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Welcome to PINK’s annual event celebrat-ing women business owners. This year, we honor savvy profession-als in the food service industry, where women especially take the heat. In fact, it’s more likely for a woman to be a CEO today than a head chef. Women occupy just 6.3 percent, of head chef positions according to data analyzed by Bloomberg. The

women you will meet today have defied the odds.We hope their stories inspire you to rise up in the ranks and find great success in your own entrepreneurial pursuits. Thank you for empowering each other!Sincerely, The PINK team

Marcella Woodall, Martha Jo Katz, Kelcie Sellers, Cynthia Good, Tina Brown, Mavian Arocha-Rowe (left to right)

"One can not think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well." Virginia Wolf

A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors!

a Letter from

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