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Digital Graphic Narrative Planning

Use this booklet to help structure your planning and collate your planning documents.


There are lots of things to consider in this project. Fill out each section in detail to show you have thought about each one. You should imagine that this is a live project, so considerations like cost, quantity and codes of practice must be thought about in that context rather than just as a college project.


I am not planning to use any camera or art equipment with my project and I will be doing the whole project digitally. All of the equipment will be provided for me.

Available resources:

The biggest recourse I have is the college computer, which is what I have been using to plan my ideas whist, also research what story I will be adapting. I also have my script which I will be adding text to when I finish animating the pages as well as my storyboard so I know what order of pages to put my images in.

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A professional publishing company does not fund me so I am planning a special addition of no more than 10 books one of them will be my raw version.

Audience and Target Market:

I am aiming my target audience to be 3 to 5 years old of both boys and girls. I feel like the book is accessible to kids of both ages and there is nothing in the book that could be considered inappropriate.

Quality Factors:

I have to make sure that I am fully focused when working and to be sure I am not procrastinating especially when I am doing the actual production. I find wearing headphones to be useful as it helps me block out everything around me so I a not distracted by everything around me. I may also listen to music as well.

Codes of Practice:

The codes of practice are not really relevant in the project I am working on but they will be if I am working with a publisher and it is important that the publisher and I are on the same page in terms of the vision we both have for the book and how much of the success we share. It is important that we get an equal share of the profits.

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The book will also be judged by its content. A book that falls under the definition of a toy will have to be compliant with the new Toy safety directive of sold to the European market


If I am working on a story that has already been written before I would have to ask the authors permission to use the their story and work it in a different way while also paying the author to use that original work. However because I am adapting a story that has been told through many different people for years and the author is most likely diseased their copyright has expired I do not have to worry about copyright or worry about gaining permission from someone. However I may get sued for using fonts but luckily I can find fonts for free online without having to worry about realising my book with a copyrighted font. I have also have the copyright for my images so I don’t pick out existing ones from other people.Ethical Issues:

I do not see how my book could offend anyone. its incredibly simplistic and very easy to follow and its very short as well. There is nothing in my book that needs any investigation regarding ethical issues.

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Resources:A successful project relies on good planning. Considering all the resources you will need for a project and then assessing which you already have and which you need will help ensure you are ready to start your project.

If there is a resource you don’t currently have, then consider how you are going to get it before you go in to production.

Resource:Do you have it? What do you need to do to get it?

Computer (mac)  Yes

 Storyboard.  Yes

 Script.  yes

 Pens  yes

 Pencils  Yes

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Production Schedule:Delivering your project on time is vital. In order to do this, you need a solid plan of action. This will help you divide up your work in to manageable chunks to be tackled one at a time. It will also allow you to plan which tasks need to be done in which order. It will also allow you to track your progress each day. If you are falling behind, you will need to modify the way you work. If you work faster than expected, you can clearly see what the next steps you need to take are.

Each session is a half day of college.

Session 1:

 Create my first page.

 Download some font and choose a appropriate space to pit it in

 Decide what visual style I am going with.

 Read my final script to see if I am happy withSession 2:

 Create page 2

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 Create a bridge using pixel art.

 Learn how to keep everything consistent in terms of colour and character design

 Contingency time.

Session 3:

 Create page 3

 Learn how to do a river using the pixel art and make it not look like the sky.

 Contingency time

 Contingency timeSession 4:

 Create page 4

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 Keep everything the same as page 3

 Keep up so I can make page 5 so that I am not behind.

 Contingency time

Session 5:

 Create page 5 which is the same as both page 3 and 4

 Make everything the same as the others. Make everything consistent

 Contingency time

 Contingency timeSession 6:

 Create page 6

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 Go back on the other pages and look for inconsistent details to fix.

 Contingency time

 Contingency time

Session 7:

 Create Page 7

 Create the same pages as 4,5,6 but make the sky dark blue for night and make a moon.

 Bring back the font. Put it in a free space in the page.

 Contingency timeSession 8:

 Create page 8 (final page)

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Make this page is the same as 2 but backwards along with a dark sky or moon

 Contingency time

 Contingency time.

Session 9:

Check back on my final project and see what I am happy with and what should be changed.

 Contingency time

 Contingency time

 Contingency timeSession 10:

 Finish everything off even if I am not complete with some stuff

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 Contingency time

 Contingency time

 Contingency time.

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Health and safety:Your health and safety and that of those around you is very important. Just like in industry, an accident could prevent you from working. Whilst we don’t work in a highly dangerous environment, there are still risks. Some are short term, such as trips and spillages whilst others, such as long term damage to eyesight or back problems, may affect you much later in life.

Consider the risks based on the activities you will be undertaking during the project. Explain how you could prevent them from happening.

Ensure you reference appropriate pieces of legislation, design to protect people at work.

Health and Safety Issue How can you prevent it?

 People may trip over the bags lying on the floor or stumble over the chairs.

 Place my bag and my chair under the table so that there is nothing in people’s way.

 I may sit too close to the computer, which may cause an eye sore.

 Take a break from the computer but also arrange seating position.

 My back hurts from sitting badly.  Take a break but also sit straight.

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 I get a shock from the computer.  Be firm with the computer or don’t touch it at all.

 I loose my work  Save every 10 minutes.

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