Page 1: Plastic bags dengours for human
Page 2: Plastic bags dengours for human


Education awareness the usage of Plastic bagsPollution reductionReduce diseases Empower

Create Job opportunities Capacity building Stitching Center Development

Plantation promotion Agriculture Promotion Educational awareness the benefit of paper and fabric

shopping bags.

Page 3: Plastic bags dengours for human

LIGHT OF LIFE PROJECTSAlmost every market that you go today, you will see

people carrying their shopping items in plastic bags. Right from food items to clothes to shoes, there is hardly any item that we do not use a plastic bag to carry. However, before stuffing your home with different styles, colors and shapes of plastic bags, have you every considered the dangers that are inherent in using them? No? Then, reading through this article is a must for you. Go through the following lines and explore the disadvantages of plastic bags. After reading them, we are sure that you will prefer sticking to cloths bags and the like.

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LIGHT OF LIFE PROJECTSPlastic carryout bags are made in a number of different

sizes and thicknesses and are typically manufactured from either high density polyethylene (HDPE – plastic #2) or from low density polyethylene (LDPE – plastic #4). The LDPE bags are thicker and are generally used by department stores and other commercial retail outlets. The HDPE bags are typically thinner, cheaper and are used much more widely by supermarkets, pharmacies, convenience stores and restaurants. These bags are termed “single-use” bags because they are designed and intended for one-time use for customers to carry their purchases from the store, followed by disposal

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LIGHT OF LIFE PROJECTS Plastic bags have been known to cause a lot of environmental

damage. A single plastic bag can take up to 1000 years, As per Marrickville Council of Australia, as many as 100,000

whales, turtles and birds die have been reported to die every year, mainly because of plastic in their environment.

Not only animals, infants and young children have also been reported to have lost their life, on account of plastic bags. Since plastic bags are thin and airtight as well, children often end up blocking their mouths and nostrils with them. In case they are not being monitored by an adult, this leads to suffocation and, in some cases, even death

Plastic bags are extremely durable. In case you are thinking of this as an advantage, just bring to mind an image of the huge landfill that you visited on the city outskirts, the other day. In most probability, majority of the rubbish present there will comprise of plastic bags only.

Since plastic bags are not bio-degradable, the only way to get rid of them is to burn them up. Though lighting a match to them is easy, it has more than its fair share of disadvantages. The biggest of them is that smoldering plastics can release toxic fumes into the environment, in turn taking the air pollution to much higher levels.

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LIGHT OF LIFE PROJECTS One of the main disadvantages of plastic bags is that they are not

renewable. The reason behind this is that they are made of petrochemicals, a non-renewable source of energy. They can be recycled, but not as easily as paper bags. Plastic bags can last for as much as hundred of years. In other words, long after you are no more, the plastic bag used by you will be in existence.

Each year, an estimated 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide.  That's over one million plastic bags used per minute.

According to the World Watch Institute’s State of the World report.Some 4 to 5 trillion plastic bags—including large trash bags, thick shopping bags,  and thin grocery bags—were produced globally.

Roughly 80 percent of those bags were used in North America and Western Europe.  Every year, Americans reportedly throw away 100 billion plastic grocery bag

The use of over 12 million barrels of oil to produce plastic bags, the deaths of thousands of marine animals through ingestion and entanglement, the billions of bags that end up as litter each year and the fact that plastic breaks into toxic bits that foul soil, waterways and the food web.

Plastic bags are made from oil: it takes about 430,000 gallons of oil to produce 100 million plastic bags.

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LIGHT OF LIFE PROJECTSMany US$ are spending for making Plastic Bags

Sr. No. Description Number / Amount

1Estimated Population of Pakistan


2 Estimated Family size of Pakistan7

3 Estimated household in Pakistan 28,571,428.57

4 Estimated Plastic Bags are using in Pakistan each household in Each Day 3.5

5 Estimated Plastic bags are using in Pakistan 100,000,000.00

6 Days in a year 365

7 Estimate Plastic Bags are using in a year in one household1277.5

8 Estimated population using Plastic bags in a year 127,750,000,000.00

9 The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) expects that the Brent crude oil spot price will average $102 per barrel over the second half of 2013, and $100 102

10 An estimated 12 million barrels of oil is required to make that many plastic bags. 12,000,000.00

11 Estimated cost in US$ in 1 billion and two hundred and twenty four million US$ is require to make plastic bags


12 Each year, an estimated 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide. That's over one million plastic bags used per minute.


13 One thousand three hundred and Ninety two Billion US$ are require for making 1 trillion Plastic Making


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LIGHT OF LIFE PROJECTSSpending us$ for Education and Health

In 2001 US$784 billion were spent on primary education around the world

Total global expenditure for health US$ 4.1 trillion

Total global expenditure for health per person per year: US$ 639

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LIGHT OF LIFE PROJECTSFrom outer space, the earth looks like a

“blue” planet because most of its surface is covered by water. But only 2.5% of that water is fresh, and most of that lies frozen and inaccessible in the icecaps and Greenland, leaving less than 1% of fresh water accessible in lakes, river channels and underground.

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LIGHT OF LIFE PROJECTSHydrologists estimate that the average

annual flow of all the world's fresh water ranges from 35 000 Km3 to 50 000 Km3 . Due to a mix of geographical, environmental and financial factors, as well as to increased pollution from municipal and industrial waste, the leaching of fertilizers and pesticides used in agriculture, only about one-third of the world's potential fresh water can be used for human needs. As pollution increases, the amount of usable water decreases.

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LIGHT OF LIFE PROJECTS3.4 million people, mostly children, die

annually from water-related diseases. Most of these illnesses and deaths can be prevented through simple, inexpensive measures. For instance, trachoma remains the leading cause of preventable blindness, accounting for 146 million acute cases around the world. But the disease is almost unheard of in places where basic water supply, sanitation and hygiene prevail.

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CONCLUSION & SUGGESTIONS Data shows that all over the world health expenditure are 99.94% instead of

education and economic development. Globally educational expenditure are 0.019% and oil consumption expenditure for making plastic bags 0.034%, which are very harmful for the Global environment. Global environment means social values of human being in the area of economic, social & educational values. Most of the under-develop countries people are suffering from hunger, terrorism, social injustice, corruption and many more.

Plastic bags making industry are growing day by day very rapidly. Because of plastic bags usage people are suffering in different diseases. Other side further industries like trees plantation, agriculture, cotton & textile are going down day by day. Human Population is growing very rapidly that is why the demand of plastic items is improving.

Because of world population growing people need more houses, schools, hospitals, commercial centers etc. Housing society are developing, to meet people needs and that we cannot stop. Underdevelopment countries should design strategy for making tower type of housing society instead of landscape type of housing building. In that case we will save more land for producing or growing tress, cotton & agriculture etc.

Tress & cotton are the major needs for making paper and fabrics bags. If we have more trees and cotton then we can produce more paper and fabric bags. We can enhance more job opportunities; we can control diseases & establish more factories for making paper & fabric bags. If the plastic items will ban and trees will grow then we can control pollution.

At this time developed countries give opportunity to the underdeveloped countries like Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh, to produce fabric bags.

Therefore donors agencies should take initiate for promoting fabric bags through small stitching centers


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Thank you very much May God Save our Earth

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