Partner Neighborhoods (or Communities)


• Copies of the PowerPoint slides with room for taking notes.

• Partner Neighborhoods. (This is a template; have the neighborhood representatives use it to prepare the handouts.)

Although this module was designed for focus neighborhoods, it can be used in communities that aren’t focusing on particular neighborhoods. Refer to “communities” rather than “neighborhoods” where appropriate.

Work with board members from the focus neighborhoods to prepare them to present information on their neighborhood and lead the discussion about their neighborhood. Give them the template for the partner neighborhood handout and ask them to prepare it for this session. Assist them in obtaining demographic and other administrative data from public data sources and public system partners. Assist them in planning to manage time.

Please Note: Work on this module should begin before CBO Session 1.


Session 2 Module Materials To Note Advance Preparation

9. Finalize the Vision Statement

60 min

Module: Finalize the Vision Statement (CTC)

Handouts: Use all the CTC handouts.

Review the Evidence2Success Milestones and Benchmarks.


10. Getting Organized

100 min

Module: Getting Organized (CTC)


Evidence2Success: How It’s Organized (print a full-page version of the Roadmap slide in the module or use the picture at the end of this document)

The Role of the Evidence2Success Coordinator

Community Board Role and Responsibilities

Finance Lead and Fund-Mapping Leads Key Responsibilities

Stakeholder Engagement Guide

Identifying Additional Stakeholders

The handouts about Evidence2Success structure and roles and responsibilities should be used after slide 2. Point out that Evidence2Success and CTC have similar structures, but Evidence2Success also has a finance lead and data partner, in addition to the coordinator. Tell them we will go over the workgroups later in this module.

When discussing the workgroups, point out that the Funding Workgroup in CTC is the finance workgroup in Evidence2Success, and that its members are chosen from public systems finance staff.

The last four handouts are for use with the elevator-pitch exercise.

If you have noticed the time discrepancy between the CTC and Evidence2Success for this module, be aware that the time CTC gives for the module includes lunch.

Consult with your coach and consider carefully the skill and resources your community board members have as you plan the elevator-pitch exercise. In this session of the community board orientation, the pitch exercise only provides a brief introduction to the fine points of constructing a pitch. It may be helpful to spend time on this in a regular board meeting or to follow up outside of this workshop with those who will be making pitches. The PowerPoint Communicating Evidence2Success contains some excellent resources. It is available on the website in the Document Index, under General Documents.


Session 2 Module Materials To Note Advance Preparation

11: Establishing Effective Communications

60 min

Module: Establishing Effective Communications (CTC)

CTC handouts

Evidence2Success FAQs

Survey FAQs

Communicating Evidence2Success is a useful resource for this module also.

Have the date, time and location of Session 2 so you can announce it at the end of this session.


Appendix: Evidence: The Key to Evidence2Success

Evidence2Success is built on evidence, particularly the strong scientific evidence behind

Communities That Care and the weight of the tested, effective programs on which the framework

relies. Thus, it is important for coordinators to have a thorough understanding of these ideas.

The first major goal of Evidence2Success is to create a system- and community-wide change

effort with the potential to substantially improve outcomes for children, youth and families.

Evidence2Success is built on CTC because of the high-quality evidence CTC has accumulated of

doing precisely that. In a randomized controlled trial of CTC, 24 communities across seven states

were matched in pairs within each state and randomly assigned to either receive CTC or serve as

control communities.

In this trial, a panel of 4,407 students from the CTC and control communities was followed and

surveyed annually from grade 5. By the spring of grade 8, significantly fewer of the panel students

from the CTC communities had health and behavior problems than those from the control

communities. Panel students from CTC communities were:

• 25 percent less likely to have initiated delinquent behavior; • 32 percent less likely to have initiated the use of alcohol; and • 33 percent less likely to have initiated cigarette use than control community youth.

These significant effects were sustained through grade 10, one year after the intervention phase

of the trial ended. By the end of grade 10, panel students from CTC communities also had 25

percent lower odds of engaging in violent behavior in the past year than those from control


The Annie E. Casey Foundation, the developer of Evidence2Success, has partnered with the

developers of Communities That Care to supplement the CTC model and to increase

sustainability by strengthening the components of public system partnership and financing in the


The second major goal of Evidence2Success is to get tested, effective programs for youth and

families into the communities that need them. This is accomplished through the convergence of

several strands of work:

• A process of discerning priority outcomes and risk and protective factors in survey data

from neighborhood youth and jointly choosing programs based on the priorities

• A strategic financing process, starting with fund mapping, that identifies funding sources

matched to the priorities and programs selected

• Preparation for implementing tested, effective programs, including training on sourcing,

fidelity, observation, evaluation and record keeping

Once priorities are established, programs are chosen from one or more databases of evidence-

based programs. For Evidence2Success, the preferred source is the Blueprints database, These programs have been shown to meet extremely high


standards of evidence. (The standards can be found on the Blueprints site or in the

Evidence2Success materials for this phase.) Because the programs conform to such stringent

standards, we call them tested and effective. These programs are known to produce positive

results when implemented with fidelity to their specifications.

Why does Evidence2Success rely so heavily on tested, effective programs? Blueprints uses

rigorous standards that require at least one high-quality randomized control trial or two high-

quality quasi-experimental evaluations. For more information, see the Blueprints site.

The weight of the required evidence means we can have great confidence that a program will

achieve the outcomes it is designed to produce when implemented with fidelity. For this reason,

tested, effective programs are considered a good investment of public funds for improving

children’s outcomes. As an investment, their value is increased by the fact that most of them

address multiple risk factors: It is often possible to address a number of priorities with a handful of


Tested, effective programs are characterized by:

Impact • Positive impact on child well-being


• No negative effects

Intervention specificity • Logic model

• Clearly defined population focus

• Identifiable risk and protective factors

to be changed

Evaluation quality • A randomized control trial or two quasi-

experimental trials with no design flaws

System readiness • Training materials

• Information on required financial and

human resources


Appendix: Slides to Use as Handouts

Slides to be used as handouts for the Community Board Orientation are reproduced on the

following pages.



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