Page 1: Planning and Prioritizing Your Next PRM Enhancement

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Curtis Brinkerhoff

Planning & Prioritizing Your Next

PRM Enhancement

Page 2: Planning and Prioritizing Your Next PRM Enhancement


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Page 3: Planning and Prioritizing Your Next PRM Enhancement

“The biggest threat to innovation is internal politics

and an organizational culture, which doesn’t

accept failure and/or doesn’t accept ideas from

outside, and/or cannot change.” Source: Gartner Innovation Survey

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Page 4: Planning and Prioritizing Your Next PRM Enhancement


Change Behavior

Desired Outcome

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Three Areas to Address


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tun·nel vi·sionˈtənl ˌviZHn/noun

1. defective sight in which objects cannot be properly seen if not close to the center of the field of view.

•informalthe tendency to focus exclusively on a single or limited goal or point of view.

What is your plan?

Existing process?

What is your desired outcome?

What you don’t know

Where are the gaps

Page 6: Planning and Prioritizing Your Next PRM Enhancement

Everyone has a wish-list

Overwhelmed by what’s available

Give it to me now

What are you doing for me?

What you aren’t doing

Don’t want to duplicate work

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Page 7: Planning and Prioritizing Your Next PRM Enhancement

Companies and partners have:




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How You Change Behavior


Page 8: Planning and Prioritizing Your Next PRM Enhancement

Accept the idea that change is necessary

How are you planning for change?

Market leaders assess and adopt meaningful technology

Gain 50% market share before laggards are in the game

Who do you focus on?

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The Only Constant is Change


Page 9: Planning and Prioritizing Your Next PRM Enhancement

Align with executive Goals

Brand and Purpose

Quantify the outcome


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Technology, Process and People enable


Easy to use

How is success measured?

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Understand the Outcome


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Has large impact to business and $$$

Aligned with business priority

Your area leads change & growth

Create a culture and reputation

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Understand the Outcome


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