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    Photometer 5010 V5+Version 5.x

    > SN 7000

    Service Manual

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    chapter headline page

    1 General notes

    1.1 Contact partner 1.1

    1.2 Proved security 1.1

    1.3 Precautions and hazards 1.2

    2 Service concepts

    2.1 Service level 2.1

    2.2 Conditions 2.2

    3.1 Block diagram 3.1.1

    3.2 Short instruction guide 3.2.1

    3.3 Service tools 3.3.1

    3.4 Plug identification 3.4.1

    4.1 Mains power circuit 4.1.1

    4.2 Mains connector 4.2.1

    4.3 AC / DC power supply 4.3.1

    4.4 Cable power supply / printer 4.4.1

    4.10 Optical unit 4.10.1

    4.11 Filter wheel 4.11.1

    4.12 Halogen lamp 4.12.1

    4.13 Unit Photodiode 4.13.1

    4.14 Unit cuvette adaptor 4.14.1

    4.15 Unit Peltier element 4.15.1

    4.16 Step motor pump 4.16.1

    4.18 Step motor filter wheel Light barrier filter wheel 4.19.1

    4.20 Bubble detector with plug 4.20

    4.21 Flow-through cuvette adaptor 4.21

    4.22 Standard cuvette adaptor 4.22

    4.23 Connector bubble detector 4.23

    4.24 Lamp holder 4.24

    4.26 Tubes 4.26.1

    4.30 Top case 4.30.1

    4.31 Top case pre-assembled 4.31.1

    4.32 Metal tube inlet 4.32.1

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 1 23.07.2013

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    chapter headline page

    4.33 Microswitch with plug 4.33.1

    4.34 Plastic foil touchscreen 4.34.1

    4.35 Printer mechanism 8NAD 4.35.1

    4.40 PCB RR-120 Mother board

    Function description 4.40.1

    Component diagram 4.40.2

    Voltages 4.40.4

    Voltage 12 VDCof halogen lamp 4.40.5

    Fuses F1, F2 and F3 4.40.5

    Amplifier for photocurrent and ADC 4.40.6

    Adjustment of amplifier stage 4.40.7

    Temperature control 4.40.9

    Adjustment of temperature control 4.40.10

    Thermal adjustment 4.40.11

    Installation instruction 4.40.12

    Circuit diagrams 4.40.14

    4.41 Touchscreen 4.41.1

    4.43 PCB RR-122 Display, printer, touch 4.43.1

    4.44 Printer controller 8NAD 4.44.1

    4.45 PCB RR_121 Motor driver 4.45.1

    4.50 Fan 4.50.1

    4.51 Bottom case 4.51.1

    4.52 Carton Photometer 5010 4.52.1

    5 Assembling / Dismantling

    6.1 Communication protocol 6.1.1

    6.2 Download of operating system:

    Resume after malfunction 6.2.1

    6.3 Initialization of bootstrap Configuration of operating system 6.4.1

    6.5 Download of operating system using 6.5.1a programmed flash memory

    7 Trouble shooting 7.1.1

    8 Spare parts 8.1.1

    9.1 Calibration procedure of Photometer 5010Subject: Cuvette temperature 9.1.1

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 2 23.07.2013

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    The data and information provided in this manual correspond to the state of knowledge existing atthe time of introducing the Photometer 5010 V5+ on the market. Any important changes will betaken into account in the next edition of this manual.

    In any case, the respective packaging leaflet should be regarded as authoritative.

    This service manual was created for the telephone service and technical service staff.

    1.1 Contact Partner

    Technical product management and support:


    Address: Kurfuerstenstrae 75 - 79D - 13467 BerlinGermany

    Phone: +49 / 30 / 404 40 87Fax: +49 / 30 / 404 05 29

    E-mail: [email protected]

    1.2 Proved Security

    This device has been constructed under the regulations of EN 61010-1 andEN 61010-2-101.

    This device was examined and left the factory in perfect technical condition. To preserve this and

    protect safe and faultless operation, the user must follow the instructions and remarks of thisservice manual.

    To preserve this condition and to guarantee a safe working, information and working advices,which are included in these working instructions, have to be heeded by the applier.

    This device meets protection 1 (earth conductor wire).

    1.3 Precaution and Hazards

    All electrical equipment is potentially hazardous. Never remove covers without first ensuring that it

    is isolated from the AC supply, unless specific maintenance instructions or repairs are being carriedout by authorized ROBERT RIELE personnel.

    The hard- and software is subject to a program of continuous evaluation and improvement and,therefore, may be changed in the future. This also concerns service requirements.

    All samples and reagents should be treated with caution accorded to those known to containpathogenic organisms. Similarly, the cleaning of component part of Photometer 5010 V5+shouldbe carried out in compliance with health and safety.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 1.1 10.05.2006

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    Warning: All components used on Photometer 5010 V5+ must be regarded as potentiallydangerously contaminated when doing repair work. Use rubber gloves or double gloves whenevercleaning or sterilizing components. The most frequently used components (tubing, cuvette,measuring chamber flap, sip. lever and waste container) should be cleaned and treated with asuitable disinfecting solution (75% alcohol) prior to doing any service work.

    Disinfect and wash hands after work is completed.

    This device has been constructed and checked in accordance with standards EN 61010-1 andEN 61010-2-101. When the device leaves our factory it is in perfect condition from the point of viewof work safety. To keep it that way and to ensure safe operation the user must follow theinstructions and warnings given in the operation instruction manual.

    The electrical protection of the device corresponds to Class 1 (it has a protective earth).

    The power plug must only be inserted into a socket that has a protective contact. The protectionmust not be abolished by using an extension lead that does not have a protective earth wire.

    Warning:Any break in the earth wire inside or outside the device and any loose connection of the earth wirecan make the operation of the device dangerous. A deliberate break or interruption is not allowed.

    When the housing is opened or the components are being removed (except when this can be doneby hand), live parts may be exposed. Connection may also be live.

    Therefore, if the carrying out of an adjustment, service or repair on the open device in the live stateis unavoidable, this must be done by an expert who is familiar with the dangers involved.

    Make sure you only use fuses of the specified type and rated amperage when replacing the oldones. Repaired fuses must not be used and the fuse holder must not be bypassed.

    If you have any reason to believe that the device can no longer operate safely, take it out of useand make sure no one can use it accidentally.

    It must be assumed that safe operation is no longer possible when the device:

    shows visible signs of damage

    fails to operate

    has been stored under unfavorable conditions for a fairly long time

    has been transported under rough conditions

    The Photometer 5010 V5+should be used by appropriately qualified persons only.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 1.2 10.05.2006

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    2.1 Service Level

    From the early stage of development, the Photometer 5010 V5+ was designed for simple errordetection and easy exchangeability of modules. This gives the service workshops the possibility ofa fast and easy repair of the device on service level A (module level). No big stock or expensiveequipment is necessary and service technicians are easier to train. Also, a permanent technicalimprovement in layout and components took and takes place for better productivity and economicproduction.

    On repairable modules the quality and function is always provided by the manufacturer accordingto the latest technology. This keeps Photometer 5010 V5+always on the highest quality level.

    The exchange price for modules will be kept on a low level to guarantee repairs, on an economicalbasis.

    2.2 Conditions

    Warranty periodfor devices ...

    The warranty period for devices is 16 months starting with the date ofshipment ex works Berlin/Federal Republic of Germany or 12 monthsstarting with the date of the first installation, whichever period is shorter.

    ... and spare parts For spare parts a warranty of 6 months from installation date of the partapplies. Prerequisite for this is that the warranty period for spare parts shallnot fall short of the warranty period of the device where a spare part hasbeen installed. A further prerequisite is, that this period shall not exceed aperiod of 24 months starting with the delivery of the spare part ex works

    Berlin/Federal Republic of Germany.

    Hint:In case the device has a remaining warranty period of more than 6 months,the parts remain under warranty until the warranty period of the deviceexpires.

    Handling ofwarranty c laims

    Replacement of partsThe defective parts have to be handled via Return Authorization (RA)procedure. Please answer all the questions on the RA form with the greatestcare.Especially a detailed fault description is needed or the warranty claim will notbe accepted by the manufacturer.Complete devices are notacceptedunless this has been agreed with theservice department of ROBERT RIELE GmbH & Co KG.

    Important information:

    Only parts marked with "A" in the price list are generally accepted underwarranty.

    Only return those parts marked with "R" in the spare part list.

    All defective parts ( non-"R" and "A" parts ) should be kept on stock fora period of 7 months. In case the manufacturer needs the part forinvestigation it will be requested from Berlin.

    All parts returned to Berlin and not requested by Berlin will be sent back

    at the expense of the dealer/customer.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 2.1 10.05.2006

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    Exclusion ofwarranty

    The aforementioned warranties do not apply in case of improper use,handling, transportation or storage, faulty installation, repair or maintenance,Chemical influence or contamination as well as damages resulting from that,failure to follow operating instructions, alterations or modifications of devicesor parts thereof not authorized or recommended by ROBERT RIELE GmbH& Co KG and resulting damages, normal wear and tear and in case of other

    circumstances beyond the control of ROBERT RIELE GmbH & Co KG.

    Handling ofrepairs

    As a general rule, all device repairs should be carried out by authorized andtrained personnel only.

    Repair of parts marked with " R"Parts which are economically worth repairing are marked with "R" in thespare parts price list. The defective parts have to be handled via ReturnAuthorization procedure. For correct handling of the exchange it isabsolutely necessary to return the complete filled in RA form (preferable viaelectronic mail), giving full details of the defect.

    Repair of devicesComplete devices are not accepted for replacement or repair unless thishas been agreed with ROBERT RIELE GmbH & Co KG.Before replacement or repair can take place, the validity of the request mustbe examined and the question of costs must be settled in a writtenagreement with ROBERT RIELE GmbH & Co KG.

    Terms of delivery All shipping conditions for spare parts to the dealer/customer areex works Berlin.

    Emergency shipments require additional costs to be charged.


    In case of emergency, a copy of the complete RA form should be sent by fax(+49 / 30 / 404 05 29) or electronic mail (e-mail: [email protected]) toROBERT RIELE GmbH & Co KG, Berlin

    marked with EMERGENCY

    If fax was used for Emergency RA the original RA form has to be mailed orsent by electronic mail to Berlin.

    Handling of costs Replacements for R-parts are shipped at a repair price. In case the parts are

    no longer repairable, the dealer/customer will be charged later on with thedifference of the new price.Replacements for warranty requests are shipped free of charge.In case the manufacturer does not accept the warranty request, thedealer/customer will be charged later on with the R-price for R-parts and thenew price for non R-parts.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 2.2 10.05.2006

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    RA form (seeform at next page)

    Return AuthorizationPlease answer all the questions on the RA form with the greatest care andsign the form.

    Date (problem date)

    Type of device

    Serial No. (of the device)

    Installation date (of device)

    mark Spare Part (devices should not be returned)

    Mat.-No. of the spare part

    Fault description (incl. error code and job codes)

    mark request e.g. Repair and Replacement

    fill in RA-number

    give place and date (when filled in form) and sign RA form

    Note: RA sent via electronic mail to Berlin is valid without asignature.

    In case of thedevice is out ofwarranty

    Installation date of spare part when part was installed within the last6 months.

    All returned parts should be individually labeled with the corresponding RANo. and shipped together with the completed RA form (if not sent viaelectronic mail) to:


    Kurfrstenstrae 75 79D-13467 BerlinGermany

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 2.3 10.05.2006

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    3.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM (up to SN 8001)

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.1.1 29.08.2007

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    3.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM (from SN 8002)

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.1.2 29.08.2007

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    Utility programs

    Main menu:

    Utility programs are necessary for the adjustmentand maintenance of the photometer.

    Page 1 of utilit y programs:

    Scrolling through all utility programs is possibleby [PAGE]. The current page is shown at the rightupper screen corner. By [EXIT] the programreturns to the main menu.

    A utility program is selected by pressing therelating key.

    Page 5 of utilit y programs:

    The last key is representing the service tools.

    M A I N M E N U

    M E A S U R E W I T H P R O G R . M E T H O D S

    M E A S U R E W I T H B A S I C M E T H O D S

    M E A S U R E N E W / C H A N G E / C O P Y

    U T I L I T I E S L A M P L F

    3 7 . 0 3 C 2 2 . 1 1 . 0 7 1 1 : 3 9

    U T I L I T I E S P A G E 1 / 5

    D A R K A D J U S T M E N T P A G E

    M U L T I - S T A N D A R D

    P R I N T E R

    P U M P / B U B B L E D E T E C T E X I T

    3 7 . 0 1 C 2 2 . 1 1 . 0 7 1 3 : 0 5

    U T I L I T I E S P A G E 5 / 5

    L A N G U A G E P A G E

    A D C C O U N T S O P T I C )

    S E R V I C E T O O L S E X I T

    3 7 . 0 1 C 2 2 . 1 1 . 0 7 1 3 : 0 5

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.2.1 12.03.2009


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    The service tools are reserved for trainedspecialists only and therefore protected by apassword.

    The password is given as

    [ 1 3 4 6 7 ]

    Stop function by [ESC].

    S E R V I C E T O O L S

    P A S S W O R D

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    E S C 9 0 . + - E

    Utilities Description inchapterof OM

    Dark adjustment 7.2.1

    Multi-standard function 7.2.2

    Printer ON / OFF 7.2.3

    Pump / bubble detector 7.2.4

    Menu serial COM 7.2.5Quality control 7.2.6

    Settings printout 7.2.7

    Data logging 7.2.8

    Temperature ON / OFF 7.2.9

    Temperature adjustment 7.2.10

    Laboratory name 7.2.11

    User name 7.2.12

    Error list 7.2.13

    Key signal ON / OFF 7.2.14

    Touch panel adjustment 7.2.15

    Date / Time 7.2.16

    Language 7.2.17

    ADC counts (Optic) 7.2.18

    Send results 7.2.19

    Service tools 7.2.20

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.2.2 12.03.2009

    registro de datos

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    Within the service program level there are functions

    influencing special basic parameters of the device.Because they are allowed to be changed divergentfrom the work configuration only in exceptions and onlyby trained staff, their unintentional selection isprotected by a password.

    Change in service program with[SERVICE TOOLS].

    Enter password:

    [ 1 3 4 6 7 ]

    Confirm with [E].

    The service level will be opened until to the nextshutdown of the device.

    U T I L I T I E S P A G E 5 / 5

    L A N G U A G E P A G E

    A D C C O U N T S O P T I C )

    S E R V I C E T O O L S E X I T

    S E R V I C E T O O L S

    P A S S W O R D

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    E S C 9 0 . + - E

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.3.1 11.03.2009


    personal calificado

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    Selection of a desired service tool is possible with[PAGE].

    The current page is shown on the right upper corner ofthe display.

    Abort of service tool selection and change back toprogram selection with [EXIT].

    A service tool will be invoked by pushing thecorresponding button.

    S E R V I C E T O O L S P A G E 1 / 6

    S Y S T E M I N I T I A L I S A T I O N P A G E

    M E M O R Y

    D I S P L A Y T E S T

    L A M P E X I T

    Item no. Service tool Descriptionin chapter


    2 MEMORY S2


    4 LAMP S4

    5 SERIAL NO. S5


















    24 STACK TEST S24

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.3.2 11.03.2009

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    S1 System Initiali sationWith [START] the default parameters will be set.

    Several settings (see table) are then typed over in thebattery powered RAM. They remain active, even afterswitching the device off/on, until they are specificallychanged.

    [EXIT] leaves the function without any changes.

    After a print-out of the program release the date andtime can be set (chapter OM 7.2.16).

    The action ends with a long beep.

    S Y S T E M I N I T I A L I S A T I O N

    E X I T S T A R T

    D A T E T I M E

    m m . d d . y y h h : m m : s s

    1 0 . 1 2 . 0 5 1 4 : 5 4 : 3 4

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    E S C 9 0 . + - E

    Beeper ON

    Printer internal ON

    Printer external OFF

    Real time clock ON

    Boost mode up to 390 nm

    Language English

    Analog-digital converter correction 150

    Temperature control: Correction values 3000


    EDP protocol STX / ETX / BCC

    Resulting factors of methods based on standard not affected

    Error list not affected

    Laboratory name not affected

    User name not affected

    Data logging not affected

    Quality control not affected

    Multi-standard functions not affected

    Bubble detector ON

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.3.3 11.03.2009

    ellos permanecen acyivos incluso

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    S2 Memory

    The submenu shows different kinds of memory.S E R V I C E T O O L S S U B M E N U

    D E L E T E F R E E M E T H O D S

    M U L T I - S T D M E M O R Y

    D E L . L O G G E R M E M O R Y

    D E L . Q C M E M O R Y E X I T

    S2.1 Delete Free Methods

    Attention! With [START] all methods edited by the userare deleted without a call-back. In the case of doubtthese methods should be checked before: A print out ofall stored methods can be done for an optional laternew programming.

    The action ends with a long beep.

    [EXIT] leaves the function without any changes.

    D E L E T E F R E E M E T H O D S

    E X I T S T A R T

    S2.2 Multi-Standard Memory

    Attention! With [DEL] the memory assigned to nonlinearmethods is deleted without a call-back.

    The contents of the memory can be exported and

    imported by special remote commands (chapter 6.1 Communication protocol).

    The action ends with a long beep.

    [EXIT] leaves the function without any changes.

    M U L T I - S T D M E M O R Y

    E X I T D E L S E T

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.3.4 11.03.2009


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    S2.3 Delete Logger Memory

    Attention! With [START] the memory assigned to storedresults is deleted without a call-back.

    The action ends with a long beep.

    [EXIT] leaves the function without any changes.

    D E L . L O G G E R M E M O R Y

    E X I T S T A R T

    S2.4 Delete QC MemoryAttention! With [START] the memory assigned to QCdata is deleted without a call-back.

    The action ends with a long beep.

    [EXIT] leaves the function without any changes.

    D E L . Q C M E M O R Y

    E X I T S T A R T

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.3.5 11.03.2009

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    S3 Display Test

    The display test is invoked with [START].

    For three seconds all pixels of the touch screen areilluminated.

    The test terminates by itself.

    [EXIT] leaves the function without any changes.

    D I S P L A Y T E S T

    E X I T S T A R T

    S4 Lamp

    The function shows the current lamp voltage. The valueis shown in the second line (e.g. 12.13 V).

    With [MIN.] the lamp voltage can be temporarilyreduced. In case of the adjustment of the optical paththe light spot is better to be seen.

    With [MAX.] the lamp voltage arises to its normal value.

    [EXIT] leaves the function without any changes.

    L A M P

    1 2 . 1 3 V

    E X I T M I N .

    S5 Serial No.

    The current serial number of the device can be readand set. The number (e.g. 7001) is shown on the right

    upper corner of the window.

    A new number can be entered with maximum fivedigits.

    The input has to be confirmed with [E].

    S E R I A L N O . 7 0 0 1

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    E S C 9 0 . + - E

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.3.6 11.03.2009

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    S6 PCB Layout

    The attribute of the PCB layout can be read and set.The attribute (e.g. c) is shown on the right upper cornerof the window.Software applications may be depend on this attribute.The attribute is labelled on the PCB RR_120 near plugST13.

    The attribute can be changed with [SELECT].

    The input has to be confirmed with [OK].

    [EXIT] leaves the function without any changes.

    P C B L A Y O U T c

    E X I T O K S E L E C T

    S7 Set Wavelength

    The assignment of wavelength and filter position canbe done.

    The current filter position is blinking.

    With [SELECT] the filter position can be set.

    With [NEW] the wavelength can be edited.

    [EXIT] leaves the function without any changes.

    In the first line the current filter position is shown.

    The new value of the wavelength has to be entered.

    The input has to be confirmed with [E].

    S E T W A V E L E N G T H

    1 : 3 4 0 6 : 6 2 3

    2 : 4 0 5 7 : 9 9 9

    3 : 4 9 2 8 : 9 9 9

    4 : 5 4 6 9 : 9 9 9

    5 : 5 7 8

    E X I T N E W S E L E C T

    N E W W A V E L E N G T H 1

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    E S C 9 0 . + - E

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.3.7 11.03.2009



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    S8 Test Filter Wheel

    The rotation of the filter wheel can be controlled.

    With [F0] up to [F9] the discrete positions of the filterwheel can be selected.

    A specific value (e.g. 399MS) shows the rotation of thefilter wheel. The abbreviation MS is used for motorstep.

    T E S T F I L T E R W H E E L

    F 1 3 4 0 n m 3 9 9 M S

    F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 F 6 F 7 F 8

    E S C F 9 F 0

    S9 Temperature ON/OFF

    The temperature regulation can be switched on orswitched off. The current setting is shown in the firstline as ON or OFF.

    The display shows additionally the followinginformation:

    a D in case of an inserted flow through cuvetteadaptor

    an E in case of an inserted standard cuvetteadaptor

    the required value of temperature regulation

    the actual value of temperature regulation

    the stability value

    the current value of ADC

    With [SELECT] the temperature level can be chosen.

    With [OK] the temperature regulation is started.

    [EXIT] leaves the function without any changes.

    T E M P E R A T U R E 3 7 C O N D

    O F F R E Q U I R E D 1 4 1 6 5

    2 5 C A C T U A L 1 4 0 5 3

    3 0 C S T A B I L I T Y 4

    3 7 C C O N V E R T E R 9 4 7

    E X I T O K S E L E C T

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.3.8 11.03.2009

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    S10 Temperature Value

    The temperature values of the device can be read andset. A new value can be entered with maximum fivedigits.

    With [SELECT] a specific temperature value can beset. The temperature values are marked as E25, E30,E37, D25, D30 and D37 corresponding to the type ofadaptor (E or D) and the temperature level (25 C,30 C and 37 C).

    The cursor of the current temperature value is blinking.With [NEW] a temperature value can be edited.

    Enter temperature value. Confirm with [E].

    (chapter 4.40 - Thermal adjustment)

    T E M P E R A T U R E V A L U E

    E 2 5 8 3 2 2 D 2 5 8 2 9 9

    E 3 0 9 5 5 2 D 3 0 9 4 8 5

    E 3 7 1 1 2 7 3 D 3 7 1 1 1 6 5

    E X I T N E W S E L E C T

    N E W V A L U E

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    E S C 9 0 . + - E

    S11 Correction Value

    The correction values of the device can be read andset. A new value can be entered with maximum fivedigits.

    With [SELECT] a specific correction value can be set.The correction values are marked as E25, E30, E37,D25, D30 and D37 corresponding to the type ofadapter (E or D) and the temperature level (25 C,30 C and 37 C).

    The cursor of the current correction value is blinking.

    With [NEW] a correction value can be edited.

    Enter correction value. Confirm with [E].

    C O R R E C T I O N V A L U E

    E 2 5 3 0 0 0 D 2 5 3 0 0 0

    E 3 0 3 0 0 0 D 3 0 3 0 0 0

    E 3 7 3 0 0 0 D 3 7 3 0 0 0

    E X I T N E W S E L E C T

    N E W V A L U E

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    E S C 9 0 . + - E

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.3.9 11.03.2009

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    S12 Temperature Calibration

    The correction of the temperature regulation is possibleby input of the temperature value which is measured inthe cuvette with an external measuring system(Thermistor and DMM).

    This function is available only when the temperatureregulation is stabilized. In an unstable condition anerror message is shown on the display.

    Enter the actual temperature value always four-digit in C e.g. [3] [7] [.] [2] [0] measured by an externalmeasuring system.

    Confirm with [E].

    The system calculates and stores the new setting forthe selected temperature level and starts working with itat once.

    T E M P . C A L I B R A T I O N

    T E M P . A C T U A L :

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    E S C 9 0 . + - E

    S13 ADC Correction

    The current ADC correction of the device can be readand set.

    The range of this value is 0 up to 255. The defaultvalue is 150.

    The input has to be confirmed with [E].

    A D C C O R R E C T I O N 1 5 0

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    E S C 9 0 . + - E

    S14 ADC Counts (Optic )

    Indicated is the current value of the optical analogue-digital converter. The value is proportional to the light-

    current depending on the selected amplification leveland the boost setting.

    To a key actuation the system reacts possibly only afterthree seconds.

    The functions V0 to V7 set the amplification level. Thefunction BO increases (boost ON) or reduces (boostOFF) the time slot. The functions F0 to F9 place thefilter wheel into the positions 0 to 9. The position 0corresponds to the filter wheel position at the dark leveladjustment.

    Stop function by [ESC].

    A D C C O U N T S O P T I C )

    B O O S T O F F

    V 0 F 1 3 4 0 n m 1 8 8 1 0

    V 0 V 1 V 2 V 3 V 4 V 5 V 6 V 7 B 0 .

    F 0 F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 F 6 F 7 F 8 F 9

    E S C

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.3.10 11.03.2009

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    S15 ADC Counts (Dark Adjus tment)

    The ADC values of the dark adjustment can be read.

    The display shows the following information:

    a D in case of a preselected flow through cuvetteadaptor

    an E in case of a preselected standard cuvetteadaptor

    the ADC values assigned to the amplification levelsV0 up to V7

    With [E/D] the display shows alternately the values incombination with the different adaptors E or D.

    A D C C O U N T S D A R K A D J . )


    0 : 1 8 4 2 5 1 : 1 8 4 2 8

    2 : 1 8 4 3 3 3 : 1 8 4 4 2

    4 : 1 8 4 5 7 5 : 1 8 4 8 3

    6 : 1 8 5 3 4 7 : 1 8 6 3 0

    E X I T E / D

    S16 Boost Wavelength

    To improve the low light gain at small wavelengths, themeasurement time is extended when operating below adefinite wavelength. This definite wavelength will bedisplayed on the right upper corner of the window.

    The default value is 390 nm.

    The input has to be confirmed with [E].

    B O O S T W A V E L E N G 3 9 0 n m

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    E S C 9 0 . + - E

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.3.11 11.03.2009

    para mejorar

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    S17 Calibration 12V ADC

    In the first line the actual value of the voltage 12 VDCisto be seen (e.g. 12.02V).

    The internal measuring unit can be calibrated bypushing [START].

    It is assumed that the adjustment of the voltage 12 VDCof halogen lamp is done properly (chapter 4.40 Voltage 12 VDCof halogen lamp).

    The procedure is finished by [EXIT].

    C A L . 1 2 V A D C 1 2 . 0 2 V

    E X I T S T A R T

    S18 Distributor Text Init

    The distributor text shown after switching on thePhotometer 5010 V5+will be erased by invoking[START].

    [EXIT] leaves the function without any changes.

    A new distributor text can be set by software SerialMonitor 5010 (chapter 4.9).

    D I S T R I B U T O R T E X T I N I T

    E X I T S T A R T

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.3.12 11.03.2009

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    S19 Automatic Results

    This operation works only wi th standard cuvetteadapter!

    The function invokes by [START] a test based on thecalculation procedure 1C/F (OM chapter 5.4.1).

    For each setting parameter a leading identificationnumber is shown. If the identification number isselected on the keyboard, the corresponding settingparameter becomes configurable.

    After setting parameters like wavelength, factor, delaytime, unit, the procedure is started by [OK].

    By setting delay time the intervals between themeasurements can be defined.

    The procedure is working in an open loop andproduces results as long as the [EXIT] is pushed.

    By [ZERO] an automatic zero adjustment can be done.To a key actuation the system reacts possibly only afterthree seconds.

    A U T O M A T I C R E S U L T S

    E X I T S T A R T

    M E T H O D N O . 1 C / F

    1 - W A V E L E N G T H 3 4 0 n m

    2 - F A C T O R 1 . 0 0 0 E X I T

    3 - T E M P E R A T U R E 3 7 C

    4 - D E L A Y 0 s

    5 - U N I T O K

    6 -

    7 -

    8 -

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P 1 / 3

    D E L A Y 5 C / F

    4 2

    E X I T M O D E W A S H Z E R O R E S U L T


    S20 BCC of Method/Curve

    To check the correct storing of a user-defined methodor curve, the special test byte BCC concerning the datain the memory is used. With this service program theBCC of a method can be determined.

    With [M] the BCC of a method can be tested.

    With [C] the BCC of a curve can be tested.

    B C C O F M E T H O D / C U R V E

    E X I T M C

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.3.13 11.03.2009

    bucle abierto


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    S21 Clear factors + RB

    The determined resulting factor of a standardmeasurement and the reagent blank (RB) is storedtogether with the corresponding method number. Afterrenewed selection of this method the last resultingfactor is offered as "OLD STD", the reagent blank (RB)is offered as OLD RB.

    All resulting factors and reagent blanks (RB) will beerased by invoking [START].

    [EXIT] leaves the function without any changes.

    C L E A R F A C T O R S + R B

    E X I T S T A R T

    S22 Clear error list

    The last 10 serious errors are shown or printed.

    The complete error list will be erased by invoking[START].

    [EXIT] leaves the function without any changes.

    C L E A R E R R O R L I S T

    E X I T S T A R T

    S23 Printer test

    A special printout for testing the printer ribbon or thehardware is produced.

    The printout is started by invoking [START].

    [EXIT] leaves the function without any changes.

    P R I N T E R T E S T

    E X I T S T A R T

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.3.14 11.03.2009

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    S24 Stack test

    The address pointer of the stack can be controlled.

    The attribute can be changed with [SELECT].

    ON = only for development purposes

    OFF = normal position

    The setting has to be confirmed with [OK].

    [EXIT] leaves the function without any changes.

    S T A C K T E S T O F F

    E X I T O K S E L E C T

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.3.15 11.03.2009

    solo para fines de desarrollo

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    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 3.4.1 22.11.2007

    In the device all plug-in connections are marked with P1 ... P23 as described below:


    Terminal AC / DC power supply motherboard pcb RR-120 P1

    P2 motherboard pcb RR-120 sip control peristaltic pump

    P3 motherboard pcb RR-120 fan

    P4 motherboard pcb RR-120 halogen lamp

    P5 motherboard pcb RR-120 light barrier filter wheel

    P7 motherboard pcb RR-120 photodiode

    P8 motherboard pcb RR-120 Peltier element

    P9 motherboard pcb RR-120 Pcb RR-122 for display, printer, touch

    P10 motherboard pcb RR-120 Pcb RR-122 for display, printer, touch

    P11 motherboard pcb RR-120 Pcb RR-121 motor filter wheel

    P13 motherboard pcb RR-120 Interface RS-232

    P14 motherboard pcb RR-120 Pcb RR-121 motor peristaltic pump

    P20 motherboard pcb RR-120 Pcb RR-126 cuvette adaptor

    P21 motherboard pcb RR-120 Pcb RR-126 cuvette adaptor

    Terminal AC / DC power supply Pcb printer controller CN2

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    Function DescriptionThe mains power circuit shows the design of the complete primary circuit. Components of the circuit are:

    Mains connector

    Mains fuses Fa and Fb REF 5010-018

    Mains switch

    AC/DC power supply REF 5010-016 (terminal block with 7-pins)

    or REF 5010-086 (terminal block with 9-pins)

    Line filter

    Ground connection


    LocationBackside of Photometer 5010 V5+, base plate

    Replacement see chapter 5.1 Opening

    see chapter 5.2 Separating top case and bottom case

    see chapter 5.3 Base plate

    see chapter 5.6 Power supply

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.

    FusesBetween the mains switch and the mains cable connector there is a cartridge with two fuses Fa and Fb withfollowing specifications:

    dimensions [mm] : 5 * 20

    standard: IEC 60127-2/V

    time-current characteristic: time lag (T)

    voltage rating: 250 V

    rated current: 1.6 A

    marking: T 1.6 A H

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.1.1 18.08.2010

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    power input90 V~ - 264 V~

    gnye gnye

    fuses Fa and Fb


    wh gr

    mains switch

    br bk

    line filter

    br bk

    PE N L

    AC / DCpower supply

    REF 5010-016(terminal blockwith 7-pins)

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.1.2 18.08.2010

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    power input90 V~ - 264 V~

    gnye gnye

    fuses Fa and Fb


    wh gr

    Mains switch

    br bk

    line filter

    br bk

    PE N L

    AC / DCpower supply

    REF 5010-086(terminal blockwith 9-pins)

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.1.3 18.08.2010

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    Function DescriptionThe unit connects the power input with the AC/DC power supply.

    LocationBackside of Photometer 5010 V5+, base plate


    fuses Fa and Fb

    mains switch

    power input

    90 V~ - 264 V~

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.2.1 13.11.2006

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    4.3 AC / DC POWER SUPPLY REF 5010-016/-086

    Function Descript ion of REF 5010-016The AC / DC power supply is designed for producing following voltages:

    V1: + 5 VDC/ 7 A

    V2: + 15 VDC/ 3 A

    V3: - 15 VDC/ 1 A

    LocationBase plate of Photometer 5010 V5+


    see chapter 5.1 Opening

    see chapter 5.2 Separating top case and bottom case

    see chapter 5.6 Power supply

    see chapter 4.4 Cable power supply / printer

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.See also exploded view, chapter Dismantling

    Terminal block

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.3.1 27.08.2010

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    4.3 AC / DC POWER SUPPLY REF 5010-016/-086


    Cable AC / DC power supply

    Capacitor10000 F/25 V

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.3.2 27.08.2010

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    4.3 AC / DC POWER SUPPLY REF 5010-016/-086

    Function Descript ion of REF 5010-086The AC / DC power supply is designed for producing following voltages:

    V1: + 5 VDC/ 7 A

    V2: + 15 VDC/ 3 A

    V3: - 15 VDC/ 1 A

    LocationBase plate of Photometer 5010 V5+


    see chapter 5.1 Opening

    see chapter 5.2 Separating top case and bottom case

    see chapter 5.6 Power supply

    see chapter 4.4 Cable power supply / printer

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.See also exploded view, chapter Dismantling

    Terminal block

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.3.3 27.08.2010

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    4.3 AC / DC POWER SUPPLY REF 5010-016/-086

    CableCN2 printercontrol ler /power supply

    Cable AC / DCpower supply

    Capacitor10000 F/25 V

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.3.4 27.08.2010

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    4.3 AC / DC POWER SUPPLY REF 5010-016/-086

    Installation notes

    Cable with line filter (brown, black) and ground connection cable (yellow/green) are shown above only

    for the sake of completeness and are not included in delivery.

    In case of servicing a device previous to SN 8002 be sure that the cable PCB motherboard P23 / PCB

    printer controller CN2 has been replaced by power supply cable (REF 5010-077) as described in

    chapter 4.4.

    A 15R / 5W wirewound resistor must be soldered at ST23 between pins 1 and 3 as shown below:

    Devices f romSN 8002 withou tpin header.

    Devices up toSN 8002 withpin header.

    After installing AC / DC power supply it is strongly recommended to update to the newest operating

    system version (see Operating Instructions Photometer 5010, chapter

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.3.5 27.08.2010

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    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.4.1 29.08.2007

    Function DescriptionOn devices previous to SN 8002, after a certain timeof operation, may occur error 52 (see chapter 7) dueto the printer controller power supply plug connection(P23).

    To prevent this, it is possible to replace P23 with thenew power supply cable described in this chapter.The printer controller power supply CN2 will beconnected then directly to the AC / DC power supply,eliminating the connection through the motherboard.

    Beginning with SN 8002 all devices are equippedwith this cable at factory, thus no replacement isrequired.

    LocationThe printer controller cable supply should be placedas shown here.

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    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.4.2 29.08.2007

    ReplacementThe Photometer 5010 V5+ has to be dismantled:

    see chapter 5.1 Opening

    In case of servicing a device previous to SN 8002 theconnection has to be removed:

    Cable PCB motherboard P23 / PCB printer controllerCN2.

    Remove the plastic cover of the terminal.

    Unscrew the two lens head screws labeled with V1and GND.

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    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.4.3 29.08.2007

    Insert the two screws through the solder lugs of thenew power supply cable.

    Both cable terminals have to be screwed at the AC /DC power supply, with V1 (red wires) and GND (bluewires).

    Set the plastic cover of the terminal.

    The new power supply cable has to be placed underthe corner of the motherboards base plate. This willprevent the cable to interfere with the fan operationafter mounting / dismounting the device.

    Plug the cable with CN2 at the printer controller.

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    Function DescriptionOptical unit

    The optical unit consists of the following components:

    Filter wheel with filters

    Step motor filter wheel

    Light barrier filter wheel

    Step motor pump

    Pump wheel

    Connector bubble detector

    Halogen lamp

    Unit photodiode


    Unit Peltier element

    Unit cuvette adaptor

    LocationBase plate

    ReplacementThe Photometer 5010 V5+ has to be dismantled:

    see chapter 5.1 Opening

    see chapter 5.2 Separating top case and bottom case

    see chapter 5.3 Base plate

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.10.1 11.05.2006

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    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.11.1 09.04.2009

    Function DescriptionThe filter wheel has nine filter positions called F1 to F9.Six filter positions are equipped with optical filters of standard wavelengths.The wavelengths are: 340 nm, 405 nm, 492 nm, 546 nm, 578 nm and 623 nm


    Optical unit

    ReplacementThe Photometer 5010 V5+ has to be dismantled:

    see chapter 5.1 Opening

    see chapter 5.2 Separating top case and bottom case

    see chapter 5.3 Base plate

    see chapter 5.5 Optical unit: Filter wheel, motor filter wheel, motor peristaltic pump, light barrier

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.

    Filter wheel with nine filter positionscalled F1 to F9

    Filter wheel equipped with interferenceline filters of standard wavelengths

    Motor mounting plate

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    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.11.2 09.04.2009

    Installation of additional optical filters / Replacement of optical filtersThe filter wheel can be equipped with additional optical filters in the positions 7 to 9.In the standard equipment the not used positions are optically locked by metal slices.The respective metal slice is replaced with a filter at installation of an additional filter. In the memory of thePhotometer 5010 V5+ the value of the wavelength (e.g. 670 nm) for the corresponding position (e.g. 7)becomes changed by a service software routine.

    Mechanical operations:LocationOptical unit

    ReplacementThe Photometer 5010 V5+ has to be dismantled:

    see chapter 5.1 Opening

    see chapter 5.2 Separating top case and bottom case

    see chapter 5.3 Base plate page 5.3.1

    The filter wheel is turned by hand so that the corresponding hole is at the cut-out of the motor mounting plate

    (see page 4.11.1).

    With the tool kit filter exchange ( RIELEREF 5010-001 ) a filter exchange can beeasily carried out.

    The tool kit filter exchange consists of the

    tools A and B.

    Tool B

    Tool A

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    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.11.3 09.04.2009

    With the tool A and a pipe wrench themetal slice can be pushed from the holein the filter wheel.

    The cheeks of the pipe wrench grasp atthe tool and at the filter wheel.

    With a screwdriver the Seeger ring andthe metal slice can be taken out.

    Left picture:Optical filter with marking340 nm

    Right picture:Optical filter with markingarrow. The arrow showsthe direction of the light.

    Two kinds of optical filterscan be used in the filterwheel:

    diameter 12 mm

    diameter 10 mm

    In case of using filters with adiameter 10 mm an

    additional spacer ring isneeded.

    Spacer ring for Optical filter Complete unit:optical filter with 10 mm diameter with 10 mm diameter Optical filter with spacer ring

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    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.11.4 09.04.2009

    Put the filter into the corresponding holeof the filter wheel.

    If the filter has only one reflectingsurface, this reflecting surface must bejudged to the light source.

    If the filter is marked with an arrow itshows the direction of the light.

    The Seeger ring can loosely be insertedinto the hole in the filter wheel.

    With the tool B (left illustration) and apipe wrench the filter and the Seeger ringcan be fixed.

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    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.11.5 09.04.2009


    The assignment of wavelength and filterposition can be done.

    The current filter position is blinking.

    With [SELECT] the filter position can be set.

    With [NEW] the wavelength can be edited.

    In the first line the current filter position isshown.

    The new value of the wavelength has to beentered.

    The input has to be confirmed with [E].


    Indicated is the current value of the opticalanalogue-digital converter. The value isproportional to the light-current depending onthe selected amplification level and the boostsetting.

    To a key actuation the system reactspossibly only after three seconds.The functions V0 to V7 set the amplificationlevel. The function BO increases (boost ON)or reduces (boost OFF) the time slot. Thefunctions F0 to F9 place the filter wheel into

    the positions 0 to 9. The position 0 corre-sponds to the filter wheel position at the darklevel adjustment.

    Select amplification level V0 and boost OFF.Stop function by [ESC].

    3. The ADC counts of the new wavelength should be within a range of 15.000 and 600.000.

    4. Finish the operation with [ESC].

    S E T W A V E L E N G T H

    1 : 3 4 0 6 : 6 2 3

    2 : 4 0 5 7 : 9 9 9

    3 : 4 9 2 8 : 9 9 9

    4 : 5 4 6 9 : 9 9 9

    5 : 5 7 8

    E X I T N E W S E L E C T

    N E W W A V E L E N G T H 1

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    E S C 9 0 . + - E

    S E R V I C E T O O L S P A G E 4 / 5

    A D C C O U N T S O P T I C )

    B O O S T O F F

    V 0 F 1 3 4 0 n m 2 1 3 3 6

    V 0 V 1 V 2 V 3 V 4 V 5 V 6 V 7 B O .

    F 0 F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 F 6 F 7 F 8 F 9

    E S C

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    4.12 HALOGEN LAMP REF 0554871001

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.12.1 12.05.2007

    Function DescriptionThe halogen lamp is working with 12 VDCand anelectrical power of 20 W.

    LocationOptical unit

    The Photometer 5010 V5+ has to be dismantled(see chapter 5.1 Opening item 3 and item 5).

    Unscrew the cylinder head screw.

    Remove the lamp shield.

    ReplacementUnscrew the knurled head screw.

    Remove the holding plate.

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    4.12 HALOGEN LAMP REF 0554871001

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.12.2 12.05.2007

    The halogen lamp can be easily removed.


    The halogen lamp may be hot.

    Use tweezers for removing.

    The picture shows the lamp socket.

    Attention: The lamp socket is adjusted in the factory.The two screws (A) are not to be solved without aspecial reason.


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    4.12 HALOGEN LAMP REF 0554871001

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.12.3 12.05.2007

    The plastic bag (B) of the halogen lamp can be usedfor inserting of the lamp. Do not touch the glass ofthe halogen lamp with fingers.

    The picture shows the plastic bag, the halogen lamp,the holding plate and the lamp shield.


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    4.12 HALOGEN LAMP REF 0554871001

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.12.4 12.05.2007


    1. For installation proceed in reverse order.

    2. In case of working with the flow-through cuvette adaptor the cell must be filled with distilled water. Incase of working with the standard cuvette adaptor the cuvette compartment must be empty.

    3. Switch on the Photometer 5010 V5+.

    4. Check the voltage 12 VDCof halogen lamp (see chapter 4.40.4).


    Indicated is the current value of the opticalanalogue-digital converter. The value isproportional to the light-current depending onthe selected amplification level and the boostsetting.

    To a key actuation the system reactspossibly only after three seconds.The functions V0 to V7 set the amplificationlevel. The function BO increases (boost ON)or reduces (boost OFF) the time slot. Thefunctions F0 to F9 place the filter wheel intothe positions 0 to 9. The position 0 corre-sponds to the filter wheel position at the darklevel adjustment.

    Select amplification level V0 and boost OFF.

    Stop function by [ESC].

    6. Check one after another the used positions of the filter wheel.

    7. The ADC counts should be within a range of 20.000 and 600.000(see chapter 4.40.6 Adjustment of amplifier stage).

    8. Finish the operation with [ESC].

    U T I L I T I E S P A G E 5 / 5

    A D C C O U N T S O P T I C )

    B O O S T O F F

    V 0 F 1 3 4 0 n m 2 1 3 3 6

    V 0 V 1 V 2 V 3 V 4 V 5 V 6 V 7 B O .

    F 0 F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 F 6 F 7 F 8 F 9

    E S C

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    4.13 UNIT PHOTODIODE REF 5010-056

    Function DescriptionThe unit photodiode contains a silicon photodiode, alense, a lense holder and a cable with plug.


    Plug P7

    The photodiode is covered by a black label.

    LocationThe photodiode is situated at the optical unit. Theplug P7 is connected with the socket ST7 on themother board RR-120.

    Unit photodiode

    Plug P7

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 v5+ 4.13.1 10.05.2006

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    4.13 UNIT PHOTODIODE REF 5010-056

    ReplacementThe Photometer 5010 v5+ has to be dismantled:

    see chapter 5.1 Opening item 1 and item 3

    Unplug the unit photodiode from the mother board RR-120.Unscrew the two screws attaching the unit photodiode at the optical unit.

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 v5+ 4.13.2 10.05.2006

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    4.14 UNIT CUVETTE ADAPTOR REF 5010-068

    Function DescriptionA power Darlington transistor TIP 132 is used as aheating unit.

    The unit contains a transistor TIP 132, the PCBRR-126 cuvette adaptor, cables and two plugs P20

    and P21.

    The plug P21 is connected with the socket ST21 onthe mother board RR-120.

    The plug P20 is connected with the socket ST20 onthe mother board RR-120.

    Lead with crimped connector belonging to plugP2 pin 4 (type of adaptor)

    LocationOptical unit

    ReplacementThe Photometer 5010 V5+ has to be dismantled:

    see chapter 5.1 Opening

    see chapter 5.2 Separating top case and bottom case

    see chapter 5.3 Base plate

    Unscrew the two cylinder head screws of thePCB RR-126.

    Unscrew the cylinder head screw of the transistor.

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.14.1 10.05.2006

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    4.15 UNIT PELTIER ELEMENT REF 5010-062

    Function DescriptionAn Peltier element is an electrical element based on the Peltier effect designated after Jean Peltier, whichproduces a temperature difference between two plates with current flow. The current pumps warmth from aside on the other one and produces a temperature difference between the plates. The element is used to cooldown the cuvette, cuvette adaptor and cuvette compartment.

    LocationOptical unit

    Unit Peltier element

    ReplacementThe Photometer 5010 V5+ has to be dismantled:

    see chapter 5.1 Opening

    see chapter 5.2 Separating top case and bottom case

    see chapter 5.3 Base plate

    see chapter 5.4 Optical compartment, peristaltic pump, heating unit

    Two clamp screws are glued.

    Heat conducting paste

    Heat sink

    Mica washer

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.15.1 27.04.2006

    dos tornillos de fijacion

    intensidad de las bombas de calor

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    4.16 STEP MOTOR PUMP REF 5010-060

    Function DescriptionThe peristaltic pump is used for sample aspirationinto the flow-through cell. A step motor drives therotor of the pump.

    LocationOptical unit

    ReplacementThe Photometer 5010 V5+ has to be dismantled:

    see chapter 5.1 Opening

    see chapter 5.2 Separating top case and bottom case

    see chapter 5.3 Base plate

    see chapter 5.5 Optical unit: Filter wheel, motor filter wheel, motor peristaltic pump, light barrier

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.

    To fit the step motor the cover plate of the workingarea needs to be modified.

    To remove the cover plate see chapter 5.4.2 ASSEMBLING / DISMANTLING.

    Modified cover plate is part of the step motor sparepart.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.16.1 23.07.2013

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    Function DescriptionThe step motor is used for driving the filter wheel.

    LocationOptical unit

    ReplacementThe Photometer 5010 V5+ has to be dismantled:

    see chapter 5.1 Opening

    see chapter 5.2 Separating top case and bottom case

    see chapter 5.3 Base plate

    see chapter 5.5 Optical unit: Filter wheel, motor filter wheel, motor peristaltic pump, light barrier

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.18.1 10.05.2006

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    Function DescriptionThe light barrier is the position control of the filterwheel. The unit is delivered with a plug.

    The plug P5 is connected with the socket ST5 on themother board RR-120.

    Holder of the light barrier

    Light barrier

    LocationOptical unit.

    ReplacementThe Photometer 5010 V5+ has to be dismantled:

    see chapter 5.1 Opening item 1, item 2, item 3, item 5

    see chapter 5.5 Optical unit: Filter wheel, motor filter wheel, motor peristaltic pump, light barrier

    Adjusting procedure of the light barrier:

    Loosen the cylinder head screw.

    Hole on the mounting plate

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.19.1 11.05.2006

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    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.

    1. Switch on the Photometer 5010 V5+.


    The rotation of the filter wheel can be controlled.

    With [F0] up to [F9] the discret positions of the filterwheel can be selected.

    A specific value (e.g. 399MS) shows the rotation ofthe filter wheel. The abbreviation MS is used formotor step.

    Move the holder up or down as long as each holesituated on the border line of the filter wheel is

    centered to the hole situated on the mounting pF

    T E S T F I L T E R W H E E L

    F 1 3 4 n m 3 9 9 M S

    F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 F 6 F 7 F 8

    E S C F 9 F


    ix the cylinder head screw.

    3. Check one after another the used positions of the filter wheel.

    4. Finish the operation with [ESC].

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.19.2 11.05.2006

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    Function DescriptionThe bubble detector controls the aspirated volume byan integrated light barrier. The detector gives ananalogue signal showing the status AIR or WATER.The signal is controlled by the microcontroller andproduces in case of a wrong handling or technical

    defective an error message.

    For further information see OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS, chapter 9 Error message /Correction.


    Bubble detector

    ReplacementOpen the lid. Disconnect the bubble detector. Withdraw the aspiration tubing from the metal tube. Dont bendthe apiration tubing. Replace the bubble detector.

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.For further information see OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS, chapter 7.2.4 Pump / bubble detector.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.20.1 11.05.2006

    mal manejo


    Para mas informacion


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    Function DescriptionThe flow-through cuvette adaptor consists of:

    Plastic adaptor

    Flow-through cuvette with a volume of 32 l

    Heating unit

    Plug Potentiometer for factory calibration

    LocationOptical unit

    ReplacementLoosen clamp screw, open tube connection, remove adaptor.

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.

    After installation of a new cuvette adaptor a dark level adjustment has to be done by


    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.21.1 28.04.2006

    unidad de calefaccion

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    Function DescriptionThe standard cuvette adaptor is used for disposable cuvettes or for working with a discrete flow-through cell.

    The standard cuvette adaptor consists of:

    Plastic adapter

    Heating unit Plug

    Potentiometer for factory calibration

    LocationOptical unit

    ReplacementLoosen clamp screw, remove adaptor.

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.

    After installation of a new cuvette adaptor a dark level adjustment has to be done by[UTILITIES] [DARK LEVEL ADJUSTMENT] [START].

    Holding spring for disp. cuvetteREF 1707159001

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.22.1 28.04.2006

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    Function DescriptionThe connector bubble detector connects the bubbledetector with PCB RR-120 motherboard.

    The plug P2 is connected with the socket ST2 on themother board RR-120.

    LocationOptical unit

    Connector bubble detector

    ReplacementThe Photometer 5010 V5+ has to be dismantled:

    see chapter 5.1 Opening item 1, item 2, item 3, item 5

    Loosen milled nut and remove the connector bubble detector.Remove the green lead with crimped connector belonging to plug P2 pin 4 (type of adaptor).

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.23.1 11.05.2006

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    4.24 LAMP HOLDER REF 5010-059

    Function DescriptionThe lamp holder is used for fixing the halogen lamp.

    Ondular washer

    The plug P4 is connected with the socket ST4 on themother board RR-120.

    LocationOptical unit

    Lamp holder

    Cylinder head screws with ondular washer

    ReplacementThe Photometer 5010 V5+ has to be dismantled:

    see chapter 5.1 Opening item 1, item 2, item 3, item 5

    Remove halogen lamp. For further information see chapter 4.12 Halogen lamp. Unplug P4. Unscrew the twocylinder head screws.

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.24.1 12.05.2006

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    4.26 TUBES

    waste tubingREF 1704834001

    outlet tube cuvetteREF 5010-066

    aspiration tubingREF 5010-065

    pump tube with jointsREF 5010-050

    Joint inlet tube cuvetteREF 1707175001

    Aspiration tubing REF 5010-065

    Joint inlet tube cuvette REF 1707175001

    Outlet tube cuvette REF 5010-066

    Pump tube with joints REF 5010-050

    Waste tubing REF 1704834001

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.26.1 18.05.2006

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    4.30 TOP CASE REF 5010-064

    Function DescriptionThe top case is one of the two main parts of thehousing. It is assembled with:

    Microswitch (see chapter 4.33)

    LocationTop case

    ReplacementThe Photometer 5010 V5+ has to be dismantled:

    see chapter 5.1 Opening item 1, item 2 and item 5

    see chapter 5.2 Separating the top case from the bottom case

    see chapter 4.41 Touchscreen

    Note: When the plastic foil touchscreen (REF 5010-070) is removed from device it might not be reusable.

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.30.1 15.05.2006

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    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.31.1 15.04.2009

    Function DescriptionThe top case is one of the two main parts of thehousing. It is assembled with:

    Sipping lever Microswitch (see chapter 4.33)

    Metal tube inlet


    Touchscreen with PCB RR-122(see chapter 4.41)

    Plastic foil touchscreen(see chapter 4.34)

    LocationTop case

    ReplacementThe Photometer 5010 V5+ has to be dismantled:

    see chapter 5.1 Opening item 1, item 2 and item 5

    see chapter 5.2 Separating the top case from the bottom case

    see chapter 4.41 Touchscreen

    see chapter 4.43 PCB RR-122 Display, printer, touch

    see chapter 4.34 Plastic foil touchscreen

    Note: When the plastic foil touchscreen (REF 5010-070) is removed from device it might not be reusable.

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.

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    4.32 METAL TUBE INLET REF 5010-055

    Function DescriptionThe metal tube inlet is used to guide the aspiratetubing.

    Metal tube inlet

    LocationTop case

    ReplacementRemove aspirate tubing from metal tube inlet.Remove metal tube inlet by turning and pulling at the same time.

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.32.1 15.05.2006

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    Function DescriptionThe microswitch is pressed by the sipping lever, itssignal starts the peristaltic pump.

    LocationTop case

    ReplacementThe Photometer 5010 V5+ has to be dismantled:

    see chapter 5.1 Opening

    see chapter 5.2 Separating the top case from the bottom case

    Disconnect plug J/ST3 of PCB RR-122 display, printer, touch.Remove microswitch by a screw driver and clean frame from remaining glue.


    For installation proceed in reverse order.Use for example glue Delomet Typ 2301.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.33.1 15.05.2006

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    Function DescriptionThe plastic foil is made of polyester and selfadhesive.

    LocationTop case

    ReplacementRemove the plastic foil carefully. Avoid scratches on the top case.Note: When the plastic foil is removed from device it might not be reusable.

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.34.1 12.05.2006

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    4.35 PRINTER MECHANISM 8NAD REF 5010-052

    Function DescriptionThe printer is shown with an inserted ribbon.

    Printer ribbon REF 1010735001 or REF 0745235001

    LocationTop case

    ReplacementThe Photometer 5010 V5+ has to be dismantled:

    see chapter 5.1 Opening

    see chapter 5.2 Separating top case and bottom case

    Remove top cover for printer, paper and ribbon.Disconnect 18-pin plug CN6 from printer controller 8NAD (REF 5010-053).Loosen 2 front screws in the hollows and remove the other 2 screws.Remove printer mechanism.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.35.1 15.05.2006

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    4.35 PRINTER MECHANISM 8NAD REF 5010-052

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.

    Marked lead

    Solder printer connection cable to printer mechanism.Also take care for marked lead of pin 1.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.35.2 15.05.2006

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    4.40 PCB RR-120 MOTHERBOARD REF 5010-120

    Function DescriptionThe mother board is the central electronic unit within Photometer 5010 V5+.Following components are equipped on the PCB:

    multiprocessor system based on microcontrollers SAFC517 and 87C51/52

    Flash memory

    battery powered ram

    battery powered real time clock

    ADC for photocurrent

    ADC for temperature control

    interface stepper motor for peristaltic pump

    interface infrared bubble detector

    interface stepper motor for filter wheel

    interface light barrier filter wheel

    interface RS 232C

    interface internal printer (Centronics)

    interface touchscreen

    interface Peltier element

    interface heating unit

    halogen lamp regulator

    fuses F1, F2 and F3

    LocationBase plate

    ReplacementThe Photometer 5010 V5+ has to be dismantled:

    see chapter 5.1 Opening

    see chapter 5.2 Separating top case and bottom case

    see chapter 5.3 Base plate

    see chapter 5.7 Motherboard

    InstallationFor installation proceed in reverse order.Perform the installation instruction of this chapter.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.40.1 17.03.2009

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    4.40 PCB RR-120 MOTHERBOARD REF 5010-120

    Component diagram (layout c)

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.40.2 17.03.2009

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    4.40 PCB RR-120 MOTHERBOARD REF 5010-120

    Component diagram (layout d)

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.40.3 17.03.2009

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    4.40 PCB RR-120 MOTHERBOARD REF 5010-120

    Voltages1. Before adjustment switch the Photometer 5010 V5+off. Open the device. Open the photometer

    regarding safety rules of chapter 1 of this service manual (chapter 5.1 Opening).

    2. The device plug of the mains cable must be put into the mains cable socket at the back of the deviceand the mains plug of the mains cable must be put into a grounded mains socket.

    3. Switch the device on.

    4. Use DVM for measuring 12 VDC.

    5. Connect the negative lead of DVM to the ground connector (soldering connector).

    6. Connect the positive lead of DVM to the pin 3 of IC10.

    7. Check the voltage + 5 VDC(tolerance 5%).

    8. Connect the positive lead of DVM to the pin 4 of IC10.

    9. Check the voltage - 12 VDC(tolerance 5%).

    10. Connect the positive lead of DVM to the pin 14 of IC10.

    11. Check the voltage + 12 VDC(tolerance 5%).

    12. Connect the positive lead of DVM to the battery BT1.

    13. Check the voltage + 3 VDC(tolerance 10%).

    + 3 VDC 10%

    - 12 VDC 5%+ 5 VDC 5% + 12 VDC 5% Ground connector

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.40.4 17.03.2009

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    4.40 PCB RR-120 MOTHERBOARD REF 5010-120

    Voltage 12 VDCof halogen lamp1. Before adjustment switch the Photometer 5010 V5+off. Open the device. Open the photometer

    regarding safety rules of chapter 1 of this service manual (chapter 5.1 Opening).

    2. Switch the device on.

    3. Use DVM for measuring 12 VDC.

    4. Connect the negative lead of DVM to pin 2 of plug ST4.

    5. Connect the positive lead of DVM to pin 1 of plug ST4.

    6. Check the voltage +12.0 VDC(tolerance 50 mVDC).

    7. If necessary adjust the voltage +12.0 VDC(tolerance 5 mVDC) with potentiometer P2.Turning clockwise increases voltage.Turning counter-clockwise decreases voltage.

    Potentiometer P2

    Fuses F1, F2, and F3

    Name Protection Specification

    F1 VCC (+ 5 VDC) T 3.15 A / 250 V

    F2 + 15 VDC/ + 12 VDC T 6.3 A / 250 V

    F3 Power supply printer + 5 VDC T 6.3 A / 250 V

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.40.5 17.03.2009

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    4.40 PCB RR-120 MOTHERBOARD REF 5010-120

    Amplifier for photocurrent and ADCThe photocurrent of the photodiode is converted with short circuit application into a voltage signal with the aidof the amplifier IC5 (AD 711). Potentiometer P3 sets the amplification and potentiometer P4 sets the offsetvoltage of the amplifier stage.

    A voltage / frequency converter IC9 (AD654) is connected to the output of the amplifier.

    The microcontroller can set the amplification of the amplifier stage by the multiplexer IC10 (ADG428). Theeight different settings of amplification are called V0 up to V7. The setting V0 is equivalent to the lowestamplification.

    The microcontroller converts the frequency signal of the voltage / frequency converter to a digital result in arange between 0 and ~ 600000. This result is called value of the ADC.

    The value of the ADC in the case of photocurrent = 0 (darkness) is called offset. The offset is

    dependent on the setting of the amplifier stage,

    positive and 0, set with potentiometer P4.

    The following diagram shows the ADC-counter values versus the photocurrent.


    photo current

    ~ 600.000



    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.40.6 17.03.2009

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    4.40 PCB RR-120 MOTHERBOARD REF 5010-120

    Adjustment of amplifier stage1. Before starting adjustments switch the Photometer 5010 V5+ off and unplug from the main socket.

    Open the photometer regarding safety rules of chapter 1 of this service manual. The Photometer 5010V5+has to be dismantled (chapter 5.1 Opening item 4 and item 5).

    2. Insert standard cuvette adaptor for disposable cuvettes into the device, but do not insert cuvette.

    3. Switch the device on.

    4. Be sure that the optical unit is adjusted faultless (chapter 4.10, 5.4 and 5.5) and check the supplyvoltages and the lamp voltage (chapter 4.40.4 and 4.40.5).


    Indicated is the current value of the opticalanalogue-digital converter. The value isproportional to the light-current depending onthe selected amplification level and the boostsetting.

    To a key actuation the system reactspossibly only after three seconds.The functions V0 to V7 set the amplificationlevel. The function BO increases (boost ON)or reduces (boost OFF) the time slot. Thefunctions F0 to F9 place the filter wheel intothe positions 0 to 9. The position 0 corre-sponds to the filter wheel position at the darklevel adjustment.

    Stop function by [ESC].

    U T I L I T I E S P A G E 5 / 5

    A D C C O U N T S O P T I C )

    B O O S T O F F

    V 0 F 1 3 4 0 n m 2 1 3 3 6

    V 0 V 1 V 2 V 3 V 4 V 5 V 6 V 7 B O .

    F 0 F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 F 6 F 7 F 8 F 9

    E S C

    6. Amplification:

    Select amplification level V7 and boost OFF. Turn the filter wheel to the wavelength 340 nm by selectingF1. Turn the potentiometer P3 (on the mother board) clockwise to the maximum. The ADC should showa value 150000 counts.

    7. Select amplification level V0 and boost OFF. Turn the filter wheel to that position by selecting F1 up toF9, so that the shown ADC value becomes a maximum. If necessary adjust the ADC to a value

    600000 counts with the potentiometer P3. The amplification can be reduced by turning P3 counter-clockwise.

    8. Offset:Switch the device off.

    9. Remove the the photodiode plug and connect the plug 1 MOhm with the socket ST7.

    plug 1 MOhm

    10. Switch the device on.

    11. Run UTILITIES ADC COUNTS (OPTIC). Turn the filter wheel to the dark position by selecting F0.

    12. Note the ADC value e.g. 18015.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.40.7 17.03.2009

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    4.40 PCB RR-120 MOTHERBOARD REF 5010-120

    13. Select amplification level V7.

    14. Adjust the ADC value with potentiometer P4 to the noted value e.g. 18015 with a tolerance of 50 counts.

    15. Check all sensitivity levels V0 up to V7. The ADC values shall increase or decrease step by step. Forexample valid values for the increasing case could be:

    V0: 18865, V1: 18869, V2: 18872, V3: 18887, V4: 18899, V5: 18901, V6: 18923, V7: 18933

    The deviation between V0 and V7 shall be smaller than absolute 200 counts.

    16. Switch the device off.

    17. Remove the plug 1 MOhm and connect the photodiode plug with the socket ST7.

    18. Do a dark level adjustment by applying utility U1with both cuvette adaptors.(OM chapter 7.2.1 - Dark level adjustment).

    P3 P4MP2 Ground connector

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.40.8 17.03.2009

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    4.40 PCB RR-120 MOTHERBOARD REF 5010-120

    Temperature controlGeneral DescriptionThe temperature control takes care of the correct temperature inside the flow-through cuvette or inside thestandard cuvette adaptor. The temperature is selectable by the program at fixed levels, i.e. 25 C, 30 C or37 C.

    The temperature control circuit consists of:

    microcontroller system

    temperature sensor

    analogue-digital-converter (ADC)

    heating unit

    cooling unit

    Microcontroller System

    The temperature control circuit is a PID-controller, a software module in the microcontroller system. The PID-controller works in the background all the time. Dependent on the cuvette adaptor the PID-controller usesdifferent parameters.

    The required value of temperature is ascertained by the program of the microprocessor system. Thetemperature is controlled according to the set temperature in the selected method.

    The PID-controller gives information to the controlling program about the given temperature tolerances andtherefore about the readiness for measuring.

    Temperature Sensor and ADCThe voltage signal of the temperature sensor LM335 is converted by the IC2 (LTC1286) to an equivalentfrequency. The microcontroller unit IC3 (87C52PLCC) converts the frequency to a digital value.

    The voltage signal of the temperature sensor LM335 is typical 3.1 VDC at 37 C,3.03 VDC at 30 C and 2.98 VDCat 25 C.The ADC converts the input voltage to a digital value between 0 and 32767 as shown on following diagram:


    input voltageof temperature sensor



    ca. 17000

    ca. 13900

    3,03 VDC2,98 VDC 3,1 VDC

    ca. 15200

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.40.9 17.03.2009

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    4.40 PCB RR-120 MOTHERBOARD REF 5010-120

    HeatingThe control variable of the controller has influence on the heating. A switched Darlington transistor in source ofpower-switching is used as heating element. The PID-controller produces a voltage at the emitter of theDarlington transistor by a pulse-width-modulation. This voltage controls the current through the transistor.Involved components are the microcontroller IC3 (87C52PLCC) and IC7A/IC7B (LM393).

    CoolingFor cooling or counter cooling during heating the microcontroller system switches on a Peltier element. Thereare four power levels with following terms and meaning:

    0 = Cooling out

    1 = Cooling (low level)

    2 = Cooling (middle level)

    3 = Cooling (high level)

    In case of temperature changing by method selection cooling level 0 is selected if desired temperature ishigher as selected one.In case of temperature changing by method selection cooling level 3 is selected if desired temperature is lower

    as selected one.

    If selected temperature is reached it is switched over to a cooling level depending on the temperature:

    for 37 degrees Centigrade cooling level 1

    for 30 degrees Centigrade cooling level 2

    for 25 degrees Centigrade cooling level 3

    The cooling element is a Peltier element. The Peltier element functions as a heat pump and transports heatout of the cuvette adaptor to the heat sink. The heat sink is provided with air by the fan of the device andtransports the heat outside to the area.The Peltier element operates with a voltage, switch able on four levels:

    cooling level 0 0 VDC

    cooling level 1 0.45 VDC

    cooling level 2 0.9 VDC

    cooling level 3 1.3 VDC

    Involved components are the microcontroller unit IC3 (87C52PLCC), the OP-booster U1A (LM358), thetransistor T4 (BC547), the transistor T5 (TIP132 mounted at the base plate) and the Peltier element.

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.40.10 17.03.2009

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    4.40 PCB RR-120 MOTHERBOARD REF 5010-120

    Thermal adjustmentThe PID-controller algorithm works always as follows:




    ACTUAL VALUE Actual value of the ADC


    TEMPERATURE VALUE Value assigned to a temperature level of 37 C, 30 C or 25 C. Thisvalue is automatically selected by the device according to the state ofoperating. The temperature value is board-characteristic and cuvetteadaptor specific. The values for the temperature levels of 37 C, 30 Cor 25 C are ascertained in factory and noted during the check of theboard. They are stored within the battery powered RAM.

    Dependent on the used cuvette adaptor different service programs canshow and edit the values stored in battery powered RAM. The systemcan be adjusted to lower or higher temperature values. A change ofabout 25 counts means a temperature change of 0.1 C.

    Service program S10 - Temperature valueis used for editing the value(chapter 3.3)

    Service program S12 - Temperature calibrationcalibrates the system automatically.(chapter 3.3 / chapter 9.1)

    The value is noted on a sticker. The sticker is shown on the left and puton top of the IC15 (SABC517).

    The sticker shows the serial number of the board (e.g. 7000) and thetemperature values of 25 C, 30 C, 37 C of standard cuvette adaptor(S) and flow-through adaptor (FTH).

    In addition the values are documented in the device card of Photometer5010 V5+and stored in a file at the manufacturer.

    RR_120 7000

    S FTH

    25 C 8255 8230

    30 C 9495 9430

    37 C 11198 11113

    CORRECTION VALUE Correction value in the range of 0 and 9999. The default value is 3000.After using the service program S1 - System initialization (chapter 3.3)the correction value is set to the default value 3000.The system can be adjusted to a lower or a higher temperature value. A

    change of about 25 counts means a temperature change of 0.1 C. Service program S11 - Correction value

    is used for editing the value(chapter 3.3)

    Utility programs U10 - Temperature adjustmentadjusts the system automatically.(chapter OM 7.2.10)

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.40.11 17.03.2009

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    4.40 PCB RR-120 MOTHERBOARD REF 5010-120

    Installation instructionIn case of changing the mother board following items have to be done after switching on the device:

    1. Check the contrast of LCD(Service Manual chapter 4.42 Contrast of touchscreen).

    2. Check the voltage 12 VDCof halogen lamp. The voltage was pre-adjusted at the factory(Service Manual chapter 4.40 Voltage 12 VDCof halogen lamp).

    3. Check voltages + 12 VDC, - 12 VDC, + 5 VDCand + 3 VDC (battery power)(Service Manual chapter 4.40 Voltages).

    4. Perform the adjustment of amplifier stage(Service Manual chapter 4.40 Adjustment of amplifier stage).

    5. The display of Photometer 5010 V5+shows:

    M A I N M E N U

    M E A S U R E W I T H P R O G R . M E T H O D S

    M E A S U R E W I T H B A S I C M E T H O D S

    M E T H O D S N E W / C H A N G E / C O P Y

    U T I L I T I E S L A M P L F

    3 7 . 0 5 C 0 4 . 0 1 . 0 6 1 1 : 3 9

    6. The serial number can be set by applying the service tool S5(Service Manual chapter 3.3 S5 - Serial no.).

    7. The assignment of filter positions has to be done if additional filters has been built in

    (e.g. 670 nm). Apply the service tool S7(Service Manual chapter 3.3 S7 Set wavelength).

    8. Do a setting of the temperature values by performing the calibration procedure ofPhotometer 5010 V5+.(Service Manual chapter 9.1 - Subject: Cuvette temperature)(Service Manual chapter 4.40 - Thermal adjustment)

    9. Do a setting of attribute of PCB layout by applying the service tool S6:Software applications may be dependent on this attribute(Service Manual chapter 3.3 S6 - PCB layout).

    10. Delete allocated memory by applying the service tool S2:(Service Manual chapter 3.3 S2.1 Delete free methods)(Service Manual chapter 3.3 S2.2 Multi-standard memory)(Service Manual chapter 3.3 S2.3 Delete logger memory)(Service Manual chapter 3.3 S2.4 Delete QC memory)

    11. Define the laboratory name by applying the utility U11:The name of the laboratory can be stored permanently(OM chapter 7.2.11 Laboratory name).

    12. Define the user names by applying the utility U12:The names of maximum five users can be stored permanently(OM chapter 7.2.12 User name).

    13. Do a dark level adjustment by applying utility U1in combination with flow-through system.(OM chapter 7.2.1 - Dark level adjustment).The utility is working specifically to the current adaptor. An adjustment of the standard cuvette adaptor

    should be done later on.

    14. Perform a media test by applying utility U4.4(OM chapter Media test).

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.40.12 17.03.2009

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    4.40 PCB RR-120 MOTHERBOARD REF 5010-120

    15. Perform a pump calibration by applying utility U4.2(OM chapter Pump calibration).

    16. Switch off Photometer 5010 V5+. Change the cuvette adaptor. Switch on Photometer 5010 V5+.

    17. Do a dark level adjustment by applying utility U1in combination with standard cuvette adapter.See OM chapter 7.2.1 - Dark level adjustment.

    18. Control the settings by applying utility U7(OM chapter 7.2.7 - Printout settings).


    DATE: 11.05.08

    TIME: 11:49:06

    PHOTOMETER 5010 # 7000

    V5.12a 31.10.08 D /2.0



    0: 17970 1: 17970

    2: 17971 3: 17971

    4: 17971 5: 17971

    6: 17972 7: 17972


    0: 17970 1: 17971

    2: 17971 3: 17972

    4: 17972 5: 17976

    6: 17980 7: 17980


    25C 8250 3000

    30C 9500 3000

    37C 11250 3000


    25C 8250 300030C 9500 3000

    37C 11250 3000


    0: DDD 1: 340

    2: 405 3: 492

    4: 546 5: 578

    6: 623 7: 999

    8: 999 9: 999


    MS AIR 205

    MS/50ul 61

    B-DET. 4


    VDC LAMP 12.09V



    BOOST nm 390



    1: ENGLISH

    2: GERMAN



    Yellow marked variables:

    Those variables are specific to thedevice and created in the factory.In case of replacing the variablesget information by:

    Serial number:(see item 6)

    Layout of pcb motherboard:(see item 9)

    Temperature values:(see item 8)

    ADC correction:The default value is 150.

    Boost nm:The default value is 390.

    Red marked variables:ADC counts:(see item 13 and 17)

    MS Air, MS/50ul and B-Det:(see item 14 and 15)

    VDC Lamp:(see item 2 and chapter 3.3 S17Calibration 12 VADC)

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.40.13 17.03.2009

  • 7/27/2019 Pm-51 touch screen1.pdf


    4.40 PCB RR-120 MOTHERBOARD Layout c REF 5010-120

    RIELE BERLIN Photometer 5010 V5+ 4.40

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