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Entrelac Baby Blanket


Designed by

Cheryl Beckerich

© 2016 Cascade Yarns - All Rights Reserved.

Pinwheel Entrelac Baby Blanket

Designed by Cheryl Beckerich

Skill Level: Intermediate

Finished Measurement: 27” x 31” (32” x 36”)

Materials: Cascade Yarns® Pinwheel 100% Acrylic 200 g (7.0 oz) / 440 yds (400 m) 3 skeins of color #26 (Galaxy) US 7 & 8/30” circular knitting needles or size needed to obtain gauge. Yarn Needle

Gauge 13 sts = 4” (10 cm) with smaller needles in Entrelac pattern.

Abbreviations: BO = Bind Off CO = Cast On K = Knit K2tog = Knit 2 sts together M1 = Make a st (increase) by inserting the LH needle under the yarn between the st on RH needle & the st on the LH needle from the front to the back. Knit into the back of the lifted st. P = Purl P2tog = Purl 2 sts together Psso = Pass slip stitch over RS = Right or front side of fabric. St(s) = Stitch(es) SSK = Slip 1 st as if to knit, slip a 2nd st as if to knit. Insert the left needle into the front of the 2 slipped sts. Knit the 2 sts together. WS = Wrong Side or back side of fabric. Note: Larger needles are used for the CO and BO because both need to be worked loosely to avoid being tighter than the Entrelac fabric. The larger needles are also used for the border. The Entrelac is worked in sections of 8 sts. One section of 8 is worked at a time, then these sections combine to form a tier. First a tier of base triangles is worked, then a series including a left side triangle, a tier of right leaning blocks, a right side triangle, and a tier of left leaning blocks. This series is repeated until the blanket is the desired size. Then a tier of top triangles is worked to complete the Entrelac. I chose to cut the yarn at the end of each tier to insure a contrast between adjacent tiers. Pattern: With larger needles, CO 80 (96) sts using the knitted CO method.

© 2016 Cascade Yarns - All Rights Reserved.

Base Triangles: With smaller needles, work Base Triangles. Row 1: (RS) K2, turn. Row 2: (WS) P2, turn Row 3: K3, turn. Row 4: P3, turn. Row 5: K4, turn. Row 6: P4, turn. Row 7: K5, turn. Row 8: P5, turn. Row 9: K6, turn. Row 10: P6, turn. Row 11: K7, turn. Row 12: P7, turn. Row 13: K8, do not turn. The first triangle is complete. With the RS facing, the right slevedge edge of the just worked triangle forms the right side of the triangle, and the 8 live sts on the needle form the left side of the triangle. Repeat rows 1-13 until all sts have been worked. There will be 10 (12) 8-st triangles on the needle. Turn to WS to begin Left Side Triangle. Left Side Triangle: Row 1: (WS) P2, turn. Row 2: (RS) K1, M1, K1, turn. Row 3: P2, P2tog (last st in Left Side Triangle and 1st st of the adjacent Base Triangle), turn. Row 4: K2, M1, K1, turn. Row 5: P3, P2tog, turn. Row 6: K3, M1, K1, turn. Row 7: P4, P2tog, turn. Row 8: K4, M1, K1, turn. Row 9: P5, P2tog, turn. Row 10: K5, M1, K1, turn. Row 11 P6, P2tog, turn. Row 12: K6, M1, K1, turn. Row 13: P7, P2tog, do not turn. The Left side Triangle is complete. First Tier of Blocks: *With WS facing pick up and purl 8 sts from the top to the base of the adjacent triangle (or the block on subsequent tiers). Turn so RS is facing. Row 1: (RS) K8, turn. Row 2: (WS) P7, P2tog (last st of block & 1st st of the adjacent base triangle or block in subsequent tiers), turn. Rows 3-16: Repeat Rows 1 and 2 seven times, but to not turn the work after completing row 16. The first block of the first tier is complete. Repeat from * until 9 (11) blocks are complete. Right Side Triangle: With WS facing, pick up and P8 sts, turn. Row 1: (RS) K8, turn. Row 2: (WS) P6, P2tog, turn. Row 3: K7, turn. Row 4: P5, P2tog, turn.

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Row 5: K6, turn. Row 6: P4, P2tog, turn. Row 7: K5, turn. Row 8: P3, P2tog, turn. Row 9: K4, turn. Row 10: P2, P2tog, turn. Row 11: K3, turn. Row 12: P1, P2tog, turn. Row 13: K2, turn Row 14: P2tog, turn. Slip the last st to the right needle. Work the Second Tier of 10 (12) blocks. Second Tier of Blocks: *With RS facing and 1 st on the right needle, pick up and knit 7 sts from the top to the base of the adjacent block. Note: On subsequent blocks, pick up and knit 8 sts rather than 7, since there will not be 1 st on the right needle. Turn so WS is facing. Row 1: (WS) P8, turn. Row 2: (RS) K7, SSK, turn. Rows 3-16: Repeat rows 1-2 seven times, but do not turn after completing row 16. The first block of the second tier is complete. Repeat from * until 10 (12) blocks are complete. Continue working the Left Side Triangle, First Tier Blocks, Right Side Triangle and Second Tier Blocks 9 (11) more times, then work the Left Side Triangle, First Tier Blocks and Right Side Triangle once. Top Triangles: *With RS facing and 1 st on the right needle, pick up and knit 7 sts from the top to the base of the adjacent block. Turn so WS is facing. Row 1: (WS) P8, turn. Row 2: (RS) SSK, K5, SSK, turn. Row 3: P7, turn. Row 4: SSK, K4, SSK, turn. Row 5: P6, turn. Row 6: Ssk, k3, ssk, turn. Row 7: P5, turn. Row 8: SSK, K2, SSK, turn. Row 9: P4, turn. Row 10: SSK, K1, SSK, turn. Row 11: P3, turn. Row 12: SSK, SSK, turn. Row 13: P2, turn. Row 14: Sl1 as if to knit, SSK, Psso. 1 st remains on right needle. Repeat 9 (11) more times to complete Top Triangles. Cut yarn and pull through remaining live stitch and secure. Border: With larger needles, pick up 80 (96) sts (8 per triangle) along bottom border. Knit 6 rows. BO. Repeat along the top border. Pick up 106 (122) sts along one side border (8 sts per triangle and 5 sts on each border). Knit 6 rows. BO. Repeat on second side. Finishing: Work in all loose ends. Dampen with cool water and lay flat to dry.

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