Page 1: Politics – Country Presentations Dani Saad Pgs 55-64 (Textbook) World Wars

Politics – Country PresentationsDani Saad

Pgs 55-64 (Textbook)

World Wars

Page 2: Politics – Country Presentations Dani Saad Pgs 55-64 (Textbook) World Wars

WWI• Beginning of WWI is generally marked by the assassination of

Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914.

• The reaction to the assassination sent European powers into war.

• However, even before Ferdinand was killed, conflict had been brewing for years.

• Europe soon divided into two distinct hostilities: Triple Alliance (Germany, Austro-Hungry, Italy) and the Triple Entente (Great Britain, France, Russia)

• Germany was yearning for a place among the world’s superpowers

• The triple alliance’s main concern was that Russia would expand their power in the Balkans

• Commercial rivalry, disputes over colonial possessions, and the naval arms race between GB and GER.

• Naval arms race is a parallel situation to cold war nuclear arms race

• German planning sought to avoid a two front war by quickly defeating France before turning against Russia.

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WWI Continued…• The mood in most societies was of extreme nationalism (often racist)

• Throughout Europe, expectations were that the war would be short, and the troops would be home by Christmas.

• The German offensive into France was conducted according to the Schlieffen Plan -> German armies in the West would move through Belgium and through Northern France (towards Paris)

• Germany’s attack did not go as planned and France was not defeated quickly.

• The firepower of modern weapons never before seen in battle brought battles to a standstill.

• By October of 1914 a front line of trenches, barbed wire and machine guns extended from Swiss Border to the English Channel

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• “The lamps are out all over Europe; we shall not see them lit you again in our lifetime.”

- British Foreign Minister Sir Edward Grey

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• Germany made a decision to expand their submarine campaign and threaten Britain’s naval blockade.

• This expansion was one of the reasons the United States decided to become involved• On April 12, 1917 the U.S. declared war.• In the east, military defeat and economic chaos led to the collapse of the Russian war

effort.• The Romanov dynasty was overthrown and the political situation in Russia changed

drastically.• With the eastern front secured, Germany transferred forces west for a final offensive

aimed at defeating GB and France before the US could mobilize.• The offensive was launched on March 21. 1918, and it failed with heavy casualties.• By September Germany was near defeat and their economy was destroyed due to the war

effort.• Fearful of domestic unrest and even further casualties, Germany surrendered and on

November 11, 1918 the German government signed the TOV

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Consequences• 13 million people died with millions more wounded.• German General described WWI as “total war”• Three empires collapsed - Austro-Hungry, Russian, Ottoman• New countries emerged: Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Estonia, Latvia,

Lithuania• Russian Revolution brought change to government and ideology that would change

Russia forever politically.• There was concern over the emergence of fascism as a major political movement.• Nationalism did not diminish but rather intensified as minorities were angered over how

the war was settled and the terms of the TOV• The United States emerged as a global power but turned to isolationism with respect to

European Affairs• Soviet Union was looking to regain lost territories.• Most significant revisionist state was Germany. The TOV caused much bitterness in

Germany which would be exploited by Hitler and the Nazi party. Ultimately, the war to end all the wars had merely set the stage for WWII

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Interwar Period

• Germany – There were disagreements about how to treat Germany in terms of punishment was forced to pay for the entire cost of the war, however they already defaulted on their payments as early as 1920. Popular resentment against the TOV increased.

• Russia – Russia soon passed its revolutionary phase and emerged as a power within Europe. Increased economic hardship and the failure of the Russian government left the country vulnerable to revolutionary groups such as the Soviets. Vladimir Lenin returned from exile, promising prosperity and peace. Peace was short-lived and civil war soon broke out. In December 1922 the Soviet Union was officially established and within three years it was thriving economically. Lenin’s death brought Josef Stalin into power.

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Interwar Period Continued..Asia

• The interwar period saw a rise of a new power in Asia: Japan. The Meiji Restoration of 1868 reopened Japan to the world after 200 years of isolation. Japan quickly embarked on a period of industrialization and established an empire on the mainland. Japan was gaining recognition and was given a permanent seat on the Council of the League of Nations.

• China experienced a period of chaos and instability. Central rule broke down and provincial warlords assumed local power. Japan eventually intervened and the Chinese nationalist and communist forces battled the Japanese until the end of WWII.

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• In Italy, fascist leader Benito Mussolini came into power in 1922 and in 1935, Italy attacked Ethiopia. The Italian venture was successful and Ethiopia was claimed as a province of Italy.

• In Germany, economic disaster struck. The Nazi Party used this to their advantage when successfully attempting to get into power. Hitler ran on a platform of anti-Semitism and resentment towards the TOV.

• Great Britain turned inward and retreated behind the English Channel, and the French behind the Maginot Line.

• In 1946 the League of Nations was formerly disbanded.

• The powers of the interwar period – Germany, Japan and Italy were careful and did not want to start another World War.

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WWII: Total War• In August 1939, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed the Nazi-Soviet non-

aggression pact.

• However Hitler soon invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, and would late fully split ties with Soviet Union.

• Britain and France honoured their pledge with Poland and declared war on Germany. From then on the war expanded rapidly.

• German forces invaded and conquered Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and Belgium.

• In the Mediterranean, Mussolini’s Italy invaded Greece and Germany was brought into the conflict.

• June 1941, Hitler invaded the Soviet Union with a surprise attack and destroyed much of the Red Army.

• Later that year, Japan attacked Pearl Harbour (seen as mistake)

• Japan conquered the Philippines, French Indochina, Dutch East Indies, Singapore

• Allied Powers (US, GB, SU) Axis Powers (GER, ITA, JAP)

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Continued…• Allies began air strikes against Germany damaging industry, transportation

• Air strikes killed many civilians and damaged the war effort.

• Further attacks were made at Berlin

• Adolf Hitler committed suicide on April 30 1945, a month after Germany surrendered to the Allies.

• This ended WWII, and some argue that the war would never had happened if it had not been for Hitler.

• Throughout the war, the U.S. had been testing atomic weapons in New Mexico (successfully).

• President Truman authorized the first military use of the atomic bomb which dropped on Hiroshimi in August 1945 and a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki just three days later.

• Many argue that these two atomic bombings were inhumane and unnecessary, especially since so many innocent people died.

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