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(Appendix 2)

Points of Report (draft)

Introduction This Study Group was established in order to prepare a broadband environment in Asia and develop measures to be taken so as to formulate the "Asia Broadband Program." This report contains the results of deliberations thereon. * The "e-Japan Priority Policy Program – 2002," etc, states that the "Asia

Broadband Program" shall be formulated within FY2002. Chapter I. Significance of broadband platforms in Asia 1. International common recognition concerning the importance of Information

and Communications Technology (ICT) In recent years, the socioeconomic importance of ICT has been shared internationally by the G8 Leaders' "Okinawa Charter on Global Information Society (July 2000)," the United Nations "Millennium Declaration (September 2000)," etc. In the Asia-Pacific region, also, the importance of ICT has become a common recognition as exemplified by the "Tokyo Declaration: Asia-Pacific Renaissance through ICT in the 21st century, Asia-Pacific Telecommunity -- APT Asia-Pacific Summit on the Information Society (November 2000)" and the "e-APEC Strategy (October 2001)." In accordance with these initiatives, multifaceted and diversified action plans have been adopted and being implemented.

2. Significance of broadband platforms

After the above-mentioned agreements, broadband platforms have been deployed, in particular, mainly in East Asian economies as new trends. Advantages of broadband platforms features i) high speed/large capacity, and ii)


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constant connection/flat rates. Broadband platforms provide people with a new environment, thus enabling the dramatic overcoming of time/space restraints in communication of the human society. Constant and flat-rate Internet access services allow consumers to access the Internet at affordable price levels without worrying about time on a usage-sensitive tariff basis. Its high speed/large capacity characteristics enable users to transmit not only a huge amount of information but also video with realistic sensations, and allow people and society to enjoy a considerable amount of benefits by overcoming restraints to date. Broadband platforms, which can provide access at affordable prices with ease-of-use and transmit large-volume information, invigorate activities of individuals, corporations, NGOs, administrations, etc. and improve efficiency thereof, thus contributing to socioeconomic development of economies regardless of developed or developing. ・Even in developed economies, etc., broadband platforms, as a basis for

corporate activities in the future, will contribute to improved efficiency and strengthened competitiveness, as well as to the realization of a higher quality of life in a range of aspects.

・For instance, in developing economies, broadband platforms enable not only the resolution of pending issues, such as improvement of teledensity, through introduction of VoIP (voice over IP), but also contribution to progress in the field of basic human needs (BHN), including telemedicine, distance learning, etc.

Broadband platforms will facilitate further exchanges of people between different countries/areas and cultures with different backgrounds, thus i) promote economic integration, ii) deepen mutual understandings, which can contribute to stability and order of the international community. They will also stimulate human creativity which can lead to new values. Considering trends that broadband platforms with such significance as mentioned above are being deployed, it is vital to deliberate upon new initiatives, including measures for dealing with various issues, while taking into account the existing initiatives to date.

3. Significance of broadband platforms in Asia

It can be said that in Asia there exist many world's leading examples of


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broadband systems. Here, the reasons for discussing Asia, in particular, are as follows: ①In Asia, the development status varies by countries/economies. Broadband

systems are, however, anticipated to greatly contribute to socioeconomic development of each country/economy regardless of developed or developing. Especially, as Asia has a huge population and potentials for future growth, it is considered that use of broadband systems will bring about broader benefits.

②Asian countries/economies (including Japan) have closer relationships with

each other in geographical, social, economic and cultural aspects. Along with the internationalization of corporate activities and development of economic integration within the Asian region, from the viewpoint of promoting mutual understanding in the international community, it is considered that human exchanges and communications among Asian countries/economies will become more and more important. Thus, it is anticipated that broadband systems will accelerate further these trends, including free trade agreements (FTA).

③Broadband systems are expected to play a role in ensuring the cultural

diversity of the Asian region to some extents (contribution to the construction of a "world with unique individuality").

④As a result, with increased information distribution within the Asian region,

when comparing the tripolar of Asia, North America and Europe, it is anticipated that the capacity for transmitting information toward the rest of the world from Asia, at present not necessarily high, will be strengthened.

From now on, it is vital to diffuse broadband systems in Asia and actively promote use of broadband systems, which will bring about desirable effects such as the socioeconomic development of Asia, promotion of exchanges/integration within the Asian region, maintenance of cultural diversity and increased information transmission from Asia to the world.


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Chapter II. Current status and challenges 1. Infrastructures (1) Domestic infrastructures

○ In Asia, broadband platforms have recently been speedily deployed, as

exemplified by the Republic of Korea the leading country in terms of penetration rate. On the contrary, there are countries/economies that lack even telephone lines. As such, the differences among countries/economies are huge.

When considering Asian countries/economies in terms of penetration rates of broadband platforms, etc., it is possible to mainly classify them into the following three categories:

A) Countries/economies with higher penetration rates of broadband

platforms (Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Chinese Taipei, some coastal areas in China, Singapore.)

In these countries/economies, the deployment of broadband platforms has been rapidly progressing in recent years. Actual use of broadband platforms, is however not processing satisfactorily when compared with line capacities available for use. Thus, further promotion of actual use of broadband platforms should be deemed an urgent task.

B) Countries/economies with higher potential for future deployment of

broadband platforms (Malaysia, Thailand, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, etc.)

In these countries/economies, the deployment of broadband platforms has been progressing in urban areas to some degree. However, the penetration rate is near to zero. With respect to the Internet, its penetration into rural areas is still low

C) Countries/economies with the lowest penetration rates of plain old


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telephone service and the Internet, much less of broadband platforms (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, etc.)

In these countries/economies, there is a lack of communications infrastructures even for the plain old telephone service, the most pressing requirement is to construct basic information and communications infrastructures (even in these countries/economies, by constructing broadband platform, the IP telephony (VoIP) network can be provided.).

○Even in the same countries/economies, there are extreme variances in the

penetration rates of broadband and the Internet between urban and rural areas. Appropriate infrastructures need to be constructed in rural areas.

○Such differences are caused by i) higher prices for access services derived

from lack of competition, ii) slowness in the diffusion of PCs, iii) limited demand derived from lack of attractive applications/content, and iv) shortfall in human resources, and so on.

○Recognizing the existence of such a digital divide, there are targets and action

plans concerning access to the Internet, etc. in the Asia-Pacific region. [Examples] "Tokyo Declaration: Asia-Pacific Renaissance through ICT in the 21st century, Asia-Pacific Telecommunity -- APT Asia-Pacific Summit on the Information Society (November 2000)"

"We Ministers declare that we will do our best, in both domestic efforts and through

international co-operation, to enable people in the Asia-Pacific region to have access

to the Internet by the year 2005 to the extent possible, including access from public

facilities such as schools and post offices."

Leaders' Declaration - Brunei Darussalam (November 2000) “… commit to develop and implement a policy framework which will enable the

people of urban, provincial and rural communities in every economy to have

individual or community-based access to information and services offered via the

internet by 2010. As a first step toward this goal we aim to triple the number of

people within the region with individual and community-based access by 2005."


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e-ASEAN Framework Agreement (The Fourth ASEAN Informal Summit in 2000)

"Members states shall enhance the design and standards of their national

information infrastructure with a view to facilitating interconnectivity and ensuring

technical inter-operability between each other’s information infrastructure. Member

states shall work towards establishing high-speed direct connection between their

national information infrastructures with a view to evolving this into an ASEAN

Information Infrastructure backbone. Complementing the ASEAN Information

Infrastructure, Member States shall work towards developing ASEAN content,

relating but not limited to, cooperation in digital libraries and tourism portals.

Member States shall work towards facilitating the setting up of national and regional

Internet exchanges and Internet gateways, including regional caching and


* Targets concerning Internet access are not set forth.

○Each Asian country/economy is implementing various measures to promote

use of the Internet, including development of an ICT national strategy. On the other hand, there are countries/economies without sufficient legal frameworks for to promote competition. There are few countries/economies at present that set forth targets, to promote the deployment of broadband platforms.

(2) International infrastructures

○ At present, the transmission capacity of circuits between each

country/economy in the Asian region is small in comparison with those in the North American and European regions. Considering the future potential of Asia and the inter-related geographical, social, economic and cultural aspects, etc., it is, however, forecast that the transmission capacity within the Asian region will grow dramatically in the future.

○Lack of transmission capacity has not been reported up to now. However,

along with the growth in penetration rates of broadband platforms and the Internet, the shortage of transmission capacity will occur with higher probability.


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○When looking at the data of line capacities between "Asia and North America"

and "Asia and Europe", this is small in comparison with the trade amounts between those regions (in this case, the closer ties between North America and Europe of history, culture and economies need to be taken into consideration.).

○The current information distribution within the Asian region is dependent on

situation in the U.S., such as network congestion, because Internet backbones are mainly routed via the U.S. Communications within the Asian region tends to be delayed by traffic congestions in the U.S. and round trips to the U.S. This results in a difficult situation in ensuring the quality of communications.

(3) R&D networks in Asia (testbeds)

In Asia although there are many networks for use of R&D and verification experiments, the transmission capacities are comparatively smaller than those in the U.S. and Europe. Accordingly, at present the capacities in Asia are used to the fullest. In the future broadband age, the current testbeds will be insufficient to verify new technologies.

Asian networks for R&D purposes are not integrated network systems but in reality a kind of organic system linking individual networks in each country.

2. Use of broadband infrastructures

Some pointed out problems that, nonetheless because broadband infrastructures are already available, use of those infrastructures is not in progress, or the lack of demand causes reluctant attitudes to construct those infrastructures, resulting in a situation in which people cannot fully enjoy their benefits.

Factors causing reluctant or insufficient demand are classified into mainly the following two:

[A] Problems that technologies and legal schemes for use of broadband infrastructures are not prepared to the sufficient level.

[B] Problems that applications and content for promoting use of broadband infrastructures are not prepared to the sufficient level.


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[A] Preparation of technologies and legal schemes for use of broadband

infrastructures (1) Building of technologies and legal schemes comprising key platforms

In order to deploy broadband infrastructures, it is essential to build common technologies and legal schemes comprising the basis for intellectual property rights, etc.

With regard to the current status in Asia, for example, the following problems need to be solved in the future:

① Legal schemes per se for intellectual property rights have been prepared. However, software is still pirated because relevant laws and regulations are not fully enforced.

② Almost all personal certifications are conducted based on ID number and password systems. With these systems forged names or other falsifications cannot be prevented.

③ With respect to the distribution of ICT equipments in the Asian region, compulsory standards for such equipments should be introduced to ensure interconnectivity in some cases, but not in others. Thus, there are limitations such as not being able to assess the overall situation of the region.

④ With respect to broadband communications methods, some methods exist which are not sufficiently compliant with standards.

⑤ Some Asian languages do not have standardized character codes yet, and all the standardization of the character codes do not fully reflect the requests of people and society using their language.

(2) IPv6 ○It is concerned that with the diffusion of broadband constant access services,

IP addresses will run out, especially, in Asia. As IPv6 has various advantages, many countries/economies come to recognize the necessity of introducing IPv6.

○IPv6-ready verification experiments and commercial services have just begun


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(IPv6-ready services are, however, very limited and their users are very few). In the years ahead, through solutions of necessary hurdles for smooth transition of overall Internet infrastructures from IPv4 to IPv6, it is vital to further promote the transition.

[B] Applications and content (3) Applications

There are many and various applications for using broadband infrastructures, for example, e-governments, e-commerce, distance learning, telemedicine, business (telework, etc.), distribution of digital content, on-line games, and so forth.


Each country/economy is striving to establish e-governments. The implementation status varies country by country. Experts in this field are very few.


e-transactions have been expanding, and the pace of expansion will be accelerated in the future. At present, the ratio of B2B to B2C is overwhelmingly large. In order to promote use of e-commerce, it is indispensable to further prepare platforms for personal certification, etc.

○Distance learning

Educational services via networks are on the rise, and various projects as part of international cooperation are being implemented. Japan is implementing distance-learning projects including the POST-PARTNERS Project, the Pilot Project for global distance training, JICA's J-NET Project for distance technical cooperation, etc. in the Asia-Pacific region. At present, however, lacking sufficient communications infrastructures supporting interactive education and large-volume data transmission, anticipations are placed on further deployment of broadband platforms. It is vital to ensure human resources such as technical staff, etc.


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○Telemedicine The health and medical care field is of higher priority as the BHN. Telemedicine can be divided into two categories: the telemedicine in the narrow sense of the word which covers actual medical practice, and the one in the broader sense which includes the provision of health and medical information, either of which people expect much from. With respect to the telemedicine in the narrow sense, the current stage is that diversified pilot projects are being implemented in developing countries/economies. Japan has been actively implementing the satellite network operation experiment project, the POST-PARTNERS Project, etc. in the Asia-Pacific region. At this point, communications infrastructures supporting advanced telemedicine are in preparation. Local medical staff and technical staff supporting telemedicine are insufficient in both quality and quantity. Expectation for the telemedicine in the broader sense is also great.

○Business(telework, etc.)

The globalization of economies and the diversification of individual working patterns are becoming increasingly distinct, so that the benefit of utilizing a broadband environment to establish the system for international division of labor and to select a working pattern suitable for one's lifestyle, etc. is great. Teleworking is employed in some advanced areas, however, preparatory stages in other areas.

○Distribution of digital content, and on-line games

The distribution of digital content and on-line games receive popularity. Such phenomenon is expected to expand through the creation of platforms for accounting, etc. and the preparation of a broadband environment.

(4) Content ○In order to promote diffusion of broadband systems, in addition to building of

infrastructures and platforms, the key factor is attractive digital content.

○There are the following obstacles preventing digital content from distributing on


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the Internet: ・Rulemaking on content distribution

Challenges are building of intellectual property rights protection and smooth digital rights management (DRM) schemes, development of certification/billing/settlement methods, standardization of communications methods, etc.

・Restrictions on content distribution in a multilingual environment

In Asia, content distribution among cultures with different languages is hindered by the existence of many languages in Asia. Machine translations are limited to some languages. In the world of the Internet, the English language is prevailing. Although there are websites written in their own languages and English, in general, information posted on English-language websites is insufficient. * Reflecting the growing weight of video in content as a whole through

deployment of broadband infrastructures, differences in languages limiting information distribution among Asian countries/economies are becoming smaller than before.

○In order to promote digital content distribution, the above-mentioned obstacles

shall be removed. In parallel, from the viewpoint of strengthening exchanges among Asian countries/economies and information transmission capabilities from Asia to the world, it is vital to promote creation/distribution of digital content through i) preparation of an environment for continuously creating attractive digital content and original local content, and ii) preparation of digital archives for sharing digital content over the web.

○Statistics on actual content distribution in Asia are not prepared at a sufficient

level. Well-prepared statistics will contribute to the development of intra-region infrastructures.

3. Human resource development and human exchanges

○Developing countries/economies lack human resources in the ICT field as a


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result of insufficient infrastructures and exodus of ICT technicians/engineers to developed countries. This hinders diffusion, etc. of ICT, resulting in obstacles for socioeconomic development.

○To date, the problem of human resources has been recognized as a huge challenge. There remain the following problems:

・In case of Japan, under JICA's technical cooperation scheme, ICT experts in

developing economies are being nutured. The number of accepted ICT-related trainees from the Asia-Pacific region is 300 to 400 on an annual basis. However, it cannot be said that this scheme meets the rapidly growing ICT needs in the region.

・The Asia Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC), that conducts

activities for stable operation of the Internet in the Asia-Pacific region, is implementing a human resource development project on a limited scale.

・There are cases where efficient implementation of training is impeded

because of the differences in the trainees levels.

・In human resource development in the ICT field, course materials, etc. are written mainly in English. Local-language materials are insufficient which has a detrimental effect on the accumulation of ICT knowledge.

・Procedures to obtain visas for ICT technicians are inefficient.

In order to resolve the above-mentioned problems, it is vital for governments, the private sector, NPOs, etc. to make concerted efforts to cope with the human resource development, at the same time, it is indispensable for governments in Asian countries/economies to place higher priorities on the ICT field.

4. Others

(1) Current status and future challenges of Japan's official development assistance (ODA) , etc.


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○The ODA budget for the ICT field was about 300 million dollars, 2% or more of

the total ODA budget (FY2001). Of the ICT-related ODA budget, about 90% is for financial cooperation (grant aid, Yen loans), and the rest 10% for technical cooperation (dispatch of experts, training, etc.). In recent years, the ICT-related ODA budget is in a downward spiral. One of reasons for the decline is the decreased number of ODA targets resulting from privatization of state-run operating bodies in each country/economy.

○At the Kyushu-Okinawa Summit meeting held in July 2000, the then Prime

Minister, MORI Yoshiro stated that Japan would take comprehensive cooperation measures to narrow the global digital divide such as preparing a national budget of about 15 billion dollars in total including the non-ODA and ODA fund for five years from 2000.

(2) Efforts at APT, APEC

At multilateral frameworks in the Asia-Pacific region, including APT and APEC, various human resource development projects and international joint experiment projects are being implemented.

Chapter III. Measures to be taken 1. Desirable promotion schemes for introducing/diffusing broadband platforms

in Asia With regard to promotion schemes for introducing/diffusing broadband systems in Asia, the following points shall be basics:

①Simple physical construction of infrastructures does not suffice conditions for

diffusion of broadband. Affordable lower rates, attractive applications and content yielding needs thereof are musts (as seen in Korea, infrastructures and applications are the two sides of the coin). Construction of infrastructures and promotion of applications shall be promoted at the same time, so that the synergy can function.


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②The above-mentioned (1) shall in principle be led by the private sector. Governments, however, shall play the following roles to: i) develop national strategies, prepare regulatory environments and key infrastructures for technological development, etc., ii) provide public services (administrative services, education, medicine, etc.), iii) offer public information such as meteorological, disaster-related and environmental information, and iv) support developing countries, such as bridge the digital divide. NPOs and research institutes have their roles. These governments, private companies, research institutes and NPOs shall not work independently. It is vital to work in a well-coordinated manner. In addition, each party shall take a responsible approach with their full ownerships, without expecting support from other parties.

③Considering development in globalization, moves toward promotion of FTAs and

economic tie-ups in Asia, it is quite vital to implement not only country-by-country initiatives but also international joint initiatives among Asian economies. Upon promotion of broadband, it is essential to efficiently utilize broadband for enabling resolutions of diversified problems within the Asian region.

④Asian diversity shall be fully taken into consideration that the development status

of broadband and economic climates differ from country to country. Thus, a uniform approach shall not be employed in promoting broadband. To this end, it is appropriate to employ various promotion measures best suited to each country/economy. For instance, some initiatives are to be implemented ahead of schedules in collaboration with Japan, Korea and China, with comparatively suitable environments, in East Asia, or ASEAN countries. Or, considering countries/economies with less developed infrastructures and rural areas, other initiatives are to be implemented for bridging the digital divide. Sufficient consideration shall be paid to Asian diversity in culture, etc.

Asian stakeholders/institutions shall share common recognition on the abovementioned prerequisites, and set forth common targets for promotion of broadband. Collaborative actions (joint projects, review of legal frameworks, etc.) among Asian stakeholders/institutions shall be taken.


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2. Specific measures, etc. to be taken

(1) Development of strategies for promotion ○First of all, it is vital for stakeholders to develop national strategies with respect

to their ownerships. Although there are many countries with national strategies for ICT, henceforth it will be necessary to develop new national strategies considering promotion of broadband. Supports for those efforts (holding of policy dialogues, dispatch of experts, etc.) are to be provided.

○As broadband is spreading in some Asian countries/economies, international

research shall be conducted on the factors affecting such diffusion, and the findings shared in order to assist the diffusion of broadband in other countries and to create a database of best practices (successful examples) for each issue.

(2) Construction of broadband infrastructures

①Construction of infrastructures at lower costs

○Considering the existing targets as set forth at APT, etc., it is appropriate for

each government to develop targets (the number of subscribers to broadband, etc.), focusing on provision of broadband access at affordable and lower rates for people, and specific strategies.

○Actual construction of infrastructures shall, in principle, be led by the private

sector. It is essential for each government to prepare a necessary environment, including legal platforms, etc. such as promotion of competition among providers, ensuring simplified/transparent procedures for obtaining licenses, etc. In addition, it is vital to promote support/cooperation among governments, private sectors, NPOs, etc., such as policy dialogues and holding of fora between countries, opinion exchanges and sharing of knowledge/experiences at multilateral meetings, dispatch of experts, policy support utilizing the "DO Site (Digital Opportunity Site)."


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In rural areas, there will be many cases where the private sector cannot construct infrastructures on their own. It is appropriate to take adequate measures including development of infrastructure construction plans through collaborations between the government and private sector, implementation of research/study on development methods by the support/cooperation of international organization, NPOs, etc. (as examples of construction methods, there are Internet centers utilizing public facilities, such as post offices, construction of low-cost IP-based wireless access systems). Construction of infrastructures through ODA, etc. shall be considered as one of options in developing countries/economies with less developed information and communications infrastructures. Specifically, considering benefits for developing countries/economies, the laying of fiber-optic cables for trunk lines, construction of access networks, etc., shall be implemented.

②Construction of international infrastructures within the Asian region

○Considering the growing volume of international information distribution

along with diffusion of broadband, it is vital to construct low-cost international infrastructures within Asian countries enabling smooth distribution of broadband content. It is necessary to promote cooperation among relevant bodies including the participation of private sectors in each country and internet related organizations in order to develop the international infrastructure, by establishing strong ties among them to clarify traffic structures and to ensure the connectivity based on various statistics which should be well prepared. It is necessary to construct international IXs within the Asian region in order to make Asia an international information hub as well as to promote efficiency of the Asian intra-region traffic. In this respect, implementation of R&D and verification experiments are necessary.

③New infrastructure developments and others for Asia

Since satellite communications plays an important role in the Asian region


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where many mountainous areas and small islands exist, it is necessary to challenge development of the following: key satellite technologies utilizing multicasting, R&D and realization of new broadband infrastructures of high data rate Internet satellite systems (WINDS), Quasi-Zenith satellites, etc. It is also important that the result of ITU-D FG7 study be effectively applied in rural areas to realize easy internet access.

(3) Preparation of technologies/legal schemes comprising broadband

platforms in Asia ①Preparation of legal or technological schemes (common platforms) for use of


○In order to protect intellectual property rights (copyrights, etc.), it is vital to prepare rules for intellectual property rights based on international conventions and treaties and to empower authorities to enforce those rules.

○Systems for ensuring security and reliability, implementing authentication,

billing, settlement, etc. shall be established and standardized.

○With regard to e-commerce, in order to prepare common platforms for international transactions in Asia, international cooperation among stakeholders in each country shall be indispensable.

○To contribute to the smooth distribution of ICT equipments, research and

information exchange concerning the situation in Asian countries/economies on whether or not compulsory standards are imposed on such equipments for the sake of interconnectivity should be encouraged through the conferences of APEC, APT, etc.

○With respect to technologies which are not sufficiently developed but have

potential needs (e.g., online realtime video production methods), it is vital to promote deliberations on proposals for standardization within the Asian region and international standardization through use of fora such as ASTAP, etc.


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②Promotion of IPv6

In order to diffuse IPv6 in Asian countries, it is vital to actively promote thereof through concerted efforts among governments, the private sector and NPOs. To this end, it is essential to i) continue to promote various events for diffusion of IPv6 (international fora, etc.), and ii) promote international verification experiments and R&D on IPv6-ready equipment, applications, content, etc., through use of the abovementioned broadband international testbeds.

③Improvement of character codes

Interested parties in Asia who are using Asian languages are not always participating in the process of character code development in question at the Unicode Consortium. Those who are concerned shall encourage the participation of the interested parties in question.

(4) Promotion of broadband use

The diffusion and development of broadband requires not only creating infrastructure but also attractive applications and content which fully utilize the capacity of the broadband infrastructure. ①Efforts for promoting use of broadband

○With the purpose of promoting use of broadband, development of

indicators and targets showing the actual status of application introduction/diffusion in each country at multilateral meetings shall be considered as one of methods.

○Because merits of ICT are not necessarily understood by people in each

country, measures for carrying out public awareness campaigns shall be implemented, such as installation of Internet centers, etc. utilizing public facilities, etc., holding of campaign events for promoting IPv6, etc.

②Promotion of various applications utilizing broadband

○In order to develop attractive broadband applications in Asia, it is vital to


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take measures for i) preparing testbeds for technological development and verification experiments pertaining to broadband, including IPv6, through use of HDR satellites to be launched in 2005, and ii) opening up the testbeds to Asian researchers as a wide-ranging forum for international joint research. In addition, much attention should be paid to the acquisition of lines with the U.S. and Europe.

○ In addition, it is necessary to consider construction of broadband

infrastructures for use of diversified collaboration linking Asian countries.

As for concrete modes of usage, ○Considering significance of human resource development, international

joint projects on distance learning (e-learning) utilizing video with realistic sensations suitable for broadband shall be promoted.

In addition, comprehensive approaches should be taken including the consideration on the contents and methods of education and teaching materials and the handling of copyright suitable for a broadband environment.

○As for e-governments at central and local levels, they will contribute to

transparency of administration. Governments at central and local levels shall promote e-governments projects that facilitate use of broadband.

○With regard to international exchanges, it is vital to implement measures

for promoting international exchanges among Asian people through use of broadband enabling transmission of video with realistic sensations.

○The utilization of broadband is conducive as for the provision of public

information including weather conditions, disasters and astronomical observations. It is useful to implement measures for exchanging large-volume data via broadband for R&D contributing to resolutions of problems in Asia in its entirety or on a global scale, such as disaster prevention, agriculture, environment, astronomy, etc.


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○ It is vital to actively implement broadband projects contributing to development of developing countries/rural areas through promotion of ODA projects, etc. For instance, projects directly related to BHN, such as telemedicine, and projects contributing to human resource development, such as distance learning, shall be promoted.

○It is expected that utilizing the Internet in the cultural area using Chinese

characters and other Asian areas is stimulated through the introduction of internationalized domain names.

③Promotion of broadband content ○Promotion of digital archives (e-museum, e-museum of art, etc.)

It is useful for people around the world to share digitalized Asian diversified traditional cultures and valuable silver-salt films via broadband not only from the viewpoint of preserving cultures but also from the viewpoints of exchanging cultures in the Asian region, transmitting information from Asia to the world, and education. To this end, it is vital to promote construction of digital archives, including virtual museums archiving cultural heritages in Asian countries/economies, film archives, etc. It is vital to foster human resources who create country-by-country attractive content, including manga, animation and games.

○Enhancement of multilingual translation functions

R&D on machine translation/retrieval functions in response to multilingual environments in Asia shall be promoted. It is difficult to respond to all languages in Asia. For example, technologies/methods for machine translation/retrieval functions among major languages (Japanese/Chinese/Korean/English, etc.) shall be established as soon as possible. (With respect to these major languages, R&D and commercialization have been made. For accelerated establishment of advanced technologies/methods, financial support and promotion of cooperation among research institutes in each country shall be


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promoted.) At the same time, technologies/methods for machine translation/retrieval functions between major languages and other languages shall be established. It is necessary to take a mid- and long-term measures while deepening understanding/research on other languages. In order to promote information transmission from Asia to the world through use of multilingual translation functions, it is important to operate portal sites for promoting intra-regional cultural exchanges through broadband and transmission of Asian cultures to the world, as agreed upon at the Japan-China-Korea ministerial meeting.

○Preparation of statistics pertaining to international distribution of digital

content in the Asian region, including possibilities of understanding actual status and desirable survey methods, will be deliberated in the future.

(5) Fostering of human resources in charge of broadband in the ICT field

○Considering the current status that efforts to carry out human resource

development in the ICT field in Asia are insufficient, it is necessary to set forth targets and actively foster human resources through technology transfer by experts dispatched from Japan. In particular, it is vital to expand the numbers of missions to be accepted and experts to be dispatched from Japan, focusing on the broadband. It is essential to implement on-demand basis human resource development. To this end, NPOs, etc. shall establish an international ICT expert bank made up of determined ICT experts from each country, which can dispatch adequate ICT experts in response to requests from developing countries. In order to foster such ICT experts, it is considered that i) dispatching ICT experts as lecturers from Japan (ODA), ii) supporting various human resource development activities in Asia, etc.

○ In addition, it is vital to foster/exchange ICT researchers/engineers with

advanced knowledge in Asia. It is essential to promote such efforts including use of the above-mentioned e-learning, etc. Upon visit of ICT researchers


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and engineers to Japan, as procedures for obtaining visas take considerable time, it is vital to improve the efficiency for the procedures required to obtain visas.

(6) Promotion of development of developing countries (ODA, etc.)

○As for ODA, measures to improve ODA shall be promoted including i)

implementation of ICT projects utilizing distance learning, telemedicine, etc., in addition to the conventional infrastructure projects for constructing telecommunications networks, ii) implementation of already proven excellent projects in other countries, and iii) further implementation of ODA projects targeting multiple countries.

○ OOF (public funds other than ODA) is contributing to infrastructure

construction in countries that have privatized state-run operating bodies Toward further promotion of effective use of OOF, governments shall promote policies for stimulating private investments toward diffusion of broadband, such as infrastructure construction projects.

○Promotion of cooperation/tie-ups with international organizations such as ITU,

UNDP, ADB, etc. shall be considered. 3. System for promotion

(1) Preparation of frameworks for promoting broadband in Asia In order to promote broadband in Asia smoothly and comprehensively, it is vital to consider establishment of an international framework/system for promoting broadband. Upon establishment of the system, the existing organizations such as Asian Info-Communication Council (AIC) which is consisting of a wide range of Asian organizations and has full-time staff shall be considered as a useful resource.

(2) Use of existing international frameworks, etc.

○Utilizing the Japan-China-Korea ICT ministerial meetings, ASEAN + 1 (Japan)


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ministerial meetings, etc., continuous deliberations shall be promoted on diffusion of broadband, etc., including the abovementioned measures, etc.

○Under frameworks of APT and APEC TEL, distance learning and human

resource development initiatives have been implemented. However, initiatives in response to broadband will be initiated henceforth. Some proposals contained in this Report may be utilized at APT, APEC TEL and AIC.

○Sharing of experiences/knowledge obtained through activities at the UN ICT

Task Force, DOT Force launched by the initiative of G8 Leaders, etc. shall be considered.

(3) Development of a system for domestic promotion

Japan must develop a framework and system for promoting the "Asia Broadband Program" in the country in order to vigorously promote the Program.

Chapter IV. Others (crosscutting issues, etc.) 1. World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)

WSIS, a UN event, is a good opportunity to present the "Asia Broadband Program," an Asian initiative for constructing a broadband environment, to the world and to contribute to development of the world. In January 2003 a WSIS regional meeting in Asia will be held. At the meeting, to gain understandings on related portions contained in this Report from governments, private businesses, NPOs, etc. in Asian countries will lead to not only the development of Asia but also Asian contribution to the world and information transmission from Asia to the world.

2. Japan's role in Asia

○With regard to Japan's role in Asia, some point out the followings: Japan's cooperation is centering on financial cooperation. With respect to cooperation in human resources, younger persons and people from private companies are few.


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Japan's 15 billion dollar commitment at the Kyushu-Okinawa Summit has not been sufficiently implemented. There is fear that Japan's presence is declining in Asia.

○As exemplified by diffusion rates of broadband, a scheme that solely Japan leads Asia and provides other Asian countries with cooperation is swaying.

○In order to develop broadband in Asia and improve Asia's presence in the world,

Japan is requested to actively cooperate with Asian countries on an equal footing basis.

○Japan is to strengthen ties and promote personnel exchanges among industry,

the public sector, academia and NPOs. The government is to make more effort to promote the interests of Asian region. The private sectors in Japan, not for immediate profit, is to implement projects with mid- to long-term perspectives.

3. Others

○To date, deliberations were made on Asian countries, henceforth, Oceanian countries with their own initiatives for ICT shall be included.

○Relationships between this Program and the “Okinawa International Information

Special District Project” shall be taken into consideration.

Chapter V. In conclusion

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