
Plan de trabajo de la asignatura Syntax and Stylistics:


Licenciatura en Enseñanza de Alemán, Inglés, Español, Francés e Italiano como Lengua Extranjera (LICEL)

LEI María Guadalupe López Arroyo




Objetivo general de la


To apply the information related to linguistic trends (seen in the courses Linguistics I

and II) to the study of syntax and stylistics; to identify some of the most important

styles and registers in the English language.

Periodo lectivo 2018-1

Nombre del profesor María Guadalupe López Arroyo Semestre 4° * Se recomienda consultar el programa de esta asignatura en el plan de estudios para complementar la información que se brinda aquí


Teléfonos SUAyED Para ingresar a esta asignatura en SAE:

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4) Escribe tu contraseña personal: fecha de nacimiento (4 dígitos del

año, seguido con 2 del mes y 2 del día: yyyymmdd)

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6) Escribe la contraseña de materia

En los ingresos posteriores, sólo se te pedirá tu usuario y tu contraseña


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Asesoría en cubículo Horario: por el SAE


( X) Distancia. Se dará la asesoría

presencialmente una vez al mes, de

acuerdo con el horario que se

puede ver en la pestaña de avisos,

en SAE

Plan de trabajo de la asignatura Syntax and Stylistics:


Licenciatura en Enseñanza de Alemán, Inglés, Español, Francés e Italiano como Lengua Extranjera (LICEL)

LEI María Guadalupe López Arroyo





(es)* Actividades de evaluación1 Puntos

Fecha de

aplicación o


Fecha de


Instrucciones para realizar

la actividad

1 Concept map – Syntactic


5 August 20 August 27 The students will make a concept map, using Mindmeister


(, or CMap ( of some

syntactical theories and how they work; the students must

use their own words.

The students will read the following texts (PDF):

The History of Syntax, by Peter W. Culicover

Aspects of the Theory of Syntax, by Noam Chomsky. The

students can skim the texts in order to find the answers to

some questions. The use of different websites (EXCEPT

Wikipedia) is allowed, as long as the students cite the

original source of information correctly. It is important that

the students use their own words in the task; plagiarism will

be penalized. The students will be given information on

plagiarism and how to avoid it (from How to avoid

plagiarism – Harvard Guide,

id=icb.page342057); they will read the text before starting

any activities in the course.

In order to read how to make a concept map and its

characteristics, the students will see the aforementioned

pages to get an idea of what a concept map is and how it is

different from a mind map.

1 Puede ser monografías, cuestionarios, ensayos, control de lectura, examen, participación en foro o wiki, presentación, etc.

Plan de trabajo de la asignatura Syntax and Stylistics:


Licenciatura en Enseñanza de Alemán, Inglés, Español, Francés e Italiano como Lengua Extranjera (LICEL)

LEI María Guadalupe López Arroyo


NB From the beginning of the course, the students will be

given the APA Formats file (available on the SEA site) so

that they can see how to cite sources correctly.


Task - presentation


September 3

September 10

The students will read the explanation of Structural

Ambiguity, page 98 in The Study of Language, 4th

Edition, by George Yule (the students will be given the

PDF), as well as some examples and further explanations

from Fun with Structural Ambiguity


the file will be available on the SEA site), and will do the

following tasks:

Create a presentation where you explain what structural

ambiguity is and what lexical ambiguity is.

In the same presentation, include five sentences that are

structurally ambiguous and explain the possible meanings

each sentence can have due to its surface structure. These

sentences should be, as long as possible, original; if not, the

students can take sentences from other sources, provided

that they cite the sources of information correctly.

The presentation will be made in either PowerPoint, Prezi

(, or Emaze (

1 Forum 1 5 August 21-

September 24

October 1 The students will be given specific instructions to

participate in the forum; they will be granted marks

depending on the level of reflection, understanding and

interest they show; the marks will be granted after the

student has commented on at least two of their classmates’


2 Prescriptive and Descriptive

Rules in Syntax – mind map

5 October 1 October 8 The students read and listen to information about

prescriptive and descriptive rules from the following


Plan de trabajo de la asignatura Syntax and Stylistics:


Licenciatura en Enseñanza de Alemán, Inglés, Español, Francés e Italiano como Lengua Extranjera (LICEL)

LEI María Guadalupe López Arroyo


Descriptive vs prescriptive rules – The LingEducator Blog,


Generative Syntax 1.1: Prescriptive and Descriptive Rules

(video) – Linguistics and English Language at the

University of Edinburgh,

Understanding Prescriptive vs Descriptive Grammar –

Amy Reynolds, the University of North Carolina at Chapel




The students then will make a mind map, using

Mindmeister (,

(, or CMap ( where

they explain what descriptive and prescriptive rules are and

how they are different.




October 22

October 29

The students will write an essay where they provide an

answer to the following statement:



In case the students need some guidance, here is the website

How to Write an Essay, from the Harvard College Writing


structure. The students will be able to analyze how to write

an essay.

The students can also check the material Organizing Brief


erpt.pdf (PDF provided on the SEA site) to have a clearer

idea of how to write their essays.

Plan de trabajo de la asignatura Syntax and Stylistics:


Licenciatura en Enseñanza de Alemán, Inglés, Español, Francés e Italiano como Lengua Extranjera (LICEL)

LEI María Guadalupe López Arroyo


2 Forum 2

5 October 1 –

November 5

November 12 The students will be given specific instructions to

participate in the forum; they will be granted marks

depending on the level of reflection, understanding and

interest they show; the marks will be granted after the

student has commented on at least two of their classmates’



Concepts (online publication -



November 12

November 19

The students will read the chapter Language and Social

Variation in The Study of Language, 4th Edition pages

253-260 and create an Issuu (

publication that includes the following items:

Speech community

Social dialects

Social markers

Speech style



Register and jargon

The publication must include the following:

✓ A short introduction about the concepts in general.

✓ A definition of each concept.

✓ At least one image (with the due credit or source)

to illustrate each concept.

✓ A short text explaining why English teachers

should (or should not) teach these concepts to their

EFL students.

✓ A short conclusion.

✓ The sources and references used, in APA format.

The students must use their own words to create their

publications. Using other sources of information (EXCEPT

Plan de trabajo de la asignatura Syntax and Stylistics:


Licenciatura en Enseñanza de Alemán, Inglés, Español, Francés e Italiano como Lengua Extranjera (LICEL)

LEI María Guadalupe López Arroyo


Wikipedia) is allowed, as long as the sources are cited


Example of Issuu publication:


For help and advice on how to use Issuu, the students can

see the following sites:

How to upload and publish on Issuu,


Tutorial Issuu (video),


Forum 3 5 October 8 –

November 19

November 24 The students will be given specific instructions to

participate in the forum; they will be granted marks

depending on the level of reflection, understanding and

interest they show; the marks will be granted after the

student has commented on at least two of their classmates’

contributions. The teacher will also give a wrap-up

comment for the end of the course.

Evaluación objetiva por



Consulta el

calendario de

exámenes al

final del


Plan de trabajo de la asignatura Syntax and Stylistics:


Licenciatura en Enseñanza de Alemán, Inglés, Español, Francés e Italiano como Lengua Extranjera (LICEL)

LEI María Guadalupe López Arroyo


Calificación final 100

*Agregue tantas líneas como rubros tenga

Plan de trabajo de la asignatura Syntax and Stylistics:


Licenciatura en Enseñanza de Alemán, Inglés, Español, Francés e Italiano como Lengua Extranjera (LICEL)

LEI María Guadalupe López Arroyo



• Trabajo individual y en equipo: All the activities will be done individually. The students will be allowed to ask their teacher for help, guidance,

advice, suggestions, etc. before the deadline.

• Entrega de trabajos y/o aplicación de exámenes: The assignments will be sent by e-mail and the students will get feedback via e-mail too.

The final test will be online, on SAE,on the specific date at the end of the course.

• Penalización por entrega tardía: In case a student has to/needs to hand in a piece of homework after the deadline, they have to arrange a date

with the teacher beforehand in order to have a specific delivery date. However, late deliveries will be penalized, and will not be granted full

marks. That is, if the maximum score is 5, a late delivery will be marked on the basis of 3 points maximum, and if the score is 10, the maximum

grade the piece will be granted will be 8.

• Comunicación con alumnos: Contact between the teacher and the students will be via the SAE website and e-mail.

• Política contra el plagio (Plagiarism warning): Every written assignment must be developed after carefully reading the provided

material and doing the necessary research, and it must be original, completely made by the students. Plagiarism is a very serious

offence, and any student who plagiarizes will face consequences, depending on the extent of plagiarism in their assignments.

Plagiarizing is a dishonest action, and it involves taking someone else’s work and passing it as our own work, without giving credit to

the original author. This can range from not citing an author (a person or an institution) whose ideas are included in an assignment, to

copying and pasting full paragraphs from books, articles or webpages, to downloading or copying complete papers. The consequences

can be a zero in the assignment or even failing the whole course. There might be cases where Acatlán can (and will) take legal action

against students who plagiarize someone else’s work.

• Redondeo de calificaciones finales: Marks will be rounded up from .5. For instance, if a student gets a 7.5 as an average, the final mark will be

8; if it is 7.4 or lower, the final mark will be 7.

• Recomendaciones generales: Whenever the students find sources different from those recommended on the website, they must be properly

cited in order to avoid any suspicion of plagiarism; besides, when the students include information from other sources, they should also comment

on that content; that is, the mere quoting will not suffice to explain a concept or contribute to the work during the course if the students do not

make comments or expand on what they quoted. On the other hand, in case any of the recommended materials (the ones the teacher will provide

the students with) has any kind of trouble, the students must inform the teacher immediately in order to avoid delays. It is strongly recommended

that the students NOT USE Wikipedia, as it’s a website that non-experts might edit, rendering the information unreliable.

Plan de trabajo de la asignatura Syntax and Stylistics:


Licenciatura en Enseñanza de Alemán, Inglés, Español, Francés e Italiano como Lengua Extranjera (LICEL)

LEI María Guadalupe López Arroyo




Presentación/Objetivo específico de la unidad: The students will become acquainted with terminology related to syntax; they will also be able to apply that

knowledge to syntactic analysis and incorporate the study of meaning into language analysis.

Fuentes de consulta


Temas que se abordan en la


Orientaciones para el estudio

Online text: How to avoid plagiarism – Harvard Guide,

id=icb.page342057, retrieved on July 2nd, 2015.

Short text that explains what

plagiarism is and how to avoid


The students will be asked to read the text in order to

reflect before starting the mandatory activities of the

course. They will be encouraged to bear in mind the

consequences of plagiarism in their academic career.

The History of Syntax, by Peter W. Culicover

Aspects of the Theory of Syntax, by Noam Chomsky

Both PDFs will be given to the students via the SAE site.

History of the study of syntax

and the Generative Grammar


The students will answer specific questions about the

content of the texts in order to have an overview of the

study of syntax and how Chomsky’s theory works.

APA Formats, 6th Edition,

Guide to use the APA system to


The students should resort to this file (provided on the

SEA site) to verify that they are citing sources correctly.


Presentación/Objetivo específico de la unidad: The students will become familiar with the terminology related to the topics of study (syntactic analysis)

and will also be able to distinguish and analyze the essential features of phrase structure trees, which represent constituent structure.

Fuentes de consulta


Temas que se abordan en la


Orientaciones para el estudio

Generative Grammar by Carnie. The PDF will be

provided via the SAE site.

Syntactic theory; examples of

syntactical analysis and different

trends in the analysis of

sentences, as well as the

difference between prescriptive

and descriptive rules in syntax.

The students will apply basic critical thinking skills to do a task

related to descriptive and prescriptive rules in the English

grammar and their relationship with syntactical study.

Plan de trabajo de la asignatura Syntax and Stylistics:


Licenciatura en Enseñanza de Alemán, Inglés, Español, Francés e Italiano como Lengua Extranjera (LICEL)

LEI María Guadalupe López Arroyo


Generative Grammar by Carnie. The PDF will be

provided via the SAE site.

The importance of grammar and

why rules exist (if they exist,

that is).

The students will be asked to write an essay about grammar

rules and whether they are relevant to English teaching or not.

They will be provided the link to a website that explains how to

write an essay.


Objetivo de la unidad: The students will be able to distinguish the difference between style and register in the English language. The students will also be

able to analyze and classify written and spoken language according to their specific style and/or register.

Orientaciones para el estudio Temas que se abordan en la


Orientaciones para el estudio

Language and Social Variation in The Study of

Language, 4th Edition pages 253-260. The students

will be given the PDF via the SAE website.

Sociolinguistics, social variation,

and speech. Speech changes

depending on social context.

The students will create an online publication with the most

relevant items related to the socio-linguistic study of language

variation depending on social factors.

Copie o elimine tablas de acuerdo con el número de unidades de su programa.



Carnie, Andrew. 2002. Syntax: A Generative Introduction. 2nd Edition. Blackwell.

Coupland, N. (n.d.). Style – Language Variation and Identity. Retrieved July 2, 2015 from

Moravickik, E. A. (2006) An Introduction to Syntactic Analysis. London: Continuum Chapter 1, pp. 1-35., retrieved July 2, 20015.

Plan de trabajo de la asignatura Syntax and Stylistics:


Licenciatura en Enseñanza de Alemán, Inglés, Español, Francés e Italiano como Lengua Extranjera (LICEL)

LEI María Guadalupe López Arroyo


Newson, Mark (2006) Basic English Syntax with Exercises Chapter 2 pp. 57-68 Bölcsész Konzorcium HEFOP Iroda H-1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt.

4/A. ISBN 963 9704 70 9, retrieved July 2, 2015.

Patrick, P.L. (n.d.). Notes on the Sociolinguistics of Style (-Shifting). Retrieved July 2, 2015, from

Schiffman, H. (1997). Linguistic register. Retrieved July 2, 2015, from

Schiffman, H. (2004). Examples of linguistic registers. Retrieved July 2, 20015, from

Van Valin R. D. (2001). An Introduction to Syntax. Cambridge: CUP


CMap Tools,

Descriptive vs. Prescriptive Rules (n.d.) The LingEducator Blog, retrieved from:


Fun with Structural Ambiguity (n.d),

Heycock, Caroline [edinburghLangScience] (2015, June 28). Generative Syntax 1.1: Prescriptive and Descriptive Rules [video file], retrieved from:



Organizing Brief Essays (PDF) (n.d.), retrieved from:


Reynolds, A. (2016). Understanding Prescriptive vs. Descriptive Grammar. The Univesity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Retrieved from:

Plan de trabajo de la asignatura Syntax and Stylistics:


Licenciatura en Enseñanza de Alemán, Inglés, Español, Francés e Italiano como Lengua Extranjera (LICEL)

LEI María Guadalupe López Arroyo




Semana Semana (fecha) Unidad Temas, lecturas o actividades


August 14-20 1 Introduction and welcome to the course. The students will be given the first texts for assignments:

The History of Syntax, by Peter W. Culicover

Aspects of the Theory of Syntax, by Noam Chomsky.

The students will be given information on plagiarism and how to avoid it (from How to avoid

plagiarism – Harvard Guide,; they will read the

text before starting any activities in the course.

The students are not expected to hand in activities before August 14.


August 14-20 1 The students will make a concept map including some syntactical theories and how they work; the

students must use their own words.

The students will read the following texts (PDF):

The History of Syntax, by Peter W. Culicover

Aspects of the Theory of Syntax, by Noam Chomsky. The students can skim the texts in order to

find relevant information. The use of different websites (EXCEPT Wikipedia) is allowed, as long as

the students cite the original source of information correctly. It is important that the students use

their own words in the task; plagiarism will be penalized. The students will be given information on

plagiarism and how to avoid it (from How to avoid plagiarism – Harvard Guide,; they will read the

text before starting any activities in the course.

The students will be able to participate in Forum 1 as of August 21.

3 August 21-27 1 On August 27 the students will get feedback on their first task and will start preparing for the second

task (exercise for September 4). The students will read the explanation of Structural Ambiguity,

Plan de trabajo de la asignatura Syntax and Stylistics:


Licenciatura en Enseñanza de Alemán, Inglés, Español, Francés e Italiano como Lengua Extranjera (LICEL)

LEI María Guadalupe López Arroyo


page 98 in The Study of Language, 4th Edition, by George Yule (the students will be given the

PDF), as well as the text Fun with Structural Ambiguity (the students will be given the PDF) and will

do the following tasks:

The students will read the explanation of Structural Ambiguity, page 98 in The Study of

Language, 4th Edition, by George Yule (the students will be given the PDF), as well as some

examples and further explanations from Fun with Structural Ambiguity

(, the file will be available on the SEA

site), and will do the following tasks:

Create a presentation where you explain what structural ambiguity is and what lexical ambiguity


In the same presentation, include five sentences that are structurally ambiguous and explain the

possible meanings each sentence can have due to its surface structure. These sentences should be,

as long as possible, original; if not, the students can take sentences from other sources, provided that

they cite the sources of information correctly.

The presentation will be made in either PowerPoint, Prezi (, or Emaze


Forum 1 will be open as of August 21.


August 28-September


1 The students will read the explanation of Structural Ambiguity, page 98 in The Study of

Language, 4th Edition, by George Yule (the students will be given the PDF) and will do the

following tasks:

The students will read the explanation of Structural Ambiguity, page 98 in The Study of

Language, 4th Edition, by George Yule (the students will be given the PDF), as well as some

examples and further explanations from Fun with Structural Ambiguity

(, the file will be available on the SEA

site), and will do the following tasks:

Create a presentation where you explain what structural ambiguity is and what lexical ambiguity


In the same presentation, include five sentences that are structurally ambiguous and explain the

possible meanings each sentence can have due to its surface structure. These sentences should be,

as long as possible, original; if not, the students can take sentences from other sources, provided that

they cite the sources of information correctly.

Plan de trabajo de la asignatura Syntax and Stylistics:


Licenciatura en Enseñanza de Alemán, Inglés, Español, Francés e Italiano como Lengua Extranjera (LICEL)

LEI María Guadalupe López Arroyo


The presentation will be made in either PowerPoint, Prezi (, or Emaze


The students will hand in their presentations on September 3.

5 September 4-10 1 The students will finish their assignments and hand them in on September 4. The teacher will start

reading and marking them as of September 6.

6 September 11-17 1 The teacher will check and mark the students’ assignments. The students will start reading for their

third task. The students will also start planning how to organize the information for the task. NB

September 15 and 16 are days off.


September 18-24 1, 2 On September 24, the teacher will give feedback to students on their last task. This week, the

students will read the information for their next task. The students will do the following task:

The students read and listen to information about prescriptive and descriptive rules from the

following sources:

Descriptive vs prescriptive rules – The LingEducator Blog,

Generative Syntax 1.1: Prescriptive and Descriptive Rules (video) – Linguistics and English

Language at the University of Edinburgh,

Understanding Prescriptive vs Descriptive Grammar – Amy Reynolds, the University of North

Carolina at Chapel Hill,


The students then will make a mind map, using Mindmeister (, (, or CMap ( where they explain what descriptive

and prescriptive rules are and how they are different.


September 25-

October 1

2 The students will keep working on their mind map about prescriptive and descriptive rules and will

be able to ask any questions before the deadline. The teacher will be available for them to send any

drafts or to ask any questions before handing in their assignments. The students will be able to

participate in Forum 2 as of October 1.


October 2-8 2 The students will finish their maps about descriptive and prescriptive rules and send them to their

teacher on October 2. The days before the deadline, the students will be able to ask any questions or

double-check anything they need for their assignments to be complete and corrected. As of October

3, the students will be able to start participating in the Unit 2 Forum. They must keep an eye on the

calendar not to miss the dates the forum will be open. The students will be given feedback on

October 8.

Plan de trabajo de la asignatura Syntax and Stylistics:


Licenciatura en Enseñanza de Alemán, Inglés, Español, Francés e Italiano como Lengua Extranjera (LICEL)

LEI María Guadalupe López Arroyo



October 9-15 2 The students will start preparing the essay based on Carnie (Generative Grammar); they will read

the section that begins with “Do Rules Really Exist?” pages 8 and 9, and write an essay where they

provide their answer to the following statement:


In case the students need some guidance, here is the website How to Write an Essay, from the

Harvard College Writing Center, The

students will be able to analyze how to write an essay.

The students can also check the material Organizing Brief Essays, (PDF provided on the SEA site)

to have a clearer idea of how to write their essays.

This task is due October 222.

11 October 16-22 2 The students will be able to ask any questions before the essay deadline. The teacher will be

available for questions and comments before the deadline of the essay. The students will hand in

their essays on October 22.

12 October 23-29 2 The students are expected to keep an eye on Forum 2 and ask any questions or make any comments

about their tasks so far. NB November 1 and 2 are days off.


November 3-7 2, 3 The teacher will start checking and marking the students’ essays. Meanwhile, the students will start

preparing the last task.

The students will read the chapter Language and Social Variation in The Study of Language, 4th

Edition pages 253-260 and create an Issuu ( publication that includes the

following items:

Speech community

Social dialects

Social markers

Speech style



Register and jargon

The publication must include the following:

✓ A short introduction about the concepts in general.

Plan de trabajo de la asignatura Syntax and Stylistics:


Licenciatura en Enseñanza de Alemán, Inglés, Español, Francés e Italiano como Lengua Extranjera (LICEL)

LEI María Guadalupe López Arroyo


✓ A definition of each concept.

✓ At least one image (with the due credit or source) to illustrate each concept.

✓ A short text explaining why English teachers should (or should not) teach these concepts to

their EFL students.

✓ A short conclusion.

✓ The sources and references used, in APA format.

The students must use their own words to create their publications. Using other sources of

information (EXCEPT Wikipedia) is allowed, as long as the sources are cited correctly.

Example of Issuu publication:

For help and advice on how to use Issuu, the students can see the following sites:

How to upload and publish on Issuu,


Tutorial Issuu (video),

14 November 8-12 3 The students will be able to check their progress in their publications with the teacher before the

deadline. The teacher will be available for questions and comments before the deadline. The concept

map is due on November 12.

15 November 13-19 3 The teacher will start checking and marking the students’ publications as of November 19. The

students will start checking their materials, their tasks, scores, etc., to get ready for the final test.


November 20-24 1-3 The students will be able to ask the teacher any final questions regarding the materials, the contents,

the scores they got, etc., before the final exam in order to check for point averages and general

feedback on the course. The final tests will be from November 27 to December 8; the students must

check with their teachers for the date of their tests.

NB November 20 is a day off.

Todos los semestres tienen 16 semanas efectivas de asesorías y todas deben estar programadas en esta tabla.

Si es semestre primavera, incluya una semana más de vacaciones e indíquela como tal. Asimismo, indique los días feriados que coinciden con sus asesorías de


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