Download - Philosophy Socrates


The first charge against Socrates is that he is [making] the worse argument the better and teaching all of this to others.(18b) This notion of the worse argument is probably a reference to Socratess study of nature. Socrates claims that he is falsely accused as a student of all things in the sky and below the earth. (18b) This statement holds quite a negative connotation. By naming Socrates as a student of the sky and below the earth, he is automatically being labeled as an atheist. What turns this into a larger issue is that Socrates is also charged with teaching all of this to others. The court views Socrates as someone who is spreading contentious beliefs. Socrates denies that he is involved in the natural science, claiming that Meletus was talking a lot of other nonsense and that he has no part in [natural science].(19d). Socrates continues to tell the court that if anyone had heard that Socrates undertake to teach people and charge a fee for it, that is not true either(19e).

Of course, simply denying the charges against him does help Socratess case. He has to prove with evidence that the charges against him are false. This is quite problematic because while the charges are brought by Meletus, the charges ultimately stem from rumors. Socrates tells the court how difficult it is for him to defend himself as he cannot bring one [accuser] into court or refute [the accuser]; once must simply fight with shadows.(18d) Socrates decides that the only he can fight his charges are by bringing up the root of the rumors. Socrates tells the members of the Athenian jury that the rumors stem from a dislike towards Socrates by Socratess friend Chaerephon. Chaerephon approached an oracle who told him that Socrates was the wisest person alive. Socrates believed that in spite of the oracles words Socrates came to be disliked both by [Chaerephron] and by many others. (21e) Socrates brings Chaerepehons brother to testify this as truth (because Chaerephon is dead) in hopes that the testimony would correct the rumors. (21a)

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