Page 1: Police report on WCU incident

Agency Name OCA

Western Carolina University Police Departme INCIDENT/INVESTIGATION 15-02008 ., ORI REPORT DateiTimeReportedl SIMI T IWI T !'JI s

NC0500200 Month I Day I Yr nmo ::3 02 27 2015 23:32 Hrs. ,_ Crime I lncident(s) 0Attempt At Found s M T WIT l(f s last Known Secure I S I M I T I WI T !'}IS z #1 2690 - Hazing II Complete "'"~ I 0

'' I y, I nil Month I D•y y, nmel w 02 27 2015 23:31 "" 02 27 2015 23:30 Hrs. Cl

0 Crfme Incident 0Attempt location of incident I Offense Tract

~ #2 0810- Simple Physical Assault II Complete Tree House Apartments/Peak Apartments, Cu11owhee, NC Off Campus

Crfme Incident 0Attempt Premise Type I ~lctlm Residence Type #3 0 Complete 04- Home of Offender- Other Dwelling 0 Single Family 0 Multi Family

How Attacked or Committed Forcible Weapon I Tools 0 II Yes 0NJA 2 By running water over victim's face and telling him to recite words, and by slapping victim in face 0No 40- Personal Weapons (Hand

#of VIctims Type: II Person D Busifl(!ss Injury: II None 0Min(){ OlossofTee!h Drug/Alcohol Use:

1 D Society 0Govemment D Financial Institute D Broken Bones D Severe lacerations DYes 0Rel!gious D l.E. Officer line or Duty Ootherlt.Jnk D Internal D Unconscious D Other Major Ill No ON/A

VIctim/Business Name {last, First, Middle) VIctim DOB I Age Race . ., Relationship Resident Status

V1 of To Offender II Resident Crfme#

D Non.Resldenl 2 1 t 1,2 w M OK D Un.'<ncr.~n

> Home Address Home Phone

Employer Name/Address Business Phone


VYR I Make Model Style .!Color lllc/lls IV!n

CODES: V =VIctim Denote V2 V3 0 Ohner 1f other than victim R-Re i Person 1f other than victim

Type: 0 Person D Business Osodety 0Govemmenl 0 Fin.andal Institute 0Religious D l.E. Officer Une of Duty D Otherlt.Jnkoo,m

Code Name (last, First, Middle) VIctim of

DOB I Age Race s" Crfme •

I Cl Home Address Home Phone w 0; ~ Employer Name/Address Business Phone

~ (f)

Type: D Person 0Bus!ness OSocleiJ' 0Govemment D Financial lnsMu!e D Religious D l.E. Officer line of Duty D 0\her/t.Jnkn<rlrn "' w Code Name (last, First, Middle) VIctim DOS I Age Race s" I ,_ of

0 Crfme • I Home Address Home Phone

Employer Name/Address Business Phone

Status l-lost S =Stolen R = Recovered Do: Damaged Z- Seized B= Burned C- Counterfeit f Forg-ed F"'Found Codes (Check "OJ' corurm if recovered for other jurisdiction)


• DC! Staius Value OJ OTY ..

ProDertV oes·cnouon Make/Model Serial Number

~ w fl_


"' fl_

Number of Yehlcles Stolen Number of Vehicles Recovered

9 Officer Name ID# Officer Signature I Supervisor Signature

Officer Brandon L. Blevins I 0119 Complainant Signature Case Status Case Olsposltlon:

(f) D Further Investigation II Unfounded D Juvenile/No CUstody 0 Extradition Declined ::J

t< O!nactive D Cleared by Arrest D Refuse to Cooperate Olocated

~ II Closed/Cleared D Cleared by Arrest by Another Agency

I Page...1.... or.JL 0 Closed/Leads Exhausted D Death of Offender D Prosecution Declined

DC!..OOOF Rev. 3192

Page 2: Police report on WCU incident


Page 2 IOCA 15-02008 I

Status l Lost s Stolen R Recovered D Damaged Z =Seized s- Burned c Coooterfeit/ Forged F Found Codoo

Check up to 3 types of activity for each DCI Status Quantity Type Measure Suspected Type

(f) Possess Bey Sale Mfg. Importing Operating

<9 :J

"' 0

"' Offender Used Offender 1 Offender 2 Offender 3 Primary Offender w Alcoho!IDrogs DYes llun.l< Resident Status 0 0No 0NJA Age: Race: W sex: M Age: Race: w Sex: M Age: Race: A sex: M D Resident z w

DYes Dunk D Non-Res!dent IL Computer IL 0No IINIA D Unkna.~n 0 Age: Race: Sex Age: Race: S•x Age: Race: Sox

Name {Last, First, Middle) Alias or Nickname Home Address

Occupation Business Address

OOB!Age Race s" Height Weight Build Hair Color Hair Style Hair length Eye Color Glasses

t; 1 w M w £L Scars, Marks, Tattoos, or other distinguishing features (I.e. limp, foreign accent, voice characteristics) (f) :J (f)

"" I Jackel I ShlrtfB!ouse I Tie/Scarf CoaUSult Pa-ntsfDress/Sklrt I Socks I Shoes

Was suspect Anned? I Type of weapon Direction or Travel I Mode of Travel

VYR 'Make I Model I Stylo Color lllc/lls VI"

Name (last, first, middle) DOB/ Age Race s .. OCA (f) (f) w I z 1- I Home Phone I Employer I Phone ~ Home Address

Suspect Hate I Bias Motivated: Yes 0 No 0

Narrative w On Friday 1 February 27, 2015, at or around 2332 hours, WCU police received information about a :2:

~ student being hazed and assaulted. The incident t·las also reported to Jackson County Sherriff 1 s 0: Office. The incident is currently being investigated by the University. <{ z

SUPPLE1·1ENT #1 Officer Brandon L. Blevins - 0119 02/28/2015 05:38

On Friday 1 February 27, 2015 at or around 2332 hours 1 Sergeant Gossett and I, Officer Blevins,

\'/ere dispatched to in reference to seeing a person about information. Upon arrival,

He were flagged dO\-m in the parking lot by Brian Boyer who stated that a student reported being

hazed and assaulted to him tonight 1 and he had already spoken to Associate Vice Chancellor

Kevin Koett. t>ir. Boyer then directed us to go >·lith him to the office of Hr. Koett.

Upon arrival to the office of N:r. Koett's office, Hr. Boyer stated that a student by the name

of texted him earlier in the evening that he needed to speak to him1 and then Mr.

Boyer encountered in the dining hall. told Mr. Boyer that he has

been slapped in the face, and that he t'las "Hater boarded.u Hr. Keott then stated that he and

Hr. Boyer had already intervieHed about the specifics of the incidents. Hr. Koett

stated that an active investigation had begun on their part 1 and they already notified the

necessary persons to include: Laura Ensley, N:isty Beebe, and Sam r-tiller. Nr. Koett had taken

notes on his interviev1, and he gave those notes to Sergeant Gossett.

Page 3: Police report on WCU incident


II INVESTIGATION 0 ARREST 15-02008 Western Carolina University Police Department NC0500200 0 SUPPLEMENTARY INV.


After speaking to Hr. Koett, Sergeant Gossett notified Chief of Police Earnest Hudson via cell

phone. Chief Hudson then asked for the phone to be handed to Mr. Koett. After Chief Hudson spoke to

Hr. Koett, Sergeant Gossett spoke to Chief Hudson again. Chief Hudson advised Sergeant Gossett to

contact JCSO since the hazing and assault occurred at off campus locations. Chief Hudson also

advised Sergeant Gossett that he needed to make contact Hith the victim, and take him to the police

department to be interviewed by a JCSO deputy. Sergeant Gossett then asked Brian Boyer and Hr.

Koett to make contact with .

then met us at N:r. Koett's office, and t'le asked him to come doHn to the police

department for an interviet·l. stated that he would get his personal vehicle and drive

to the police department.

On Saturday, February 28, 2015, at or around 0036 hours, Deputy t-iL Rhinehart with the JCSO

intervie\·Ted at the police department. Sergeant Gosett and ·I sat in on the interview to

obtain more details about the incident.

stated that last Heekend, Saturday, February 21, 2015 at or around 0200 hours, he was

at the Tree House Apartments. He Has there pledging for Pi Kappa Alpha, and he t·1as hanging out

Vlith the Pikes, and getting to know his brothers. At the apartment t1as a and a

, and thretv a chair and broke it. They instructed to put the chair

back together. and began cussing and yelling at . They v1ere

telling him that he should just fucking quit. got in ' face, still yelling

and cursing at him. At that point, stepped back and slapped across the check

of the face \'lith an open hand. and then told him to do push-ups.

stated that Has very intoxicated, and he could smell the alcohol on his breath.

is an active member of the fraternity. is an inactive member of the

fraternity. told about the incident, and

he texted that everything would be ok.

stated that on Thursday, February 2 6, 2015, at or around 2300 hours, he t·1as at the

Peaks apartments to participate in fraternity activities t·li th his brothers. He advised that he was

at the apartment of a fraternity member, and had taken the hose from the sink,

turned on the Hater, placed it in his mouth, and told him to recite the fraternity's preamble.

Also at the apartment Has an 1 a fraternity pledge, and had the water hose placed

in his mouth, and told to recite the fraternity's preamble. stated that was

holding face, not allm'ling him to turn aHay from the Hater v1hen he Has reciting the

preamble. vms placed on the floor, on his back, and had a pan of \•later,

pouring it into mouth \Vhile he recited the fraternity's preamble. At that time,

noticed that was struggling \1hile trying to recite the words with \'later being

poured in his mouth, and requested that he be able to take place.

left the Peaks around 0100 hours.

Officer Name I ID Officer Signature I Date I Time Submltled I Page ...1L Officer Brandon L. Blevins- 0119 ot..JL. DCI-002 F REV. 3192

Page 4: Police report on WCU incident


II INVESTIGATION D ARREST 15-02008 Western Carolina University Police Department NC0500200 0 SUPPLEMENTARY liN.


On tonight, Friday 27, 2015, earlier in the night, went to the Pike house on EdgeHater

Road. stated that he spoke at length \·lith , and apologized for

the events that occurred on February 2 6, 2015 at the Peaks. At that time 1 tvas

telling things like, ''Fuck you, you should just quit." After cursed at

, was attempting to leave \Vhen an unknown alumni sat dmm in the passenger

seat of his vehicle. The alumni asked him, "Who the hell do you think you are?" As he \·las

attempting to drive a1tmy, the unknmm alumni kept grabbing the gear shift of the car and knocking

it out of gear. then asked the person to get out of his vehicle.

asked him if he Has ok, and told him they \Wuld straighten this issue out,

stated that at time had he been consuming alcohol due to

. stated that he Pad no physical signs of injury from any

incidents, Sergeant Gossett asked if he needed to speak to someone, or if there \.Zas

anyone on campus he Hanted to be contacted. also stated that he had told his father

about the incidents. stated that he didn't t.zant to pursue any criminal charges.

Sergeant Gossett called Chief Hudson to advise him that did not v1ant to pursue

criminal charges, and that JCSO vrould be filing a report.



OfficerName/ID Officer Signature I D•to/ Ttm• S"bmlttod

I Page ...!L

Officer Brandon L. Blevins - 0119 ol __!L_ DCI.-602 F REV. 3192

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II INVESTIGATION D ARREST 15-02008 Western Carolina University Police Department NC0500200 0 SUPPLEMENTARY INV.


Officer Name /10 Officer Signature I D•to I Tlmo Sobmlllod I Page_£

Officer Brandon l. Blevins- 0119 of __lL_ OC!-602 F REV.3192

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JIJNVESTIGATJON D ARREST 15-02008 Western Carolina University Police Department NC0500200 0 SUPPLEMENTARY !NV.

Officer Name /ID Officer Signature I Dolo 1 Timo S"bmlttod I Page _fL Officer Brandon L. Blevins¥ 0119 " 6

Suspect{s) Name {Last, First, Middle) I Alias or Nickname Home Address

Occupation I Business Address

DOB/Age Race ., Height Weight Build Hair Color HairStyle Hair length Eye Color Glasses

I w M Scars, Marks, Tatloos, or other distinguishing features {I.e. trmp, foreign accent, voice characteristics}

Hot I Jacket I Shirt/Blouse I Tie/Scarf Coat/Sult I Pants/Dress/Skirt I Socks Shoes

WasSuspectAnned? I Typt1 of Weapon Dlrecllon of Travel I Mode of Travel

Name (Last, First, Middle) I Alias or Nickname Home Address

Occupation I Business Address

Student wcu DOB/Age Race .,

Height Weight Build HalrCoior Hair Style Hair Length EyeCoior Glasses

A M Scars, Marks, Tattoos, or other distinguishing features {I.e. limp, foreign accent, voice characteristics)

Hot 1 Jacket 1 ShirUB!ouse I Tie/Scarf CoaUSult I Pants/Dress/Skirt I socks Shoes

Was Suspect Armed1 Type or weapon Direction of Travel I Mode of Travel

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