
SUNANDAS P E C I A L I T Y C O A T I N G S P V T . L T DA N I S O 9 0 0 1 : 2 0 0 8 C O M P A N Y


DESCRIPTION POLYTANCRETE - SPR is specially formulated admixture based on sulfonated napthalene polymer modified carbohydrates. It is supplied as dark brown colored liquid miscible with water.

CONFORMANCE Confirms to IS: 9103:1999 and ASTM –C 494M – 99a, 1999 Type G as slump retaining, retarding superplasticizer.


Increased workability at reduced water. Flowing yet very cohesive concrete is produced which can easily be

pumped. High early strength due to high water reduction. Due to increased workability, placing and compaction is easier. Chloride free Resultant savings in time and cost.

APPLICATIONS High Performance concrete Workability retention concrete Safe for use in prestressed and reinforced concrete. Hot weather concreting where rapid slump loss occurs.


POLYTANCRETE - SPR is added to prewetted concrete mix at a rate of 0.5 to 0.7 Lt. per bag of cement. However actual site trials have to be carried out to minimise the optimum dose for the intended application. The measured quantity of POLYTANCRETE -SPR is mixed with part of guaging water and then added to the mix. For further assistance in optimum dosage trials and design mix please contact our CONCRETE MATERIAL CONSULTANCY DIVISION ( CMCD ).

SUNANDAS P E C I A L I T Y C O A T I N G S P V T . L T DA N I S O 9 0 0 1 : 2 0 0 8 C O M P A N Y


Compatible with all types of cement It is also compatible with other SUNANDA’S CONCRETE ADMIXTURES, but should be added separately.


1. Appearance - Dark brown colored liquid.2. pH - 7.0 to 8.03. Sp. Gr. @ 30 c - 1.255 0.02 4. Chlorides - nil


The following results were obtained under normal laboratory conditions.Mix Design : M-20 Cement - 307 Kg/m3. Sand Zone II - 38 % Coarse Aggregate (5-20 mm ) - 62 %


Compressive strength N/mm2



Per 50 kgCement

W/C Ratio

0 min.

2 : 00hour




Control ------ ------ 0.62 55 ---- 17 20.5 26

Polytancrete SPR

Strength increased

0.600 Ltr. 0.50 55 ---- 23 26.8 35

Polytancrete SPR

workability increased

0.600 Ltr. 0.62 160 80 16 21 30

SUNANDAS P E C I A L I T Y C O A T I N G S P V T . L T DA N I S O 9 0 0 1 : 2 0 0 8 C O M P A N Y


POLYTANCRETE - SPR is available in 5 , 20 and 200 Lts. HDPE / MS containers.


POLYTANCRETE -SPR should be stored preferably in shade and in original containers. It has a shelf life of 12 months when stored in cool , dry place.

HEALTH & SAFETY POLYTANCRETE - SPR is non toxic, non- hazardous. Usual precautions like wearing gloves and goggles when handling should be followed. Accidental splashes on skin and in eyes should be washed off with plenty of plain water.

If necessary seek medical advice.


This information is accurate and reliable to the best of the knowledge. It is meant as a guideline only. Sunanda Speciality Coatings Pvt. Ltd. (SSCPL) cannot give any guarantees under any circumstances for the results, or assume any obligation or liability in connection with the use of this information. It is recommended that the product be tested to determine its suitability for specific applications. Since, SSCPL has no control over how others may use its products; it is recommended that the Specifier, Architect, Engineer, Contractor and Owner assume all the responsibilities in connection therewith.

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