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    48. Surveying. The layout in the figure is used to determine

    an inaccessible height h when a baseline din a plane per-

    pendicular to h can be established and the angles , , and

    can be measured. Show that

    h dsin csc ( ) tan

    Section 7-2 Law of Cosines

    Law of Cosines Derivation

    Solving the SAS Case

    Solving the SSS Case

    If in a triangle two sides and the included angle are given (SAS), or three sides

    are given (SSS), the law of sines cannot be used to solve the triangle

    neithercase involves an angle and its opposite side (Fig. 1). Both cases can be solved

    starting with the law of cosines, which is the subject matter for this section.

    (a) SAS case (b) SSS case

    Law of Cosines DerivationTheorem 1 states the law of cosines.


    a2 b2 c2 2bc cos

    b2 a2 c2 2ac cos

    c2 a2 b2 2ab cos

    Cases SAS and SSS are most readily solved by starting with the law of


    All threeequationssayessentiallythe same


    FIGURE 1

  • 8/13/2019 polygons problems


    7-2 Law of Cosines

    We will establish a2 b2 c2 2bc cos . The other two equations tcan be obtained from this one simply by relabeling the figure. We start by lo

    ing a triangle in a rectangular coordinate system. Figure 2 shows three typ


    For an arbitrary triangle located as in Figure 2, the distance-between-tw

    points formula is used to obtain

    Square both sides.

    (a) (b) (c)

    From Figure 2, we note that

    b2 h2 k2

    Substituting b2 for h2 k2 in equation (1), we obtain

    a2 b2 c2 2hc


    Thus, by replacing h in equation (2) with b cos , we reach our objective:

    a2 b2 c2 2bc cos

    [Note: If is acute, then cos is positive; if is obtuse, then cos is negati

    Solving the SAS Case

    For the SAS case, start by using the law of cosines to find the side opposite

    given angle. Then use either the law of cosines or the law of sines to find a s

    ond angle. Because of the simpler computations, the law of sines will gener

    be used to find the second angle.

    h bcos

    cos h


    FIGURE 2

    Three representative triangles.

    h2 2hc c2 k2

    a2 (h c)2 k2a








  • 8/13/2019 polygons problems




    After using the law of cosines to find the side opposite the angle for an

    SAS case, the law of sines is used to find a second angle. Figure 2

    shows that there are two choices for a second angle.

    (A) If the given angle is obtuse, can either of the remaining angles be

    obtuse? Explain.

    (B) If the given angle is acute, then one of the remaining angles may ormay not be obtuse. Explain why choosing the angle opposite the

    shorter side guarantees the selection of an acute angle.

    (C) Starting with (sin )/a (sin )/b, show that


    (D) Explain why equation (3) gives us the correct angle only if isacute.

    The preceding discussion leads to the following strategy for solving the SAS



    Step Find Method

    1 Side opposite given angle Law of cosines

    2 Second angle Law of sines

    (Find the angle opposite

    the shorter of the two given


    this angle willalways be acute.)

    3 Third angle Subtract the sum of the measures

    of the given angle and the angle

    found in step 2 from 180.

    Solving the SAS Case

    Solve the triangle in Figure 3.

    FIGURE 3

    E X A M P L E


    sin1asin b

  • 8/13/2019 polygons problems



    7-2 Law of Cosines

    S o l u t i o n

    Solve for b Use the law of cosines:

    Solve for b.

    Solve for Since side c is shorter than side a, must be acute, and the law of sines is uto solve for .

    Solve for sin .

    Solve for .

    Solve for 180 ( )

    180 (32.4 35.4) 112.2

    Solve the triangle with 77.5, b 10.4 feet, and c 17.7 feet.

    Solving the SSS Case

    Starting with three sides of a triangle, the problem is to find the three angles. S

    sequent calculations are simplified if we solve for the obtuse angle first, if p

    ent. The law of cosines is used for this purpose. A second angle, which mus

    acute, can be found using either law, although computations are usually simp

    with the law of sines.

    (A) Starting with a2 b2 c2 2bc cos , show that


    (B) Does equation (4) give us the correct angle irrespective ofwhether is acute or obtuse? Explain.

    cos1a2 b2 c2


    M A T C H E D P R O B L E M



    sin16.45 sin 32.45.96

    Since is acute, the inverse sine

    function gives us directly. sin1



    sin csin






    5.96 cm

    (10.3)2 (6.45)2 2(10.3)(6.45) cos 32.4

    ba2 c2 2accos

    b2 a2 c2 2accos

  • 8/13/2019 polygons problems



    The preceding discussion leads to the following strategy for solving the SSS



    Step Find Method

    1 Angle opposite longest Law of cosines


    this will take care ofan obtuse angle, if present.

    2 Either of the remaining Law of sines

    angles, which will be acute.


    3 Third angle Subtract the sum of the measures

    of the angles found in steps 1 and

    2 from 180.

    Solving the SSS Case

    Solve the triangle with a 27.3 meters, b 17.8 meters, and c 35.2 meters.

    S o l u t i o n Three sides of the triangle are given and we are to find the three angles. This is

    the SSS case.

    Sketch the triangle (Fig. 4) and use the law of cosines to find the largest angle,

    then use the law of sines to find one of the two remaining acute angles.

    Since is the largest angle, we solve for it first using the law of cosines.

    Solve for

    Solve for cos .

    Solve for .

    Solve for We now solve for either or , using the law of sines. We choose .






    cos1a2 b2 c2


    cos a

    2 b2 c2


    c2 a2 b2 2abcos

    FIGURE 4

    E X A M P L E


  • 8/13/2019 polygons problems


    7-2 Law of Cosines

    Solve for sin .

    Solve for .

    is acute.

    Solve for 180

    180 ( )

    180 (49.7 100.5)


    Solve the triangle with a 1.25 yards, b 2.05 yards, and c 1.52 yards

    Finding the Side of a Regular Polygon

    If a seven-sided regular polygon is inscribed in a circle of radius 22.8 c

    timeters, find the length of one side of the polygon.

    S o l u t i o n Sketch a figure (Fig. 5) and use the law of cosines.

    If an 11-sided regular polygon is inscribed in a circle with radius 4.63 inches, fi

    the length of one side of the polygon.M A T C H E D P R O B L E M


    19.8 centimeters








    d2 22.82 22.82 2(22.8)(22.8) cos360


    FIGURE 5

    E X A M P L E


    M A T C H E D P R O B L E M



    sin127.3 sin 100.535.2

    sin asin


    27.3 sin 100.5






  • 8/13/2019 polygons problems



    Answers to Matched Prob lems

    1. a 18.5 ft, 33.3, 69.2 2. 37.4, 95.0, 47.6 3. 2.61 inches

    EXERCISE 7-2

    The labeling in the figure below is the convention we will

    follow in this exercise set. Your answers to some problems maydiffer slightly from those in the book, depending on the order

    in which you solve for the sides and angles of a given triangle.


    1. Referring to the figure above, if 47.3, b 11.7 cen-timeters, and c 6.04 centimeters, which of the two an-

    gles, or , can you say for certain is acute and why?

    2. Referring to the figure above, if 93.5, b 5.34

    inches, and c 8.77 inches, which of the two angles, or

    , can you say for certain is acute and why?

    Solve each triangle in Problems 36.

    3. 71.2, b 5.32 yards, c 5.03 yards

    4. 57.3, a 6.08 centimeters, c 5.25 centimeters

    5. 12020, a 5.73 millimeters, b 10.2 millimeters

    6. 13550, b 8.44 inches, c 20.3 inches


    7. Referring to the figure at the beginning of the exercise set,

    if a 13.5 feet, b 20.8 feet, and c 8.09 feet, then, if

    the triangle has an obtuse angle, which angle must it be

    and why?

    8. Suppose you are told that a triangle has sides a 12.5

    centimeters, b 25.3 centimeters, and c 10.7 centime-

    ters. Explain why the triangle has no solution.

    Solve each triangle in Problems 912 if the triangle has a

    solution. Use decimal degrees for angle measure.

    9. a 4.00 meters, b 10.2 meters, c 9.05 meters

    10. a 10.5 miles, b 20.7 miles, c 12.2 miles

    11. a 6.00 kilometers, b 5.30 kilometers, c 5.52


    12. a 31.5 meters, b 29.4 meters, c 33.7 meters

    Problems 13

    26 represent a variety of problems involvingboth the law of sines and the law of cosines. Solve each

    triangle. If a problem does not have a solution, say so.

    13. 94.5, 88.3, b 23.7 centimeters

    14. 85.6, 97.3, a 14.3 millimeters

    15. 104.5, a 17.2 inches, c 11.7 inches

    16. 27.3, a 13.7 yards, c 20.1 yards

    17. 57.2, 112.0, c 24.8 meters

    18. 132.4, 17.3, b 67.6 kilometers

    19. 38.4, a 11.5 inches, b 14.0 inches

    20. 66.4, b 25.5 meters, c 25.5 meters

    21. a 32.9 meters, b 42.4 meters, c 20.4 meters

    22. a 10.5 centimeters, b 5.23 centimeters, c 8.66


    23. 58.4, b 7.23 meters, c 6.54 meters

    24. 46.7, a 18.1 meters, b 22.6 meters

    25. 39.8, a 12.5 inches, b 7.31 inches

    26. 47.9, b 35.2 inches, c 25.5 inches


    27. Show, using the law of cosines, that if 90, then

    c2 a2 b2 (the Pythagorean theorem).

    28. Show, using the law of cosines, that if c2 a2 b2, then


    29. Show that for any triangle,

    30. Show that for any triangle,

    a b cos c cos


    31. Surveying. To find the lengthAB of a small lake, a sur-

    veyor measured angleACB to be 96,ACto be 91 yards,

    a2 b2 c2








  • 8/13/2019 polygons problems


    7-2 Law of Cosines

    andBCto be 71 yards. What is the approximate length of

    the lake?

    32. Surveying. Suppose the figure for this problem represents

    the base of a large rock outcropping on a farmers land.

    If a surveyor finds ACB 110,AC 85 meters, and

    BC 73 meters, what is the approximate length of the


    33. Geometry. Find the measure in decimal degrees of a cen-

    tral angle subtended by a chord of length 112 millimeters

    in a circle of radius 72.8 millimeters.

    34. Geometry. Find the measure in decimal degrees of a cen-

    tral angle subtended by a chord of length 13.8 feet in a cir-

    cle of radius 8.26 feet.

    35. Geometry. Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram meet at

    an angle of 3510 and have lengths of 3 and 8 feet. What

    is the length of the shorter diagonal of the parallelogram

    (to three significant digits)?

    36. Geometry. What is the length of the longer diagonal of

    the parallelogram in problem 35 (to three significant


    37. Navigation. Los Angeles and Las Vegas are approxi-

    mately 200 miles apart. A pilot 80 miles from Los Angeles

    finds that she is 620 off course relative to her start in Los

    Angeles. How far is she from Las Vegas at this time?

    (Compute the answer to three significant digits.)

    38. Search and Rescue. At noon, two search planes set out

    from San Francisco to find a downed plane in the ocean.

    PlaneA travels due west at 400 miles per hour, and plane

    B flies northwest at 500 miles per hour. At 2 P.M. planeA

    spots the survivors of the downed plane and radios planeB

    to come and assist in the rescue. How far is plane B from

    planeA at this time (to three significant digits)?

    39. Geometry. Find the perimeter of a pentagon inscribed in a

    circle of radius 12.6 meters.

    40. Geometry. Find the perimeter of a nine-sided regular

    polygon inscribed in a circle of radius 7.09 centimeters

    41. Analytic Geometry. If pointA in the figure has coordi

    nates (3, 4) and pointB has coordinates (4, 3), find the

    dian measure of angle to three decimal places.

    42. Analytic Geometry. If pointA in the figure has coordi

    nates (4, 3) and pointB has coordinates (5, 1), find the

    dian measure of angle to three decimal places.

    43. Engineering. Three circles of radius 2.03, 5.00, and 8.

    centimeters are tangent to one another (see the figure).

    Find the three angles formed by the lines joining their

    ters (to the nearest 10).

    44. Engineering. Three circles of radius 2.00, 5.00, and 8.

    inches are tangent to each other (see the figure). Find t

    three angles formed by the lines joining their centers (t

    the nearest 10).

    45. Geometry. A rectangular solid has sides as indicated i

    the figure. Find CAB to the nearest degree.

  • 8/13/2019 polygons problems



    46. Geometry. Referring to the figure, find ACB to the

    nearest degree.

    47. Space Science. For communications between a space shut-

    tle and the White Sands tracking station in southern New

    Mexico, two satellites are placed in geostationary orbit,

    130 apart relative to the center of the earth, and 22,300

    miles above the surface of the earth (see the figure). (A

    satellite ingeostationary

    orbit remains stationary above afixed point on the surface of the earth.) Radio signals are

    sent from the tracking station by way of the satellites to the

    shuttle, and vice versa. This system allows the tracking sta-

    tion to be in contact with the shuttle over most of the

    Earths surface. How far to the nearest 100 miles is one of

    the geostationary satellites from the White Sands tracking

    station, W? The radius of the earth is 3,964 miles.

    48. Space Science. A satellite S, in circular orbit around the

    earth, is sighted by a tracking station T(see the figure).

    The distance TSis determined by radar to be 1,034 miles,

    and the angle of elevation above the horizon is 32.4. How

    high is the satellite above the Earth at the time of the

    sighting? The radius of the Earth is 3,964 miles.

    Section 7-3 Geometric Vectors

    Geometric Vectors and Vector Addition

    Velocity VectorsForce Vectors

    Resolution of Vectors into Vector Components

    Many physical quantities, such as length, area, or volume, can be completely spec-

    ified by a single real number. Other quantities, such as directed distances, veloc-

    ities, and forces, require for their complete specification both a magnitude and a

    direction. The former are often called scalar quantities, and the latter are calledvector quantities.

    In this section we limit our discussion to the intuitive idea of geometric vec-

    tors in a plane. In Section 7-4 we introduce algebraic vectors, a first step in the

    generalization of a concept that has far-reaching consequences. Vectors are widelyused in many areas of science and engineering.

    Geometric Vectors and Vector Addition

    A line segment to which a direction has been assigned is called a directed line

    segment. Ageometric vector is a directed line segment and is represented by an

    arrow (see Fig. 1). A vector with an initial point O and a terminal point P (the

    end with the arrowhead) is denoted by OP. Vectors are also denoted by a bold-

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