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Pliny 20 Student Vocabulary

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Proficiscor, Proficisci, Profectus Sum

• - To set out, depart, proceeds• Verb

• Derivative:• Sentence: Caesar profecto ad labumum


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Reliquum, Reliqui

• -remainder, residue, rest• Noun

• Derivative: relic - an object or custom remaining from the past.• Sentence: Caesar reliquum in pompeium

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Tremor, Tremoris

• -shudder, quiver• Noun

• Derivative: tremble – to shake, quiver etc• Sentence: terrae sensere tremor

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Sentio, sentire, sensi, sensus

• -perceive, feel, experience• Verb

• Derivative: sense – to feel• Sentence: Caesar milites sensereMalum.

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Everto, evertere, everti, eversus

• - overturn, turn upside down, overthrow• Verb

• Derivative: avert- to turn away• Sentence: Verint ad evertendam Caesarem

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Irrumpo, irrumpere, irrupi, irruptus

• - to break, burst, force• Verb

• Derivative: erupt- to emerge violently, break from restraint

• Sentence: Monte irrupirunt

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Surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectus

• - to rise, lift, grow• Verb

• Derivative: surge- to move forward quickly• Sentence: Caesar surrexit de terra.

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Tego, tegere, texi, tectus

• - to cover, defend• Verb

• Derivative: protect- to keep from being damaged

• Sentence: Caesar operuit caput suum a saggittis

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Tectum, tecti n.

• Noun• House, roof

• Derivative : Protect

• Gaius decidit de tecto.

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Lenio, lenire, lenivi, lenitus

• - Mitigate, moderate, alleviate• Verb

• Derivative: lenient- inclined not to be harsh or strict.• Sentence: caesar levaret dolorem eius

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Posco, poscere, popsci

• - to demand• Verb

• Derivative: • Sentence: Caesar postulat ordo

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Proficiscor, Proficisci, Profectus Sum

• - To set out, depart, proceed• Verb

• Derivative:

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Reliquum, Reliqui

• -remainder, residue, rest• Noun

• Derivative: relic - an object or custom remaining from the past:

• Sentence:

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Tremor, Tremoris

• -shudder, quiver• Noun

• Derivative: tremble – to shake, quiver etc• Sentence:

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Sentio, sentire, sensi, sensus

• -perceive, feel, experience• Verb

• Derivative: sense – to feel• Sentence:

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Everto, evertere, everti, eversus

• - overturn, turn upside down, overthrow• Verb

• Derivative: avert- to turn away• Sentence:

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Irrumpo, irrumpere, irrupi, irruptus

• - to break, burst, force• Verb

• Derivative: erupt- to emerge violently, break from restraint

• Sentence:

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Surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectus

• - to rise, lift, grow• Verb

• Derivative: surge- to move forward quickly• Sentence:

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Tectum, tecti

• - building, roof• noun

• Derivative: protect- to keep from being damaged

• Sentence:

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Lenio, lenire, lenivi, lenitus

• - Mitigate, moderate, alleviate• Verb

• Derivative: lenient- inclined not to be harsh or strict

• Sentence:

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Posco, poscere, poposci

• - to demand• Verb

• Derivative:

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Latin Vocab

By: Sam Little and Theo Watkins

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LegereLego, legere, legi, lectus

• Verb• Legit librum. • LegibleTo Read

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Vituperatvitupero, vituperare, vituperavi, vituperatus

• Verb• Caesar vituperavit Gallos.• VituperativeTo blame

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HoraHora, horae

• Noun• Caesar mortuus est

secundā horā. • Horalogical


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LuxLux, lucis

• Noun• Vidit lucem. • Lucidlight

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Metusmetus, metus

• Noun• Caesar possuit metum in

animo Gallorum. • Meticulous


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Fugerefugio, fugere, fugi, fugitus

• Verb• Galli fugit. • Fugitiveflee

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Constituimusconstituo, constituere, constitui, constitutus

• Verb• Milites constituit

munitiones. • Constitute

To set up

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Morati essemusmoror, morari, moratus sum

• Verb• Caesar morarit Gallos. • MoratoriumDelay

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DubioDubium, dubi

• Noun• Caesar non habet dubium

in militibus. • Dubious

Doubt, question

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Consistimusconsisto, consistere, constiti, constitutus

• Verb• Galli non possent

constitere Romanos. • Consistent

To stop

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Vocabulary fulgebat-servatus esset

Pliny20 Shelby et Alex

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• Fulgeo, fulgēre, fulsi, _____• Verb• To shine or flash• Lux fulsit in opaco cubiculo.• Refulgent – shining radiantly

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• Pallidus, pallida, pallidum• Adjective• Pale• Pallida lux non fulsit.• Pallid – dull, uninteresting; very pale

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• Nix, nivis• Noun• Snow• Feminine• Alba nix fulsit.• Niveous – snowy or resembling snow

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• Spe, Spei• Noun• Hope, anticipation, expectation• Feminine• Nix dedit spem ei.• Desperation – lack of hope

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• Praevaleo, praevalēre, praevalui, _____• Verb• To prevail, to have superior power• Ea praevaluit dolorem.• Prevail – to overcome

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• Cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus• Verb• To become acquainted with/aware of, to

recognize, to learn• Caesar cognovit populos Galliae esse fortos.• Cognizant- aware, knowledgeable

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Servatus esset

• Servo, servare, servavi, servatum• Verb• To protect, to save, to keep• Caesar servavit suam patriam.• Preserve – to keep something safe from harm

or loss

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Jack and Gavry’s Super Duper words

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• Mist• Caligo urbem circumvit.

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Imminens• Threaten• Brutus Caesarem imminet.

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• To Follow• Caesar Brute sequebatur.

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• Darkness• Tenebra formidulosa erat.

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• Crowd• Multitudinis magnum erat.

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• Light/Lamp

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• Closed

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Clare, ann, mac

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Arenis arena, arenae Noun F.

Sand Derivative: arenaceous ( made of sand)

Sentence: Arena erat prope marem.

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lateo, latere, latuiEscape

Derivative: latent ( not visible) Sentence: Ex latuit agris.

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formido, formidinis Noun. F. Fear

Derivative: there are not any Sentence: Ex formido, latuit

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patior, pati, passus sum Suffer

Derivative: dispassionate( not influenced by a strong feeling)

Sentence: Patit per proellium.

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Kellen and Parker

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Ululo,ululare, ululavi, ululatus

• Howl, yell, shriek• Quintus ululavit ad lunam

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• Crying• Caesar erat vagitus ubi proelii amitteretur

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Lugebant – lugeo, lugere, luxi, luctus

• Mourn, grieve• Caesar luxit de mortuum comradem

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Precabantur – precor, precari, precatus sum

• Beg, implore• Ceaser precarit ad milites

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Tollebant – tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatus

• Lift, raise ; destroy, remove• Ceaser sustulit scuti

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Dubio, dubius, dubia, dubium

• Doubtful, dubious• Ceaser erat dubitate milites

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Pondere, pondus, ponderis

• Weight, burden• Ceaseri tollendus pondus

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Tenuo, tunuare, tenuavi, tenuatus

• Make thin, reduce, lessen• Ceasar tenuavi hostes

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Pliny 20 VocabularySlide 6 (Nubes-Paret)

Andrew KingsleyPepper Hardaway

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Nubes (n.) fem.

Definition: cloud, mist, haze, smoke, dustPrinciple Parts: nubes, nubisDerivative: nimbusSentence: Caesar video magnus nubes.

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Atra (adj.)

Definition: black, dark, gloomyPrinciple Parts: ater, atra -um, atrior -or -us, aterrimus -a –umDerivative: N/ASentence: Pliny curro a atra caelus.

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Operuit (v.)

Definition: cover, bury, concealPrinciple Parts: operio, operire, operui, opertusDerivative: N/ASentence: Vercingetorix operuit vultus ubi video Caesar et legiones.

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Celaverat (v.)

Definition: disguise, hide, concealPrinciple Parts: celo, celare, celavi, celatusDerivative: N/ASentence: Graeci statuo Trojan equus celaverat verus rationis.

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Abstulerat (v.)

Definition: bear, carry, takePrinciple Parts: aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatusDerivative: N/ASentences: Atlas abstulerat pondus terra in lacerti.

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Morituram esse (v.) [deponent]

Definition: delayPrinciple Parts: moror, morari, moratius sumDerivative: moratoriumSentence: Caesar morituram esse in manus senate.

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Incolumem (adj.)

Definition: uninjured, safe, alivePrinciple Parts: incolumis, incolumis, incolumeDerivative: N/ASentence: Pliny curro foras urbs mater incolumem.

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Amplexus (v.)

Definition: surround, embrace, encircle, claspPrinciple Parts: amplector, amplecti, amplexus sumDerivative: N/ASentence: Caesar amplexus Alesia et convinco Vercingetorix et Gauli.

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Cogo (v.)

Definition: collect, gather, round upPrinciple Parts: cogo, cogere, coegi, coactusDerivative: cogentSentence: Brutus et Cassius cogo omnis sentors in conjuratio adversus Julius Caesar.

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Paret (v.)

Definition: obeyPrinciple Parts: pareo, parere, paruiDerivative: N/ASentence: Hermes paret Perseus cum volucer calcei ad auxilium Perseus vinco Medusa.

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