

Role What is required Person Chosen for the RoleLead Male A young man who is attractive

and dresses in casual clothing. The actor should have the acting ability to look stressed and angry. He should have dark hair and facial hair to make him appear dishevelled or unkempt. The actor must also have the ability to be able to stage hit the Lead Female in a realistic portrayal of domestic abuse.

Rory Murphy (the boyfriend of Holly Riley). It is important that he is comfortable with the other actor.

Lead Female A young female who is fashionably dressed, and wears a lot of makeup so she appears sophisticated. This is to contrast the representation of Lead Male. The actor has to be able to portray worry and pain very well in order for the abuse to look as realistic as possible.

Holly Riley (myself, the girlfriend of Rory Murphy). This will help her with acting because she will be comfortable with her fellow actor.

Cameraperson/Director Someone who can use and handle professional equipment with care and consideration. A person who understands how to position and frame a shot for maximum effectiveness when filming. The director should have the ability to communicate their ideas across to the actors and have a clear vision of what they want.

Kelsey Purdy ( my media partner) who attends acting classes where she has been taught how to handle equipment and film projects previously.

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