Page 1: PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS3, 034403 (2019) · J. MENDIL et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS 3, 034403 (2019) TABLE I. Overview of the three sample series used for anisotropy characterization

PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS 3, 034403 (2019)Editors’ Suggestion

Magnetic properties and domain structure of ultrathin yttrium iron garnet/Pt bilayers

J. Mendil,1 M. Trassin,1 Q. Bu,1 J. Schaab,1 M. Baumgartner,1 C. Murer,1 P. T. Dao,1 J. Vijayakumar,2 D. Bracher,2

C. Bouillet,3 C. A. F. Vaz,2 M. Fiebig,1 and P. Gambardella1

1Department of Materials, ETH Zurich, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland2Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland

3Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS), UMR 7504 CNRS, Université de Strasbourg, 67034 Strasbourg, France

(Received 27 September 2018; revised manuscript received 4 February 2019; published 8 March 2019)

We report on the structure, magnetization, magnetic anisotropy, and domain morphology of ultrathin yttriumiron garnet (YIG)/Pt films with thickness ranging from 3 to 90 nm. We find that the saturation magnetization isclose to the bulk value in the thickest films and decreases at low thickness with a strong reduction below 10 nm.We characterize the magnetic anisotropy by measuring the transverse spin Hall magnetoresistance as a functionof applied field. Our results reveal strong easy-plane anisotropy fields of the order of 50–100 mT, which add tothe demagnetizing field, as well as weaker in-plane uniaxial anisotropy ranging from 10 to 100 μT. The in-planeeasy-axis direction changes with thickness but presents also significant fluctuations among samples with thesame thickness grown on the same substrate. X-ray photoelectron emission microscopy reveals the formation ofzigzag magnetic domains in YIG films thicker than 10 nm, which have dimensions larger than several 100 μmand are separated by achiral Néel-type domain walls. Smaller domains characterized by interspersed elongatedfeatures are found in YIG films thinner than 10 nm.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.3.034403


Yttrium iron garnet (YIG) thin films have attracted con-siderable interest in the field of spintronics due to the possi-bility of converting magnon excitations into spin and chargecurrents flowing in an adjacent nonmagnetic metal (NM)layer. Spin currents in YIG/NM bilayers have been excitedthermally (spin Seebeck effect) [1–4], dynamically (spinpumping) [5–8], or by means of the spin Hall effect [9–13].In the last case, a charge current in the NM generates atransverse spin current that is either absorbed or reflected atthe interface with YIG. This leads to a variety of interesting ef-fects such as the spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) [14–17]and current-induced spin-orbit torques [18–20], which canbe used to sense and manipulate the magnetization. For thelatter purpose, it is desirable to work with thin magneticfilms in order to achieve the largest effect from the interfacialtorques.

For a long time, the growth of YIG has been accomplishedby liquid phase epitaxy, which offers excellent epitaxialquality and dynamic properties such as low damping and arich spin-wave spectrum. The magnetic properties of thesebulklike samples, including the magnetocrystalline anisotropy[21,22] and magnetic domain structure [23–25], have beenextensively characterized in the past. However, with rareexceptions [26], samples grown by liquid phase epitaxy usu-ally have thicknesses in the micrometer to millimeter range.Recent developments in oxide thin-film growth give accessto the submicrometer range by employing techniques suchas laser molecular beam epitaxy [27], sputtering [28,29], andpulsed laser deposition (PLD) [30–37], which allow for grow-ing good quality films with thickness down to the sub-100-nm range [28,29,35–37] and even below 10 nm [27,33,34].

Since the thickness as well as structural and compositionaleffects have a large influence on the magnetic behavior, thesedevelopments call for a detailed characterization of the mag-netic properties of ultrathin YIG films. Several characteristicquantities, which are of high relevance for YIG-based spin-tronics, have been found to vary in films thinner than 100 nm.For instance, a reduction of the saturation magnetization[29,35–40] is typically observed in YIG films with thicknessdown to 10 nm, which has been ascribed to either thermallyinduced stress [38], lack of exchange interaction partners atthe interface [36], or stoichiometric variations [29,37,39,40].Furthermore, an increase of the damping [33–35,41] as wellas a decreased spin-mixing conductance [42,43] have beenfound in ultrathin YIG. Finally, the emergence of unex-pected magnetocrystalline anisotropy was reported for filmsof different orientations grown on gadolinium gallium garnet(GGG) and yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG). The magneticanisotropy was investigated by the magneto-optical Kerr ef-fect in GGG/YIG(111) [27,36] and by ferromagnetic res-onance in GGG/YIG(111) [31], GGG/YIG(001) [32], andYAG/YIG(001) [28]. Whereas all these studies address im-portant magnetic characteristics in the sub-100-nm range,only a few studies [33,34] explore the ultrathin-film regimebelow 10 nm. This thickness range is highly relevant forefficient magnetization manipulation using current-inducedinterfacial effects as well as for strain engineering, since strainand its gradients relax after 10–20 nm. Finally, a comprehen-sive knowledge of the domain and domain-wall structure inthe thin-film regime is lacking. Recent studies on magneticdomains address only bulk [25], several-micrometer-thick[44] or hundreds-of-nanometers-thick [45] YIG films.

In this work, we present a systematic investigation of thestructure, saturation magnetization, magnetic anisotropy, and

2475-9953/2019/3(3)/034403(10) 034403-1 ©2019 American Physical Society

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TABLE I. Overview of the three sample series used for anisotropy characterization using SMR and domain structure using XPEEM wheretPt and tYIG refer to the Pt and YIG thickness, respectively. The numbers in parentheses refer to the thickness in unit cells of YIG (1 unit cell =1.238 nm [46]).

tPt (nm) tYIG (nm, unit cells)

SMR 1 3 3.4 4.6 6.2 7.3 9 29 90(2.7) (3.7) (5.0) (5.9) (7.3) (23.4) (72.7)

SMR 2 3 3.7 5.6 6.2 6.8 7.4 12.4(3.0) (4.5) (5.0) (5.5) (6.0) (10.0)

XPEEM 1.9 3.7 8.7 12.4 28.5 86.7(3.0) (7.0) (10.0) (23.0) (70.0)

magnetic domains of YIG/Pt films grown on GGG substratesby PLD as a function of YIG thickness from tYIG = 3.4to tYIG = 90 nm. By combining x-ray diffraction (XRD),transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force mi-croscopy (AFM), and x-ray absorption spectroscopy, we showthat our films possess high crystalline quality and smoothsurfaces with no detectable interface mixing throughout theentire thickness range. The saturation magnetization, inves-tigated using a superconducting quantum interference device(SQUID), shows values close to bulk for thick films and agradual reduction at lower thicknesses. We probe the magneticanisotropy electrically by means of SMR and find an easy-plane and uniaxial in-plane anisotropy with a nonmonotonicvariation of the in-plane orientation of the easy axis and themagnitude of the effective anisotropy field. Finally, we inves-tigate the domain structure using x-ray photoelectron emis-sion microscopy (XPEEM), evidencing significant changesin the domain structure above and below tYIG = 10 nm. Ourresults provide a basis for understanding the behavior of spin-tronic devices based on YIG/Pt with different YIG thickness.


We prepared three sample series consisting ofGGG/YIG(tYIG)/Pt bilayers with Pt thickness set to 3 nmin the first two series for optimal SMR measurements and1.9 nm in the third series to allow for surface-sensitiveXPEEM measurements while avoiding charging effects.The YIG thickness, tYIG, varies from 3.4 to 90 nm. Anoverview of the samples and their thickness in nanometersand YIG unit cells can be found in Table I. The sampleshave been grown in situ on (111)-oriented GGG substratesusing an ultrahigh-vacuum PLD system combined with dcmagnetron sputtering (base pressure 10−8 mbar, 10−10 mbar,respectively). The YIG was grown by PLD at a growthpressure of 10−1 mbar and temperature of 720◦C using anexcimer KrF laser (wavelength 248 nm) at a repetition rate of8 Hz and 1.45 J/cm2 fluence. Reflection high-energy electrondiffraction (RHEED) was used to monitor the growth rate insitu. After cooling down under a 200-mbar O2 atmosphere,the GGG/YIG films were transferred to the sputteringchamber without breaking the ultrahigh vacuum, where Ptwas deposited at room temperature under 10−2 mbar Arpressure. Finally, for electrical transport measurements, theYIG(tYIG)/Pt(3) series were patterned into Hall bar structuresusing optical lithography followed by Ar-ion milling. TheHall bars are oriented parallel to the [11̄0] crystal direction

and are 50 μm wide, with a separation of the Hall arms of500 μm.

The crystalline quality and epitaxial strain of theGGG/YIG(111) films were investigated using XRD to ob-tain θ -2θ diffraction scans and reciprocal space maps. Theinterface quality was probed using scanning TEM (STEM),energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and electron-energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) in order to resolve the el-emental composition, whereas the thin-film topography wasinvestigated using AFM in both contact and tapping mode.

The YIG films are single-phase epitaxial layers with (111)orientation, as indicated by the diffraction peaks correspond-ing to the (111) planes in the diffraction pattern. The x-ray diffractograms for three selected YIG thicknesses areshown in Figs. 1(a)–1(c). Kiessig thickness fringes indicatethe homogeneous growth and high interface quality. Theobserved periodicity matches the thicknesses determined byx-ray reflectivity. To further investigate the crystalline qualityand the interfacial strain states of the YIG films, we recordedreciprocal space maps around the (664) and (486) diffractionsfor both YIG and the GGG substrate. These maps allow us toprobe the strain state of the films along the two inequivalent[112̄] and [11̄0] in-plane directions. A coherent strain state ofthe films was evidenced for all thicknesses considered. Thegood lattice matching between YIG and GGG results in high-quality epitaxial growth and no detectable strain relaxation,as shown by the alignment of the diffraction points alongboth [112̄] and [11̄0] orientations. The reciprocal space mapsmeasured on a 99-nm-thick YIG film are shown in Figs. 1(d)and 1(e).

Figures 1(f) and 1(g) show high-resolution STEM imagesof the two interfaces and a TEM image of the full stackin the inset. The corresponding chemical profiles across theinterfaces probed by EDS are shown in Figs. 1(h) and 1(i).The EDS profiles indicate a moderate interdiffusion of Fe,Y, and Pt within a range of 2 nm at the YIG/Pt interfaceand of Gd and Ga into YIG within a range of about 4 nm atthe GGG/YIG interface. Both values are in agreement withrecent findings [39,47]. The smaller diffusion range at theYIG/Pt interface is consistent with the low power and lowerdeposition temperature (room temperature) of Pt comparedto the deposition of YIG on GGG. The moderate diffusionof Ga and Gd into the YIG film is also in agreement withprevious reports [29,39]. The EELS analysis, shown in Fig. 2,confirms the moderate diffusion of Fe in the Pt. In order togain information on the evolution of the local Fe environmentacross the YIG/Pt interface, we calculated the intensity ratio


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FIG. 1. (a–c) Structural characterization of GGG/YIG(111) films of different thickness by θ -2θ scans using XRD. (d, e) Reciprocal spacemaps around the (664) and (486) diffraction peaks. The oscillations in the θ -2θ and qz scans are thickness oscillations. The thickness derivedfrom these measurements agrees with that measured using x-ray reflectivity. (f, g) High-resolution STEM image of the two interfaces in thestack GGG/YIG(72)/Pt(9). The inset shows a cross section of the full stack. (h, i) Elemental profiles across the YIG/Pt and YIG/GGGinterfaces measured by EDS.

of the Fe L3 and L2 white lines from the Fe EELS spectrameasured within the YIG film (black dot in Fig. 2) and attwo different positions near the YIG/Pt interface (red and bluedots). In YIG, the L3/L2 ratio is 5.64, which is consistent withan Fe3+ oxidation state, as found, e.g., in Fe2O3 [48]. On thePt side of the YIG/Pt interface, the L3/L2 ratio decreases to4.24, which is in between the values found for Fe and FeO.This change of electronic valence confirms the presence of Fein the interfacial Pt layer. We note that the absence of Fe3+ inthe Pt further excludes measurement artifacts due to samplepreparation for TEM, such as Pt redeposition. The AFM

710 720 7300.0








energy (eV)

YIG interface


10 nm

FIG. 2. Comparison of the Fe L2,3 spectra measured by EELSacross the YIG/Pt interface. The spectra, shown after backgroundsubtraction, have been averaged on 3-nm-long line scans for eachregion of interest, as labeled in the inset with colored dots. The probebeam diameter is 0.15 nm.

measurements substantiate the low roughness expected fromthe x-ray reflectivity and the observation of Kiessig fringes inthe diffraction spectra. Figure 3(a) shows an AFM image overan area of 3 × 3 μm2 of a 28.5-nm-thick GGG/YIG film. Themeasured roughness is in the range of 1 Å and is independentof the YIG thickness, as shown in Fig. 3(b).


Figure 4(a) shows the saturation magnetization (Ms) of theunpatterned YIG(tYIG)/Pt(3) bilayers measured by SQUID(sample series SMR 1 and SMR 2 in red and grey, respec-tively). For each thickness, we observe a hysteretic in-planemagnetization with coercivity smaller than 0.5 mT, as illus-trated for YIG(9)/Pt(3) in Fig. 4(b). The thickest sample,YIG(90)/Pt(3), has a saturation magnetization of μ0Ms =153 mT, which is close to the bulk value of μ0Ms,bulk =180 mT at room temperature [49]. The reduction of Ms

compared to the bulk was also observed in other studies of

height (pm)600 nm


2 4 6 8 1012 29 900








tYIG (nm)

FIG. 3. (a) AFM image of YIG(28.5)/Pt(3). (b) Root-mean-square roughness as a function of YIG thickness measured by AFM.


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710 720 7300.0




710 720 730




4 6 8 10 12 29 900




-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0





S (a


energy (eV) energy (eV)


3.7 nm

86.7 nmX


D (%


μ 0M

S (m


tYIG (nm)


3.7 nm

12.4 nm

86.7 nm



Bext (mT)

μ 0M

S (m


FIG. 4. (a) Ms as a function of YIG thickness measured bySQUID for sample series SMR 1 (red) and SMR 2 (grey). (b) Mag-netic hysteresis of YIG(9)/Pt(3) as a function of in-plane magneticfield. (c) X-ray absorption spectra of YIG(3.7,12.4,86.7)/Pt(1.9).Each line represents the sum of two spectra acquired with positiveand negative circular x-ray polarization. The spectra are shiftedvertically by a constant offset for better visibility. (d) XMCD spectrafor the thickest and thinnest samples obtained by taking the dif-ference between two absorption spectra acquired with positive andnegative circular x-ray polarization. The spectra were acquired onhomogeneously magnetized domains using the XPEEM setup.

YIG films grown by PLD [31,36,50,51]. This reduction hasbeen ascribed to the different percentage of Fe vacancies atthe tetrahedral or octahedral sites [31], the lack of exchangeinteraction partners for atoms at the interface [36], strainrelaxation due to a slight lattice mismatch of the substrate andYIG [50], as well as to the presence of Fe and O vacancies[51]. Furthermore, we observe a decreasing trend for Ms atlower YIG thicknesses, with a steeper reduction below 10 nm.Our thinnest sample (tYIG = 3.4 nm) has μ0Ms = 27 mT,which is only 15% of the bulk saturation magnetization.Previous studies reported a decreasing trend of Ms already forthicknesses larger than 10 nm [29,36,39,40,50].

The reduction of the YIG magnetization in thin films hasbeen often modeled as a magnetically dead layer. For exam-ple, by extrapolating the areal magnetization as a function ofthickness to the point where no surface magnetization wouldbe present, Mitra et al. [39] inferred a 6-nm-thick dead layerfor YIG films in the 10–50-nm thickness range. A similarextrapolation of our Ms data for samples with thickness of9 nm and above would lead to a 4.3-nm-thick dead layer. How-ever, our data evidence a finite magnetization below 4.3 nm,contradicting the assumption of an abrupt magnetically deadlayer at the GGG/YIG interface. Instead, we conclude that agradual reduction of Ms occurs at thicknesses below 10 nm,which may be due to the diffusion of Gd from the GGGsubstrate into YIG observed by EDS [see Fig. 1(i)].

Further information on the magnetization of YIG(tYIG)/Pt(1.9) was obtained using x-ray absorption spectroscopy andx-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) at the L3 and L2

absorption edges of Fe. The x-ray absorption spectra of rep-

-1 0 1




4 6 8 10 12 29 900




4 6 8 10 12 29 900



-1 0 1



-0.1 0.0 0.1



tYIG= 3.4 nmtYIG= 90 nm




Bext,z (T)

tYIG (nm)B

s (mT)

(d) (e)


1 (mT)

tYIG (nm)




Bext,z (T)

1 89 4.369(b) (c)


FIG. 5. (a) Schematic of the Hall bar and coordinate system.OOP field scans for the (b) thickest (90 nm) and (c) thinnest (3.4 nm)YIG thickness from series SMR 1. From these scans, the out-of-planesaturation field Bs was determined as indicated by the dashed line andsummarized in (d) as a function of YIG thickness. (e) Easy-planeanisotropy field BK1 = Bs − μ0Ms. Data shown for sample seriesSMR 1 (red) and SMR 2 (grey).

resentative YIG(3.7,12.4,86.7)/Pt(1.9) samples present a verysimilar line shape [Fig. 4(c)], which implies that the chemicalenvironment of the Fe atoms does not change substantiallywith thickness. The XMCD asymmetry, however, decreasesin the thinner samples [Fig. 4(d)], consistent with the be-havior of Ms discussed above. These data confirm that oursamples are magnetic throughout the entire thickness rangeand suggest that the reduction of Ms is not due to defectiveFe sites.


To probe the magnetic anisotropy, we performed mea-surements of the transverse SMR [14,15] as a function ofmagnitude and orientation of the external magnetic field Bext.Our data evidence the presence of an easy-plane anisotropyfield, BK1 , which adds to the demagnetization field to favorthe in-plane magnetization, as well as of an easy-axis fieldBK2 , which favors a particular in-plane direction that variesfrom sample to sample.

A. Transverse SMR measurements

A sketch of the Hall bar structure employed for the SMRmeasurements is presented in Fig. 5(a). We used an ac currentI = I0 sin(ωt ), modulated at a frequency ω/2π = 10 Hz, andacquired the longitudinal and transverse (Hall) resistances[52,53]. To extract the magnetization orientation, we consider


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here only the transverse resistance, Rxy, which is sensitive toall three Cartesian components of the magnetization due to theSMR effect [15]. We performed two types of measurements.In the first type, which we call an IP angle scan, we vary thein-plane angle of the applied magnetic field Bext; in the secondtype, which we call an OOP field scan, we ramp Bext appliedout of plane. For both cases, it is convenient to use sphericalcoordinates: we define ϕB as the azimuthal angle between Bext

and I and ϕ as the azimuthal angle between the magnetizationand I , whereas the polar angles of Bext and the magnetizationwith respect to the surface normal are θB and θ , respectively[Fig. 5(a)].

In the IP angle scan (θ = π/2), Rxy is determined solelyby the planar Hall-like (PHE) contribution from the SMR,leading to

Rxy = RPHE sin(2ϕ), (1)

where RPHE is the planar Hall-like coefficient. In this type ofexperiment, we record Rxy as a function of ϕB for differentBext. For fields large enough to saturate the magnetizationalong the field direction, we can assume ϕ = ϕB and henceRxy = RPHE sin(2ϕB). Conversely, for external fields smallenough such that ϕ �= ϕB, Rxy will deviate from the sin(2ϕB)curve. By adopting a macrospin model assuming in-planeuniaxial magnetic anisotropy and comparing the resultingPHE from Eq. (1) with our data, we can determine quiteaccurately the easy-axis direction as well as the magnitudeof the in-plane magnetic anisotropy energy.

In the OOP field scans, Rxy depends on the ordinary Halleffect (OHE) and anomalous Hall-like (AHE) contributionfrom the SMR, which is proportional to the out-of-planecomponent of magnetization [15]. We thus have

Rxy = ROHEBext cos θB + RAHE cos θ, (2)

where ROHE and RAHE are the OHE and AHE coefficients,respectively. When ramping the OOP field, the contributiondue to ROHE continuously increases, whereas the contributiondue to RAHE saturates as the magnetization is fully aligned outof plane. The corresponding saturation field Bs can be usedto determine the out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy knowingthe value of Ms. All measurements were performed at roomtemperature using a current density in the low 105 A/cm2


B. Easy-plane anisotropy

The easy-plane anisotropy field was determined by com-paring the hard-axis (out-of-plane) saturation field Bs mea-sured by the Hall resistance with the demagnetizing fieldμ0Ms estimated using SQUID. Figures 5(b) and 5(c) showthe results of OOP field scans for the thickest (90 nm) andthinnest (3.4 nm) YIG/Pt(3) samples. In both cases, weidentify Bs (dashed line) as the field above which only theordinary Hall effect contributes to the (linear) increase ofRxy with increasing field. Note that, for YIG(90)/Pt(3), weobserve a bell-shaped curve that is due to the PHE during thereorientation of magnetic domains from the initial in-plane tothe final out-of-plane orientation at Bs. Figure 5(d) reports theestimated values of Bs for all thicknesses. In all cases, we findthat Bs is significantly larger than μ0Ms reported in Fig. 4(a).

We attribute this difference to an easy-plane anisotropy field,BK1 = Bs − μ0Ms, which favors in-plane magnetization. Themagnitude of BK1 varies in the range 50–100 mT (except forthe thinnest sample). This additional easy-plane anisotropy isof the same order of magnitude as in previous studies [27,36],where it was attributed to a rhombohedral unit cell distortionalong the [111] direction by ≈1%. Interestingly, the thinnestsample shows a drastically reduced BK1 compared to thethicker ones, suggesting that very thin YIG films with tYIG �3.4 nm tend to develop out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy [38].This tendency, however, is not sufficient to induce an out-of-plane easy axis, as verified by SQUID measurements as afunction of out-of-plane field. The reduction of BK1 may alsoexplain the absence of the bell-shaped PHE contribution toRxy observed in Fig. 5(c).

C. In-plane uniaxial anisotropy

The in-plane uniaxial anisotropy field BK2 is determined bymeasuring IP angle scans of Rxy for different constant valuesof Bext. By choosing Bext below the in-plane saturation fieldand fitting Rxy as a function of ϕB using a macrospin model,we determine the orientation of the in-plane easy axis as wellas the magnitude of BK2 . The black circles in Figs. 6(a)–6(c)show Rxy as a function of ϕB for three representative YIGthicknesses (90, 9, and 3.4 nm). For all three samples, weidentify the sin(2ϕ) behavior expected from Eq. (1) for Bext >

7.2 mT [upper panels in Figs. 6(a)–6(c)]. When reducingBext, deviations from this line shape occur, indicating that themagnetization no longer follows the external magnetic field.This behavior is most pronounced for fields of only tens ofmicroteslas [lower panels in Figs. 6(a)–6(c)]. For such lowfields, we observe two prominent jumps of Rxy separatedby 180◦, which we attribute to the magnetization switchingabruptly from one quadrant to the opposite one during anIP angle scan in proximity to the hard axis. These jumps,which occur at different ϕB for the three samples, indicate thepresence of in-plane uniaxial anisotropy.

In order to quantify the in-plane uniaxial anisotropy, weperform macrospin simulations of Rxy assuming the followingenergy functional:

E = −Ms�m · �Bext + MsBK2 sin2(ϕ − ϕEA), (3)

where �m is the magnetization unit vector and ϕEA de-fines the angle of the easy axis with respect to the [11̄0]crystal axis. Expressing �m and �Bext in spherical coor-dinates, i.e., �m = (sin θ cos ϕ, sin θ sin ϕ, cos θ ) and �Bext =Bext (sin θB cos ϕB, sin θB sin ϕB, cos θB), and taking θ = θB =π/2, we can calculate the equilibrium position of the magneti-zation as a function of Bext, ϕB, BK2 , and ϕEA. This calculationresults in a set of values ϕ(ϕB) that can be used to simulateRxy using Eq. (1). The planar Hall constants RPHE required forthe simulations are obtained by fitting Eq. (1) to the saturateddata sets. Finally, we fit Rxy(ϕB) keeping BK2 and ϕEA as freeparameters. The fits, shown as red lines in Figs. 6(a)–6(c),reproduce the main features (line shape and jumps) of Rxy

quite accurately, indicating that our method is appropriate tomeasure weak anisotropy fields in YIG. The resulting valuesof ϕEA and BK2 are shown by the symbols in Figs. 6(d) and6(e), respectively.


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0.43 tYIG=3.4 nm

7.2 mT



0.52 tYIG=9 nm

150 μT

513 mT

(a) (b) (c)(d)





tYIG=90 nm

61 mT




ϕ EA(d




0.4360 μT







(Ω) 120 μT







0 180 3600.41


0.4320 μT

ϕB (deg)0 180 360



0.5260 μT

ϕB (deg)0 180 360


0.28 60 μT

ϕB (deg)4 6 8 10 12 29 90






3 )

tYIG (nm)

FIG. 6. Transverse resistance Rxy as a function of azimuthal orientation of the external magnetic field, ϕB, for different thicknesses in (a–c).The data are shown by black symbols, the macrospin simulations by red solid lines. (d) Easy-axis orientation, ϕEA, relative to the [11̄0] crystalaxis. (e) Effective uniaxial anisotropy field BK2 and (f) in-plane uniaxial energy MsBK2 as a function of YIG thickness. Black and red pointsshow the results for two different Hall bars patterned on the same chips of series SMR 1; grey triangles are results obtained on Hall bars ofseries SMR 2.

The data for the series SMR 1 (red) in Fig. 6(d) appearto follow a pattern in the orientation of the easy axis as afunction of thickness. Very thin samples with tYIG � 7.2 nmhave ϕEA ≈ 60◦, whereas intermediate thicknesses in therange 9 � tYIG � 29 nm have ϕEA ≈ 120◦ and the thickestsample, tYIG = 90 nm, has ϕEA ≈ 0◦. While these orientationscorrespond to the threefold symmetry of the (111) plane,measurements on different sets of samples show that this cor-respondence is likely coincidental. Measurements performedon devices patterned on the same chip (black squares) ofseries SMR 1 as well as on one device of the series SMR 2(grey triangles) reveal uncorrelated variations of ϕEA relativeto the SMR 1 series, particularly for tYIG < 10 nm. A variationof ϕEA for samples grown on the same chip has also beenobserved in thicker YIG films [27] and is most likely dueto inhomogeneities of process parameters such as, e.g., thetemperature of the sample surface during deposition, whichcould lead to local strain differences.

Figure 6(e) shows BK2 as a function of tYIG. Most valuesare close to 50 μT, with minima and maxima of about 20 and100 μT, respectively. Combined with the thickness-dependentsaturation magnetization from Fig. 4(a), we obtain a magneticanisotropy energy K2 = MsBK2 in the range of 0.1 to 10 J/m3

[Fig. 6(f)]. K2 is more than two orders of magnitude smallerthan the first-order cubic anisotropy constant of bulk YIG(−610 J/m3) [22], which reinforces the hypothesis of anextrinsic origin of the uniaxial anisotropy reported here.

Our observation of uniaxial anisotropy agrees with pre-vious studies of YIG films grown by PLD on GGG[27,31,36,54]. From a crystallographic point of view, how-ever, uniaxial anisotropy is not expected for the YIG(111)plane. Rather, for an ideal (111) crystal plane, one wouldexpect a threefold anisotropy due to the cubic magnetocrys-talline anisotropy of bulk YIG [55]. This becomes obvi-

ous when translating the first-order magnetocrystalline en-ergy term of cubic crystals (Ecubic ∝ α2

1α22 + α2

2α23 + α2

3α21 ,

where α1,2,3 are the directional cosines with respect tothe main crystallographic axes) into the coordinate systemof the (111) plane (θ with respect to the [111] directionand, for simplicity, ϕ with respect to the [112̄] direction),giving

Ecubic ∝ 1

4sin4 θ + 1

3cos4 θ +


3sin3 θ cos θ cos 3ϕ. (4)

In order for the threefold anisotropy to appear [last term inEq. (4)], the magnetization has to have a small out-of-planecomponent (θ �= π/2). Whereas this can be generally guaran-teed in bulk crystals, in thin films the demagnetizing field andBK1 force θ = π/2, resulting in the absence of threefold cubicanisotropy. The origin of the in-plane uniaxial anisotropy thusremains to be explained. Our XRD measurements reveal nosignificant in-plane strain anisotropy within the accuracy ofthe reciprocal space maps in Figs. 1(d) and 1(e). The smallamplitude of BK2 and the intra- and interseries variations ofϕEA suggest that this anisotropy may originate from local in-homogeneities of the growth or patterning parameters, whichshould therefore be taken into account for the fabrication ofYIG-based devices.


The domain structure in bulk YIG is of flux-closure typewith magnetic orientation dictated by the easy axes along the[111]-equivalent directions [56,57]. In the case of a defect-free YIG crystal, the domains can be as large as the sample


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(a) (b) (c) (d) 3.7 nm

20 μm

8.7 nm

20 μm

12.4 nm

100 μm


[011] [110]

α γin

γin γin


FIG. 7. (a) Schematics of the direction of the incoming x-ray beam (red arrow) relative to the crystal axes in the XPEEM setup. (b–d)Domain structure of YIG/Pt(1.9) bilayers with tYIG = 12.4, 8.7, and 3.7 nm observed by XPEEM. The gray scale contrast corresponds todifferent in-plane orientations of the magnetization.

itself, apart from the flux closure domains at the edges. Dislo-cations and strain favor the formation of smaller domains [57].External strain and local stress due to dislocations can resultin a variety of magnetic configurations such as cylindricaldomains [57] and complex local patterns [56,58]. Moreover,dislocations serve as pinning sites for domain walls [59]. Thedomain walls observed at the surface of YIG single crystalsare usually of the Bloch type and several micrometers wide[56,60].

In the following, we characterize the domain struc-ture of YIG thin films using XPEEM. The samples areYIG(tYIG)/Pt(1.9) bilayers with thickness down to tYIG =3.7 nm, as described for the XPEEM series in Table I. Themeasurements were performed at the SIM beamline of theSwiss Light Source [61] by tuning the x-ray energy to obtainthe maximum XMCD contrast at the Fe L3 edge (710 eV)and using a circular field of view with a diameter of 100 or50 μm. Magnetic contrast images were obtained by dividingpixel-wise consecutive images recorded with circular left- andright-polarized x-rays. Prior to imaging, the samples weredemagnetized in an ac magnetic field applied along the surfacenormal.

A. Domain structure

Figure 7 shows representative XPEEM images of the mag-netic domains of 12.4-, 8.7-, and 3.7-nm-thick YIG. Thickerfilms (tYIG = 86.7, 28.5, and 12.4 nm) present qualitativelysimilar domain structures such as those shown in Fig. 7(b)for the 12.4-nm-thick film. The domains in these thicker filmsextend over hundreds of micrometers and meet head-on, sep-arated by domain walls with characteristic zigzag boundaries.Such walls are typical of thin films with in-plane uniaxialanisotropy, where the zigzag amplitude and period dependson the balance between magnetostatic charge density anddomain wall energy, as well as on the process of domainformation [62–64]. Note that the two sides of each zigzag areasymmetric, as found in ion-implanted garnets with uniaxialand trigonal in-plane anisotropy [65]. The length and openingangle of the zigzags increase and decrease, respectively, withincreasing film thickness, similar to the trend reported foramorphous Ga-doped Co films with weak uniaxial anisotropy[65]. In a quantitative model based on the mentioned energy

balance [66], both quantities correlate with Ms in a positiveand negative manner, respectively. This trend is in agreementwith the increase of Ms reported in Fig. 4(a).

The domain morphology changes abruptly in films thin-ner than 12.4 nm. YIG films with tYIG = 8.7 and 3.7 nmpresent much smaller domains, which extend only for tensof micrometers and have a weaving pattern, as shown inFigs. 7(c) and 7(d), respectively. In the 8.7-nm-thick film, thedomains elongate along the [112̄] direction, likely due to thepresence of in-plane uniaxial anisotropy. In the 3.7-nm-thickfilm, the domains are more irregular and do not present sucha strong preferred orientation, consistent with the reduceddemagnetizing field and smaller in-plane anisotropy reportedfor this thickness [see Figs. 5(e) and 6(f), respectively].

B. Domain walls

XPEEM images provide sufficient contrast to analyze thedomain walls of films with tYIG � 12.4 nm, which consistof straight segments along the zigzag boundary shown inFig. 7(b). Figures 8(a)–8(c) show details of the 180◦ do-main walls that delimit the edges of the zigzag domains in86.7-, 28.5-, and 12.4-nm-thick YIG. Line cuts of the XMCDintensity across the walls are shown in Figs. 8(d)–8(f). Asthe XMCD intensity scales with the projection of the mag-netization onto the x-ray incidence direction (red arrows), the“overshoot” of the XMCD intensity in the central wall regioncompared to the side regions in Figs. 8(d) and 8(e) indicatesthat the magnetization rotates in the plane of the films. Thisobservation is consistent with the Néel wall configurationexpected for thin films with in-plane magnetic anisotropy[64], and contrasts with the Bloch walls reported at the surfaceof bulk YIG crystals [56,60]. The walls appear to have a coreregion, corresponding to the length over which the magneticcontrast changes most abruptly, which is about 1–2 μm wide,and a tail that extends over several micrometers, which isa typical feature of Néel walls in soft films with in-planemagnetization [64].

The domain wall in Fig. 8(b) shows an inversion ofthe magnetic contrast at a vortexlike singular point in themiddle of the image. Such a contrast inversion reveals thatthe wall is composed of different segments with oppositerotation mode of the magnetization, i.e., opposite chirality.


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(a) 86.7 nm10 μm 20 μm

(g) 86.7 nm

(h) 28.5 nm

(b) 28.5 nm

50 μm

10 μm

I (a



0 10 20-10-20L (μm)



0 10 20-10-20





I (a



L (μm)0 5 10-5-10

L (μm)

I (a





20 μm

(c) 12.4 nm

(d) (e) (f)

γin(a) 86.7 nm10 μm 20

((b) 2

442 4

(d) ((e)



FIG. 8. XPEEM images of domain walls in (a) 86.7-, (b) 28.5-, and (c) 12.4-nm-thick YIG. The arrows indicate the x-ray incidencedirection. (d–f) Line profiles of the walls corresponding to the dashed lines in (a–c). (g, h) Details of the apices of the zigzag domains in 86.7-and 28.5-nm-thick YIG. The samples are oriented with the crystal axes defined in Fig. 7(a).

The singular point that separates two consecutive segmentsis a so-called Bloch point, which can extend from the top tothe bottom of the film, forming a Bloch line. Such featureshave smaller dimensions compared to the wall width and aretherefore considered to favor the pinning of domain walls atdefects, thus acting as a source of coercivity in soft magneticmaterials [64].

Figures 8(g) and 8(h) further show that the domainwalls at the apices of the zigzag domains in the 86.7- and28.5-nm-thick films have a curved shape. This feature sug-gests that the domains are indeed pinned at defect sites, likelyof structural origin [57,59]. Finally, we note that the domainfeatures reported here move under the influence of an externalin-plane magnetic field of the order of few milliteslas, as wellas by ramping the out-of-plane field that compensates themagnetic field of the XPEEM lenses at the sample spot.


Our study shows that the magnetic properties and domainconfiguration of epitaxial YIG(111) films grown by PLD onGGG and capped by Pt depend strongly on the thickness ofthe YIG layer. Despite the high structural and interface qualityindicated by XRD and TEM, the saturation magnetizationdecreases from Ms = 122 kA/m (15% below bulk value) in90-nm-thick YIG to 22 kA/m in 3.4-nm-thick YIG. The grad-ual decrease of Ms suggests a continuous degradation of Ms

rather than the formation of a dead layer. All films except thethinner one (tYIG = 3.4 nm) present a rather strong easy-planeanisotropy in addition to the shape anisotropy, of the orderof 103–104 J/m3. Additionally, all films except the thinnerone present weak in-plane uniaxial anisotropy, of the order of3–10 J/m3. This anisotropy defines a preferential orientationof the magnetization in each sample, which, however, is found

to vary not only as a function of thickness but also betweensamples with the same nominal thickness and even for sam-ples patterned on the same substrate. The origin of this vari-ation is tentatively attributed to local inhomogeneities of thegrowth or patterning process, which could lead to small straindifferences not detectable by XRD. Besides these findings,we underline the fact that SMR measurements performed forexternal magnetic fields smaller or comparable to the effectiveanisotropy fields allow for the accurate characterization ofboth the magnitude and direction of the magnetic anisotropyof YIG/Pt bilayers, with an accuracy better than 10 μT.

YIG films with tYIG = 10–90 nm present large, millimeter-size, in-plane domains delimited by zigzag boundaries andNéel domain walls. The apices of the zigzags are pinnedby defects, whereas the straight sections of the walls in-corporate Bloch-like singularities, which separate regions ofthe walls with opposite magnetization chirality. The domainmorphology changes abruptly in the thinner films. Whereasthe 8.7-nm-thick YIG presents elongated domains that are tensof micrometers long, the domains in the 3.7-nm-thick YIGare smaller and more irregular, consistent with the reductionof the easy-plane and uniaxial anisotropy reported for thissample. Our measurements indicate that the performance ofYIG-based spintronic devices may be strongly influencedby the thickness as well as by local variations of the YIGmagnetic properties.


We thank Rolf Allenspach and Rudi Schäfer for valuablediscussions. Furthermore, we acknowledge funding by theSwiss National Science Foundation under Grant No. 200020-172775. J.V. is supported by the Swiss National ScienceFoundation through Grant No. 200021-153540. D.B. is


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supported by the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (Grant No.P1502). Part of this work was performed at the SIM beamline

of the Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen,Switzerland.

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