Download - Poly(Acrylic Acid )

  • 8/17/2019 Poly(Acrylic Acid )


  • 8/17/2019 Poly(Acrylic Acid )


    Poly(acrylic acid)


    Roll No M13-314

    Semester 5th 

    Metallr!y a"d Materials #"!i"eeri"!De$artme"t  %"i&ersity ' he P"*a+

  • 8/17/2019 Poly(Acrylic Acid )



    Poly(acrylic acid) (PAA or Carbomer) is generic name for synthetic highweight polymers of acrylic acid.A super-absorbent (AP) or polyacrylic acid was patented in 1!"" by #of %ow Chemical and Carlyle $armon of &ohnson ' &ohnson. t was rst u

    diapers in 1!*2 in &apan.+olecular mass is ,ariable


    • ,olor less liid at room a"d $ressre.a" irretati"!

    • Polymerises easily a"d hi!

    reactio" /he" e$oses to • Stro"! corresi&e a!e"t to

    li0e co$$er a"d +rass.• S$er a+sor+a"t $olymer.• Diclt to ha"dle "der i"


    I%PA, Name

      ($ro$-2-e"oicacid ($oly)


    Mo"omer Acrylic acid,3H4'2

  • 8/17/2019 Poly(Acrylic Acid )


    Acrylic acid is ote" $olymeried +y the ADDII'N P'M#RI6AI'N he sita+le $rocess or additio" $olymeriatio" o acrylic acid is #M

    PR',#SS IN 7A#R.  he i"itiator( 'r!a"ic $er oide) is /ater sol+le a"d ree radicals a

    mo"omers di8se i"to the hydro$ho+ic i"terior o micelles /hile /at

    to hydro$hilic eterior o"e.

    Polymeri/ation +ethod

    ,a" also +e $olymeried +y +l0 $rodctio" $rocess si"! a mo"omer. 9t this method is "ot !e"eral or ty$ical method o$olymeriatio" or Acrylic acid.

  • 8/17/2019 Poly(Acrylic Acid )



    1. echnical grade (!)or esterication

    2.#lacial grade (!*-!!.0 byweight and ma4imum of 5.3water by weight)or production of water solubleresins.

    Physical Prope



    ,hemical Resista"c

    H2' A+sor$tio"

    ,orrosi&e resista"c

    About crystallinity of PAA666t is brittle in natureAt temperatures abo,e 255 to 205oC7 it loseswater and becomes an insoluble crosslin8edpolymer anhydride. olubility of dried PAA inwater increases with rise in temperatures 

    Polyacrylic acihydro$hilic - it/ater. hat?s +the car+oylic (,''H) i" the /hich ca" hydto /ater molec

    p$ for 1

    in water is2.9 to 3.5

  • 8/17/2019 Poly(Acrylic Acid )


    ,ommercial A&aila+ility

    • PAA in the form of white and fluffypowder having very fine

    Particles .it has the ability to swell

    water many times than its weight • Also a,aible in the form of li:uid.

    Processi"! ech"ies

    • Water emulsion process• Injection molding• Extrusion

  • 8/17/2019 Poly(Acrylic Acid )



    • Poly(acrylic acid) is sed i" deter!e"ts to remo&ecalcim a"d ma!"esim io"s rom the /ater@ thssote"i"! it. his has mea"t that $hos$hates "eed"ot +e sed or this $r$ose ths $rodci"! a mch

    more e"&iro"me"tally rie"dly deter!e"t.

    • I" Bi!reC he child?s shoes are made o a a+ric/ith $ores /hich allo/ air to circlate aro"d theeet. hey are li"ed /ith a eece made o$oly(acrylic acid). I" the /et@ the $olymer soa0s $the /ater a"d e$a"ds@ seali"! the shoe@ ma0i"! it/aterti!ht. 7he" dry@ the /ater e&a$orates a"dthe $olymer co"tracts allo/i"! the eece to +ecome$oros to air.

    • Poly acrylic acid a"d its deri&ati&es are sed i"dis$osa+le dia$ers@E1F io" echa"!e resi"s a"dadhesi&es. hey are also $o$lar as a thic0e"i"!@dis$ersi"!@ ss$e"di"! a"d emlsiyi"! a!e"ts i"$harmaceticals7 cosmetics and paints

  • 8/17/2019 Poly(Acrylic Acid )


    Rece"t Research


    • Reacts immensly when exposes to heat,metals etc.• Not easy to control under inert conditions .• No resistance to solvent(water ) highly !rittle with high concentration..

    1. a crossli"0ed $oly(acrylic acid)=atta$l!ite s$era+sor- +e"t /ith a /ater a+sor+e"cy !reater tha" 1::: ! H2'=! /as sy"theshas a com$o- sitio" o :.2 /t G o crossli"0er@ 1.: /t G o i"itiatoo atta$l!ite@ a "etraliatio" de!ree o ;:G@ a"d a reactio" teo

  • 8/17/2019 Poly(Acrylic Acid )



    ater retention of swollensamples as a function oftime at "5 and 155?C.

  • 8/17/2019 Poly(Acrylic Acid )



     han8 @ou



    PAA is o !reat im$orta"ce $olymer de to its s$ea+sor$tio" a"d rete"tio" ality. A"d i" tre it /ilo !reat im$orta"ce also@ +ecase it is the +est mate/hich !i&es the deri&ati&es that are hi!hly resista"t

    the corrosio"JJ. So it is re$laci"! the other e$e"scoati"! materialsJJ.

    More&er its hi!h /ater rete"sio" $o/er is o !reaim$orta"ce

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