Page 1: Podcast Session #51 · Podcast Session #51 Liver-Gallbladder Cleanses With Keith Morey For over two decades, Keith Morey has researched innovative ways to combat the underlying cause


Podcast Session #51

Liver-Gallbladder Cleanses

With Keith Morey

For over two decades, Keith Morey has researched innovative ways to combat the underlying cause of illness. Today, he talks in-depth on the topic

of the liver and gallbladder cleanses. Make sure you check out the Group Liver Flush at Sophia Health Institute:


For more on Keith, visit:

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Dr. Christine Schaffner: Welcome to the Spectrum of Health podcast. I'm

Dr. Christine Schaffner, and today I'm speaking with Keith Morey. For over

two decades, Keith has researched innovative ways to combat the underlying

causes of illness. The knowledge gained from his research enabled him to

understand chronic illness and the major dysfunctions that are destroying

modern health today.

0:00:27 DS: Today, we are talking about liver-gallbladder cleansing benefits

and protocols, and we are offering a group liver flush via Sophia Health Insti-

tute. We're really excited to share this with you, and this prompted my conver-

sation today with Keith, as we're using a lot of his experience and products

and integrating that into the experience that we're offering in collaboration

with Sophia Health Institute through our colon therapist, Kim Todd, as well as

our health coach, Ellen Daulerio, and our nutritionist, Eva Christensen. I hope

that you take a look at that program in the show notes, and thank you so

much for joining us today for the podcast. Welcome, Keith. I'm really excited

to interview you today.

0:01:07 Keith Morey: I look forward to it. It's been a long time since we've

talked and actually gone over things like this.

0:01:14 DS: I know. I was so excited to reconnect with you at a recent semi-

nar with Dr. Klinghardt. I've known you since I've started working with Dr.

Klinghardt about 10 years ago, and I've always been super curious and im-

pressed with your products and your formulations. You've always been such

a strong proponent and advocate of focusing on the liver and the gallbladder,

and this being such a key area to focus on in recovering our patients' health.

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No matter what the chronic ailment anyone is suffering from, there is such a

big role in getting the bile flowing.

0:01:49 DS: And so I am really excited to share not only your work. We're

here, we're in spring time. We're also being really creative in how we share

our work right now at Sophia, now that everyone is staying at home. So we

are getting ready to launch our spring Liver Flush program with your guidance

and your protocols. I'm just really excited to pick your brain today.

0:02:16 KM: Well, thank you, I appreciate it.

0:02:18 DS: So Keith, before we jump into the nuts and bolts of what a liver-

gallbladder flush is and your approach to this, for everyone who's curious

about how they can implement this into their own health and maybe join us

on our group liver flush, how did you get to know all this work, and what was

your story in becoming the expert that you are today in the natural product


0:02:42 KM: Well, you know, it's a funny thing. Life isn't about making money,

it's about success in what you want to be in your life. Believe it or not, I was in

the mortgage business for like 14 years, but I wasn't happy. When I got into it,

I was helping people. And then the bad guys got in and they were over-charg-

ing, and then I looked like a lawyer, negatively, people looked at me as nega-

tive and I just hated it. And I kind of self-destructed because my inner soul

wanted to go somewhere else.

0:03:21 KM: I was into supplements, I bought like 700 of one supplement,

and I was giving it away when I had all this money, right? And so, when I self-

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destructed, I lost everything, lost everything. I got evicted from my house, and

I said, "You know, I'm going to do what I enjoy, and I enjoy fixing things and

helping people."

0:03:49 KM: And so I said, "You know, I'm going to do supplements," and I

stumbled onto MSM, and I opened the market to MSM, and that opened my

eyes. And when I did MSM, I actually got jaundice, but I felt better. MSM is

still the third most powerful product in the world for overall health, and I've

been taking 12 grams for the last 26 years, every day. So anyway, so that's

how I got in here.

0:04:17 KM: I found I had a niche. I was an analytical person, and I looked at

a problem, at what caused this to occur? Where did the chain break in the

body? And I've come up with three primary things that cause illness. Fungus

and mold caused from antibiotic use, and antibiotics is like--it causes every-

thing. Low body temperature is number two. And number three is root canals.

I think 80% of all health is related to those three things. Okay?

0:04:57 DS: I'd agree with you.

0:05:00 KM: So let's look at why we're doing a liver-gallbladder flush, be-

cause that's one of the first things I realized that was the hub. I mean, the

gallbladder is just this little mechanism for storing bile. And what is bile? Well,

bile is a recycling plant, believe it or not. In the lymph system, which is this

fluid in between cells, it's like the sewage in there, the plumbing.

0:05:32 KM: And it has to have movement to flush. That's why for a lot of

people that lay in bed when they're sick, that's probably not all that good for

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them, because they're not moving the lymph system. The lymph system

comes down to the liver with all its waste material, then you take used choles-

terol, and the spleen crushes the red blood cells with all the minerals and

bonds it together and makes bile. It's called bile acid, and the gallbladder

stores that.

0:06:02 KM: The problem is, we've had infections and we've taken antibiot-

ics, probably at one or two years old, which destroys two-thirds of your diges-

tive tract, and then the fungus and mold that's supposed to stay in the diges-

tive tract and never get into the system, it permeates through into the blood-

stream and it hides in cavities, the gallbladder, sinus, lower colon, vaginal ca-

nal, because a cavity is a very difficult arena for the immune system to get to,

because they only can attack from the outside in, not the inside out.

0:06:40 KM: So you have all these cavities, these four main cavities, that

proliferate infection, and you're not even aware of it. So the gallbladder gets

clogged up with this infection and it impedes the flow of bile. And the worse

you are, the more it impedes it. And bile is made in the liver, so when it can't

get out, it backs up into the liver, so you malfunction in the liver. We'll talk

about that in a few seconds.

0:07:09 KM: But what does bile do? When I first got it, I didn't know what it

did. It actually emulsifies the fat that you ingest, allows the enzymes to break

it up into cholesterol. Actually, in the skin, the sun converts the cholesterol

into a chemical that goes to the kidney to make Vitamin D. So if you're low on

vitamin D, you've got a clogged up gallbladder, okay? Because you can have

all of the sun you ever wanted, if there's no cholesterol in your skin, you're not

going to convert it to Vitamin D.

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0:07:49 DS: I hadn't thought about it in that way, but that's a great tip. So

many of our patients have low Vitamin D, in spite of supplementation or even

from getting in the sun or using a UV lamp, they have a hard time getting their

levels up, so that's a great reframe of low vitamin D.

0:08:10 KM: So it basically breaks down the oil to cholesterol, and then cho-

lesterol in the digestive tract makes pregnenolone, a master hormone to all

hormones. All hormones are based off of pregnenolone. And then the preg-

nenolone feeds the adrenals to make estrogen, progesterone, testosterone,

DHA. Everything is made out of pregnenolone.

0:08:41 KM: And what do hormones do? A lot of people don't really under-

stand how hormones regulate things. Heart function, liver function, moodi-

ness, sex drive, immune function. Everything relates. Everything in the body

is directed by hormones. So if you don't emulsify the fat and make choles-

terol, and don't make pregnenolone and don't go to the adrenals to break it

up, you basically become hormone deficient.

0:09:07 KM: I talk about the seven symptoms of a fungal infection, which is

basically a craving for carbohydrates, being moodier than you'd care to admit

to, a sex drive that's not what you would like it to be, short-term memory prob-

lems, hypoglycemia (that means fatigue mid-afternoon) a little anxious if you

haven't eaten, fatty foods aren't sitting well with the digestive tract, and you're

getting bloated once in a while. That gives you a premise of how bad this can

get, okay?

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0:09:39 KM: So, when this occurs, this hormone deficiency, it starts to have a

cascade of malfunctions in the body. And here's the first malfunction, we

talked about it--if the gallbladder is clogged up, where does the bile go? Well,

the body pushes it back up into the liver. The liver tries to re-assimilate it. It

has trouble doing that because it's like any filtering system, you leave a resi-


0:10:08 KM: So imagine this oily, thick bile over time clogging up the liver

ducts, and if the liver ducts aren't working properly, you don't make the chem-

icals in your liver, and everybody knows the liver is the chemical factory of the

body, so you stop making the chemicals properly.

0:10:29 KM: And the worst part about this is--the liver purifies, and so, one of

the four stages of purifying the blood. The second or third stage or fourth

stage is going to the kidneys to do a final purification, but if you send dirty

blood to the kidneys, now the kidneys malfunction. Shoot, that's not good.

And then it uses the skin and lungs as a third kidney.

0:11:01 KM: So if you've got psoriasis, eczema, things of that nature, you are

getting breakouts or acne, you can bet your bottom dollar, your gallbladder is

clogged up, okay? And this is a mess because, why do you think the elderly

have so much pneumonia death? A lot of elderly die of pneumonia, it's be-

cause the liver is malfunctioning, they're already clogged up, the kidneys mal-

function, it goes to the lungs now, now the lungs malfunction and now they

can't get rid of it fast enough.

0:11:37 DS: You're painting a great picture, and I think you've highlighted a

lot of symptoms people might not always attribute to the bile and having

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healthy bile flow, and congestion in the liver-gallbladder area. And just like

you said, for Vitamin D deficiency or even hormone deficiency, while supple-

mentation can be important and absolutely helpful to palliate symptoms and

support people going a step deeper, it's also important to look at how do we

support your body's own ability of hormonal production?

0:12:15 DS: I love that you highlighted that. I think of course, antibiotics are

overused, Keith, in this country, and I think about all of the toxicity that we're

exposed to also that effects our microbiome and really can make us more

prone to this dysbiotic flora and fungal overgrowth. From things like heavy

metals or even glyphosate, which is a antibiotic. So we're up against a lot as

a society. I think for a lot of my patients, it's this cumulative exposure of a life-

time of toxicity that really gets them into these situations.

0:12:55 DS: And of course, we all know the importance of detoxification, but

you can't detoxify well or you could have a lot of either detox reactions or die-

off reactions when the lymphatic system is impaired or the bile system is im-

paired. I'm so excited you're highlighting all of this. Obviously, we've got to

get the liver and the gallbladder and the bile flowing, and you mentioned all of

these factors, and so, it's kind of this chicken or egg situation. We're talking

about a liver-gallbladder flush--Walk us through what we are accomplishing in

a liver-gallbladder flush?

0:13:39 DS: And we can talk about pre and post flush support as well. If this

is a new topic to people, what are we talking about with the liver-gallbladder

flush? If you Google that these days, there's a lot of naysayers that say, "Oh,

that doesn't work. That's nonsense." I know you've done so much coaching

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and have helped so many people through this, and I've seen people abso-

lutely improve with this modality. So I just want to make sure people under-

stand what we're talking about.

0:14:09 KM: I'm going to tell you exactly what we're going to do. The one

thing I forgot to mention is diabetes, right? Everybody's getting diabetes,

why? Because the gallbladder duct going into the digestive track, and it could

be at the top of it, or at the bottom of it, or directly into it, but the pancreas ties

into that duct to go into the digestive tract to release insulin.

0:14:40 KM: When the gallbladder duct gets blocked up, the bile goes into

the pancreas and initially pisses it off. It spits out insulin. Why are you always

hypoglycemic before you're diabetic? It's because the bile is pissing it off and

making it spit out insulin. Eventually, the bile acid damages the pancreas and

you become diabetic.

0:15:10 DS: That's not talked about enough. And people can Google, it's the

sphincter of Oddi. My anatomy classes are now 10 years ago or more. Peo-

ple can visualize the bile duct and where the pancreatic outflow is into the in-

testines, they kind of merge. So if you have this bile overflow or bile conges-


0:15:40 KM: It just backs right up into it.

0:15:42 DS: Yes. It's such a great point, because so many of my patients,

even in spite of a healthy diet and doing their best, they have glucose issues.

They have a high fasting glucose or insulin issues. And we see that a lot in

our chronically-ill patients.

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0:16:03 KM: Well, I just had a surgeon, a dental surgeon. He was talking

about how he had to eat all the time and he had to have sugars, and he was

forced to and everything. And literally, he did a little 11-day detox, and all that

went away in like four days. It was gone. He has none of those now.

0:16:22 DS: Oh wow.

0:16:23 KM: So, it's a huge factor in all these things. But let's talk about the

process because that's why we're here. So, what are we trying to achieve?

We're trying to get a blocked up gallbladder {cleared out}. You're going to

hear a doctor say, "Oh, the stones can get stuck in there. You know, you're

going to have to have an operation."

0:16:41 KM: I've been doing this for 26 years, at least 20 years doing liver-

gallbladder flushes, and I've never seen a stone clogged. I've had people

ready for operations, at least two dozen, signed up to be operated on, they do

a flush, and all the stones are gone. They don't know what the hell happen.

The doctors say, "Oh, that can't be. It can't be." Right? Well, I hate to tell you,

it can be.

0:17:11 DS: That's awesome.

0:17:13 KM: It is awesome, because who wants to be operated on? And your

life is miserable because you still have to have a gallbladder duct, and it

could still get clogged up, so you really haven't fixed your problem, right?

That's the problem, you haven't fixed it. So what we're trying to do here is

make it easy for the body to do this.

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0:17:36 KM: I'll tell you why I do these things, the first thing is, I do O2

cleanse the day before, to push all this waste material down the digestive

tract. Basically, it's magnesium oxide-hydroxide. When you chase it with a lit-

tle lemon juice, the citric acid combined with the hydrochloric acid breaks the

magnesium from the oxygen and you saturate your bowels with oxygen,

causing diarrhea, but it pushes all the waste material down the digestive


0:18:17 KM: So the next morning, you wake up and you take potassium.

Now, why do you take potassium? Really, NuSalt--it's called the salt substi-

tute because it's 99% potassium chloride, and potassium is what protects the

liver from waste material. And so, if you have a clogged up liver, you have all

this waste material and you've got all this potassium protecting the liver.

0:18:54 KM: So when you dump all this stuff out of the gallbladder and then

all this waste material that's been pinned up and backed up into the liver goes

out, you lose a lot of potassium. So you want to make sure when you're hav-

ing diarrhea and you lose your electrolytes, the primary one being potassium

in this case, most people have enough sodium, you want to have extra potas-

sium so that you don't get any potassium deficiency.

0:19:26 KM: The next thing is you take a gallbladder mixture, and it's like 100

ingredients, mainly to dilate the bile duct, to make the liver produce more bile

so you have pressure to push it out, and so it dilates incredibly well. I've

never had anybody get a stone stuck, because it dilates so much, and the

pressure of more bile being produced pushes it right out. Now you've got all

this bile and you stimulate it by oil.

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0:20:00 KM: Now, people in the past have used olive oil, and olive oil works if

it's heavy, it's thick. You can even get a lighter form that's even better. But al-

mond oil tastes delicious. You blend almond oil and grapefruit together, and it

goes down like a smoothie, okay?

0:20:18 DS: I haven't tried the almond oil. That's great. That's a new tip.

0:20:23 KM: When you do this, the sensor, just like any sensor in a car or a

machine, says, "Oh, there's all this oil, open up the duct." And when it opens

up the duct, the gallbladder duct, because we've dilated it, it doesn't like to

close very rapidly. And so now the liver says, "Hey, that thing's open. I can

dump all these things I've been waiting for years to get out." You're not going

to believe what comes out of your body. It's crazy. Anything that floats is com-

ing from your liver.

0:21:00 KM: Everybody says, "Oh, it's just the oil with waste material." No,

believe me. Green or yellow is bile, and that bile is coming from your liver. If

it's rolling down there with all the trash that's been accumulated in your liver,

you're going to see these stones floating, you're going to see trash floating.

Anything you see there is coming out of your bowels and it's been there for a

while, and we'll talk about that in a second.

0:21:30 KM: But anyway, now you've got it all open. It's going out. Here's the

problem, and I can't emphasize it enough. You need to listen and read the

program. Because if you get so much bile and all this waste materials coming

out, but you only have the oil that was in the original four ounces of almond

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oil and four ounces of grapefruit, is that you will eat it up in anywhere from a

half hour in some cases, to an hour in other cases, or a hour and a half.

0:22:08 KM: This is where you have to pay attention to your body. If you feel

queasy, then the oil is gone. It's been eaten up by so much bile. And at that

point, you have to feed the beast, you have to take more. So we do basically

almond oil and grapefruit, I think an hour after we take the gallbladder mix-

ture. And then an hour later, we take another one.

0:22:42 KM: Let's say, it's your first one and you've done your gallbladder

mixture and it's 45 minutes, not an hour, and you feel slightly queasy and you

didn't feel that before, take the oil early. Because it's telling you that, "Hey,

the bile is coming. It's already dilated." It's so backed up, it's coming regard-

less of the oil, and you need to put the oil in there so it has something to di-


0:23:10 KM: Then again, the second time you do it, an hour later, you just re-

set your clock to the time you take it, and then you take it again an hour later.

I had one woman, the first time she did it and she was young, she did it in 20

minutes, she had to take more oil, at the first time going around. She took the

oil and then 20 minutes later, she had to take the second round because so

much came out of her.

0:23:39 KM: And how you know that it works is, you feel better and you don't

feel the nauseousness. No, you don't get nauseous, but the queasiness goes

away in five to 10 minutes. So the second one, if you need to take it early,

take it early. It's not going to hurt you. There are other little steps in between,

but those things you could take or they're optional.

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0:24:07 KM: I'm going to go in sequence. Potassium, then half hour later you

take the gallbladder mixture. An hour later, you take olive oil, almond oil,

grapefruit. An hour later you take almond oil, grapefruit. And two and a half

hours later, you take the O2 cleanse to push everything down the track.

0:24:34 KM: Now, any time in between that, you could take it early. But let's

say you've done the two almond oil grapefruits, and let's just say half hour

later, you feel queasy. I always try to diminish the oil at that point, and I go

two and two instead of four and four, and that's just as good. But it may not

be enough, you may have to take a fourth one.

0:25:01 KM: But the odds are typically, two is good, three is common but not

that common, and four is very uncommon. But sometimes people just want to

be done with it, especially the first one, because it drains you. You're talking

about 20, 30 years of waste material built up, all this stuff coming out of you,

all these poisons. And the body just wants it out and it just drains you.

0:25:34 KM: Here's the thing. You go to the point where you're supposed to

take the O2 cleanse, the last one, and right before you start you feel queasy,

you better take some more oil and wait another two and half hours. Because

when you mix water and magnesium oxide with bile and oil, you're guaran-

teed to get nauseous and throw up. If you're mechanical like I'm telling you,

and you just pay attention to your body, you feel a little queasy, taking it early

is not going to hurt you.

0:26:06 KM: Now, the only time I have a problem outside this range is when

somebody comes into the process potassium deficient. And that means, you

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do this extra bile and you've got all this diarrhea and it's depleting the potas-

sium levels, and when you take the oil and you feel queasy and it didn't help,

then you know it's potassium. You know you've got to put a few pinches un-

der your tongue with a little sip of water and you swish it around. A little sip.

You don't want to mix water with all these oils and stuff.

0:26:44 KM: By doing so, you get that potassium there and you try to get to

about a third of a teaspoon of it. Slowly. If you take potassium too rapidly,

you're going to get nauseous in and of itself. But you'll be able to monitor it.

Take a little, you'll feel a little better, you take a little bit, you feel a little better,

until the point where it doesn't make you feel better, then you stop. You wait

for three and four minutes in between. Anyway, that's the crux of it.

0:27:18 DS: So the day before, you're taking the O2 cleanse and potassium,


0:27:28 KM: Correct.

0:27:29 DS: And then the flush is actually a day where your body is going to

be really processing this oil, so we have the gallbladder formula. I know

there's a lot of ingredients in the gallbladder formula, but can you share your

top three herbs or nutrients that you want to highlight that really help to open

up everything?

0:27:57 KM: Well, the gallbladder is opened up by minerals. And what I didn't

mention about bile is, it's a recycling plant for minerals. Remember we had all

that stuff from the blood crushed in the spleen going over to make bile acid?

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0:28:13 DS: Yes.

0:28:13 KM: We cannot live on the food and the minerals in our food. We

have to recycle the minerals, and the bile is a recycling plant for minerals. So

when it comes out, it emulsifies the fat, but then it releases the minerals and

the digestive tract takes it back up. So it's crucial that you do all these things


0:28:42 KM: Worst case scenario, I think, you throw up. And it's usually one

time. You don't usually throw up multiple times unless you have a potassium

problem. And that's a rare, rare, rare, rare situation. And with almond oil, it's

not like olive oil, there's no real bad taste to it. It's just like it's out of you and

you're moving forward, and usually don't throw up again. But it's a rarity.

0:29:15 DS: Good. So minerals are obviously important, but are there any

other nutrients or herbs that are in the gallbladder formula?

0:29:27 KM: Oh, yes. I put a lot of different things in there.

0:29:32 DS: I know. You're very creative. Your formulas are very jam-packed

with a lot of unique herbs and nutrients, and so just highlighting maybe your

top three or four?

0:29:45 KM: I have taurine. I have carnosine. I'm a very big fan of carnosine,

it actually repairs DNA damage. Actually, I'm going to make a product here

pretty soon just for that purpose of repairing DNA damage, because I have a

couple of things I want to add to it. But it has some silver in it, but that's just to

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keep everything at bay, not a lot. It has all the 78 trace minerals to support

the intestinal tract.

0:30:20 KM: As I said, it has the carnosine to actually help repairs. It has tau-

rine, which actually produces more bile. I have zeolites in I'm, similar zeolites

to what I use for people that like alcohol a little too much, which stops that

process. But in this case, it's just to support the body, and it's one of the best

re-builders of the liver I know of. So they're all natural. There's no side effects

from them.

0:31:04 KM: I've had people do it every other day when they were really

toxic. I remember a guy in Texas, he was dumping black tar. Here's an autis-

tic child, seven years old, we did a smaller portion and everything, and his

bowel movement literally was black tar. Nothing but black and tar consistency

came out of him, and he was autistic.

0:31:36 DS: What do you think it was?

0:31:37 KM: I just think it's an accumulation of a backed up system with an

inability to communicate. My contention is, one of the major causes of autism

and cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's and everything, is an excess of

free-floating calcium, from being acidic. And that clogs up your tissue and

clogs up your organs, and you don't have enough calcium to make disulfural

bonds, because it's not usable calcium and you need a disulfural bond, a

double sulfur bond. So you need sulfur. That's what you really need.

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0:32:26 KM: Everybody talks about getting calcium, calcium, calcium. No,

sulfur, sulfur, sulfur is what you need. Methionine, cysteine, tyrosine, glutathi-

one, lipoic acid, biotin. That's why I'm an advocate of doing this process with

an MSM detox--sometime we should talk about doing that in conjunction with

doing a liver-gallbladder flush.

0:32:49 DS: We can totally talk about that. For my listeners out there, some

of them will be like, "Well, I'm sulfur sensitive or... " Even thinking about the

sulfur drug allergy, can you share your thoughts around sulfur sensitivity?

0:33:09 KM: I've never found one person allergic to MSM, out of doing work

with tens of thousands of people.

0:33:17 DS: So let's take a step back. Some people might not know what that

is. What is MSM?

0:33:25 KM: MSM is a sulfur compound made. Normally, they take wood

pulp and they take this DMSO out of it. And then they pour peroxide into the

DMSO, and it donates an oxygen to the DMSO, which turns into a powder

which is MSM, methylsulfonylmethane. I opened the market to it 26 years


0:33:52 DS: Wow.

0:33:55 KM: It's sold in Nature's Way, Solaray, KAL, Jarrow. I educated peo-

ple on how it's the third most powerful product in the world for overall health,

and I've been taking 12 grams of MSM every day for the last 25 years since I

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learned about it. I've taken 180 grams ID in the three-hour period. That's six

ounces in my bloodstream in three hours, and no side effects.

0:34:22 DS: Wow.

0:34:26 KM: So it's totally non-toxic. Now the thing is people say, "Oh, I got a

headache. I got tired. I just, I felt so bad." Well, when you're dumping...Three

things occur when you get older, you become dehydrated, you become inflex-

ible, and you're on your way to becoming insulin resistant. And MSM corrects

all those three things, pretty much. It addresses it.

0:34:54 KM: The reason we become dehydrated is the cells need sulfur to

help the ionic exchange between the potassium and sodium pump. Without it,

the cell starts to malfunction, shrinks, starts to trap mercury, lead, nickel, cad-

mium, pesticide, poison into the cell, causing the cell to clog up receptor

sites, not allowing glucose, insulin and other chemicals to operate properly.

0:35:21 KM: MSM is 34% sulfur, it's very bioavailable. The more you take,

the better you are. People say, "Oh, I took five or six grams." Good example. I

had a woman that had asthma. She comes up to my booth and she goes,

"What do you have for asthma?" I said, "MSM. That's what I would use." She

goes, "Oh, I'm taking eight grams a day and it's not doing anything. MSM

doesn't work."

0:35:43 KM: I said, "Yes, it does. You're just not taking enough." I said, "Take

25 and see what happens." She wrote a book on how it changed her life.

True story. I still have the book.

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0:35:58 KM: It was a little paperback, 30 pages, about how MSM is a miracle

cure. And it is. So anyway, so it opens up the pump, dumps all the mercury

and lead. I had five times the mercury, double the nickel, double the cad-

mium, of the average person. And when I took it, I got jaundice. Now, I was

sicker than 99% of the people I've dealt with, and everybody said, "Stop tak-

ing that stuff." And I said, "No, I'm feeling better."

0:36:30 KM: And you know something? The jaundice went away and I feel

like a million dollars. I'm 66, I play 12 to 15 games of racquetball a week. I

have no knee, back, or joint problems whatsoever. I take trainers that work

out four or five times a week and I grab them, look them straight in the eye,

and say "we're gonna arm wrestle," and I throw 'em. And I'm not joking.

0:36:56 DS: No, you have fun in the process.

0:36:57 KM: I have fun. I like to show off. And I really want to tell people, they

don't have to live this miserable life.

0:37:06 DS: I know in your heart that's why you do this, and I know that

you're really passionate about helping people, and I know you live and

breathe what you're teaching people today. Keith, you had mentioned one of

the other primary causes of people being sick are root canals. Dr. Klinghardt

always taught me, while we're supporting people while both mitigating the

stress from the root canal on the body and before they can get to biological

dentist, we give them a lot of MSM. Do you see that connection with all the

dental stress and the dental infection, how that really depletes our own innate

sulfur in our body, and that MSM is a tool to help strengthen the body as they

prepare to get rid of root canal?

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0:37:55 KM: I've had thousands of women talk about how their skin got hy-

drated and softer, and their nails grew like a weed, and their hair grew like a

weed, and all those things. If you look at it, it's the antibiotics that destroyed

your digestive tract, that basically caused you to be acidic, causing calcium

build-up, causing blockages and things around the body, inhibiting nutrition

into the areas.

0:38:28 KM: In other words, taking the capillaries and limiting their supply

chain to the gums and things of that nature, this is all being acidic that causes

most of the deaths, and cancer is all about being acidic.

0:38:43 DS: How does that affect dental health in your opinion?

0:38:49 KM: Well, if you look at it, the gums and the heart have the highest

amount of CoQ10 in the body. You have to stay in a pH range of 7.38 to 7.42.

If you get out one degree in either direction for an hour, you die. Either direc-


0:39:23 KM: So the body sees you start to go acidic because the infection it-

self eats up your trace minerals which normally bond to amino acids to make

chemicals in your brain and body, and to heal and make you function

properly. But basically, the mineral takes the amino acid and makes a chemi-

cal that's neutral and keeps the pH proper in the bloodstream.

0:39:51 KM: You take all the minerals away because the infection's taking

and eating the minerals, you start to go acidic. And then all of a sudden,

guess what? The body has to pull calcium out of the bone to make calcium

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bicarbonate, which is like sodium bicarbonate. It neutralizes acid like our bat-

tery cables.

0:40:14 KM: And so the problem is it's a weak bond and falls apart in your

muscles, the synovial fluid, and it forms free floating calcium. And this free

floating calcium starts to steal electrons from healthy cells, damaging the cell

slightly, but over time, can go all the way to the DNA and damage it and

cause you cancer.

0:40:36 KM: Let's look at the two primary cancers that people talk about,

probably more so than any cancers--breast cancer and prostate cancer. Why

are women getting breast cancer? Because what is the breast? They're a

lymph system. So the gallbladder is clogged up because of the infection, lim-

iting the flow of the lymph system to get to the liver.

0:41:09 KM: And women like to strap those babies down to look good, but

they don't move the lymph system--the lymph system, the only way it moves

the waste material down is like winding an old watch, you used to move your

hand wrist in order to wind itself. There's no pump on the lymph system and

so it goes into a stagnant pool, so you have a stagnant pool of waste material

in the breast that mostly calcium that's stealing electrons from the healthy tis-

sue, eventually damaging them and causing cancer. Is this making sense?

0:41:50 DS: Yes. I always talk to my female patients who have all sorts of

things, from fibrocystic breasts to dense breast tissue, that our breasts are

lymphatic tissue, so we use a lot of castor oil, and other topical lymph drain-

age. But of course, opening up the liver and the gallbladder can help move

the flow of lymph as you're saying, so I agree. At the end of the day, Keith,

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we can simplify a lot of chronic health conditions into the fact that there is

stagnation in the body, and how do we create more flow in the body, as that

essentially translates into greater health? You have so much wisdom and so

I'd love to hear you go down these avenues, just circling back to the liver

flush that we're sharing information about.

0:42:45 DS: You walked us through the prep and then the day where we're

basically drinking the oil. We're surrounding it with minerals and nutrients,

and supporting the body through that. And then is this just a one-day experi-

ence? How do people feel once they get through that one day of oil drinking?

What does the next day look like for most people?

0:43:12 KM: It's usually fatigue that night, a lot of waste material coming out.

In some cases, even the next day you get a lot of stones and waste material

come down. But by the next night, that next day's night, you're feeling a lot

better. Things are changing in your life very rapidly. And you need

more...One doesn't do the job.

0:43:38 KM: I had a woman that had psoriasis and she was 38, and she

made a fist and her head would bleed. And her dad was the head of derma-

tology for Kaiser Hospital, and she'd had it for five years. She had tried every-

thing, couldn't do anything. And in 11 days she was 80% better by doing the

liver-gallbladder flush and the 11-day detox where you kind of clean up the

whole body.

0:44:08 DS: Oh wow.

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0:44:09 KM: And here's why I'd mentioned her, she ended up doing 17 of

these. Now you say, "Seventeen. That seems like a lot." And it was over a

long period of time, maybe a year and a half or something. But the reason it

was so interesting is because when you have a thought, you produce a

chemical, and that chemical goes through the lymph system, and out the

bowels. But when your gallbladder is clogged up, those chemicals back up

into the liver and those things are re-stored in the liver.

0:44:43 KM: So, imagine you have a fight and you have these negative

chemicals come out, they're stored in the liver. And imagine the liver builds

up and the old, old ones are buried, and then there's new ones and new ones

on top of that and everything, that's why they call the liver the "angry organ".

0:45:03 KM: So, what was happening is she would do the liver-gallbladder

flush and she would have memories of negative things, and well, some posi-

tive things, but mostly negative things that had happened to her in her past. It

wasn't until 17 of them that those things stop coming to her and she felt nor-


0:45:23 KM: And I have a billionaire, really nice, George. I told him the same

story. And he called me up, it was a month and a half ago and said, "Keith,

you're right. I just did my 17th and you can't believe the difference." So there's

all these nooks and crannies, it's like the sinus cavity, which is an unexplored

area and that's why my number one seller is my sinus product.

0:45:50 DS: We use that a lot, and I'm glad you're mentioning the sinuses

because I feel like this is an area of focal infection for a lot of people. Tell us

about the sinuses and why they become overwhelmed?

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0:46:03 KM: The sinuses have a 100 square feet of surface area.

0:46:08 DS: Oh wow.

0:46:10 KM: A 10 x 10 room in your head right there. And the infection basi-

cally builds this barrier of mucus, and so you've got an incubation. It's like a

baby being created of bad bacteria, just producing chemicals in your body,

crazily throughout the whole system. Example, I have my secretary, Jill.

When I met her she had MS. She'd had it for 32 years. Shaking like a leaf,

stuttering, not walking straight, and I just put her in my label room to label

things and do some packages.

0:46:54 KM: And so I started to help her out and everything. She got to a

point that now she's my office manager and she runs everything. She doesn't

shake anymore, she doesn't walk funny. She has perfect speech. Her whole

life changed. So all of a sudden she had, she thought, a seizure, but it wasn't

a seizure. And she just started to talk like she did when I first met her.

0:47:26 KM: I said, "Wait, you're taking all my stuff. You're doing everything.

You've gotten, in two and a half years, you're like 95% better. What's

changed?" And we couldn't figure it out. I don't know if she said it or I said it,

but she said, "Let's do a nasal flush." And I have a way of water boarding

people. You've seen that.

0:47:51 KM: And when I did it, a thing popped in her right quadrant, at the

same place where she felt this "seizure" occurring. 80% of her speech was

better, within three days it was 100% better. That meant that she had a break

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in her blood-brain barrier, which allowed the pathogen to get into her brain

area. And somehow my nasal product followed it right up in there and took

care of it.

0:48:27 DS: Yes, we see this a lot, especially in the world of mold. When

people inhale mold spores, that can change the microbiome in the sinuses,

where they can not only have fungal overgrowth but bacterial overgrowth,

and that produces mycotoxins and biotoxins. And that can, because of the

proximity to the brain, affect all sorts of neurological symptoms and pituitary


0:48:56 DS: I absolutely see that connection of the sinuses and the brain,

and that's some wonderful story because I know MS is a very hard illness to

treat if you just are looking at conventional models of treatment strategies.

Conventional treatment is only suppressing the immune system, they're not

going through the whole paradigm that we both look at to heal the body. So I

think that's wonderful to share that story.

0:49:29 DS: We covered a lot and we talked a lot about the liver flush. Let's

talk about who the liver flush is really great for, and anybody to be cautious

about. Some liver flushes really prepare the body for a couple weeks before

doing the flush. Do you find that necessary, or do you feel like you're giving

people enough support that they can really jump in and do this for a few days

and get the results we want for them?

0:50:03 KM: It's like, you know, these stories. What do they call them?

Where you hear about this story, it's so outrageous, it's a myth. You know

what I mean? People hear about all these stones and they're so hard and that

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thing. And so the people that do these processes or learn about doing liver-

gallbladder flushes, think they have to address this. In 26 years I have never

addressed it because really you just dilate properly and you force that stuff

out. There's nothing to impede.

0:50:35 KM: Now, I've never had one, I've done probably 100,000 people

over that time period. Never had a problem. Doesn't mean that it can't hap-

pen. But to have a myth that you have to soften the stones, because if you

ever feel a stone, you go pull it out of the toilet, it feels like a sponge. Okay?

So my contention is it's not necessary to have prep. If I was going to do any

prep at all, it would be probably taking potassium for a couple of days before.

0:51:14 DS: Got it. What about enemas and coffee enemas to support with


0:51:21 KM: I think they're great. I think they're fabulous. What I do is, I take

my Para A, Para B. I take a couple of teaspoons of MSM, TMG. I mix it in

about two ounces of Fleet Enema. You dump all that waste material out of

the Fleet Enema and just put in plain water. And you insert and then you lay

down and you raise your hips and juggle. You're going to have an urge to go

to the bathroom for maybe two or three minutes. The urge goes away be-

cause it's only two ounces and it disperses over the colon.

0:52:04 KM: The Para A and Para B have all these killing agents, natural

oils, wormwood, walnut, clove, all these kinds of things. You basically can

hold that in for a few hours during the day when you're walking around. But at

night, most the time, you can last all night with this going in and permeating

through the lower colon, which is a hard orifice to get to.

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0:52:33 KM: If you take Para A and Para B in the top and drink it, by the time

it gets halfway down, it's been utilized and then it doesn't get to the lower

part. You really need to attack it from both sides. People don't know that.

Now, coffee enemas. Shoot, I had the biggest detox I ever had doing a coffee

enema, but I put a couple of tablespoons of MSM/TMG in there. I put 100

drops of each Para A, Para B. I put in taurine. I put a lot of each. And then I

put the coffee with it, and you get a hell of a detox.

0:53:14 DS: You would have to give us that formula! There's lots of different

enemas in our toolkit, from coffee enemas to PC and butyrate. Do you feel

like that's helpful at all? Or what are your thoughts on phosphatidylcholine?

0:53:30 KM: I don't know a lot about it.

0:53:32 DS: Okay. We just use that as another kind of oil to stimulate bile

flow, and then that could help also with shuttling toxins out into the biliary

ducts. And then there are different antiparasitic enemas. Tell people what

your Para A and Para B oils are. What are they and what do they do?

0:53:55 KM: Well, it's an accumulation. I was at a show and met a woman

there, and you know her, we won't mention names. And she looked at the

bottle, right, and she wasn't impressed with me but she was impressed with

the bottle, right. She goes, "These are rizol oils." You know, Dana, right?

0:54:24 DS: Yes.

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0:54:26 KM: Dana Gorman. Anyway, she says, "That's Klinghardt's stuff." I

said, "No, I have the rights to import it." And he's breaking with those rights

because he was carrying all the things back in his suitcase to the clinic. And

we had a conversation and I liked him so much, I said, "Go ahead, do it, and

it's a small amount of my business." Right? And that's where we became


0:54:55 DS: Got it. The herbs and ozonated oils--they're really powerful anti-

fungal and anti-parasitics. So in wrapping up, Keith, on this point, so you

mentioned that fungus and parasitic infections can get in the biliary system.

So by pushing out the bile, is that enough? Or do we have to do the Para A

and Para B to really go after the fungus and make sure that we kill that as


0:55:27 KM: There's no point in pushing out the waste material if you don't

kill the infection that cause it to build up.

0:55:37 DS: I agree.

0:55:38 KM: And I'll tell you this, I think I'm really good at what I do, and I

know you're really good at what you do, but you would have to agree that

even under the best circumstances, we're lucky to get 90%, even if we did it

for a year with all our protocols. Once these things get out of control, it's Pan-

dora's box, you can't put them back in.

0:56:04 KM: And so you can keep the immune system strong enough and

you can knock it down 80% to 90%. And if you keep a good diet and every-

thing is good, you can last forever. But you cheat a little bit here, you'll cheat

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a little bit there, and that infection will grow like a weed. We have a nationality

of entitlement.

0:56:31 KM: We're entitled to that pizza. We're entitled to that coke. "I'm enti-

tled to that, I don't care what the consequences." Right? And that brings a lot

of ill health to our nation. And you can blame the Coke companies, you can

blame anything, but basically it's the pharmaceuticals with antibiotics that

flared up the need and the want for those things.

0:56:55 DS: I think that's a good point. Just in wrapping up, I have seen

some of my patients battle their food cravings and have all this disordered

eating, and are also really hard on themselves because these intense crav-

ings drive this really bizarre behavior that they don't quite understand.

0:57:24 DS: And when they put that in the context that either a parasitic in-

fection or fungal infection in their body is driving this behavior and these food

choices, they have a lot more compassion for themselves. They also can see

the shift, once we get that infection knocked back, they see a change in their

behavior and their cravings. So if people have been struggling with that, look-

ing at food choices and food behaviors from this angle is, I think, a very com-

passionate way to approach it.

0:58:00 KM: I totally agree, and we just have to watch out for the entitlement

thing, because you will crave it all. You won't have any desire for carbs.

When you really work with your process, you get down to a point where eve-

rything is good. When somebody is eating a donut over there, you know, "I

used to like donuts, I will just take one little bite." That bite turns into two, and

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two turns into {more} because you're feeding the infection that you only sup-

pressed, you didn't get rid of the whole thing. You knocked it to where the im-

mune system could control it, but not get rid of it totally. And this is why you

have to be aware of your diet and everything else.

0:58:41 DS: I know we could talk all day, Keith, but any parting words of wis-

dom as we wrap up this conversation? We'll be sharing information about the

Liver Flush that our team at Sophia is going to be launching, and of course,

they're going to be integrating your products and your work and their experi-

ence, so we're really excited. We haven't done anything like this before, and

we're excited to work together and support people in a group environment

with something that we know is so powerful for their health. So any parting

words of wisdom?

0:59:17 KM: Well, here's the deal. I've been doing it for so long. If a client

calls you, just tie him in with me, three way in. I take calls from 9 o'clock in the

morning to 10 o'clock at night, seven days a week. Okay?

0:59:31 DS: I know you do, I know you do that. Yes.

0:59:34 KM: So just tie me in, we'll talk about it. You'll learn a little bit, I'll

learn a little bit. Because I learned most of my knowledge from my clientele.

0:59:43 DS: I did too.

0:59:44 KM: Why did this happen? Because they tell you, "Well, this worked

but this didn't," and then you see a correlation after a while, and you see the

direction it's going, and then you work on that direction, and all of a sudden

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you've got a product or a mechanism or a protocol that all of a sudden is suc-

cessful. But the one thing we haven't talked about and we'll save for another

day is the number two cause of illness--you can never get better if you have

low body temperature.

1:00:14 DS: Will that improve with the liver-gallbladder flush?

1:00:18 KM: It can if it's minor, but it takes me 18 days to fix Hashimoto's or

any kind of thyroid low body temperature. My success rate is unbelievable.

1:00:32 DS: You can't end on that. How do you fix people?

1:00:38 KM: Okay, first thing, why is low body temperature bad? It is be-

cause when you drop below 98.4, you start to deactivate enzymes. What

does that mean? They operate slower. And when you get to 97.8, they're run-

ning a lot slower, because there's a logarithm. And when I would deal with

MS, you'll guarantee 90%, 95% is low body temperature with a severe fungal


1:01:15 KM: So the mechanics of that is the infection puts out a valve move-

ment, like in ethanol, like a gas leak, passes the blood-brain barrier, starts to

tear down the myelin sheath in the brain. The brain produces enzymes,

breaks it up and all you have is short-term memory. But if you have low-body

temperature, you can't activate the enzymes fast enough to get rid of the eth-

anol, now you make lesions and you have MS. Does that make sense?

1:01:45 DS: I think that it's complex, but what you're saying with the low body

temperature is, it's such a low hanging fruit and common denominator for so

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many things, if you correct that, like correcting pH and correcting good bile

flow, you're going to be a less hospitable organism for all the things that can

take hold to create conditions like MS.

1:02:12 KM: That's correct. The thing is, the low body temperature is crucial

and in turn you can't digest your food properly, make chemicals in your brain

and body to fight things and to build things up and to help the brain function

properly, and you can't break apart waste material to eliminate properly, so

you become a sewage pit.

1:02:35 KM: My wife, I met her on Valentine's Day 10 years ago. She had

chronic fatigue, Epstein-Barr, and fibromyalgia. And when I heard that she'd

been to 12 doctors over 15 years, I knew she had low body temperature, be-

cause that's the denominator that no one looks at, because no one really

knows how to fix low body temperature.

1:03:01 KM: And there are ways of doing it, you can do a time-release, time-

activated T3 to where your temperature goes up, and then you back it off af-

ter three weeks afterwards, that's a temporary fix if you don't detox them. If

you get them up to temperature and detox them, you get to have a 10 times

better detox.

1:03:20 KM: I've taken four Lyme people, and four out of four had thyroid

problems, three had low body temperature, right? Fixed the low body temper-

ature, all had it between 15 and 30 years, in 30 days, basically the worst case

was 85% better.

1:03:42 DS: That's incredible.

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1:03:42 KM: It's all basics.

1:03:47 DS: I try to get back to my naturopathic roots a lot sometimes when

we're dealing with such complex cases and people who have been sick for so

long, we can make it over-complicated. I think the foundations, like you're

talking about, are so important to correct, and then you can see all these

other things improve that were seemingly harder to correct. I completely

agree with you, Keith.

1:04:18 KM: Anyway, low body temperature, you have to fix it to get better if

it's below 97.8. That's my experience. I learned it just from experience. I was

doing 11-day detoxes, helping people, just sharing what I learned. And the

same person, same symptoms against somebody else's same situation--one

had it great, their life changed, the other one didn't have anything going on,

and it took me two years to figure out it was low body temperature.

1:04:53 DS: Well, thank you for sharing your experience and your wisdom.

Keith, if people want to learn more about your work and your company, where

can people find out more information about you?

1:05:02 KM: I have three sites. I got a Physicians Standard. Under "down-

loads" on, is an article called, 'The Number

One Cause of All Disease, Cancer and Divorce,' have them read that.

1:05:19 DS: Okay, great.

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1:05:20 KM: That kind of enlightens them to a lot of things we've talked about

today, and basically they go through the practitioners, and I'll support, they

can call me once in a while. See, if I deal with them, I'm on one-to-one basis.

If I teach somebody how to fish, they could fish forever.

1:05:47 KM: So I want the practitioners to learn what I've developed, be-

cause I'm in a unique situation where I do this for fun. I do this to make prod-

ucts to help people. And I want to share it so that the practitioner can share

with their clientele, we can have a better world around here, because right

now, it's not doing too good.

1:06:11 DS: I appreciate your passion and dedication and your time today,

Keith, and we'll put all this information in the show notes. I know we will be

talking again soon. Thank you much.

1:06:23 KM: Okay. Thank you, Christine. I appreciate you having me on.

1:06:27 DS: Thank you for listening to the Spectrum of Health podcast. I

hope you enjoy my conversation today with Keith Morey. Please check out

his website, Physicians Standard, and please check out our Group Liver

Flush that we're offering through Sophia Health Institute. You can find infor-

mation in the show notes. I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe out

there, and thank you so much for your continued support.

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