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Photoshoot N.1

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My project is all about schizophrenia and looking further into it. This project is all about raising awareness for it as it’s not spoke about often. Before taking my images I did a lot of research and looked on forums to see how people with schizophrenia dealt with it. I’m trying to portray the more physical affect of schizophrenia as this is a lot easier to do. In this first shoot of the project I’ve tried to make the model look distressed and quite scared as that’s one of the effects of schizophrenia. For this photo shoot I kept the models clothes simple as not to draw attention away from her facial features which is what I wanted to focus on in this photo shoot.

As I wanted to keep the same theme and colour scheme through out, I edited them all pretty much the same way. I edited three in total. I mainly changed the contrast and brightness to make them darker and did this by editing the colour balance.

I’m quite happy with how they have turned out as I feel they’re quite fitting for the theme.

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In this first image I've edited I’ve took the image quite close up as I wanted her face to be the main attraction. By getting her to open her eyes wide it makes her look quite scared and I like that she’s staring straight at the camera. I wanted to change the image to black and white as it’s too bright to fit in with my theme in colour. I then went on to edit the brightness and contrast to make it a little darker.

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I feel this image is a strong one to edit as it suits my theme the way her face is the main focus of the image and the rest is quite simple. I like how you can see just a tiny bit of the background. Straight away for me by turning the image to black and white it changes the feel of the image and theme of it straight away. I wanted her to look quite sad, scared and distracted and I think that comes across. I like that her eyes and facial expression as a whole looks quite frenzied in this image, like they’ve just discovered or realised something and don’t know what to do with that information.

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Editing tools used:• Black and white• Hue/saturation• Colour balance• Vibrancy

For me this edit was all about finding the right shade of black and white and making sure it didn’t look too edited. I wanted it look dark but quite a natural colour. By editing the vibrancy of the image I could make I made it quite dark and then took the contrast up slightly to even it out. If I was to take this image again I’d probably have her do a different facial expression.

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I like this image as because of the weather, in general she looks quite dishevelled and that’s very fitting for my theme. She’s not supposed to know what she’s doing. By her wearing quite dull and dark clothes, and being quite covered up and layered I wanted to get across a deeper image that she’s tying to hide herself behind things and stay at a distance, and obviously by her being on her own this is also an indication of that. Overall I’m quite happy with the two images I’ve edited.

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