Page 1: placets apcl people - IAPSOP...tin n ; A M usical E vening; Two L e tte rs; CouHdencrs; U roiioriquo's C hapel; Tho Horoscope. Price, $1.25. Address, ItuiiMCTIo Pun. Co., 4000 (h and
Page 2: placets apcl people - IAPSOP...tin n ; A M usical E vening; Two L e tte rs; CouHdencrs; U roiioriquo's C hapel; Tho Horoscope. Price, $1.25. Address, ItuiiMCTIo Pun. Co., 4000 (h and

E S O T E W 'Y IU L iV lO tt. . . .J U S T IS S U E D ...

Whut is Vibration? Scientists tell us that © E l l V t 3 X - A _ I N " D . A ,in the wonderful simplicity of Vibration lie all complexities of change in form and color, making our earth such a beautiful and glorious home. Visible Vibration proves the existence of an Esoteric Vibration, as a cause and mauifestor of the visible.

Have you over attempted to define a vibra tion? Did yon ever formulate an explanation o f where the effect begins, arid in what it ends V Did it ever seem plausible to you there is but one law of nature, and that the law of Polarization? Wpujd you believe the assertion a s a corollary to this proposition that there exists but one motion,and that is Vibration? Life is a Vibration* and death the cessation thereof.

These and other simitar questions, Dr. W. P . Pioblon, who has a reputation as a teacher, lecturer and writer on mystic subjects, lucidly discusses in Esoteric Vibration,” on the lines o f t h e j I , % 0therliood.

Sent by mail on receipt of 25 cents.

Threshold Memories.A NEW OCCULT STORY.

B y Cotmsow 't'uRNuut.i..

■Tlila fa s c in a tin g a n d o c c u l t s to ry wau w ritte n by Mr. T u rn b u ll w h ile tra v e lin g Ih m iig n th e M ust, i l l s in. (m ira tions h a v e been c a u g h t from th e s i le n t so litu d e of to o H im a la y a s , nm l a m id th e m y s te rio u s E g y p tian P y ram id s , T h e io cu l co lo r is n o t w a n tin g w hen Woman ecouory is d esc rib e d , a m i th e e a r ly c h a p te rs a re w ell in k eep in g w jtli th e a c c e p te d tra d i t io n s am U nvesU gaiions o f m o d e rn re sea rc h e s . I t is fu l l o f m u s te r th o u g h ts a n d sw ee tly in s p ir in g T ru th . 11 is a h o o k to p lease ilie t r u t h s tu d e n t , w h a te v e r h is d o m a in o f s tu d y , o ccu lt, m o tap h y s icn l, o r e th ic a l.

Sy n o p s i s .—Ka-O in-A r, a n d S e n ta -K a m iu : T h e B ro th e rh o o d ; S em a-K undu’a C h ild h o o d ; T h e S c ro ll ; To.-d- d o im ; Q u e s tio n in g ; R ninnn t h e n 's L esso n s T h e ( h e a t W h ito l .o d g o ; T h e D e s tru c tio n o f A tla n t is , T h e tw o P r is o n e rs : T h o C o n g re g a tio n o f th e In q u is it io n ; AD ream , o r --------?! C nm po d i F i e r i ; H o m e: An h iv iia -t in n ; A M u sica l E v e n in g ; T w o L e t t e r s ; C ouH dencrs; U ro iio riquo 's C h a p e l ; T ho H o ro sco p e .

P r ic e , $1.25. A ddress, ItuiiMCTIo P u n . Co.,4000 (h a n d I lo u lo v ard , Chicago,-111.

H e r m e t i c P u b l i s h i n g C o .,400(1 Grand Bottl'd, Chicago, III. Wo have a few shares of Urn

p la c e t s apcl p eo p leM O N T H L Y .

I td e a l s w l l l i W o n d erfu l M ysteries from th e Son t l id L o s t Kaosviodgo o f th o A ncion ts, a n d th e L iv in g W o n d ers o f th e p re s e n t tim e .

A stronom y, A stro logy, Psychology, P alm istry , Phrenology, J fyfm atisni, The- o so fh y , Sp ir itism , M ystery , M agic, S ym bolism , M etaphysics, Meltgions, Polities, Pittance, A natom y , Physiology, Medicine, S u rg ery , H ealth a n d H igher A tta inm ent, a n a th e ir relation to th e Science o f P lanet a r y V ibration, the Lazo o f M agnetics a n d Alchem y. •

A Personal Horoscope FreeW ith each su bscrip tion . O nly a y e a r ; si mile o r M inn ie copies, Hie. A ddress,

P LA N E TS AN O PEO PLE,1C9 Jackson . C hicago. Hi.

THE ALTRUISTI s a m o n th ly p a p e r , p a r t ly in phonetic, sp e llin g , am i

d e v o te d t o e q u a l r ig h t s , m u tu a l a s s is ta n c e , u n ite d l a b o r , a n d com m on p ro p e r ty . I t is is su e d by th o Al* t r u i s t C o m m u n ity , o f S t. L o u is , w h o se m em b ers h o ld a l l t h e i r p ro p e r ty m c o m m o n , ilv» a n d w o rk to g e th e r I n a p e rm a n e n t h o m e fo r th e i r m u tu a l en jo y m en t, a s s i s ta n c e a n d s u p p o r t , a n d b o th m an and . w om en h a v e e q u a l r ig h t s am i d e c id e o n n il i t s husitm ss a lT airs by . t h e i r m a jo r i ty v o te . 23 c e n ts u y e a r : sp ec im en copy feed . A d d re ss A. L o n u i . b v , E d i to r , 2Slti O live s tre e t , S t . L o u is , M o,

NO W i» th o t im e to s u b s c r ib e fo r T n s U b r m e t i s t . O b e t t e r p re s e n t fo r f r ie n d o r s e lf .

n w E T m im m u im cajsstock for snlo, in quantity to suit purchasers, _The company is about twelve years old and its__stook is amply secured by its assets, a a m a m is'is

F o r f u r t h e r p a r t i c u l a r s a d d r e s s ............

W. P. PHELON, M. 0., Seo’y,4006 Grand Boulevard, - Chicago, Illinois.

The World’s Advance Thought,a n d Uuiversal Republic, P Publtslm f Together.

A ll m a tte r s p e r ta in in g to hu rm m life t r e a te d from th o s p i r i tu a l s ta n d p o in t ; uvnnt-nm u-ier o f th e new s p i r i tu a l d is p e n s a tio n am i o f d ie E ra o f U n iversal Ponce. E c lec tic , m m -p a r tisa n . noii-BOctarian. liy Lic-Y A. M a l l o k v , M o n th ly ; !r0 om it* a y o u r; s in g le cop ies 10c e n ts ; P o r t la n d , O rogon.

L E S S O N S IN M Y STICISM ...A c o u rs e o f s ix ty p e w ritte n M ss, L esso n s on M ysticism ,

am i th e p r a c t ic a l u se yjKSJ-Sa, " f pow ers w h ich can b e k n o w n to ux , only by s tu d y a lo n g th eselin e s . T hese s ix lessons c o n s t i tu te a p r im a ry cou rse , a n d a re g iven by W . P. PliM.ON. M. I)., whm-e rep u ta t io n as a M ystic, a n d s tu d e n t , on o c c u l t lin es in

• w id e ly ex te n d ed . Snub by m a il o u itico ip t o f fci.'hl. A ddross th is o l l jc tv

Page 3: placets apcl people - IAPSOP...tin n ; A M usical E vening; Two L e tte rs; CouHdencrs; U roiioriquo's C hapel; Tho Horoscope. Price, $1.25. Address, ItuiiMCTIo Pun. Co., 4000 (h and

GKEJT? X3‘ a s r3 D £ Q K © ’X’ A . 3 S r 3 D ia s rO .

i f f -Vol ume VI. CHICAGO, M ARCH, 1899, N u m b e r .'tiu




TH E HERMETIC BROTHERHOOD,T o w h o m n il co m m u n ica tio n s m ny ho add ressed .

O h, m u te am i m y s tify in g m o n u m en t! T ru e M aso n 's M ono,

W hit! p rice less socro ts th o u d o s 't h o ld , a n d guard*?, I him ) ow n—

Yea, th e y nro p a r t o f th co , a n d a n c ie n t p eo p les w ho hav e lived am i r u le d ;

A dvanced in sciences a n d m any a r ts ,Hoymid tin) m o d e rn schoo led .

S u b sc r ip t io n R a to s O ne co p y , o n e year, one '^■ -d o l la r , in advance , S ing le cop ies to n em its .

«• A d v e r t is in g R a to s -O ne in ch , one tim o, one V ^ d o l l n r fo r e ac h one th o u san d c irc u la tio n .


W ho w as Urn M as te r b u i ld e r? T h ro u g h w hoso a rc h i te c tu r a l b ra in

D id th y so u u rc d huso , tr ian g lo d Hides, a u d to w erin g ho ig litii

A ssum e p rim ev a l fo rm ? W hoso c a lc u la tin g m in d C onceived th e p la n , to b r in g to m a n ’s p ro fo u n d resp ec t, S ubU nivst t r u th o f la w d iv in e , a n d k n ow ledge o f Cie

sac red ,S ecre t O rd e r o f M elchisudeo?

M. 1). ,(iOHDON,

Ki o t o iu«.

'Entered a s second class Matter a t the Chicago Post Office.

HERMETIC BROTHERHOOD of A. L. and E.M ectseverySimda.i evening. T im e, &:iKio'clock. Place.■ItKJiKiratiil llm devanl. All 1 m iniversafter

••• Occult, ami Mystic thought on th e h ighestsp irit-im l plane.-. rcokiug t r u th for thn T ru th 's sake. »re cordially invited. W. f‘. Plmlon. M. !>.. First.

• E ld e r b ro th er; Nancy McKay (Jordon, Second E ld e r b ro th er: Miss M. H. A pplegate; Hanbo, PJtitS (Iriuicl boulevard, Chicago, ill.

T h e p o w erfu l peop les o f th in e in fan cy w ere t-l.illod in • h y d ro s ta tic s :

T hey p e n e tra te d to th e h e a r t t ho h ig h o r o c cu lt sc ience— Also worn lua rn i'd to u c h e rs o f a stro n o m y :rnd m a th e

matic..";K iiiigb toned b e fo re o th e r n a tio n s , in religion', p h i io s o - .

, phy a n d n rt- J low d eep .th e d e b t o f g r a t i tu d e to th e m w now o, w hich

in o u r ig no ranceW e only u n d e rs ta n d In p a r t .

X Whmi th is p a ra g ra p h is m a rk e d w ith a b luo c ro ss i t show s o a r fr ien d s th a t th e ir tim e h a s e x p ire d , an d wo sh a ll be h a p p y t.o receive a ren ew al o f th e ir su b sc rip tio n soon .

CONTORTS.Soliloquy with “ Cheops”............................. FillTemple Tull;*,.,.................. 130Full Moon Report for Fohnmry....... ,........ 132

" Light on the Science of Astrology.....fill, f('.3)ress..............................................................135

^Compensation............................................... 136IJT h e Egotist............ ....................................... 13rt■fllEaster Lily................................................... 137l||B o o k Notices....................,....... 137IpH er Bungalow....................... 13*

‘^ H ea lin g , Onuses ami Effects.......................13D. ^ B o o k a . . . .......... ......... ....... .143

T h o u a r t th e tndex -lingo r o f o u r g lo b e , p o in tin g w ith M ajesty a n d pow er to u iid c c ip h ered records! o f th e pant, In w hich tlio n h l g row s now —th e now is a id - F o r sca rc e a frag m e n t u f th y liia to ry to m o d o ra ages

hnc hoop to ld ,N or d o th th e p rev en t sea rc h in g g e n e ra tio n s d re a m th y

uses v ast.And sy m b o ls m an ifo ld .

T lion b a s t seen g ra n d d y n a s tic ompiroB Vino,Fhim -inh a n d decay . T im su rg in g w a te rs o f th e IJUing N ile have b a th e d th y lo fty brow Ami b ro u g h t u n to th y fe e t v a s t tre a s u re s from a fa r - - A lpha D ruconi.s to o u r e a r th a s tra n g e r .n o w . . P ro u d ly M ood sp o n so r

. A t th y b i r th n s P o la r S tar.

T he M aste r o f Ih ino A n e ien t Lm tyo h a th g iv e n -m e pow or . '

T o h o ld tbi* iiii/stii• k e y ! And o p en in g to th e H ast th n s i le n t •

(U sam bers, hehdh l Uie lf<>n<itn>t H u ll w h e re tn w hitfl rubes . . • •

Page 4: placets apcl people - IAPSOP...tin n ; A M usical E vening; Two L e tte rs; CouHdencrs; U roiioriquo's C hapel; Tho Horoscope. Price, $1.25. Address, ItuiiMCTIo Pun. Co., 4000 (h and

m T H E H E R M E T 1ST.--------------------------------------------

And to rb a a e decked tho P h arao h s quaffed tho ruby \ wlue—

T hough Agee since th e ir sp lr its soared to realm s o f light. S ti l l a re th ey here Id m um m ied fo rm , w ithstand ing

' w ellT h e rav ag es Of tim e .

A h 1 And w ith th is key 1 h o ld tho power to penetra te T h e Problem C u m b e r ; th e re in road tho hieroglyphic S igns on ta b le t a to n e , w here fo r unnum bered conturiog Of tim e th ey u n d is tu rb e d have lain .T o th e S o u th in a n a p a rtm e n t broad, wo find the

' M M agnet Soai.”T ite potency o f w bieb prefixed to form s of law,

I crnniot here reveal. ’ /

T h en centorW ufd We tu rn 5 darkuess im penetrable aur- ro u n d e l

W ith b a te d b re a th w e w uit, and over ahnli rem em ber T h e g la d su rp rise , th e en tran c in g beauty o f tho Mystic

Chamber.’T h e secre ts o f th is an c ien t o rd e r stam ped upon our

souls, wo d o rev e re ;T hey a re a ta lism an fo r e a r th tried life , possessing

w hichNo one h a s ueed o f tonr.

N ex t p a ss wo to th o W est, a n d s to o p in g lo w th o d u s t O f tim e to tu rn aside , in se r t a c u r io u s key,W hen l o ! th o g ra n d o ld tem p le th ro b s w ith m elody,As h a l f th o nuusuivo d o o r sw ings w id e !S ta n d wo in nwo upon th e th re s h o ld ! W oll h a s it

e arn edT ho n am e o f “ S a c r b w , S k c r k t Ok a w b k b o r De a d «

-„SKOKp/ra»” ' ’F o r n one c an e n te r save th e in i t ia te few,

A nd th e y o f w isdom len rn o d .

Ob i 's is th o o ra o f w o n d ro u s tr iu m p h s , a n d m att is b o ld ; TU® ay elin g ngos c u lm in a te lo t id e e p o ch , lo n g fore

to ld ;A nd w o n d e r th e y w h o vend, t h a t o n e s h o u ld da re

a ssu m eT o h a v e w a lk ed a n d ta lk e d w ith h a b i ta n ts o f b u ried

a n c ie n t to m b ;Aye, m o re l T o h o ld th e m y s tic key w h ic h l i f ts th e

m ig h ty i id O f a n te d ilu v ia n ” C heops” g r a n d !

True" M ason’s P y r a m id !FlIAtfCBTTB W e iio LEVBRIDGE.

^ stf*/|k ^


-------- Nos. 21 ami 22.W H A T IK T H K H E U M R T IC H H O T H K U lfO O D ?

PEOPLE who come ami hear us talk of the Hermetic Brotherhood doctrines, say to ns; u Well, now, what is it-you .believe? What is it you arc trying to do?” Our reply generally is, we are trying to find Hod and His truth.

This embraces all truth, all knowledge, all wisdom there is in the Universe. In, out and from It comes to us whatever we can receive.

.It is not because we are not in touch with the truth, nor because it is not vouchsafed for us; nor, as it is said in some of the sacred writings, the feast is not spread, with everything we desire; for everything that belongs to God belongs to us, as His children and it is freely offered to us. But it is because we are not ready to receive it, or we have not reached the capacity lo receive. 1C we will but accept in all fullness, we may be sure our Father will furnish us with still more. We have no need to complaiu, or to blame any one but ourselves, if we do not perceive and un derstand.

We are then seeking the truth. We are not seeking truth through any par ticular source. I t is not sufficient evidence, in any discussion, or any talk for en lightenment, if 0 ur opponent says: “ Madam so and so, says so and so, ” or “Misterso and so, says so and so.” That is not evidence enough'of the truth of the prop osition. The thing, that must conic to every one is. an eternal satisfaction that the thing presented, coincides with all the other truth assimilated. If it does not coincide, then we are not ready to receive it. It may be true for all that, but. we have not come to the place in our building where it tits the structure.

The old story of the keystone of the arch has been told over and over again, how they who found it* handled it, but could not tell what to do with it, as we do not know what to do with.many.truths coming to ns. • As many of us now-u-days would do, they flung it into the rubbish pile, because they could- not understand

Page 5: placets apcl people - IAPSOP...tin n ; A M usical E vening; Two L e tte rs; CouHdencrs; U roiioriquo's C hapel; Tho Horoscope. Price, $1.25. Address, ItuiiMCTIo Pun. Co., 4000 (h and

R . Too often are wo inclined to do the Banmihuig.. We fling trutiis tliai come tigt p is into the rubbish pile and say: “ Oh, well, this is ail nonsense, I t eah’f belrni|lff’i never heard of it before and I don’t believe anybody else ever did. T don’t b |j j

S®dsieve it!” • Whereas, it may be the truest oJbadl,truth. The only question uiih us | is , we do not know where t® place it. If we arc patient and carefully .1 "-or* «udl Ikeep that which is worthy "of: memory, sooner or later we will find aid.u v \Nhei*‘| | | | |^ill be of value and use. Just as in the ancient days .there was the building of Hjjjj

Inarch and the center, in this center the keystone fits, so there comes a door whioS Shat truth will unlock. We have no business, under any circunlstapces whatevo||f to discard n truth because a certain person brings it. Our deal is always wilh ilp j

fcessage, not’ with the bearer. There, may be .tyjiost important word brought ii§fj >by a gamin from the streets, or may be brought by a king in an imperial equipugl|| -•but in. whatever way it is brought we are not to question, it. Our dealing is on-

|| |i i r e ly with the truth. . .. r::'These are two points we make. .First we will receive with consideration any

ffpVuth that comes to us. Second, we deny not its right to be discussed because we Illjat the present moment are unable to discover it.i|0-- The next thing we believe and know to bo true is the power of the Silence,

StWe hear ft great deal in these days of what are called absent treatments. We have proved these projections of power have force, by actual demonstration. I.f we can create the first little ripple, we can broaden and widen it until everthing becomes possible to us. it lias been distinctly stated in our Record of the Adepts, “ That

•^she who ofTomleth one of these little ones shall pay the penalty.” Ho whatsoever? lift we do or say we are distinctly responsible for."Jjp. And further, we believe there should-be a constant current or stream of force j§ |along the line of the higher instruction by which we may come in direct connec- ft.tiou with.the God who is all. This current shall be put forth,guided and directed

by those who know and are -still willing to be taught.. The Hermetic Brotherhood >feha8 moved along these lines for years. We have demonstrated, overand over agaiu

every single item which I have named to yon. I am absolutely certain when wo desire full demonstration on ntiy line, we are in position to receive exactly what is

J&lbost for the purpose sought.||fi. The travelling lias-taken a long time. It is as if we had called an army to the If?: field from workshops and farms,* those who came to defend their country in re ’l l gponse to the call had to be trained in certain evolutions and conditions. There is

^nothing obligatory,except the love for God and our fellowman. Those who have ^started to train themselves and to be trained have found oftentimes how difficult it •Js to bring to those who volunteer the same unanimity of thought which some; ftimes come under compulsion; but it can and will come. It lias come in a measure, iWe are sura the brotherhood is in perfect shape to demonstrate to' the world, as no [Other organization is demonstrating, the united power of the Visible and the tnvis- Uble. Those who are trained by the spirit of God and His messengers, can be united

pfor the upbuilding uf-humanity. And we stand also ready to unite, shoulder to Tshoulder, with ev.ery other man, .woman, or organization willing and desirious of Ccmnpunioiislup amk friends, * We desire to help uplift every single imit -from the

Page 6: placets apcl people - IAPSOP...tin n ; A M usical E vening; Two L e tte rs; CouHdencrs; U roiioriquo's C hapel; Tho Horoscope. Price, $1.25. Address, ItuiiMCTIo Pun. Co., 4000 (h and

shadow into the shine, so we shall hI.iuh! u s brothers of Christ Jesus, as He declared we should he. Whatever Jesus stated himself to be, he also declared us Ilia broth ers, under a common Father, and we have a right to claim our kinship from the in finite. Whatever Jesus is to the world and to God, we, too, must become.

ThiVis Hermetic doctrine, and it is what wears seeking to attain - oneness with the Father. I t is the one doctrine that has stood through all these years us the* type of altruism. No opposer of the doctrines',Jesus taught has ever accused him of selfishness.

Devoting ourselves then, for the year tha t is upon us to the same line of self devotion, helpfulness and Hie desire to do good, i commend you to the care of the messengers who guide, preserve and direct us. On k o f t h is Ma c h .

* * H<

m i MOOH H8BTIM ros FEBRUARY.JIowid 'J?onij>lo, 40W < jrnn<i H uui'tL U ldem tn.

F w . l M o o n M e k t i s o , F e u . 2rt. la w .

AT tJieappoi}Jtedhonr,afterrcpetitionof the inanlrtm , instead of the usual medita tion, request was made o f the members

to assist-the Second E lder Brother give a treat m ent,

Mme. de Blelski’s exposition of the sign of Sagittarius' was the next number. The earth is passing through this sign at the present time. Therefore the explanation of the transits of the different planets, their rela tion to tun! effect upon the world generally, was vitally interesting. Touching Biblical points in the same connection, made it doubly instructive.

Reading of the Scribe’s report followed. Remarks from Members present showed that

though the past was the shortest of the year, measured by days, it had been crowded from beginning to end with events of more or less import. There, were numy very earnest testimom/ds. These brief talks are often of great good to all. They not only aid us in remembering blessings which conic our wav, but the training in the effort to clothe one’s thought in words bus been beneficial. Beyond all develops nnd strengthens the feeling of comradeship more than anything else.

The announcement of the coming Convoca tion on the 2 6 th day of March, was heard with manifest signs of approval.

Inquiry having been made as to what the School of Hermetic Philosophy "was doing, the Second Elder Brother made a brief statement of its present stains. At the beginning of the fall work, the matter of classes to be held in the

* * * *city was discussed, and it was deemed best not to make any immediate arrangement. The Second Hide/ Brother was called to New York in September. The Elder Brother was then sent for to teach a class in Pittsburgh, Pa. Upon the return of both the possibility of the Elder Brother’s visit to Ban Prancisco was agi tated. The approach of the holiday season did not permit of consecutive work. There seems now, however, to be an imperative demand for a primary class of instruction, and this will be organized within a very few days. An ad vanced class will be arranged for, whenever

•there.may be a demand. Pnrtiouhiis will ghully be furnished upon application.

Have you ever noticed a 'violinist as he makes ready to play ? The instrument is thoroughly tested. Each string is sounded, and made taut. lie touches each one ami listens for the response. Perhaps this string is drawn too tightly and another needs tight ening, There is quite a hit of maneuvering be fore he is perfectly satisfied it is quite in time. Not one bar of music is attempted until the vi olinist is convinced all is in readiness. When the preliminaries have been finished, he gives himself up to hours of patient, painstaking practice, work that requires dose mental appli cation, as well as a skillful hand. Not only does lie test the instrument each day, to see that it holds its tone, Imt often between bars there is a slight adjusting.

This is Uie parallel we would draw: Theplayer is the I?go; the instrument upon which it operates is the body.

Now, the object of the tryst is intended to cover ami accomplish this very thing, to put us iu tune, not only with ourselves, but with life Infinite, who is all love, peace and harmony.

Page 7: placets apcl people - IAPSOP...tin n ; A M usical E vening; Two L e tte rs; CouHdencrs; U roiioriquo's C hapel; Tho Horoscope. Price, $1.25. Address, ItuiiMCTIo Pun. Co., 4000 (h and

It is very impuilaiU that Jo this purl ol om ’'raining be given careful attention. In the liturry anil pressure of the daily duties, we are apt to let it slip occasionally and then bye mid bye, it is, neglected altogether.

It is absolutely necessary we find out the con dition of the instrument with which we expect vto work before starting out. . i t one string is •jjoo tense, turn the key gently and relax, else U may snap upon slight pressure at an inoppor tune moment and leave us at a disadvantage. If another is loo lax, apply an opposite turn of. the key. One cannot expect harmony of sound .from an imperfectly adjusted organism.3 So before beginning the day’s work, our /teachers have asked us to go into the Silence, each morning, as near the same time as pos sible, be the time long or short, as we have /heed or opportunity; there we shall seek to.put mrselvesin touch and tunc with the Infinite.

$jThe time so spent will not he wasted, for you A y i l l go forth with your forces fully eoneeu- |& trated atui under control, strengthened, invig-

orated and fully prepared for any and every -

S ilting that may come up during the day.| :*fhe wisdom of doing this as early in the • morning as possible will be recognized, when

ijj&zwe realize that the music of the day, is set to .J§ the key which you determine by your menial in s ta te and altitude cm waking. If you open |P|ryour eyes inspired by some high thought or J&fpurpose, the petty things belonging to every

life fail to harass and you pass ouward from compter.

As life is only the stringing together of days, SjP? (very much as a hinder puts the pages of a book ^.“‘together,) il remains with us to say whether iUt our life song shall be a triumphant anthem, f-y-" full of harmony and uplifting, or a medley of

8 discord.• It will he only u few days more and we shall greet the Klder (trother. While he will bring Us news of the work accomplished in the West

shall also be able to make good report of fjtlvour own doings.

San Francisco sends the following brief ^report.

San Francisco, Jun. 2 9 , 'py. “ The Hermetic Biothcrhood assentbled for

(meeting, in large attetidauco of the regular fmembers, and the valuable presence of our he-

^loved Hlder Brother. Dr. Plu-l<>ii,,ftotn whom liwe felt the force «>f liarmdnv and truth which i exemplifies the Fatluy's love m him.

The limldah chant was repeated and Dr, Phelon presided as Elder Brother. The Mas* fer of Ceremonies read a selcctiott pertaining to life, A prayer was chanted and the meditation continued. Bra. George It. Neal ^aspresented for initiation, which was conducted In the usual way. The knots were also instructed in vibratifig Hie ancient wore’of potency and har monizing force. Next in order was concentra tion on the yiantrini, after which tin* brothers gave expression to their conception of their relation to the Brotherhood audits iclulioffto humanity. Minutes and Treasurer’s report were read and accepted. The name of Mrs.S. Drew was proposed and accepted as a can didate for initiation at the next meeting. After the new uiantrim was given, the members adjourned."

Oscar O, G u .b k r t , Scribe.- .San Jose says; “Herewith send you state

ment of Knot 4 6 . The entire membership was present at Bull Moon Meeting. Great har mony uml strong power were felt by all. The- topic of the evening was: ' The Circle of hu man life.' Papers relating to the subject were read by several, and remarks made by others.

An appiopriate resolution was adopted rela tive to the passing away of our former com rade, W. C. Kingsbury.

The knot has gained but one member the past year but it lias grown much hi spiritual power and insight and a fuller appreciation of the Hermetic Brotherhood and its.teachings."

II. Pa r d o k , Acting Scribe.

! The Knot at Troy, N. Y., is growing in in terest. The last Full Moon was to us a par ticularly marked occasion. Consciousness of “ the High! ’’ seemed as an overshadowing presence. In reply to the call of our Klder Brothers in last issue, we voice the sentiment of Knot 5 2 in saying: “ The grass still grows upwards, and the Fires are not quenched.” : \V« seek to “ obey His law "and absorb His love. Fraternally,

M. 1C. F k w m i s s , K. B., Scribe, pro te n u

It is hardly necessary to add a reminder, hut the convocation is a day on which everyone is expected to have something 'to say. ■Don’t forget this for we hope to have an expression of your best thought. Put yourself tp work now and treasure up the tilings that may be'given you from time to time so that we tnay all profit thereby.

' * Ma r y E. A p m -.k o a tk , Scribe.

S *

Page 8: placets apcl people - IAPSOP...tin n ; A M usical E vening; Two L e tte rs; CouHdencrs; U roiioriquo's C hapel; Tho Horoscope. Price, $1.25. Address, ItuiiMCTIo Pun. Co., 4000 (h and


(CONTINUED.) rT ^ H K three; Qrosses existing within our Cir-

I cle symbolize the three planes upon X which Man may manifest; the plane of

Experience, that of Knowledge and that of Understanding. Each plane has four phases of demonstration; each phase squares its particu lar Circle of limitation; these- phases tuny be specified as synonymous with the four ele ments of Earth, Water, Fire ami Air, corres ponding to the natural, the moral, the intel lectual and spiritual Man.

The phase of Earth or Natural upon the plane of Experience demonstrates that class of Souls living simpfy and naturally with the hu man Energy bent towards the external condi tions of life; obedient to their Will in the di rection of physical needs; moderate, patient, methodical and enduring. They are the insti gators of all inaterialized effort. They hold that active principle of Will, which put forth in any direction brings results in proportion to the amount of Desire it creates.

The phase of Water, or the Moral upon the plane of Experience is the reflex of the Earth phase and assists to bring forth the Desire, to direct the Will with more definite purpose, to give it color and tone, firmness ami strength, that the moral quality inherent in Man may become more .substantial, perpetuating itself through generation. This is the natural method of all growth, the method through which the human SouJ comes into recognition of its possibilities and learns to make, use of tjie the five physical senses as its means towards conviction and realization. There is nothing '* Evil " in*this condition. The Evil comes only when Man perverts his Will, his desires, his obedience into an obstinate resistance against learning the lessons taught by his ex perience, and falls into the abuse of knowledge gained through the natural ami moral phases, which inevitably must lead him to lust and ignorance.

The phase of Fire, or the intellectual upon the plane of Experience, demonstrates the l,ove Principle throughout all Creation being centered and made use of for furfhering the ex ternal interests of Mankind through genera tion, through organization, through* the family, the community, the state aqd nation. This class become the experimenters^ the research--

ers, the constructors, but they gain their knowledge mostly through their mistakes, ami we generally find them tearing down and build ing up, for they are bound to grow actuated by the Spirit of Love, and in harmony with this Principle the construction of one organization suggests something- larger and better until *•. Harmony emerges into the emotional and the Soul looks to the next phase, which is the spiritual--for completion. The spiritual phase signified by the element of Air upon the plane of Experience demonstrates that degree of at tainment which is characterized by all great Souls when they recognize the Divine Voice within themselves and come into Conscious Union with the Principle of Truth and Right eousness, reaching out towards all the four phases of this Cross to make the perfect Man. Such an one was Moses, and the Cross of Ex perience symbolizes the fulfilling of the Law according to the Mosaic formula ami the Books of the Old Testament.

The majority of the human race manifest upon this Cross,

The Cross of Experience holds that portion of the Circle from 3 0 ° to 6o° and their oppo sites from 2 1 0 0 to 2 4 0 °; from 1 2 0 ° to 1 5 0° and their opposites from 3 0 0 ° to 3 3 0 *-’, Including the invstic potency of the angle 1 0 4 5 °.

It contains the basic Principles of creation ami Manifestation, Divine Will, Infinite Love, Supreme Knowledge and Universal Under standing, which are to become recognized and realized by every human Soul,

It is the mystical Tan Cross of Egypt and Babylon and holds the germ of all Wisdom.

The four fixed signs of the Zodiac occupy the angles of this Cross. Taurus—the Bull, the Natural. Scorpio—the Eagle or Scorpion, the Moral. Leo—the Lion, Love ami Intellect; and Aquarius- tlie Man, the Spiritual.

Herein is contained a suggestion of the story of tl»e human Soul through the realm of Ex perience from Genesis to the last Book of the Old Testament.

Q k k t k u d h d k B i k i .s k i .

TO UK C O N 'T im 'K I) .

^ ^ A ^ ^

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE DEFINED.C h ris tian Science is th e half*w ay house

b e tw een O rthodox su p e rs t it io n an d Spirit* ualkstlc t r u th .

. • John JolutM’V.

Page 9: placets apcl people - IAPSOP...tin n ; A M usical E vening; Two L e tte rs; CouHdencrs; U roiioriquo's C hapel; Tho Horoscope. Price, $1.25. Address, ItuiiMCTIo Pun. Co., 4000 (h and

DRESS.•Tho apl^roi oft proclaims ho man.”—Hhakonpearo.

UIK apparel should at all times proclaim the man, and will, when the present un natural, and hypocritical era is outgrown,

ress should,as naturally be os man, the ex pression of the inner life, as it-i»*on squirrel and ijay. We rail at fashion, and well may do so ?whcn like Dyspepsia, Dress becomes the Master flJJd man the slave. Dress because the witliin ■ demands it, as its expression and it is religion- ho do so. Dress for any other reason and it is a 'profanation of, the temple of the Holy Ghost. i'Dress because it is fashion, because you desire ■ applause,!to outvie others, to ape a superior, !vto compete with the wealthy, or to show your -taste, wealth or position, and you enter the kingdom of hell.■ Dress because it is an expression of your love

of beauty, because your desire calls for it, be cause |you feel better spiritually, oV for any ' reason that comes up from within, and dress is

i^the wayto the kingdom of heaven. The free t| bouI will move with pride in fustian; the slave Iwill degrade the purple, Spirit is God, and no -tiara, or robe, con add to it dignity or beauty. The soul will give glory to the rags of a beggar,

Uvhile tlie beggarly spirit will destroy even the fluster of the crown.

Let the innate love of the beautiful express itself in robe and adornment. Beauty is as natural to man as to violet and robin, to kitten or leopard.. The babe is always beautiful and .so are children at play until mothers make ’them ugly in clean clothes and clean manners. /,• But in relation to dress always remember that

the human body is the perfection of beauty. Nature's masterpiece in every way, iu mechanic, power, beauty. It is the perfect expression/^ God. “ God manifest in the flesh.” It will

5 adorn and make holy any thing or place.Naught can add to it. It is the one thing " al

to g e th er lovely” and he who approaches it i conies to holy ground’. Then let him lay oft .from his feet all sandals, ere he dare to tread -thereon. It is the high altar of Spirit and only " the incense of Truth and Dove should hum ; thereon. But oh how profaned? As if un seemly it is hidden from sight. Asst thing ob- : scene it is tabooed in conversation, and its most sacred functions made the jest of the vulgar

V and the silence p f t h e cultured. And to make - up for this profanation, it is restrained by dress

till it*loses its beauty, and .till the.femtdc por

tion unsex themselves, and man debases his sex by excess, until the creative.-power N turned to destroy, because body thut i«i en throned as king is nevertheless degra led in Thought, and Thought is the only creative powerman possesses. Thijs dress-con'e, in .is a makeshift, and an apology frotft man to him self, from'the low position which his Thought controlled by degraded passion, lias i educed his body, by'broadcloth and silk and jewel he would make a fit receptacle, since he presumes God did not, for his soul.

Nowastheinost beautiful expression of L a m regard the body, then to it, neither beauty nor grace can be added for it is beauty and grace; There is nope elsewhere, for man, in his thought, makes beauty and ugliness. standard is himself.’ From the evolved beauty of his soul his body is builded, and is us much beyond the beauty of bird and beast as his soul is beyond theirs on the road of evolution.

The human body then is adorned by nature with all the possible attributes of Divine Beauty, and no matter whether by cross or throne, in birth or baptism, in cradle or coffin* in sleep ing or in procreation, it is beautiful and holy. If it is holy, or in any part concealed* let U be because some need of the sou! is suMcrvcd in this concealment; or some part is too sacred, : for the vulgar gaze; the veil is dropped before -

, the Holy Of Holies.Det this be your thought of body and no mat

ter whiit you do with it, you add‘to your ex*. pression through it, of the Beauty of Spirit,• and whether you go to the wilds, and are

clothed only with sunshine and wind, or are clad in silks of Cathay and jewels of India, n man is there and therefore there is God. As sunlight through the chalice makes it more beautiful, so Thought will shine through dress and make it beautiful.

As long as one is conscious of being dressed lie is not well dressed. The painter Elihu V«d- der says: " No one is well dressed, save when in bathing or masquerade.” And here almost. alone, in the experience of life, is tnnn free. In all the rest of his dress, heads a tie, and no where docs he He worse, or loose his individu ality more effectually througli conformity, or

. through habit, than by his dress. Therefore many reformers become exdentric end outre in dress. Thereby their individuality is devel oped.. But when dress has served its purpose iu them in this tine, they fall back asf did Mrs. Bloomer qnd many a dress reformer since to

Page 10: placets apcl people - IAPSOP...tin n ; A M usical E vening; Two L e tte rs; CouHdencrs; U roiioriquo's C hapel; Tho Horoscope. Price, $1.25. Address, ItuiiMCTIo Pun. Co., 4000 (h and

t . u o \ \Mi, «l j/CI M>U •

not realizing Hint to advise one how to dress, is an interference and an impertinence' that no self-respecting person will consciously allow, no m atter how much they are unconsciously th e slave of fashion,

Dress then in perfect freedom and In love of the beautiful. Adorn the body as does a devotee a sacred temple. Let no unholy thought he con nected with th a t tem ple. All the functions, all the appetites, all its demands are holy and from God, mandates of the .soul. Heed them in love of beauty, and life will be an expres- siau , divine.

And since For want of space I cannot elab orate here as I would, suffice it now to say;— extend this principle to the home, the grounds, to society and nation, and beauty will be, ns she ever has beon, m an’s redeemer.

4* 4* 4* ^ 4f 4^ /f* qv qv

COMPEHSATION.ff you think, and *ny and <h>Wlmt is rieht. amt jit*! and true.Thou ttiflirraicoH you will won All tlio way y««r join-nuy through.

Cloudy days will then bright.Dark will never be Hin night, bight within will unlinto (tmdiiig iniMtd your an I ward Ham,

And the thoughts within that burn.Will oxtornnlizo in turn.And your tmlhway sitrid.v straw.With the choicest lluwers that grow.

For thoughts and word* nro mat t And they fly ns if with wings,And whatever you think or say.Will rotntn to yon Home day.

San Diego, Cal. Mk s . I 1, K.Smit h ,vD 4 * 4 4 4 4/Jv qs ^

TH E EGOTIST.. I am the greatest.

O thers have won fame, but 1 sec their errors. I see how they could have made more of them selves.

No man can surpass me in judgm ent, for 1 m ust pass judgm ent on all.

My knowledge is lim ited only by my uuuu- festations. •

Rven God I m ust pass judgm ent upon. He m ust meet my standard of perfection.* Therefore I create God, therefore I am greater

than God, for God is only one of my m ani festations.

ality, the Kgo,You, loo, are I. You arc a God-maker.You worship yourself when you worship God,

for God is your own reflection.W hen you learn new truths, do yon not pass

judgm ent and say; "T ilts is good?"Thereby you deglare your sovereignty, forty;

who jsgrt;ater than tru th is supreme,I am all. When 1 approve a truth it is a rec

ognition that it is part of me.Then what are you, if I am supreme? You

too Are supreme, for you are even ns I,The ego is oue, but it Hath as many manifes

tations as there are consciousnesses.Of consciousness there is no limitation, albeit

Us manifestations vuiy.I am persistent. I am immortal. When my

present muuffeslatinm; shall cease I shall per sist in other manifestations.

This is the mystery of the resurrection, for the only resurrection is the persistency of the CgO.

Altruism is blind egotism, for there is no other than 1.

The law of nature is the persistency of the ego; hence the desire of ail things for life.

1 am superior to laws, for laws are attempts to restrict others than the law makers. Put ■ there, are no others. ICach is an ego, even as I am I.

War then is futile, for llu; ego cannot be ex- ’ term inated.

I tint bi-sexual, male and female.My male manifestation is the begetter; my

female manifestation is the transmitter.The begetter is powerless w ithout the trans

mitter; the transm itter is powerless without the begetter. Yet the begetter is not superior to the transmitter.

Transm utation would be slow with only one Irnnsimilcr and many begetters; but with many transmitters and only om; begetter transm uta tions may be rapid.

I must be free, since 5 am supreme. 1 must be free both us a begetter and as a transmitter.

When any man js enslaved, I am enslaved; when any woman is enslaved 1 am enslaved.1 am itiait-wimian.

. But the persistency of the ego will abolish slavery.

The persistency of the ego will abolish evil.The ego alone is good.T n u m l a t i ’t l f m i n f k x . ' i n n • ■ //>/ >•// /V<>/', II”. I l m i i n i u f


Page 11: placets apcl people - IAPSOP...tin n ; A M usical E vening; Two L e tte rs; CouHdencrs; U roiioriquo's C hapel; Tho Horoscope. Price, $1.25. Address, ItuiiMCTIo Pun. Co., 4000 (h and

mm l i l y ,' f lir t cofu l IH y ! fa ir am i alom lor.

' Now to H im yo u hom ngo roiulor.Aw r o Ik tovo th y p o r ity ,

; ■ CtioBon sijrn of cliftstity.L i f t th y houii m id MtainloaK calyx .

; Soml Bvvoot frtiffrnnco from th y c lm lico .R ing w h ito boll lu tflsi<lmmtA aliow or, ,R ing to H im . S u p rem o ih 'fn W o c ;

Angola pon tto r on th o w ay L ilioa w h ito th in H o ly day .

Unlso th y voicn in liifflm st p ra is o ;" C h ria t in rivon’’—H u llu M ray s!F ro m tho stono-how ’d tla rk o n o d to m h ,

; F rom G o lg o th a ’s c h il l in g g loom .Enfttov l ily ; c le a r m u t sw eet,

f Solid thy m olody to m oo tVolcoa from C e les tia l splioco,W hig th o an lh o m ov o ry w h o ro ;

l la lo lu ja l t ! A ngels u in g ;“C h ris t is r ls o n !” L i lia s rim ?!

Ma r i e E u ^ a o b t i i L a m k ,

^ ^ ^ ^^ m ^ m /p A

It is somewhat tiresome to hear some Spir itualists continually telling about being di rected by their “ guides ” in everything they do. It is “ My guides will not allow me to make such and such a move,” etc., ad nau seam. Even the editor of a Spiritual ex change gravely announces,“ We can do noth ing without the consent of our spirit, guides.” and says lie gets directions from them through mediums. In the cases of some me diums who are extremely sensitive it may be that unseen intelligence direct their general course more or less, but for those who are wot eenstliveenough to communicate directly with their spirit friends, to rely implicitly and blindly upon the advice or orders of al leged spirit guides, coming through this or that medium, looks to us not only unwise, but very risky. Our intelligence anti reason ing powers are given us for use, ami should not be entirely subordinate to any outside or unknown dictation.—Tim JMtor Way.

^ ^ 4/ \L»Tv *Ts

Mr s . II. 0. Ga u n b u , of Chicago, has sent us a few of her tracts and Jentlets on how to

' prevent and cure Colds, Nay Fever and Lu ; Grippe, without medicines or drugs’; also, ■•how to cure •Female Weakness, Falling or 4 Displacements, simply by proper exercises. |'W e will send either of these for 10 cents or

both for |5 cents. Hermetic Hub. Co. |uM» : Grand filvd., Chicago, HI.


FIRST REVIEW OF THE NEW BOO) ’ .SU C C E S S is QUITE ft s u c c e s s . m id

instructive, to say nothing of its attractiveness, it can •he digested by-even -the unhistructed. No doubt it will show the way (n mnity who have so long been traveling the Rocky kc.n' of -ill luck, how to find at the turning,©! the Lane, that the fertile Pastures of Success have at last been reached. C. B. (»•

* *“ Success: ’the-Ivey that Unlocks It,” is a

new bookle.t by Nancy McKay Gordon, Is now on tho market.

The author shows how this much lo be de- .sired condition may be attained, upon all planes of life, through the right understand* ing of the law of transmutation. This is presented in a simple way, so simple that those just entering upon the study of meta physical law, will easily grasp the idea, and its practical application.

“ Success” tells us how to make use of our forces; how to direct them so they may bring the greatest results. It teaches that trans mutation is inllnitely the highest’process by which to reach real success, either upon the business, physical, intellectual or spiritual plane.

Would you know the process, send for m Success.” Price 25c, Address Hermetic v PubUahing Co., 4(MW Grand Boul’d, Chicago.

* *“ The Degrees of the Zodiac Symbolist d,"

by Cbenibel. (’loth 50 cents, paper 35 cents.Tills book should be in the hands of every

student of Astrology. From very ancient days, astrologers have attributed a separate inlluenee and character to each degree of the

* Zodiac. These, “ The Degrees of the Zodiac Symbolised” attempts to give. In tho first place, a practical account’of the nature of these iniluences is stated. In the second place, some explanation also of the under lying theory is added. ,

The essay, in the same’ volume, “ Value of the Degrees of the Zodiac,” by 1). S. Green, is told from the theoretical standpoint alone, while “Cherubel” describes from clairvoyant night as well. Address Hermetic Publishing (!o.-, -lout) Grand Boulevard,-Chicago, Illinois.

Page 12: placets apcl people - IAPSOP...tin n ; A M usical E vening; Two L e tte rs; CouHdencrs; U roiioriquo's C hapel; Tho Horoscope. Price, $1.25. Address, ItuiiMCTIo Pun. Co., 4000 (h and

U follows very closely in the line of thought known as the “ Secret Doctrine” a synthesis of the esoteric teachings of the great eastern schools. Students of Theosophy far enough advanced to read esoterieally, will lint! it an aid.-~?7<c World, New York, N. Y.

An addition to idealistic literature. The plan of the hook is similar to “ The Monarch of Dreams," by Thomas Wentworth Iliggiu- son,1 n tlv.vt the author has her heroine trace* iii a marvelous dream, the journey of a sou). In comparison with standard types such as Bacon's “ Atlantis, " or Moore's “ Utopia," it seems a trifle strained mid uriimtuml.becauhe of the daring, but never-lheloss skillful, in troduction of the Infinite Being, the immor tal Deity, and the-’pagun gods and goddesses.

* * 9 * * As n rule, the descriptions are well written imd the language through out is poetically expressive. On the whole the hook is a strong piece of imagery.

The Watcher a t the Oates of Paradise, choosing from the wisdom of the Ages, pre sents tliis doctrine which is expounded in the book: “ The true marriage is perfect harmony, it exists from the moment of cre ation or re creation and eannol he lessened or added to, Ye have no knowledge of what the years have carried in trust since the (lutes of Paradise closed behind ye. (Jetting married is a misnomer,. Marriage is the mu tual recognition of two yearning souls after ages of separation. Spirit substance is con stantly (lowing for you fvom the Sun. This is one iu essence, dual in manifestation.

Ye make your mvn separations, whether; present er absent, for Spirit lias only unity. Therefore, in true marriage, duality mani fests itself at, the Orsl, thus veiling the ONK, who is the ALL in A l t . Children of the Stored Fire! Learn to live the Idveof the Angels, which is yours us the guerdon of ac complishment. Separation is no more be tween ye!" ( ' u m - b s r J o t t n n r l , Louisville, Ky.

* *

“ Letting Go and Hohiftig On," by Xancy McKay (Jordon. These booklets will continue to sell fur 13c for the-twu. until further notice. The edition is nearly exhausted, ^eml at mire for a set of them. Address Herntejic Pub lishing (Jo., ifHii* Grand Boulevard, Chicago.

m» m louufi trt Ul& UUU(Ui> Uf lttf» UUiUii&fciD.

By IS. L. Mason. Paper 50c. Hermetic l’nb. Co., 4000 Growl Boulevard, Chicago, HI. This booklet by the author of “ fliero Sal.em” gives us a synopsis of the teachings of that volume, which its readers know were'Unique and peculiar,awl rot,her in advance of the*

• timet of its publication, As “ iiiero Salem” is out of print it may be satisfactory to those who would like a partial synopsis, to possess this work at its price. We have a few copies ou hand, and shall be glad to (HI orders, assur ing our patrons that it is well worth the money, although the name may seem to con vey but little of the fullness of thought, and far-reaching effects therein contained.

* *

ART MAGIC.One of the most remarkable contributions

to thu pntfdiral magic treaties of this gene ration, was Knnmv Hardings Britten’s “ Art Magic.’’ We have known some of the for mulas therein given, to work, ami that is more than can be said of the majority of books claiming knowledge on these points. I t has, like its companion volume, “ Ghost land," long been out of print. But has lately been put upon the market in a tastefully bound volume of MU pages, black doth, and silver stamp. Sent on receipt of $1.50, Hermetic Pub. (Jo., ‘100(1 Grand Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois.

* *“ Future Uulers of America,’’ by W. P.

Phelou, M. 1). Tills little booklet is most suggestive iu its title as well as instructive to students of occultism. I t belongs to the. history of a soul and contains a prediction for Uie immediate future. I t is most enter taining and full of stimulative thought. They are offered now a t reduced price as the edition is nearly exhausted. Until further notice the mice will he lot*. Send for one. Address llevmotie Pub. Go., 40W Grand Bonl'd, Chicago.

* *During the JCIder Brother’s recent visit to

California, the* Brotherhood there,had a new negative taken, which they desire to cal! the “ Paciile Coast photos.” They are regarded as a very good likeness, ami will be. Rent, on reeeint of *25 cts. Address. Franeese Itogers, 85i» Hayes street, San Francisco, California, »>v Hermetic Pub. Co., Kim*. Urawi Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois.

Page 13: placets apcl people - IAPSOP...tin n ; A M usical E vening; Two L e tte rs; CouHdencrs; U roiioriquo's C hapel; Tho Horoscope. Price, $1.25. Address, ItuiiMCTIo Pun. Co., 4000 (h and

.# . WANTKJ)~Noh. 1, 2, 5, 0, 8,11,12, ol Vol. %*, Nos. i an 3 of Vol. II ; No. 7 of Vol. IV ; No. 3 of Vol. V; for which I am willing to pay a bonus. Write, stating price wanted, to

lM. Johnson, care Johnsons Creamery, 725 ^Market St.. San Francisco, Cal.

HEALING, CAUSES AND'EFFECTS, 'p The best proof, that this little booklet is all that is claimed for it. is Its rapidly in creasing sales. There is, in its pages, the ping of true statement. One of its readers said : “ It speaks as one with authority, and

pf;hot as the scribes." Another says; “I want another, I sold mine,’' I t is likely the edition

p | will soon he exhausted, and if intending pur- l& chasers wish to have no delay in filling their ^ orders, they Had better order at once, llaper H cover 50 cents. Sent on receipt of price, ^ Hermetic Pub. Co., 4000 Grand Boulevard, $.<_ Chicago, Illinois,! * *


' ' ..Vi. ••

W ill en ab le you to 'a r r a n g e y o u r n o tes, n ew sp ap e r d ip p in g s m id re a d in g ro fo roncesoh th o u sa tn ifu if topiCa, b o t h a t ouch c a n bo re fe rr e d to a s re a d ily u s a w o rd i« tho d ic tio n a ry . S its o n a n o rd in a ry boo k -sh e lf a m t re sem bles a s o t o f fine im p e ria l volum es. A ttra c tiv e a p p e a ra n c e ; ox trom oly u s e fu l; low In p ric e . Iiidispouft* a b le . W rite p o s ta l re q u e s t fu r b e a u t ifu l co lo re d c irc u la r . S e n t fo r th o a s k in g . A gents w a n te d everyw here,;


Ociroit. Mich,

* * THE ALTRUIST.: ;§■•!* . I s a m o n th ly p aper, p a r t ly in p h o n e tic spo iling , an d ■ d e v o te d to e q u a l r ig h ts , m u tu a l a ss is tan c e , u n ited; ® \ la b o r , an d com m on p ro p e rty . I t is issued by th o Al*

t ru is t . C om m unity , o f S t . L o u is , w hoso m em ber!- bold <y : a l l th e i r p ro p e rty in com m on, live am i w ork tugelh«-r

• in a p e rm a n e n t hom o For th e ir m u tu a l en jo y m en t, as- ■pl'i'C' flis tauco an d s u p p o rt, a n d b o th mori a n d w om en have hM'' ®jin<d r ig h ts a n d decide on a ll i ts b u s in ess a f fa irs by

sSh1'-. t h e i r m a jo rity vole. 25 cen ts a y e a r ; specim en copy froo . A ddress A. L o n o i.k v , E d i to r , 2819 O livo s t r e e t , '

'<?• S t. L o u is , Mo.1 ; : * *v-it

UN1YERSAL TRUTH.■<%. I s a m o n th ly m ag azin e te a ch in g th a t know ledge, '<V': l io a lth , love a n d a b u n d n n ee a ro o m n ip rese n t now . nnd,* a r c fo r every one w ho ch o o ses to n p ro m ia tn them .

A nn ie Itix M ililz is now w ritin g th o in te r im tio n n l ;:j;. B ib le Lessons, an d F u n n y M. H a t ley is c o n tin u in g th e /?ci S im p lified L essons in th e Science o f do ing , th e Hist of - w h ic h w as p u b lish ed in th e O c to b er uuntbov, IM‘7. Alt vy; b a c k n u m b ers cun Im ob taino ii.

U n ir i r m l T ru th to a d ie s pn«>p|o bow , by b u ild in g I b e ir , ,'St liv e s o n a M etaphysical b a s is , th e y m ay a t ta in t o tb o ■' ^ 5 d iv in e idea l, w hich t l io t 'h r ix t he ld o u t in H is teaching*,

w h e n bo s a id : “ (1 re n te r tilin g s th a n th e se y e ‘m ay d o .” P r ic e $1.0(1 a y ear. A ddress, U n iv e rsa l T r u th , S7 W ash in g to n Si.., C hicago, 111.


M rs. L ouise V. C h am b er la in , h a s ta k e n a h ouse nl 329 E a s t 41st S tree t, C h icago , lil., fo r th e p u rp o se of O B tahlisliing n cen te r For th e a cc o m o d a tio n o f peop le in te re s te d in th e U n ive rsal g o o d , an d th e b road th o u g h t .

M rs . C h am b erla in is w ell uun lilh -d to m ak e th is m a n n e r o f a house a success. S h e lu ts u t h e r com m and , y o u th , v ita lity , an d th e love o f h e r w ork a t h u a rt. T h o s e , e i th e r in o r o u t o f th e c ity , d e s ir in g lu-udqniii- tot-B in a p lace tilled w ith v ita l fu icn fu lu css , w ill do w e ll to app ly to h e r for room s e i th e r by h i t te r o r pot- f io tta lly .- A ddnwsftti above.

FORECASTING BY THE CABALLA.T h e A ncien t W ise O nes h a d n m e th o d o f fo re c a s tin g F u tu r e , by u s ing th e C ah n ila , in i ts re la tio n to co lo r. Tl — potency e x p ressed w as'Found through-tin* n am es of 'in - iio m m s I tiU 'm U 'ii. AH yit-reion* versud in m y s tic ism know t h a t th e " n a m in g o f tin- b aby " is Mot c h an c e w ork , no m a t te r how m uch tl m ay seem so . b u t i t is th e r e s u l t o f th e la w o f a t t r a c t io n , by w h ic h o n e’s ow n com es to w hom i t b e longs. ‘This is th e u n d e rly in g M O T IF o f th is fo re c a s t, it. in c lu d e s -b o th th o F a s t - a n d th e F u tu re . I t is v a lu a b le , b o th n s a m a t te r o f In te re s t n nd use, I t o f te n serves n s a w o n d e rfu l c o u n t- m ntiem o f a s tro lo g ic a l o r p sych ic d e lin e a tio n . F o r fu r th e r p a r t ic u la r s , a d d re ss S te lla E fo r. £51} H ayoa S t. , S un F ran c isco , C al.

F o r 10 cords you receive S am p le co p ies w o rth m u re th a n a d o lla r . N a t i o n a l P u r i t y A s s o c i a t i o n , 7 0 F i t h A v e n u e , C h ic a g o .

Q I tUt HI C copies o f UK) d ill'event L o ad in g N ew spapers OH ill I LL H||i | M agazine* s e n t to a n y a d d re ss Upon re c e ip t of 10 cen ts to pay fm- m a ilin g . A h k rip a n -H u ii- sc iu rT io N A<-r.s<'Y, 28 U nion T r u s t llld g ,, Im lian n p o h u , In d ia n a .

C C A in I f t O C M T C 'io t 'h ic a g o S c h o o lo f .H e r m e t ic O L i l U I U U L l l I 0 P h iIo « o p h y .l2 tH ‘a ru u d e lo t.S t., New O rlean s, L a ., fu r p ro sp e c tu s o f th e p u b lic a tio n o f “ N a tu re 's F in e r F o rce s L ib ra ry " V-ontniniiig fo rce fu l th o u g h ts w o rth ten tim e s tho a m o u u t o f ten c e n ts I f n u t m ore .

C A M D I C cop ies o f 100 .dilTefimt L m idiug Nmv»- O H ill I L L iinimi'g m id M agazines sen t to a n y a d d ress 'U pon n-ceipf o f U> em its to pay fo r m a ilin g . U S.SUBSCHiWiONAGENCY,<253Mass. Ave, Indianapolis,Ind,

Page 14: placets apcl people - IAPSOP...tin n ; A M usical E vening; Two L e tte rs; CouHdencrs; U roiioriquo's C hapel; Tho Horoscope. Price, $1.25. Address, ItuiiMCTIo Pun. Co., 4000 (h and

, n, r ..V * J \ J . JL i . .V 4 "Nk, «

DIVINE SCIENCE PRACTITIONER,£33*4 IS. Ootb- Street, - Cliioag’o, III. •

Invites so-callod hopeless cases. Absent treatments h ih! teuehin^ by correspoml-, ©nee given. Write for testimonials and compensation sheet, enclosing stamp. *

Mention t h e H u i t M E T i s f when writing.

Dear Unity:. PloatW lo t iu n te s t i f y foe th e htmeUl o f y m ir a n n y of m u lu rd , nn d m o rn esp e c ia l); th o se w ho d o n 't in?)lave a

CBBO l ik e n iino v m th en n bo honied . 1 uni an o ld so ld ie r, in my s ix ty - th ird yum-, an d Ini' i w outy-ninu ym us a in )M - u r e n o a r m y liii» liu» b e a u g iv in g uwj g re a t jm m tm tiau n o y n n ey . A b o u t I lf totm yours itgo o n e o f th e sum )! inttiwlimm b e c a m e a d h e re d to th e ed g e o f th e ru p tu r o ; tli is c au sed mo g ro u t a d d it io n a l su ll e n eg . D u rin g tin- h is t seven y e a r s I h a r e ro ad iu a o y booksw m tha New T h o u g h t, d u d m u ch o f »»»l i te r a tu r e w ith o u t an.v porcoivm .j., bom dlt. Homo t im o h in t su m m e r. I h o a rd o f firm 12. P . C. W eb ste r an d w ro te to h im a n d s e e m e d hi* tro u t m e a ts . A b o u t th e r,t h o f l a s t P o b ru a ry { .fo u n d th e ru p tu re th o ro u g h ly hon ied , nm l it hsw re m a in e d so . S ince t h a t tim e m y h e a r t sings p r a is e s to G od fo r a l l id s bm iollts to m e.

T h e le t te r s P ro . W , h a s w ritte n to m e d u r in g h is tre a tm e n ts h av e been s o fu l l u f love a n d h e a l in g I co u ld not e s t im a te t l io ir w o rth to m e. L oving ly .

' J . A. NhA'l N s, Mailoi S p r in g s .

1 w as ta k e n very s ick , a n d a s I h a d tw o b ro th e rs d ie w ith m u c h eum nunpl io n , i Volt s u re 1 wn« j u s t fo llow in g th e m , a s 1 h a d a l l th e sy m p to m s. I wmt ru n n in g d o w n ill llnsh am i g e t t in g very w eak an d fee ling w orse every d a y . S u c h te r r ib le n ig h t-sw en ta , I w as a b o u t t<i g ive u p w hen a d e a r fr ien d o f m in e ml v ised m e to ap p ly lo Mr. E . r . Cl. W eb s te r, C h icag o , fo r t re a tm e n t . .So i a sk e d h im to d o w h u t lie c o u ld fo r m e. en c lo sin g a flvci-dollar b i l l . 1 d id n o t know m u c h a b o u t th e S c ience a t t h a t tim o . U o to o k my ease, a n d now I a m so th a n k fu l to say th a fc l a m w ell. Iioalod th ro u g h h is in s tru m e n ta l i ty . 1 am now in th e lig h t a n d h a p p y .

M15S. LIV ON IA S M IT H , E d iso n , O hio.

D ear M r. H arley ;In answer to your questions outdo for the hemdit of Mrs. Krof chmor of Wisconsin. I take pleasure in making

tho following abatement: About eighteen years ago I was thrown front a buggy and received injuries from which I soon recoverod, bu t which it is thought resulted during the lust few years in a condition of atrophy or puciUti paralysis vet *ny whole body, bntespecmlly in my left side. This grew it turn me until I became nearly helpless andhopeless, iu this condition i began treating with Dr. Webster. I Komi. under his I real ......I, been mu conscious ofg reater strength and freedom of movement, until at present I cun care entirely for myse|( and do light bntwW'.rk and some sewing, and am able to travel anywhere I choose to go alone. I am pleased (•> recuiiunoml anyone ah fUotod «s t was to the faithful and loving care of Dr. Webster. . Loving,

SI US. T. P. S| HLKV, ;):!!) JVust .Monroe Street, ('hic.agu. III.D ear Doctor HVfwfer;

My fa ther was sutTering such intense agony the night I sent tlui telegram t ha I we all think he cmtfd not have lived until morning. At - o'clock he was still siill'eiing intenfidy. but sometime hei ween th a t and morning htB pain alm ost entirely left, and ho fell into a deep sleep.

Hl'fi pain hud caused great nervousness and insomnia. Ilefore morning tho swelling ami congestion had K«uo down »V* much th a t he Could urinate freely, u thing ho had no) done fur weeks. If*' is now dmvn-slaii*;, has u<> pain, u rinates freely, ea ts lumrtly. reads and even rings sometimes. Mu in in his eight; -lirst year. Ho duos not com plain of anything Special now. He is gaining si length.

Now , dear Doctor, not one of my family ha* Dm slightest doubt Hint, your treatment healed our fat liar. Iiu( fo r your treatm ent he m ust have died. Our gratitude to you is inexpressible. How bitterly I regret th a t the big doctor bills wo shall have to give the Doctor hero could not be given to you, hut 1 um going to semi yon all 1 can.I enclose $2.00 in this le tte r .

Oh, how grateful we feel to von. I f 1 were rich 1 should send a hundred dollars to you ami limn lb ink you were poorly (uud. I shall sand all 1 can. th»i ble>* you. How much we would all like to -»n you. Hope I have- ra id all th a t is necessary for the present; will write again soon, but I must mu lake up any mote of your precious timo.

What a happy Thanksgiving ours will be. Your mission is tho highest nml holies I <<>■.{ gives to man. (iod bless you abundantly in it. (i<md-!»ye. K. HKHKl't-\ DHOWS,

Nov. 22, WWi, -l.’iO West Washington St rent, llageistowu. Sid.

To W ham H M ay Intercut :{ wish t« tall w hut tru th has done for me. through Dm msi nituoui.itit y >d l) i. K. 1‘. ( Webster.1 had been in miserable health for years ami had mi.-carrietl four children in ns main >»ur*. and with each

m iscarriage I Uud become less* able to carry a ehdd. w«r m>i able to walk or ride. Timlin:.? inyaelf in th a t condi tio n again, and being constantly threatened with a mi-carriage. I wu- in de-pair. Had tiled medical t rcutmeni u n til I knew { did not need to tried, to that.

Was given turnip little t 'tiHirx about I bat time. ami. -reimi I bn I Mr. Webster made u specialty of hopeless c«ho». am) foaling Dm!: mine, was a hopeless cum*. I wrote i.> him and void him that 1 thought jr would be a ntir- ncio if I could carry my baby to the full time. tie treated im* on receipt of mv letter, nml I wn> bettor from Hie hour of ,ny first front moot, and o.<y> tinned P, juu nave, VCioi- i In* most dnminmtt* ' mi" wn passed 1 wrote Iiim to stop treatm ent, us I did not feel able to t nke it longer, bin he wrote hack ami told me i led he would coni iuim th e treatment, ju s t the sum’' until my Imhe v\ as in my arms. He hud promised tun n* iU>t tlm» I should go Hi rough a ll right, and fto would make hitt word good, which lie did.

My baby i» now a year old. ns nice looking and bright a baby aw yon will see any pkn'e. Cut her twelve tie.-1 tooth before s’lin was a year old. the most of them in the summer, nml without a day's sickim-s. Is the "picture o f health ." Yours in tu tth .

Nov. 14, Wl». „ . .M l!S, ,MAlt Y M.COUMU K. Hillings., Mont.

Page 15: placets apcl people - IAPSOP...tin n ; A M usical E vening; Two L e tte rs; CouHdencrs; U roiioriquo's C hapel; Tho Horoscope. Price, $1.25. Address, ItuiiMCTIo Pun. Co., 4000 (h and

v whuimjs » aim -u i»i UHnemple Talks, published fivun month to month in the pagosof Tm; i illjiitMJSTiHT, are also pritiled in nook form, in still covers and good type, They are intended I Ito teach the use of man's occult powers, and their appilctuion to real livtngjon the physical 1 silane. They cover a wide range of subjects, and are very much appreciated bv those who 6 gave seeking the light, As the. edition is running low, we offer the balancbafc&Oc peryolume. 1 , The tables ol’contents are as follows: . : f 1■ Contents of Vol, 1: Whence do we come? Whither do we go? Why,are \ye hereV I

T ear, Emotions and Passions. Power of the Will.- Thought in the Dress of tile Real. The ij ileal to be sought for. The Heal can be used, in two ways. Mesmerism'. How to gain?

Tower. The Power that is po ten t. -\Vhat M an'thinks he is. WhatrMhn really is. WhtuJ iShallweeat? How can we live the life? From whence comes the Soul? Unrest. TraiiR-, /mutation. The Lord’s Prayer. ’A Meditation, , [k V Contents of Volume 2: Angel of Fire. Angel of Air. Angel of Water. Angel of ^Earfch. The Army of the Voice. The Real and the Unreal. The Seven UierachieB, \Yhat -do we know? The Test of the True Knowledge. Harmony a Necessity. Soul Conscious ness, The Use of Thought. Spirit Pondage. Truthfulness. Elasticity, Astral Conditions;

^Thought Is Manifested Existence. Untrustworthyness.of Physical Concentration.

| ” ~ ‘ A WITCH OF THE ipth CENTURY. ~~A work from the hand of W. P. F h k i.o n , M. I)., illustrating and giving good reason, un

der the guise of an exceedingly pleasant story, for believing that not only lteincarnatioA may be a fact, but that it may take place either iii the form of h man o ra woman, so that knowledge of all experiences may bo gained by the Ego.

When we remember that the body "is only the raiment of the Ego using it, it makes /’things easier on all bands, and we rise to a true conception of the relation of the physical.ahd spiritual. ; ^v,

" Incidentally, the story deals largely with the Old Atlantiuns, and has many suggestions * which, to numbers who to-day are on the broad line of thought, seem almost axiomaticaliy

true, or like the Hash-light of recurring memory.The VroymslM Thinker, in whose pages it first appeared as a serial, says: ‘‘Ournew

story is from the fertile brain and facile pen of Dr. W. P.Phelon. The doctor, a born pavchc, therein depicts truly and graphically many incidents that are realities to kimsolf, although they may bo misty theories to the majority of mankind. The interest of this delightful

As an earnest and eiW

perceives itPaper cover, 2"i cents.

THREE SEVENS.— n r ir . p . p i i k l o n , -m . d .Is a story of object lessons of all human life. It portrays the trials of every spul, points

out*tlm way of escape, and the joy of victory. nearing its third edition. H is bound in cloth., ‘.HI pps, ami is sent post paid for Sl.oo Jt lias received universal commendation from nil who arc interested on the “ ih-oad Lines.” Head what its readers have said:

" t t is well conceived and well written. It holds up the interest to the last word”“ Your book is so charming I want it as one of my text books on * the way, the tru th and

the life .'”“ It comes to nn\ light of morning to the lost traveler, or the refreshing rain to the

parched ami burning soil."“ 11 is a parable of the trials.of every humaii soul, written by those who have the genuine

Philosophy to impart truth in this pleasant form.”' “ 'Hie book is a semi historical romance, its scenes being laid in Spain and America dur

ing the time of J)e Soto.”“ It is intended to portray the actual trials and possible triumphs of human life. The

overcoming of the lower self by a growth is traced through three sevens of years to find atonement with the DiVinc.”

“ One cannot fail to give due credit to the knowledge of the author, and the sincerity and rollnement of its presentation to the reader. Like all works dealing with occult science, it re* quires a condensation of thought in order to recognize the volumes written between the lines.”

“ We have hud within the past year (JHTO) a number of occult stories,‘but none has yet appeared to equal Three Heumut'*

“ The storv is beautifully written, and no one can read it, even hastily, without being Impressed with the beauty and lofty purity of its sentiment.”

Address HERMETIC I’UliLiSniNC COMPANY,4000 OUANl) noUI.KV.Uii>,. - - - - (JUICA.GO, ILLINOIS.

Page 16: placets apcl people - IAPSOP...tin n ; A M usical E vening; Two L e tte rs; CouHdencrs; U roiioriquo's C hapel; Tho Horoscope. Price, $1.25. Address, ItuiiMCTIo Pun. Co., 4000 (h and

We have ft number of miscellaneous books, prices and titles quoted below.

We will ill! all orders, as long as they last.Stm Sealed, (McIntyre)................... $ .35Modern Love Story, (Orcut).........................75Doings of the Dualized, (Mason)..................30Physics and Metaphysics, (Phelou).............. 10A rt Magic, (Hardinge-Britten).................1.50Occult Forces, IIow to t vse Them, (Loomis) 1.25Quaint Orippen, (Thurbor)........................ LOOSoul Growth, (Pratt).......................................15Soul Help for Invalids, (Robbins)................20Mystic Sense of Scriptures, (Guyon)...... ,30Hermetic Teachings, (I’helon).....................15Future Rulers of America, (Phelou i...........15Sphinx and Pyramids, (Phelou).................... 15Witch of 19th Century, (Phelou)..................25Divinity and Man, < Roberts).........................50Temple Talks, Vols. 1 A 2, {Phelou >each.. .50Next World Interviewed, (f Torn)..................50Cure of Disease, (Melewly)...........................50Son of Man. (Long),...... ................................ 50Philosophy of P. P. Quinby, (Dresser)... .50Between the Lines, ( Kohnus)...................... 50lleilbroun, ( Harley)............................ 50Autobiography of Mme. Guyon, Oltl'alla).. UK)Is Protection a Benefit? (Taylor)................ 50


4000 Grand Boulevard, Chicago, ill.


Is a volume of over io o poems, sealed by the Sun and planets, after the fashion of the Ancient Magi. Its author. Geo. P. McIntyre, is a well known writer on various subjects, but has done his best work on the line of these poems. The I took is bound in cloth, with beveled edges. It is old gold in color. Gold back-title, and astro logical side stamp. It is elegantly priuteVl, on heavy paper, with red edges, and ring in the back to hold book marker. It is well worth the gr.oo that it sold for, when first put on the market. We have all that are left of-the edition. We will sell them For AS cents. l)o you want one? Send at once. Hermetic Pah. Co., 4<x>6 Grand Btvd., Chicago. '


W h ite M agic v e r su s B la ck ,By ALWYN M. THUftBER. %

Said to ho Ilia greatest metaphysical and occult, story ovor published. Tito Thonsuphitit, the Occultist, the divine Sdontist, the Honmaist, or everyday Lihorniist —such of our thinkers who have outgrown the conven tional post, anil who are longing for the fort hcoming ora of Universal Brotherhood, will bo intensely inter- ‘ ostod in this latest and by far tbo greatest ollort of Mr. Thurhor’a. Ah a humanitarian work it has never boon equaled. It deals tersely with tho problems of to day, and divulges the secret of tho spiritual insight without a waste word or prolix sentence. Thu book contains 3S0 wide-margined pages, and is sot in largo mid elegant tyfto, It is emhollitdind with several full- page half tone engravings, drawn by able artists. The cover is also original, and dona in black nud gold. Altogether it is a most fitting souvenir for the season, besides being a valuable addition to tho world’s ad vanced litoraturo. __

Published only in cloth, at $1.26. Sent postpaid on receipt ol prlco. __ __

HERMETIC PUB. CO.,4 0 0 6 G r a n d B o u l e v a r d , - C H IC A G O .

T H E E S O T E R IC .'T 'i lE FSOTFEiC is devoted to methods,* scientifically religious, for bringing body,

mind and soul into harmony with God and nature.

Those seeking'Holiness of heart and life should read it.

Also those who are studying magic will find in it the seeveta of the Power of the Christ, of his knowledge, ami of his under standing.

S u b s c r i p t i o n $ 1.0 6 p e r y e a r .S a m p le Copy 10 C en ts .

Esoteric Publishing Co,, - Applegate, Cal.

B u s in e s s s u c c e s sThrough Mental Attraction.

By CHAS.W. CLOSE. Ph, 0., S.S.D.Paper. Price 10 cents. (Silver.)

Gives a brief statement of tlu> principle involved in the application of Moiitul Law to tho control of Ihtnncinl conditions, with eight pract ical rules to insum Business Success.

'SPECIAL OFFER I The above pamphlet with Th e Fr e e Ma n , a monthly magazine in the intoroKts of tho Now Thought, thu Philosophy of Health, and thn Science of Life, two months with Special olfer to the Hick, for gUcoutHsilver. Address:

P u b lish er T h e F ree M an,. - m Birth Stroot. (F. M. X.)

• Ba n g o r , Ma i n e .

Page 17: placets apcl people - IAPSOP...tin n ; A M usical E vening; Two L e tte rs; CouHdencrs; U roiioriquo's C hapel; Tho Horoscope. Price, $1.25. Address, ItuiiMCTIo Pun. Co., 4000 (h and

X X I A - i 4 X X j X M M 1 ^ 4 L J.v_» 4.


One of our local Brothers has in her family a son, who through sickuess has been changed from a bright, active child to a youth who is

.blind, deaf and dumb. Contrary to the usual • helplessness of those thus afhiyted he has been Jgble, by the help of Instructors, to cofmmmi- locate with the outside world and has ever

manifested a disposition to be helpful in the {home and for himself. So far as one so shut -'up could be. He 1ms lately by What is called the “Pin-pricked11 process, written a Jitllo

Shook, which is of intense interest as the work

of a soul so Imprisoned. Ilis friends have helped him to print it, and tastefully bind it

-in cloth. And he hopes to be able, by. its sale, to be a help to himself, We are sure all ihe Brotherhood will be willing to help him dis pose of the edition.. The, sooner the better. The book is putat25e. We will receive orders

Jfo&il. - ............. - - uragement.. We trust

all our Brotherhood wilt make it a personal matter. Address,

IIEltMBTlC PUB.400b Grand Boulevard, » Oisieago, ill.

I have used Rlpane Tabules w ith bo m uch satis, taction th a t I cau cheerfully recommend them. H ave been troubled fo r about th ree years w ith w ha t 2 c&Ued billons a tta ch e coming on regularly onoe a week. Was to ld by different physicians th a t It w as caused by bad teeth , o f w hich I had several. I bad tbo taeili ex tracted , b u t the at- tacks continued, I had seen udvertluvmouta o t Rtpnna Tnbulea In a ll tho [mpors but had n o faith la them , b u t abou t s ix w eeks since a trien d in duced m e to try them . Have taken but tw o of the •m all S cen t boxes o f th o Taluiles and have had no recurrence of th e a ttacks. Have never given a testim onial fo r anyth ing before, but the great am ount o f good w hich I believe has been done mo by Ripens Tubules Induces mo to add m ine to the m any testim onials you doubtless have in yourpossession now.

I w an t to inform you, to w ords o f highest praise, o f th e bwiewt I have derived from R lpans Tabules. I am a professional nurse and in th is profession acleat bond is alw ays needed. R ipens Tabules does It. A fter one o t m y cases I found m yself completely ru ndow n . A ctingontho advice Of U r. Goo, Bow. «r, Pb . O,, 688 Newark Ave,, Jersey C ity, i took R lpans TabulOB w ith grand results.

H iss S m iR W«D*AJt

A. T. D sW ltt.



f have been a g rea t sufferer front coasttpa tlea fo ro v o rf lte years. Nut..lug g a v e m e any relief. My fee t and lege an d abdom en Wore b lo a ted 89 1 could n o t w ear show ou m y fea t an d only a loose dress.. I saw Kipnns Tubules advertised Id our dally paper, bnuuh t vom o an d took them as d irec t ed. Ilnvu tuUon thorn about throe w eeks au d there Is sueli AchmigoJ I am n o t constipated any m ore ■ and I O'v.i i t m l to lUpuns Tahuloa. l a m th irty- seven years old, have n o occupation, only m y household du ties and nursing m y sick husband. fXo has had the dropsy and I am try in g Rlpans Tabules fo r him . Ho f e d s som a b e tte r b u t I t w£U tak a floiuo tim e, ho lias been stole so long. You tuny use my le tte r and name ns you ilka,

Mrs. Ma r y Go h &a r ObAORB,

! have been suffering from headaches ever since I in is a little girl. I could never r id e !« a

car o r go lu to a crowded place w ithou t getting n hcndncHoand Blok a t my stomftuh. I heard about Itlpans TabuJcs from an m int o f m ine who was tak ing them for c a ta rrh of tho stom ach. She had found such re lie f from th e ir use sheadvlsed m e in ta k e them too, a n d ! have been dolngao alnoe last October, an d Will say (hey have complete ly cured to y headaches, I am tw enty-nine years old. You a re welcom e to use th is testim onial,

Mrs, J. Baoosanra*.


M other w as troubled w ith h e a r t b u r n and sleeplessness, caused by Indigestion, to r a good m any years. One day she saw a testim onial in tho paper indorsing R i p a n e Tabules. Sho determ ined to give thorn st tr ia l, w as g r e a t l y relieved by th e ir use a n d n o w t a k e s t h eTabules regularly, Shokooptafnw cartons IMpun* Tabules in tho house and nays she w ill n o t lio w ith o u t them . The heartbu rn nud sleeplessness have disappeared w ith tho indigestion w hich was form erly 00 g rea t a l*«rde» fo r her. Our whole fam ily tak e th e Tubules regularly, eojxselultp a fte r It hearty meal. My m other is lin y year* of ago an d Is enjoying tho best o f heaHh and s p ir i ts ; also eats hearty meals, a n Impossibility before she tookB lpansT abules. A m or II. lli.AUi'ex.


The modern stand ard Family Medi cine:. Cures the common every-day ill of humanity.

stMy seven-year-old boy

eufforod w ith pains in bts head, constipation end com plained o t his etom ach. H a could not e a t Hko children o t his ago do an d w h a t he did oat d id n o t agrea w ith him . n o w as th in aud o f a saffron color.

Rending some o f tho testim onials in favor of R lpans Tabules, 1 tried them , ltlpans Tabules not only relieved b u t actually cured m y youugster, tho headaches have disappeared, bowels a re In good condition au d )ti> never com plains o f hla stom ach. Ho Is now a red, chubby-faced boy. This, w onderful change 1 a ttr ib u te to 'I itp ah s Tabules, 1 am satisfied th a t they w ill benefit any one th e c rad le to ok ta s* ) i f taken according to d i re o tlous. - E . W.FBtOR.

Page 18: placets apcl people - IAPSOP...tin n ; A M usical E vening; Two L e tte rs; CouHdencrs; U roiioriquo's C hapel; Tho Horoscope. Price, $1.25. Address, ItuiiMCTIo Pun. Co., 4000 (h and

.....v. „— ............ . nu mu uiiuuiutKu wi uuuiui h tor limit. UwrroHpnndouco on such nmitorapromptly attended to. Bubscrlivtidas for all Oooult and Metaphysical magazines received at this office.

Address. HERMETIC PUBLISHING CO., iOOO Grand Boulevard, Chicago.L ight on the Path, (Mabel Collins,) cloth.....*........................... $ 40Through the Gates of Gold, (Mabel Collins,} cloth.................. 50Christos, (J . 1). Buck.) cloth................ ttOThe Future Rulers of America, (W. P. Phelon, M. D..) paper.............................................. 25Hermetic Teachings, (W. P. Pneion, M. IX,) paper.................................................. 25Three Sevens, (W. F.Pheion, M. D.,j cloth............................................... , ........................... 1 25Mysteries of the Sphinx and Pyramids, paper............ 15Temple Talks, (One of the Magi,) stiff cover..,...................................................................I 25A m tc h of the 10th Century.(w .P. Phelon, M, IX,)paper.............................................. 50Esoteric Vibrotious, (W. P. Phelon, M. IX,) paper........................................................... 25Letting Go, (Nancy McKay Gordon,) paper...... ............ 10Holding Ou, « " “ “ /...................................................... 10Physics and Metaphysics, (Mrs. M. M. Pheion, 0. S. IX,} paper........................ 15Mystic Sense of the Scriptures, (Compiled from Ilsdaae flajoa by Mrs. a. IB. Pfeelon,) paper...................... 50

.Sun-Sealed, (George P. McIntyre,) cloth.................................................... 1 25The Hidden Faith, (Alwyn M. Tiiurber,) cloth....................................................................... 1 00

« « « M « «♦ paper............... 50Royal Hearts, (Alwyn M. Thurber,) paper............................................................................. 50Quaint Crippen, Commercial Traveller, (Alwyn M. Thurber,) paper.......................... 50Can a Man Lose his Soul? (E. J . Blood,) paper..................... 10Seraphita, (Balzac.) half Russia ............ 1 50The Magic Skin, (Balzac,) half R ussia.................. 1 50Louis Lambert, (Balzac,) half Russia......... ........ I 50W hat all the World’s A-Seeking, (Ralph Waldo Trine,) c lo th ........................ 1 25The Influence of the Zodiac upon Human Life, (Eleanor Kirk,) cloth........................ 1 00Libra, (Eleanor Kirk,) cloth..................... 1 50The Bottom Plank of Healing, (Eleanor Kirk,) paper........... .................... 25

G E O R G E S A W I N ,a t t o r n e y a t l a w ,


Suite 601 Tacoma Building,N. IS. Cor. Madison and La Salta Sts.,

Residence, Elmhurst, HI. Chicago

THE SCIENCE OF ASTROLOGY..Given its true expression through the individual Horoscope by

COUNTESS GERTRUDE DE BIELSKI.Upon application end four cents postage, a descrip

tive circular will be sent containing full particulars. Children's Horoscopes a specialty.Address, care o f SCHOOL OF HEBMETIQ PHILOSOPHY,

4006 Grand Boulevard, Chicago, HI.Extracts from two of many testimonials. Names are

omitted as they are conlidontiaLNr w Yo k e C i t y . A p ril 28th, 1887.

——- Lust Wth Street.D BA H MMK. D E R m .E JtT I

Will you kindly write me promptly if you are still in Chicago, and can do soma more work for mo 7

1 have ixwm experimenting with Astrologers recently, and conclude you are far the best, sod most careful, and conscientious worker we have. 1*.

PHU.ADBr.PHlA, Pa ., Feb. 28th. 1897.* —— ------ Street.'

DBAS Mk E. DE BfFLBKi:The Horoscopes reached me. .............

If Hie practical American adage, ''Money Talks" la true, then the inoioeure will express w h atl think of your ctovernofls. Two of them are really w o n d er fu l, and should convince tha most skeptical that Astrology is Scientific, not guess work. Your delineation of mb, the individual is my w r y t« lf- H. H.

FORM OF BEQUEST.Remember the Brotherhood in your Wills—

this is a duty you owe to the Cause, as well as to yourselves, if you desire to advance in the Invisible Section. Here is iv form to help you. I f your Will is already made out, make this as au addenda.

FOPH OF BEQUEST,I give and bequeath unto tho Hermetic Publishing

Company, of ChJcmio. Illinois, to bo applied to the ox-ponsa fund of fcbo Hermetic Brotherhood, S................ .and I direct that the said sum shall bo paid free from Logacy Duty, out of such part of my porsonnt estate as may legally be dovoted by Will to charitable pur poses. and in preference to othor lcgacios uud bequests thereout.

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New pianos to rent, and one year’s rent allowed if purchased.

Old instruments taken in exchange, I2tADAH SCHAAF,

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