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Page 1: Planning booklet

Digital Graphic Narrative Planning

Use this booklet to help structure your planning and collate your planning documents.


There are lots of things to consider in this project. Fill out each section in detail to show you have thought about each one. You should imagine that this is a live project, so considerations like cost, quantity and codes of practice must be thought about in that context rather than just as a college project.

Costs:There will be no production cost for my children’s book, as the only real resources that I have been frequently using to make my illustrations/fonts are Photoshop and, which for me in my current situation I can use for free. But if this were a real life production I understand that I might have to purchase the Photoshop software and the rights to use certain fonts for commercial use on Also, I might have to get a publisher on board with the production aspect of the work which maybe the most costly thing in real productionAvailable resources:There are many different resources available to me like software such as Photoshop and even equipment like camera to photograph certain scenes, scanners to digitalise any drawings that I might have done previously to maybe have as the foundations of my illustrations. Which I will use to obtain tools such as the shaping tool and the polygonal lasso tool

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Quantity:If my child’s book were to go through complete production with a publisher attached, I would have to consider the quantity of how many are being made. If my book were to be mass produced they would be printed in masses of hundreds and thousands whereas if a larger publishing company were to produce my book there is a chance that it could be available in different countries translating the story to different languages to make it globally available.

Audience and Target Market:My book is based at about 4-7 year olds who have either been learning to read by someone reading aloud to them or have picked up the book themselves to learn how to read basic words, my book isn’t generally based at a particular class but I would think maybe middle class (C1-B) is around the average type of parent who would purchase a reading book for their children or any class above. My book with both story and illustrations is not aimed at one particular gender as I want it as widely suitable/accessible for my audience as possible

Quality Factors:I feel that there are many different aspects I can look out for to make sure that my work is as good as possible; this can include subjects such as time, attendance and effort. I could for one ensure that I am using all the available time I have been given to produce my work wisely rather than wasting it and coming to the deadline with work that could have been better produced if I had spent more time on it. Also, I can make sure that I am attending all of my lessons to get my work done there because for one I would be losing time and two, I can not make up for that time at home because I do not have the software to do so. Finally, if I do not put the right amount of effort into my work having a perfect attendance and all the time wouldn’t matter because my work wouldn’t be up to standard and may seem rushed.Codes of Practice:I have acknowledged the codes of practice of 2010 and considered them as guidelines for book publishers; if I were doing this book in full production I would have a lot more to consider when reading this file. For example, I would have to ensure that I am paying any royalty fees on the fonts I used, for if I were to go on and download a font that states that it isn’t to be used for commercial use I would have to pay the producer of that font royalty’s so there isn’t a copyright infringement fine etc. Secondly, the deadline would also be critical because if I were to have this published, the publisher/s would have a set date that they wanted for production and every time I missed a deadline they would remove more and more money from the production until it is complete and if it is completed within a certain duration of time they may pull production all together.

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There are few ways in which a publisher could pull production but it is stated in the codes of practice that they can not do so without proper reasoning, production could be pulled on the case that the work isn’t completed in time, the quality of work is below suspected standards or if the work produced is considered illegal or defamation.Regulation:My book does not fall under the definition of a toy and therefore is not compliant with the new toy safety directive of 2009 and also the content of my work is not obscene or prejudice in a sense that it would then apply the obscene publications act of 1959 or the equality act of 2010.It does on the other hand apply to the display screen equipment regulations of 1992 because due to the fact that I am required to make my illustrations on Photoshop I will have to remain looking at the computer screen for around 3 hours, I would therefore looking at the regulation be required to take regular breaks.

Copyright:Due to my story being so old and the authors being deceased for over 70 years the copyright on there work no longer applies but if I were to use an existing story or one with too many similarities to one, the author of this story could sue for copyright infringement.Also, I would have to consider in production what type of font I will be using. Whether or not they are free, only free for personal use not commercial or one that you have to pay for before you can download it.

Ethical Issues:Overall, I believe that my work is fine when it comes to cultural sensitivity, as it does not have any content in the story or in the illustrations that would need to be cut out to not offend someone. But I have considered factors that may be seen as ethical issues in some other folklore/fairytale cases, which have come around because of the original stories being so raw. These factors include sexism, violence toward a particular race, racism, religious aspects, characters being prejudice towards each other and poverty.

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Resources:A successful project relies on good planning. Considering all the resources you will need for a project and then assessing which you already have and which you need will help ensure you are ready to start your project.

If there is a resource you don’t currently have, then consider how you are going to get it before you go in to production.

Resource:Do you have it? What do you need to do to get it?

Computer  Yes  Come into college

 Photoshop  Yes  CS6 on college computers or express at home

 Script  Yes  On the computer at home and on my memory stick

 Storyboard  Yes A physical copy college and a scanned version on my memory pen



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Production Schedule:Delivering your project on time is vital. In order to do this, you need a solid plan of action. This will help you divide up your work in to manageable chunks to be tackled one at a time. It will also allow you to plan which tasks need to be done in which order. It will also allow you to track your progress each day. If you are falling behind, you will need to modify the way you work. If you work faster than expected, you can clearly see what the next steps you need to take are.

Each session is a half day of college.

Session 1:

 Plan out character appearance

 Do page 1 scene of the workshop

 Complete page 1 of the shoemaker in the workshop

 And text for that section of the story to the scene

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Session 2:

 Do page 2 scene and character/s in the scene with the bed tattered

 Add detail e.g. shading, shadowing and the window light etc.

 Add text for that section of the story to the scene


Session 3:

 Do page 3 scene and character/s in the scene of the workshop like the first page

 Add detail e.g. shading, shadowing etc.

 Add text for that section of the story to the scene


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Session 4:

 Do page 4 scene and character/s in the scene of the exchange over the table

 Add detail e.g. shading, shadowing and detailing on the hands etc.

 Add text for that section of the story to the scene


Session 5:

 Do page 5 scene and character/s in the scene of the workshop like page 1 and 3

 Add detail e.g. shading, shadowing and happier face of the shoemaker etc.

 Add text for that section of the story to the scene


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Session 6:

 Do page 6 scene and character/s in the more detailed, richer scene

 Add detail e.g. shading, shadowing and all the components added to show the new wealth of the characters like the curtains etc.

 Add text for that section of the story to the scene


Session 7:

 Do page 7 scene and character/s hiding behind the shoe shelf in the previous scene

 Add detail e.g. shading, shadowing etc.

 Add text for that section of the story to the scene


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Session 8:

 Do page 8 scene, character/s and introduction of the elves in the previous scene

 Add detail e.g. shading, shadowing and shocked expressions of the shoemaker and his wife etc.

 Add text for that section of the story to the scene


Session 9:

 Do page 9 scene and character/s in the scene but removing some elements to make it seem like a new room

 Add detail e.g. shading, shadowing etc.

 Add text for that section of the story to the scene


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Session 10:

 Do page 10 and 11 scene same as previous and add elves and character/s in the scene before

 Add detail e.g. shading, shadowing, musical notes and happy expressions etc.

 Add text for that section of the story to the scene


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Health and safety:Your health and safety and that of those around you is very important. Just like in industry, an accident could prevent you from working. Whilst we don’t work in a highly dangerous environment, there are still risks. Some are short term, such as trips and spillages whilst others, such as long term damage to eyesight or back problems, may affect you much later in life.

Consider the risks based on the activities you will be undertaking during the project. Explain how you could prevent them from happening.

Ensure you reference appropriate pieces of legislation, design to protect people at work.

Health and Safety Issue How can you prevent it?

 Whereas the Display screen equipment regulations 1992 does because I will be required to sit down at a computer for long lengths of time creating my work, this could prove as a health issue for my back and my eyesight

 I can prevent eye and back health issues by taking regular breaks away from computer to stand up and not spend too much time looking at ‘alphanumeric or graphic display screens’ as stated by gov.uk

  Control of Substances Hazardous to Health regulations

 I am not using any hazardous substances in my production so the ‘Control of Substances Hazardous to Health regulations’ does not apply to my work.

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