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1. Tutorial notes originally compiled by John Pearce, Australia [[email protected]] Modified and customised by Rachel Boyd, New Zealand [[email protected]] Wiki links, notes and tutorials: Setting Up Your Wikispaces Wiki If you are a teacher, to begin your new Wiki you need to go to You will need to enter: a Username (ie rachelboyd) a Password that you will remember (must be at least 6 characters long) your Email Address Create a Space click on yes Next choose Space Name This is where your wiki can be found on the Internet, eg. To start with you probably want to set your wiki to protected: Then click the box to confirm it will be used for educational purposes. Next click 2. Tutorial notes originally compiled by John Pearce, Australia [[email protected]] Modified and customised by Rachel Boyd, New Zealand [[email protected]] Wiki links, notes and tutorials: NOW Record your username, password, email you registered with and your space name here after they have been confirmed. This is to ensure you have a record if you forget this valuable info. Username: .. Password: .. Email registered with: ... Space name: . This is found @ Your home page will then open up. This page, like any other wiki page, is completely editable. You can add/change content by clicking on the button. The editing toolbar 3. Tutorial notes originally compiled by John Pearce, Australia [[email protected]] Modified and customised by Rachel Boyd, New Zealand [[email protected]] Wiki links, notes and tutorials: Adding Content Using the toolbar you can add your content just like you would a word document Once you have composed your message you can select to: Now that you have entered some text you can start to create new pages. This can be done in two ways. One is by choosing from the Actions Menu You need to enter a name for your new page before pressing the button. Your new page will open up in an Edit mode. Here you can enter the information you wish. When finished, ensure you press . You will see a message confirming your page has been updated. 4. Tutorial notes originally compiled by John Pearce, Australia [[email protected]] Modified and customised by Rachel Boyd, New Zealand [[email protected]] Wiki links, notes and tutorials: Adding Images To add an image to your wiki you need to go to the Edit page for the page where you will be working. Next click on the image tool . The Images & Files pane will open where you need to click and select your picture. Click To insert the picture on the page need to insert the cursor where you want to place the picture and double click on the image. When you click , the page will update with the picture on it. 5. Tutorial notes originally compiled by John Pearce, Australia [[email protected]] Modified and customised by Rachel Boyd, New Zealand [[email protected]] Wiki links, notes and tutorials: Adding Files To add a file to your wiki you need to Edit page and click the image tool . The Images & Files pane will open where you need to click and select your file. Click To insert the file on the page need to insert the cursor where you want to place the picture before double clicking on the image. Easiest way to add members (eg your class) to your wiki If you don't want your students to have to create accounts themselves, just email [email protected] with a list of usernames, email addresses (if you have them - if you don't just leave them out), and passwords in the following format and they'll create the accounts for you. user1,[email protected],password1 user2,[email protected],password2 user3,[email protected],password3 A few important notes that will help Wikispaces create these accounts for you quickly: Info from Usernames We have a large number of accounts on Wikispaces, so many combinations of first names, last names, and initials are already taken. It's much more likely we can make all the accounts you ask if you add a school identifier to your students' usernames. For example, if your school is called John Smith High, instead of asking us for the usernames, adam, james, and dom, we recommend jsh-adam, jsh-james, and jsh-dom. Length of Usernames and Passwords, Please make sure that usernames are at least 3 characters long (we allow letters, numbers, underscores _, or dashes -) and that passwords are at least 6 characters long. Which Space? Finally, make sure to let us know which spaces we should add them to as members. 6. Created by: Amber Coggin @ambercoggin [email protected] http:/ Contributors: Alison Flowers Deana Nunn @Alli_Flowers @deananunn for Educators: A Beginners Guide TWEET! 7. 4 Why would Educators use Twitter? Twitter is more than just Whats happening? Educators can use Twitter to @ambercoggin: Check out this cool website for interactive games in all subjects. h Share resources with other educators. Communicate with parents. @CollierES: Make-up pictures will be taken Friday. All students must be in uniform. Participate in real-time online Professional Development. Get updates from other educational organizations. @brainpop: Join us for a free webinar at 4:30 & learn how to make your IWB lessons "pop!" @MobilePublicSch: Regular Board meeting tonight - Morningside Ele. or view via live stream from our website 6 pm- Back to Contents 8. 5 Getting Started Visit to create your free account. Not for public computers! Choosing a Username Your real name: @ambercoggin @deananunn A name to describe your interests: @techteacher @spedtchr78 A name to describe the organization you represent: @CollierES @MobilePublicSch Choosing a Password Twitter passwords must contain 6 characters or more. Make your password something easy for you to remember, but hard for others to guess. If your account gets hacked, meaning tweets are sent under your account but not by you, change your password immediately! Back to Contents 9. 6 Finding People to Follow In order to make Twitter interesting, you first must find people to Follow. Follow people who have the same interests as you (other educators, people who like to garden, etc.), friends or family, news organizations, or just those you want to learn more about (actors, musicians, politicians, etc.). In order to follow someone, simply visit their Twitter page and click Follow. Twitters Who to Follow Feature -Located on the Twitter homepage -View suggestions -Browse interests Compiled Educator Databases -Educators on Twitter -Twitter4Teachers -Seven Ways to Find Teachers on Twitter Follow who I Follow! Visit the Twitter profile of another educator. Click on the Following link and see who theyre following. They may interest you too! Follow: To follow someone on Twitter means to subscribe to their tweets or updates on the site. Once you follow someone, their tweets will show up on your timeline. You can reply to their tweet or retweet it to those who follow you so they can read it too! Timeline: The tweets of all the folks Im following appear here with the most recent tweet at the top. How do I find people to follow? Twitter Lists Twitter users can organize others into groups, or lists. When you click to view a list, you'll see a stream of Tweets from all the users included in that group. Read more about Lists. Back to Contents 10. 7 Getting People to Follow You Now that you know how to find people to follow on Twitter, what about getting people to follow you? Its not fun to talk when no one is listening! Followers: Followers are people who receive your tweets. If someone follows you, they will get your updates, or your tweets, on their timeline when they log in. Upload a Profile Picture Dont be an Egg Head! Twitter will assign the dreaded egg as your profile picture by default until you change it. As an educator, its best to upload a true photo of yourself. It will make you credible and will connect you to your Followers. Fill out your Bio Most seasoned Twitter users will hardly ever follow someone who doesnt have a biography. Your biography is the only place to tell others about yourself. Leaving it blank or non-descriptive doesnt encourage people to follow you. To complete your bio, click Settings, then Profile.7 Ways to Be Worth Following on Twitter 1. Be Interesting (Dont just tweet about what you had for lunch!) 2. Be Informative (Share links and other resources.) 3. Be Interactive (Spend some time on the site. Dont just tweet and run!) 4. Be Promotional (Dont be afraid to share the good work youve done.) 5. Be Personal (Respond to others and answer questions.) 6. Be Considerate (There is such thing as tweeting too much and flooding others Timelines. Oh, and dont type in ALL CAPS. Its considered YELLING!) 7. Find a Balance (Balance all of the above, and you will be a good, respectable Tweeter that others will want to follow.) Here are some informative Twitter Bios: Back to Contents Click Click here! 11. 8 Twitter Lingo What does the @ symbol mean on Twitter? Why do I keep seeing a number sign #? What is a RT? These questions are asked by almost everyone when learning to use Twitter. Here is some of the most commonly used Lingo on Twitter. Follow To follow someone on Twitter means to subscribe to their Tweets or updates on the site. Find out more about following, or learn how to follow others. Following Your following number reflects the quantity of other Twitter users you have chosen to follow on the site. Find out more about following. # Hashtag The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages. Example: Below, @ambercoggin added the hashtag before the word "smartboard" in or at the end of her tweet. The word is now a clickable link to search results for all Tweets containing "#smartboard". Retweet (RT) The act of forwarding another user's Tweet to all of your followers. Find out more about retweets. @ Sign The @ sign is used to call out, or Mention, usernames in Tweets. When a username is preceded by the @ sign, it becomes a link to a Twitter profile. It also allows the tweet to show up in the Mentions tab on the users Twitter page. Example: If I wanted my followers to follow a really informative educator I found, I might tweet: Please follow @Alli_Flowers for great secondary Language Arts resources. #Langchat Timeline A real-time list of Tweets on Twitter. See also Home Timeline. Find out more about your timeline. Trending Topics A subject algorithmically determined to be one of the most popular on Twitter at the moment. Find out more about trending topics. Click for the entire Back to Contents 12. 10 Guidelines & Best Practices MCPSS Board policy prohibits Employees from communicating with individual or small groups of students outside of System owned means and resources. Mobile County prefers that its Employees utilize only school owned resources to communicate and interact with students. It is recognized however that the proper use of Social Networking sites may have a valid place in todays educational environment. To that end, employees are urged to consider the following suggestions (in addition to Board and System policies) in utilizing social networking sites in the classroom. Do not mix personal and school profiles. Employees should not utilize their personal social network profiles to interact with any student. You may even consider creating two separate Twitter accounts: one professional and one personal. Remember that anyone can access the Internet and view what you write on a blog or, in many cases, your personal social network profile (in this case, Twitter). Twitter DOES allow you to set your profile as Private. This means only those you accept as Followers will be able to view your tweets; however, it still doesnt stop your approved Followers from retweeting what youve posted. You may consider sending someone a Direct Message (DM) on Twitter that only they can see. Read more about Public and Protected Tweets. Any written text, whether in a text message, an email or posted on a Facebook or Twitter page, can easily be taken out of context or misunderstood. Always use appropriate language. Avoid inappropriate language, exaggeration, provocation and sarcasm. Be fair and accurate. Avoid online fights. Be respectful. Dont use social media for personal attacks or inflammatory arguments. Think twice before posting. Privacy does not exist in the world of the internet and social media. Consider what could happen if a post (including posts on personal profiles) becomes widely known and how that may reflect both on the employee and MCPSS. Search engines can turn up posts years after they are created, and comments can be forwarded or copied. If you wouldnt say something in your classroom, at a conference or to a member of the media, consider whether you should post it online. Remember, whatever gets put on the Internet stays there forever. There is no delete key once you've posted. MCPSS Policies and Procedures The Twitter Rules 10 Commandments of Twitter Etiquette Back to Contents 13. Embedding Twitter Feed To Other Applications (Edline, Moodle, Wikispaces, etc.) 1. Sign in to Twitter and access your homepage. From your homepage, click on the gear logo and choose settings. 2. From the settings page, click on Widgets. 14. 3. Choose Create New under the Widgets option. 4. Create a new widget in the page shown below. You can change the way your widget will appear, and a preview of what it will look like appears to the right. This widget will allow people to access your tweets and follow you by clicking on the button at the top right. When you are finished, click Create Widget. 5. Once the widget is created, you can access it by clicking on the edit tab of the widgets option in settings. 15. 6. HTML code will appear below your widget. Copy this code to your clipboard by highlighting the text using your mouse, right clicking, and then selecting copy. 7. Open you class edline page and click on the News or Contents link. 8. Add a document to the News feed. 16. 9. Title the New item Mrs. ______s Twitter Feed. 10. Scroll down to the Add Content option and choose Enter Text By Hand. Click on the HTML icon and paste the HTML code from the twitter widget and then click OK. 11. Extend your news item across your classes and then click save and return. 17. 12. Your twitter feed will then appear as a news item. 13. When you click on the title of your feed, a page will display all of your tweets. Use twitter to post information that will automatically appear on your edline page. You can use the twitter app for your smartphone to post information quickly, easily, and from anywhere in the world. 18. Created by M. Western 2009 Keeping track of blogs and podcasts with an RSS feeder + Wikispaces 1. Open a page in Wikispaces and click the Edit button. Click the widgets icon. 2. Click on RSS Feed 3. Paste the web address of a podcast or blog here 4. Decide how many entries youd like to have appear at a time (2? 5? 10?) Decide if you want the date to appear, or audio & video. 5. When finished, click the Embed RSS Feed button It wont look like much yet, and your RSS Feed will appear as a gray box. 6. Click the Save button. Ta Da! The last 2 entries will appear in this spot. You can add other RSS Feeds on this same page keep all your good stuff together! 19. ! Education Services | November 25, 2013 1 Content curation is the process of gathering digital resources in one place and sharing with others. can help organize Internet resources by categories and keywords. Set Up an Account ..........................................................................1 Curate...............................................................................................2 Create Topics...................................................................................2 Add Content ....................................................................................3 Manage and Edit Topic...................................................................3 Share Topic Page ............................................................................4 Create a Widget for School Center .....................................................4 Add Link..................................................................................................5 Set Up an Account 1. Go to 2. Click the Sign Up button. 3. If you do not have an account listed, click I do not have a Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn Account. 4. Complete the form. An email will be sent for confirmation. 5. Click on the link from your email to access A page appears asking you to begin curating. Type a topic for your first curation. 20. ! Education Services | November 25, 2013 2 Curate 1. Type a topic you want to gather resources. requires a unique topic name. 2. Include keywords related to your topic in the box. 3. A confirmation box appears. 4. Click Check Suggested Content. 5. provides content related to your keywords and topic title. Add the suggested content by clicking the green button. 6. When you click,, a box appears. 7. Publish to add to your topic curation page. Create Topics 1. In the top, right corner, choose My Topics. 2. Choose Create a Topic. 3. Complete the form. Click Go. 21. ! Education Services | November 25, 2013 3 Add Content 1. Click New Scoop in the top, right corner. 2. A box appears providing options. Scoop Any Web Page: Install a bookmarklet to your web browser toolbar. Click on the button and drag to your browsers toolbar. Scoop from Suggested Content: Browse content provided by Create Your Own Scoop: Add the URL from the web page. Complete the form. Rescoop From Other Users: Search topics of others. Follow other curated topics. Receive an email each day with content updates of topics you follow. Manage and Edit Topic 1. Click the Manage button on the left of your topic page. 2. Choose Edit. 3. Edit topic information including title and keywords. 4. Click Manage again. Choose Customization. 5. Customize the look of your page. Determine background color and header placement. 22. ! Education Services | November 25, 2013 4 Share Topic Page 1. Click the Manage button on the left of your topic page. 2. Choose Export. 3. Two options to share with others. Add a Widget to your School Center page. or Post a link on your School Center page. Create a Widget for School Center 1. Complete the form. 2. Click Finish & Grab the Code. 3. A box appears. Copy the text. Content Box: 1. On your School Center page, click the content box you would like to add your widget. 2. A menu bar will appear at the top of the page. 3. Choose More to reveal more options. 4. Click the HTML button that appears in the expanded menu. ! 23. ! Education Services | November 25, 2013 5 5. A box will pop up. Paste the code you grabbed from by pressing the Control key and the V key at the same time. You should now see crazy code. 6. Click Save. Your widget should appear. Add Link Content Box: 1. Activate the box to type in your text. 2. In the box, type in the title and any other information you want to include on your page. 3. Highlight the text. 4. Click on the chain link in the menu toolbar. 5. A new box will appear. Paste the link one of two ways into URL. Right click your mouse and choose Paste. (Mac Users, click the mouse and press the Control key.) Press the Control Key and V key at the same time. 6. Click the Insert button. 7. Click Save. You should now see the text in blue. Test the link to make sure it goes to the correct page. 24. Setting up a Pinterest Account 1) Go to and click on the red button to Join Pinterest. 2) You can join Pinterest through your Facebook, Twitter or email account. NOTE: Choose which method of signing up that works best for you. Signing up through Facebook or Twitter requires that you already have an account with these services. If you choose to sign up through Facebook or Twitter you will be required to provide your log in and password to link your accounts. If you choose to sign up through Facebook you must authorize that Pinterest is able to see your email address and likes. For Twitter you must authorize that Pinterest is able to read tweets from your timeline, see who you follow, update your profile and post tweets for you. If you link your accounts, you can share what you are doing on Pinterest on your Facebook wall or tweet to followers on Twitter. You also may sign up using an email account. This requires you to provide a username, password, photograph, first name and last name. Choose the method that works best for you! HINT: Select a professional username, such as your first initial last name, Mr. or Miss X, and a password you can remember. Then, WRITE THEM DOWN in a place where you collect online usernames and passwords. 25. 3) Once you have logged in you will be asked to CLICK A FEW THINGS YOU LIKE. You will be provided with many images to click on. This is to allow Pinterest to personalize the site to your interests. Scroll through and look for images that represent things you like and would like to see more of. NOTE: You must click at least 5 images before you are able to CONTINUE. 4) Select CONTINUE. How to Browse Pinterest Once logged into Pinterest, you will notice your page is full of various images. These will likely reflect the THINGS YOU LIKE previously selected. When you select an image, it will be shown larger and provide additional information. Below is an image that has been selected. 26. The variety of images provided on your homepage can be overwhelming. There are options for searching that help narrow down your search. Selecting CATEGORIES gives you the option to views images from particular categories, such as education. Selecting EVERYTHING will show all current images. Selecting POPULAR displays the most popular image. There is also a search bar in the top right hand corner that will allow you to search for key terms. Take some time to search using the different options to see which works best for you! 27. Creating a Board As you have been searching Pinterest, you might have found images you would like to save. PINNING images on a BOARD will allow you to save these items and organize according to topics. Imagine it as a virtual bulletin board to which you are adding items on Pinterest that you find and would like to keep. Begin thinking about what the topic of your board will be it can be as general as broad as you like. To add images to a board, do the following: 1) In the top right corner of the page, you will see an ADD+ icon. Select this. 2) Next select CREATE A BOARD. 3) Enter the information for this board and select the category. 4) Notice that you are listed as one who can pin. As you connect with others on Pinterest you will be able to add them as contributors to your boards. This will allow you to collaborate with others. For now, leave it as is. 5) When completed, select CREATE A BOARD. Now that you have a board, it is time to find items to pin to it! You can pin items from the Pinterest website or the internet. 28. Pinning Images from within Pinterest Now that you are ready to pin, you can leave the board you just created. 1) Click on the Pinterest logo at the top of your page to return to the homepage. 2) Use the HOW TO BROWSE PINTEREST section of this tutorial to review how to locate items on Pinterest that you would like to repin to your board. 3) When you locate an image you would like to save to your board, select it and click on the REPIN option. Note: the REPIN button will not appear until your mouse cursor is placed over the image. NOTE: This is called repining because you are pinning an image that has already been pinned by another member. 29. 4) Select the board where you will pin the image. (Right now you have one board, but as you use Pinterest you may decide to create more.) 5) Review and edit the description that the previous pinner has written. Y 6) Click on the red PIN IT button to finalize your choice. The image is now pinned to your board! Below your image other users can add comments. You also have the option of sharing what you just pinned through Facebook, Twitter, embedding, or email. 7) Continue searching for items to add to your board! 30. Make%your%classroom%a%community Edmodo%provides%classrooms%a%safe%and%easy%way%to%connect%and%collaborate, Engage%your%students % % Connect%with%your%peers E your%Prof etw evelopment%e promote%lif r % Share%and%store%content 31. !!! ! Track&and&measure&success ! ! Access&on/the/go er ebsit s!a ailable! r c r n r r E r ted!b stricts! ar re!ar st!a! e r E ! Edmodo&for&your&classroom Edmodo&for&your&District Edmodo&for&Professional&Development Whats&your&story? Share&it&with&us&at [email protected]

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